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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Oct 1925, p. 10

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mduy night. m firm-n. of flow Im‘nu wutl} nnvmg . “0' “in. JUSt pm ‘ ~ \\'_ Hull Hf Shelbm-ne, M .-;m~.;m the rep m u {tint "-m'lng var being he“ .\\. \la'. P:nt,tvxjson, a “the f ' um Huxvnla. 0119 w :3.» «'uIIlW.‘ Which m w. Hush mu) the din-I- d idea of the im- is that they have t! It is true that ent of our entire nd all as it is, re- ual agricultural ccount what he- rive at a true ea- verage Canadian 1,939,305 747,573 ’,094,124 5-: a detriment t0 r quently a benefit beVCd that i Ir’zjre .worhcrl 0“ I :naJlan wor . est custom." I“ a! t 5 («‘9' ha“. IVE from the Canada :ued by the GOV- searching invati- l at all, we have mportance of the .RS Dlllfln ll Am {.3 Wm.- scratches :Ed‘“ .; u‘zw» was with mm 'IAI“I. .h“. “m‘:“_. an. 407,246 ADA in your Mark! to You! ,'.: ~hHH§ [0 wash W W -‘-:.~t_<. Crush than u, . ’ho' t‘l'llP'S With '11.. and shake well. I». m rhw finest glass Without .nsumed by tm SLIM} an MW - ': gonsist of? I!!!" a! City dwellers- $1 from their Own a pare so they In“ F acts? , ~. .. and then sell , reducers from N ' w the pepuhm 1:1". QIRFtS the build- " unmediately hi. bgtter and eggs, 93‘ ".tin your m it H I‘o'ar m,“ . â€"' m I, Hi” "gibllSlnegmm q..- Windshield and g “"0! u“ “'0‘” as w e hinted .1 “nu-r cIamagfiâ€"Shu. ;:~I|1I~'. 7-: an asset totho 5 mpcns to dwell .' has, to come - 1 bigger 8886'” c Inst! up. ‘xlrkct would 03’ ho‘ad that I" v-‘_ mnmz HExh'flcxmiVn cum '._ M. Grant. R.R.3.Durhnm. 108M NORTH PART LOTS 7 AND 8, CON. 22. Egremont. containing 66 acres; 55 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush: in good state of cultivation; frame barn 44x50. stone basement. concrete stables; drilled well and cement tank at barn. Also Lots 6 and 7, Con. 4. S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- taining “0 acres; 100 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick house con- l'nning- seven rooms, with good “time woodshed attached; drilled mm}. at door; never failing springs on h‘x‘ farm. making a c oice stock “mm. This property will be sold 3' .J t to quick purchaser. For par- '».."‘i:u'< apply at Watson's Dairv. R FL 71. Durham. Ont. 102523}! Wall watered and For fn thor part Wlliiam Smithp R. FARM FOR 3m 1.» . WG...-R Bentinck, 2‘1; 1111.. < ~1 11?!1\\Pst of Durham. con' tzmu: : ~11 Mostly clear and r111! #11 1 as cultivation. Bank SP1: “11h shad adioining and stone - ~‘. 1- "1111111011 brick hOUSe With 1113:1111 k1tchen and W00d3h9d° lM'l‘ 7. CON. 2!. EGREMONT, CON- »: mm: 100 acres; 85 acres under vn'm-alion. balance hardwood bush; runx‘enient to school; on the prem- ws are a frame barn 42x65 ft. with stone foundation; concrete stables; aim hav 'narn 30x50 with stone base- ment; hug pen 20x40; twelve-room brick house. furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close .‘o house. with windmill; concretm water tanks: 30 acres seeded to hay; 10 acres to sweet clover; this ‘farm is well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. For information apply tfin Watson's Dairy, RJI. , Durham: ---â€"AA‘ Ontario. ALEX. MacDONALD anensed Auctioneer for Go. of Grey. \lminram terms. Arrangements for ~:1L«*~'. as tn dates. etc., may be made '1.’ Th“ (ilhronicle Office, Durham. ll-“me un application. Address R.R. !_ lnn'ham. Phone 611 r 24. DAN. chBAN Licensed Auctioneer for County of viz'w)‘. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- umaiilw terms. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle Office or with him- H LUCAS BERRY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- r»-:- of the firm will be in Durham on l’m_~.<day of each week. Appomtments “11:" _\' be made with the Clerk in the ”HIL'C. FUNERAL SERVICE New Madern Funeral Parlors Phone Hillcrest 0268 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto John w. Bates ll. Haddocks l-nrmerly 0! Flesherton l.m_»nsw_i Auctioneer for County of ' \. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- u. .Mo- m-ms and satisfaction guar- w-ml. lbaws made at The Durham .z-umclo office or with R. C. \Vat- '~ Van'ne)‘. HR. 1, Phone 604 1‘“. Barristers, Solicitors, ho. Successors to A. B. Currey. M 1'. C. C. Middlebro’ is permanently im-utml at Durham Office. Priceville Brunch open every Friday from . 1‘ fin .. â€"_ 3.30 to 9.31) p. m. onp‘y, Graduate Royal 0011886 Dental surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in 3}! its branches. Office Calder 5mg. MillStreet, second door east of .\l ac Ban} f Drug Store. BATES BURIAL CO. FARMS FOR SALE ___.â€".-. nn. w. c. Muffins, nzi‘rxs'r‘ .m‘u-e, over J, a: J. Hunter’s store, Durham. Ontario. c. G. AND 3238!! IoGILLIVRAY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. Tho} SCit‘nce that adds life to years and yPaI‘S to life. Consultation free. in Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satan-clays. 61‘23“ unfit» 0n Lambtoh gitâ€"83'. (the late Dr, H utton’s Office). Office hours, 2 w :, p.m.. 7 to 9 pm., except Sun- da}? ' ,11 Au}! Post Office. Office hollrs . 1.11am. isotoipumfltoD .m: 9;; 11 tms excepted). p gym. except swag), mnnu’mno', snanu a . mnnnmo' L icensed {fluctioneer RB UBBN C. WATSON FOR SALE Thursday, Dental Directory. and in good P893"- ;wartifulars apply to DR. A. I. 10 25.23 tf Father: ‘That’s a’ richt then. Only I feared there was a catch in it." tickets." Fathm‘: "Y0 were seen at. the pic- :ures the nicht wi’ that lassie Mc- mam!" MILK 120 QUART THERE IS A VACANCY ATâ€" THE Durham Red Cross Memorial Hospi- tal for Probationers, and applica- tions will he accepted by the ma- tron. Miss Fettes. This is an affil- iated school. and graduating nurses are entitled to wear the title, “R.N.” after their name. Apply at once. ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to gave three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 601 r 13 Durham, R.R. 1. FOR SALE OR RENT BLACKSN’II'I‘H SHOP IN THE VIL- lago' Hf Halstvin. Apply R. J. Gadd. Hnlstuin. Phnno BTW. 9 24 fwd FOR RENT FIVE ROOM FLAT. B.â€"\'I‘HRUI'.).\l.-~« Apply (“lel‘uniclv ”“100. 10 l 2 TILE ALWAYS ON HAND Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 24 in. ORIENT BRICK FOR SALE Agents for nephew cram Sopuraurs PUMPS PUMP REPAIRING Promptly Attended to and all work Guaranted. ‘ NOTICE THE ANNI'AL. GENERAL MEE’I‘INt'} of tho shareholdm's of The Durham Furnitm'v' (lommny Limited will be twld in the company's nt'fico. on Mon- day. October 19. at 8 o’clock p.m. for thv mnsiclm-ntinn of the Annual Rvpm't.. Elocticm of l_)iI‘octnPs and any “HIPI' business that may arise. â€"â€"H. H. Koch, Secretary. Schutz’s Pump Tile Co. WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is. well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. (.1 WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. PeOple’s Mills 315 lommnncing October 15. milk will I : n I - -- The Durham p.30: Livestbck As- ,..:-LI__â€" BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL A'l‘ Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. 1 10 tr FIFTY u-auyuvv W , U110. (Greenock Town'sâ€"HE), Bruce Count y 9 24 3 a OAK DINING- OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL PROBATIONBRS WANTED NOTICE TO FARMERS mumâ€"GOOD TWO-STOREY e dwelling, well located on Mon street. Hard and soft wa- mth, furnace, electric lights, Apply W. J. Young, Durham, 515 tf n Hpgp QF YOUNG CA'I'I‘LE AFTER OCTOBER 15 MRS. J. 924 3 Mr. and Mrs. Aylmnr. was. day, Septembe w", rultal- sun. 01 MP. and Mrs. Her- man Buehlow. \Valkertnn, to Miss Emma Sangster, thlrd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Sangster. Aylmn-r. was solemnized on Satur- day,. September 26. at Stratford. M 188 Annie Krueger broke a bone in hgp ankle “’hile DIRVinD Conn.- ‘Jllbkjl ‘7 - \,'wu‘ mg ulP ramus rods of his ear and damaging the dummy to some ex- tent. Mrs. Gray, wife of W'. S. Gray. passed away on Thursday. ber- 24. after a month’s illness De- ceased was a daughter of one of Chesley’s pioneer settlers, the late Peter: McLaggan. v â€"â€"v-v Elrlerslie’s oldest. resident passed away on Tuesday, September 29. in the person of Mr. John McKinless in his 93rd year. A traveller motoring through (Jhesley early one morning recent- ly hit the silent policeman. brea'- damaging the dummy to so tent. -V- --. muu nuwumllp. _» The death . occurred in Mount, Formt on Friday, September 25, of Mr. James Ryan; in his Qtst year. u uauguwr, Janet Gracv. and Mr. Cocil Stanley Arthm's. son of Mrs. J. C. Arthur‘s. of Drew. In Hm Sacred Heart. church. Kon- nilwurth. on Tuesday. Swtomber 29, Hui- marriage took place of Miss Adela. «laughter of Mr. and Mrs. "lmmas Brvnnan, to Mr. ...-\. . at gun the mauiago took place} at of Mr. and Mrs \lox. Bm of (hoir daughter Ianet (, 311'. L00“ Stdnlvv Al'lhnn ' 'â€" v- V”. In mmpetition with the best. ath- letes in the Georgian Bay and Mid~ land districts. Mount. Forest. track team won second place, live out of six wmtestants qualifying to attend the Provincial meet in Toronto on September 30. The death occurred in Egremont Township on September 25, of Jen- nie Mason. beloved wife. of Hugh MeEaehei'n. in her 48th year. The. marriage took place in Tor~ onto on September 16. of Miss Gladys V2, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew \Valls. Toronto. to Mr. T. Clarence Boyle. only son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Boyle, Mount Forest. (in Wednesday. September 23. the. marriage took place at. tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Boyd. Salem. n" I'lnil‘ {IC‘IIIN-L‘-.. rruluy anm'nmm, attracted thc larg- est cum-w! that, has becn present. for sumo yars and was an unqualified success. The death occurred suddcnly on 'l'uvsduy cvwwing. Scptcmhm' 8. 0f Agnps Inn'idsnn. hclovml wife of J. J. Kaitting 0f chcrsham. Thv annmal Fall Fair. he Friday at‘tm'nnun, attracted th est. cum-w! that, has been prose sumo yars and was an unqx success. v w 55“]. 0(7- Un Tuesdéi September 29 Magis- trate (Ireasor of Owen Sound held court in the town hall and fined Nat Bennett $10 and costs for ob- structing County Constable George Rice in trying to arrest Albert Grommet on an O. 'l‘. A. charge. Morris Lea of Dundalk was fined $200 and costs and sentenced to one mtnrl‘thAin jail for a breach of the] n ' - V‘ .a-uL-l ~11. ‘ CDlllUlllzs of Bruce Hill nonighborhond met at the home of Mr. George Worsley. Sta, to say goodbye to Miss Ena’ Mit- chell who {S'eutering Fergus Hos- nionl 4... 1------ i ’lhe marriage took place in Dun- fdalk on Wednesday, September 23. of Miss MabelKa Konnger daugh- tel of Mr. and Mrs. ohert Kay, Os- prey, to Mr. Thomas I. Sammons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sam- mons, also of Osprey. \Y1lliam Allan, a highly-respected resulent of Melancthon Township, passed away near Riunview at the age ol 76 years. fine of Osprey s ea1ly pioneers, Mrs. Ualeh G ayton, died early Tues- day morning, September 29, in her 85th year. A quiet weddin took place at the home of Mr. and rs. J. K. Fischer, Non-ash, when their daughter, Me- linda, became the bride of Mr. Harry McIntosh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilllarles McIntosh, of Arthur Town- 3 1p. curred of Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Krpmp,_ from diphtheria. ._._ 7-..- ‘- c- VII-u UUVWWO The marriage took place in Han- over Lutheran church on Wednes- day, September, 30, of Gertrude Gar- ollne, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Adler, Hanover, and Rev. Theo- dore Rehkopf, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., rson of Mrs. Catherine Rehkopf and the late Henry Rehkopf of Neusiadt. The net proceeds of the bazaar heldon September 4 in aid of the hospital amounted to W633. The death occurred in Hanover Hosfiital on Sunday, tember 27, of rs. Marie Ha erme 1, wife or Mr. John Hafermehl of Neustadt. ThAe deceased was in her 52nd year. I‘:A‘ _____I..I_',_ The Normanby Fall Fair, held at Neustadt on Saturday, September 26, was favored with excellent, wea- ther: and was a great success. The Mount Forest W110 Chesley Dundalk Hanover '- ~10?th Bueh- Id last, ll our pu-Ltmuoug rrlglay evening. he congregation of St. Matthias’ church, Bnrkeloy. gathm'ml at the hnns- A, " __ .--- - .ertl .‘DV'M‘ Rmu A. W. and Miss Richardson loft how 011 'lunsdax September 29 Mr their 111'“ humc- at \\ voming. On the preceding Eiidax meaning. ‘1... 2...”: l uh DLGI IUII On Saturday afternoon, the mar- riago took plavo at St. Stophan‘s church of Miss Alice Violet Gra- ham. younmlst daughtnr of Mrs. Gra- ham and the late "('V. W“. A. (ira- ham. and Charles Stmvart ankie. ytmngvst son of Um lat». Mr. and Mas. John Lookie of Brussvls. Mrs. (hmrge Hartley received a bar! shakmg up on Friday of last “wok “13011 she Ml down the. steps at the\\-'at.or\\'0rks Pumping station. n“ 9-.-“; \V‘allit‘l'hlll High St'hcml students displayed great: form at the Annual Field Day held on Friday. Seldom- ber 25. ‘ The. marriage took place in the United church parsonage (m Somm- ber 26 of Miss Harriette Matilda Page and Mr. \Vesley Edmund Mc- Luhan, both of Mount Fnrest. -â€"No Sidelinb Nothing too old, small, large or hard for us to tackle 34 years experience 80 COLLECTIONâ€"NO CHARGE KELLY 8: AIKEN COLLECTORS ville and Owen Sound Owen angonad offices 169 9th St. E. Referenceâ€"Standard Bank of Canada At. a sl’wcial svssiml Of Hm Town Council on Friday, Smirtvmhvr 25. a tax rntn of 51 mills on Um dollar was struck fur thn ynar 1925. ‘Iv _. _ --- .u luv." Lâ€"lllJ-‘lllllllc MI'. J. '1‘. Park 01' Dundalk has been engagml as Imuler of the Walk- vrtun (litiznns' Band at. a yvarly sal- ary of $1,000. While holding a stick which her small hmthm‘ was sawin". 4-year- old Catharina Bannister. nearly lost the third linger un hm- right. hand when the saw junmwil out of the" groove. Although the tip of Hu- lingor was lvt’t. dangling: by a lit- tlv “UT“ of skin. the attending phy- sivianl i'vgilncml in it lll‘OlH'P-pflsltl0“. 11.. r 'I‘v n ' -- ~ ' Mr. Herb. Meyers had the first two fingers of his mght hand svwrml by a saw at. Truax’s Sash and Door fac- tory 0n Wedmmday aftermnon of last week. We Hand]: Colloqtions Only ‘1 . i _ __ v--- U... Uv-g ‘JIIIuL‘. gn town. were let off With a warn- mg when they agreed to pay for the fruit. ....... »\1u\-IILJJ U1 I(ll-(_'. Three small boys. who took two baskets of grapes from a car parked in town. were 1M. nfl‘ with 21 “mm, COLLECTIONS HOUSEHOLD mm To Clean Flower You: I have been asked several times as to what is the best method of cleaning flower vases. My recom- mendation is toâ€"put potato parings into the vase. Fill with water enough to cover stains. Let stand at least. overnight. Wipe out well with cloth in morning. For tall vasesâ€"wrap cloth pad on stick and use same to clean them with. â€"â€"o_._ To Freshen Velvet Brush well and remove dust. Have iron hot. Place damp cloth on hot iron. Draw wrong side of velvet over this. When velvet ceases to steam, remove immediately to pre- vent scorching. New Use for Flannel l'se funnel for separating eggs. Place, funnel over glass tumbler. The white runs down into glass, and the yellow remains in top of funnel and is easily tipped out. COOKING HINTS Good Chocolate Frosting squares of bitter chocolate. (Copyright, Markdale ,_ “ownuuuy llUlélllJUl'll'"_Nl and will sell very quickly. .Miyone wanting a farm of exceptional qual- ity should act immediately. Write. phone 01- better. call and see it for yourself. Stock. implements- and fugniture, if desired The wood supply is sui'iim-nt for twenty years, thirty am'vs in Wish (maple. and vim 2mm [ba.SillX‘¢'. Him humhwl and svwnty :u'rus undm' cultivation. 'l'hil‘ty zu'i'vs Willlt'l' wheat. Eighty acres clowr. The buildings mm as follows: 0110 good seven roamed house, two goon warns. onv forty by sixty-MW, «mu fifty-four hy sovmty-tu'o, with stabling under ba‘rn. This is an exceptionally good farm in a most dosirahln m.;n.|.|m..i...,_n Thu soil is 0:11 mblv M mmlucing uops that will cnmpau- faun'ahh with that of the hemiest mmlm I'm: soils in the pl'miucv. l'nsurl‘msséd sumJIy nf pure wzm-r from ’flowmg wells {our feet abm'v level. Farm in 'I‘ownsiiip of \‘vspra. County of Simcov. lot. 5, ronrvssion 14. comprising tmi hnndrmi news of liltiii. This farm is situated in UMP of the very best agricultural districts in the Province of {Jntario and is second to none in any rosin-cl. It is quite low! ynt has n splvnciici fall from front to rear and is vasily worked. wgewcr wnn appreciative ad- dresses. Rev. A. S. Mitchell of Saw Ham- burg, has been appointed roclm‘ of the Anglican churches here and at, Berkeley. -- usvul;\_:u, TeMSLPa rt cash unl‘ Ilul ‘lmlll and pizosentedmtilip"iggi'nm- with a club bag and the latter with :i scwri‘. together with appreciative ad- dresses. 192‘, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) their pastor and Method:- Beat egg whilvs stifl. Add 1 heaping tablosnoon sugar in each egg white. Add 1 toasmmn vanilla. Built in We”. Put [1101‘- ing'uo. «in pie or puddings. Placa dish on top rack 01' «won. Lnaw dour Opon. livery fow srcnnds turn 10 pounds of ripe concord grapes. 1 cup of water. 3 pounds of sugar. Method: Add water to grapes and heat until stones and pulp separate. Strain. Then add sugar and boat. to boiling point. Bo suro sugar is wvll dissolved. Seal while hot. This r0- cipe makes 1 gallon. tabelspoons of cream. tablespoons of cream. 1 egg yolk. Method: Melt chocolate in top of double boiler. Add sugar and cream. Stir well until glossy. Beat egg yolk thoroughly and add to mixture. Cook All together 1 minute. Take from stove and heat until it is eml enough to spread. This is a very creamy feasting. 24 cup of sugar. 4 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" "l Ill] Ill most desilable ncighbmlmod €ll “All , CHOICE FARM FOR SALE BAKING HINTS Grape Juice Miss Ricl'lardsun balanffl \‘pry The executors of the J. Lewine F‘- tate offer for quirk salv. .wverai hundred cords «if furnarv wand. 20.- 000 {Pot of Iumiwr. a M ui' radar posts. a [DUI'L‘INIP saw mill. Mix. all of which can be seen at Beam Mnacinw Farm. Any oli'vr will be considerec‘i. To'l'mSâ€"J’al‘i. limb and “1110 for halanm'. \Vitli mlisi’mtory sm'm-ity. \Vritv at. once in the ex- m'utm‘s of H10 LPViIM‘ Estatfl. MOM Forest phnnv 124. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR ONE TO [AXE HONEY QUICK oasy lm'ms. Au «mporhmity of I lifelimp. Do not IN. it. pass. For particulars. apply Hugh Black, phono ‘20 1' :3. RR. 1. Staynvr. 0m. Method: tirvam hnttvr and sugar. Add soda in milk. 'l'hvn add milk. Mix ('ruam ut' tartar with tlnur. Then add flnni'. Ni'xt salt. and last, egg whites twatun stitt. Than flavoritg. Pour into gi‘t-asvd :3 layvi' pans. Makv a huilml icing. Saw half 0! ivims‘. Add tn 1,9 nt' ii'ing' chapped raisins. choppod English walnuts and chopped almonds. Plam- this mix. turn t‘wtwm'n layvr and till tnli. Flt- mr plain iving with Ionian juice and spread till Inn and sidi-s ut' (fake. 'l‘i'im tan with whnh- raisins and nut masts. baking dish amund. Du this unli meringue is brown. Remove fro- m'en. Place where no vool air 0. blow on it for at least 5 minula. Arm that. time. you need have I. fear that. meringue will fall. 1,9 cup of buwar. 1 cup of sugar. $9 cup of milk. 2/3 teaspoon of soda. % cup pastry flour. 1% lmspouu uf cmam of larlar. Salt. ' \Vhiu‘s 0f 4 eggs. Vanilla. Putty Cake

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