West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Oct 1925, p. 8

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Miss Elsin Davidsnn nf .VCWViOn is the glnjst 01' how snstvl‘. Miss Dav“!- uou. pmncuml of NW Public school. Mrs. Waly of Brantford is Visit- ing her parents how. Mr. and Mrs. Drumm. Miss Margaret. Drummond spent O few days I'vcvntly with her aunt. Its. R. Christie. The annual Schmwl Fair for the township uf Egremnn-t was held in tho \‘illflfl" nn Thursday of last wowk. 'l‘lm r-xhibits \\'Pl‘(‘ excellent and numo'ruus in all d¢_-partnwnts. An intvro-stml ipt‘t’tutfll' was Mr. John l.:a\\'ro-nrv, now in his 93ml. year. “3- had a long talk with himi and fmnul ”In Old go-nJlt-mzm bright. and rhvm'ful alUlHllgh unable.- Inf mow around with mmfc'n't on :w-f count nf his ro-cvnt aviolvnt. : Mr. and Mrs. Richards of St. 6mm» were] tlw wmwk-vml guests Of MP. and Mrs. E. Thom“). ’l‘lm anniv'orsary services 0? the Presbyterian church will be held on OOllthl‘ H. On Wednesday of last week, Mr. Bat Edwards of Toronto and for- merly furniture dealer and under- taker of this village. gave us a short call. Bert is now travelling agent for the Staunton Wall Paper Com- pany of Toronto. He has recently returned from a trip to Australia and New Zealancl where he (lid Mimosa for the company. Mr. J. H. Sharpe returned to his home .in Guelph on Saturday after- noon aftm' spending a week with relatiws her». PAGI 8. W. E. 8: TED CLARK, Agents,- Durham, Ont. (On? Own Correspondent) A Quality Coach - - handsome, powerful - - one-piece wind- shield - - double beading at waistline - - extra wide doors - - full 5 passenger comfort. other out «fling near In mice. Step in and see this handsome all tho you: round car. For the first time in history a full-sized, 5-passenger coach with sliding gear transmission is to be sold at the amaz- ingly low price of $850. Remember. this is a full-sized, five-pas- senger coach, roomy enough to hold five full grown adults in perfect comfort over any journey. regardless of its mile- age. Its Triplex Springs give a riding ease found only in high-priced cars. All in all. a light car with every neces- sary big car quality feature at an unprecedented low price. By actual comparison you will find the Overland Coach more fully and better equipped Coaéh more'fully and bettei equipâ€"[£6 from head light to tat! lamp than any AA.â€" Small down paymentâ€"easy terms. Effe ctive Maud Rm mevncn has mmml into thv [wighhmhcml “ith his thrash- Rm. James Binnie 0f Pairry Suund \isilml his sister, Mrs. \V. L Dixon, nn Saturday. Mr Dixons (laughâ€" lo-is. Mrs. R. Ronnick. Dromoro, Mrs. J Sinclair, H0p0\l”0 and Mrs. \\. “eir Glenn; . also \isitml hnr I‘QLPIIU} on the occasion of her lnrlhdz‘iy. Mr. Thomas Harrisnn, Sn, has been oil't’Ctlng a hen houso for Mr. \an- lm_m Jacques. (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Alfirpd Tucker Spent a .fe-w clays ownthe week-mu! with fl'wmls in Dotl~«.’>|t. A Literary Society has been es- tablished in connection with the c‘ilnntinuation school, and the. follow- ing of “cars have been elected: Pres- idem. Jack Irvin; Vice-President. Alex. Sim; Secretary, F. Dingwall; Editor of Class Paper. Jean Ellis; Assistant Editor. Margaret Tyndall; llluis Re;irosmltativvs. Fn-I'm I. Car- men Queen. Form ll. Eileen iihson. Form lll. Bert Lynch. Mrs. John Schaefl'er, who has been here since the death of her father, the late Mr. J. B. Hunt. returned to her home in Detroit Wednesday morning. Mrs. Reid of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. John Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Cafridge of Mount For-(inst visited at R. Christie’s this wee . forth enough ripe fruit for table use during the month of September and are stilybearjng.‘ _ Miss Jennie Adams of Detroit is home for a vacation. Glenm ont Don’t forget the w? M. SQThank- ofl'm'ing meeting which will be held in HIP churvh on October 7. 411'. and Mrs. George Séarle .of Guelph spent, the week-end \Vlth The people around here have been busy going to the fairs these times. Last Friday to the Durham Fair, and on Monday of this week the School Fair which “as held for the \air ious schools at Edge Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sinblair of Sault Ste. Marie visited friends along this liqg recently. ing outfit, and Campbell Dunsmoor is threshing to the east of us. The grain is yielding well this year. Rocky Saugeen (Our Own Correspondent) THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Word was received here this week that Mr. Alex. "Allan, formerly of Egremont, but now of Toronto, had been in an acicdent in that city and was somewhat seriously in- jured last, Saturday when a team of horses he was driving ran away, throw him from the rig to the pave- ment. when he sustained several broken ribs and other injuries. ""M'iss' thing White of Hamilton is Spending a few days with her cou- sin, Mrs. James Miller. Mrs. William Hill. FORMER EGRBIONT RESIDENT INJURED IN TORONTO * LARGE COPY OF PUZZLE PICTURE SENT FREE ON REQUEST 1w o. W'ords of the same spelling can be used only once. even though used to declgnnte different objects or articles. An ob- Ject or artlcle can be named only once. P1 3. All addressed Empire. 4. All lists of names should be written on one side or the paper only. and numbered consecutivety l. 1. 8, etc. Write your full name and address 2n the upper right hnnd corner. It you desire to write anything else. use a sepnrnte sheet. 5. Only such words as appear in Webater'n Dictiona will be counted. 00 not use hyphenated, compound or nfioleto words. Where the plural is ueed the singulnr cunnot be count- ed. and vice versa. 8. Prize Winners in former “cum Pnulos conduct The Mall and Emula- wlnnlnz $200.00 or more m not el ta mttkipate In this Puzzle. 3. All answers must be mailed by Ochher 17th. 1935. addressed to C. A. Montgomery. Puzzle Mung", Mull hnl-A OBSER VE THESE EASY RULES 1. Any man. woman or child who live. in Canada and is not a resident of Toronto, and who Is not in the employ of Th... Man and Empire. may submit an answer. Doan’t “0 III! Wm whether you are. six or sixty {can old. Ban 1. n chums to study and “brush u " a, little. 3 I. tutu-I‘ll? «buttons! and fut'inafllm. Not in: hard. m on. all John lDâ€"old tolku. middle age and young a!“ Bee mmgngtho ghost ‘T-Words.” You'll have but- fifty cash when will be given for the. 50 best lists of words submitted in answer to this Pub-10‘ answer having the blues: and nearest correct list of visible objects shown in the pimun- man with the letter “1" will be awarded first prize: second best. set-0nd prize; etc. Try This Fun Game-"Win $1,000 rots 76! fun finding “T-Wo'rdk." You «112'th fix this new Pfictnm Paulo. Let's all Phil!!!“ ”a. wbmflMNomttu-whatyourue or ml”. try your hand at thin one It in Mon-Tl. “Ilka 15$ mall-no tried before. It 16 really not Wot “ 111,191' -. m _h_._ve been undo partway plall_|_. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"- an». u. . annual-Ian. mmwu. unt.. and Mrs. (worse Macintosh. Monkhndu. Ont. each won $200. And. now. hero’ I your opportunity. SUBSCRIP TION RA 155-. 9.4 mm: m AD VANCE .38. ANGUS CAMPBELL “'08 $1,000. nu. Mun-ed by ms..- 5.," 1:11;: won $500, and Mn. Emma Moore. Chunky. Ont" also won 5500. Mrs. R. S. Morphy. “'ulkerville. Ont. and Mr. ‘Clarom‘e L. Merrick. 1mm“. Ont" each won $300, whlle gm. W. _C. fihm._ Git-33‘ Allen, Ont" “‘0 have alrrady paid thousands of dollars in prizes. In recent l’uule Games, Mrs. Ammo Campbell. I’m-mt. Ont, won 81,000: Miss Lury Firmt'xmr Ga“. Ont" Won $1.000; lit-v. TNH. Isler. Mlliamsburg. 0nt.. won $1,000: Mrs. Thomas l’attlmorv. .“.2.vns. Hun. was another winner 0! $1.000 :md Mm. Joe Doyle. Marmoru. 01“.. also wun $1.000. . G. M. Glynifihul. _“o-Iland_. _.0nt. A- An re Paulo. 00-an by or more are not eligible, I. O. D. B. IOMHLY [RETIRE THE I. c’). D. E. WILL HOLD THEIR monthly meeting in the A. Y._ P. A. rooms on Tuesday, October 6. at 8 p. m. All members are expected to be present as important business is to be transacted. Mrs. William J. Firth and family desire to extend thanks to the mem- bers of the I. O. O. F., the I. 0. F., neighbors, {niends and others for sympathy, flower otl'erings and kind- nesses extended in the recent illness and death of husband and father. can 0? THANKS 1935. and Mail tnd ' Ont" 11:13 ofler uppllm to RURAL ROWE pat- rons as well u ulna-Illa: living in clues and uâ€"vâ€"U‘y u-‘ when you want the pnper promptly on that date. 0r. It sent In 1" an .000‘ {u' llERlC'fi llO‘V: If your Ins! Picture Puzzle wins Flat Prue ONE yearly. pulmrrlpglqu to The ‘1.- (XI: ‘nâ€". _ __ A.-. An. _ ,_7 _, â€"-â€"â€"â€"---y"vul I0 IIII' .‘I.ll and I‘d" $5.00 by muzl or $3.00 dellven-d by carrier ho) In Ion. you will receive $500.00, instead 0! $80. prlte $250.00; third prise 8250.00. and no tort! second wiumn of “mm In price not.) n..- u. a may. uuucrlptlon to wln a 911:». If your lint of “'1‘" “'Ol’dl ll awn-dad F‘lrut Priu- by the judxvs you will wln 830; but if you would like In get nmh‘ than 880. We are mnklng the following special 0‘3"" whereby you can win blrger cuh prim by send‘n: ONE or TWO yearly mbncrlptlonu to The Mm”: and Emplre. Y0uCanWin$l 000 The "1‘” Word Picture Puzzle Gune is a < to Incl-cue the populnrlty of The law and It costs nothing to takes part and you do no! send in a static subocriptton to win 3 Mn. In I110 (‘Vflnt of 1| (he fun amount of full amount of such prlzé {ulVIJIQ-‘flifih‘l' to ('avh avd rarflvipant. 2nd Prize 3112 Prlo 4th Prize 51h Prim- mh Prize 7!!) Prlu‘ 8th Prize 9th Fri '9 huh Prim I 1th to 2H,] 5517.08. in?! 215‘! to 50” Pfifl's‘. Incl. ‘Wlnnmtz Answers will moon‘s the fifty '05.) prizes awarding to the (41va bvlnwz I st. 50 um. ND ‘ Prize If No PRIZES Subscrip- flung fire Sent. u...“ â€" â€"-. and or men! subscription.) on will I‘m-hr I“ o! 380; Wild rile ; thin! prize Io forth. (See an column of “cum I" "a; but If you would like tn get mm-v are mtklng the following special nft‘o-r can win bimer cub prim by gendzmz ’ yearly wblcrlpuom to The Man aw! - - vs III 0'13““) ’"l' futuEe an. 3ng mtg on tho 0rd" 'h‘ n--‘- â€"L-â€"4 830.00 25.00 2.3.00 20.00 I 5.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 of a major {my prize often-d “Did you marm him! worse?’ “\Vell, more 01' I055.” Iighton. - In Durham H Septtembetj 28 in Mr. ”a, Charles Mightou uf mum“ musâ€"4n [)Ul‘ham. Sql'dpnlhu . 0‘ m MP. and MP8. JOSo'ph ‘2”! H‘ daughter. " ”- a Broomâ€"In Fergus. SUlbtq' 1925, 00 Mr. and Mrs. W, ¢ (nee Bea MCGO“'HH‘. a 501' i)’ of The In] and Empire part md you do not have to $500.00 to"). 0“ 200.00 1 50.00 100.00 75.00 “on u. Sent. 20.00 10.00 50.00 30.00 and ion? fiawé refit h- Xail and limpin- at Gme to a. campaign lore or Le§s Ind “ will nun I! CANADA 81.000.00 500.00 500.00 300.00 200.00 1.50.00 100.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 fillboc'rlp- “T" “but l'riu- ll “on. 0.00 15.00 SO I] “mpital ind "m m Ur I Ill" 7 BUCCPSSful um- HI :1 1 filmy takom 1n. Ho'su moon 1013“?” “3 ind ladivs \Vlm \x‘vru We lpent a pleasant um “mi Gun"; l|)"l‘l];l:'h?¢ :2 1::f x! 9‘53}! the A v. P _\. w. Either to oall m Hu . 1. Idem; Of Durham and m work “H' Inch": beep doing sinm :!~ I A Th0 frIIv‘ ~t Cross Mnmw :uL i‘ on Saturday H citizens haxm. Other donatim,‘ haVP, thpn] I Min" f0P1h0m.lhI~} the citizons \\ I! fOI‘mm‘ly and III~ in??? quantity . my tima in Hm lourux. FRUIT SHOWER SATURDAY.OCTO York wa~ "irtm'm {“0"} tn hospital l (‘llldvd fl Smwmi "In In?! "mm I. mf'l‘h' I Our Canml Yalllml «Hwy 38 rocomlx‘ :1 ‘1“ Jlnette Ker: JIM“ Kerr of Number to Go tropolis. 1,111.“ V9: fl 1!: CANADIAN NURSES LEFT FOR NEW NO. I". (Hum-lg first. ”01' add!" Futurv." Mar: 3 Glmwlg and I Mr. .L B \'.-l judge. 04"«(ulm- oxnlai-nimz Hu- and. with sampl play. nxnlninml considm'mi lwu. rofm‘rml partn- and nulls. ll!" prosnm and pm a mngrhltnlatm,‘ l’ossilalx ”In 1 least frum Hu- growmups. \VilS oompolilinn :I sclumls Mn Hu- wm‘v ninv mm tion. all tank [1 beautiful and n and calistlu-nn-s The. schools my I. 2. 3. 5. 9. :11 and Svpzn'atv S of Glnm'lg T'HV! Miss M. Park. first honors. s McGarry, camv McKm‘lmiv. um McCuaig. fmn'fh Tho prlzv IN \Vhilo ”w \w prims insiclv H. pmgrvss. numvr. were run nn' ”H? big Prmul's mt. event, had low-n phail's [H‘ilc- «.1 for ”I0 1105! :hMr (kwomme-nl ..r 1: Dorothy Rabin». May Mt‘l‘lm'hm-n Glolwlg and liar.- whiln Thumm Glenvlg and IM ill the munvv. \\ :1 to be rm‘knnc-d In Hm lmldlr ~' “'hk‘ll 03"“ (“con or her cm'n sum contnstams m H in Hm cirls'. .\ The exhibit building \VC‘I‘U and in qunut the smallvr s.- this soclmn room. mm“. factured \mG sumo vmrk \\ might ('flpllll'. nutico l'rum C"Ull‘_\' 01' In“ That IIIP SIIIINII IIIiI' suv Is midvnu-II In IIII- lute I‘I‘SI Iakc'n in IIIIso |l {III‘S I.“ IIUIII IIII‘ SI IIINII I the V'aIIUUh III\\II.~|III Is rents. 'I'III- 'I'II\\'II.~'III air held at IIIIIIIII-‘s I school (Ill MIIIIIIII‘ IIIII-IIII week “Its IIu «mm mm... I “I? WIIHII' IIIII'IIIIIIIII IlIo their [IaI‘uIIIs aIIII I‘I'II-IIII time (If IIII'II' In. 5 Speaking In IIII' I IIIHIII mlIndS 'I‘ S, ‘1I10;Ic‘.: III “In” RGDII‘SI‘III; III\I I.” I expressml IIIIIIM'II' II~ IIII-I'I lighted \K‘iIII IIII' Iw-~;T'~ and Blah‘d IIIIII II \\ I~ II that the. FdIfl' IIIH I‘m" v.2 he had yI'I. aIIvnIIo-II TH - cinlly wIII-II IIII‘ mm...» sections IO III':I\\ 17' 'm xx: cred. School Fair Held at Bitch Ionday Afternoon Dw try List and Large Gaul noued Sports and Othe: EDGE HILL FAIR AMONG BJ VOL. 58.â€"N0. 301 HELD BAKING SALE n8 Sill?“ I" luv" of the («own :m. are sure. riw tn H 0' baking IN \l The at. “Mt Mmulzn' HIS l0 cxcvl ark-mu Is and over ”us H ll ll ”I Ill .\| ulna-w I svhool 1 fish ips l‘ownsh

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