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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Oct 1925, p. 6

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'l‘lw Inca! Lawn Bowling club’s second annual Sontrh Doubles 'l’mnrnnnwnt. was hold nn Snptnmher 16. 3’4 rinks taking part. Crawford of “'ingham. DP. 'l‘rnvmnm' of (Inns- ley and Zinn of Hannwr warn the winno-rs. In spitp 0f Um 00M woathvr. thp hOI‘SPShm‘ twirlm's fl-nm Paislvy, Chalswm'th, (lhvslvy and Turn in. tendml thv barnyard gulf tnurnu- men in Dnbhintun on Monday, Semvmhm' 20. Chmlo-y High schiml 3 annual field day “as lipid in V'ii'tmia Park 011 Friday. SPpthhP!‘ 18. The congregations of the \V'esley Unitml anal Knox l'nited churches A wry quiet wedding was snlnm- nizml at the home of Mr. and MP3. H. 1' Moss 0n Mondav. Soptnmbpr 2!, “Mn their oldm' daughtm, Rnso Follmx' mg a fmv davs illness trom influpnza. :ka- Sanderson Pldost son of thv principal nt‘ the Public whom. passml a“ ay on Tuvsdav af- ternnnn. So'ptflmbm'- 03. Mary. was unilml in marriage to Mt. Harold Srwnham Raymond. One of North Brant’s most. pro- gressive. successful and intelligent farmers was called to his reward «m September 16 in the person of Mr. David Jaeklin of the 13th conces- sion in his 75th year. Albert. Ross. of the» 2nd concession south of the Durham Road, Osprey. sec] awm early Saturdm mum- . September 19, at the age of 46 years. News of Nearby Towns The Dundalk Lawn Bowling Club has purchased sufficiant land to construct five greeng.__ A very pretty wedding wok place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Jack. Proton. on Wednesday, September 16. when their eldest daughter. Jennie Ellen. became the bride of Mr. Nathan Haw, Shelburne. “.‘lomtowhndsf Proton Station. the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Ache- son. was the scene of a very happy event on September 19 when their daughtor, Ada “'innifrod. became the bride of Mr. Oscar G. Patterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Patter- son, of Dundalk. In St. John's R. C. church, Dun- dalk, the marriage took place on Septemhm- 22 of Mao, daughter of Ir. and Mrs. P. J. Fennane, conces- sion 10. Proton, to Mr. William Redmond. Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Redmond. Sr. PAGE 0. upk- MWMmincCa. Limited. Toronto. Ohmic. This en. loll- numbed the Leaf Club Indthc {om-leaner» a! this remarknblo mumbemiledto patenting to the eclec- my; 01 my fair: 0cm Director of the Maple Leaf Club and author 9! a_remarhble ammo obtatn this 1%.; dated to you: HOW 1'0 ENROLL I. a Member of tho Maplg Lou! CluILand mom CAKE 9 PASTRY every bag. These coupons entitle you to a wonderful Free Course, the equivalent of a college A course in Domestic Science, that would be low- priced at $200.00. Acoursebymail,writtenbyoneofthe leading cookery and household experts in Canadaâ€"Anna Lee Scottâ€"Director of the Maple Leaf Club. Itisimpouible tobuythiocouree,yetyou canneureitfree. Allleaooneareeentpoet- ' Thuearenoenminationatoamwer. only correspondence invited in for any help you may desire on subjects relating to Moldproblemaorthecookingoelerving depedalm («reunionsâ€"ouch boulde- ymweredponon- ally by Ann. wSoottâ€"without charge. WWWCO..UMITED VEN without the coupons en- closed in every bag, Maple Leaf Flour would be more than worth every cent it costs you. No other Flour gives superior baking results either for bread, cake or pastry. Maple Leaf Flour is made from the finest selected Canadian hard wheat, carefully milled and tested at every stage of its manufacture. A written guarantee of unifomly high quality goes with every bagâ€"it must be satis- factory or you get your money back. For the purpose of more quickly in- troducing Maple Leaf Flour to the housewives of Eastern Canada, we are making an unheard of special offer for the ‘return_of coupons enclosed in HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO, ONTARIO ()n. Tuvsday. September 22, the “vow hnsimwss nf Mr. John Fawcvtt, was purchasmi by Mr. Alex. McKech- min of Markdalo. Swindt. \\"alkm-t0n, on September. During the severe electrical storm on Thursday. September 17, light- ning struck the barn owned by Mrs. Mary Johnston and sons. the fire that, resulted destroying the build- ing and contents. Mr. Geor 9 Black- hurn. three miles sout. east of Flo-sherton. lost two rows that. were strurk by lightning while standing under a tree. All 33 congrogations were Poppe- svntml by ministm‘s and laymnn at tlw first, mnvting: of Brucv Prnshy- tmiv. Hamilton (Innfm‘nnco. of the l'nitml (lhurch of Gamma hold in St. Paul's l'nitml church nu 'l‘uvsday of last \wok. Flesherton A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer. Feversham, on Tuesday, September 15, when their third daughter. Viva May, became the bride of Mr. Thomas Wesley Beatty, of the Toronto Police Force, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beatty, Sipghampton. 'I‘lu- marriage was solomnized Hm hnmo- 0f Mr. and Mrs. G. ‘ The death occurred in Mount For- est, on September 17, of Mrs. Frances Mason, aged 82 years. John Tuckey, grandson of Mr. Charles Frizlm, “as run over bya horse and buggy drhen by Mr. Ed. Rae at tho Fail grounds. Although the injmies sustained were. consid- eied serious at the time, the lads condition appears satisfactory at prosent: and sanctioned the proposal placed before them by the respectiwe boards to amalgamate and hence- forth worship under one roof, am- gglaination to take effect Novem- er . During the severe electrical storm on Friday morning. Saptember 18, the big barn belonging to Mrs. James Fpolnan on the 4th concession, was stggck hy‘ l_ight.ning and cgmpmqo. met. separately 9;] Tuesday _ev§1_1inq The Mount Forest. Fall Fair of 192.5, which took place on Wednes- (lax and Thursday, Septelnbe 23 anll 24 has passed into histor as one of the finest ever held here. The death occurred on September 16 of Miss Elizabeth May Shaw, daughter of MP. and Mrs. James E. Sh_a\_v, at_theA age of 40 years. _ Mount Forest Walkerton at Hanover At the nomination meeting Mon- day, September 21, MP. M. S. Arm- strong was elected Reeve of Hanover to fill the unexpired term of the late MP. Herman Monk. Little Nettie Albrecha the 7- year-old daughter of Mr. Martin AI- brerht,‘~ was run over by a bicycle whilo playing near the Sv-parabe srhcml and rather severely injured. The annual Fall Fair 0f the Han- over, Bontinck and Brant Agricul- tural Society, hold last, week, was thp huge success it, has always been. The marriage took place at. Han- ovrr R. (1. church on Tuesday, Sepâ€" tvmhm' 22.“ 01' Miss Nora. daughter nf Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Brudrr, to Mr. Alhnrl \Vrilrr, sun Of Mr. mud Mrs. John W eilrr of Walkermn. The death occurred in Neustadt Messrs. Clarence Smith and L. H. McNamara are converting the Yonge street curling rink .into an up-to- date s_katin_g rink. While Operating a circular saw recently, Mr. Leander Durrer, a thresher of near Formosa, fem against the saw which inflicted a nasty gash on his chest, the breast bone being penetrated. The wound was sewed up by a Walkerton doc- tor, and the injured man is on the road to recovery. 'Wal'kerton’s qu'enile 156168166 team lost. the first, play-off game to Oqggggville, 12 to 5. {)n Wednesday, September 23, the medical fraternity of the district as- sembled here to Listen to discourses by__ experieneed practitioners. Walkerton’s baseball team de- feated the Ghesley pastimers on their own field on Saturday, Sep-. tember 19, and brought home the Firemep.’s _Chal.lenge~ Trophy. 23, of their daughter, Rotha Oath- erine Elizabeth, and Mr. Arthur Ed- win Heughan, only son of the late Mr. ‘anqurs. R. E. Heughgn, Mrs. Charles Symons of Rivers- dale, Greenock Township, passed away Sunday of last week at the age of 79 years. VWhile wheeling his wife’s invalid chair last week, Rev. D. McLennan stumbled and fell forward over the chair, injuring his hands slightly and dislocating of or Mrs. McLen- nan’s lingers. On Wednesday, September 16, a luncheon was held in the Town Hall in conection with the convention or the C. W. L.. The same organiza- tion held a garden party on the following Thursday on the spacious grounds_ of Judge Klein. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 5â€"Water and weather-proof. 6â€"Cost one-third less to buy. 7â€"Cost one-third less to lay. Bâ€"May be laid over old shingles. 4â€"Improve the appearance of the building. lâ€"Fire-resisting. 2â€"Cannot blow ofi. 3â€"No paint required; colors do not fade. 8 Reasons for Roofing with ARRO - LOCKS a week ago last Friday of Mr. John Hgghn in hjs 75th year. _ Hanover Baptist church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Thurs- da , September 17, when Adeline Lilian, daughter of Mrs. John C. Schaefer of town was united in mar- riage to Mr. George William Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Michael of. Sherkton, Ont. Miss Irene Grasby, enrp‘loyed on one of the stamping machines at Clark Metals Limited, in some man- ner let the index finger of her left hand come under the die of the ma- chine with the result that quite a portion of the end of it was nipped oil', and she will be laid off work for a time. The accident happened only a couple of minutes before 12 o’clock on Monday. LOST INDEX FINGER IN FACTORY ACCIDENT 5 WINDSOR, WINNING. HALIFAX and ST. JOHN _ __ wâ€" v -vv-‘v on. Wind storms, rain and frost cannot dislodge them. Tough, strong and fire- resisting. Note the design and “arro- lock.” Every package trade-markedâ€" Brantford‘ Arro -Lock Slates are locxed IN order to protect the public, we wish it known that gen- uine Brantford Arro-Lock Slates are sold in Durham exclusively by J. H. Harding. It has been announced by the Postmaster-General that the postal service will now accept parcels weighing up to 15 pounds for. trans- mission through the mails. There are a good many articles of general use slightly over the present limit of weight which it will now be pos- sible to forward by mail. The regu- lation will be of particular value in cases where it is desired to forward heavier articles to parts of the country to which the poslofflce is practically the only means of 'con- veyance. Some people say that. talk is cheap, But ’tis not safe to heed ’em: Ive known two simple wzords “Be mine," 'l‘o cost a man his freedom. KAY 8H9 15 tom PARCELS Wfiijfié The School is thoroughly to me up the followmg 03323133“ (1) Junior Matriculation, (2) Entrance to Normal Schoo; Eaph member of the Statr IS a I' varsity Graduate and uxmgm'n“ Teacher. “09d Intending pupils should pm. enter at beginning of term, Information as to COUPSD, mm, chained from the Prim-um]. ‘ be “are to The School ha's‘zi c'rbéiii'éil‘f: . mug, past which it hows 1;) '13:?” lag! 1111' the (uture. "' ur am Is an attractive healthy town, and good 3(‘anmozm tlon can be ObtAlfled at l‘rasgn‘h“; rates. I. A. M. ROBB, B. A.. Principal JOHN MORRISON, Chairman. ' flu-«y. October :, “as. The honeymm‘ no O little by now «WW. 4).- Lot 66. Con. 1‘. \\'«1':7.‘ 2'6 miles smxthu-wd u” 1"! thing 86 (am-ow. \iuwhx‘ in good state m' mz't \n“. barn with shod adhvw" . Mics. 7-rm~m..i 1w ‘ . Msion kitchm: .-.:. Wot! watered and 'Y. s '0? further Partir'hflt- William Smith. R. R. VH 22. Egremont. containing 6 acres clparod. balance bush; in [mod state 01’ C frame barn 44x5“. Mann concrete stahlns; driLIvd cunent tank at barn A1 lid 7. le. 1:. SUP... Gle billing 110 acrvfiz 1m arr Illd in KOOd Shh} uf ruin “I9 premises urn 3 Hm; I filming sow-n z-nnn’n. v frame wnncishm’. {mama '0“ It door; Iwwr f" 11:22:: this farm. makm: :1 cm (gun. This prnwt‘ty '~\i "GM. to quick 1»!ll('ha~'~!‘ “(SNIPS apply at \\'¢'.~ »| u. i, Durham. Hm LQT 7, CON. 2!. 126111231 tuning {00 acres; 8?. m cultivation, balance hard‘ convenient to schuolz m: be: are I framo [mm 4133 atone foundation: mncre II” III barn 30x50 with meat; 03 pen 20x4“; H brick house, furnavo tr fume woodshed; driiig-«i to house. with Windmtl Water tanks; 30 avrvs M'c’H IO acres to sweet (-lnw: is well fenced and in a m cultivation. For infnrmr to Watson's Dairy. RJL . Ontario. NORTH PART 11st 7 A Licensvd . Grey. l'runn‘ sonablo lvrn antoed. hm. Chronicle. «.2 son. Varnm ALEX. MacDON Limnud Auctioneer for Moderah- hm». .\I'I‘::l sales. as in .141.» my; It The Chl'HHH‘w‘ uzzu Terms Hn a..;.il.-;m«m. Licensed Auchum Grey. Satisfachnn; sonnble terms. but at The Chrnnu'ln «HT self. Blrl‘isters. Sugmtux's. .- ber of the firm \VIH M' m Tuesday of each \m-k. A: may bé made with th on'ice. HIDDLEBRO'. SPBRI IIDDLEBRO' Barristers, Sonata! Successors in A. 1:. Hr. C. C. Middlc'tnw .~ I located at I’m-hum Hill A Branch 01w“ mm} ,. £30 to 9.30 pm J. F. GRANT, Honor Graduzm onto. Gradu::t.- H Surgeons M w; In its 1.1mm. BIOCk. Mill Him. of Nlclioth‘s lm c. G. "D BESSIE M01 Chiropractors, Durban The SCIL‘nce that 3.1m and years to In. c; {v In Durham '1‘ umim . H Suturdnys DR. L. I. BE: 06 ice on Lambton St: 0!. Hutton”: “Mew. ( 2 to 5 pm.. 7 to 9 p.m., dIy. Mice and residence Once east of the H3.“ Limbtnn Street. aner hum. Office hours 2 w 8 pm. (except Sundays 0!!in and residence, Cwntess and Lambton 81 site old Post Office. 0 O to II t.m.. 1.30 to £ pm (Sundays excepted). Phone Hillcrest 0208 {3342‘ Avenue Road “Ila!“ R Formvrl}~ 19:0 ”i’h'fwi‘c. chxnnmc, Ofl’ice, owr .J .:, n; urban). Unlarm Durhan BATES BUR 1,1,. 8mm, x. 3.. I. New Hodern Funeral Advertisements 1" CASH “'1'”! ORDER 0! four. Telephonv v Sturday night 0f “'1‘: 25 cents. (m ah Mun-l Will be made each m: DRS. JAMIBSON 8: J FARMS FOR L loft REUBEN C. WAT Medical Dtn’a FARM FOR SAT FUNERAL SERV Dental Bum Legal ‘Dtm’i. Classifi LUCAS 8: BEN ”1 SM DAN. MCLBA H (H esh (' H

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