West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Dec 1925, p. 6

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News of Nearby Towns The Markdale Hi3 h School Com-l “cement, which 8has become a hurt? event eagerly looked forward a he by the pupils and their hiends, was staged on Friday even- in the Armories to a house ich was so crowded that the acting capacity was taxed bevond its limit. The audience was most wreciative throughout, and tho mores were numerous and hearty. At a meeting held on 'l‘liuisdny fiening of last week, Markdale Curl- ill Club elected officers for the car as followzs President, J. Al- Jackson; Vice-President, Hugh Knott; Secretary, H. McInnis; Treas- urer, Alex. Smith; Committee, 6. S. DundasJ’ ._Sims, LG. Mercer. to fall and slipped,'t1m trees hit him_when he fell. He was taken to his home and later to the Owen Sound hospital by his son, John. who was in the district. for expert treatment. The injured man is do- ing as nicely as can be expected. The saplings, fortunately, were small ones. otherwise the accident might have had a more serious turn. On Friday evening last. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333. A. F. .\.M.. received Right \Vorshipl'ul P. 'l‘. “HWY. D.D.t'i.1\l. of Grey District. on his official visit to the lodge. About eighty members and visitors were in attendance and enjoyed very much the address by R. W. Pilkey. The second degree work was given, and officers of the Lodge were highly congratulated on the excellence of the degree work. A banquet had been repared in Clayton’s hall. and a gthy pmgram was given of speeches and music. Messrs. Wes. Armstrong and Percy Rutt gave a few guitar selections which were applauded. and Mr. W. B. A. Cross gave a couple of excellent bass solos. R. W. Bro. Pilkey gave an interesting address in replying to the toast. to the Grand Lodge in the Province of Ontario which was much enjoyed by all. . The high school literary society hold their yearly concert. on Frida evening of last week in the big A span of horses belonging to Mr. William Fadden of Feversham caused some excitement in town Tuesday forenoon when they made a showing 0! speed on Main street. Mr. Fadden was getting some ml at Enslish’s coal shed, when the horses decided to move on. They made good time until they reached the corner at the Standard Bank block. when a collision with a hy- dro pole ended the excitement. The tongue. of the sleigh, the whiffle- trees and some parts of the harness were broken, but he horses escaped injury. An unfortuntv accident uccurrrd to Mr. George Brermft of Um East Back Linn, Artvmosia, on Thursday of last week which resulted in thg; bones in one of his anklrs being brokvn. Hn was cutting down somn saplings nn his Dl‘Opfll‘ty 0n the mill road wth two or them became lodged in annthnr tree. We undam- stand that it was when he was chopping down the third three and he misjudgtjd the w_ay the tree was DAG! t. The Bank of Montreal has been forced to close its doors in Flesh- crton on account of business not warranting keeping open any long- er. 'l‘he decisim was made a eon- ple of weeks ago. and took ell‘ect on Monday last. All accounts have been transferred to the Standard Bank, notice of which was sent to all customers of the Bank of Mlon- treal. We are also sorry to lose Mr. W. B. A. Cross. the manager, who has been here for nearly two years. and who has been a very obliging head of the local branch. Mr. Cross has received a move to Guelph, and he, with his tamily,will move their household etl‘ects from here. Mr. Gould. teller in the bank, leaves for Granton. while. Miss Fer- ris, junior. will remain at her home here. The Bank of Montreal took over the Merchants Bank of Canada, which had been established here. in 1919, and about six managers of the bank have been here in that time. A quiet but pretty wedding took lace at the Manse in Toronto on riday, November 20. when Miss Jessie. Viola. third eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald. Ceylon. became the bride of Wil- Iiam tlimmell, eldest son of Mr. and 8. F. l)» )IIIImH‘I;m Managing Board. BOlwlt lhmn. 13. “Wilton: (I. W’. Bellamy. A. M. Gilchrist, George Mcâ€" Tavish. Annle' of 0111‘ vstm‘mml pioneers of Grey Bounty has :lnswerml the inm'imhlv call. Tm- dvath 0f Ellvn Fawco-M. wiolnw of Hm latv Jamn's smart. nm'urrml at Kimhm'le at the home; of lwr daughtur. Mrs. W”. '1‘. Ellis. after a shnrt illness. on Thursâ€" day morning. Nc‘wvmbf‘r 19. h The Floshorton Rink Company held their annual meeting and ol- ection of officors on Monday own- ing of last week. and the financial report was given showing tho vom- pany to he in good financial con- dition. Tho vlm'tion of oflit'oi's ro- sultml in the following being PlPCt- ed for tho various oflivos: Prosi- dent. Mark \\"i|~‘mi: \'irv-Pi'vsio‘lonl. John Wright; Socnotzu'y-fl‘roasnror. "a"! 1'Illllll!’ll,t'llll‘b auu IJI nu. uuu Mrs. W. H. Hm. Ton-unto Rev. 1). L. McKennoll officiating. Ronfrov Ranges and Soparators Brannon! Windmills WATER 18 school to a crowded house. The program wasreal good and was pre- sided over by Rev. James Harmwer. About eighty dollars was taken in at the door which will go towards the society’s funds and to make im- provements to the stage. A representative of the amuse- ment tax branch of the provincial government was in town on Tues- day exacting their mite from the baseball games held in town last summer. - M. P., a 1mm of beautiful pic- tures which he had framed and which are to be presented to sev- eral schools in Grey County. The pictures have been on exhibition in the De artment of Agriculture at Markda e. There are 19 of them, and they are to be presented to the school in each of the 19 school fairs, winning the greatest number of points in proportion to the number of pupils enrolled. The total ponnts have not been figured out for all the fairs owingI to the rush of fall work, but it is oped that inside of an- other week, the schools winning will receive their picture. The pic- tures are actual photographs about 18 inches square. of some beautiful spots in Canada. Most of them are of Rocky Mountain scenery with a picture of a couple of buffalo and another of mountain goats. These were given to Miss Macphail by the Parks branch. and the framing was done by Mr. Findlay, being paid for by Miss Macphail. The pictures are indeed most exceptional, and should prove quite an acquisition to any school room which in many instances are not furnished with pictures which teach the children anything of their own beautiful llanado or inspire them with a love for the land of their ‘nativity. Recently Mr. T. W. Findlay de- livered to Miss Agnes C. Maqphail, Ceylon Mr. D. D. McLachlan went to Tor- onton un Friday to attend the mar- riago of his daughter Gooxgina, “hich_ took _p_alce _on November: 27. Mr. James McWhinney paid a bus~ iness trip to Hanover the past week. Messrs. John and Arthur Whit- takvr haw gnne to Toronto to take positions for the winter months. Mr. Afred Chislett has rented Mr. Roydcn Gibson’s residence and moved his family _i_1_1 last week._ Mr. George Meldrum of Show: Lino has purchased from Mrs. H. Seeley of Durham her residence. lately va- catml by Mr. Charles Chislett, and wi_l_l move in shortly. A quiet but pretty wedding took placn in 'l‘m'nnto on November 27 at tho 11‘siclon1‘o of Mr. and Mrs. D. \V. Sn) (101, when Miss Georgina. \onngost daughtm of Mr. D. D. Mc- Iachlnn and the late Mrs. McLach- Ian of Salon. was united in 1111 bonds of matrimony to ('i'worgo VVil- 1'1'1‘1_l._yo_1111gost _son_ of Mr. 111111 Mrs. Mrs. Anna McMillan was at Owen 30.111111 _S§_turday. Mr. I. Trafmir 0f Dundalk was in toyxjn aficoup e_9f_(jays thg Bast vgnpk. Messrs. Albert Hazard and Edgely Hazard, who went out on the har- vest excursion, returned to their homes on Friday. Hanover Council has sold 38 acres of the Harno k farm, bought in con- nection wit the water su?ply at Ruhl Lake in the township 0 Brant, to Mr. Henry Logie, who offered $68 an acre. Mr. E. B. Code of town has pur- chased the Arena from Jacob Eberth who took it over from the Amuse- ment Company, and we understand Mr. Code is contemplatin man changes in the puilding. e wil chan e the dressmg rooms, i . rov- ing t em considerably, and th try next year to eliminate the “hlll” and the soggy bottom at the south end of the ice surface. The Hockey Executive held a meetin in Cross 81. Sutherland’s store uesday evening when they decided to enter the Intermediate 0. H. A., Senior and Junior N. Ii. L. It was felt that the Intermediates and Seniors would likely get the same grouping with Durham and Ghesley, thus giving them four home games instead of two if they entered but one league. Rev. Austin L. Budge, a former pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Hanover, has received and accepted a call to Hagersville, about 22 miles south'of Hamilton on the highway, and. before leaving his present charge, he and Mrs. Budge were honored by‘the congregation. “I’ll give you a kiss for that car- nation," said the girl to her bashful lover, and after the exchange was made, he sat motionless for an hour, then jumped up and started for the “Where oare you oing?” she asked. "rm gomg out 0 buy more car- natuons,” was thp reply. One poundmf olive oil has more heating value than 45 pounds of lettuce. W Pie ” can by Better than (1‘5 Crush use PURI‘I’9 FIIDIJR If your pie-crust isn’t always what you would like it to be, don’t blame the recipe, or the oven-â€" chances are it’s the flour that’s wrong. Purity Flour, milled from the finest hard wheat, silk sifted and oven tested, is fully worthy of your talent for baking. With Purity Flour you can always make flaky, golden-brown, delicious tasting pie-crust. Ask your favorite retailer. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Hanover Oh, Gosh! FAVOR HIGHER SPEED UPON 0PEN HIGHWAYS Ontario later League Will Urge Government to Increase the Limit to 35 Iilee per Hour. The speed limit of 35 miles per hour on the provincial highwaye of Ontario in piece of the present. 11m- it of 25 miles per hour is to be urged upon the government of Ontario by the Ontario Motor League. ' The Board of Directors of the League, at a special meeting called todiscuss the speed re lations in this provmce and whic was very largely attended, after full consid- eration, unanimously went on me- ord for the increase to the 35 miles per hour, but with the present rate of 20 miles per hour in cities, towns and villages remaining as it is. . While there was strong opinion in favor of abolishing the speed lun- it entirely in the open country, it was felt by the meeting that this might be a little too drastic a step to take from the present compara- tively low limit of 25 miles per hour, and the alternative pmposal of increasing the limit instead was decided upon. Judge by Driving, lot by Spud It was pointed out, however, that a very strong case could be made out for the abolition of the s eed limit altogether, and, in its 8 making it compulsory upon all me- torists to at all times exercise care and prudence in driving. It was held that while such a provision is al- ready embodied in the law, this most important hase of it was almost lost sight by the courts who were at present more or less bound by technical infringement of speed when the sKeed of the car at the time might ave, under the circum- stances, been perfectly safe. With the speed limit abolished. the cir- cumstances under which the car was driven would be the determin- ing factor in all cases which came under the law and would insure justice to all concerned. It was further brought to the attention of the meetingbethat Com- missioner A. W. (him ll of the Dominion Department. of Highways, who had recently vowed the view that the time had arrived for the abolition of technical speed limits, highways enabled high spee with- out injury to the roadbed. This of from ”9513'“, only to l’afs‘svn'gm' tam“? an 1311!. pneunlatw-m-..d A minimum speed law mu 31,-” (“DOW at some length, it lwmg conceded that those who drum (m “0le in {filter-mqvmg traffic \lel'u in some instances Just as «hummus “ “1088 W110 drove “it“ l'i‘l'klusg‘ 8 . It was dPCidfld. llu\\'v\'4}p. ‘t we DWI]; IBW' COVlV'l'l‘tl ‘1“3 phase of the mutation in that it prohibited drmng m a mzumr-r dun. serous to the public. This mm 1., be tested out in the courts. :uul. in the event that the courts «M M so interpret the meaning of Hm In“, the League will take stops 1.. haw the law so amended as m 1mm. I,” doubt as to its application 1;” to..- slow driying‘jn‘fagter-movin}: trafmg In order that steps may bu mm“ to have the speed regulations ”1‘ H... province amended at Hm “0min: session of the Ontario Lomdatmw». the Ontario Motor Leamm w.” mm on Hon. George S. Henry. minum» of highways, and urge upon him Hm advisabilit of (thegovernmout nn- deflaking e bringing about of sun-h 3 change in the regulations- Wm.“ the House meets this winter. “My. December 10, ms Slow Driving Menace nu. JAIIBSOI I: 11 Oflice and residence I Once east of the Ruhr Street. Lower hull. Ofl‘ice hours 2 to 0 pm. (except Sundays «I. L. SUITE. I. 3., I1 Ofllce tnd residence, Guinness and Lamhlon 6‘ “is old Post “nice. (I 00“ |.m..130t0£ pm (Sundays exceptedk ._<â€"-d Physic' Ian :IIId SIII' Limbton shoot hmhal ”"niu’l‘sih M 'II fined and (or-.IN‘IM “imprncwrs, Durba The Science that aam Ind years to Mu. {mug in Durhum Tuosdm s. 'I ’Dn.‘ w.'c. PICKERIN. (mice, over .I. A .t 1 Durham: Untarm Ionor Graduatw : ;.'\ ”to, Graduutv Hwy. Surgeons of Untzvm fill its hranvtu .~.. BlOCk. MHISUWM. ww of NOCBctb‘s hm; N maisements um CASE WITH ORDER; 0! (our. Telvphono ca My night of “'00. 25 cents. On all charm will be made each mm IIDDLEBRO'. SP! IIDDLBB‘ Banisters, SOIIC] Successors tn A. “1‘. C. C. Mlddlvmw located at Durham H1: Branch (nu-u «We-{y £30 to 9.30 p.111. Blrristers, Soar llul': oer of the firm \Vlll M. Tuesday of each “PM; may be made “will U oflice. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" DAI. IcL Licensed Auctmne-e‘ Grey. SatiSI‘aChuh s." sonahle :0! ms. lvmn tl Th9 ( Ill-w 1w (”'1 Terms nu tugs; :rut. Grey. 1 sonnlnle antm'd Chl‘om son. V fiurdly « b. LOT 7. CNN amine 100 : cultivatinn. convenimat 1 Ises arv a 1! stone {mum also hay M“ ment; in"; ' brick hut?" tramo “W” to lumsv. V water t:|nk~‘ !0 acre; if" i! W?“ {MW cultivatimx t0 \\'m~'0n'~ TrfanAxT.n.n Onta! Md 7. (AW. 3. . “him: 11“ um" find in gum! sh the promms :H‘ taming Sc-VM‘. frame wnmhho well a! dI'm‘. Hs‘ this farm. ma} farm. 'l'h‘.~ H right tn qnu‘k 1 ticulars m ;~.\’ RR. i. Durham NORTH Durhan 2% ml minim barn \\ stah‘lm. extnn-‘V FUNERAL new Modern F in fut)! “You “'3' For (H's?! W'Hiiam ' BATES BU Classifi‘ H‘ Lift’HSc DR. A. I. BE Dental [3m FARMS Legal ‘Dtrc‘ HS Mn N. sues l-‘nrlnuz'ls‘ gm REUBEN C l0 LUCAS 8: H Ill 9

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