West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Oct 1925, p. 3

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'erdun. Montreal, wk ‘5" of thousands who ll". : ’mkham's Vegetable _ he great faith in it. I“ ;t has relieved my 11 never be withoutubonh house. Since my M a 1 suffered frompumm would feel so and I could ht t‘ning in my home. Sin... 1 ‘ ma 1% Pinkhnm’nv C n-t m a dependable "mar anthwr. it in prepu'od from: mam, contains no humid d: . . ‘ ‘ ‘ 1"“ u I mm In my home. Slum I 1 taimg the Vegotnble h Lydia hfiPinkbani’a Blood M an di erent. recomm‘ ny friendsmd hope it Ymcmoé v â€"v --' ‘u'! .5 hn are mile-rink from th. 11:1. " ~ Mn. Taco. H. Gm Melyn Street, Vfldun, loot mam in just. Inch .1. r WI’IIPS rm-mt canvas. of women no: \'o-gvt;1b!e Com poundshovn nt Hf ww-rx 1“) WOW“ “kin: Med. Chesley, Ont. r \ Largo ulna-III: 1‘. limb and Dresses. \l 6 \ RE FINE heme 81'? W Thursday, 3! Blankets ‘1»ng 23 EL Chesley,0nt. umvn where. NDISE ME SAVINGS o o o o o o» v-r-o-MW O o o Q-Ovfi-O-Onfi-MO'O-m \\ / iburham, Ont. 1m Rugs. Very Carolus g‘.-; “‘I h» [Nut offices am w“. ‘nnwtjnu-s clont you .\' t h al tlw proper co ms bro-n obtain“) vnohtinns. it is a! “:lh'l’ hut aMn Ill IT‘JC Frml 99m. q postal :I. \Vho‘m b» Is «my- :Iml HIP silly p NI. ”1hr 02"}: postmark Huck and $1.98 ....... wit". .lrainagv. Or it will Pp runolmons right , 'l‘hmw who have) 1;: ”mi? hnled soil l nuukv a start now. murals water In- io‘llol row toes. uw toes. "Ilullnfifl. l'n-{ a. H. is always but. :KUPDUOH an... $33.00 SIZC. nar- 98¢ O'S‘ l'nnsis. (‘0 a f Very few symptoms that occur in children are more alarming than an attack of convulsions. These attacks are most likely to occur during the first two years of life. For, at that time, the nervous system of the child is very delicate. It is readily irritated and rendered unstable, even by apparently slight causes. 'l‘lu- Mrionsness of an attack of ' wnvusions depends on the serious- Iii-SS of its causn. And the cause is not always apparent during the at- tack. lrrimtinn (if the stomach and in- I.--tnu- ro-sulting frnm indigestion is grin-rally I'vgarilml as the st com- mnn mmsv. A spasm y be one ..t :Iw first symptoms of an infoc- tmus' iIlSi‘Zb’i‘. Scarlet, fever, meas- 1»... and piimimonia often begin in thh‘ \Vu)’. Inllunmmliun nf tlm middle ear n :Ilmllu'l‘ fro-quvnt cause of cOnvul- ~ml|~. Ur morn serious tmublo, wwh :IS «liso‘asv 0f the brain or its wnovt'mgs. Hw mf-uingfls. or defect ..:- Injury Hf Llu' skull, may be {lr't'w'llL l'. I). “virus: "I am troubled \It\h oIl/l\ spo‘lls. I llaH‘ had tin-m mm» timv but latrly l sworn to _-.-r tho-m anlc‘ .vfto'n than I used ‘ a What. ransom this“? Is there mulling that; I can Mk» [0 (‘uru mt‘ _-_ »l.l " MM O‘IHIO'PS) “urn lur.‘ 0'51 u...... - .- . I’m-ma: Hlo' lust t'vw yours, can- owe-r possihe'. in 01' nio'x'uhlo- :Ulvntinn has hm‘n given HIP likPIihqu 0f the , tho» ro-lutinnship between the term mun-o convulsions. (‘ Copyright, 1921., by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, HEALTH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Snmv rhildl‘o'n rmulsmns Wm nu o'plle-SF \" Thursday, Read the Classified Ads. on Page I'hvl ’Hn- diuim \l PLUM GROWING IN ONTARIO Reply mm :m- sto-ml olifl'vrvnt causos h/nno-ss. It nfto'n t'nmm {rum win.- ollsturhauu'vs. Sumo-limbs 'I'Hllhlc' is vuusml by 2mm" defm-t. ll May Load to Epilepsy rh'nldro-n whn have fn'quont nus who‘ll Hwy am babu's nlvpsy wlwn Hwy are older. : “In last fmv ypars, mm- - nth-min“ has hm‘n given -latinnship between the ten- an H plo‘ is cause»! by same defect. )‘o'. ”1' cliSc‘aso' Hf NIP inner :h Mum! prvssm'v may [w a Ibistm'hmu'o-s of NW brain .nus systo'm aw amung the :‘lnus cause-s. ro-utmnnt. dcpvnols nu 1h“ I“ now: 9:55 _ .1. 27:11.” :73. m .Ei. 2â€"... :2» 2: a 7:322». :7. 3...: .1 :. xi... :3... 2...: F. 2:: i... 2.: 2.: _: 1.7.: z. 72. :32. ....... -,_.._ ho pl. \Vt'ito‘s: "My SOIL W -~' nlol. has am ammying mkmg his nyvs PVPl‘)’ lit- \\'o- haw trim! almut that \w mm think of tn etup it. but nothing that. lt'tml has sm‘mml tn cln .lmw wry wall in schml. nut. what would he called Dizziness \V THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR Humn vlnm cultm‘v in On- ninn Hnrticulturist 73. which 1s dowoted generally. says that tho‘ wmtm‘n sectinn as suited to the vul- ruxwan and Japanese Nu. thn European Sometimes low Willh‘!‘ and spring In oastern Ontario. .t. European plums l is only m an 9c: {I [ll \‘o'ill'S nld Road 97.0. dency to spasms and a deficiency of lime salts in the body. Some chil- dren who have rickets in which dis- ease there is a deficiency of lime in the bones. are equect to spasms. v-â€"- â€"v__- When a child has convulsions. a doctor should he. sent for immediate- ly. While waiting for the doctor, the child should be immersed up to is neek in a bath of warm water. The. temperature of the bath should be. between 96 and 100 degrees Fah- renheit. While. the child is in the bath. cold water should be applied to its head. Emptying the bowel by means of an enema will sometimes help to stop the convulsions. Like other symptoms. an attack of rmivulsions indicates that some» thing is wrong. A careful search should he made for the hygienic fault, disease or defect that caused it. Quite often there is some. error in the fuelling. “'liatever the rouse. it. should he removed when- lever possilie. in order to lessen [the likelihood of the occurrence of l more rouVulsions. i‘nhust. swms tn he in good health. What. would cause him to develop a habit Hf this kind? [3 thi'i'e any- thing that. can tw iiOllt‘ to make him nvvt‘cnmn it?"_ Reply Ho' pi‘uhahly has what is called a habit. spasm. Children who have haihit spasms usually ham a liar- wius lc-mpvi'amvnl. nflvn inhm‘itml. Haw him vxuminm‘l fut“ adonnids and hmsillai' infmtiuns. and have his nyps l'ai‘vfully lusu‘d. If there is any physical fault~ it, should, of mum's". I'm'uiw- suilahln treatment. llmnl l'mnl. plo-nty uf slomp. slaying nutclmu-s as muvh as pussihlv wlwn lhv \\'o'2llill‘l' pm‘mils. Hmi Llw aynid- :llll'o' nl‘ tun much study and l't'atiill‘.’ shnulol hvlp. Mlvuliun tn llm gun- m-al llo'nilll aml training usually bring: almul a t'lll't'. uluywu-u .â€" _-.___ , E. l..1”'..:|.~'k.~x: "\Vhat aw the symptnms nf sugar (Hanan-s?" Reply Almnrmnl tlm'sL incrvasml amount nf m'nn- mumming sugar. increased amnnnt of sugar in tlw blood. loss nr wright. and increased :lpg‘wtite. Smile vwry Um» you get. the vlyant'wâ€"it's tho chancv smile that wms. Smilv if you'rv thin. laqgh if you aw fatâ€"and if you're neither. Just ("‘0‘ 21'1“ C‘" .\""‘.l' Irt‘UKHPSâ€"‘Tt'l- U" vangu- yourself. Smile at the past. and you can grin at the future. Smile while you're awake. and you‘ll laugh in your sleep. Smile when you fail. and you‘ll illt‘ laughing at your success. Smile at. a «lime. and it will look like a dollar. Smile every time you think of it. and you'll soon gel the habit. Lv Smile! at hard luckâ€"Um fates may think you like it and quit. Smilv and mwgu' 1M. ‘thP sun s'et AL .“ Sure Enough . .\Ii.~‘~‘ um: And “here Is your husband. .‘lxs. Hm. ‘"’ .\II~_~. Ha}: “In tho) (Whard prun- mg sumo? trees." Miss City: “.Oh do vou raise vour om} prunes? troubles- SMILE ., Chicago) their utmost. to induce their wives to take part in politicg. The sailors and Ion horemeu who went on strike at avre, France, last Wednesday, have decided to re- turn to work. The Prince of Wales has gone. to Melton-Mowbpay, 1n Laicestershnre, a great hunltmg centre, n to see how his favorite_ horses are commg through their graining for the ap- prgac ing hunting season. ,4‘L__ ....s :n n hank- Daily Events as Told by Gable Condensed {or Quay Chronicle DIIIV .- -'--vw are said in be very oostlg. Elforts of .German epublican Guards to begin proceedings against Princess Hermine, wife of former Emperor William, for alleged un-» lawful usurpation of the title, “Kaserin Hermine” have failed. A campaign against profanity has been started in Italy under the ftinnal authorities directing that lee- tures on the subject be delivered in the school_s.__ -â€"â€"â€"‘. “‘A A- cap-luv DIIU nu. Scotland Yard announced the ar- rest of Arthur McManus, chairman of the Communist Party in Great. Britain since its formation, and John Thomas Murphy, a frequent contri- butor to the Communist press, on charges of conspiring to incite se- dition and mutiny. England‘s traffic policemen short- ly may become illuminated sema- phnl'os‘ at night. A Manchester en- gineer has invented a phowliores- cent arrow for directors of traffic at street corners. The shaft ii? .__I -l db .‘Ll "VI: 1 ”1 ur- u. - .-.. STI'npl‘wd on the wearar’s wrist. It cuntains 0m» light. of vivid gram and :umthm' nf ruby rod. Pursuant to u roquost made to the Prinm of Wales by Prc»sidont Alps- Pursuant to a request. made to the‘ Princls of Wales by Prc»sirlent Alps- sancli-i. nf Chiln, negotiations are un- clm' way fur the {lospatch of a Bri- tish naval mission to tho. South Am- m-iran rnpuhlic. The missinn will prnlmlily consist of snasnnml Offic- m's (if all hranchns. lmt Um Chilâ€" nans will lw vspvcially instructml in gumwry and squmlrnn cnntml. 'l‘lw (lanaclizm [mlivv wlm haw. lwvn nn duty at the» Canadian )3- \'i|iun at llw British Emmi-0 Ex ll- lllllflll. \valilvy. all summm'. will haw part in llw LHI'll Mayor’s show nn NM‘o‘thI‘ 9. ----- ‘9 :n‘ I!” .Vu\'uun. v. l“m'ty wssols lmw- boon xunk in NW PM'sian Gulf in tho \‘3fll'é't cy- vlnniv stm'm in tlw mommy uf Hm pro-sum. gvnvrutimm. 3104.5an frnm Bushiro. PM'sia. vstimuto‘ the death list at. from 1.000 to 7.000. >‘~-‘ |-.\- llfil ah li‘vlln “UV” ..., -___, 7_ East Africa wants to devolop Iwr transpnrt facilitvis and in this con- nm'tinn (lush-us lhn liritisn Unvmn- mvnt. In gnarantw lnans to {he o-x- tvnt uf UMWUXX). as recommvudcd by an East African commksiun which has lookml into the matter. 'l'lu- Baldwin Cabinet {ms UIO‘CMPI‘! M amu‘mw' Hf the commis‘flnn's l'rv- on'lnlo'mlat.1_0n__in pl‘incigln. â€"--. txr ..~n I" (Il'.'o~'-« - ‘-_ omnwndation in principln. Frmlorick Gaylnn. '23 wars 0!’ age, snrrotary uf a sncialisi. organization which holds mootings in Hydv Park, was cmn'irtml in London lmlire rourt on Saturday and fined £5 lnr insulting kmhavior and assmxmn: a polivpmzm. while the crowd was nutsidv 0f HIP BHW Strm-t PH‘iL‘a) Statinn nn Friday during the pro- cvmhngs in NW court against thv 12 cinmmunist. leaders on charges of smhtion. -- -7 7,: u..- Budari THE DURHAM CHRONICLE (If the HERE’S THE STORY OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Cecil B. Delme’e Greeteet Picture Coming to Veterens' Star Tieetre. Durham, October 29, so end 81,- Specel Iueic at Bach Performance. fit” The days of the glory of the araohs. Such majesty and power and corrosive magnificence as exist only in those periods of history when one small class lives upon and is heedless of- the blood and tears of tens of thousands of maple held in subjection. Iâ€" The Children of Israel in bondage.‘ Bereft of hope, they toil in the des- ert, builditig walls and temples and pyramids. aithful to their God de- spite the vindictive oppression of a ruler and a maple who worship graven images, they finally see hope when Moses is raised up to plead for their liberation from slavery. An old man in flowing robes gains audience with Rameses. but his, pleas for justice do not avail, and as a last resort, he pmnouncesâ€"the curse of death of the first-born. The old man is Moses. but his curse provokes only laughter, and Phar- aoh’s young son lashes the pro- FIIGI IIVIII was: varâ€" v- -n. . Is not Pharaoh’s son himself of the race of gods? Are not his golden sandals beat- en from the crowns of conquered kings? But in the night. the angels of the Most High visit the plague upon Egypt and when, the next morning, Pharaoh holds his first- born dead in his arms and hears the wailing of mothers and fathers of his land, he orders the liberation of the Jews, 1- I- ,-_ “ Ul bllu 0 Moses leads the Children of Israel forth from the gates of the city of their captivity. By the thousands, they stream forthâ€"men and women and childron. Most of them are alimt, but hero and (hm-0. one rides “1 AL.-- nun-UL, uuu "L... v".-- H. _ an ass or a camrl, and mm; of the aged and infirm are in litters. With them they take their goods and rhattols. their cattlo and their sheep and thrir goats. They are) a liber- ated iwoplo on tho marchâ€"a nation oxaltnd with hope of the Promised Land and with tho knowledge that the- word of their prophets has come true. M â€" -LA_~A A. bl'UC. 'l‘hon Pharaoh sufl'nrs a change of! hoart, and orders his war chariots‘ in start in pursuit, ml the Jews. The Children of Isravl are at the Red Sea, and lese whn arn wavvring in their faith H'Vlll‘ Mnsos. the loader. Dvath or captivity swam in- evilahlrzhut, Mnsws prays. and than the Lord sands a pillar of fire to slnp tlw charm- of tho Egyptians and at. thn Ramp Limo, (livitlvs thn walors of the" sva S“ that, His Uhnson Pm- plv. “859 in safvty and dry shod tn lhf' nlhm- shnrv. ‘ ' '_ ..-.,...:6 llll' Ullfl'r nlnu- . The. war chariots start in pursuit. but the waters clnso owr their hands. 'l'he- vxaltalinn of the [H'Opill‘t soon ‘ passos, for he. finds that during his absvnco. his pmmn have set. up a goldvn calf and worshipped it. Ewn his Sistm'. Miriam. has boon guilty of abominations. Then Mnsos. the lawgivor. doscends fI‘Hm thn moun- tain and crashes his tahlvts of smne into tho scone of idolatrous wor- iship and licpntinns rnwl't‘y. The ’mlch'n «air is dostmyvd and turned to dusL n . A; -_ A .5“ Ant-('- ID l'Hlu (me sun, Dan. is bored and cyn- ical. The other son. John. is tol- ‘ erant and more than half impressed; lat any rate. he is deferential to his i mother. ~ 1 ”That's bunk." says Dan. He in- ; timates that the Ten O'immandments imav have been all right for the ’clend ones, but that the world has ;changed. The deeply religious mo- ; ther. a Notch-American woman who ilwlim-es in the letter and fails to gratrh the spirit of religion. is af- ifrontetl. Hugging her Bible to her [flat breast. she turns her son out! iof her hmne because he says he 3 does not believe in God. Dan apolo- figizes to his mother. but refuses m iapologize to God because he does f not believe in God. l The mother is relentless. She is Ewarned by her 200d son that. she lis using the cross for a scourge. {but will not relent. Later she does Elet Dan rettl‘n. but the next Sun- ;day. she starts to leave home. Bible iunder her arm. because this skepti- As tho. dust sottlns fignros mergn slowly from a misty background. Dopnrtmi is tho pictnrosquo splendor of Hm days when history was writ- tmi in stone; vanishod tho. majesty of tho background of Sinai and tho lightning which was tho sign of tho wrath of God. A urimly drosswl motlmr sits at a tahlr in a modern room. Sho is wading from tho Bihlo to her two sons. It. is San Francisco; the Limo is today or a just-pasywi yostnrduy. â€" A ‘ An-.. oal son and his sweqmeort are danc- ing‘ on the Lord‘s Day. he upshot of it is that Dan and Mary. both unbelievers, leave the house. They Will defy the com- mandments together, they say, and Dan's parting taunt to John is to the effect that he. Dan. will break the laws of Moses and wax rich and have the world at his feet. whereas the stay-at-home boy, if he lives up to the Ten Oomndments, will finish “just where he beganâ€"as a car- Now it so h pens that the good son also loves ary, and in bitter- ness of Spirit he says: “I guess that’SIall I‘m lit forâ€"to be a car- penter? .. rVHis mother. her Bible in her arm, overhears his words and replies: “Many tine men have been camou- bets, Johp." ll nl__ A‘l-_._ In the "sewed part, the film takes up the lives of these feur people three years later. Climaxes nf thrill- ing power are reached, and in the end, the Eternal Law is vindicated. Somewhere ameng the 1.35.000 models in pessessien ef the Hillel Stalks Patent, Ufflce is the et‘igilml of Themes A. Edison's incauulesm-nt lamp. Edison himself tell Iill' Mary of how he had underestzmmed the value of his product. After Obtaining the paienl, he he- gan negotiatiens wilh a rempany in manufacture the electric lump. UP the night. preceding the mmfermm- that. was be settle the terms. he talked with his wife nhen‘. the priw he should ask. and they agrmul it should he $21”). Next. day. when asked Imw nutfl'll he wanted, Edison cloaz'ml his thrust! getting ready tn montinn $2.000. :ut the manufacturer misundnrstu'uit “\Vould $100,000 advam'v ruywlty do as a start?" he askml. “()h', Sllro."_ Edison Ninth-rm! as hm throat fillml Up again. The Mentor. Have You Tasted Thane who have used Jepen. Young Hmn or Gunpowder Tee will u clete the euperlorlty of this dell: blend. elweyn so pure end rich. 1‘17““: I! SALAD A'E. PRICE OF LIGHT GREEN TEA "Surv WHERE DID TIE PIGBOIS GO 1'01 The sudden disappearance {mm former haunts of the passenger pi- geons which were once so numer- ous that they actually “du'kened the skies" in their migrating night, has long been a. mystery. Various explanations have been suggested, for it is hardly possible that they were all killed by pothunlers. as was at one time assunwl. A writer in “Forest and Stream" has a rur- ious theory to propose. He thinks that “the sea swallowed them up." As we know. he writm, the wild pigeon flocked and migrah-d. Now, the way I figure it out is that they were headed for South America on their fall migration and were over- come by a storm. swept mm Hm ocean and drtbwnmi. Sitilill'fi who passed through tho. "death iu-It“ Pu- ported their vessels ridim.r for days and days through the bodies of 1drowned pigeons. the for lo;- load ”‘Hnw do you vxpm't, m «ll‘iw a nail inm tho, wall with a Mother-1 brush?" domandvd an tram husband. whn was watvhing his \Vifu as she aw-mplvd an “unusual fwd." “l"nr gnmlm-ss sukv usv ymn' lwml, my dear." All Our Graduates have been placed tn date and still there are calls {or mere. Get your course NOW. If you d0 not get ll yml pay fur it anyway in smaller earnings and lust onpurtunilies. Enter any day. Write, call ur phone for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Strntfnrd and Mcmnt, Forest PAGI t. “0““...

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