Impossihlo szliol HIP second mate ‘ imp dramm'. on his rota. "\Hlo'n l was in the flea. ':lll. I ï¬lth-cl through an.“ hlh‘s‘." io'lh‘o'f†ï¬lial his maiden ‘u Q'nlllol Hlv‘)‘ [H'sï¬â€˜ibb’ SWIIII . ‘mull tins?" _.-_.._’ eighed nine pound. n: “I i Hing ï¬ne after putting h g h. I since baby came. (8].. h . a she can be.) Your: nth.“ ne fur women, nnd I I)...“ Lt and even written tom, 13].. n." Mu. ANN]: E. An... Vane-y. Salk. v N. a PI. Pin un'u o u C... is an excellent Raine for n. gt mnthr-rs, and should he takâ€" 'egetable Coup: Helped Ha l ment, when] hat I could llot'l‘ï¬u; : .1 fly Lched so acre“ mrdly do my watt M -“‘L -- A-.â€" r! from MI". Am w Lydia E. Pink“ lg vuley, Sashâ€"“1 sble Computed Mm ', lovomhor rcaww’m ace is the .éveriize IAQQ,’ V211â€. Sen-3': There are some people who have an inherited tend- - ha es. Sli ht wounds ency .to 88.nous or BVF 31. ff}? 1 31:63:103. g [Hurnognnrfi nnate Hemophilia affects the male, but is transmitted through the female. Neither the sons of the bleeder nor their children inherlt the tendency.‘ 'l‘lw daughters, however, while they themselves are not aflected, trans- mit the hemorrahigc tendency to their male’ children. The bloml of hemophiliacs is very sluw in clotting. and the clots which linallv cln form are Imperfect and fail tn l'l‘inmletely stop the flow or ant. There seems to be a 130k ‘ ‘ ‘ .-_,__, in lhn hlnnfl [DUNN]. Iluzlt 0‘1...†.v .__ Hr m-rtain substances in the bleed 0'00"- \\|m'h an- ossential to a normal ra- 0310‘" said that the women Wm;- und vompletenoss 0f clotting. blecglfm‘ï¬fumiliies should “to" ‘1‘}; 01'. 1 IPV 0 marrv, snou Boys Should Be Fromm! bear chiltï¬'ml. As mé men of : 'l‘hn knowlmlgv that them have {MUMPS (‘0 “0t transmit the burn hlwdm‘s in 0110’s family is (*x- L it is 33f" {0" them to m: n-Mlmly valuable if it is applied in If this P1118 “'01‘0 fOHOWCd~ 3D â€Mm-ting tlw males against the mtly hemophilia would be bret mmws nf lwnmm‘hagv. l’ntil the 0f HIPS" families. (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet HEALTH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Bic-cough s. K. writes: “I often get. attacks nl' hie-cough. Some peOD'le tell me that thvsn «'Omc from swallowmg h>lnm'(')â€"juicv. I smoke cigars and hmv noticml that I am usually smuking when I get tlm hie-cough. \\'m1M his value it? What. is tho.- ('lll'c'?†'l‘he miloler forms of hic-cougu are not serious anal usually disap- pear in a short time even though nothing is clone. It is conceiVa'l-lo that. the irritation proiiluceil by swal- lowing tobaccoâ€"juice may cause an attack. Alcohol. diseases of the abdominal organs. brain and nerv- uus system. and hysteria are. other nurses. Frequent paroxysms some- ' ieople who have gout. diabetes or rights disease. If you think cigars cause it in your case, stop smoking, orâ€"at leashâ€"stop swallowing the Urbaccro- juiee. Holding the breath, drink. mg ire-cold water, drinking water while holding the breath. pulling on the tongue. a teaspoonful of salt and lemon-juice, or salt and vine- gar. anil tickling the nostrils to ramse sneezing. are some “cures." Take your choice. ____ 3 other than (logs are capable of becoming infected with rabies. The list includes the will. fox. jackal. coyote. skunk. cat, cattle. horse, goat. sheep. . and mouse. While the bite of a rabid (log is the most frequent cause of liyilrophobia. the bite of any of these other animals. when rabid. may eause the disease. Several animal Amid thv confusion in wmcn um pnlitical situation is involved at. present. one thing that stands out. is that the gi‘wernmont. of the coun- try must go on. If we cannot. have party government in the old way, \w might try parliamentry govern- mvnt. There oug common sense and good will. not. to speak of patriotism, in . _ Parliament to make it. possnble for «nu-uâ€, loam 3. â€35o as a Heart lurmnr writes. “I “'33 0x17 Hydrophobia Reply [3 it possible to from the buck“ .p in. which the 13 mvolyed at of hie-cough amined| [ya-ï¬mful. child reachesan age wnere ne Dun understand his condition, he must be carefully protected from wounds and abrasions. After that, active ames and occupations involvin he risk of injury should be avoide . Fortunately, modern medical science oï¬â€˜ers certain methods which are fairly satisfactory in controlling the bleeding in these cases. These include blood transfusions and the injection of serum and other sub- stances which hasten the clotting of blood. ()5101‘ said blmgder-l‘amilies should not marry, or. if they do marry. should not hear children. As the men of such families do not transmit the ten- dency. it is safe for them to marry. If this rule were followed. appar~ ontly hemophilia would be bred out. of these families. “CL. 1 [H'- Ill u; l. “V w v of a defective \“alw. by increasing the size and weight. of its muscle. But such a heart does not have the rosorw power that a sound heart, of uqnat mnsrnlatnro has. 'l‘tw condition is not dangerous as long as you livo well within your limits. (Zonu‘wtitiw atheltics may result. in a strain on the hoart. that, would woaknn it. There is no cure for a dofm-tivo valve. Moderate :oxorcisv. good habits and the avoid- anco of infvctions are important. in korping the heart musch1 in goml condition and avoiding further dam- agv. As long as vour heart, muscte . is hralthy and doing its work. you - -An‘ mljf‘m“p :h can forgét YOU? Ether in Beer A. L. S. asks: What is the 01'- foot of taking beer which has been (ION-Ol‘t‘d up with other?" Reply A \m‘v temporams lowed In depression. Regarded as Harmful E. L. W. asks: “Is prolonged ex- pnsure to cold bad for a man Of 58 wlm has albumin in the urine and has Bright's disease?†Reply It is generally regarded as somebody to carry on for a time the business of the country, or so much of it, at loasL as is not of a too highlv controversial character.â€" Stmti‘ord Beacon-Herald. A Love Story The parlar 301' 21 held the twain Fair damsel and her lovely swam; He and she. But hark. -\ . 35;; heait murmur. p" stimulation fol- Ancient laws, promulgated when Charles the First was King of Eng- land, proved of no avail at Winni- peg last week when Waller Masters was convicted and fined 8‘00. [or selling liquor. His counsel claimed his arrest was illegal because it was made on a Sunday. â€"-A‘:An A"‘hl\ department strove vain] to enact an entrance, William R. heck, aged 4, and Bramell R. Cheek, aged 3. sons of Mr: and Mrs. M. A. R. Cheek, Dartmouth, N.S., perished in a ï¬re which broke out shortly after seven lo’clock Wednesgey ‘morning. . a AAԠUUIUUL 'V-UUIIUOUUJ .0. -..--_v- Rev. F. L. Stephenson, widely known among surviving sourdoughs of the Yukon gold rush of 25 years ago, as the “Fighting Parson of the Klondike,†is confined in hospital at Victoria for treatment as a result of his strenuous days on the trail in the North- , , .A ‘__ A On The head of what is sup sed to "I be the only double-borne moose I] shot in New Brunswick, which w I killed a week ago on M l Brook, Charlotte County, by Charles Lee, is to be preserved as a Pro- vincial trophy by the Departmen S of Lands and Mines. 1 A writ was issued Wednesday for 1 a by-election in the Manitoba Pro- I vincial constituency of Lansdowne ‘ the election date set being for De-- 1 cember 19. The vacancy was created by the resignation of Hon. T. C. ‘ Norris, leader of the Liberal group, who retired to contest South Win- nipeg in the recent general election. James W. Jeffrey. King‘s printer for the Government of Alberta, and Charles G. ‘Flavin, Assistant King’s printer. have been suspended pend- ing the Royal Commission investi- gation by Judge Walsh into alleged irregularities in the. purchase by the former Liberal Government of print~ ing to the amount of $5,820 from the Esdale Press, Limited. . Helen Louise Seymour, wife of Dr. . M. M. Seymour, Deputy Minister of - Public Health for Saskatchewan. . died at Regina from p ritonitis. She ’ had been a resident l' Saskatche-r P wan since 188l, going there as a bride from Ottawa when Dr. Sey- mour took up his first public ap- r pointmenl in the West as physician 1 at the Lehret Indian school. Suh- - St‘Qllt‘lltly. she accompanied him in 1' his adventurous life as medical of- t tieer of the 95th Battalion during - the Riel Rebellion. ,,A -â€" z ..... ‘an‘l lill'e 1""! I‘T'lll,lI|IJIL. An age-old custom was invoked at the. Criminal Assize Court at Win- nipeg when two jurors sat in a judgment on a third and ruled that he was incompetent to sit on the jury. The jury had been called tin sit at. the trial of one of two men who were being tried for man~ slaughter. The juror had previously sat on the jury at the trial of one of the men. and the. presiding jusâ€" 'tiee. on objection hy defence coun- sel. called on two of the jurors chosen for the second trial to pass on his competence. His Grace. Mgr. Leonard. Bishop lnr Rimmiski. Oue.. has tendered his His Grace. Mgr. Leonard. blsnup of Rimnuski. Qua, has tendered his rosimlation to the Holy See on ac~ count of ill-health. suggesting the appointment of a successor without delay._ _. II 9-A LI‘A “n.9nnnnn_ LIL In: . Thnix‘ l-Zxcolloncias. the Govornnr- General and Lady Byng of Vimy haw cancellml all public engage- ments and all receptions at Govern- ment, House until furtl‘ler notice as Int- “n lll‘flllr llUllï¬I» unuu-o .u- v--v a mark of rosmct to her late Ma- jesty. anen Aloxandra. The exact. period of mourning at Rideau Hall has not been determined. and it. Wm not ho known until instructions are rncnivml fron1_abr0ad. r-L-- ,0 AL... lv'lc‘.l\"‘l ‘I‘JIII |IIJIVUIuU James H. Falconer. member of the‘ Liquor Control Board of British 001- umbia from its inception in 1891 until its re-organization about a vear ago. «lied at. Vancouver from heart failure following an acute at,- tack of stomach trouble. The late Mr. Falconer was born in \Vick, "Scotland. :38 years ago and came to Canada in 1885. going into the vine- â€" mA-‘l‘n‘n ‘.ait|l<llla Ill .quu. turn“, _____ . _ gaoand pucklo busmess In Toronto 11mm 1891. whom he removed to V'lc- torin. John Cousins. Chmhw \ICC ulloug Canadian _Cl_ub in Ca icino Hat. Alta. John Cousins was born in London, ()nt., and for some years was a newspaperman in Tor- ontn. when he became interested in the Canadian Club movement. Lat.- er he moved to New York and had a great deal to do with the formation of a Canadian Club there. “."Dr A. T. Blake, known to the police as the “King of Fakirs," will serve an 18 monhs‘ sentence in Brandon, before being returned to Winnipeg to serve an _uncompleted sentence in the Provincial Jail there and answer to a charge of Jail- breaking. Blake was convncted in police court at Brandon on two charges of obtaining mane under false pretences. He admn that he was the prisoner who escaped from the Provincial Jail at Winni- IU UIIMU Um“. vuvn D! at the meeting of the directers at} Winnipeg Monday. Mrs. J. H. McLemj,y moth er of Robert A .‘_-_‘A‘A- l'll' o . .Luvuuvw "-v M. McLeod, well-known newspaper- man, for many years Canadian su- pernntendent for Renter cable ser- vice, died at her home in Ottawa Sunday. * John Stanton, convicted slayer of 70-year-old John Penny, in Wllnnoi- peg, early in December, 1922, WI" pay the (all penalty of the law for the crime; He was sentenced to be hanged on Fehnnary 9 next. _-....nn-‘.1 A, ‘hn inâ€" lldllï¬cu uu In»; ““54 The 48th anniversariuofâ€" ‘ the in-\ stallation of the telephï¬ne in Wig-i phone in the Red River Settlement. was put in operation. Today Mani- toba has 41, 725 stations. Lord Rothermere, British newspa- per proprietor and brother of the late Lord Northclifl‘e, arrived in Montreal Monday morning‘from New MUlllvl'Cdl lVlUlllluJ luau. "u“, -_ York. It is understood the English peer is visiting the Province of Que- bec in connection with his pulp- wood interests. ’ “ ‘râ€" 1- 4!.“ Q4 l: Franco, in July. 1857. Plans have boon cnmplotod for the establishment at Bordeaux Jail of a lmsDila-l for the. criminally in- enno mnahlo of accomquaiiiig a hoSpital for the criminally 1n- sane. capable of accommodating about 300 patients. One. of the big. unused wings of the prison, it is stated. will be used, and when al- terations have been made. all insane patients with criminal tendencies throughout the province will be re- moved to the institution. . Joseph Mauro has been found guilty of the murder of Donald Car-I ragher at Montreal. Mr. Justice Wil- son sentenced Mauro to be hanged at Bordeaux Jail on February 19. Carragher, a drummer in a jazz band, was fatally shot at the Dream- land Cafe on St. Lawrence Boule- yard on the night of July 22 last~ when Mauro and a companion held up the establishment. During th The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2) Entrance to Normal Schooi. Each member .of the Staff is a Uni- versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to enter at beginning of term. Information as to Courses may be i obtained from the Principal. The School has a creditable record in the past which it hopes to main- tain in the future. -Al_‘-‘:-OA and l Durham is an attractive and rates. . J A. M. ROBB. B. A., Principal. JOHN MORRISON, Chairman. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL 5%»)? \ was arrested in Vancouver. {lie con- lice. vouv wâ€"w- birthâ€"your license number!" : w“(8‘91" “No! Not. the dgtc 31‘ your WhemDoaSheGetSuchawerldeau? at every stage of its milling, and sold under a deï¬nite guarantee of uniform quality. It will give euperior baking results whether used for bread. cake or pastry. Youeanobtginfullpamwmregnrdmgmm Askï¬imtoday. Tho Id“ I'll have to take E LEAF MILLING .00., LIM HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO, ONTARIO to write 3 theme on want. no would do if they had «now». 1 heads bent. over their desks uvo one. Henry out doung nothing. When the papers were collected. he headed in a blank piper.- U-w‘-v‘- -â€" _. “How is this?" asked the (ember. “All the other: have written two pages, whib you huve done noth- iw?“ “Well," replied Henry, “unit‘s what I would do if I were a millionaine." An 808"!“ .W‘!“ ‘5“ ed her clus " A Positive Cure! PAGIO.