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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Oct 1925, p. 3

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S NOW ON DISPLAY n‘s Wear Store .Vle an 'O-MO-M . COLLARS and TIES 08 um ., BURNETT ZOATS WORKS the well-known mishings f.“ , .5636 our stock t)‘ )‘x' T; \Vear. A!“ (lun't fail to call in a“: n: :11? things that m“; HI 1.1sz tun... use this letter a a testimoniu 111.: 1 mil answer letters from women «; Ingabnut theVEgetabloCom _ “rs CHARLES ”p.27 m -â€"â€"â€"v Mn. Carson is'willin. 6m to glr. ur Woman Mm from {a troubles. weak -. ;-.r:'t feel well every r c etm rename - :5 w get my not] WV. col-3n. Keceived Much M Taking Lydia E M- Hugill Chatham Ohm-d HATS and CAPS Vegetable w Thursday, mum: I almm'a! m'y at u- was after IIN lullzn' aim-‘11.! really buy 1” just buys I?“ at a tune. lflo 3P0 If It's New. “'3 Ion. mth llHlo' whit» rosebud .- for this rold earth, IN MEMORIAI ..n.-nt.m.-.I by {he chi; \olVOPR'O‘. mm! In May. m- hnly Harolvnpr can mi nm' darling babe 8”. Alama and Daddy. -\\' Hats and nmyvr and ' right. r .uu- was soon driving ’zN rat» in a Ford car Ink» Thomas Monk‘s of I! HMPI. I tlw hotel proved mu 5 gum' and had ham. lulho lw mg memory a! n (marge Ga “Nil. Swptvflflufl'28,19zfi :mol 7 days. Reply 1. Infection of tho ball-bladder is rcgardwt as the, important factor in the causation of gall-atoms. \lrs. P H asks cans» of gall-ston(~s? medicine that. our ca causn tho shines to mll- bladder. "‘ fwts tlw harms and joints. 3. Sum» disnase or disorder af- fecting Hm brain ul‘ nervous system. Song! a stampml, addrossod anelolm for ro‘plivs tn ynur othm' questions. .\nnn. asks: "I. What. is tho cause ut' i-piloptic (its? '2. \Vhat is the mim' of scrofulzl'.’ 3. What is the i‘z‘lllsv Hf paralysis?" Reply I. Tim muso of iruo opilepsy is unknown. Thorn is a Class of cases in \vhii'h tho. soizm‘os follow injury or oliso'nsv Of the Skull 01' brain. Hominy and systemic poisoning haw hnon blammi. The theory has‘ hm-n mivunvod that. it. is a psychosis â€"â€" a .lismiso or disorder of the mind. '3, Svroi’ula is tnhprculosis of the lymphatic glands. It sometimes af- II. S. asks: "If one has had an uh-m- nt‘ Hm stumavh that has healed up. is ho“ linhlv to have it again?” vgg's, hllflvl'.‘ hl't‘flfl. vegetables, meats :Hlol frmts IS suntable. This. as well as other questions whaling t0 thv care 0" the person with tuhurmllnsis. is stt df‘cided by ”w physic'ian in charge of the case. In gnm-I'al. a mixml diet. of milk, Diet in Tuberculosis 43. S. asks: “What is tho hos}. diet fur a pm’snn with tubm'culosns?" R6011 The first thing to do in a case of poisoning is to give an antidote. This neutralizes or combines the poison in such a way as to render it less harmful. . 'l‘hen, except when mineral acids “1' alkalis have been swallowed, Vnmltlllg should be induced by giv- ing an emetic. (Mineral acids are such acids as sulphuric, nitric and hydrm-hloric. Strong alkali‘s are lye. caustic soda and caustic pot- ash . Mustard water makes a good o-mo-lir. it is made by stirring a tuhloqu‘mn'l'ul of mustard in a glass- l'ul of warm water. In any case of poisoning, the services of a physician should be obtamed as quickly as possible. But, in the meantime, the patient should not be neglected. A knowl- edge of how to give first aid to the poisoned may be the means of saving a life that would otherwise be lost before a doctor could be reached. ' Cause _of Bpilquy Unknown g. um gas imvmtod by the In poisoning by morphine or union or thv soda and the acid opium. give strong tea or coffee. I has hcwn swallowmi wcmh’i \Valk the patient to keep him My trai- thn «iumagmi tissuos. awake. Slap him with cold wet in may hp (rnmhinml by giving tmwls if necessary, but be sure to l 01' flour stirrml in watnr. It. keep him aroused and awake. THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR FIRST AID IN POISONIN G By DR. W. J. SCHOLES Note: Dr. Scholes will answer such health questions in these columns as will be of interest to others and permissible in public print. ..Personal questions will be answered only when M ' by self-addressed anti stompeq envelope. Address 1 fl-L-I-- :- --- ,1-‘ May Have It Again film”, W i, ”as. 'vvr 'â€" vqu "V’. '. W'. J. Sakai“, in can of Tflbfifimm Chronicle. Gall-Stones Reply . I. What is the '9? '2. Is thpre any van take that will in c'iissnlvo in the Some) people are so grudgvs are the only (war pay. v V VI: no frequentlynt‘rdm ten days to weeks. J. R. asks: “If one should become infm‘tvd with typhoid from drinking water. how long would it be before he «‘luwlopcd the disease?" Reply 2. Them is no known medicine that will dissolve gall-stones in the gall-bladdf‘r. V \-.J Bicarbonate of soda may hn given for so-called coal-tar drugs, such as are often contained in headache tablvts 01' powders. Give artificial pospiration, the same as for drown- ing: “salts of lemon,” and “polishing paste.” A solution of sodium sulphate is regarded as the best antidote for car-holic acid (phenol). Unfortun- ately. it, is not always at hand when needed. Glauber’s salt, is another name for sodium sulphate. No fats or oils should he given. Raw eggs and milk may be given for poisoning by bichloride of mer- cury. Antiseptic tablets often con- tain this or some other salt of mercury. Chalk. lime or plaster mag be given for oxalic acid; Soda s .ould never be given. Other names for ”3.1%; acnd are “salts of sorrel-” For strychnine or preparations containing it, strong tea should be given. Strong tea is usual-1y the most available antidote for poison- ing with alkaloidal drugs. These are such drugs as strychnine and atgopine. is better to give raw starch than tc lose timo it} waiting for it to cook. rs-.. -1 :e are so mean that the only things they “salps 9f sonref," two Breadâ€"Lena Schaefer U 3. Alva GreewWood 3, Katie McKinnon 10. Jardinere Standâ€"Clarence. Me- Nally 9, Eddie Lawrence 9, John COllinSnn 9. Schaefnr IL' garot Mcha cCarthy Sep. 5, Ff‘mla 3, Willie Peart 5, Mar- 11 U 2. Weedsâ€"-'l‘lmmas McAsey Sep. 5, Tom O’Hanley Sep. 5, Francis Me- losh I? 3. Florence McPhail 10, Anna McEavhern 10, Mae McEachem 10. Cecil Proudly 10. Weed Seedsâ€"«Katie McKinnon 10, Grace Honkins 9. 'l‘hemas Melosh U 3. Catharine McLean U 2, Margaret McLean U 2, Helen Curdt 10. Pinksâ€"Louise Jacques 9, Willie Pearl. 5, John Vessie ll 2. Tom Bell U 3, Charles 'l‘immins 5, May Collin- son 9. - Gaillardiaâ€"Dan Ritchie. Home Garden Bouquetâ€"Jean Firth 3, Margaret, Firth 3. Glen Moore 1, Al-mla Staples 3, Clara Jacques 9, Donalda McLeod 10. Asia‘sâ€"Muriel Brown U 2, Mary Moore 1, Catharine Timmins 5. Mary Anderson 3. Lillian Collinson 9, Beta Molosh U 3. Cosmosâ€"Armonoll Glencross 3. Calondulaâ€"~Alva Greenwood 3, Dorothy Robinson 3, Lena Schaofer 7Y0 Onionsâ€"Louise Jacques 9, Fran: cis Melosh U 2, May Collinson 9, Selina Norris Sep. 5, Rena Clark U 2. D. J. Firth 3. Collection of Fruitâ€"Dan Ritchie 3, Sadie McEachern 10, Francis Me- losh U 3, Margaret Firth 3, Katie McKinnon 10, Annie McKinnon 10. Parsnipsâ€"Agnes Anderson 3, Mon- ica Vasey Sep. 3, Kathleen McCar- thy Sep. 3, Cicely O’Hanley Sep. 5, Bertha McNally 9, Isabel Firth 3. Beetsrâ€"Margaret, McLean U 2, Jean Firth 3, Lena Schaefea' U 3, Armou- ell Glencross 3, June Sullivan Sep. 3, Allie McGirr 9. Carrotsâ€"Bettie McGillivray 1, Lil- lian Collinson 9, Mae McEachern 10, Reta Melosh U 3, Freda Schaefer U 3, Anna McEachern 10. Turnipsâ€"Grace Hopkins 9,9 Kath- leen McLean U 2, Jean Clark U 2, George Blair 5, Irene Collinson 9. Potatoesâ€"Dave Allen 3, Thomas Melosh U 3, Joe ineen Sep. 3, Mel- ville Harrison 9, John Collinson 9, Ewen McNah 5. Mangoldsâ€"Eddie Lawrence 9, val HOpkins 9, Jack Anderson 3 Sheet of Oatsâ€"Dan Ritchie 8.8. 3, Willie Vasey Sep. SS. 3, Fred Ar- nott, 8.8. 9. Field Cornâ€"Ruby Styles 8.8. 3. Sweet. Comâ€"Dennis Vasey Sep. S. S. 3, Margaret Firth 8.8. 3, Mary McNabb 8.8. 5, Ewen Ritchie 8.8. 2. EDGE HILL SCHOOL FAIR PRIZE HST Quart, of Oatsâ€"gW‘illie Vasey Sep. 8.8. 3, Dan Ritchie, 8.8. 3, Archie McEachern 8.8. 10, Roddie McEach- em, 8.8. 10. Sheaf of Barleyâ€"Charles Tim- mins, 8.8. 5. . v . v â€"â€"w- '1' Q-V‘OOV 10. buyâ€" Eachren SS. 10, Cecil Proudley S. S. 5, Archie McPhéil 'Siél'léffiérifi Vasey $61). 8.8. 3. 99m “0,! .BaaleXrtArchie Mc- Quarj. .0! W‘heateâ€"Willie Peart S.S. m DURHAM CHRONICLE Wheat From Home Farmâ€"Edward Norris Son. 5, Dorothy Robinson 3. No Name, ()rval Hopkins 9, Gordon McGillivray 1, Douglas McArthur i. Peas Frdm' Hon)?" Farmâ€"Teddy Moore 1, \Valter Schaefel‘ U 3, Al- Girls’ Public Speaking Contesvâ€" Anna McEachern 10, Marguerite Cor- lett, Sep. 3, Armonell Glencross 3. Paradeâ€"8.8. 9, Sep. 8.8. 5, 8.8. 3. Miss Macphail's Public Speaking Ot.mtost-~I)orot.hy Robinson 3, May- i cllziehorn 10. Boys’ Driving Contestâ€"Thomas Melosh If 3. Willie Tl‘afl‘ord 1. Girls’ Driving Contestâ€"Angela Coffey Sup. 3, Dorothy Sehaefer U 3. Garden ()(l'lltPStiâ€"Afllle McKinnon, 10, George Blair 5. Oats From Home Farmâ€"Orville Hopkins 9, Dorothy Robinson 3, Allie McGirr 9, Jack Anderson 3, Ralph Staples 3, D. J. Firth 3. Barley From Home Farmâ€"Allie McGirr 9. D. J. Firth 3. One dozen Brown Eggsâ€"Ivy Me- losli U 3, Mac Bell 3, Isabelle Firth 3, Davey Allen 5. Catherine McLean U 2, Dan Ritchie 3. One dozen White Eggsâ€"Blanche McKechnie 3, No Name, Wlillie Sul- livan Sep. 3. Catherine McLean U 2 Louise Jacques 9, Grace Hopkins 9 Calfâ€"Jean Clarke U 2. Market. Lambâ€"Jean Clark U 2, Allie McGirr 9. 9 Pen: One Cookerel and Two Pul- lets from Home Flockâ€"Margaret McCarthy Sop. 5, Blanche McKech- nie 3. Ivy Melosh L' 3, Jean Clark U 2, Dan Firth 3, Jean Firth 3. PulleLâ€"Davey Allen 3, Jean Mc- Gillivray i, Blanche McKechnie 3. Pan: One Cockerel and Two Pul-n letsâ€"Florence McPhail 10, Davey Allen 3. Billie Hargrave 9, Francis Melosh I' 3. Jean McGilliâ€"fiiyufi "iv'IBEBYiEAWMc? Phail 10. Third Book Pupilsâ€"Billie Sulli- van Sep. 3. Francis Melosh U 3. Eliza Jane Traflord i, No Name, Em- est O’Hanley Sep. 5, George Blair 5. 5, Anna 'MéAsey Sep. 5, Clara Jacques 9: Mary McArthur 1, Beta McIntosh Apple Pieâ€"Corinne Lawrence U 2, Adeline McNally 3, Mae McEach- em 10, Helen Curdt 10, Helen Mur- phy Sep. 5, Louise Jacques 9. writing, Fourth Bo'ok Pu ilsâ€" Marguerite Corlett Sep; 3, elen Curdt 10, Lena Bell 3, Tena O’Han- ley Sep. 5, No Name, Florence Mo Phail 10. Plan of Kitchenâ€"Florence McPhail 10, Mae McEachern 10, Katie McKin- mm 10, Martha Eckhardt 10, Anna McKinnon 10, Helen Curdt 10. Plan of Stableâ€"Armonell Glen: cross 3, Edward Norris Sep. 5, Ern- est O’Hanley Sep. 5, Thomas McAsey Sep. 5, Walter Schaefer U 3. Sugar Cookiesâ€"May McEachern 10, Jean Clark U 2, Grace Hopkins 9, Myrtle McLean U 2, Blanche Mc- Kechnie 3, Helen Curdt 10. Book Rackâ€"an. J. Firth 3 Thomas McAsey Sep. 5. Beth McGillivray 1, Alice Proudly 10, Catharine Timmins 5, Oatmeal Cookiesâ€"Alva Greenwood 3, Olive Allen 3, Jean Clark U 2, Florence McPhail 10, Mary Moore 1, Louise Jacques 9. Chocolate Cakeâ€"Myrtle Glencross 3, Jean Clark U 2, Agnes Sullivan Sep. 3, Catharine McLean U 2, Susie Greenwood 9, Adeline McNally 3. rokerelTBlanche MpKechnie 31 ‘. [‘0‘ Four Fancy Stitches Done in Red on Factory Cottonâ€"Man Clark 1' 2. Margaret McLean If :3. (Lathe-rim ’Hand Hemmed Dish Towelâ€"Don- ald McLeod 10, Gladys McKimwn 10, Margaret Firth 3. Cecilia O'Hanloy Sep. 5. Jean McGillivray 1, Kathleen McCarthy Sen. 5. Hemstiwhed Towel â€"â€" Beatrice Grasby U 2, Jean Clark U 2, Corinne Lawrence [J 2, Florence McPhail 10, l§atie McKinnon 10, Alva Greenwood Special Plainâ€" Rena Clark, U 2 81.00, Cecilia O’Hanley Sep. 5 75 cents, Kathleen McCarthy Sep. 5 50 cents, Selim Norris Sop. 5 25 cents. cents. lie McGirr‘Q, Kathleen McCarthy Sep. 5, Jack Anderson 3. Potatoes From Home Farmâ€"Allie. McGirr 9, Billy Vasey 5, Archie Mc- Phail 10. Armonell Glencross 3. pouglas McArthur 1, Ralph Stanles Special Hemetitched â€" Catharine McLean U 2 $1.00, Helen Murphg Sep. 5, 75 cents, Myrtle McLean U , 50 gents, Florence McPhail 10, 25 Enough, Bud! Enough! Sep. .5. Number following name is num- ber of School Section. (Sc|_i.)â€"-Sepamte School Section. ' O (I'Dâ€"l'mon School Section. A well-bread sandwich makes both ends meat in the middle. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stuttord and Mount Forest Enter any day. Write. coll or phone for information. All Our Graduates still there are calls for more. Get your course NOW. If you do not got it you my for it anyway in smaller earnings and lost opportunities.

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