West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Oct 1925, p. 9

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After a short pa“ \‘mcn shrnlly proclai ' got my shows on.” .. Again came the q do'ar. am have I," .. gain ;; pauseâ€"then Iii \mm' *hl‘lll)’ DPOCIai "a. 'l‘h- amt my pants on.” ‘ 'l‘ho- unswpring “In ‘X H in a shoru imoa CW "Miss m. I I we gut my stockn. A la“ commun- Rnbhlo- «D have I”- lb. $2,897,753 to $2.10 pa lntnnco .ustnlia .dvertise in Tho m I ll). 11g 3,408,152 611,529 219,878 P” h“ DR. 1.. I. 331.]. name on Lambton Street (the late Dr. Hutton’s oflice). Office hours, 2 tn 5 9.111.. 7 to 9 pm., except Sun- day C. G. AND 3388!! IoGlLIJVRAY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. The 50181108 that adds life to years mi years to life. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat m‘riays. 6 H 23 U ”mm: and residence. corner of Countess and Laughton Streets, oppo- 91.": H 3.111.. 1.30 to 6 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. .gsmuiays excepted). DR. W. (mannaâ€"nuns: (Mice, over J. a J. Hunter’s store, mrham. ()ntfiagio. Honor Graduate University of Tor- out”. Graduate Royal College Dental 5111'2'9'0IIS 0! Ontario. Dentistry in 3:1 its branches. Office Calder mung. MillStreet, second door east " :‘ MarBeth’s Drug Store. / 0115- ”111389! 31.1380! my“... md rename t short dist- aw W: of the Kuhn Home on Lambt-'n,5"99" Lower Town. Dur- ham. wince hours 2 to 5 pm- 7 t0 3 pm except Sundays). ’ J. L. sun-m I_._B., I. a r. s. o. Successors to A. B. Currey. M:- (L. (L. Middlebro‘ is permanently {mum at Durham Office. Priceville lix'um'h open every Friday from 33v tn 9.30 p.111. _â€"â€"__.â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" ALBX. lacDONALD Luzensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. mam-am terms. Arrangements for <11». ua tn dates. etc.. may be made m 'l‘nu crlhronicle Office, Durham. |»~' In ~11 application. Address RR. 2 I, :v-hum. Phone 611 r 251. I.Tt't‘n."t’d Auctioneer for County 0! 'm-x. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- unable U'PmS. Dates of sales made at Me Ilhrnnicle Office or with him- LUCAS HENRY m-risters, Solicitors, etc. A mem- ouz- ut‘ the firm will be in Durham on ru.-.-.iay of each week. Appomtments {11.} he made with the Clerk in the office ll ”; ”Valium. Dillalluc Hutu-"vvv- ~“~ ' . "HPIHPHt to school; 0“ the prem- ~ ~< are a frame barn 42x65 ft. with < m» foundation; concrete stables; ~41 hay barn 30x50 with stone base- :2 ~nt; hug pen 20xl0; twelve-room rwck house. furnace healed, also :ame wondshed; drilled well close :n house. with windmill;-concrete water tanks: 30 acres seeded to hay; 10 acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and in a 300d state of cultivatiun. For information apply to Watson’s Dairy. Ml. 5, Durham. Ontario. 1025 ‘23 U NORTH PART 1.01“ S 7 AND 8. CON. 2‘2. Egremont. containing 66 acres; '05 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush; in good state of cultivation; frame barn 43x50, stone basement. "oncrete stables; drilled well 811% .‘ement tank at barn. Also Lots mo! 7. Con. 4. S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- _- ___ .m -Mma slanted hr‘fi‘!|7, U0“. ‘I. D.U.u.. u-u---v_w, _ ’mmng “0 acres; 100 acres cleared mi in good state of cultivation; on ‘hn premises are a brick house con- ' unmg seven rooms, with good mme woodshed attached; drilled \ m at door; never failing springs on m~ farm. making a c oice stock 'iz'm. This property will be sold U .A mm. mmhaser. For par- K 'TH Bl [IUUI . up V.v- _-,_ ._ rm farm. making a cfimce stoc 'Iz'm. This property will be so} am tn qmck purchaser. For 931 Nears apply at Watson’s Dmr: : F1. .3. Durham. Ont. i02523 w gmsementa under this heading»! cent a word each insertion {4H WITH ORDER; sn‘eonseeutnve Insertions given for the. price ‘w, :0‘ .1. Telephone calls treated as gash thh order if paid for More ‘1‘ "\1':"1"" mght of week ordered. Minimum charge for first inertial; 33.314. no all charge orders a straxght charge of 1% cents a 7;) 113*? made each nnsertwn, minimum charge 35 cents. ' FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Hillcrest 0268 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto kind of men. BATES BURIAL C0. MIDDLEBRO'. SPHRBULN ThmeJ'. 0m 3. I“. REUBEN C. WATSON w-ziwi Auctioneer for County of t'rnmpt attention to sales. Rea- }4- wrins and satisfaction guar- lmtns made at The Durham mm}.- office 'or with R. C. Wat- Vux-ney. 11R. 1, Phone 604 ['11. 'lluuunnl\v , u: um IIDDLBB'IO' Barristers, ‘Sol‘icigor FEMS FOR SALE Licensed e/Iuctioneer John w. Bates I. Iaddoclu l9nx'mm‘ly of Flesherton Medical Bhutan. Dental Directorv Legal ‘Directorv Classified Advertisements DAN. McLBAN CON- BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR sale. One door north of the Post Of- fice. A good chance for someone.â€" P. W. Kelsey, Photognpher. 109a FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER or GOOD building lots on George street, North 01 Shting Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 221 u FIFTY HEAD OF YOUNG CATTLE for sal.â€"Ap ly F. W. Kelsey, Phone 609r3. p 6 8 U BRITISH AMERiCAN COAL on. AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. i 10 u PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGHâ€" grade gas with the “pep” and long mileage. Sold only at Smith Bros’ Garage. 626“ FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds. etc., app! to Lucas a Henr , Dur- ham. y y 6 12 tf \VHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. 9‘ II- II- nnznnn Highest price. People’s M‘ills. 31523t WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- zcle Job Plant is well equipped for turmng out the finest work on short order. t! NOTICE TO PARIBRS The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As- socnation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers ere requested _to give three days’ netlce. THERE IS A VACANCY AT THE Durham Red Cross Memorial Hospi- tal for Pmbationers, and applica- tions will be accepted by the ma- tron. Miss Fettes. This is an affil- iated school. and graduating nurses are entitled to wear the title, “RN.” after- their name. Apply at once. vv'v-vv'v _ J'a'ni'os Léwronce: Hunger. Phone 601 r 13 Durham, RR. 1. NOTICE TO SACK HOLDERS ALL PERSt‘LVS MOLDING HANOVER Cvmvnt Company bags must return these to Hm undeq'signod an 01' bo- l'm'n ()ctuhor '37). 1925. to receive credit. fm' samP. After that date, no credit can b0 given. as the above firm has gmm nut 01' limsinoss. Cross 8: Sutherland Hardware Co., Durham, Ontario. 10 15 :3 HOUSE TO RENT SIX RUHMS.~.\I’PLY TU I{._J._1!l;}T-: t.1wws.. Durham. PROPERTY FOR SALE EIGHT MINES HF LAND UN \VEST Lamhtnn Strm't: «m this are wrecked gum! huildinus: hard and 30ft wa- h‘l'. le‘ll'it' liglltS. Apply 0n prem- isns tn Mrs. [-1. MT. 10 1?) 2w! HOUSE FOR SALE (WM) BRICK HUI'SE 0F SEVEN rooms. Pl‘liil‘ilil)’ looatml. with an- proximatoly quarter acro good gar- clon luml. Hood now Kelsey inr- naco I‘f‘L‘OHLly installml; electric lights and fixtm‘os. concealed wir- ing and individual switches; full comph‘mont of storm windows for wintm' and scroon windows for summon For further particulars on this 1:»1'oporty. apply at The Chronicle office. 10 15 if SHOOTING MATCH 'l‘H.-\NKSIԤI\'ING DAY. MONDAY. Novomhe-r 9. un farm of Robert, Mightrm. Int 3. nn tho somnd con- cession. Egrnmnnt. Goose and ducks. Bring ritlvs and shotguns. Shoot- ing al'h'l'noon “uly.-‘â€"R. Mighttm, Proprietor. 10 22 3 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF BEN'I'INCK AFTER I HAD SENT ()I'T ALL THE Tax Notices. we noticed there was an error. 'l‘hv General School Rate should reml 6 4-10 mills in place of 6 mills. -â€",-\\'. G. Hastie, Treasurer. HOUSE TO RENT GOOD BRICK Hu‘flI'SE IN DURHAM; all conveniences. Apply to Box 25 Chronicle office. 10 22 3p(l CLUB BAG LOST BLACK CLI’B BAG, FRIDAY. OCTO- ber 16. between Dundalk and Dur- ham. Finder notify Durham Chron- icle. Howard. 10 2'2 2pd CATTLE FOR SALE TEN HEAD OF GMD ‘THRIP'I‘Y- Wading steers. Apply James McGirr. R. R. i. Durham. 10 22 Zpd PURSE FOUND IN DI'RHAM. CONTAINING A SUM Owner may have same by descr‘ibmg pmpertyfind paying ARTICLES WANTED Churfnlly Honest Toacher: “Can anyone in the class spell ‘cloth?’ ” No answer. MISCELLANEOUS PROBATIONBRS WANTED COMING EVENTS 10 15 8pd The re-action following the war, over production here, lack of buy- ing poWer in Europe, and the tights cm of credit everywhere, resulted in a rrific slump in trade, felt first by the farmers of Canada in 1920 and later by the other classes. The lack of buying power on the part of the great mass of the people re- sulted in a general slow up in trade and the closing of factories. The Conservatives say the lower- ing of tariff forced by the presence of the new groups in the House caused the slump in trade but the re- duction in the tariff came in 1924 while the bottom of the depression in trade shows itself in 1922.. Since 1922 our trade figures have steadily increased. In 1921 we exported. per head $135.31, in 1922 $82.80, in 1923 $102.63, in 1924 $113.40. . The 'increase in exports for the first half of 1925 was 89 million over the trade {or theflrs't‘ hel‘f‘of 1924. _ fi- _-._- “v ov- ' The tariff cannot protect the farm- er while we export vast quantities of farm products. The exportation of farm products during the latter half of 1924 and the first part of 1925 are as follows: Wheat 191,764,537 bus., Bacon and Hams 11,208,721 cwt., Butter 24,501,- 981 lbs., Apples 1,406,237 hbls., Bar- ley 2,820,434 bus., Bran, Shorts and Middlings 3,667,048, Clover Seed 417- 907 bus., Cream 3.384.186 gals, Flour 11,029,227 hbls., Beef Cattle 218,084, Cheese 1,269,632 cwt., Oats 32,775,761 bus.. Rye 7,524.895 hus., Oatmeal and Rolled Oats 830,046 cwt., Tobacco 3,513,422 lbs., Flax Seed 3,030,105 bus. The export trade sets the price of farm products sold at home, and no tariff can increase the export price. The tariff can and does raise the price of almost everything we buy, clothin . boots and shoes, gran- ite wear, au omobiles. etc. The tar- Ibo “Gut, uuvUIIIVUIILIU vvv' â€"â€" -- it! cost the users of automobiles in Canada in 1924 the vast sum of $17,651,842 over and above the cost of the cars. And similar figures could be given for other things. Watered stock in industry raises the prices. For example: Eleven companies with 33173750000 formed the Canada Cement Company and emerged with a capital of $38,000,000 withlmtit putting any more money into i . .A\ high tzu'iff does not produce revenue. A low taritt‘ «loos. It is the. gomls brought in over the tariff wall that, produces the revenueâ€"if a tariff is high enough to keep all goods out. it. produces no revenue but allows the mzuiut'actiu'ers to raise their selling price equal to the foreign price. plus the duty. Ho gets the protection. The country gets no revenue. \Ve were able because, of our numbers in the House to force a lower tacit? on farm imple- ments. also on implements used in tho lumbering: and fishing industries. Wlo tried to lower the tariff on auto- mobiles anil on the. necessities of life AUCTION SALE Farm Stock Implements The undersigned auctioneers will sell by public auction at Lot 26, Concession 2, W.G.R. Bentinck TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1925. Two heavy horses. 8 and 10 years old: Light. driving horse. 11 years old: Aged mare: 6 cows. supposed in calf: 3 steers. 1-year-old; Fresh flow: 3 heifers. l-yriar-Hh'l: .5 calves: trood sow: Durham bull. well bred. 2 years old; ll owes and 1 ram: Massey-Harris binder: Brantford mower. nearly new; horse rake; steel roller; disc harrow; set iron barrows; Spl‘ll'lg-tOULh barrow; Light gang-plow; 2 plows: manure spread- ,er; seed drill; wagon; heavy spring wagon: tog?» buggy; heav ' bob- sleighs. oak runners; lig t bob- sleigh; cutter; scuffler; logging; chain; stock rack; root slicer; near- ly 100 hens; fanning mill; light dem- ocrat; open buggy: hay rack; bind- ing chain; root pulper; cutting box; 2 sets double harness; 2 sets plow harness; set single harness; chute for loading pigs; forks, shovels and other articles; quantity hay, grain, barley and oats, it not previously sold; sugar kettle; gravel box; cream separator; 3 stoves. tables, chairs and other household efi’ects; grind- stone with frame to drive by foot, and other articles; 1 acre mangolds; half acre turnips. _ m-v ‘wâ€"v w'fhe farm “:{lrlâ€"hlso be ofl'ered for sal_e at (pg same tjrqe an_d‘ Jplace. -- 11-- “'iivéiéy't.iiin§”iims;t' be sold', as the proprietor is giving up farming. Sale Commences at Twelve-Thirty TERMSâ€"Hay, grain and all sums of $10.00 and under. cash; over that amount. 12 month’s credit. on ap- proved joint notes; 6 per cent of! for cash in lieu thereof. Alex. lacDonald 8: Charles Show“. Auctioneers. Samuel Pntherhongh, Proprietor. HOUSEHOLD HINTS Squall Trim A novel way of trimming squabâ€" truly an appetizing departure {mm the usual store of frillsâ€"is to use stuffed olives. That is, using the large stufl‘ed olives by simply re- moving the fillings and placing the green olive caps on the bones. This also gives a tempting touch of color to the dish. Save all water that. potatoes and vegetables are cooked in. It makes a delicious soup. a Add ammonia or borax to the suds that the lace is to soak in. This loosens dirt, and lace washes easier with less handling. but were prevented by the voting strength of the Liberal and Conserv- ative parties. We retained the Crow’s Nest Pass Agreement for one year and held permanently the low rate on wheat and flour. We offered 38 amendments to the Bank Act, seeking cheaper and llo’ng- er termed credit. We tried to pre- vent banks charging, by the discount method. interests in excess of 7 per cent. That failing, we tried for 8 per cent... In that too. we were un- successful We tried to secure for bank employees the right to organ- ize. We tried for bank inspection, and in all were defeated by the Bankers group in the Houseâ€"the Liberal and Conservative parties with but one exception in each par- ty. Bank inspection was granted the next \’P 31‘ after the failure of the Homn Bank. We tried to secure prohibition of‘ Race Track Gambling, The. Reform of the Senate, Dominion Respect for the Dry Law of the Province. A re- duction of the vote of fourteen mil- lions for military preparation, the cutting out. of the five million dol- tar vote for unneeded expent‘liture on Quebec liarho - and elevators. but the majority of the Umservati\‘es were out of the House. and the. Gov- ernment won. We introduced a resolution asking that the defeat of a (‘lm'ernment measure would not. mean the defeat. of a ("hin'ea'nment but the defeat of the. measure only. 'l‘xyo parties voted solidly against us. “'0. ll‘iml yearly to reduce the very large vote 1111 Immigration. We trie. dtn protect. the farmers' inter- ests when the Grain Art, was being revised. t11_.1t :1 clause 111111'1111ting the. t'almer hming weight and grade guaranteed at country elevators if he wished to sh p to the Pool or to an\' other destination of w I111 l1 the countrv elm '1t11r \\ as not, a branch, was forced through by Lil1e1als. Con- serxatiws and Mr. 111'1111111'. \Vhen Mr. Gardiner of Medicine Hat asked a Conservative why he voted against. the farmers" interests. he replied that he was not familiar with the legislation and added I haw been instructed to wte against. 11]! mo- tions proposed hv Mr. â€"â€"â€"- a fa1m- er member \\ ho was \11ting for the farmers interests. \\ e supported all legislation seeking to help the returned soldier. We carried a res... olntion 1111 the single. transferrahle vote. and we at all imes sressed the need of economy. I tried for the Reduction Indem~l niy. Prison Reform and he. elimin-! ation of the. 3450.000 vote for cadet training. I supported good legisla- tion regardless of who introduced the measure. I worked to re-estah- lish the confidence of the people in their elected member and in Con- stitutional Reform. I made twenty speeches in the House. and eighty- three in South-East Grey on Domin- ion afl'airs between the last cam- paign and this one. I gave you an all-time service. striving to interest the peope in the task of govern- ment. Your trust in me and your .unfailing kindness has made the 'struggle worth while. I leave the case in your hands with confidence. Ages c. Iacphail. It is becoming quite a distinction to be killed b anything but an au- tomobile. â€" olumbus Ohio State J ournal. Cheese Dreams 1,9 pound of grated American To Wash Lace Successfully â€"lo Sideline Nothing too old, small, large or hard for us to tackle 34 years’ experience NO COLLECTION-NO CHARGE KELLY AIKEN COLLECTORS flgv ville and Owen Sound will offices 169 9th St. E. OmeferencHtandard Bank of Canada _ We Handle Gonocpio'ns Only COLLECTIONS To Make Good Soup COOKING HINTS By BETTY WEBSTER Readm, Note: If you me any one: and other Household Hints you wo “one concerning Recipes, add like to aelg Betty Web- sterâ€"address her m we of The Durham Chromele. (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) Effie cream if too thick. Salt and paprika. Rounds of buttered toast. Method: Beat eggs lightâ€"mix well with cheeseâ€"add seasoning. Add cream if necessary. Spread on bread. Toast in hot oven. Serve immediately. sauce. 4 eggs beaten separately. Method: Beat. eggs separately. Add yolks 00 white sauce. Fold in whites of eggs beaten stifl’. Bake in a slow oven. Serve with lobstm‘ sauce. One and a half cups of thin white sauce seasoned with 1 cup uf lobster. Pages of journals dm ot9d to liveâ€" stock breeding fr9qu9ntlv pictur9 the unusual tvpe of foster mothm'. Instances wh9r9 the sp9ci9.s ar9 dis- similar 399 not infr9qu9_n_t. Recently in the neighborhood of Garden City, N. Y., a hollow tree is reported to have been selected by a cat as an appropriate lying-in place. .A family of squirrels had set up housekeeping still higher in the bowels of the tree. When the families of both woro about the same age, the young squir- rels were dislodged in some man- ner from their nest and fell in tho bottom of the opening. Thm \\ ore promptly adnptnd by tho cat. CAT ADOPTS SQUIRRELS FALLING INTO TREE ROIE I' ' V"'r "U Cats am supposedly the mowed enemy of the squirrel tribe. hm. those at Garden City were said to he receiving the same attpntinn f mm their fostm’ mothvr as any nf hvr own Sportive brood. Advertise in The Chronicle. It pays. For October Lobster Omelette Souffle Nfioe Luncheon Dish 4 tabelspoons of thick whim cheese. Lobster Sauce ‘ BAKIIG Ill?! Sponge can has With sponge calm. angel food 3‘ all cakes that. depend nn airâ€"do um grease pans. \Vhero baking powder is 115413. in pie crust. it is nocossary to par“ pie crust with a fork before mm. 1% cups uf milk. 1% cups of dry bread crumbs. 4 tablespoons of mellod butler. 1 cup of cnokod. chopped ham. 2 egg whitvs boalvn still. Method: Srald milk. Pour hm milk over broad crumbs and let s‘land until soft. Add liullvr, ham and‘last of all, beaten whites. Sea- son. Bake in bulmrod dish or dishes 20 minutesâ€"in a n'mdoratv own. Fill dish or dishes lwo-lhirds full. Serve hot with cream sauco. “(7'»ii2"r'airly won. but I wish I had bought a nurse. Slm‘s always stop- pim: m louk at herself in the pud- dIPs." of yours 1’“ “How do you likf‘. lam Souffle “0 \\'

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