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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Oct 1925, p. 1

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LOUND MAN 1'0 ADDRESS BER! mu 5’21 zzle Game .1!!! [hr IQ'HQ‘I’ "T”. JBS‘ m nu- h-twr “'l'”â€"llke 1:.“ man“ you (‘3!) M pic't'lrv upside-down Ol' es. SIP. and Mrs. S - j, 5; LIST BM 1 '” \\‘\»\I".I{S 1'0 1’1? 'O. I‘lh Jixll‘ m-om tMPIRE mam faith the laurel $1,000 N \V brawn. ‘1 Huning The” Hnu “ill be 83“?“ “01' 10 this Puzzle. 1 m.- piq-turo that nt'nrms \ . .‘ll'. \V 12 \l. KOI'TE 1’“ hum: in ("“99 “’5! )0 stl'uct the mo! m» m o'rnn- and yo. 3." rm- mm and ‘3‘ ‘ u... will we". 57.00; thflfd W h .0 KPH” in. the fin, tubk' Inflow: n. the "1'" '1 NH) [33" w 1mm .1! V "‘9'” ~. "I 'u‘F-VUU" 'vflt‘.‘ on lb. 0'“ ma 1: will on" 'l lll-' ”I‘ganiz‘. Layman s a HIP C'Wlltl‘v prlu' oflcfl‘d “ill be paid yo- XS 3 6“” Mi and ”fl” ‘10 not ban ‘0 . prizo. I! w 20 by th. ’m .Krr Y0 get m mg special 0“” Hum by seld‘.‘ The It“ 33" 1‘“ 0 Su 'M' d “100.00 500. 00 000. 00 300. 00 200. 00 150. 00 100.00 30. 00 40. 00 "0.00 um 15.00 ll will '1" {If 'riTINEA FOWL IS NEW ll ‘1\\luR N. A. BELCOURT ' :m~ hw'n selected to preside ‘u- nu-vtings of the Internat- Mr) lnion which will be Good Congregations Attended A'nnual Harvest Home Services in Trinity Church Last Sunday. HARVEST HOME SERVICES WERE MOST SUCCESSFUL f U ’R HAM CLUB \\ I“ M 000d Attendance and Good Exhibits Make For Success of Annual Bx- hzbltlon, But Rain in Late After- 209:1 Chased Crowd Indoors. Him PRICEVILLE FAIR MARKED BY RAIN VOL. 58.â€"NO. 3042. HI ”M III HH‘ SIRIIIIDOIIH of attendance . :IIII- vs ”III ham nst homo, sor- "II'iIIiI3' church Inst. Sunday IIII- IIIIIsI. SUCIHI‘SSIIII in 3mm. I"'l|;.'II‘28IIIIllS III-ing in aIII'nII- III 'I I'PIIfJ zuIII Iwnini: “ith the II IIIII-Iing ISkI‘d for bring IIIIII *ltht'I'IlH'd in former :mwintml: Prvsulvnt. '11. Miss M ll m {Mr'lmm {Hub of THI‘OMH ht‘lll m-umg mowting nf Um soasnn w-mlwr '38 at. tho homv of n-uvho-I's. 773 Hurrah! SUP-mt -..'u-n tlu- fullmving nflicms ' unnnmlinn was pill'lilké‘n of m. \uth Matins and Holy Hun at. H and Evvnsc’rng at. 4'. Tim spm'ial pl'vachm' for . was Hm Rm; 1:. L. Hilhm‘t, mwr. who delivered appra- wrmnns at both morning and wmiw'. Spvcial music by ulm mnn'ihntmi malarial- .m «mu-5's of tho snrvicvs. .meh. fan. was sum'iallv ’rvshlullL. Mrs. Dr. Lauder; f. Bliss .\l. )lacKo'nzio': View- !. \liss l'I. “rant: So-r‘x'vt..:ugv, cl. MavKnnzio-z 'l‘rmmm-r. \U'N‘: Wnrk (lnnvmmr. Mrs. " Sncial (lmn’vnm'. Mrs. «My night. 'IIIII"! II. Inn. “as spPCinIIV u! II’II ”II' nuasmn with tho ~' uI' IIII- IamI :IIIII prorso'ntod IIIII :IIIIIIIIIIIiaII- amwm'uncn :IIIIIIIIII so-nicv «If thanks- » II'MImInI'nt fl‘atlll‘l‘ (If the r IIIIIII II. N awa. -‘J. l'llu n. and at. night. Shelhnnm mu MM 3 high-class concert r.\'n~' wvll patronian. u prizv list this week, pub- .n mmtlwr page‘. the poultry ”w ("lawns am missing. “my .ur 2 al'rivml at, this office by “‘A." I\;t‘_‘\‘ ,ryv I'nl'rvd in take refuge. Hw [maths all but quit Hm balloon mm! packed ~ \Vzll'o's. and others with ’hw grounds warn fnrcwl . nlwmtinns. A lmrsm -.:umo-nt. under way when rnnlml'llt'ffl had to b9 can- .~\.‘nhit.~' in many classes -~_~ mus» ur any previous :umual fall fair of the \zricultu 1:] Society was .:.-I\ marred by rain which .' .! it‘nHing about 4 O’clock , :uj'm‘wll forcing those as- “. tuko- refuge in the agri- "Izeli and in tlwir cars. Fri- vm: hruko- Clea ' and warm ,1 mi nun-h fur tho success lui‘sllim' Q'Xhibition. The un‘ un its good behavior 3 p.nl., when a slight unnum'Wi falling “'iliCh :w-w WHI'SR until spec-l - I’nl'c'vd in take I‘PfIIQD I ELECTED OFFICERS and will gum L next sprlng. wll UIIIUIU uuu, as his letter indicates, is solicitous for the success of the local squad in the great ice game this winter. Mr. Johnstnn still takes a deep interest in Durham. reads the news every week in j‘he Chronicle-and, gmcofully down tho ice and scoring goals. ho had a good pair of lungs, and liko us. «lid all the “shooting” owr the hockey boards in roaring instructions and endearing withels at our own loom to “go in and get ’om" and others not quite so endear- ing to the tram of the opposing forces. _‘___, ‘.._-‘-._, “av "nun: uu “(ID on tlm local Royal Bank stallâ€"0r was it tlw 'l‘raclors or the Sovereign? 'l‘huugh like the writer. he wasn't. much of :1 31100933 at gallivanting rantinaxp‘qII-n 11.-....â€" Al- "I not» you haw organizm a hnckny foam in town. It brings back 0M mo-mnrivs nf the days when \w mm e-xmn-sions to all Hm nvighhoring towns. Sum-033‘ tn your hockey tram!" Mr. Johnston, buttm' known to most Hf us Hf the “Olden days” 1'0- fm-rml to as just, plain "Jack." was MW of thv stalwarts 0f the game¢ lmrn_s«)-nm ways ago when he was‘ Wo- hm! a plnasing lottm' from Mr. .lnhn \\'. .lnhnstnn of Dammit. Mich.. this wm-k enclosing i-vnnwal sub- scril‘itimL for which ho will [‘ileiase :im-npt 0111' thanks. Among either plums-mg things, Mr. Johnston says in i-ui'vrring tn mn' hockoy team: Former Resident Wants Local Team to Dig In and Win Out This Win- ter. OLD-TIME HOCKEY FAN WISHES TEAM GOOD LUCK Wu mulvrstand :1 party of six from ann Sound \\'(‘I'!' In thv L'nlltlngmlt. \w iwlii-w it. is “H‘il' intontinn in inntm' ihn I‘t'fli «istah' iinhl. and [ms- sihly alsm, mw't. hnnsns i'm' saln. Fni' iiw past nllmlwr of yvai's. MI‘. Kvarnvy has lwvn assnciatmi with tho' iii'm ni' Mrs. A. Bnggs Sml hur‘n, gi'm'm-s. and «hiring thv past. few yo-ai's. has also iwnn an nxtmi- sivn hnym' ni' swm't ('lnwr $00”. “'0 nndm'stanal it. is his intnnitinn to 1m- tni'n in Durham in Hip course) of iivn or six mmks. i Rvi'm'i'ing tn thv «ivpartnrc of the ‘wan Sauna! mm. The Owen Sound Sun-'I‘imvs. I'vi’m'mng to Alderman Frank HUI'tHll «if that. plan), whn is a hi'ntiwr-in-lzuv to Mr. Knarnvy,I said in its Saturday issnn that ho. was anticipating I'nmaining for a [wrimi ui’ at lvasi. six months. and that it is tho i-nivntinn «if Mr. Hur- iun and mmpaninns tn vntor at. nni'n into ”in l'l‘ill vstaiv hnsinvss in Miami. who-w just at this timn. tin-m is nnv ni‘ tho groatvst i'val nstatn and building: imnms PW'I' sewn in ihv l'nitml Stairs. Mr. Horton had maelv m'i-paratinns alwad. and whnn ho arrives in the city, will stop right. int.” his nwn afiicu and will be [many to do business. Mr. H. S. limii'm'y, with a cumpany nl' Uwvn Sunni! mun. 10H, Monday nwrning: fur Miami. Flui'idzl. whm'u _\\'¢' iwliva it is illvil' inimitinn in Mr. G. S. Kearney and Party of Owen Sound Men May Enter Real Estate Field Permanently Near Miami. LEFT FOR FLORIDA MONDAY MORNING ‘_ -y-.....c ‘U‘Vlla Mr. Croft's acceptance of the Goll- rrich post would Do a distinct ail- vancemont in 'ailroail circles. A town of over 4,000 population, the town naturally roquiros a larger station stail‘ to cover the work, and while the responsibility would he grralor. the salary is minsiclorahly in oxcoss of what a station of Dur- ham's standing pays. In rxprwsing tho hope that Mr. Croft will rrmain in Durham. 'l'lw tilironirle tools that. it is but voicing: the sentiments of tho big inajt’irity‘ of ritizrns. though in thoso days of {high costs. wo quito naturally also tool that, possibly it would ho asking too much to haw him sacritiro tho additional salary and remain with us. Sinro coming: to town. Mr. (lrol’t has niaclo many frirncls both in tho sorial and businoss life of the town has always takon a ltt‘t'ip in~ to-rost in oyorything loading to tho lwttrrmrnl. of tho Mara. and we tool that his romoyal would ho a distinct loss to tho mmmunily. 'l‘ho «lo- rision rosts in his hands. howoyor, and if ho romains. it. shows H] a tangihlo mannlor that ho lows us iwttor than tho. additional salary ho would rollrrt by accepting tho posi- tion at (loilorirh. -uulc UV 1)u1111am,l111 has made 11111111 111111111 f11i11111ds,lik11s tho plz1ca1..1wna his lmme. l1111111.11n1l. until 1111.1 transfer, to the laknside town \1 as m1111t1011111l by 11111 railmn officials. had 1111 1111-! Linn \1l1z1t111111 of louvmg to“ 11. . - 7-..“.u. m_vr_-1 ”is. Fun- noction with Durham to accept a similwr position at. Godarich. In an intvn'iow with Mr. (211%.. mu 'l‘mxsday morning, The Chronivh) was informvd that. 84) far he had not decided doflnitoly as to what, his COUI‘Se would be. Since: coming to Durham, 1w has made mzuw um'm My. 5.1). Cmft, for the past seven years 111 charge of tho 43.x.R stil- tmn here. may, soon, if he aécepts a'n 'oflep rvcently made him bv the L..\.R. aumoritios. sever Myron-J n1)109;nn Local 0.1!. R. Agent Has Ofler of Goderich Station, But Has Not Yet Recided Whether or Not Re 81181! nu; aw Iorcea Into hayricks by means of a newly-invented machine is claim-ed to ("K the hay in twelve hours. The mac ine is equally suit- able for harvesting corn ,making sunshine unnecessary. Ninety-seven per cent of Arctic eXplorcrs have returned alive. ‘1... vv uo ur‘lll ll'Ulll [-“e bump on Saturday last to Milton cemetery and was attendod by Mr. Ford from here, who spent over the week-end at his old home. The de- ceased. who was much respected in his community, was not known in this vicinity, his brother here being tho only member of tho. family to livo in this part of Ontario. 68 years of_ age: unmarried. and lived Wit-h hlS ,two SISLPI'S. Bosules his brother, Mr. Andrew Ford here, he leaves two sisters and three other brothnrs. _ _ -... ..- "a “(IE it ”If; shock to Mr. Fun] IIPI'P. as his hm- tlwr was a supposm'ily strong and lwalthy man. and naming of this nature was vxpectml. The «IN-vasoc‘l. \}'_h¢0 was a farmqr near Milton. was AR I’nnnn 1" DURHAM, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1925, ‘â€" Mr. Andrew erd of (ilenrlg. fur- murly :1 'rrsidrnt. of Durham. 1'0- Cnivrd a mrssagv last wrok contain- ing tho int'm'matiun that. his brother Mr. William Ford, had died sud- donly at his home nrar Milton 0n \Umlnmsc‘lax'. 'l‘hn nnws was a big Qllnfll: *1" n.“ 1)..-- _ DIED SUDDENLY FROM HEART TROUBLE _-, W-..‘ lu In [If I") hopmt that. Mtiinclay's oiiwration will snlw' tho conso ot' hop lllllt‘SS and rustoro “01' to hm‘ Old-Limo health. Mr. (h'ant. too. has had a soi'ions mm” of illlwss (luring: tllq past, year, last Novomhop lwing I'llll «town by a motor war on tho. provincial high- way in front of his farm, sustaining a hrokvn log and othm' injurios. l'TI'iontls of tho family how will ho plmtsml to lvarn that ho. too. is (l0- ing woll and is now ahlo to got around without. (’l'ltlt‘l’lt‘h‘. Hot air forced into hayricks nllnn A, A “-‘â€"“ Mrs. William Grunt. who has boon sm'inusly ill luv ”14‘ past, fL-w inmillis. and wlmsv illlnvss has at. Various timvs lwvn Impurtml in Him“ mlumns. umlvrwvnt. an npvralinn last. melzly 11mm in llm Mnunt, Fur- o'st huspilal. 'l‘lw npvmtinn. which was Mr gnll-smws, was a wry Sl}l‘~ inns nm'. and wv are plnasml l0 knnw that. the pativut tam-n tlnrutlgli the orilval in good shape and at. timn ul’ writing is lining \Wlll. Mrs. (lz‘ant. wlm last spring mmwl will: lim' l'iusbaml to Mount, Furml. «in I'vliring from tlwir farm Ill‘al‘ llarlwr‘s Corners. has boon quitu llll~ wvll all summer. and it is to im imle that. Mlfiindav's m‘im'nlinn \rill The forwral was held from mm on “Sgturdayulast to MUS}: mn‘nm-o Mrs. William Grant, Formerly of Normanby, Doing Well After Ser- ious Operation for Gall Stones. UNDERWENT OPERATION IN MT. FOREST HOSPITAL mrumlm won Hm prizoâ€"a pair of scissnn‘s. OUIPI' I'ocvivmjl homn'ahln mention. The mvvting clnsml by the singing nt' Hm National Anthom. al‘tm' which Mix, Graham served an nppvtjzing lunv l. -----‘ ululvl"llul I‘lflllfi fa;- hvlnw our Canadian standards. Sln- vmphasizm‘l tlw innwrative nec- nssity nf (lhristianizilm and Gan~ adianizing thosv pvnpln who so soon hawnmv (lamuiian citiznns. fnr if we do nnt l'aiSP tlwm to our standards, thvy will drag Canada down to tlwir low] Mrs. Knachtwl gave an oxcollont paw-r on “Thu Strangely Within ()ur Galas," I'ofm‘riing tn tlm vast. num- lwi- nl‘ l'oroigwmrs who annually svttln in Canada sinvv tho war and «luring tlm decade ilirm‘étly pracmling it.~â€"rnany of [ham Pllllf‘l‘ non-Ullris- tian m' pagan and most «if tlmm with man-a]. ruliginns ancl natinnal ideals at. r|~ " . x.-- ‘.nsv.¢ I\_-t-' 'l‘lw only new business was the :ippt‘iiiiLmont (if MI‘S. Harding as Sow- ing Aide, Mrs. A. McGowan, as Sport, Aidv. and Miss E. Scott as Guido Hf thv First Aii‘lm's for the ensuing yunr. each with Hm privilag, nf chnnsing hnI' assistantâ€"S. Reports were received from com- mittees for the sale of baskem‘y made by tlw blind and for the purchase (if a coal oil stave. Miss E. Patter- son reportvd the Housedress Gom- [wiition at thv Canadian National Exhibition. Although Miss Patter- son's dross was not a prize-winner, it was among the sewn best chosen flmm the ‘sixty-svyen _ entries, 'I'l . The October meeting of the Wk)- nwn‘s Institute was held on Thurs- day afternoon at tho homo of the president, Mrs. John A. Graham. in- stvnal of at. tho home of Mrs. Hugh Firth as previously announced ow- ing to rocent beroavomont in the lzit'tor home. The attendancv was “fifty-Ull‘fif}. Melt all que of_lfresic§ent, firs. John WOMEN’S INSTITUTE OCTOBER MEETING A. Graham, Thursitay'Lâ€"f-tgrfioon of Last Week. _- _ _ -wwd , Vvv‘Jukal LU uuu 16. 1925.‘ Dr. S. J. Radcliffe, Principal of Toronto Normal school, will be pres- ont and will deliver two educational addresses. The annual cum'ention of the South Grey Teachers’ Institute will be held in Dundalk High school on Thursday and Friday, October 15 and SOUTH GREY TEACHERS MEET AT DUNDALK It is to he hoped, lmwnwr. that, he will recognize the. tire on some- horly’s car, bring the culprit l‘mfor the magistrate. who will then, like Nelson in days of old; “do his duty." Ml'. Taylor had left his car in the Baptist church shod with no idPa. of i'mn'sn. “that ”10 night. pmwlnrs \Vt‘l‘t‘ still at, largo, and and when talking to 'l'hl' Chronicle yvstvi‘du)‘. insinuatml that it 'xcimld not. hurt his footings wry badly if m" usvd l’ii'ptty stitf language in condemnation of this kind of thing. Evidently Mr. Taylm- felt that tho words wore not. at his «lispnsal to adequately express his indignation. but just why he picked on us to hurl the qpithets, we are at a loss to‘ understand. lil)‘llN'. paslm' 01 {HP Baptist. church, vats ViSlth. Hw sparv “1'0 and rim I‘PmOVHL :mcl tlw hnlts partly r0- mowd fmm «me of the other wheels, so that when hr altomptvd tu mum down town Mnnday morning, the rim and tire 'nme utT. 'l‘hat, tho snnak thiot' was nut. Plim- inatmt t'rnm um' midst was (Immun- stwatmt sump 'timv Sunni: n nighlt “hm a car lwlnnging to tho [it x. J. "lmlm' pastor at ttw Baptist church, SNEAK THIBF AGAIN Rev. J. Taylor’s Car Visited Sunday Night and Spare Tire Removed. Pi‘omim' William Lyon MacKmiziv King. and (‘X-PI'PmiPl‘ Arthur Mcigheu who are marshalling Llloir forms for Hm vlcctimi cuntvst «m (f)ct.0bm‘ 26. They \wrv lmlh bum in 1874. in ”Marin. Prc-mivr King at. Kitclmnor and Mr. MON-”“011 at, Andm'sun. Both arv of Scottish-muudimi ancestry. and both arv Prosl‘iytvl‘ians. Anothm' Durham boy to I‘N‘OiVfl nflivv was Royt'h‘ll Burnott. son nf Mn'. and Mrs. Rnlwrt BurnotL who was vlvctml prvsidmlt of tllv Pl‘v- Mod '30 Mass. “"0. cnng'mtulatu hath yuung mom in thn (tonlidonw their follows ('Vich‘llll)’ haw in their ability. Monday‘s London From Press con- tains an accnunt of tho olvction last Friday of the Exm'utivu Committee Hf thn PI-n-Mmls '31 Class in attend- mum at tho “"ostm‘n 1"n.i\'m'sity, London. The oxm‘utim consists of six, and it will ha of interest, to rmulvrs of 'l‘hv. ('lln-nnicln to learn that Harold Mnuntain. sun of Mr. amd Mrs. Thomas Mountain of Bon- tinck. was vlvctmi tn tho postion of tl'vasurm'. A group phnm of the committvn is 31m given. Weste_rn __University Medical Stu- LOCAL STUDENTS GET OFFICES AT LONDON -â€"â€"'â€"- 'v“ dents Elect Officers for Year on Friday of Last Week. DIETm :1 c32m::<>q_<z >2: T235»? T..$E.Z.v1. AT LARGE IN TOWN LITTLE PEN - O - smma HEAVY! Raspberries in October are qmte out of season in this part of the country and must, be accounted for by the warm weather we have been enjoying during the past couple of weeks. flaw Last. Saturday, Mr. 'l‘hnmas Nichol of the. County Road Cemmissicm dropped into this sanctum and left with us a branch from a raspberry bush plucked from his garden and cnntain'ing several full-grown and “Ml-ripened berries. Mr. Nivhnl informed us that about two sau- cers full of these berries were gath- ered with little trouble. to see. and no doubt, has thom yvt, as we unc‘lorstand if. is his inton- tion to keep them and plant them next year. Last spring. when away on his fish route through the southorn part of his territory near Mmmt l’orost, Mr. Miles Wilson socurod four poâ€" tatoes of a special kind from a farmer of that district, hrought tlmm home and planted thom. putting: thom in a markod part of his potato patch so that he might note the yiold. This wrok ho harvestod them and was amazod to lind that the four potatoes sown had multi- plied into five lairgo pails of lulu-rs ranging in size from a largo cup to a small howl. Mr. Wilson had the potatOos on exhibition for anyone- FOUR POTATOES PLANTED YIELDED FIVE PAILS Mr. Miles Wilso’n Reports Big Yield of Tubers This Year From Speâ€" cial Kind Planted. Subsequent. to leaving hvro last, Spring. Mr. Hal-mu went into Hm. produce businoss at. Stratford whim he conductmi up to u shurt timv aan “'th he dismmod of it. Mr. and Mrs. Harm“ mm at. prosvut I'c-sidim.’ at Listmvel. and thm’r friends in “ur- ham oxtmnl thvm host. \Vislws fur .25.. 4:: E .7538 mm..:_£:_ _:..m¢..,:5:m .: In a Mini not» from Mr. (imrgro E. Harmn 0f Siratford. fm'mm'ly in the whulosalp produce business here. in which he expresses his aippi‘m‘iu- tion of Tim Chronicle and SPINIS along his ronowal for anotlmi‘ your. we learn that, he has «lispvsml of his hunsohold goods: in Sti'zitfun'd and uxpvcts in mow t0 Buil‘alo, N.Y.. about the 20th inst... \vhm‘n hv has b04311 «)Ifm‘od a mind pOSiiin'm. FORMER WHOLESALER MOVES T0 BUFFALO RASPBERRIES IN OCTOBER Mr. George E. Barron May Accept Position in the American City and Remove There This Mdnth. Sar- cm W h It. is oasv to mwt v \lwnN’S. The hard part is tn dodgm tlu-m. ‘ In the mmmtimv, 3 wt. «of plans arrived in town from ttu- A. W. Cunnm' Company. nvidontty mutvmt h)‘ thu mev, amt this thu Council thnught. thoy \wrv nut. uhligmt tn pay. as ho was nut mi ttw mnmtit- too. and it' he m'dormt tlwm. did St! without. tho authmity ut' thu 42mm- (‘iL (Jouni'illor Huntm- waxmt quitn warm nwr ttm mattm'. stating that. it. was nn wonder tho town's tinancvs \wru nut. in hvttm' shalw if this suit. of thing worn alluwmt tu um cm. TIN" acmunt. hmvmw'. was paid, thc- prinvipat ohjoction of tho inc-m- hm's twin}: [mt that, thuy dict nut. think thv acouunt. stumlit tw paid sn much as tho [it‘illt'iplu inwlxwt. Council adjnumwt. Tho l't‘glllzll' sossiun of tho Town Council on Monday night. wa.~~ inn- mai'kod by anything sonsatinnal. only tho romilar routino husinoss hoim: gono through. All momher'.‘ woi'o proson't with tho oxooptiwn of Counoillors Boll amt tirot’t. 'l‘ho minutos of last. niootim: woro road and ilt‘Opth, aooounts amount- ing to $1.154in on'o passoil. and tho tl'oasm'm".~‘ ropurt. Showocl that at. tho prosont, tho town hail an «wor- ch'at't. ot‘ approximatoy $8.4M) at tho haink. 'l‘ho mattoi' of tho now l'tltllllt.’ room in tho «liyision oonrt. room. as: «Halon-oil hy thojiicluoattholastsos- sion. was gono into. hut. was lot't. uyoi' llllltll it. ooulcl ho asoortainml it' tho surrounding townships oouhl not ho roquii-ml to pay at loast part of tho Post. Tho jllilg'o also Hl'tlt'l't‘tl that a propor witmoss hux ho orootml. The} only (‘lSSt’llb‘lHll of tho owning: «'wcurroil whon Rooyo tlalcloi- pro- lsontod a hill from tho. A. W. thmnot‘ Company of 'l‘oi'ontu for $27) for plans for tho proposod now Town Hall. Whon this mattoi' oanio ho- t'Ol'o tho ('(iunt‘il Sumo timo Ham. thunoillors Croft and Mac-«lonalil Woro ammintml a committoo to tank aftoi' tho soouriug of thoso plans and «lid so. 'l‘ho hill amountool to Kit. and as tho ()ounril in thoii' i'osolution hail stiliiulatod that. thoy most. not mono than $2.3. Rooyo Cal- dor. as chairman of tho Finanm- Committoo. rot'usod to pay it. It. was aflorwai‘cls paid on motion of tho Council. Routine Business Only done Through h" man-.. “-‘L _ , -w- ‘uw-\|I\-‘ all 25 wants for chihh'vn. Following the sumwr. :m kullc-nt prng'mm is living m'HVida-«l h)’ llm choir of film Durham l‘rvshytc-rian church, whivh lake's part, in sulus. «limits. quui'u‘ltvs and clmrzil sinu- ing. Thorn will alsn ho ln'ivl' ml- drosses by “IP local Mom-y and a minoral good mvning vmiuyml. As vxtvnsiw prvparatiuns :u-u Iwim: made for this vwnL it is PXpm'lml that. tlw public will turn “Ill in I 0-», ~ ' ' - I’llblrll “nu-ma - 011 Monday owning. thu Aid arv sowing a fowl sum 6 to 8 [Ln]. in thv hasvnwn church to which tlu- puhliv dially invitvd and whivh it “my will :thnd. Thu 34 chamod is 50 cunts for 3.11 s)!’ -0 0011.15 fm' plum”... TOWN COUNCIL MET ON MONDAY NIGHT _- ‘u... "‘II- III largo numlwrs and mnku Hm :mni- vorsary sm'vu-os «m both days an outstanding succvss. Arrangements haw hw-n cunwlvt- ed by th congrvgathulqfi thv th- sh~h1 l’rosh31vndaJ1 cluxrvh htr tln‘ holding of their :mniu-rsnry sup- vices next. Sunday and Monday. tho 11th aunt 12th inst. ;\t Unv Squntuy services, the pulpit. will I)“ «mum-.1 hy tln' va1 \li J. VValkvr at St. Marys at. H mm. and 7 um. Spo- cial nnush? h3’tlh) ch«nr is alsn :Hl nutstuuuhng foatm‘v nt‘ t'w Sunday SOPVICOS. szlm' Charlie 33y: Presbyterian Church Promises to Be Adair Fowl Supper Monday tober 12. “Sally Birth-S allows that flat definition. of" th’ word‘flapper begins where dis c retiod'__leavu “VI-V s 01' last. mm'lim: \wro ptpd, avmunts ammun- 5 \wru passmi. and Um 19011. slmwml ”ml. at. 11 HH‘ lulhllc urn cur- md which it is lmlu-d mi. The admissiull cents for adults and wvning. tho Ladies" a fowl sumwr frnm tho hascuu'nt 0f the Anniversary of Season.â€"

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