West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Nov 1925, p. 7

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rl. y men nhn Kelly, Manger m1 30c. in stamp: for ”l. -puge Purity Flour Cool ‘ m. Sent Postpaid. (ALF of the Dom- Government, we 1, free of charge, Bond maturing er first. 'our bonds now )ranch. We will sh or deposit the »ur bonds to your on prefer. IS. Jality endan- xc food value vou bakc. d flour with lake the best you may re- turn the full Just 8m a (uni a vinjtirious or mi a ~°°P°rb9wdr3¢m r because in Purity Flour ing Walla- What is the din "”5 8.va and 8 [I‘vicm Dunn know. “7W '.\n appl» has who ha‘ mar-.1 “bile with. I, _\nu lune to be“ .~ 'icovillo tread, pastry r with your the best of Ratiffioun cmuunso mm ’, Non-Du ‘ BAN K he! f7 _ DRS. JAIIBQOI I JAIIISOI Office and residence u short diat- ance east of the Hahn Home on Lambton Street, Lower Town. Dar. ham. Ofllce hours 2 to 5 pm. 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundays). . u. 9-..-' â€"' -v, â€"- v- _ ~_ _ J 00' ice and residence, earlier '0! Countess and Lamblon Stroe oppo- site old Post Oflice. Oflico ours: mwép.m.,7t09p.m. ate (S Q‘Jndays excepted) uéh‘zhfituvmctors, Durhui, Ontario. The Scien ce that adds life to years to life. Consultation free. in Ducham Tuesdays, Thursdays and 113%.! 's'éturdayS- “nnfwancnanTnnM-ls'r ()thce, over J. a: J. Hunter’s store, Durham. Qatario. J. 1'. um-I. ”'0 .U. a." u. u. g. Honor Graduate bmversnty of Tor- out”, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block, MillStreet, second door east of MacBeth’s Drug Store. â€"â€" Fr fiâ€"IDDLBBRO', spam“ M mnnnmo' Barristers, Solicitor! no. Successors to A. .B. durroy. Mr. t.:._(;._ Middlebro’ 13 permanently L ____ n!n_- h-:AA..:“A all. U0 V I “- --- â€"‘ I'"_â€"â€" nommm‘a't Buhém omce. pri'cevmé Branch open every 1.30 U) 9.30 9.11). Friday from F was HENRY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- DPI‘ 0f the I‘uvsday 0 firm will be in Durham on . 01L AL- fil-_l. in Ihn DR. I. I. DELL thsician and Surgeon. Office amfimn street, quh m, Ont.G1-adu- mA‘Aâ€"‘A nu--- HINDU)" *'I~'u v p- I 'niwrsitvy? '0? Toionto. Eyes .fi..~ml’ and corrected. Office hours: to a p. m.. 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays XCo'ptml. 1Ut'. Duo} UI bwv u vv ‘Ivvâ€" __ - ___._, _ may be made with the Uerk 1n the olIice. DAN. chBAfl Llcensed Auctioneer for Count of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. ea- 40113th terms. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle Office or with him- self ALEX. lacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Go. of Grey. meate terms. Arrangements for «11m. :1“. tn dates, etc., may be made at The Chronicle Office, Durham. I‘m-1m nn application. Address RR. 1. Imrham. Phone 611 1‘ 24. l.u'«"n>‘o'(l Auctioneer for County of m‘vy. l’mmpt attention to sales. Rea- ~.u:::i.lv m-ms and satisfaction guar- u Mui. Dates made at The Durham «mum-1.2 Office 01‘ with R. C. Wat- ~41. \‘urméy. RR. 1, Phone 604 1'“. Thursday, Ion-bu I. i”. Advertisements under this heating.) cent a Word each inertial CASH WITH ORDER; snx consecuuve Insertions given (or the price of four. Telephone calls treated as caph with order if paid for helm-e Saturday mgnt of week ordered. Minnmnn charge for first ineerti 25 cents. On all cherse orders 9 want!“ charge of 1% cents tw will be made each Insertion, mmunum charge 35 cents. [1"l' I, ‘1‘,’.‘. ‘1. ”Uliu0'0vâ€"-â€" taming 100 acres; 85 acres under curmation, balance hardwood bush; t'um-nment to school; on the pregn- .<o~.< are a frame barn 42x65 ft. wnth enmo foundation; concrete stables; mo hay barn 30x50 with stone base- n‘wnt; ho" pen 20x40; twelve-room rater tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay; 1n acres to sweet. olover; this farm LOT winter tanks; 30 acres seeded .to hay; 1H, acres to sweet 910 . s well fenced andm a goqd state 01 "mitivation. For Information apply t» Watson’s Dairy, 11.11. 4, ' 102023“ wmario. 7____â€"-â€"’_ mi 7, Con la SD.R., Glenelg, con- re ”1,1 7 Con A SD31... Glenelg. con- 1‘8 {kw premises are 8 bflc . "Iznmg seven rooms, With 3006 frame woodshed attached; . woli at door; never falling spring Advertise in The Mid“ FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Hillcrest 0268 Toronto 122-124 Avenue Road John w. Bates ll. Haddocks Formerly of Flesherton BATES BURIAL CO. Medical Directory . FARMS FOR SALE AND 3333.“ .'°GIILIPWY Licensed fluctimteer Aâ€"Afl Dental Director» Classified Advertisements Legal 'Dtrectorv. REUBEN C. WATSON 65423" It PU3~ THE DURHAM ’ 0336mm : PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE.--A N UMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street. North D. Hopkins. 0! Skating Rink. Dun-bun. Apply to BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. 1 m u PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- mde gas thh the “peg” and long mileage. Sold only at mith Bros Garage. 626 tf FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOIIO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc... up ly to Lucas a lien , Dur- ham. 9 ry 612“ WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s M1113. 3 15 23!. WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- zcle ,Iob Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. tf THE LADIES’ GUILD OF TRINITY church will hold a parcel sale and sale of aprons. home-made baking and candies in the A. Y. P. A. rooms on Saturday, December 5. After- noon tea served from 3 to 6. ll 26 2 THE MONTHLY MEETING OF THE Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. James Mather 'on Thursday, December 3. Dr. Smith will give an address, and Miss Eliza- beth Scott will give a revert. of__t}1e Provincial Convention. Solo b Miss Winnie Blyth. Roll Call will an- swered by Christmas quotation. All ladies cordially welcome. 1 FEMALE HELP WANTED WE HAVE AN A’I'I‘RAUI‘IVE OPEN- ing for woman with sales ambition. Experience not essential. Prefer wo- man seeking permanent connection in her home town. Position offers good future. Act. at once for Christ- mas business. Apply Box 25. BOUND LOST BLACK AND WHITE SPO’PI‘ED hmind, Thanksgiving Day, in or about pwnlises of Lorne Allan. Eg- rnmumt. Infm'mation as to where- abouts thankfully receiv0¢.l.â€"«’I‘he Chronicle Office. 'lpd WOIEN’S INSTITUTE MEETING FINE PLYMOUTH ROCK COOKER- nls for sale. Rogistm‘m. Apply John Vollvtt. Durham. 11 19 2pc! GLENBLG SCHOOL CONCERT i1l‘)N(‘.F.R'l‘ IN IKSS. N0. 10. GLEN- 0.1;." Tupi, lifl“, 0n Dncombei' 11; pro- gram to («insist «it plays, mono- Inguos «hill. pantomime lecita- Hons, songs and music by the South Lino mchostra. Accummndation for horses nmrhy. Admission "5 cents. Nov. 19 Dec. 3. VARNEY SCHOOL CONCERT AN ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE held in Varney school November 27, at 8 o’clock. The famous comedy, “Miss Molly,” will be presented fol- lowed by other morth-provoking numbers. Lunch will be served. Come and laugh. Admission 35 cents. ll 19 2 WANTED WHEAT AND POTATOES, HIGHEST prices paid at W. J. Vollett’s store, phone 70, night 59. 11 i2 4 ARTICLES WANTED NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. HOUSE FOR SALE ; GOOD BRICK HOUSE OF SEVEN rooms, centrally located, with ap- proximately quarter acre od gar- den land. Good new Ke sey lur- nace recently installed; electric lights and fixtures, concealed wir- ing and individual switches; full complement of storm windows for winter and screen windows for summer. For further particulars on this prOperty, apply at The lChronicle office. 10 15 tf "61" FARM 37001: The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction at Not so, Concession 2. 810.11., Glenslg HONDAY, NOVBHBBR 30, 1925 CATTLEâ€"2 cows with calf at foot; ; 5 cows. supposed in calf; 2 _dry‘ cows; 4 2-yearaold steers; 4 2-year- old heifers; 5 yearlingsf 5 calves. Pigs-53 sows; 10 pigS. 5 weeks old; Pure bred Derco Jersey boar; A number of hens. Sale commences at one o’clock. TERMS.â€"â€"All sums of $10.00 and under, cash: over that amount. any ' up to 12 months’ credit an ap- proved joint notes bearing inter- est at 5 per cent per annum. - Aâ€"-â€"- Imnnr- Alex. IIODOIIfld, MISCELLANEOUS COMING EVENTS COCKERBLS FOR SALE AUCTION SALE Durham, 11.11. i. Sblo by Miss Auctioneer. 22H! The appearance of the visible world, especially in the matter 0! color, depends so much on the .struc- turo of the eye which views 1t that no one can be mute snre. vyhnt the _ -1â€" sc-tusl truth about material ob‘ects isâ€"if indeed they are not 31 as some philosophers suppose, mere illusion. Some European naturalists have been studying the eyes of binds and have come to the surprising conclusion that hirdsfio not see col- Vvuv- -â€"â€" onwell at all; that they. see every- thing through a veil of either orange or b no light that gives things the appearance then have when we hu- mans put on co red glasses of those tints. The gorgeous, shimmering, blue-green tail of the male peacock bird and the proud feathers of the barnyard rooster may mean nothing at all to the modest pea hen and the little red pullet, for birds do note look'at things the way people do. That, at any rate, is the conclusnon drawn by Dr. H. Erhard of Munich; who has experimented with the eye- sight of birds at the university eye- elinic there. Doctor Erhard found that both male and lemme birds that fly by day see everything in a bright red-orange light, for they iare but slightly sensitive to the short waves of light that make blue and violet visible. Night birds, on the other hand, never see red. for they are more or less insensitive to the colors at that end of the I spectrum; __:-:A‘ kA‘--9fln“ U U. u--- The difference in vision between the da and night birds is due to tiny gobules of oil in the retinas of the eyes, according to Doctor Er- hard. The globules in the day birds range in color from neutral to red, orange and yellow, while in the night birds; they are blueâ€"green. These act as color screens and de- termine the birds’ color sense“. ”bl IIIIIIU WI\' u.-w-J 'â€" If these discoveries are.confirmed by other investi ators, it is in or- der to ask whet er it will not be necessary for science to abandon another of the Darwinian theories; that is, the hypothesis that birds developed their gay plumage as a means of sex attraction. If the lit- tle female cannot see the beauty of the male’s wings, it is absurd to suppose that she is moved by it. BROTHER OF IT. FOREST HAN BROWNING VICTIM D. Ellis, of 'the staff of the electric power house, Mount. Forest received word on November 18 that his bro- ther, Gordon, had been drowned at. Picker-e1, near _ Sudbury, where he 35333222}; 66Ek16i56‘5 'year build- ing the new government road. De- ceased was 30 years of age and leaves a. widow and two children. Mr. Ellis left immediately with an- other bI‘OthCr for Pickerel. FOR SALE THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE Mrs. McGowan must. be sold to close out the estate.â€"Wm. A. McGowan, A. H. Jackson. Executors. 11 12 4 Coming again on his rounds, Prof. E. Katz. the eye specialist, graduate‘ of the Canadian Optical Institute of Montfeal, will relieve eye trouble on Tuesday, December 1, at the Hahn House, Durham. Headache. pain in the hack of the neck, twitching eyelids. dizziness, inflamed eves. defective vision relieved thnmgh [)l‘nlflt‘ll'ly titted glasses. With our skill, knowledge and long PXIH‘I‘it‘IlCO. we can help you even il’ others failed. Glasses worth $12 for $7.50. E. Katz. 113d “as am: «mama: IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Margaret Kingston, late of the Township of Glenelg, widow, de- ceased. NOTICE is hereb given, pursuant to Section 56 of t e Trustecs’ Act~ R. S. 0., 1914. Chapter 121, that, all creditors and others having claims or demands against the esâ€" tate of the-said Margaret Kingston, who died on or about the 18th day of July, 1925, in the City of Toronto, County of York, on or before the 7th day of December, 1925, to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to the Solicitor for the Executor. of the last will and testament of said deceased, their Christian names, sur- names, addresses, descriptions and full particulars, in writing, of their claims, a statement of accounts and the nature of their security, if any, ,heldjy‘ them. .. an A _A__L NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND take notice that after such last mentioned date, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets then unpaid to any per~ son or persons, of whose claim no- tice has not then been received by them at the time of distribution. a. G. liddlebro’, Solicitor for the Executors. DATED at Durham this seven- teenth day of November, 192?: AA A TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to the first day of December, 1925, for the purchase of that property known as lot 23 in the third concession east of the Garafraxa Road in the Township of Gienelg, County of Grey, containing 100 acres. Upon this property is said to be erected a frame dwelling and some stabling. There is also a good deal of valuable bush upon the premises. This property was lately owned by the late Mrs. Kingston. and it is desired to sell it in order to mud up__her_ estate. ,I_-_ --,..l _-- C-v- '- The low est. or any tendeI not nec- essarily accepted. a. C. Iiddlohro’, Barrister, em. Durham. Solicitor for the Executors. ii 19... 9 PROF. KATZ COMING 11193 To Ilka Iilk 8011: Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar to 1 cup of sweet. milk and let. stand in a warm place for a few minutes. Butter the blades of scissors. Then out marshmallqws with the buttered scissors. ...__....o__.__ Hint for Washing Greasy Dishes Wipe greasy dishes with a paper before washmg, and they will wash much easier. - wwâ€" Third lixtnro 1 envelope of gelatin. 1/; cup of cold water. 1 cup of hot milk. Method: Wlash rice and cook in a double boiler witn milk and salt. Cook until nearly tender. Qopk 3}}- gaFnar‘i‘awfiu‘tt‘é? 'tjog'éth'éi' until quite brownâ€"not burned. Add this to rice and cook until rice is done As the greatest transportation : company in the world, the Cana- ‘ dian Pacific Railway has maintained a national service in the Trans-Can- ada Limited which is second to none, and on the conclusion of the summer schedule of this crack train, has transferred the equipment to the Vancouver Express which leaves Toronto every night at 10.10 p.m. on its trip across the continent, via. Winnipeg, Calgary, Banil‘, Lakel Louise, the spiral tunnel, Sicamousl and parts of the Canadian Pacific lRockies famous throughout the world, on its way to Vancouver, where the travellers are unanimous in their praise of the service of the Vancouver Hotel. The Canadian Pacific also Operates a steamship service to Victoria, the Mecca for winter tourists. . ‘7 ,AA..___-A-c 1’4“! WIIIUCI. luus lovuo Not only does the Vancouver Ex- press carry tourist and standard sleepers, but it also carries a com- partment-observation car complete in itself, while a parlor car is added from Revelstoke to Vancouver. Added to this national service is a feature service from Toronto to Montreal via the Lake Shore Line. which has been entirely reballastcd with crushed rock and relaid with 100 pound rails. insuringamaximum of comfort for travellers at night as well as an absence of dust in day- time. Trains leave Toronto Union Station at 9.00 a.m. daily. 10.00 p.m. daily except Saturday, and 11.00 p. m. daily. Arriving at Windsor Station, the traveller has the benefit of im- mediate facilities in the women’s; rest room lunch room and barber shop. which cannot be duplicated in any other station in Montreal. An added convenience is offered those who wish to travel to Montreal from North Toronto, in the 9.45 p.m. train daily except Saturdays, from Yonge Street Station. Canadian Pacific agents will gladlv make your reservations and supply you with any information you require. They are fully qual- ified to offer a “secondpto-none” service to the puhlic. it 12 2 _‘4 1/3 cup of rice. 2 cups of milk. Little salt. *1 To Cut larchmulovn Easily Butter Scotch Rice Pudding First Mixture AT "this season every- body needs the Peps breatheable tablets to _---_J -“_A‘A -_4. AL“‘ Anna“- fr fCUI/filfl 5 C0105 _ _ Second [inure cup of brown sugar. tab’legpqoqs _g_f putter. n body needs the Peps breatheable tablets to ward off cold and chill dangers. As Peps d’ssolve in the mouth. their rich medicinal fumes curry soothing and healing benefits direct into chest and lungs. Inflammation and soreness in throat on bronchials is quickly allayed by Peps. coughs and colds are nipped in the bud, and the entire breathing system is wonderfully strengthened and fortifigd, All draught: 25c box. HOUSEHOLD Elm A NATIONAL COOKING HINTS (Copyright, 192‘, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) and the caramel dissolved. Soak gelatin in cold water. Dissolve this in hot milk. Strain this into the rice mixture. Pour all into a mold ahd chill. Serve cold With whipped 2 tablespoons of butter. . 1% or 2 cups of confectioners’ su- gar. 1 egg yolk. Junce and grated rind of 1 orange. Method: Mix butter and sugar. Cream to a paste. Add beaten egg yolk and orange. Spread. Little Cayenne Pepper. Method: Cook in a double boiler. Mix dry ingredients first. Add eggs beaten slightly. Then slowly add butter, milk and vinegar. (100k un- til mixture thickens. Strain to make it real smooth. Keep _in ice 56x“ 1501‘- VfY'hitâ€"véhlhd, add 'whipped cream to it. , DIAIOND PHI LOST WEDNESDAY NIGHT IN DURHAM, a diamond stick pin. Reward on re- turn to Chronicle office. 1 Wit is the wine of intellect and ill-nature turns it. into vinegar. 2 egg yolks. 1% teaspoons of “melted butter. ‘34 cup of milk. 54 cup of vinegar. 1% ngspoops of flour. " Lime' salt. 1 teaspoon of mustard. 1% tablequons 0f sggar. Boiled Salad Dressing Ounce Frosting 2 cups of brown sugar. . ‘5 cup of butler. 3 em. 56 cup of milk. . 3 cups of flour. 1 teas 000 of soda. Liu 6 salt. 2 scant teaspoons of nutmeg. Vanilla. 1 cup of nut. meals. 1 package of dates. Method: Cream the sugar fl butler. Beat in eggsâ€"one. at. a hm. Sill. soda in flour. Add null“ Then add to sugar, butler and eggs. Thenâ€"the milk followed by the re- maining ingredients. Pour into a greased ‘Sllallqyt‘lml. Bake. \‘Vhe ‘.n"n .-.‘;.. ICKIDlu I. II.“ ‘1‘: cool, cut in sirips. "Miâ€"1H5 Sticks % inch thick and frost. 1 cup of sugar. 1/3 Clip of milk. Boil as for candy. Let cool. The- beat. If it thickens too rapidly, at! a little cream and continue to until frosting is thick and creamy. Instead of using a broom straw b mt. cake, you WI” find tooth puck! more satisfactory, cleaner and cheaper. muypez‘l'iing iMsâ€"Qith the country thgy‘were raised ”trâ€"Atlanta Gon- It’s a wonder high pripes d come down once m .a_ ‘yplle to stithtion. Advertise in The Chronicle. It pen. BAKIIG um To Test Cake. Punting PAGE 7.

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