West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Nov 1925, p. 6

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The marriage took place» in Ches- Iey on Wednesday of last week of Miss Bessie Molita Collins. second daughtvr 0! Mr. and Mrs. J. M. 001- lins of Vancmn'm'. and Mr. John Clarmicn Fry. Milo-st son of Mr. and Hrs. J. H. Fry 0f Clwslry. On \Vmino'sday. ()ctnhvr M, the marriagv tnnk Marv in Dobbinton at the honw of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Waugh «if their daughtm', Susie' Lydia 8.. and Mr. va'ge H. Leggr, only smn of Mr. and Mrs. M. Legge of Dobbin-ton. Mrs. 1‘ IIIu‘lI-s J. PB ans passmi awaj on OI-tnhvr '31. and intm‘mvnt tnol ohm? III Chf'SIOy cometmy 0n Octo Th» marriugv tnuk plat‘d‘ in St. Iark’s Lutlwran church on October 15 of Miss Sophia Albrecht of Sul- ligayl to Mr. .lnhn Savhs of Bentinck. The marriagp tnnk place in the Lutheran parsonage. Chvslny, on 0c- tober 17. of Miss Soda \V‘ilholmina {arm and Mr. Edward H. MeyerS. boy.» 0! Sull‘ixnp 'l‘n\\'n§hip._ Mr. Daninl Hogg lost. one of his fingers and rem-ivnd a badly lacerâ€" ated hand when the latter member caught in a windmill. The Inca! High sohnnl rugby team trimmvd the \\ iatlon boys In a 5-! score on Saturday. October ‘24. While adjusting a belt on a saw- ing outfit last. week. Mr. William Bullnrk f0 Gibraltar had his hand manzlml “hon his mat slomo bo- cagig} entangled. Whan Mi‘. Ivan Alexander was picking apples near Clarksburg re- centfy. he stopped on an unsound limb and full to the ground receiv- ing_ svv_oral bluisns 'liss Mattie Davis is in a critical condition followmg an operation for the relief of a serious abdominal trouble, a week ago last. Thursday. The marriage, took place in Flesh- orton on Wednesday. October 21. of Kiss Ida Mae. second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Marshall. and Ir. Robert Rulledg e. \oun gest son Of Mrs. Mary J. Rutledge. Chesley Mr; and Mrs. John Becker 0f the Town Line. Brant and Elclvx'sliv. cpl- ebratml their golden wwlding ju- biEe on Samrday. Octobvr l7. Hanover Stuart Fraser. 6-year-old son of Ir. and Mrs. Theo. Gmotzner of town. died Tuesday of last week. While_ playing 9t sphonl the Friday Josvph Reynolds. son of tho late and Mrs. Martin Reynolds. of Minto Township. dim] of lwart disease on Thursday. October 22. in DPtroit. A former rosit‘lent, of Mount For- est. in the person of Mrs. George W. Till, passed away last week in Toronto. The marriage took place at thn home or Mr. and Mrs. A. McDougal. of their daughter. Margaret, and Mr. Vernon Perry. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Perry of near flocklyn. on Wednesday, October 21. M a meeting of the High school Literary Society on Tuesday. Octo- ber 20, nominations were received and officers were elected on' the foflpwing Thursday- _ .° .. While working on a new house, Ir. “verge Frederick received a cut in his left hand when a knife slipped. Ten stitches were neces- my to close the. wound. Mrs. Mary Ann 'l‘asker of Mapie Hill passed away at the home of her son-in-law. Mr. J. C. Leach. on Friday morning. October 23. an. the age of 78 years. ' A large auendnance was on hand {or the Odd Fellows Annual Fowl flapper and At Home held on Thurs- dly evening, October 22. Ir. E. Cunphell. section foreman m the (L P. R. at Berkeley, has re- ceived $25 as first. prize for having the best. section on the Bruce Divi- The marriage» took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Eek- meter. Garrick. of their daughter, liss Lillian .l.. and Mr. Jack Srhnm‘r. sun 01' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Scrimm- 0f Milalmay. PAGE .5 Miss Gcm'gina Burgess of Bar-- goynn, a former walkerton High mhnol stm‘lnnt. won the Carter Scholarship for Bruce County w)- ued at $100. Mm. d'imrgv Simp‘son passml away an Hctnhm' 20 MIN rmuiing in Haunt. Format. for 1:0 yo-ars. On Tuesday night of lmt wank, the new (1. N. R. Electric conch made itsggnitial appearance in Walkm'ton. Tho young son of Mr. Ind Mrs. C. D. Egg of Ravonna, who had his right arm caught in a windmill re- cently. it being broken in two places and two fingers smashed, _undor want an operation, having his arm “waned after gnngrene’ had set i. The young man is now pro- ving fawn-ably. _ Thm was a fair-sized crowd in luminance at the concert held in Ibo town hall on Wednesday, Octo- Icr 21. under the aus ices of fine yak-3' Orange Benevo em. Asoocna- At a meeting held Tuesday even- ing or last week at the home of the lissc-s Johnson. the icon] A. Y. P. A. m reorganized for the seaeon. Mrs. William Levi passed awayo Wednesday. October 21 in her 74th naming Iavm'abl The marriage place m Tor- 0.1.0 on Wednesday. October 2I, of I35 Mae McDonnell of Dundalk at! \Ir. Elmer L. W‘iley of Owen III-s. Jesse 6mm“, 3 13”.th teamed resident of the Gravel oad, Osprey, passed away Saturday the ago a 64 years. There was a fair-sized crowd i'ng'his" death. he was Btfiiéi Flesherton Walkerton at Ean'ts of milk powder Show a similar increase, running to 9,617,700 lbs. and $948,919 in 1924-25 fnom 4.278,”) lbs. and $420,815 in 1923-24. 'l‘he'levvs Letter dated October 10 0f the Dominiun Dairy and Cold Storage Branch ntl’erds pleasant reading for Canadians It shnws that the exports of butter fur the twelve. months ending with August. 1925. increased to 34,566,928 lbs. in value $12,453,293 from 16,007,507 lbs. in value $5,809,962, in the corres- ponding twelve months preceding, and in cheese 01' 145,041,500 lbs. in‘ value $0,099,585 from 117,185,400 lbs. in value 3823029200. Thus there has been an increase in the year of 18,559,431 lbs. valued at $6,643,331 of butter experts and 27,856,100 lbs. valued at $7..060385 of cheese. A lim-y cross. supposedly of the Ku Klux Klan. was seen burning in the Listowel Athletic Park on Monday evening last. and as yet it is not. known to the. public who put it there, who belong to the organ- ization or if there is any organize]- :iun there It, was seen by a num- ber of citizens to be burning bright- ly between 10.30 and H p. m. A silver coin is usually in our- roncy for about. twenty-seven years. A thigh bone was broken and the leg badly cut by the blade of the grader. The unfortunate man al- most bled to death but lingerei‘i till Friday morning. The accident evoked the sincere sympathy of the community. Deceasd was a quiet. decent man about sixty years of age and greatly respected. He had been farmer but had come to Kenil-- worth where he resided with his aged mother for whom the deepest sympathy is feltâ€"Mount Forest Confei‘terate and Representative. A deplorable accident happened at the (I. P. R. station at Kenilworth on Thursday forenoon last when Reeve Dodge was unloading a new road grader purchased recently fer the use of the township. Something went wrong when unloading, and the machine fell on Thomas Mc- Quinn who was assisting. Mr. H. L. Hoffman passed away on Friday, October 23, at the age 0f_79 years2 FATAL ACCIDENT Last week the Hanover town hall was almost filled on the two nights of the presentation of the comedy. “mute Baby,” by the Women’s In- s l u e. The marriage took place in Kit- chener on Tuesday, October 20, of Miss Elfleda Irene Chambers and Rev. W. Davidson of Ayton. Mr. Thomas lchlnn Fatally ln- jurod When Helping to Unload Grader. BUTTER AND CHEESE EXPORTS FIBRY CROSS AT LISTOWEL ‘1.est We Forgetâ€"Where Poppies - Blow!” SEVEN long years have passedâ€"yet it seems but yesterday that they went forth smilingly in defense of Humanity. ’Tis the spirit of our hero dead that still livesâ€"though they peacefully sleep in Flanders fields where pop les blowâ€".‘in our own na- tional cemeteriesâ€"or in consecrate- ground near loved ones Let’s not forget their sacrifice for our Peace and Happinessâ€"- their full measure of devotion and love of countryâ€"their un- selfishness and patriotic sense of duty to mankind. Let’s show that we’re NOT forgetting and on this forthcoming Armistice Dayâ€"at ii a. m.-â€"FACE EAST IN SILENT PRAYER. ' AT. KEMLWORTH ()nu first prize in the werscas ser- tiion was won by LII-$3 .\s.~‘.~.s:ciated Growers of British (Johimbia, Lim- ited, while another wont to the On- tario Fruit Growcrs’ Association, who also carried off one secmd prize. the Ontario Frmt Growers’ Association second, Mommy Honey, of Abbotsford, One" "4142 second and the United Fruit (loammny, of Kent- vil_le,A_N. _S., one second. CANADIAN APPLES FIRST AT IMPERIAL EXHIBIT For the third year in succession, Canada has won premier honors in the British Empire section of the imperial fruit show Wthél opened on Friday at London, England. First, second and third prizes for dessert apples went to the Associated Grow- ers of British Columbia, Limited, Vernon, .B. 0., with Jonathan, Mc- lntosh and Wxinesap apples. Fourth and fifth prizes in this class were won by the Ontario Fruit Growers’ Association, Toronto, wuth Shows and McIntosh apples. The Untaz'iO Fruit Growers’ Associative] carried off the first prize for cooking ap- ples with Greenings. The second and third prizes went to the Asse- ciated Growers of ‘3ritish Columbia, Limited Home Beauty was the variety carrying otf second, while N. \M. Greenings won the third. The Ontario Fruit Growers, With Green- ing apples, also won the tourtn prize. Carry Oi! Honors at London, Eng- land for Third Consecutive Time. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE - _ M, Ion-hr 8. 1m, Tau SCRAPPY 315mm. MI BRUCE COW" JAIL Fighting on the Cape Croker Be- serve seems a regular hobby With the redskins, and as a consequence of this tendency to arbitrate mat- ters with the fist, Andrew Akwenzie, a particular] ’pwen brave. was brought to e alkerton jail on Tuesday last to serve two months for his weakness in dealing out up percuts and making, as it were, a. _punching_ hag of. _his_bret_hren. Andrew Akwonxio' Mocha ‘l'wo loam, for Part in Fight Which Started When- Thresher Ohiootod to Indians Smokin While Thresh- 'ing.â€"-Judgo finds wing Tobac- co Won. Than Smoking Vain! in Court Room. fit as a sideline. As a reventative against flre, he won’t a! w smoking around his machine, and this in face 0! the fact that almost every brave is a devotee of the weed. While threshing at Gregor Keeshig ’s on September 21, he reproved Pedan- quot, one of the natives, for light- ing up, and a tight ensuing between the two, the cop had the satisi faction of triumphing in the battle. Within half an hour, another Indian came up with a pipe in his mouth and prepared to start something. Ii Seems {hat Constable Jack Jppeo a stalwart redskin, besides policing ghe Resenye,__runs _a threshing 99t- As he refused to put the fag out, the constable‘knocked the pipe from his mouth and hostilities opened with a bang. Several othertlndians Jumped in and soon there was a. live- ] rumpus on the reserve. One In- ian, Andrew Akwenzie, who was out on suspended sentence for the part he took in a fight at a hockey match last winter, did not let this little feature prevent .him from tak- ing a prominent part in the melee. The fight would probably have been going on yet had the squaws not run out of their wigwams and pulled thgcombatants apa_rt._ However, the Magistrate and Crown Attorney Freeborn of Walk- erton waded through the session. with the result that Akwenzie was sent to the Walkerton jail for two months. Another scrapper named Ashkowe was fined $10 and costs or $16 in all. while a third offender, David Solomon, was mulcted $5 and costs or a levy of $11 for his share Soon the session was intenrupted with the natives shooting through their teeth at the cuspidor and with this continuous hang, the cadi soon realized that the last state was worse than the first. The floor re- sembled a miniature Johnstown flood, the gang having proved such poor marksmen. Three of the contestants were ar- raigned before Magistrate McCart- ney in the police court at Cape Groker on Monday, which was the signal for a general holidaz on the Reserve. The Indians gat ered in such force to hear the trial that the hall was crowded, and when they lit their pipes, the room was shortly like a smoke-house. The court or- dered them to put out their pipes or get out, which was the signal for them queenching the weed, and at the same time taking a chew on‘ their Nayy plug, UV-” wvwv â€"â€"--vâ€" was struck on the Head 5y 3 stone last Frida afternoon at recess on the echoo pleygrounde. and went home com ining to his mother of a ain in t e heed. Later his stom- ac became upset. and ‘he used away on Tuesda . He was t right little chap, and is sad death under such circumstances has occasioned much regret and sympathy for his parents and relatives. The funeral took place on Friday to the Hanover cemetery. SHELBURNB I“ _ BUYS Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Guruetmer of Hanover have the sympathy of the community m the loss on 'lfueeday of last week by death of them hula son, Stunt? Fraser, egedp‘xetrs. Ho _ _ -1-..“ lfl' WITH A ”ONE __ __‘_. James P. Landahorough in Charm of “Star and Vida“. ” Mr James L. Landshorough, who up to recently had been editor of the Shelburne Free Press, has pur- chased the Grand Valley Star and Vidette from Logan Craig. who has conducted that Journal for a num- ber of years. Mr. Craig, we under- stand. is in the field for a larger newspaper. The new pronriotop of the Star and Vidette is well known and highly thought of by the news- paper fraternity of the district. lie is now in possession of the plant. I-..‘ --â€""â€"â€"vâ€"' v-â€" Gxuotxnor Mod :5 Inuit o! 30- ing nu ma. awn... you do unnecessary damage either by breaking down e road foundation or tearing up its surface. As the cost of road building and maintenance is (all- ingmore and more on the user of the roads, motorists should realize the necessity of obeying the law, and, also, the advantage of securing the cooperation ol Look back ten years and you will remember that rarel did you drive beyond your own township. You can] not know the people or the country forty or fifty miles away. For month: each year impassable stretches of mud confronted you in almost every direction. Today, at all seasons of the year, you ma travel almost an here. Good roads are pulling ntario’s feet out o the mud. To help It the roads m repair, see that on use them “he!!! e law provides restrictions in e load- ing of tru and a speed peedlimit of 25 miles an hour for passenger cars. When you_ fail to observe these _pro- Pulling Ontario’s Feet out of the Mud GRAND VALLEY PAPER That’ a what Good Roads are doing m ”WURY CHURCH an: arm (HIP mun m m mummecte<1with sud- Gordon. 3. w.eu mu ”reagent 0! 'l‘horglbun vs hue moo i u: Q3313" d! "1“?” ti :1 e ‘m mum .nrha mafia Gordon bad just Iimslhé prayer and was still knueL ing, w an be suddenh amped Prior (0 wins to Th0rnhur~ reside. fthg deceased .lived on a $39,: “an: Epplng, of which he was the owner md which he Workmj yer 31100”!qu to; a number of Van? Bogldes has Widow, .who was‘ Ms; Flu. Mr. Gordon 18 survived by two sons Ernestpt 'I‘hombm-y. and ROI! in Euphmla. He was in his 74th year. MW in fin Chronicle. It pay; The School is thoroughl e u- to take up the following )oogrgggzed (1) Junior Matriculation. (2) Entnnca to Normal Schmi. Etch member or the Stat! is a 13m- varsity and!!!“ and experienced Tmhern . Intending Qupils should prepare to enter at boxmmng of term. Durham is an attractive and healthy town. and good accommoda- tion can be obtained at reasonable Infomion u to Courses max he obtained_ from the Principal. "Thâ€"éSChOOI bye 8 creditable record moths past which it. hapes to main- .um in the future. ”MAI HIGH SCHOOL J. A. M. R038, 8. A. Princuml JOHN MOBBISON,Chai1man. .‘d T (.031. hinmz: H“ mm In KW" “19 px‘o‘mls. animus: 9" ‘rn'ne “'00 men at (100! NORTH 1'\7‘~ a, Egrvm " ‘ .cros :‘i-'7‘- bush: 2‘. - tramp 1" 1‘ concrptp ~01. Masts, Solicitors, Etc. Successors to .\. It. Luna“ ‘1'. C. C. Mlddlt'hl" r ;v-"szzn' ”M at Durham Hf” w 3' ‘- Brunch open «v.25 i-r Moderatu Yo sales. as 1.. «1 Ct The (Linw Terms «m. up; 1. Durham. ! mining 10:! In")- W'liVaH-m. 1:: : MVQIHNH 2w .- lies are. a firm: done human. .lgo hay bar: If 01201; IN: 3‘? brick hon»: T fume \Vmfihm to honsv. W "' water tank. 3‘ I0 fires in ~'\" ‘0 well ft‘I'H'V'T' '3 Gullivahw". ‘ ID \Vat.<(m'~ In Ontario. Licensed AIM“! Hm“ Grey. Satistamun : ”Bible (Prms. lm'c It The Chrumrlv mi: Ionable Ivrxw! :1 ”feed. In mmnlCIP “.1 Ion. \zum . 5'. Barristers, 50 mt“; , .u hero! the firm “1111,. ml My of each \x v}; 3;; utybe bemade mth t: x ‘.. self. ALEX. MaCDONALD “filled Auctioneer for Co. of .i 'I) f arm loner Graduatu 1 r ‘0, Graduate HH\.. was of (mm:- gll Its branch...» Block. MillStxw-t, ‘ 0‘ “3036(1)? Um; > in to 9.30 p.11: DI. Li! B.;; W09 Lamhtm.. a. ”MS OHIO '1“; pm, to 9:41: In Durham anturdlys: ' ghdt [Egghum w OS “‘0. :3.‘ .. L30 1.“ 1': ', My: excepted . II. V. C. PICKERING. 1,2,5 “warmer J. 6; J. ;; .» . W. 0__I1_t_§"m_ ’0 'o‘GmTo D D. 5" l r~‘â€"~um- _~. 4:. I. All! BESSIE M- mum WIS, During 0w In Science that am, Licensmi ‘\ rey. Prom. ' ': WI JAM‘ES .dmidenm 1: ~ '3‘ the Ham. 21.).” t. LOAN 'i "\m. FUNER New Moder: [hone Hill ‘r. 122-124 Avmzt BATES BURiAL C0 IIDDLEBRO'. SPEREMAN IIDDLEBRO' 1e wuodshed attaclw at door; nmpr fznims: {armamakmg a flu mm W.Batt Formem Licensed U41U1IUNKC" with REUBEN C. WATSON Dental {)7}; 51%.... CON mat (DIRTHJN YARN sta 334 _i‘esi_dmiw germ! simu LUCAS 8: HENRY K‘ IBM of \R'Pok },,.,',; [an til charm. m.” m eICh Inwgq...‘ DAN. MCLEAN NERAL SEE LOT 116' I’l '44 his 9353:1er u; .sified \1 1n Uurhx Appomt‘ b‘U‘c \V i0 0!

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