West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Oct 1925, p. 1

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Nu“ L'H 31’”th your 'alk straight. \ou Will " u from) nw." lllt‘ \\‘ nu: kw nntu'ml. It “Ila “3‘ ”I. “nub!" 3H“. atwntim {a ’Vnu o!“ “Hi. pay. 1‘ "up.“ .m-~r:u..hxm. anvicipation and . t’ulIiHmo-nt ufiyour M H. I\' ”I" aHl‘IHtIC cumming. m nt' ho-lpfnlnvss in ”tin, n unrvnnttum and thmlo. . Hu- M‘I'VIC'O' ro-ndered b the r nv\\'~';v:wv!' MINORâ€"4x m e than any con- ! one automobile road conditions, yem ago when lose who overlou: {Y cooperation o {I qug given in 3 .85: g 05 an own“. coma . 3 Egan of .o A es NEWSPAPERS ulna a use! of the road :tion and mainte- bad building must \\ 'ocers an motorists, the gone by paid a Ed in the form 0‘ e and money in lb 1!. September 30. 1‘. . in maintaining sane and intelli- \I lwao'h mt uamo‘ llitIDIf olsrmt'nt, 0 '|i|\ -mv.nt Hf 0000301.!“- u‘ Ml pl‘nfltabie i“ Uh. 0' ”Ktld mu. Mm“ in detail that IMH‘WL It, iminfl- . “'0' III.” §WIm w the n. Hm khmen, Scot. natuu: Up piles of oi. ,. This is Olle 5m; «15 0f the co. .w: mi about .â€"De- aw K . Hn- lighthouse,” u,‘ .implieg \V tJu-oihznns‘u fnrmvrh' and law»? duanti any hm» m t H. i-a quitn Um!“ M val! l Mums nf Doll £30m! work t; w-n aiming 3i citizens of u HOSPITAL FRUIT SHOWER SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 INH‘ dimmdiun Nursvs must. be \nlm-ol «no-r in lev Sam's domain as rm-o-mly an im'imlinn from New Yul-k was rum-Wm! by ”H? “UPSPS 0f Vu'tnrm Hnspifal at London asking ”mm m gn MM and nursn in a hospital in that, «My. 'l‘hn ofler in- rlmlml from transportation. Rama! 0! "1030 young ladies left Hm lnltm' and of last. Wonk. among Hmm hot-m: Miss Jannttn Knrr, for- nwrly n! Varncy. i Miss Janette Kerr. James Kerr 0! CANADIAN NURSES LEFT FOR NEW YORK I III]... "0 all ”1' Mum-lg 'l‘nwnship. N0. 9 school. W“- \l. Park. teachor. carried of! HM tumors. Separate N0. 5, Miss \lru:u'r_\', came wound, N0. 3, Miss .‘lc'Kow'hniP. third. and No. 10, Miss ”‘9 Sale 0| ”lay by tho .0. ‘1" “)9 1 u'rmvnâ€"st. was the parade and drill runun-Htinn among tho various whm'k Hn Hm township. Thom “om- nim- vntcrnd in the competi- tinn. all took part. and some wry ho-mnrl'ul and intricaln drill wurk :mol .-;oli~'Hu-ni('s wm'v gone through. 'l'ho' srlmnls "Umhflfinn \I'nnn‘ Mn- . . . ' ' . . . _ ---.... "lu"vll' l. lllla utonul parhctflarly to the grain and ruuts. Remn- \V‘eir was also fun-sum. and gave a short address of .: mnumfulatnry naturr‘. l’ussihly tho principal foature. at ”DEN. t'rnm thv standpoint, of the ‘_" (m 114w»: was the parade and drill until-UJQtSAM _ A w-uu HM So-pzuatp 5.: .......... | an Lt'lllza t'nr' the best address on “The Federal Hux'ernment of Canada." was won by l)m°ntt|_\' Robinson 0! N0. 3, Gtenelg, \tay McEachenn of [7.8.8. No. 10, Htenelg and Egremont, came second, while Themas Melosh. of N0. 3. utenetg: and Bentinck, though not, an the meney, was also a competitor m be reckoned with. In the public speaking contcst. in which each competitor chose his .n- her ewn subject. there were no wnntvs‘ttlnts in the hoys’ class. but. m the girls', Anna McEachern of Nu. m. Htenelg and Egremont was ttt'~". Ho'l' address was an “Canada‘s l’utm'e." Marguerite (10110“. M No. It. Hteneh: and Itentinck. was second. ' \Ir. J. R. Nelson, the Department. judge. m-eupied a few minutes in explaining the manner 0f judging, :md. with samples of articles an dis- l-tuv. o'Vtolililll‘d why one article was mum ered better than annther. This 9'.........l - - ‘ ‘ ' _ ll:- "_‘ “MM. 2min. bak‘tm}, home manu- lmn‘urml work and Similar nxhnblts, ~umv mwk was on display that mun”. c'uptm-e m0“) than passing HHLH' {rum :1 imlm. m n mm“.-- and in Hm sm: this :46? routs, ; mm, shower for the Red \lvmm'ial Hospital will be held ":nlm’. October 20. when all ~ tuning fruit~ vegetables or Ewmiuns are requested to ...., "wally when the cars ml] n; "‘m‘e year it is hoped that ’ /--H~ Will do even bout”? than ' '- um! insure the hos ital a 4 ..~.' NV 0! eatables an at . to .. oll“ past. . . :.. umecessory at tlm “' Years. V ‘-.\l A.e‘ Ibl‘l‘ tut-tit Ito-yit-o-so-nmtiivc for the county o-\':it'0‘~.‘t'tl himself as more than (le- lltzltlo'i.’ with the rvsults obtained amt shilml that. it was his opinion that. ”w Edge Hill Fair was the best tu- hail wt. attended this fall, esp‘e- .-t;.!t\- \\lu'n the number of school .m‘llnli" to draw from was consid- ....l HELD BAKING 311.3 'Hmt Hui- Sohool Fair is here to mm- H wok-need by the increasing ”ml-M taknn in these papular af- 3';:.z'~' by both the school children of 3}“. un'inlls' tOWMhIpS and their pzuwns. The Township School iam- hum at. Ritchie’s Edge Hill «2.3m! nu Monday afternoon of this “Wk “.15 no exception. and during ,‘92.' xxiwlo urn-moon, the children,‘ 'ho-H' f'ili"’ilt,h and friends, had the lmw sol. leil' iiVPS. Sgu‘ukln! to Tho Chronicle on the ;.-..nry:-!~. 'l‘. S. Coopou': tho Agricuk ilv'nni I... .-A A- School Fair Held at Ritchie's School Monday Afternoon Drew Big En- try List and Large G‘u‘ing Wit- nessed Sports and Other Events. EDGE HILL FAIR VOL. 58.â€"NO. 3041, ‘-. "VIII! vuluufill 'hrmls (-nmpvting wm-v: NOS L 3. 9. and 1_0: U.S.S. NM). 3. H‘ 2'0 ur baking h‘eld last Sat- w [Mummers of the Em- \ v n ‘ . gv.--.' ".u Hn- Inca] hospitaf has ~znrn HR inception W H.» Mum and vicinity ~III'P. rise to the 0668- "nw-r the hop” as in no FOR NEW YORK Eerr. Daughter of Mrs. of Varney, Among' Go to American Me- w attentibn of figs: n and vicinit the l 04:31 . hospita has _ truchnr carrimiu‘p’ff' '“M 'lumiw - ' - ' w _ . . ,* c . mar) SPI'VICPS of wparatn \n ;,, Miss Durham Baptist church next Sun- so-mud. \0. 3. Miss "33/ um] Mflll'li'." Dl'flmisn to be Id. and N0. 10, Miss “"1””‘5 ”I" MS! M'm- hold hv this L rungrngatimn, whc-n tlw va , uppmu'S Ml pagu 3. Whldth'n, B..\.. I). 1).. L. L. D . (£111.31? cullnr ur MvMastm- Ifnimrsi'iyf Wu} "° ' ' haw chm-g:- 0!“ bath svrvims on' NURSES Nuuluy, Hm morning survicn at 11 n’rlm-k and Hm M'Pning at 7 p m ron mew you 352'”33::‘,?:Pi::;d“a"‘;2:“ W“ by 'ge turnout ' lonkml for on hnth uccaxions IS rr, Daughter of Mrs. (m Mundav nvonin th of Varney, Among'al‘y vntqrtainnmnt isgboimog (Riga; o to American Me. thn auditorium 0f the church the :uhlrnss for the hwning Doing éiV’Pu by the RPM. S. .L Rumor, of ()wén \Ill'gnd nay-JO L- “I'lIIII' l’nn:.l.‘... AL AMONG BEST YET incefitiori and he stood thin? iii'his éiésa ii: th: ject and obtained 69 per cent. _ __â€" â€"'â€"â€"-.. my. Word has been received here that Ward Koch, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Koch, of this place. had been successful in passing his summer examinqtionnin chemistry. Mr. Kooh Rev. Duncan Sillars, of Donnech, has received a call to a charge near the Bay of Quinte. It is a self- contained charge, namely, only one station in a fine district. which will an agreeable change from the strenuous three-station charge he lately ministered to. He is under the weather a little at present, but expects to be around again in a short time. 3-31,;IIIIJK7I a U1 UU'I' [()wn Mossrs. H. Hugill and C. Buschlen in musical (lupus and other num- bers, will leave nothing to be de- sire-«l in tho program to be rendered noxt Monday night. 'l‘hv program commonces at 8 p. m. .with tho pastor, (he Rev. I l. I 1, [UK/(f. Mrs. W. H. Porter, : also consented to up] program and. though to Durham. is a favorit. music-luving members « llna‘n " “ I uu IIIL'I , Ul ‘IWV‘Bn Schmcl. “asides thn address, a. mus- irul program is 8180 being arranged fur, Mr. Albert, Pequegnat. of Strat- i‘orci. whn has appeared here on fnrmvr occasions, having been an- gagvd. Mr. Pequegnat is a singer and vntnrtainpr with a province- widn reputation and is too WP” knuwn to Durham audiences to Chancellor of REV. H. B. WHIDDEN, BA. IS SPECIAL PREACHER “PASSBQ SUIIBR Ems! :‘ \Vord was received?“ this office 1 last week of the death in Detnoit. i Mirh.. of Walter Farrell, a former 9 resident. of Egremont, employed for l a time with Mr. John Step lenson, but t'or the ,past four years or so l a resident. of Detroit. Mr. Farrell, according to the in- formation we rereivet‘l. was struckl by an auto on the night of the Btst of August. suffering a fracture of the skull. He. died on Sunday. Seq)- tomber 20. in the Receiving Hospi- tal at Detroit following an opera- tion. A sister. Mrs. Sandercock of 'l‘orouto. and an uncle and aunt of Ann Arbor. Mich., were at his bed- side. when the end came. The fun- eral was held on the ”ad of Sep- ’ UH tember to Green Lawn Cemetery. Mr. Farrell will be remembered by many friends in and around Hol- stein. He was a member of the Loyal Orange Lodge .of that place. \Vhile in IMPtI‘Olt. he worked for the Wayne tiouuty Road Commission. Mr. Farrell was 24 years of age, had been a resident of Detroit For 1 about four years. and was well liked : by all who knew him. He came to 4 Canada from England with his sister about fourteen years ago and lived I with his uncle at Barrie before go- ! mg to Holstein. ' Walter Farrell Suceughs As Result of Injuries Received in August when Struck by Auto FORMER RESIDENT KILLED IN DETROIT Formerly Minister of Soldiers’ (Jivil lie-Establishment in the Mrighrn (lc‘wnrnmrnl, who is cam- paigning for the (Ionmrrvative party. HP is a candidate fur the riding of Fort William. HON. ROBERT M ANION members of our tovénv Hugnll an_d C._Buschlen NI to appear on the though. a newcomer 3 a favorite among the . Porter, Vsoprano. has nnczfv'fn A can, The Rev. Whiter Johnston of-Hol- stein will have charge of both m’orn- ing and evening service in the Pres- h rian church here next Sunday I the Rocky service in the afternoon. HOLSTBIN mama Mrs. Joseph Firth oi‘ Goelph; Mr. and Mrs. T. McGraw, of Torowto, yMrs. Muyes of Guelph, Mrs. Dodds of Berkeley, Mr. and Mrs. C Mc- Donald of Priceville. ' On behalf of the commurlity, The Chronicle tenders Mrs. Firth and family and the sorrowfing brothers and sisters sincere sympathy in their sorrow. av. Walurlohnston to Ban Charge of Services in Presbyterian Church -__-- ,.....wu., out, Rev. J. H. \V'henlen, who preached a most comforting sermon to the family and relatives. Rev. Wu. H. Smith of Knox United church read the scripture, and as Noble Grand of the. Odd Fellows, had charge of the service of the Order at the grave. The floral Urihutes placed on the casket were most beautiful and in- cluded a wreath by the family. the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, (the Independent Order of Foresters, Mrs. W. Jack, lsahel anld Elsie Mays, Mrs. James Whitmore and family, sisters and hrol hers. and sprays from 'l‘rinity Church Guild, R. L. and Allister Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Firth, Mr. and Mrs. B. Mayes, Mr. and Mrs. R. Burnett and family. ers. Alex. McCormick, and Mr. and Mrs. . W._ G._ Firth. Next. Sungiqy, October .nl "_7 _--v-.u lIIL/ DUI- \‘lCt‘, was in chargc of thc (Md Fol- lnws, ahnut thirty cf whom marchcd in a body to the hnusc. thence to thc church, and afterwards accom- panying the remains to the g'avc, whcrc the last rites of the ()I'dcr \Vcrc pm'formml. At the church, thc scrvicc of the Anglican church was in charge Of his pastor, the [{‘3". .10 H. W'll‘!:. l‘." ‘l'llll l\l|.\n II In ., -l Mr. Firth was prominent in the lndepemient Order of Odd Fellews, ef which he was Vice Grand, and in which he took deep interest up to the time of his illness. He was alse a member of the Independent Order of Foresters. l‘he funeral on Tuesday after- mmn l'rem Trinity church was very largely attended, the building bet in},r taxed to its capacity, with many standing in the aisles and others unable to gain admission. The ser- Vice was in charge «if H... mm 1:... DURHAM, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY. In 1912, he was married to Miss Maud Whitmore of MeWtilliams, in Glenelg Township, whlo, with a fam- ily of two sons, Billy and Benny, 'and a daughter, Mary, survive, and for whom the greatest, sympathy is fell in their sad bereavement. Besides his family, Mr. Firth leaves two brothers, Messrs. Hugh in Durham and Jnseph in Guelp , and four sisters, Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Traynon in Durham, Mrs. Dmlds 'in Berkeley and Mrs. Mayes i11_fluelph. Mr. Firth was twice married, first. to Miss Mary J. Mcchhuie of Glen- roudin, who died in 1906. A daugh~ tar, Miss Katie May, survives thus -_ -.-u .VVVVL‘JO Mr. Firth, who has been a 'rest- (lent Of this town for the past 23 years, had lived all his life in this vicinity, was a well-known llguro both in town and country, and a. man who earned and retained the highest respect of all with whom he came in contact. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam Firth of Glenelg and was born on the old Firth homestead on the seventh concession near Zion, where he re- mained until grown to full man~ hood. He :amo to Durham in 1902, where the entered the butchering business, a business he conducted in all ten years, finally, on account of pOOl' health, giving Up business about 1914, since when he has on- gaged entirely in outdoor occupa- tions. , - _- -.-.. vv Iltlulll u. 1‘ 111;" last Sunday, morning removes an- other of the town’s best-known and most highly respected citizens. Mr. ‘l‘li'rth has been ailing (or the past year or more, but it, was only eleven weeks ago that his condition was regarded as serious, and on the ad- vice of his physician here» a spe- cialist was sent for who diagnosed the trouble as a tumor on the brain. Since that time, Mr. Firth had been confled to his bed, and while an operation was not deemed advisa- ble, it was not until three or four weeks ago that the family gave up belies of his recovm‘y._ IIIâ€"ll ‘ WILLIAM J. FIRTH DIED ON SUNDAY The death Passed Away Following Eleven Weeks' Illness Prom Brain Tum- or.â€"-Pnneral Held Tuesday After- r services to Be '. C. L. Gilbert of or Mr.. William J. Firth ,es of the 01110!” At the church, Anglican church his_ pastor, the _.--~ ....... pally" , mg yelllivw rhrysantlu-mums, was bridesmaid, while little Miss Ger- trude Dunn. gmv‘ned in pink. was 7 flower girl. Mr. Harry Dunn assistâ€" ed the groom. The groom's gift to the bride was a brilliant bracelet and bar pin with diamond setting; to the bridesmaid, a carved ivory bracelet, to the flower girl. a signet ring and to the groomsman. golf cuff links. 7 _ onmony, upwards of one hundred guests sat down to a sumptuous wedding supper. the bride’s table being graced with a mmiflcent four-storey wedding cake. After an hour at the festive board, the remainder of the evening was. spent in social entertainment A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunrm Bentinck, on Tuesday of this week, when their daughter, Ethel Blanche, was united in wedlock to Mr. Alexander 'l‘homas Morton, a popular and prosperous farmer, also of lirntinck. The ceremony, which took place at four o’clock in the afternoon, was performed by the Rev. J. H. Whealen. rm'tm‘ of Trinity church, Durham. in the par- lor under an arch of maple leaves decorated with red herrirs. Miss Sarah Vollett of Durham played the wedding march. At the appointwl hour, the bride. who was given in marriage by her father. took her stand before the man of her choire. She was most becomingly attired in a wedding gown of white silk rrepe with sil- ver trimming and shoes and stock- : ings to matrh and wore a beaded ‘ handeau. She carried a bouquet of yellow rhrysanthemums. Miss Irene Dunn, gowned in silk crepe ‘ in rocoa'niul, shade and also carry- ' ing yellow ohrysanthemums, was ‘3 bridesmaid, while little Miss Ger- trude Dunn- Ql‘mmnd .-.. “a..- ual'mll'u lll 'Jm'onm, and Mrs. P. Hnlmns in l’c'.)rt.:lge La Prairie, Mam- itoba. 'l‘iw dncvasmi in religion was a member or the Mennonite church, and in politics a Liberal. Mr. McIntosh, who was one of the best-knmvn residents in his com.- mnnity. was. born in Quebec 83 years ago, and when ten years of age, came. with his parents to Hiol- land Township where. he has simee resided, owning a fine. lSO-acre farm on the east. side of the Garafraxa Road. a short distance north of l_)ornoch. Forty years ago. he was married t0 Miss Elizabeth J. Byers. who with a family of one son and five daugh- ters survive. The. family are: John in California, Mrs. H. Holmes, on the homestead. Mrs. J“. Clough in Baltimore, Maryland, Lillie and Barbara in Toronto. and Mrs. P. Holmes in l’cin-tage La Prairie, Ma'n- itoba. After an illness of several months’ duration, Mr. Peter Mclnlnsh died at his heme in Hwilland Township, 3 half mile north ef Dernoch village on Thursday of last week and inter- ment was made in Lauma cemetery on Saturday afternoon, the serviees being in charge of the Rev. Mr. Bryden. PETER MclNTOSH ' DIED THURSDAY }1«!sid(*11i;s‘“~rv>f tin evtownal ll 85’ ”live, with Mr. Rowe in his tm tona Cemetefj: KILLED TUESDAY m of Mr. W. J. Rowe, Superin- tendent of Clark lotus Found Dead in Storehouse. Plant, It MORTONâ€"DUNN me was married . Byers, who with l and five daugh- family arm John H. Hnlmos, on ‘s.- F. -(;_l()_11gl1 in IN TORONTO ', OCTOBER 1, 1925. W] H sympa- h :9 trouble. a mung our. promising, a drizzlini.r rain 'ch, falling most of the clay, interspersed at times with heayier showers. Fri- day morning. too, looked \ery un- promisilng, hut on towards noon. the weather man changed his mind and let us have the very best of \yea- ther, a perfect SeplemlN-r «lay. [M The Fair this year was. taken al- iry together. much holler than in for- ”-3 mer years, the exhibits in live stock being especiallygood. Horses. eat- tle and sheep classes were of good quality and well tilled, though the swine entries fell down considera- hly as compared with some other m years. The inside exhibits this by year were HIS“ above the average of and excelled other exhibitions in both quality and entries. Willi the exception of grain and roots. the ss exhibits in the hall were entirely 1e satisfactory. .lhe absence of the usual entries in the grain and root class may well be attributed to the, fact that the threshing this year is lalte, and the farmers have not as at yet commenmul taking up the root _- Among the SpOl'lS was a baseball ,- game between Durham and Mark- d dale High schools in which the lat- at ter ran away with the game 9 to l. 3 The horse races p'myed very in- , 0 teresling, and although only a green l ,. ‘ace, so keen was the connielition g and so close the finish that they were more exciting than many fast- 3 er events in which a couple of the faster horses dominate the. field and romp home with the money much H , as they please. Without any doubt, the most in- teresting part of the afternoon's program was the School Drill com- , petition open to all schools in South p. Grey. For this event, there were seven entries, those competing be- ing No. 9, Glenelg, Hutton Hill school in Bentinck, No. 13, Bentinck, No. 2. Bentinck. the Rocky Saugeen school, Crawford school and Edge Hill school. During the competition. some very interesting manoeuvres and calislhenics were put on by the various schools, and the crowd no the reported of the high order usually loo provided by the Agicultural So- ciety. Following 0 concert, a dance was held, made being pro- tux- 'l‘lmugh Friday, “In Hue Show, vas ideal. Hm afwx‘numll. 'l‘hu'rs thing but. promising, a falling most, of the «In; at, Limos with lu-aVim' ‘ ‘III mmuahlv spirit, thvy kopt right, cm, and, this ymu', living fawn-mi with mind \vmithor. Ull‘il' efforts haw at. last hvvn ('rnwnvd with succvss, and they haw the sutist'actiim nt' knuw- ing that tho. Smith (hwy Fair this y‘uar cumpm'vs t'avm'ahly with any in this iwighhm'homi and is a truc- agrii-ulhiral fair The Smith (hwy Fair, twld ham (In Thursday, and Friday uf last, work, has agaiin passod intn his- tm'y. For a numlwr of yvars. the date of the South (hwy Fair sm'mvd in have this“ bean the choir" 0f nld Jupitor Pluvins fur the unsuiting «if his rain barrel, and as a rvsult, “It! Fair usually came nfl‘ svcnnd host. This continued wot \wathvr, with a maple of years a fall «if snow to combat, was anything but mmmraging to the Board. Ut'S'piLP Um fart, that tho. data had hm-n changed nn «unasions, sumc‘timvs latm', sometimrs Parlimr, wot or dis- agrevahln wnathor smanod to t'olluw the Durham Fair, and it is littln wondm- if a good many «if thv pat» nnns and «'ixhihiturs Inst. hvart tin- ally. Not. sn. hnwvvm', with. thn dirmdnrs nt‘ thv suciaty. With mm- mmndahlv spirit, thvy kvnt. riutn nn SOUTH GREY FAIR COMPLETE SUCCESS Ecmmmist of “10 Huyal Bank who prvdivls a rising tide of pmspvrity for Um Dominion of Canada and says that the" country is «m Hm wrgv at big husinvss vxpansiun. was held, by the Melody Three or- 1m. mm”) M. MARVIN Ly, ~um second day of Ideal. vspmflally Ill 'ljhu'rsdqy was any- $2.00 I Year in CM.; J‘llll'lW‘l 50 mg". Secretary mood all Despite a cold, raw wind, and a damp, chilly atmowhere, the HO!- stein Full Fair held yesterday scored another big success. and the number of entries .rmorded set a Popular Annâ€"nu no national debt of 1m, billion; ,._ half dollars. $500 a “1':ch for “\‘o-rv is man. woman and «him in n... hum- V inion, and still incwasinu lwo hun- 1'0 «trod millions 080“ year. 'l‘ho lwo- plo won», taxed loo lllflh. and Ill ad- dition. worn taxi-ct on «wry pn-ivxt ’f until today Canadaians “'va tho " heaviest-tans] pooplo amom: tho ‘ English-spaakim: [movie's of tho " world. d Mr. Henry (unlimited that sound govm'nmont was [wound to t'HlIllu'i those prohlvms. and that tho urn-at- ost prohlvm of any L'UVPI‘HNN'IH. is that of omigratiou and immigration. In four yc-ars, half a million of «MP oitizons had «migratml to tho l'nitmi Stakes. and in tho saniv por- iod. hvtwoon two and thrm. thou- sand manufavluring industru-s hm! hvon closed. This was not as it should ho, and if Canada and Hana- dians worn to ho gunshot-nus. wi- must imidd up tho homo niarko'l. 'l‘ho spvakm‘ picturmi ”It“ i-il'm-t on tho {armor if Durham had a popu- lation of 5.000. with numvrous tar . mama-r lh' doubled. Ho claimed that, tho linin- sm-x'ativo policy iii-mandwi vqual protection to manufacturvr, lahorvr and farmer. Th0 speaker rofutod Miss Mar- phail’s nomination statmnvni at nomination that “farmors ghd not new! proh-i-tiim, and arr not makinir monoy." This in his opinion. was a good mason for pl‘otm'tlon for farmers. If they were not making money, it was because tho ' worn «to- privmi, owing to tho influx of tho val-linr foodstufl's of tho l’nilmi Stakes farmer and ”I“ ronquuvnt fall in price of tho Ian-r (lzuiachan (Continua-d on pain- .3 wwx. mwa Svuuu and l’rhm- lid- wzu'd Island, whc-ru lhv (Junsormhvn party had swc-pt. all four |H‘H\'ilh'¢‘8. Canada was a grvat munh'y, hut. things \wru nut as ”my shnuld ho, Ha I'nfvrrv'd tn tho Natimml l’nlu'y of Sir John Mnmlouald. shim N479 tho pnh’cy 0! Canada. and. thungh many othvr pulirivs had lwvu tnlkml Hf at. vh'ctiun Hm“. HIP HM lmlu'y of the ()msorvativn Ivadvr hm! Inc-v- 01' been alherml hp any :a.mn-m°a'.ahln «*xhtnt. Thu spuakvr n-fvrrml in uur national dc‘bt Hf hm hillmns and .1 half «Milan's. $500 a hum! fur M‘o'l‘." man. wnman and «him in Hm hum- ininn, and Still ilN'lV'flfiilnr I\|"A I...» .m mum m- was pruud In lm Hm chairman 01' such a Hzlqlwl'illk. Ha felt lw was arting in .1 gum! vans“ and the fact. that 80 many worn in attendance was an indivnliuu Hunt. they were taking an m-lm- intvro-st in “w quvsln'ons of Hw day. Hu ru- forrvd m the increasnm mum“... ..o Dr. r. L. 6. Campbell, ' Candidate, Addressed Represente- tive Audience in Kerr's llall.~w. B. He‘nry, lerkdele. Delivered HELD YESTERDAY "warm" and unmim'alviun. un's, mafia mlllmn ”1' «our had c-mlgratml in Hm .l--â€" u ' ' " Héalf‘d 10 “IP pc-uplnv Ha rufvrrml tn hr prospcmus husinms ‘ ‘I‘ Hf all lamp- “In". uuon Sumnk'n! :1! LL “farmm-s ghd mot I, and mm nu! nmkimr in his npinimn. mm and m LIN- sunw [wr- twn and threw Hum- lm'ing industrws hm! This was nut us it I if Canada and Hana- " ho. pmwc-ruus. \w Egromong Show Humans.

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