West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Oct 1925, p. 11

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.“l'. and Mrs J D. Smith and lit- tlv olzmghtvr \Hm hau- hown spvnol- ing IlIo- past IIIIIIIHI “Ith .“l'. and Mrs. .NIIIII Hall. Int! cm ThIIIsolm inst. I'nI- Hlasunw SI-ntlnml. .\II°. :IIIol .\!I'~'. llvrh. :Inol .\li~.~‘ PvaIl Han-Isnn nl' I’I-nfnn \I~itm! II~' On Sunday wm'k. and M" t A "3.1”“ lzur Howls :lll llw :Illo'mlanm‘ that can lw sown-ml. so» Wo- lmpo- that this will lw “In last cunllivling olaln fur sumo- yvars In mnw. Um' lixm'u- liw lmw always Plaimml tlu- first. Friday as llwil- clay. anol i'l slmulol Mb‘lly lu- l'l'mvmlwl'o'cl lb)‘ nlll‘ [Wigh- bars. and f0.- tlw rv-st (if ”in at‘iurnimn and owning. gaw as a ro-at snaking. Th0 I'O'Sllll. was that ”in rrnwd that. ordinarily stayo'd ant t'ur “in full [mutant and t'ttllt‘t‘l'l lvl‘t far lmmo' and ro-mai'nwl llto'r‘o'. Tho- mum-rt. Was i-nnsidvrvd gnmt. judging by tho» tuiplllllr rnmnwnt. and tho hall rxhibitinn, althnngh smallo-r than la~';'. )o-ar. was vary ,L'Hml. 'l‘hn stock exhibit. was o-xrnllo-nl. almvo- llw av- Praxv. wo- lwlio-w. linndalk Fair twin: nn tho- sanio- day tank a rarâ€" tain ammint. nt’ nnr o-xhibits away from as. It sac-ms nnt'nrtnnatv that tho- tii'~'t. Friday at ttrtnlwr. which is always takvn as a guidv t0 Olll‘ fair days. rannnt bo- lt'fl. almw but must, lw taki-n by fairs that stand to *tlll'i't' by snrh pro’irmnlings. Each fair no-mts all tho. atto-ndanrn that. Mrs. H. IMhsnn and family turnml m 'l‘nromtn aftvl'. spm tho- smnnwr HI ml!‘ Im-alm'. 'Our Own Correspondent) 'l‘hu vhilly Jays and fl'nsly nights m-o- nn_\\' upon us. and mm ruthnf.‘ Row. W. K. Olurl'an Hf Sm'm'mlalo‘ fal'lno-r va'thmlist pastur. was in al.- to-nolam'n :Is I'l'vsialvnt Hf nlll' Fall Fair EXo-rutiu- which slwaks “'0" for hii o-n'tlmsiasm in mnnvctiun with um- organization). Mrs. Cur- ran and family :lls'n utto-mlml. and \\0‘l'o' “au'mly wvlvnmml by tlwir many fl'io'nols lm'all)’. "ul ‘0 Rm: Mr. Smith or Durham hold pray»? mveting in tho school on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ritchie. Port Ar- thur. Mr. W. C. Ritchie. of Holland, lid Dr. and Mrs. Ritchie, of R9- 'na. we‘re guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8| Mr. and .‘ll WNW um-sts n Mt'NuH)‘ n" Threshing amunol how. this “’t‘t‘k 1 silos. PAGE 10. W» are again dodging rain swrma. It was hows! that the rain was nearly over for a tow days. but we may haw dry weathvr ypt. Mr. R. McKinnnn is visiting With frivmls in our \‘illugp fur his vaca- Miss Laura McFarlane. of 0mm Sound, and former teachpp on our Ichm‘il stafl, visitml with fri 311on (“WP tiw wwkwnd. Mrs. Nimn 0f inwn Sound visited with how hrntho-rs. Archie:- and Dawn last wm-k. Dr. L. H. Clampbvll. Littoral-Can- servatiV? candidate for this riding in tho- anim: FPilPl'zli oilvctic‘m. hulri his i-aimpuign mw-tim.‘ fnl- this In- culit)‘ last; 'l‘iwsoiay in "in Hall hem- and \\ a< assists-cl by Mr. anry. also of Slurkoialv. 'l'ho- ('anaholatv slink» wry “'0'”. and althmigh thi- mm-t- im’ WU“ no»! as largo-[v nth-mind as Mist-a Mucphail's nf ihn pi'M‘iulis WPPK. int n mm; atto-iiolzuu'o- was mgisio-x'o-ol. .\lr. Irwin 01‘ Th» Chron- n'lo- m'i‘llpli'ii tho- rhair. Mr. Ray McLean and his nmtho-r muinrmi in Town!!!” nn Sunday and ”Will. tho- day with Miss Uliw who is vmplnyo-ol err. Mr. Martin .‘II‘LNNI paid a shni't visrf in his futhc-i' ho-i'o- lust Wm'k. Um- annual Fall Fair was. unfur- tunah-ly. nut flihiWMl in gn its full timo- un am'nnnt H! a ho-avy ruin whirh Mario-cl :ihomt. i'mll' H'Clm'k Mr. 8.. McKinnpn is {no-Ms In our Village tum pPrIpd.“ Miss K. Mc’l‘aggart and friornd from 'l‘m-ontu alsn Miss Leono- Mu Donald spent a muplv of days at Ihmr r-o-spo-ctiw humps hm‘u iast wm'k. iay I IS (Our Own Correspondent) McWilliams '3'. Fl'ml 'l'ul'l')’ and H'- »runlw. :m' Visiting .‘lr. Halo! “'3th at. “In ’vm'l \\':lt.~'nn. \\'lm has I ”I" pus! mnnth in tho' u'c'nnumniud thvm up. in full swing. < Visiting: hm' Furry and 'v Visiting fl)!|_\' I'v- spvmling Mr: \\'i-l|iam Kvnny vntnt'tuinm! Hu- ynung laulws R. 11. lmzngun n? I’HI‘HW'II nm- mvninz.‘ I'N'HHHY. z... a... 47.. ’45:... :....:... m... :71. F. :4 5...... 1.... .325. 7.34:. t: .5; :2... ..f:::.::._::4.1 7.341 ..: 4.1.2.; 2:. :71; i. 2:. 142.7 a. Z... ._. «554.1. tnwu SPO'IM Sunday with Hlo‘il' grand- l’ald'll'~'. Mr. am! Mr. \‘aIIglIzIII. .\II. .IzInII's HINIII I and sistm. Marx .lamo- and thm Hull. \ww SIIIIIIIIV \isitms at “I" hump «It .\II. \\ illiam HI-ll ”I‘m IMIIIIIIII. Mr. \V'. H. Hurgrmv. nl‘ Durham. Visits-cl “IS mutlwr, Mrs. F. Hal'gl‘avo, nn Saturday. Mrs. Glhaxllo-s \\';H.~'nn uf Artvmt-sia was- tlw gnu-s! ut’ 1101' sust.v1'-In-la\v. Mrs. 'l‘humzls Tuvkvr. l'vcvntly. v.7 2:; 7.7.. .r......:§.z.< i. .51.? 11:2. :2. 1.??? .57.. iris... 725.4. EA $2.7. Z... 7.25.3. =E._.T:: ’37. 5 mad. it: 3.. a :3. 2. 7.: 2:. 2%.. 2. 5L (fir. (icfgrge Bifplxig the firsfl of tpgweey; 1-- - Glenmont (Our Own Correspondent) .\li.~'. William Wrir. J12. is surmi- HM." a {my days with heir nmtlwr. .“il's’. lHXim. win is i'iiniinwl to heal Elf. [il'wso'llL 53>» .2 .._‘ is? .23, 15.5. yr... : a... 452?. .5: ...w../. ..._:.r.a... .3 5.5:: 53’. 1.1:». 1:: .5131. ._..:w..: .17. (Hr. Hirinam Hardy slmnt tin) \vo-o-k-vml at. tho- 'l'o-zu-hvl‘s' (lumen- tiun whirl: was ho'ld in ”\wn Sound. Mr. (Ho-u Philips 01’ t‘lx'Pightun .\lino‘~' is visiting his bl'nihm’. Neil. at. muse-m. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ft'l'l'is of Flvsll- o-Nnn Visitml nn Sunday at Mr. J. P'o'l'l'is'. Th9 Rally Day service was held in Edge Hill Sunday school on Sun- day last. No. 9 Sunday school being presvnt and taking part. in the ser- vim'. Mr. Thomas Allan of Durham gziw an excvllenl. address on loyal- ty. Dan Ritchie and Mary Ander- son ouch gave appmpriata recila~ lions. Ruby and Almla Staples sang wry swvetly. and Mrs. W. (i. Firth l'l‘.lltll'l'0'd a 301”. "His 1‘1in 15 on the Sparrow." vxcoptiunally well. (Our Own Correspondent) 'l'lirmhing horn is tho order of the day. but. but a fpw mnrv barns. and it will lu- all cloanorl up for an- ler ywar. 'l’lw Swamp College mum. is at. Mr. William Mcmrmick’s anal Uliwr Millinvr with his gas ”mm. is un tln- 11th ouncessiun and tram-Hing; Misl. .\ léll-go' o'i'uwd allvmlml Dunc‘lalk Full Fail- ancl I'o'porL a munierl‘ul slmw :mol mum-rt. Prirevillv Fair liN’lllL’ nll llu- samv day. olicl not, draw :is gnul a ('l'l.l\\'ll l'l'nm here as is usual. Mr. lluxzanl and sun. Hurry. nf l’rirmillv. Mr. and Mrs. .‘lmuls 0f llw Hlul Inn-ham Rllall. Mr. llllll Mrs. J. .\lr.\luroln and family «if Drnnmrv, and 311'. um‘ Mrs. Hrcm'n ul' Drnnmm spo-nt Sunday visiting all tlw lumm «of Mr. and Mrs. R. Knux. .\li.~'.~' ll. l’o'l'gusnn 01' Hall. Spl'nl. last. Wo-wk Visiting lwr mzmy frivmls at Hu- Park and ru‘mrneol llOflll‘ on Friday. Glenroadin 4 Our Own Correspmzdent) Ko'nllo'fh illlol .lnhn hnnsmnnr nl' Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Vaughan and son spent a day with friends at Riversdale this week. Mr. and Mrs. John McKechnie m0- wred to Meaford and spent the day with the Mclnnis and McDonald families. They also attended the school fair which was being held that. day. Mxl‘. and Mrs. H. Johnston 'sgwnt an ut'tvrncmn rm'untly \\'lth Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fultnn 0f Huttan lllll. Darkies’ Corners (Our Own Correspondent) .\'n. 9 Sunday srluml joumwyml in l‘lclgo' Hill m1 Sunday where Pally smwivv was “PM. and slwnt. a. pious- ;mt :It'tvl'lmnn tuge'ihm'. ’i‘he Misses White, who have been holidaying with their cousin. Mrs. Hm'h Traffmfl. for tho past. month, aro wretuming to their home in Hamiltnn this ww-k. Miss E. Traf- fmyi is accqmpanying ihnm home. ' Mr. and MP5. (‘iillén Boyd spent. a day with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mc- Cormick and family rocontly. Mussrs. G'chil and Roubou Payl'or and sistm', Miss Vina. Visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. .lnlm Boyd. 3113515 Fmi 11111111111 ('11 Detmit :III11 11211111115 1 .01111'11. 111 11H. 11011 101- 11111111nv 1j11n1|1an\.\isitmi 1111111 11111- 11101,\IIS,7A'1111*11 11011111“. Siin lillim: and threshing are lieu-ping Hm immm's 1mm 101‘ :1 1"0“ \kas. 3...? $2.11.. 3:31.. 2. .3553 4.7.1:; :3. 251:. .57.. "£34.; 5.2.: 7:2: ”___.._.“._._..._.~.._m ..: Emaâ€"its. (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Lump Smith of aniij FHI'N! mm: a clay with MI’. and Mrs. William Dewby x'ncoutly. Mr. \V‘ilfm‘ul Park. who wont \V'o‘st, with tlw qu'vvst. Excursion. had tlw misfm‘tmw of hurting his Spill") and had tn 1w takvn tn Rosnlmwl husyitnl fur trmmwnt. Last word rocvivml was that. he) was doing nicely. 311'. Jul”) 'l'urnhu'll is nth-mini: Norma} in 'i‘m'unin. Mr. 21ml Mrs. Alvx. Hrim'snn \‘is- itml l'rio‘mls in “c‘tl'Hit las" ww-k. My. Huxh Mrlman visitml Mr. and Mrs. Alvx. lemnn rucvntly. W‘e enjowd the qprayer meeting xx Inch “as held fiat '.S. \‘o. 3 Thurs- dm meaning. Mr. and Mrs. Mm McGiI‘r smut. South Bentinck THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Ritchie, Edge Hill. Miss M. Campbell spent a few days recently with her brother, Mr. S. Campbell. Orchard. Mrs. R. McRae, Palmerston, spent. a few days the. first of the week with her mother, Mrs. Joseph At- kinson. , Dr. H. Pugh. Palmerston. visited Sunday with the \Vhitmoro family. Miss Eliza Patterson visited re- cently Wliil ilk‘l‘ friend. Miss Joan Floyd. Holstein. Aâ€" II 7___‘ n Sunday lvjth Mr. and I l‘)‘| I. Ask .......... )ir. an! Mrs. (u. Geddos spent, a da\ locvnllx with his parents near DI ”mm H Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Patterson and OBSERVE THESE EASY RULES LARGE COPY OF PUZZLE PICTURE SENT FREE ON REQUEST Fifty (ash when will be given for the 50 best lists of words submitted in answer to this Pun)“, nnswer having an largest. and nearest correct list of visible objects shown In the picture Hun with the letter “1" will be awarded first prize: second best. second prize: etc. Try This Fun Game-"Win $1,000 1. Any man. woman or child who lives in Canada and is not resident of Toronto, and who is not in the employ of Tm Mail and Empire, may submit an answer. 2. Prize “'inners in fommr Picture Paulo. conducted by The Mail and Empire winning $200.00 or more m not eligible tn [milk-mate in this Puzzle. Here’s a Plan” Puzzle which contains a number of objects brginning with the letter “1‘". Jnm look at an pictureâ€"them are all sorts of things that begin with the letter “WWâ€"liku top, Curio. 000., and all the other objects an equally clear. See how many yon can find. tnke tum, This is not a trick We: nothing is hidden and you don’t haw to turn tho pit-tum ammo-down ur 3. A11 answers must be mailed by October 17th, 1935. and addressed to C. A. Montgomery. Puzzle Manger. flu! and Empire. nape? onlyfnnd inunibered consecutively 1. 2. 8, etc. Write your full name and address !n the upper right hand corner. It you desire to write anything else. use a separnte sheet. 7. The answer having the largest and nearest correct list of names of visible objects in the picture that begin with the letter "T" will be awarded First Prize. etc. Neatness. style or handwriting have no bearing upon deciding the winners, 8. Any number 0! peoplp may vo-opmute in answering the Puzzle. but only one prizn will he nwardmi to any one house. hold; nor will prises be awarded to mom- than one of any group where two or more have been working lngetilnr. 9. In the event 0! 3 tie. for any prize uttered, tn. full amount of such prise will be married to each tied MICImnt. no. l‘bubscriptiona (both new and renewal) payable in ad- vance or $5.00 per year by mail or Hum p” year dehverpd b). carrier boy in Hamilton. will be accepted. 11. All answers will receive the saline considerati n . less of whether or not s subscription to The Mail an’d £5512):ng is sent in. â€" 12. Three prominent Toronto citizcns having no connwt with The Mail and Empire will be selected to act as judgésfig decide the winners. snd perticipents. by sendin ' unswers. arree to accent the decision of the judges as‘ 6:113:22?!- conclusive. 5. Oniy such words as appear In W'eboter': Dictionary wul be counted. 00 not use. hyphenated, compound or obsolete words. Wtwre the plural is used the singular cannot be count. ed. and vice versa. 6. “’ords of the same spelling can be used only once, even though used to designate different objects or articles. An ob- ject or article can be named only once. You can’t hip fix this new Picture Paulo. Let's all tin tn sod have . am No matter what your an or Ian you like to e pussies, try your hunt! at this one. s have trlod before. It is real!)- not owed. have been made. perked) plain. MMWMMh-oorhmwom: nonemmpsmall but the t eye-ix!" can one them. Get 3 ad! and paper and coo my “T-Worh" you can find. 9' Doesn't III-kc m difference whether you are six or sixty eats old. “are la 3 chance to study and ”brush ufi” a little. t In Intel-clans. «boatlona! and “urinating. Not in: hard. Just Mutant. Yea. all join itsâ€"old folks. middle “0 and .vonnx folks. See who can and the most “'l'NVords." You'll hau- bar- .‘us of tun finding "'l‘dun'us.” The judges will mat on October 27th. and announce. meat of the Prize Wilmer- tad correct Not of words. will be published in The Mall and Empire as quickly thereafter as it is poulblo. :t my at. not ltter than three weekn. .“E-Fw- -'--:::=‘-‘-e='::====a:é=.'-u xii-i; (Iv.â€" 1;. Mmfllflan. Ottawa; mm. and Mrs. (jeorge Macintosh. Monklands. Ont" each won 8200. And. now. Inn’s your opportunity. 4. All lists of names should be written on one side of the How Many Objects Beginning With the Letter “T” Can You Find in This Picture? mmmhweuuwhmln Csudsby null $5.00 per your. Delivered by carrier boy In flun- am, 86.00 per your. SUBSCRIPTION RA TES- . PA YABLE IN AD VANCE m. ANGUS CAXPBELL “’(LV $1.000. We have alrfltdy paid thousands of dollm in when. In rec-mt Puzzle Games. Mrs. Angus Campbell. Farm-2. Ont. won 81.060; Miss Lucy l-‘lrc-stfue. Gait. Ont" Wan 81.000: Paw. TN“. Islet. \Villiamsburg. Ont, won SLHW: Mrs. Thomas l’uttlmore. .‘.l?wr:-. “‘2... was another wlnner of $1.00.) and fl». Joe Doyle. Marmara. 00L. also won $1.000. Mr. G. M. Cfirmlchael. “'elland. Ont. won 3500. 3nd Mrs. Emma Moor». Che-slay. Ont, also won $500. Mrs. R. S. Morphy. “'alkervllle. Ont... and Mr. Clarence L. Merrlck. Alllston. Ont” each won $300, while Mrs. “K C. filial-pg. Glen_ Allen, Ont. M'ss Margar' et. Atkinson left. for Torénto Tuesday last where she will spegdua few months. at?” 9 _ mnmn‘n Inna ICIIIIIIILOo No. 9 was well represented at the Glenelg school fair held at Edge Hill Monday of last week. We con- gratulate teacher and pupils on re- ceiving lirst__prize for Jeral'ade. "â€""â€"â€"A nml‘ WIII. 3 U11“ a nu" . v----_r-- Miss" Betty Wleir, Toronto, has been a visitor for the past few weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Newell, and the Weir families. __ Lll'll .Isvu I”'â€"" -__ 311.8111! Mrs. A. (1‘. childxen, \axnoy, Spell * Keller and Sunday with This offer nppllos lo Rl'ltAl. ROF'I‘E put- rons as well as subscribers living In dam and "mm. If you are already receiving The M311 and Empire. your subscflpdon will be extended ‘I____ _ fmm us‘ preéem Y0uCanWin$L000 The “T" Word Picture Puule Gune is n comp-JED to increase the populuity of The Mull 3nd Empire. It costs nothing to take part and you do not have to lend in a. Jingle subscription to win e prise. If your list of “T" “'ordu ls guarded first Price by the judge- you will win 830; but if you would like to get more than 830. We are making the following epecinl otter whereby you can win bitger out: prim by sending ONE or TWO yearly eubncriptlonl to The nun and Empire. Your own subscription will count. or I to start. at some future date. Just write ‘ when you want the Duper fluted. and promptly on (hot date. HYZRX'Z'S H()“’: If your answer to the “T" “'0"! Picture l‘uule- wins First run- nnd you have seat In 03:". )rurI) subscription to The Mull and I; re 0‘ 8.34.0 by mail-.m- $6.90 dPZIH-n-d by rank-r box In anil- ‘-n- __ Or. it your answer wlm First Price md you hen“ sent ln ”’0 yearly subscriptions to The Hall and Eli- pire (new or renewal abort-inflows) you will melve “£00 lu_pla('1_- of_ 380: second prise S500: "Ill-d odu 81.000 in place of m; Wnd'pHEâ€"e 6533;32:63332 8:00. laud)» (oral. (flee third column at “(um I- p 19 Isn't that 3 liberal offer? But look! “'9 will give extrn amounts on :11 _pr_t:eo tn the tune manner. " .n.‘--- A_-â€".__ l- _4 1 l â€"___A __-â€" v-v up-u y. u-v- I" ‘ if your-71138;};- to qualified by '1‘“? (ion. and you win fourth prize. you * am: an (.n down the prise "at. ton. )6!) will here“; $500.00, Ilka-03' prln- 8250.00: third pflu 8250.00. and Jae-om] «1.1mm: of "gum in prime flu.) ADDRESS YOUR Asswnns ‘I’O .(‘. A. MONTGOMERY. m5 MAlL ‘1‘ .‘l'ZZLE ”ANAGEB. I‘l-nlhl‘ In the event of a tie for any prize altered the full amount of such prize will be paid to each lied rarflelpunt. 21st to 50th Prizes. Inc-I. 8th Prize 9th Pr? :0 “Nil P91 Iv llth to- “ ‘th “'lnnim: Answers will receive the tiny ush prizes twun‘dlng to the table below: ls! Prize 2nd l’rlzo 3n! 3|}: .)III (.th 4”] 50 (1 RA 3'" PRIZES 1.98. 1.101. THE PRIZE LIST l’ri.'v Prim l’rl'u' Prim- Prize If No .Nuhuvrlp- tium her parents. Mr. and Mrs .Pat tn] - Rev. J. H. \Vhealml. l'm'tur ”1‘ Trinity church. informs us that my Sunday morning. Mr. W. H. 5mm of Owen Sound will 0cm] 3' Hm I” ;_ pit. in Trinliy church and ;_'|:.- W address 0-“ the l;aym¢‘n “ .‘y"\l"'utl‘; This departure is 301mm! lI.I-....._.,._' out. Grey Deanery 110V! \‘mniuy ;,. .1 the object. is w instruvt mu m,” in church work and 1h» “ywhn; tion of the National Laynm-j. in.“ CiatiOfl throughout, tlH' P"”Hil'\_ own: sown nu TO am ADDRESS nan}: sunnn $30.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 ‘-| I' 'U"‘ I I fourth prll'e. vy'bhvw'lll moive 330.6 A -._‘â€"A llâ€"A Thursday, 0m" 8, 1925. 555‘“ 3.00 250.09 250.00 l'riio If 100.00 Nun i'h Sent. popnt. _or subocripuona 50.00 25.00 20.00 10.00 (surly Duh-yrip- on thoâ€"order it will start 81.000.00 500.00 501mm 300.00 CANADA. Hum. A re So! Sula-«11p- "Lid iii-i I’rivr if 150.00 100.0" C)- A Ionu'eal muw-mz; ' ‘ IchOIIrShip mung»; “1'. free lllitmn In I’. __‘ ’ blind, ht,“ Sail". Mr. clan chum-«I 1':- lOl. lit-x! II Sh‘m't. \\h to his Jul Sflriuufih secuml n sarv l'c t“¢'l'll II has hw‘l! mam. mu '3’ (‘lem4 :Imwndivitis. wit; ulwmljnn last Fricl I'm: much mun-mm bclit-vml In ho nut The little pal,“ pamntly pl‘ug'm-ss “’1' ”I“ “I'St 4H0“ \‘vra lu’iHl. ”It. dalurhlm' at Mr. and M of Hulstt-in. \x’lm “Us l in Durham Hospital cmmlv 0f “'0ka and Ortohm' undol'wvnl a: n YOUNG PATIENTS CONDJ VERY MUCH ll timv hark. In that, it. was 4: Lion was u... prolonging In (’I'alolv timv. anxivty was “1101! it. was dition “as su ('08s. of MHINI: gratifying. nu hc-r mum-run and w-mmx Young Daughter of Mr. John Leith Leith of Shows Steady Improve: DUIlIaIII II II-IIII.~ \\ II learn IIIaI. M'I~ I: G'IJI'IIIII. lwIIIA' kIIII\\I niI- Clnss. IIKIIIIIIII'P III who IIIIIII-I\\I III :I SI'I‘ for Ill\\'3II‘II ImIII'I- I Hospiml HII MHIIII:I_\ I' is can III' IIMII‘I II-II :I be aIIlI' III II II\I' III. WPPk (Dl‘ SII, In. Charles 099, Guelph of Its. B. Cross. Domq Operation for Goitre. UNDERWENT SERI OPERATION l 50 fl!‘ as Mr. I’MMI are must. haw slam-d I'm hated stun- m tlw I'mm “Gd 0!! ”In "001' “NW .i _ blank-d. MI'. liwvl in “519 llIDlIN' with Ins “an. had lwnn siHInL' [Or “I" buy I” I'HHH' luu‘ Field Day slum» u: «l about 3.30 pm sunlv \\ fill“? illlcl l3!) clH\\II HH 1 an adjnnn'ng..r mum. Ho- flllOll aslm'p. :h lu- \\;.- by llld‘ Sllh'll HI' \mwl cracklv Ul‘ lil‘o'. 'l‘ln- Mm: its way alum: Haw lle' 1 in Wllit'll luv \\il.~ |\ |l|;..' m ontm'ing llh‘ l'mvlll ln'm; ho. had in slnzwh n \\|H Olll. and 1.:le lllc' .llill'llL Tllmurh marl) ll! Hn- Ill flromvn Inmlv n guml mu lhfl (‘Ullll‘llls' Ml. lln‘ lln']~q~ Iy all «ll-stl'm'ml «w «lumn. awful I“! Hf dnlnnuw \\; “10 building. Mr. l.\\«'n suranvu ull lonth lmuldnt; mum. and \Vllllc‘ hh‘ h {OPmGHI‘ Is \w-ll mum-m1. to loso «‘nllsnlo'l'nhlv un Hi About. halfâ€"past l'nur «1 (erdly mm'mng. an nlu m turned in Lu Hun In monk Ulv ('allsv bring: :1 (ion in prom-ms m ”w r If. Rolwrt. I°I\\¢-n. Uzlm'n chemical was run h. u... successfully (‘nllllnlltmt "1d “1H1" HH‘ “I'M vhfâ€""1 l‘v‘dim‘ss. it “as Mn! “1 take it um. WITH) BY FIRE EARLY YE: ”tidal“ of Robert Ewe row Escape From Tot ion When Building Too Over-heated Stove. VOL. 58.â€"-NO. 30 Minimum] UH PURCHASED BUILDING Mrs. ”F5": ly ill 5: olwrut inn "Hr sum:- lifv and n slmwim ml lwr rm' I'll PAH. lum LV nndax I“ HI 8 “US In”. 'al'ly m Hm I .dc- a maul I'll s (if “no Imus 'uyml m- clam ul' damauc- \ 5'. .‘Il'. If“?! . lmth lomhli I”. H. 4.01““! \1 will: k m M lif Ilu 0‘" il.‘ "ll \\ J him I} 0 \l

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