West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Oct 1925, p. 7

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tn mkv up the following I Junior Mattie“!!! 'l‘ho- School is "10% in. -) , Entrance to Norm] m rim-h n-wmber or the s ‘ \ ~: ~Hy Graduate and t? “‘0‘. I‘.~fxvho-x', l;.’w!!oil!l‘..' pupih» shmlld W “m-â€" FLY 8 and 9.20 p.m. TEN COMMANDMENTS” 18 public, :hat gen- Ck Slates Chtsively \\:o~ Hlo' HHO‘ WHO knocked them ll" Hlo'nHWl 'i'lll III) with his “a“ .4‘ sm- inm turn the wicked- ,,._.. ‘4-kn'l' .wmmunity after one I’m" m1“ ”:0 fastt‘st moving are locxed 'ost cannot g and fire- md "arro- markedâ€" II'II‘IIIIIH )s an 3uMiY. “In hmn and good“ *- ,m . m In» nbtained at '1'! I: .I. A. M. ROBB,B Pri mm MORRISON, a.” It in “Harem Follies” - “5â€". [gut-rnxnth'n as to Coptic: m HE‘. ,gfh't‘; ”Tim the pr'DCi L h '1}... Srhnnl has a CPCdi“mfl W m H,.. [.34 which it 110908 ‘0‘ .Ug. :1 fhu future). THROUGH” DURHAM HIGH 3 nly rmation it Desi _' pupilw‘ ShOUld 9'99".“ wxmniml’ 0.! term. - Tax Included u \ . ‘,. \\'. Fr" “V: '; ”FARM P03 SALE ‘ «Hon 2 \V..GR Bentinck. ~< wuth“ est of Durham. con- ‘: M acres. Mostly clear and .i dam of cultivation. Bank :th shed adjoining and stone T-rm-imeri bPiCk hOUSe With '1 kitchen and woodshed. ‘~‘~'Li"*r‘€ci and in good repair. "amur particulars apply to "1m gmith. R. R. No. 3. Durham. NORTH PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. 2?, Egremont. containing 66 acres; 55 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush; in good state of cultivation; frame barn 45x50. stone basement, wncrete stables; drilled well and roment tank at barn. Also Lots 6 ml 7, Con. 6. S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- ‘mning “0 acres; 100 acres cleared "ch! in good state of cultivation; on W' premises are a brick house con- . 1 :ng seven rooms. with good "1m” woodshed attached; drilled \ .3 at door; never failing springs on ~ farm. making a c once stock; » M. This property will be sold M quick purchaser. For par- j ‘t.f\z'.~‘ apply at Watson’s Dairy. 3. Durham. Ont. 102523“ i are a frame barn mos ft. with foundation; concrete stables; “‘0 hav barn 30x50 with stone base- ment; hog pen 20x40; twelve-room brick house, furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay; t0 acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. For information apply to Watson‘s Dairy, RR. 4, Durham. Ontario. to 25 23 tf [0T 1, COV. 2!. EGREMONT. CON- 111mm 100 acres; 85 acres under 11. mation. balance hardwood bush; 1 wnient to school; on gpeMpreg- REUBEN C. WATSON th'L‘nSiPd Auctioneer for County of n: \. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- w'. :‘uh- trims and satisfaction guar- '“fw-ii. Dati-s made at The Durham '.f.I'Hnl(‘lt‘ office or with R. C. Wat.- ~ 1;. Varnvy. RR. 1. Phone 60% 1‘11. ALEX. MacDONALD Lxcensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. \lndvl‘ah‘ terms. Arrangements for «HM. as tn dutos. etc" may be made at. 'l'lw {lhx'oniclv Office, Durham. l’wr'nw Mn application. Address RR. 1. Durham. Phone 611 r 24. LICL‘I ised Auctioneer for County of irvy. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- «unable terms. Dates of sales made at fl he Chronicle Office or with him- wl . (Mike. LUCAS I: BERRY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- rwr of the firm will be in Durham on l‘uosday of each week. Appointments nny be made with the Clerk in the H MIDDLEBRO’, SPBRBIAI IIDDLBB‘IO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. (1. C. Middlcbro‘ is permanently Imam! at Durham Office. Priceville iranch open every Friday from 3.31) in 9.30 p. m. Honnr Graduate University of Tor- onm Maduate Royal College Dental Slu'gwons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Black, MillStreet, second door east or Macheth's Drug Store. FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern funeral Parlors Phone Billcrest 0268 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto â€" -___â€"â€"._..â€"â€"â€"â€".._- -._._ - DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST Hum» , over J. G; J. Hunters store, lnuhum. Ontario. c. G. AND BESSIE chlLLIVRAY Chimpractors, Durham, Ontario. I’he Scu'nce that adds life to years and wars to life. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 61423“ DR. A. I. BELL Office on Lambton Stree}. (the late Dr. Hutton‘s omce). Office hours, 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., except Sun- day. J. L. SUITE, I. 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. 7 0mm: and residence, corner of Countess and Lambton Strpets. oppo- site old Post Office. Ofllce hours : 9‘10 11 a.m.. 1.30_t0__4 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m. BATES BURIAL C0. (Sundays excepted). DRS. JAIIBSOI 11.12801! 0mm: and residence a short (1st- ance east of the Hahn House on Lambtun Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Office hours 2 m5 op ..m. 7w 8 p. m oexcept Sundm s). FARMS FOR SALE Zr; -r~wvmnn would he? W831“!!! by now even 1! a kiss didnt john w. Batu I. Haddocks Formerly of Flesherton Licensed aquationeer Advertisements under this heading, 1 cent a word each insertion CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions gugen tor the price of four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order if paid (or before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first insertion, 25 cents. On all charge orders a straight charge of 1% cents a word will be made each insertion, minimum charge 35 cents. Thursday, October l. mu. Legal ‘Directorv Dental Directorv Medical Directorv. DAN. McLBAN PROBATION BBS WANTED THERE IS A VACANCY AT THE Durham Red Cross Memorial Hospi- tal for Pmbationers, and applica- tions will be accepted by the ma- tron. Miss Fettes. This is an affil- iated school. and graduating nurses are entitled to wear the title, “RN.” after their name. Apply at. once. HEN BOARDBRS WANTED GOOD ACCOMMODATION AT REA- sonable rates. Apply The Chronicle office. 9 17 2 FROM LOT 60. CONCESSION 3. ND. R.. Bentinck. about. September 1, while 2-year-old Steer. dehorned. Finder please notify George J. Turn- bull, Phone Allan Park. 9 1? tr v ' â€"â€"‘ v ""-v“ Jun'es Liironoo, lunar. Phone 601 r 13 Durham. RR. 1. The Durham U.P.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested 'to give three dug: notice. CIDER MILL NOW OPEN DI’RHAM CIDER MILL IS NOW open and ready to make cider, apple butter every day.â€"R. Smith, Prop. 2pd KNITTING SUdllx’S .\.\'U S'l‘tMIKINHS MADE 'I‘u’) mum; 20 (‘t‘llln‘ .wr pair. All yarn tlwrnug'hly shrunk lwl‘nn- making 11.». (Sunni assm'tmvnt 0f pvl't'm‘tly rulinhlu gum! \waring yarn to he spun at Imus“. Rmuly-maclv wm'k sm'ks. all yarn \vashml and shrunk bvl'm'v maksing Up. 49 malts pvt‘ pair. hug: knpt. timl 11p «luring af- tm‘nnuns. PINISP call 2 t0 5 p.m.â€"<. A. (i Wohb. 1nd FOR SALE OR RENT RI .1“ KSMHH SHOP IN TER WE- lagv nf Holstnin. Applv R. J Gadd. Hnlstmn thw 27“. 9 24 [rpd WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- i910. Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. t! Advertise in The Orhonlcle, It pays WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUAN'HTY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 3 i5 23t FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc.. apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 612 t! PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGHâ€" grade gas with the “pep” and long mileage. Sold only at. Smith Bros’ Garage. 626 M, BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. i 10 u LOT SOUTH OF VOKER BODIES Limited; also lot south of W. D. Connor’s. Apply J. A. Brown. Dur- ham. 5 14 tf for sal.â€"â€"Ap5ly .15. WT kgl‘s-e; 311313; 609 1‘ 3. 6 8 U FIFTY HEAD OF Xi’OI NG CATTLE OAK DINING-ROOM SUITE, GON- sisting of buffet; extension table; 6 chairs; 4 kitclmn chairs; 1 arm chair. Apply at Chronicle office. 9 24 3nd u..\lk’ ' ing. Produce early lambs and finer wool. Write us or call and see our stockâ€"F. J. Phelan, Chepstow, Ont. (Greenock Township, Bruce County) 9243 DORSET HORN RAMS FOR CROSS- fl FRESH cowsâ€"APPLY MRS. Bugle, Varney. â€"â€"â€"vâ€"-â€"'VV.. 'U‘ UU'O “‘u “1‘“ ”U1” wa- ter, bath, tumacé,‘ electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young. Durham, Ont. 515 tt FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWO-STC frame dwelling, well located Lambton street. Hard and soft 1-_ L-AL A FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North 0! Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. ' 221 t! BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR $8.19. One door north of the Post Of- fice. A good chance for someone.â€" P. W. Kelsey, Photographer. 10 9t! BUILDING GOOD HOUSE, ALL chvENIENCEs __.:II ..-II - L â€"â€" PROPERTY FOR ARTICLES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE TO PARIBRS FOR STRAYED 924 3 l pd 221“ J. A. Clark, Auctioneer. fi. ist. Lot Number 9, Concession 9, Townshiip of Glenelg, 56 acres, on which is situated a saw mill, chop- ping mill, frame house and ham, and water ppwer. There will also be offered for sale at the same time the saw mill and chopping will] property of the de- ceased at Traverston. This is a Splendid saw mill and water power. The lot contains about fifty-eight acres, and there is also on it a good frame house, and frame barn. The following is the real estate: ., - â€"â€", -â€"--v"9 W", V JVWD, WW9 l6 years, dry; 5 Yearli‘ngs; 3 Sprin Calves; Log Waggon: Lumber Wag- gon; Log Sleigh; Buggy; Cutter; Binder; Mower; Seed Drill; 2 Plows; 2 Barrows; Harness, double; Har- ness, single; Sugar Kettle; Sap Pan; Buckets; 4 Rolls Fence Wire; Boat; Cant Hooks; Chains; Tools; Lumber; Lath; Sovereign Measure Range; Dining Table, Small Tables; 2 Side- boards; 2 Singer Sewing Machines; Davenette. large; Double Bed Couch; Rocking Chairs; Chum; Washer, andl other articles. ‘ 'I‘he Administratrix of the Estate of J. C. Ross. late of the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, deceased. will offer for sale by Pub- lic Auction on Thursday, the 8th of October. 1925, at the deceased’s place of residence, Traverston, the follow- .ing. stock. chattels and effects, and other goods and effects too numer- ous to mention. Cow, 7 years; Cow, 6 years; Cow, 6 years, farrow; ()ow_,_5 years; Cow, n __7‘ I - -- NOTICE 'l‘Hl‘I .'\.\'.\'l’.\l.. GENERAL Mlili’l‘lNH of lhv shm'vhnldm's nl‘ 'l‘lw Durham Furniturv Company Limitml will lw hvlcl in llw ('nmpauy‘s nl'lim' un Mun- «lay. ()vtobm' l9. at 8 n'cltu‘k p.m. l'm' tlw (-«msillm'uliun 0f the Annual Report. Iilvctinn: of Dirm'tm's and any nthm- husim-ss that may arisn. ~11. R. Km-h, Svcl'olnry. _ punsn FOUND 41: 345mm. mm .w Jim»: HILL SI luml ()wnm' mm ham sumn bV [Inning [IIIIIpIII‘IV and WWII}; ox- lwnsvs “Mn 8. (EIIIII'gII( (lullinsun. DIII'-â€" hum. R. R. l. i FOR RENT FIVI‘I ROOM FLAT. B.-\'I‘H|1(‘y’.)l\l.â€"~ Apply (lhmmicln nfficv. 10 l 2 A miscellanmus shower was lu-lcl at. the homo. uf‘Mr. and Mrs. R. 'l‘wamle Saturday rvrning of last. wni-k inn hmmr of Mr. and Mrs. Frank '.l‘\\'amloy. Miss Livingstnnv and Mrs. Hastiv prosmltml the gifts Cmmratulations are (luv Alva Mr- Donald of Mulock school in win- ning the highost number of points for baking, serving, otc., at the Brn- t'inck school fair. Lucas Henry, Solicitors for the Administratm’x. Mr. Gerald Blunt 10.:in Monday mm ning of this wm'k for McMzismr l' i'IliiH‘I‘Sily. Toronto. \\ 0 wish Gor- aid mom success. The community «Insirns to must hmu‘tily mngl'atulatv Mr. Frank 'l‘wamlvy, and wishes him and his fair bride 1} most happy uniqn. a. m. and 7.30 p. m., and the Rev. (J. Harris taking the afternoon ser- vice. at 2.30. On Monday evening. a thankoll‘ering meeting \Vllll be held. For all services. arrangenmnts have been malln for special music, and the public is cordially invited to at- tell and share in the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of this well- known edifice. I .1. The church was instituted in 1875. since when it. has served well the community it ropresen‘ts. The sawim‘s will take the form of three mwtings on Sunday. the Rov. Hmrgv 'I_‘. Burns prvaching at 11 -n.‘ We wish to congratulate Miss Pearl Wiilsnn and pupils of S. S. No. 3, Bentinck, on winning third prjgein‘the parade at Durham Fair. ' Mulock detiélg 51:0-r10h01d‘ ju- bilee services _on Sunflay,‘ October ‘(Our Om Correspondent) The annual School Fair for the township of Bentinck was very suc- cessful, being favored with excel- lent weather and showiuggconsider- able growth in its proportions and popularity over former years. The exhibits in all classes were of high order. In the stock and poultry, everything shown was good, though the quantity was not as large as those interested would have liked to have seen. There were competi- tors in the boys’ and girl’s public speaking contest. Clara Subject won the prize given by Miss Macphail for her address on “How We Are Governed.” She will be required to compete later at Flesherton, where the winner will be given a free trip to Ottawa by Miss Macphail. The parade by ten schools was splendidly carried out, Miss John- ston’s school, Crawford, winning lst place, Miss Bailey’s, Allan Park, 2nd, and Miss Twamley. Lamlash, 3rd. The enthusiasm and the in- terest displayed by parents and children must have been very en- couraging to the directors. Miss Macphail was present and delivered a splendid address. ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 535 9173 IS a Dower. . . «sight Pnze PIC L good The For the best 9 “If? ordmon - one an [11‘] Smog: “ill gim a p " ful enlargemc ning snapsho an" SSWSSSS ms 8 Me 321:? Town’s Jewel ession Kelsey’s SI ing in every way, ever ready to sympathize with us in both our joys and our sorrows. We fully realize the faithful worker you were in all departments of our church. It is our earnest wish for you that Pro- vidence will assist you to prosper in all things and that you will form new and true friendships among your future associates. But no mat- ter among what pleasant scenes your future may be cast or what satisfying friendships you may form, we know you will not forget. your many friends at Mulock. We as- sure you that you will be remem- bered in our thoughts and prayers. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighborsâ€"Henry Crickington. It was with down and livau'tfe-lt. ro- gi'vl. that we, your friends and neighbors, learned that, you intone!- ml Ivaving our noighlxn‘huml, at least for a timv. \Vn foil. that We could not lot you dopart from our midst without. exprvssing in somn tangible way our osteom and love for you. You are one of us, having been born and brought up in this vicinity, and during your life among us, you have been kind and oblig- “"0, your urighburs and friends. haw! gathorml lwl'c this t'vvning to vxtvml to you congratulations and hvst \\'iSht'S far :1 lung, prnslwrous :11th happy lifv. Wu trust. that (amt ttu- (iivm' nt' «won «gum! and [wr- t'm't gift mm s111'1'uumt \nu \xith 11mm blessings and that \nu ma\ tw lt_)11,:.<pal'ml to Jmnm'. «hmn HM pathway tt.)‘,.'t‘”lt'l'. \Vv tlt‘Stl't‘ tsn shnw «1111' l‘t's‘pt‘t't and 03100111 Mr you by asking yuu tn :lm't'tbt. thvsn gifts. 'I‘hmlgh small in Hill“; Hwy :ll'o' ht'iml'uH of gum] wislu's. Hvt‘un- lvaving t'm' liamiltnn. \thx-u Sllt' will l't'sitlw Miss Mary Mttlatlum “as musvn‘ml “fill an :utcht-ss and purso' nt mtybm- at the hnmc- wt “('1' ruustn. .\l1'. and MIS~ Noil Mctlallum. Fullcm'ing is the addt't'ss :11th l't'pl)‘: “var Marx" in a buskvt, which wm'v numerous and useful :m'ompanic-d by humorâ€" nus oxprossions of lwst wislws in lwnsv and [MN-try F'nllMKiflg is thv {HMI'PSS road by Mrs. John: McKm h- nw. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Twamloy Dvar Ft'imuls: â€"lo Sideline Nothing too old small, large or hard for us to tackle 34 years experience NO COLLECTIONâ€"NO CHARGE KELLY AIKEN COLLECTORS Orannge eville and Owen Sound Owe ound offices 169 9th St. E. Referenceâ€"Standard Bank of Canada Buttfir fur 6 «107.011 Pullsâ€"allow pound. Ham for 50 helpingsmullnw 20 pounds. Meat. for l h(.-lpingâ€"â€"~'a|lc_2w 1/3 pound raw meat. Buttm' for 2 dozvn holpingsâ€"al- law 1 pound. For the best group snapshot. of three or more persons, devel- oped and printed by us, we will give a prize of a beauti- ful enlargement of the win- ning snapshot. Contest open till September 30. Leave your films at the Studio or at D. C. Town’s Jewellery Store. Kelsey’s Studio, Durham (20mm. fur 50 lwlpingsmullnw 1 pound of comm. 1w cream for 6-10 helpingsâ€"-31- low 1 quart. Scale For Cooking For Large Numbers (mmm for 6 lwllringswallmv cup mm».- tu 1 quart. water. We Handle Cglgegyions Only Tlim‘o arv still some wznm din. this month vs hon a glass of iced too. can be appreciated. And to some it» prottilyâ€"jnst add a little mint to each glass. ml “‘08“ mini if \on can and sprinkle it “itli powdered sugar. Colm‘ml sugar can also be nsmlâ€"tho kind that. (fumes in rml and {main and can b0 purchased at must. any mnfoclimwfis. HOUSEHOLD mm Serving To: Daintily To give a touch of daintiness and temptation in serving beverages should naturally be the aim of ev- ery hostess. Especially is that true when serving tea. COLLECTIONS Prize Picture Contest By BETTY WEBSTER Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Web- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. (Copyright, 1924. by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) Mr. Jnsvph Slward. tlw \x'vll-kunwn ”ll'l‘Shl‘l' E” “Hwy “fist. is Inning trouble I'vaching his pall'ulls. su Hm Hrmnptun Hunnm' says 'l'lw high- Miss Mi'ilaliun'l's m-ply in “H' pursv Hf muncy prusvnlml hvr Friday evening of last wm'k.-â€"lt is with findings nf gratiiuilo that I wish I.“ thank nnv and all of “:0 many kind friends for 50 m-ni-ruus a gift. I sini'i-i'i-ly agim'vciniv ilw Spirit. in which it was giwn. tlw lvnclvr thoughtfulnvss and kind rewards 0! Hip many frivnds which will nc-wr hie fn'l'milh'n. COOKING HINTS Chili Con Carni for 30 People 5 pounds of ground bovf. 3 pounds of ground pork. 4 pounds of nniuns‘. 5 cans of kidnvy lwans. 3 Guns of mmutoos. 39 cup of humor. Svasunings. Method: Fry tho onions m 1nd- 181' unflil brawn. Romuw frum pun. thou fry mmat. until hmwn and crisp. Put all inm'vdivnts mm :1 kottlv. Add watm' and simmo-r I'm 4 hours. Slice a raw potato. Rub “01! the s ots to be cleanodâ€"“ith piocvs at t is Pa“ potatn To Clean Spots on Rubber Raincoat. 2 pounds. Cream of coffee fur 50 helpingâ€" 'allow 1% to 2 quarts. 11/, (ups uf walnuh‘. 3 amps u! dates 2 cups of sugau‘. 2 tablespoons uf flour. 2 0g}; whites. 3 cups of crumbs. 1/3 cup of Irma” juim or, MIGHT TAKE TO THE AIR For October Sales missed by salesmen on the road we close Saturday by Long Distance” â€"Wn’l¢s a Lumber Merchant _sugar for 50 holpingsâ€"allow Date Tort For 25 DO YOU SELL TO BUILDERS P Ynu dmv‘t mah'ic‘uluh- in Hu- sc‘luml 0f vxlwrwlu'v. Yuu ,lllSI. swallcm a hook and LIN-m yuu aw. 'uy authm'ilii-s wmn'l. lvi, him ira- vol on tho {knit-v [load with his swam traclm‘. hm'ausn thi- vlvals «in tho driw whorls rip up llw hm hm. It would rust. him $300 in suhslilul: smunlh whmtls. and his chins!” mm to spoml that much. 'l‘ho way things am going. it nwans ihal ihusv him)- 01's 011 (hp U-nlm' llmul whu mnnul lw l'l‘al'llml frum HIP war «if HIP farms will haw in lmstgmnv thrush- im: timc- until ihv frusl. mums and thv snnw falls. win-n ihc- vh-zils on lhv whc-vls will «lu nu harm. platter surruumlml with (-rvumed carrots and was. AII id‘l'al way In lllzlkd‘ sausage smw nmm. Mix a IIIIm- quantih III'I-ud I r IImbII \\it.lI szlllhilm‘ Inc-at. Baku In a lull llflll. Add a little “ah-r. SI-I-w on (By locust 1 pound 0f frvsh ham) (m'uund). 1 pound 0f lmrk. 1 map 01' ln‘mul crumbs. 1 01' two eggs. Union. Pvmwr. Nu salt. I run of milk. Mc-Ihml: Mix uwal. lwmul crumbs and smsunnw. Add liquids. Put in ul‘vasml luul' pan. lhnkv I lmur in a slaw «won. t tahlvsvoont‘ut or Vanilla. ‘4 cup of water. ‘ t taliloslumn of linking powder. Method: Cut up datvs and nut: Mix dry iiigi'i-dimits with datrs find nuts. Add liquids and last told in stit’tly [matrix whitvs. I’mn- mu grmisvd pan tu 93â€"inch thickness. Baku ‘9; «it an hnm'. Sorw with whimwd (‘t‘t‘anL BAKING HINTS Sausage Loaf

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