West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Oct 1925, p. 9

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IcArthur. - Spring colt. 1‘ LI .2 eat filly or ggldimâ€"R. Finder, 1. cArthur, R. Pmdel‘. Pair driversâ€"41. Robertson. h Singk‘goadsterâ€"Rev. W. J0 n- ‘ ‘Inndnnnnn PAGI O. Eurig. R. Xitkon. (lowâ€"Hazel Ross. J. Eurig, R. Ait- 2 'war heiferâ€"E. McRobb. G Hvifm' calf umlm' six monthsâ€"E. Icflobb. 1 your hf‘ifPPâ€"R. Aitko‘m. u __ .- n nn-nnt.k D Ailknn Brood mareâ€"J. Eurig, 1. Robb, I ’0'"! "run; ... .------_. Heifer calf-19. McRobb. R. Aitken. Best animalâ€"W Aldcorn. . Hereford Bull. 2 yearsâ€"4V. Gill'is. Bull. l yearâ€"W. A. Lawrence, J. Bowling. Bull calf. under one yearâ€"A. Hunter. J. bowling. Bull calf. under six monthsâ€"W. A. Lawrence. R. Simm. J. Dowling. (law-4V. Gifllis. J. Dowling, W. A. Lawrence. I year heiferâ€"W. Gillis, J. Dow- ling. W. A. Lawrence. 2 year heiferâ€"W. A. Lawrence, W. Gillis, A. Hunter. Heifer calfâ€"«NV. A. Lawrence, H. Lament. . Heifer calf. under SIX monthsâ€"W. A. Lawrence. J. Dowling. Best. animalâ€"W. Gillis. U'l'e.‘ lvw“"'* on. E. Moore, A. Henderson. Best animalâ€"+1. Eurig. coach or carnage Carriage horseâ€"M. Ellis, E. Mc- nbb. .\'. Calder. Lady driverâ€"JR. McRobb. E. Moore, . Ra». Best, animalâ€"E. McRobb. Robot-t Harvey. Guelph (JudgeJ PURE DEED CATTLE Shonhorns Run- two mum'sâ€"«“1 Aldcorn. G. Bull. two Pulled Angus Cow.-J. Rnkwrts. Mrs. Wright. J. Robe-ms. 2 yrnr stowâ€"R. Aitken. 1. 2 and 3.‘ 1 war sturr-Brown Bros., Hazel Ross: Brmtn Bros. DOWâ€"4‘. Irvin, F. Ross. A. Aitken. Yearling hi‘jff‘l'fl]. Lewis, Brown Bros" R. Aitkrn. Heifer calfâ€"W. Aldcm'n. R. Ait- ken. '3 {mil 3. Sth' calfâ€"M". Aldconn. J. Fair- hairn. H. anan. . . Dairy rowâ€"«A. Irvm, W. Aitken. Fat steer or heifrrâ€"R. Aitken. i and 2. Dairy cowâ€"A. Irvin. Sweepstakes Best baby beef Specialâ€"R. Aitken. H. l‘nwun. R. Ailken. Herd registered cattleâ€"W. Gillis. Special for Boys and Girls Best calfâ€"E. McBobb, H. Lamont. E. )lcRubh. J. Eurig. Judging in Beef Cattle Alex. Simm. Maxwell, Tyndall. Harry .‘lrl’hm'. Charles Woods. .\. Hales, Guelph. (Jndgefl SHEEP . Registered Leicester Axed ramâ€"R. Pisnder, W. Aldcnrn. (Continued from page 7) Fifi lambâ€"“J. Stevenson. Agwl eweâ€"W. A. Lawrence, J. Stmvnsun. \\'. .\. Lawrence. Shvm'ling mwâ€"J. Stevenson. l and '3. Ewe lambâ€"AV. AldcnrnsJ. Steven- son. 2 and 3. Pomâ€"J. Stmvnsnn. Leicester Grade Shf‘fll‘ling NHLâ€"A. Aitken. J. Stev- 8111mm. \V. Aldrorn. Lamb. wvt.hM‘â€"â€"-\V. AtldCOI‘n. Agent ownâ€"«A. Aitken, J. Eurig, \V. Alclvm'n. 'â€" .~ . "'ii'vé.l"iambâ€"A. Aitken, J. Steven- son. 2 and 3. P9P:\. .‘itken. Registered Oxfords Am‘cl ramâ€"J. Fairbairn. T. Ding- wall. W. Watson. _ Slwarling ramâ€"C. Shank. H. Cuwan. W. Fail‘hail‘n. --- “ ‘A “I‘Vllll I III Ram lambâ€"H. L'amcmt. W‘. Fair- bail”. H. l.amont._ -n- " u v‘ "vâ€"â€"â€" Ag ml munâ€"H. Lamont. W. Fair- baim. H. Lamont. Shaarling owvâ€"P. Hopkins. H. La- munt. 2 and .3. - A I‘. I'va _laml>â€"â€"H. LamonL l and ‘2, \V. Fairhmrn. Pvnfl-H. Lamont. Oxiord Downs, Grade Wothm' lambâ€"J. F airbairn. F. Hawkins. 2 am} 3: I A 1‘, Ag‘ml ownâ€"A. Aitkml. l and 2. \V. F:! irlm irn. Slwarling MVPâ€"4H. Gowan. l and 2. I". Eakett. Kw» lambâ€"H. Cowan. R. Dodds, W. Watson. Pomâ€"F. Eakelt. Shropshire Grade \Vvthm' lambâ€"J. Shand. i and 2, W. Fairbairn. Agvd eweâ€"J. Shand, i and 2, J. Dowling. Shearling eweâ€"J. Shand, i and 2, J. bowling. Ewe lambâ€"J. Shand, i, 2 and 3. Fat lambâ€"J. Dowling, H. (Iowan. J, bowling. Finder. Spring geeseâ€"J. I Jul-V. 0 Spring geeseâ€"J. Gilstorf, J. Rob- a'tson. J. Fairbaim. Turkeysâ€"J. Gilstorf, J. Robertson. Ducksâ€"J. Robertson, J. Gilstorf, Spriné ducksâ€"R. Christie, a. Pin- der, J. Miller. Geeseâ€"J. Gilstorf, M. Bowling. R. GRADE CATTLE Registered Shropshire Luffi'ingsmne, (Judge) Minna, E. field. 2 and 3. Brown Leghomâ€"A. Aitkon. Brown Leghorn chickensâ€"A. Ah.- ken. Dorkingsâ€"J. Robertson. Dorking chickensâ€"J. Robertson. White Wyandottesâ€"J. Roberts, J. Mather. White W‘yandotte chickens-1W. Nelson. J. Mather. ' Minorca chicke sâ€"J. Robertson. Single comb mowed. Anconaâ€"J. Advertise in The Chronicle. It. pays. ROBABLY no part of the business of farming is less under- stood and less appreciated than the value of the home market to the average Canadian farmer of to-day. First and foremost, given a Government that is sympathetic with you, the home market is one that you can absolutely con- trol, at all times, at least against the foreign farmer who would invade it. On the other hand, the foreign market is one that you may be legislated out of at any moment by the vote of a foreign government that has decided that it wants to give its From the figures below we prove absolutely that the home market absorbs at the very least 63 V170 of the produceâ€"not of the Ontario farmerâ€"but of the average Canadian farmer, the argument has been used over and over again that the prices obtainable in the export market always govern the prices obtainable in the domestic market. A AL__A.- AAA vv.u..-“--v ____ - Statements of that kind constitute one of the meanest forms of dishonesty. It is proba 1y tr‘ e that, in the absence of an effective wheat pool, the Liverpool pri ce pretty nearly fixes the domestic price of wheat. But the Liverpool price of hay, or of potatoes, is almost negligible in its effect upon the local prices obtainable potatoes substantially protect the pro- ducer against surpluses only a hundred ducer against surpluses omy a [1me cu miles away! ' Hay and Potatoes for Instahcc. Agricultural and Vegetaote x roam-er... bakery products and prepared foods. vegetable mu. including fresh dried and preserved fruits, grains, flour and milled products, maple sugar and miscellaneous, but excluding rubber, sugar (other than maple), tobacco, fresh and prepared vegetables, maple syrup, ‘1 be of Canadian agricultural origin; also excluding co'nolic verages whose export value is - . . . $394,407,248 molasses and confectionery as products not out of all relation to the value of the agricultural products used in their production. . Animals and Animal Products. ‘ 'e1 and skins, leather, fresh meats, including live animals, 1.;- honey‘and_miscellaneous, but excluding fish oils, seal and u flu. CG ’ .‘ 9.31.;qu V‘l-vv â€" v--- incl Jcing all wed and xx oolcns, also fla factu as of mind textiles, and certain Grand total TOTAL to I.“ In Our m rum :0 an. Ahead of Runny Morris and his older bmther, ear- , lier in the afternoon, had the wagon [and temp gatihgrix‘lgoqlllps m a near- â€"--‘-----nA tn tying the wagon. the .younger Oboy went into the house for a halo lunch before rqtprnjng t_o the field 1L-. 1...: tal exports, all kinds of farm produce - - - - - - - . . ,Wi ° f ear 1923 is given as $1,342 132,000. Deduct- Now the gross agncultur: 15:33: :fog4ggr032522r 12:5: a balance of $853,037,876,“ represent what ing the grand total export?!) the home market. In other words, the export market took only 36%% y sumed in Canada! A ,!__ _ A _..â€".. --_ -_--- --- AA- IUIILIII uuovsv -vv..-_- again. During his absence, the bri- d e of one of the horses was noticed by the older boy, who was holding the team, to be working loose. He called to his brother to hurry and adjust the harness, but before his brother got to him, the bridle had come completely off and had fright- ened the horse into a._ gallop. ___L :‘ A “"fifarfi‘; {-3316 {fié'gitejiéfid While in the act. of closmg it. the team 'ri'ruu mum K, jute and hemp products, kinds of wearing apparel, ‘ edge-t3 diff? ---vâ€" Igame reasons that- they do wheat, Ontario farmers would have to, pay shippers a premium to take their hay away! ‘ What’ 8 Sauce {qr tile 6908: is Sauce “$13 891“; .vvw uâ€" â€"â€" "t was med'cal and heme Wed. - deciiled 0 have the lmured hby re . Hog... moved at once to the Femisnauon pitaL . “it“??? EMIIEX he had 8ng -'vâ€"â€" for the Gander. Belittlers of the home market assert that a tariff on farm products is of no benefit to our farmers. 13 the United States tarifl' on farm products of no benefit to United States farmers? Is it no detriment to Canadian farmers? If a foreign tariff“ is ; detrirnent to Canadian farmers, why should morning. 'gaa' {whale oils, The last Thursday in Downer n a halfâ€"holiday all over Chanda. 'An Ottawa despawh states: noon of Thursday, Ucwber 29 ($361?- _ . _ a __ Canada 0:» enable all voters to cast. their votes in the Dominion Elec- tion. An Order-in-Council proclaim- ing the half-holiday was signed by the Governor-General on Saturday __....An- She; ZYes, and for t the cheek of~the man W he app ho said but excluding binder twine, manufacturers of cotton and ilk: “‘1' as product: not of Canadian agricultural origin. - . Sarcastic d canned mutt, milk and its products. oih. fats. (mm. eat, and fur: other than black and diver fox ckim, as products not of wheat crap: Eat the wheat crop, Imporwu. m... m. .... .. ..., , .. our total agricultural den are strikingly . . Adding enough disgmse to A dual role not a Canadian tariff be a detriment to foreign farmers and consequently a benefit to our own? It increases the prosperity of the town, 8W” work to the unemployed, adds to the population. 3°“ the empty houses rented and starts the build- ing of new ones. The town immediately has more money to spend on the butter and eggs. the vegetables, Wt. milk and grain your farm What a N_ew Inflqctry, in Ioup' Market The foreisn market is admittedly an important Met. butane: all what does it consist of ? 1511" u made up entirely of town and city dwcncrsâ€" Wflze-eamersâ€"who cannot obtain from their own farmers as much food as they require so they must buy from You? Is the city dweller an asset to the 9811‘th farmer only m be hgppcns to dwell tn a foreign city? If we persuaded him, by the ofierofabetterjob thanhe nowhas, to Come and live in Canada, wouldhenetbea bigger asset” outfarmerthan heisatpresent? over the world! hn‘t the pun of those W” wbmupthehomemnvastly bat“ A higher tariff“! (in more workers 800‘ job. in this country Canadian work!!!" .ith cod . In tho C. 1050 m do. but aggr'“ Town, Mean; to You! L M “1"“? t00k place ‘ it! Highway north of a (he inanectiun of the high. m I!“ the Fourth an, Mom“. film may night. ' n‘oflh by! Mr. gaw'rfinn, u' ”Wm gm mm ugmna. um \\: ‘ m on tfhe coupe. whn-h ‘13:}: (“m on its nose mm H... ditph m h“ some Scratl‘h‘l's und Hum; mews. who was mm I'm]. Hut u. out in the head that. 1-«-qum-.1 M”, stitches (9 close m». 'l‘lu- "Ul‘iint w Ind It! reap W‘qjllnmsm (mm~ 'pletely put out of. hump-7.. and ”I“ coupe hid the windshlmd HIM l9“ 8‘“ ”8th as \VQ'” in 1}.“ “”8“”! thl and OpH‘I‘ Iiilh‘V__'.-..L 'Slh‘l. burne Ecommlst. Use egg shells tn. “as“! mm“; or vines” cruets. (mush me tine, put into the cruMs \Hih “mm soapy water and Slmkv \\.-!1_ Tim will clean the finest. gin“ Without watching it. .LA “x Wt... _ w? H. ‘ . Mt. ‘ .._. $289,094,124 91,939,305 2,747,573 0M0: 8. ma. FARM FOR SALE Lot 66. Con. ‘2. \\ H l- 3" 2% miles southwos? t ’ 1' ' ' mining 86 acres. Mm ‘\ in mod state of cultxxa * bun with shed ndinml: '-' H “in”. 7-momed hY‘h k h” extension kitchen and \\ Well watered and in .rno' For further particulars Wlliiun Smith. R. R. No. 3. NORTH PART LH'I‘S '7 _\\'1; 22. ligrwmunt. mmtmrnm; «M .1 Icros vlvarvd, inflmwm yr hush: m gum! stat» «~.’ rm} frame ham 45x50. smnv ha cnncrcte stahlns; (1mm, \\ cement tank at barn. Aim M131 7. Con. «i. S.D.R.. (Homo tuning HO acrvs; 1m am'vs Ind in good siate of oulm'm the premises are a hrxck hm mining sewn rooms. wit frame wnodshed attached; well it door: npwr faihm: sp his farm. makim: a (‘hnit‘ m. This property \VlLI “I‘ll to quick mn‘ohawr. I “sultr- upply at \\'::t~~n'- 38. i. Durham. 0m. 1 (lining Mn :mw cultivatiun. mm. conveniom tn w: hes an a trunn- stone fmmdats '.':. also hax nan: m \f ment; hug: m: 3 brick hnnw, to!" frame wnmishmé; to hnusv. \Vlth \' water tank“: IN! m 10 acres in svnu-t is we“ fenced and cultivation. For to Watson's Dan'y Ontario. Llconw‘oi Grey. Mum sonablv rvH lntvod. 1m: Chroniciu son. Vnmm Modm'a ’ .. sales. a~ r .t Th0 Ht; Terms HI. :1 I. Durham. ALEX. MaCDONAI Licensed Auctloneel 101' C‘ Licenwd M: Grey. Satr~sm mnablv vvt'm» It The Ch!‘ " 1* self. her of (hp m'm \ Tuesday 01 Mu‘h may be mam; v. ofl'lce. HIDDLEBRO'. SPERI MIDDLIZBRO‘ Burristers, Sonata! Succeswrs Wt“ .\. 12. Hr. C. C. 31.. .~ : located {it I"; 1 {MI ’2.. ~ Branch ulna \ ' ‘30 to 9.3“ g .u. 122-124 A \‘01 Phone Hxllcz r 3" VHS Muzu' Block Mm»- Of MICBcthF 1' ufinur Carmina: ”to, Graduzu. 8941399115 u." n BATES BUREAL c. (I. AND BESSIE M mmpractors. Du:}.: he SCIPHCE “1:1? H .34 yegrs tn Iztov DR. A.I Mice On I aha}. Dr. Huttons «'1‘» z “5 a {h i' FARMS FOR Olice Ind lv4~ J Mass andlamz. w y“; mold Pact ”1‘... " "plum. 1.3M ‘.5 (Sundays ch'ogfwf ' B.Pl‘!$l"l'~ New Modern F ilfw. c. mums; Ofl’lce, mm .1 A . m “111ngme .. J. Edam”, D I; s‘ “M W. Bates Dhrhnm Tum 1:: $368 and PPSlle“(-( ”“5! Of “In ”3 ””0 Street, Lump .. Ofl'lce hum.~ : 4 In. (except Sunday LL. SUITE, M. B Ll(t’” 5(11 Advertisenwxns w WITH URI) “four. Telephm many night 0: ”cents. 0n 0,! 1 .'I will be madv my: REUBEN C. WATS FUNERAL SERVIC Lew! ‘Dtrua Dental [)m': Media! 1):. .. JAIIESON LUCAS 8: HEN DAN. MCLEAN Classi \V t (If/ti

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