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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Nov 1925, p. 4

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Annual Int-nu Sonic“ of an- non: Anglican Congregation or. laid Sunday and Iondny but. Mrs. McMillan was born in the Township of Osprey 73 years ago. “no son ..lol1n died nearly thirteen wars 3;. n,» and another son. Lachlan. smen years ago. She leaves to mourn two sons. Archie A.. of Ed- monton. Alberta. and Colin J.. at home: also three, daughters. Mrs. W. G. Morrison (Kate‘u. of Balcarres. SINK" M rs. William Burnette. (Chris- to-na'l. Prireville. and Mr.~‘.\.rr!1ie I) .\t1l\'i11non Annie,“ of Glenelg. at whose home she was tenderly cared for 11 her daughter and daughter-injaw. Mrs. A. A. McMil- lan of Edmonton. during the past summer. Thrrr passmt away at the home Hf hr-r ctaughtm'. Mrs. Archie D. Mc- Kinnon. (itrnrlg. on Urtnber 24. Mrs. John McMillan. a lady nutrd for her hospitality. kiniilinrsg and nrighbor- linrss l‘hr itrcrasnd had been in failing hpalth for a few years which nvrrssitntrol hrr lraving her Old home last New Ynar’s and making twr homo- with her daughter. where she was tenderly cared for. Last. April sh» was stricken with a par- alytir strokr. and IlPSpite loving rnrv and mmiiral attention, She m'aotually brcaime weaker until the 0nd. the funeral on Tuesday, October ’27. despite the bad roads. was large- h attended by old friends and neigh- buts. The somices “ere conducted by her pastor. the Rev. Mr. Suth- erland of the Presbyterian church of which she was a member and a dutiful attendant in the day s of her strength. Interment was )made in Evergreen cemetery. South Line, Artemesia. The pall bearers were four nephews. Messrs. Donald Mc- Lean. Angus McMillan. Allan Mc- Lean, John McLean. and two friends, Charles McKinnon and Hector Mc- Eachern. Bsteemed Resident of Glenelg Passed Away at Home of Daughter, Hrs. Arch. D. chinnon, Glenelg, After Long Illness. MRS. JOHN MchlLAN DIED OCTOBER 24 On Monday evening, the usual fowl supper was served in the base- ment of the church followed by a program in the auditorium. As is customary with this congregation, the supper was all that could be de- sired, and from 6 o’clock until well after 8. the dining-room was the most popular part of the building. There was enough and to spare. and With the usual superabundance of pies, cakes and other good things. the big crowd was in a highly re- ceptive mood for the program that was to follow. 'l‘his. lm. was up to the high standard of rovious years. ‘ Mrs. M. Wilson of rham contributed a solo in her usual acceptable man- ner. as did also Mr. J. L. Stedman. Misses Marjorie Noble and Alma Kress gave a couple of pleasing duets and were loudly encored. A duet by Miss Allan and Mr. Brown or Holstein was also a taking num. her, while the Misses Lennox sang a duet in their usual pleasing man- ner. Rev. T. F. Whealen gave a couple of typical Irish readings as only an Irishman can do it and proved himself an entertainer as well as a pulpiteel‘. well as a pulpiteer. The. address of the evening was given by the. Rev. L. E. West of Holstein who, in his usual fluent styte and forceful manner, ave the audience many a good laug at his humor, and something to think about when he was serious. The program. presided over by the rec- tor. Rev. J. H. \Vhealen. was one of the best we have. heard. Those from a distance attending \wrp .wr. Donald McLean, a brother- in-law. and two daughters. and Mr. Alex. McLean of Toronto. Mrs. John McKinmn and son. and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart of Osprey. “W hat mm be done with an old til-e?" asks a (ones pondent. Easy; quit thinking of it as a tire and use it for a quoit.â€"â€"0ttawa Journal. But the easy-going my find it hard to ‘come across.- Good congregations turned out Sunday last at St. Paul's church, Eg- remont. the occcasion being the an- nual Harvest Services. The preach- er this year was the Rev. '1’. F. Whealen of Alvinson. father of Rev. J. H. Whealen of Durham, and he delivered two good sermons suita- ble to the occasion. Though the attendance is reported as not so large as in some former years, ow- ing to the deplorable condition of the roads, the church was comfort- ably tl_l_led._ ST. PAUL'S SERVICE WELL ATTENDED than wit} the truthâ€"WA TSDN. PAGE 4. Whaoonr is alga? of mu- fluidly, November 5, 1m. .vvvuc W“â€" Jr 11. â€"Norman Gordon, Douglas Johnston. Sr. [ILâ€"'Eliza Trafl‘ord, 'W‘i-fliam 'l‘rafford. Jr. [ILâ€"Mary Moore. 'Jean McAr- thur. “Jean McGillivra , 'Jame3 Tmfl‘ord. Malcolm McArt ur Teddy Moore. Ferol 'Legate. Jr. 11 .â€"Mary McArthur. ’ Jr. I.â€"John McArthur, Laura Mcâ€" Arthur. Glen Moore, Gordon McGil- livray. Elizabeth Brown. Jr. Pri Wrâ€"James A Brown, Ar- tina Me r,thur Furnatta Legate, Howard Legate. (' ) Present. every day. --Allan Mclnnis, Teacher. Sr. III.â€"-Eileen Aberdein, Lucy Robins, Mary Campbell, Joseph Campbell. Jl. pllI.â€"Pearl Gordon, Thomas Da- \is. Sr. ILâ€"«Norman Ferguson, Vera Johnston, Sadie Dayisu n v-vâ€"â€" Sr. I.â€"James Ferguson, William Campbell. Melville Robins. Sr. Primer.â€"-â€"Ivan Johnston. Jr. Primer.â€"B0bb Webber, Mil- ford Robins, Percy ordon. â€"-Mary E. McBride, Teacher. 8.8. lo 11, Bonunck. Sr. IV.â€"Lawrence Hopkins. May- ple Armstrong'. Jr. IV.â€"Pearl Roseborou h', Vio- letLArmstmg', T119919; ‘Mj ligqn'._ lett. - Sr. II.â€"Clarence Ritchie', James Armstrong" Ametta Manto', Rat;- mondwligg kins, Allie Hopkins, e 1-. Sr. I.-Dawaon Volleu', Emanue- Sr 111 râ€"Reta Vollett', ‘Maude Piqken'. Sicily Hopkins, Elvin Vol- LVI. IIUL/U Jr. II.â€"â€"I. Rife, H. Smith, V. Ellis. L. Phnlp, L. Tyndal, F. West', F. Gadd'. Jr. I.â€"W. Stevenson, W. Lewis, R. Fidler. E. Smith, C. Buller, E. Gadd', J. McCall, E. Love. A. McGuire. K. Lamont. H. Buller, I. Preet. I. Doney. (') Absent for examinations. Jx'. IV.â€"'Bet.h McGillivray, Annie McArthur. Douglas McAirthur, Am- â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Sr. Primer B.â€"Gordon Kennedy, Edith Miles, Jack Lloyd, Allex. Wells, James Storrey. Sr. Primer (lâ€"Esther Bourne, Dorothy Ashle eg, Eddie Wells. â€"Jessie Witthun, Teacher. Jr. Primer A.â€"-Robbie Milne, Ir- vine Innis, Sarah Dyer, Iolene Whit- more, _Florence MpLean; "jifiv Pass.â€"B. Christie, G. West, D. O’Connell. J. Lewis, B. Smith, I. Leith. Fail.â€"â€"V. Allan, G. Arnill, I. McOall, V. Johnson, B. Smith. ”wu“ Sr. 1.4. Christie, D. Aitken, A. Brown. M. Aitken. M. Johnson, B. McKenzie. B. Fidler. Jr.’ Primer B.â€"Jean Erwin, Ada Becker, William McGarrel, Jean McDonald, N9rm_an_ Glass: 'Sr. 111 P'ass.â€"I. Sim. M. Irvin. M. Woody ard. Fail.â€"J. Heaney. M. Heaney, M. Fidler. J 1-. III Pass.â€"M. Aitken, B. Mather, W. Aitken, B. Gibson, N. Johnson. 1. Ellis. FaiI.â€"W. Bilton, M. Nelson, M. Aitken. Number of roll. 36. M. Preet. olia Sr. IV Pass.â€"I. Hastie, M. McPhar- den. H. Pinter, L. McKenzie, S. Woodyard, B. Amill, C. Johnson, S. McCall. _ _ Jr Primer C.â€"â€"Patrick Clarke, Jan- et Robb, Grace Vallett, Jack Gibbs, Ruth Nichol. ‘ Those taking 75 per cent are cred- ited with honors, 60 per cent, pass, and less than that are failures. Sr. Primer A.â€"Goldwyn Long, Kathleen McFadden and Percy Mur- dock equal. Clark Saunders, Velma Hulme, Gordonfirqhan}. Jr. viii-:- Floyd Kearns, Helen Young, Jean Grant, Merlda Havens, Annie Campbell. â€"-Edna A. Browning, Teacher. Sr. 11 A.â€"M rel. Dunsmoor, Louise Jamieson, cil Hind, Alma Wilson, Elsie Pinkerton. Sr. 11 B.â€"Marie Allen, Jean Atkin- son, Ina McDonald, Bessie Atkinson, Frances Hay. --Annie Macdonald, Teacher. Jr. 11 A.â€"Florence Havens, Lilly Long, Arthur Koch, Clara Jack, Shir- ley McIntyre. Jr. 11 B.â€"-Harold Traflord, Mar- garet Watson, Charles Nicholson, Olive Dunsmoor, Carman Allan. â€"4Mary E. Morton, Teacher. Sr. I.-â€"4Mary Firth, Olieda Hahn. Clara Thompson, Jean Rowe, Victor Goodchild. Jr. I.â€"Gordon McComb and George Braithwaite, equal, Bobby Gray, Bil- ly fl Levi, Lewis Whitmore, airman ly Le‘ Nhle. SCHOOL HONOR ROLLS FOR PAST MONTH John A. Graham, Principal. Jr. IV. I Falkingham. Mary Tobin, Edwa Miller, Josephine Falconer, Gertrude Harrison. Sr. 111 A.â€"Oren Burnett, Grace Becker, Frank Goodchild, Doris Tay- lor, Ethel Mervyn. ' â€"8adie r. NacDomld, Teacher. Sr. 111 B.â€"Alma Kreaa, Ruby Wil- lis, Janet Watson, Isabel Jemima, Reta Willis. Jr. IVM'y flickering, Glen Rowe, Gordon leCrne, Clara My- nu, Mary Mont. ia Legate Sr. III.â€"" Sr. II.â€"A. Leith, E. Gadd, D. Erect. Lâ€"Donalda McEach‘em, Teacher. Durham Public School , 3.8. No. 2, Bgromont. 8.8. lo. 1, 61011019. Holstein School Lizzie Schaefer, Teacher. Clprka Louie Irvin. M. THE DURI-im CHRONICLE . A railroad accident with a great deal of inconvenience but little dan- ger occurred last night about 430 when the westbound freight from Saugeen Junction to 'Walkerton left the rails on the siding leading into the Durham Stone Sand Com- pany’s plant. The engine and four cars left the track,a nd, while the damage was repaired without call- ing out the auxiliary, it took until 8 o’clock this morning before the track was cleared and everything working as usual. A car of stock on the freight that fortunately did not leave the rails. was picked up by the night passenger and taken to Walkerton. The cause of the’ac- cident has not been determined. NIGHT FREIGHT TRAIN RAN OFF TRACK It will require something more than eating an apple a day to put. Ontario’s crosp of 1925 away.â€"â€"Brant- ford Expositor. Jr. III.â€"Eddie Lawrence, Clarence Hargrave". _ II.â€"-Clara Jacques' and Freddie Arnetl', equal; Ruby Lawrence', Su- sie Greenwood', Lllléam Colslinson", Clarence McNally. John Collinson‘, Doris Lawrence, David Aljoe", Gor- don Greenwood“. Sr. I.â€"James Wilson', Melville Harrison', Allie McGirr". Jr. I,-â€"â€"‘Margaret Brown. Sr. Primenâ€"Gecil Brown. Jr. Primer.â€"-â€"Victor Arnett', Harry Lawrence. Primer A.â€"Robert Lindsa ', Dor- othey Lawrence, Lauretta urnbull. Number on roll 31. Average attendance 30.05. (') Present every day. Pour Cars and About Sixty Ties Torn Up When Freight Train Left Track on Stone Plant Siding. W‘hereven two or three are gath- ered together, they are standing in line for something. . ’U ’ _,_____‘__ Robins'. Sr. III .â€"Irene Collinson", John MacDonald. Sr. IV.â€"Louise Jacques', Orval Ho kins', Roy Har ve. ‘- fi‘. IV.--Moy llinson', Grace Hopkins', Bertha McNally', Evelyn Robins". 8r. IV.â€"(Mharino McLean 75. Jr. IV .â€"Jean mark. Mamet Mc- Lean, Corinne Lawrence. . Sr. libâ€"Myrtle McLean 55. Jr. [1 .â€"-Herbie Miller, Clarence Ritchie. Sr I.-â€"Rena Clark, Muriel Brown, Chester Miller. J;- I .â€"-John Vessie, Archie McLean. Sr. Primer. -â€"-Glennn Lawrence, Ewen Ritchie. J1. Primer.â€"Georgina Miller, Nit-‘- cbell McLean. mine Sr. Primerrâ€"Frede Ritehie', Dan. iel Armsu'ong', Smith 110 kins. Jr. Primer -â€"Mamret urdock. ( ‘) Present every day. Average uwndance 18. on. lo 2, Bonflnok and sunny. Jr. I.--lrvino Mountain' , Wilhel- 8.8. lo. 0, Manolo â€"E. M. Park, Teacher. -E. W. Petty; Teacher. Kathleen L. Firth. Wheat ...... Oats ........ Barley ...... Buckwheat, . Peas ........ Mixed Grain, Hay ........ Eggs ........ Butter ...... Potatoes, per Sheepskins . . Hides ....... Hogs to this esteemed co le of tokens agghebaflecttgon in . ich they are em 1 hors smorgg whom they have liv and lsbo for the past forty years. As reported in The almicle two weeks ago, Mr. Putherbough has disposed of his farm and leaves shortly for London, where he wall retire from the active life he has engaged in for the East sixty ears. In his. community, r. P‘uthe ug was one of the ounstsnding citizens, while his estimable wife is among the most highly thought of women in the township. As prominent church workers and first citizens of the community for so long the neighborhood simply could not let them depart without in some man- ner expressing their regard and the meeting lest night was the result. _ Mr. Putherbough was presented with a club has and Bible by the members of Burns Presbyterian church of which he has been an official for the past 30 years, while the neighbors presented him with a purse of gold, and Mrs. Puther- bough. with a suit case. Following the presentation, a jolly evening was spent in merry-making. Fol- lowing are the addresses: 'Burns Church. Rocky Saugeen, November 4, 1925. NEIGHBORS nonom A__ A happ gathering of nei'ghbors and churc associates assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Putherboush, Bentinck, last night. the pccasion beng the presentation r. and In. Samuel Putin-bong, nominal, magma of - manta-y Address» and Git;- Bo- toro Leaving For low Home at London. - OLD RESIDENTS As neighbors, we feel that we would be negligent in our duty 1! we allowed you to depart from our midst without in some manner eon- veying to you the high regard in which you both are held. It is for this purpose that we are gathered here tonight and without further ceremony would ask you, Mr. Puth- erbough, to accept this purse of gold, and Mrs. Putherbough, this ()n the eve of your d e from this community to to e up your. residence in London we have gath- ered together ioni t to wush “on well in your new ome, and w ile are many that we should our ryels lose d friends and neighbors. we feel that it would indeed be selfish on our part to wish you to remain. in your residence in this commun- ity for upwards of forty ears, you haye proven yourselves t 9 best of neighbors, always ready in times of sickness or trouble to lend a help- ing hand, and in your de arture we feel that the community as indeed suffered _an_ irreparable loss: Dear Friends :" Treasurer rifle, we wisfi on continued proo- perity and heal ,m your new in friends and cruciate: in Bum church, would ask that you accept these 31ml! tokens of our mad for Bentinck, November h 19%. To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pathet- rer for more than thirty and u valued tucker of the Bus for a similar period. It an ”1‘ Ibdwinier, while in othr-fi 6:3, it my be necessary to porfm'm H... Operation that number “1' mm a week. Statistics show that mum 2} half 0f the automobilv («mush financially embarrassed. A mw while there is gas, thmwe‘s “up. Portland Oregonmn. ' with tohccco. There aw \‘ar'. ousnicotihc preparations that can be urchuod. but these should hp unegdrtctly according tn dun-(«mm {or there ere some plants. sum as the Videt. 1““ gm QUbJGCt. In ”Li‘h‘v by tobacco fumigation. 3,. yvnpra'l recommendctions can be [HM-n 3,. m the hum of times hpusvs should be than funfignted. This is .‘I “mtg”. that the grower must duridu 1-", himself according totlm ”firm and persistence of the Infestation. 1,. some houses, say Messrs. “UN.“ and ROSS, it my be necessary in 1mm- we only two or three “mus mm“: e winter, While m OUIM' (1le u Wflâ€"A: “MA! on. in their huiiT-i‘i'l "Ln “1m” ding GPCPII'ItH‘lsE mu.” such Insacts 88 Want licn og‘gphu on be controlled by mm. 04.. A_l---â€"‘ m v u _-- '"uul 0] 1"" " ‘ ih.‘ “Ii! munlty may . w, in the future hzzwlthe your company a W at. 9% you my care to return Mme” . visit among Um old W has other [1893 ”Ian throat! “10' pi , cigar or -i ,- one. AI Domgon. Entpmn‘lnfigt Arthur GM and his assustam. 31,5 Lama}: ӣ193". {'"Jl'" in ..n‘ roman-Ion um roucco ‘ llitht when of than '. are weir befnlv n .-; the Veterans M, "My and Swim. :\ to! a spirit H =_ u‘in'lilmd HH~ ”[3738 CLEAR 01 . \x jg; Y . A FLOCK C} ite adorned \ch lilivPly S'H‘Hngv illium FOX [mum . (ed. and Him": given to .l.»;-..,.,. ‘ .Qlendid dirocm-m “me Bl‘aSS HM“ 'â€" hf him and horn”. ’olioe case mole-t.- ‘y the plot. is ~1.‘-' passing it meix. .36 Of ”105'“ 1'.-\\ tally knew \Vhwiw to “I? mix“ ”1' ' *d y. N. Umvs “were is u .. Unique hm'nnsn . conventional l~\ .. m (film “mm. - , lave flmud . “ w “1”! ’I!~ anyopulal unx.‘ ; qt Ince am mu ‘Qu'it of the antln.~- .. ~ not or his Hum. .. , the cinematic WM... 5. union. praisn 1~ .1. . ;= ’1'. W110 [unpnpu . e stmyxm..13.... wastes of a hmn~ ; Ibo huppvus tn mph . motions (‘l‘fluk Hm‘ ' . llt It WOU'd In v-za idefluih‘h I 1‘ Non mark ' Edd Eton th Mon farmer \"~:t~ Cl: Thieves. Mr. r. and Mrs ‘I‘: msion. l’l'nh‘: 'll' chickon Hm El wit‘W‘s‘ rim me is ulnmn- . [n this 1mm om Whn thv hm motivvs'mmn t Ifld UH‘I‘NI: -1’ wise I‘Pfl'o'-!|H .' “6 8 WM \\ citizen van 3‘. for his 4'” “lord and lion “'hig. ha; wa~ Hu‘ LIIIPVPS hm II. LOWS IN THL‘ Ill: BOWL SH) r BIG TRIUM'H HL bile. .\l WWW"! ho f-f. "1d “NHL -. “Iondav I!!! “”wmi‘nflcl w. “human m .1 ~ “1' Pondzmwn I” “V00 “up 4-‘ Q" M It \\ m: U > ,. ”Men (mm Montw. {Nightmv [xv “Nth S1'H'!?o-' "we isle. «n 2v Delicious. healthfi fled arm? 9 ands of M l|a~ Mather M

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