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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Nov 1925, p. 7

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me with one y‘ Jonathan hm i4 ntnf [‘hornbuy,‘ klng pal't In Hp I “More! (‘hll‘c‘h Hmdun lad just my and “as Still‘g ho lmldvnly 03. r us. I Hucl f0 heartq OFFERING UP his fall. Note 'mprovemenb. {nuance of the il is thorough! in“ lhe following 1333...; or Matriculation. sue». to Normal 80m hero! the SMistU - finale and expefluic'o“ pupils‘ should prepnrg ta ginning 0! term. In as to COUPSCS mu .m thv Princi al. y b. I has a credit: 0 record which it bones to Innin- "itiirn. EmBB. B. A., Principal. JRRISIW. Chairman. remem be: that township. You try forty or fifty usable stretche- Erection. L- that on use >ns in e load- iles an hour to: me these pro- n! by breaking ls surface. s an attractive and . and good accommodâ€" nbtaixwd at. reasoning :enance in fall- Dads, motofisb the law, and. mperation of E, Dcputy Mining ml S TIES S The Chronicle. It ”I I HIGH SCHOOL mung m "l‘non »-cmsml .hved a . of which he Shirts < New, It's lore. r Store of ats 0 doing oods Suits now 5‘ 0f m 'l‘hombm livwl on a 38 Our idea of the meanest. man on earth is the barber who puts hair restorer in his shaving cream. NORTH PART LOTS 7 AND 8, CON. '22. Egremont. containing 66 acres; 55 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush; in good state of cultivation; frame barn 45x50, stone basement, concrete stables; drilled well and cement tank at barn. Also Lots 6 and 7, Con. 4. S.D.R., Glenelg, con- taining “0 acres; 100 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick house con- taining seven rooms, With good frame woodshed attached; drilled we“ at door; never failing springs on this farm. making a c once stock farm. This property will be sold right to quick purchaser. For par- ticulars apply at Watson’s Dani, RR. 4. Durham, Ont. 102523 f FARM ”FOR SALE [0: 66 Con. W'.G..R, 8835005 '3‘; mil»; southxxg est of Durham. con- mining 86 acres. Mostly clear 80d m gum! state of cultivation. Bank ham with shed adjoining and stone s'MhlPs. 7-r00metl brick house With ~<tnn<ion kitchen and woodshed. Wv'l watered and in good repair. Fm- further particulars apply to Wlliiam Smith. R. R. No. 3. Durham. LOT 7, CON. 2!. EGREMONT, CON- taining 100 acres; 85 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush; ronvcnient to school; on the prem- ises are a frame barn 42x65 ft. with stone foundation; concrete stables; ilso hav barn 30x50 with stone base- ment; hog pen 20x50; twelve-room brick house. furnace heated, also frame. woodshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay; IO acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and in a good stale of cultivation. For information apply to Watson's Dairy, RR. 4, Durham. Unlario. 1025 23 if REUBEN C. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer for County of «My. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- <unablo forms and satisfaction guar- untm'd. Dates made at The Durham chronicle office or with R. C. Wat- son. Varney, RR. 1, Phone 604 1'“. Moderate terms. Arrangements for sales. as to dates, etc., may be made at. The Chronicle Office, Durham. [arms on application. Address RR. .Dmham. Phone 611 r 2' ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Go. of Grey. DAN. IcLEAN Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- mnable terms. Dates of sales made at 'fl‘he Chronicle Office or with him- 491 . Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber of the firm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Asp pointments may be made with the lerk in the 00' ice. -luuu.fi3‘ii 01885...“ I Barristers, Solicitors Btu. Successors to A. B. (fun-0y. ‘ Mr. C. C. Middlebro’ is permanently located at. Durham Office. Priceville Branch open every Friday from 4.30 m 9.30 p. m. u. s. ant-A‘s, U. 8. fig In. U. 3. Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block, MillStreet, second door east of MacBeth’s Drug Store. DRW. ‘cTncxnmnG,’ DENTIST ()fl‘ice, over J. J. Hunter’s store, Durham. Ontario. ‘_--. ' u Chiropractors; Titâ€"Irina, Ontario: The Science that adds life to years and years to life. Consultation frce. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdaz'a and Saturdays. 6 I 23 tf Oflice on Lamb‘toh $23 (the late Dr. Hutton’s oflice). Oflice hours, 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. except Sun- day. Office and midefleo. corner of Countess and Lambton Btu-co mo. site old Post Oflice. Oflico ours- 9 to H 3.111.. 1.30 to t 9.33., 7 to 9 pm: (Sundays excepted). DRS. 15.1380. 1m. office and residence . short dist- ance east 0! the Hill!) Home on Lambton Street, Lower Town. Dar. ham. Officehourazmspm.7to a p.m. (except Sundays). FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Hillcrest 0268 £22424 Avenue Road Toronto lohn w. Bates R. Haddocks Formerly of Flesherton BATES BURIAL C0. FARMS FOR SALE J. 1.. 3.17], I. 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. ”lflzAn A-A “‘3‘. HIDDLBBRO' Licensed J1 uctz'oneer Legal ‘Directorv’. Dental Directorv LUCAS 8'. HENRY nu. A, I. am :qâ€"diici' ‘piiogram. . Ladies bringing boxes, free. Admlssion 25 cents and 15 cents. 10 29 2 ALLAN PARK ‘BOX SOCIAL A BOX SOCIAL WILL BE HELD AT Allan Park school yoyembep _13._ A P0138 FOR SALE PAIR PROVEN BREEDERS AND pair pups; pure-bred, registered black. Apply to W. Burnet Son, Blacksmiths, Durham. 10 29 2pc! RED CROSS BAZAAR NOTICE ANY PERSON HAVING WORK OUT for the Red Cross Bazaar will kindly return to Mrs. George Jucksch not later than November 5. 10 29 2 ANNIVERSARY SERVICES ST. COLUMBA UNITED CHURCH, Priceville, will hold anniversary services on November 8 and 9. On Sunday. November 8, Rev. F. N. Bowes, Markdale, will preach at M a. m. and 7.30 p. m. On Monday night a Thanksgiving Fowl Supper will be served at the church from 6 to 8 o’clock followed by a program .of music and short addresses. the mu- sical numbers to he provided by the choir of Knox United church, Dur- ham. Admission to supper and con- cert 50 0. Children 250. 10 29 2 HOUSE TO BENT GOOD BRICK HOUSE IN DURHAM: all conveniences. Apply to Box 25 Chronicle office. 10 22 3pd SHOOTING MATCH THANKSGIVING DAY. MONDAY, November 9, an farm of Robert. Mightnn lot 3, on the second con- ression Egremont. Goose and ducks. Bring liflos' and shotguns. Shoot- ing afternoon onlyHâ€"R Mighton, Proprietor. 10 22 3 HOUSE FOR SALE («we BRICK HOUSE OF SEVEN rooms. centrally heated, with apâ€" proximately quarter acre gem! garâ€" den land. Good new Kelsey lur- nace recently installed; electric lights and fixtures, concealed wir- ing and individual switches; full complement of storm windows for winter and screen windows for summer. For further particulars on this pmperty, apply at The Chronicle office. 10 15 tf mews” Durham. _ HOUSE TO RENT 31x ROOMSâ€"APPLY TO B. J. MAT- NOTICE TO 11311338 The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham ‘on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested _to give three day_s: notice. Jam'es Lawrenceifléifidéf; Phone 601 r 13 Durham, Mi. 1. COLT FOR SALE FIVE-YEAR-OLD COLT, GENERAL purposv. work single or double. Ap- ply A. B. McLellan. 1pc] I can only say I hope [dbâ€"é @6333; of the confidence} placed in me. NOTE 0? APPRECIATION I dvsire to thank very sincerely my summrtcrs. We won the day be- cause of the self-sacrificing effort. of men and wqrqon in this riding. I n--- ._-_I__ _- THE KNOX CHURCH, NORMANBY, Sunday School Concert will be held on Wednesday evening, November 11. Lunch will be served, Admis- sion 25 cents and 15 cents. WORK WANTEDLJHE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. (.1 WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. nghest price. People’s Mills. 31523t TRY A BAG OF PRAIRIE PRIDE Flour made from pure Manitoba wheat and will surprise you with the excellent quality of bread it will make and only $4.00 per bag at the People’s Mills, John McGowan. 11 5 29d FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc., apply to Lucas 6:. Henry, Dur- ham. 6 12 t! v â€"â€"-v v- grade gas'wi'th m3"? pe ” “and” long mileage. Sold oniy at with Bros Garage. 626“ BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. i 10 u FOR SALRâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lot: on George street. North of Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. ' 221 u " wa- W, Duf'ham. Ontario. ARTICLES WANTED COMING EVENTS Aghes Q Macpâ€"tiail. M 10 15 8pd 22“.! FOR SALE ' ONE PURE BRED SHOR’I‘HORN cow, registered; and'heifer calf 4 months our-ADM Dl‘. 0. E. Carr, Priceville, Ont. ' 2 THE ANNUAL BAZAAR OF THE Durham Red Cross Society will be held Novembe1 7 in the Armories at 3 o’clock. Fancy work. Home- made Baking, Home-made Candy. Potted Plants and Cut Flowers will be on sale. Any donations of the above articles thankfully received. Proceeds in aid of Red Cross Mem- orial HospitaLâ€"M. Gagnon, Secre» taivv 10 29 2 YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE READY F011 DELIVERY FIRST week in N0vember.-R. Mighton, lot. 3. concession 2, Egremont, Varney P- 0- 10 29 2 RED CROSS BAZAAR NEXT WEEK KNOX GHU‘RCH FOWL SUPPER A THANKSGIVING NATIONAL FIL- tival will he giwn in Knox United church by the ladies of that church on Thursday evening, Noyemher 1'2. WILL SERVE TEA THE LADIES’ AID OF THE PRES- byterian church will hold a sale cf home made making and fancy goods in the A. Y» P. A. rooms on Sat.- urday. November 28. Afternoon tea will be served. All Welcome. 10 29 3 7' “"V Khwdiwi'owl supperufivill be served from 6 to 8 followed by a splendid program. Admisswn 50c. 10 29 2 M". E Murray, Official Agent, Dated November 2, 1925. Neustadt. All Bills and Accounts contracted in behalf of, or in the interest of, Miss A. C. Macphail, M. P. for South- East Grey, during the recent cam- paign. must. be sent in to the under- signed within 30 days from the date of election; otherwise. they will he illegal and may be disputed, in ac- cordance with the Dominion Elec- tions Act , Chap. 46. Sec. 78; Subs. 7. Send in yoingnocountsA gt. once. Professor Katz, the well-known oyo specialist of Listowol. will re- liovo oyo sight. trouhlo again at tho Hahn Houso. Durham, on Tuesday, November 10, by tho method that soldom fails. If you have any oyo trouhlo at all, young and old, you should consult Professor Katz whilo ho is in town as by our great skill and oxpmionco in glasses. we pro- scribo glasses not merely to see but to restoro too, as you all know Profossor Katz’s good work around hm o for \msir in ioliming 'eye sight trouhlo Wo (2111 help you oven if others have failed. Glasses at ro ducod pricesâ€"E. Katz lpd As an indication of the merits of certified seed potatoes, it will be interesting to readers to note that comprehensive information has re- cently been collected by Mr. H (L. Moore, of Fast Lansingy Michigan, on the results obtained from “.627 test plots of certified versus nonâ€" eertified seed planted in all parts of Canada and the United States, and that the average increase per male in favor of tho certiiiel seed was 46.": bushels. and in Canada alone, The area inspected thrOughout the countryâ€"not including British Columbiaâ€"was approximately 13,500 acres, of which 10,000 acrw, or sev- enty-five per cent, passed the two field inspections. With an estimat- ed crop from this area of 175 to 200 bushels per acre of the Irish Cobbler variety, and 225 to 250 bush- els of the Green Mountain variety, there will! again be a large quantity of certified seed potatoes available, sufficient for extensive planting in Canada next season. and for exten- sive export to other markets where the favorable reputation of such seed hasbecome firrnly_ established, The acreage inspected this year for certified seed potatoes was con- siderably below that of 1924, which, hogever, wasnot unexpeced. FIELD INSPECTION OF POTATOES PO'R CERTIFIED SEED Quite a large number of farmers have requested these premnums this year. but they are too late unless they have nine other farmers to form a club. All those securing first premiums last year must sign the forms tor their second premium and return not later than December 31 this year. 5. Applications must be received not later than December 31 of. the year in which the ram was pur- chased 3. They must. purchase rams Of the same breed. 4. All male lambs must be cas- trated and all lambs docked. i. That thereomust be ten farm- ers in a mmmumty who apply. (The size of the community has not been defined). 2. These must. own at least ten ewes each and have never used a pure bred ram. The Dominion Government some three or four months ago made a ohange in the policy of iving prem- mm to ram H ore the 1n. dividual who never before owned a pure bred registered ram oouldget a premium of 840.00 divided into two annual payments of $5.00 each. The. policy is now changed. The fol- lownng are the again- points: PROFESSOR KATZ COMING Problems of Contributed by Gray county Department of Annular. ELECTION NOTICE Premium Policy for has the Farm For winter feeding of the laying pullets at the Experimental Station, Lennoxville. Quebec, 1 part. wheat. 1 part corn and 1/2 part oats is used as a scratch grain, says J. D. Lang. Poultryman, Experimental Station, Lennoxville. Quebec. The corn should be cracked before mixing with the wheat and oats, otherwise the birds will eat a relatively larger quantity of corn because of the dif- ference in the size. of the kernels. This scratch grain is scatterd morn- ing and afternoon in litter about 6 to 8 inches deep. so that the birds will have to work for the grain in order to get it. This is merely a compulsory form of exercise, with- out which a satisfactory production of eggs cannot be expected. A dry meal mixture consisting of equal parts, bran. middlings. cornmeal and oatmeal. with 12 to 15 per cent of beefmeal. is kept in an open hopper wher the birds may help themselves. Erit and oyster shells are also kept in open hoppers. At noon, it is de- six-able to .feed some form of hay. Green feed. such an mangolds, cab-y bage, sprouted oats, or clover hay.i Green feed must be provided to take the place of the grasses which the birds pick for themselves while on range during the summer. Man- golds are greatly relished, and clover leaves, if they can be obtained, are excellent. Give the pullets sour milk to drink whenever possible. if milk cannot be secured. it will! pay to get a small quantity of green cut bone, or cooked refuse meat._ _A A - ”'F‘ééifih’e ’fi'ixfi‘atfiégmarlfn If fed irregularly. they are rest ess and Any growers interested in the abom work or desirous of SPCt-ll‘ ing a supply of certified seed l'nr planting next season. may sornrn further informal ion by communicati- ing with the Dominion Botanist, Central Experimental Farm. Ottawa. Some outstanding features as a result of inspection for certiiied seed are, the general improven'ient in cultu‘al practices followed by the growers who enter their fields for inspection, the interest. which they evince in the various diseases and the practice of the methods re- commended for their control. and the honest efforts they put forth to comply with the tuber 'insqmctien standard when preparing their c~r0ps for sale. These features are of great assistance to the efficient conduct of the inspection service, and are much appreciated. _ FEEDING PULLETS FOR WINTER EGG PRODUCTION 88 bushels This ini‘orn'iation, and the knowledge, through persoml ex- perience, ich large numbers or growers have acquired during ”its past few years, warrants the state. ment that there is no doubt about the quality of seed which has ful- filled requirements. COOKING HINT-8 Turnip in Panto Gases Cook turnips and mash when done. Bake potatoes. When done, scrape out middle. Mix equal amount of potato and turnip together. Mash and season with butter pepper and salt and little milk and cream. Pile in the potato shells. Place in oven and brown. Serve hot. Hang clothes up to.dry in as near glue position they are worn as possi- e. Do not throw away starch left in a bowl. Put bowl aside until starch has settled at the bottom. Pour off the water. Place bowl with starch in the oven for a few min- utes until the starch cakes. Then it can he put away and used an- other day. â€"--0-â€"tâ€" The Proper Way to Hang Clothes HOUSEHOLD HINTS ' Well Planned Homework Do all possible cleaning, ironing, washing or baking in the morning Make possble preparations for din- new in the morning, leaving just the finishing to he done atdinner time. Save sewing, mending, writing and such tasks for afternoon or evening. These can he done after one is dressed for the evening. It allows the housewife a chance to be off her feet and thusâ€"gives her a rest worth while. We Handle Collections Only â€"â€"No Sideline Nothing too old, small, large or hard for us to tackle 34 years experience NO COLLECTIONâ€"NO CHARGE KELLY 8: AIKEN COLLECTORS COLLECTIONS Save Starch (Comm'aht. 192.5, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) Entire armies of the animals mn- gregate 011 the Wisi-«msiu side} and wait for °:Ilm woaihrw liwfm‘o m- tempting the long swim. Rmigh weather has proved fatal to many, the bodies of which have been washed up on both shows, the hunt.- ers report. uuuuuuuu I‘ll I ltllllll!lll gamoly swimming across tho Mi» sissilmi Rixm'. An acute shortage 111 11111 \\ 141-1111- sin nut crap is causing thousands at squirrels to soak the mun-1 haunti- ful 011m Holds. 111' 1(1wa.11(‘(mrdin" to hunters and fishm'mvu \\ I111 0011111 [0 I’i‘aii‘iv Du Chi1111.\\is..dz1ilv with stmivs of witnvssing hun- (il’PdS_ 0f the hushv tailmi animals SHORTAGB OF NUTS IN WISCONSIN; SQUIRRELS SWIM OVER TO IOWA Thirdâ€"Thveufation fed in .such a mapnpr as to promote pxermso and 30£1Vlty_ amgngthe bwds. ._-----... w--vu.u ”‘1 ”v; nu) Ill llllllu. Firstâ€"«Well matured pullets of a bred-to-lay strain. Secondâ€"«A raition cuntaining the different, elements necessary in the maintenance of bogy and the, pro- dquipn of_9ggs. ‘_ To sum up, than, the following pojpts‘shpyld be borne in mind. an'vthr-Gon judéihéfit: and rogu- larity in feeding. discontented, and will not give the desired results. meledgo of the time and quantity to feed must be. acquired by ‘the attendant. as the needs of the birds must govern the amount of food given in them. Method: Chop up onion. Melt grease Cook onions in fat until tender. Shred cabbage and add to onions. Mix well. Add water. cover, cook until cabbage is almost. done. Then a half hour before serving add chopped apples, sugar, vinegar, salt and flour. Cover and cook until apples are tender. Serve hot. 1 large cup brown sugar. 1,6 cup of water. 1 tablespoon of vinegar. l4 teaspoon of cream tartar. Butter size of walnut. Vanilla. Method: Butter a deep cake pan. Put rice into it to 1 inch depth. Then make a tatfy. Cook together the sugar, water, vinegar and cream tartar. Boil until it hardens when dropped into cold water. Add but, ter and flavoring. Pour over pufl‘od rice. Rod Cabbage and Apples 1 red cabbage. 1 cup of boiling water. 3 tablespoons of butter or bacon grease. 2 tablespoons of vinegar. 1 small onion. 5 tart apples 2 tablespoon of sugar. 1 tszllrlliespmn t‘ flour. a . For November (The kind children like most) 95 box of Puflfed Rice. Pulled Moo Brittle “What do yuu think of moderl dancing. M rs. ’lggs?" “All. give no the time when they used to dune. mimrols and pukvrs."â€"â€"lAmdon Mail. Snasidc‘ Bm‘dm' (In now-umer)-â€" ”I say, 0M mam I don‘t think I‘d touch tlw ricv pudding if I were you. Thm'o was a \wddinz: nu this street, yvsterday.“ The little Ratz hay with two other children about his own age, had boon playing an llw strum when the town mad Miller was at work and they had been watching the machine. as il. 11va abuut on a sec- timl of SI. Himruv slrvot which it being l‘l'lllll“. 'l'lw vnuinmri' oflho mad I'ullwr. Ezra lluliinson. did not nMivo the liltlv l‘ullow, who evi- dently had got Plus" to lhu massive rullvr and slumhlml and full in front «if it. 'l‘lu- mllm- passed over hil lll'illl. crushing it flat. Crushed tn death by :i tenâ€"ton road i-nlloi‘ as he played on-SL Georgo sta‘ovt. about. It nclock Fridly afternoon of last wvck was the ten- rihle fazto which mvrtunk the four- yoar-anld son at M rs. John Ratz, Jr of Mitchell. The fatality shocks; the community and mraotvd on tho lad’s muthvr to such :in fluent. that shn is under doctor's care and in a critical conditiun. Four-Year-Old Child's Head Crushed in by Road Roller. 4 hearts. Stuffing. 1/; loaf of bread. 1 onion. Seasoning. Boiling water. Method: Wash hearts and rcmovo all fibrous tissuo. Fill Wllll stul made as follows: Break up br Cut up onion. Add seasoning. Pour in onough boiling water to mix well. Place stuffed hearts in roastil‘ pan. Pour 1 pint boiling water over hearts. Bako 2 or 3 hours and but. LITTLE BOY KILLED 2 teaspnons of cinnamon 1 teaspoon uf cloves. 56.» package or I whole pat-kl. of seeded raisins Salt. 2 ('ups soda. 3% cups of flour. Method: (look altogether-4t)“ water. butter and lard, chum cloves, raisins. salt. Bring to a M and boil 1 minute. Then add 60m. Boat hard and lat. cool. “"heu 0% add flour which has been si hour. Baked Calves Hams A'l' HITCH“!- PAGE 7.

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