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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Dec 1925, p. 7

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of the nits. Jamal I I‘ll”! Office and residence a short dut- ence east of the Helm Home on Lambton $treet, Lower Town. Dur- ham. Oflnce hours 2 to 5 pm. 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundays} . J. L. um, I, 1., I. c. P. 8. o. Oflnce and residence. corner of Countess and Lunmou Stu-pa oppo- site old Post Olice. Oflnce our: : 9 to H um. 130m“; p.m., 7 to 9 pm. Lambton street, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ate University of Toronto. Eyes tested and cog-octet}. ()_f_flcgtn_oprs: c. G. All) 3383!! IoOlLLNMY Chit-apnea”, Durham, Ontario. The 86181160 {hat adds lute 3.0 your: and years to Me. Consultation free. in Durham Tuesdays, Thuradgys and can‘t éiturdays. J. R'- “WT. ”o o". “a, u. U. U. Honor GraduatoUmversity of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College Dena! Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block, Mill Street, second door east of MacBeth’s Drug Store. Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. C. C. Middlebro’ is permanently located at. Durham Office. Priceville Branch open every Friday from 4.30 to 930 p.m. LUCAS BERRY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- 001‘ of the firm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. A omtgnents mpy be made wnth the erk In the ofl'i'ce. lucensed Auctioneer for Count}? 0! Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. ea- mnable terms. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle Office or with him- a}. r"1:11:30 61:63:51,; Bill-é}: Durham. ’l‘vrms on application. Address RR. 1. Durham. Phone 611 r 24's. _â€" ALEX. lacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Go. of Grey. Moderate terms. Arrangements for ~‘alv.~‘. as to dates, etc., may Re 198416 A." __.. A Licensed Auctioneer for County of Hwy. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- mnuble terms and satisfaction guar- amto'vd. Dates made at The Durham «Lin-onicle office or with R. C. Wat- mn. Varney, RI}. 1, Phone 604 1‘“. LOT 7, CON. 2!, EGREMONT, CON- laining 100 acres; 85 acres under cultivation, balance hardwood bush; convenient to school; on the prem- 1803 are a frame barn 42x65 ft. with stone. foundation; concrete stables; also hay barn 30x50 with stone base- menl; hog pen 20x40; twelveâ€"room brick house. furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay; 10 acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced_andgln a good state of IS WP“ wllucu Guy."- u cultivation. For Inf orfiifiBti _ hpply to Watson’s Dairy, RR. 4, Durham. (In ‘fln‘fl rm}! 7, Con. 4, S.D.R., Glenelg, con- taming no acres; 100 acyes gleared and in gqod state of cultivation; on fmtario. ”If. Pl'cllllaca "Iv '- -'-â€"'â€" . wnth 800d frame woodshed attaphed; .drilled wen at door; never failing sprmgs on thus farm. making a c once stock farm. This property will be sold rmht to quick purchaser. For par- hculars apply at Watson‘s D8117. RR. 4. Durham. Ont. 102523“ PARK FOR SALE Lot 66. Con. 2. W.G.R.. Bantinck. 2“; miles southwest of Durham. con- taming 86 acres. Mostly clear and m mind state of cultivation. Bank barn with shed adjoining and stone st'ihlc‘s. 7-roomed brick house with e-wtvnzion kitchen and woodshed. \Wil watered and in good repair. Fm- further particulars uppity; to Thursday, W a. i”. Advertise in The chroniclo. It pays. Licensed Aucfijoneer for flying of FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Billcrest 0268 122 124 Avenue Road Toronto John [Batu I. Haddocks Formerly of Flesherton BATES BURIAL C0. IIDDLBBRO’. SPIN IIDD Barristers, Solicitors, Bu. Successors to A. B. Curroy‘ FARMS FOR SALE‘ Medical Directory. Dental Directorv REUBEN C. WATSON Legal '7' Y6 '9‘ p. m., Sundays PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SAULâ€"A NUIBER OF GOOD building lot: on George street. North or Stain; Rink. Durhun. Apply to D. Hopkins. 22! if BRITISH AIERIOAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It‘s good. Try it. i 10 l! Pmmss GASOLWE. m 1.11.68- FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc” a l to Lucas a lien , Dur- ham. pp y ry om: mde ‘ 'viith the ' " and lo mile”? Sold only 305mm) 3:35 Game. 626“ FIRST CLASS UPHOLSTERING done on short notice. Work guar- anteed. Edward Kress Furniture WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Malls. 3 15 23!. Store, phone 10. WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for tanning out the finest work on shat“; order. SALE OF HOUR-HAD! BAKING THE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE W‘ILL hold a sale of homeâ€"made baking and candy also a touch and take take counter in the A. Y. P. A. rooms on Saturday, December 12. After eta will be served from 3 to 6. 12 10 1 at Chronicle office. BOUND LOST BLACK AND TAN HOUND PUP, 5 monhs old, vicinity Ball’s swamp and Rob Roy first last week. Notify Chronicle o'ftice. FRESH HE'RRIN‘G FOR SALE PER DOZEN, 300. BUY THEM FROM me every Friday. Upon notification, rig will call at. your door.â€"-â€"‘Mlles Wilson. 12 10 2pd HOUSE FOR RENT REAR HALF OF RESIDENCE COR- ner Garafraxa Street and Durham Road; 6 rooms, electric lights, etc. Apply Mrs. A. W. H. Lauder, Durâ€" ”annq. EDGE BILL BOX SOCIAL A box social will he held at Edge Hill sch-col December 11. A play, “The Path Across the Hill,” will be given by the young people. Ad- ;nission 25 cents. Ladies with boxes rec. Come see “The Path Across the Hill,” Be sure and don’t be late; The 2117.11 and her Sully boyâ€"- You’ll laugh as sure at fate. NOTICE TO FARMERS rI‘he Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to glve three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 601 r 13 GOOD BRICK HOUSE OF SEVEN rooms, centrally located, with ap- proximately quarter acre od gar- den land. Good new Ke sey lur- naco recently installed; electric lights and fixtures, concealed wir- ing and individual switches; full complement of storm windows for winter and screen windows for summer. For further particulars on this prOperty, apply at The Chronicle office. 10 15 tf CREDIT AUCTION SALE Farm Stock Implements There will be sold by public auc- tion at Watson’s Dairy Lot 65, Concession 3, Glenolg TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1925 } The following: Horse, 6 years old; Mare, 9 years old, supposed in ”foal; Aged mare, supposed in foal; 2 twoâ€"year-old colts; Sucking colt; 2 cows due in March; 5 cows due in April; 2 cows due in May; Cow, due in June; Far- row cow; 2 fresh cows; Heifer, 3 years old. due January 10: 6 two- year-olds; 4 yearlings; Calf; Sow, due February 28; Truck wagon; Rubber-tired buggy; Cutter; Lister grain grinder, 9 inch plate; 3 h. p. gasoline engine; Set sin le harness; 3 horse collars; Set s‘leig 3; Dining- room table. Everything must be sold. TIME OF SALEâ€"One O’Clock. ' TERMSâ€"All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount, any time up no 10 months’ crednt on ap- proved joint notes bearing Interest at 6 per cent per annum. am. Very Economical Jack was admiring a new shirt. that his friend was wearing. “How many yards does it atke for a shirt. like that?” 0t ARTICLES WANTED FOR SALE 1 BABY CUTTERâ€"APPLY HOUSE FOR SALE Durham, RR. 1. Auctioneer. 12' 3 6pd 12 10 tf 12101 11263 1pd United States Customs officials conferred Friday with railway om- cials at Windsor and arranged to co-operate in the prevention of li- quor smuggling across the border. The Woodstock war memorial committee received the complete lin- ancial report showing total receipts of 310,057, of which 09,500 was spent in the erection o! the memorial and £563.â€" on incfdéfitilé. The balance régtbe devoted to installing a flood, n . A broken telephone cable dragging across a h Karo power gu has been found to gave caused putting of 450 phones out of commission at BNntford. Mrs. D. Deacon has been again elected as president of the Stratford branch of the Red Cross. There is a balance of $316.65 in the. bank. -, Oxford Gouhty Council have voted 810 to every Reeve on the Council for aid rendered to the Equalization A Kent Count constable was no- tified late on hursday, night that a moorcyclist had been struck by a car near Louisvfile. He investigated and found the machine in a ditch but no sign of the rider. Frederick Betts, barrister of Lon- don, while adjusting his windshield, thrust his hand through the glass and severed the arteries and ten- dons in his wrist. His condition is rather critical. Kenneth Wibis and Fred Yarring- ton. of Hamilton, while‘riding on a truck. were struck by a radial car and severely injured. Wibis has a fractured skull, and Harring- ton was injured about the forehead. admission to the hospital. The internal management commit- tee of the Hamilton Education Board approved the. proposal to teach sec- ondary subjects to patients in the Mountain San. Levi Snider, an inmate of the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospial, left the institution, and while search for him was being made, his body was found hanging from a tree on the outskirts of the city. The G.W».V.A. of St. Catharines on Wednesday night decided to protest to Ottawa against reduction in the D.S.C.R. grants. J. C. Young was elected president. The. smokestaC-k of the Woodstock The smokestack of the Weedsmcx waterworks, the highest in the city, is being partially demolished as a menace to publice safety. It was erected twenty years ago. 1'..-” ‘lnivnfl 61".“ l’c‘l DVV L: lull J J ‘1"- w Despite a warning w‘i‘rom Mayor McBride that the Council was going beyond its jurisdiction. the alder- men at a special meeting passed a hy-law appointing W. H. Whittaker assessment commissioner of Brant- ford. North Oxford United Farmers held their annual meeting on Saturday when reports were. presented show- ing an increased membership and activity of women’s clubs in com- mun ity work. ‘ ,_‘._ n4 Qn‘uin lllUllll._V “u: u. William Murdock was on Satur- day elected president or the Chat- ham branchpf t.|m“Vegotablc Gmw- â€" -1â€" lnA:nnlnA BPS Lots 1 of 9 and 3 of 8. Concession 1. Garafraxa Road, Normanby, 5 miles south of Durham, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1925 Farm Shock 'Implements and Household Furniture. Jas. J. Finnigan ‘R. H. Fortune,- Proprietor. Auctioneer. The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction at Lot 29, Concession 3, Normanhy WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1925 The following: CATTLEâ€"Cow. due April 21:; Cow supposed in calf; Cow, due March 6; Cow, due March 12; 2 Steers, ris- ing 3 years; Heifer, rising 3 ears; 2 Heifers, rising 2 years; 2. eifers rising 2 years, supposed in calf; Steer, rising 2 years; 4 Calves. PIGSâ€"2 Brood Sows, supposed in pig; 15 young Pigs, about 3 months old; Number Hens and Geese, if not. previously sold; Collie pup. ‘ HORSESâ€"Matched team (Black), rising 7 and 8 years; Chestnut. driv- er, rising 5 years. AUCTION SALE Farm Stock Implements IMPLEMENTS.~â€"â€"Deering Binder, 6 foot out; Deering Mower. 5 foot cut; Hay Rake; Massey-Harris Cultivat- or; Noxon Seed Drill; 4-section Har- rows; Walking Plow; Gang Plow; Seuffler; Stone Boat; Turnip Pulp- er; Hay Rack; Pig Rack; Gravel Box; Wagon Boxes; Sleigh; Wagon; Wheelbarrow; Grindstone; Gasoline Engine (Turk 1% horse power); Rubber Tired Buggy; Steel Tired Buggy; Cutter; Chatham Incubator; Daisy Churn; De Laval Cream Sep- arator, nearly new; Set Double Har- ness and Collars; 2 Sets Single Har- ness; Quantity of Hay and Grain; Shovels, Forks, Whiffletrees, Neck- yokes, and other “articles too num- erous tormentlon.‘ _. 1L- Everything must be sold, as the farm has been disposed of. TIME OF SALEâ€"One o’clock. TERMSâ€"Hay, grain and all sums of $10.00 and‘under, cash; over that. amount, _12 ‘mon‘ths’ _credit on up- â€"-â€"- ‘A“ A" “Illuulll’, 1- .‘OVDOVC-II5 -â€" __ proved joint notes, 5 per cent off for cash in lieu thereof. _ R. I. Fortune, John Bauer, Auctioneer. . Proprietor. ”1 'UI “IIKA'II ‘11 [II . . "" "C’"""'":‘ . .’ Assomatmn. Reports 1ndlcated AUCTION SALE With Christmas not many days‘ away, I suppose most. of you folks} are busy listing what you‘re going to get for Uncle John, Aunt Kate, the youngsters and others who are near and dear to you. Save yourself some time in planning. Keep a gmd notebook handy and, as Gift sug- estions come to mind. jot thorn own. Themâ€"whether the GM is home-made or bou ghtâ€"wrap it as soon as you have it ready at .hand. Make your Gifts individual.â€" something you know the recipient has Eersonal desire forâ€"something you now she or he will appreciate not only for its worth, but for the true Christmas spirit in which it is gigeh. a _.-,_ _,- nLénJ___9- a-“m- . Take care in selecting Children’s Gifts. Far better to make them constructive rather than destructive gifts. And as well night unbreak- able as possibleâ€"so that the chil- dren may find delight in them for a long time to come. Holly and mistletoe, pretty can- dles, gold and silver stars, poinsetâ€" tias. Cranberries make a cheap, pretty trim. Holly wreaths hung outside of windows keep fresh much liongernthan whenhnflng inside. Wllevl III-Ow. vv u-v-_ -- “"v , Artificial trimmin s are pretty and economical. W- en put away carefully, they will last. a good many years. Such as small Christmas trees, cherries, poinsettias, holly. that the Association is in a healthy Condition. DUIIUIUIUu. Charged with acting as lookout. for two alleged burglars, Charles Karn of Kitchener was on Saturâ€" day remanded .to jail for a week. lLlllwsnuuu ‘lv d a; "u Seven men including High Con- stable Peters of Kent had a narrow escape from drowning on Frida' when the motor launch in whic they were. searching for the. body of the missing farm hand near (lhatham struck a submerged log and sank. Set upon just before midnight Friday by t_\_vo foreigners, Arthu _‘_ â€"-_.-\-1‘v ;'\ u Set upon just, before midnight, Friday by two fornignors, Arthur W ylia of Welland, whilr at. work in the Daloro research laboratories. managed to fight. thom off until the night watchmen came to his rescue. His clothing was torn to shreds. 'th hnrlv at a new horn infant The body of a new born infant apparently strangled. was found on Saturday night at Windsor. Police think the bOdy was flung from a passing train or automobile. Albert Brokoker. proprietor of the Sand Hill Hotel near Windsor. rout- ed three robbers who attempted to hold up his place. They fired a volley at him as they retired. BITTERLY COLD WINTER TO SET IN ABOUT DEC. 15 IS SEEN FOR CANADA It is going to be a cold winter inl Caen, France. as well as all around the 41st parallel of latitude. as cold as the winter of 1740 in England, when the Thames from over. This prediction is made by Abbe Gabriel. France‘s most distinguished meteorologist and professor in the University of Caen. “All of Canada and the whole of the northern part of the I'nited States will have a bitterly cold win- ter, which ought to set in about the middle of December or early in January,” the priest-meteorologist said. Abbe Gabriel’s prediction is based on the supposed existence of ”“vv‘. uâ€"_ _,. an astronomic c'yiAzlE It will pay you. Water! Water! Water! What Is Good Health Wortm Place Cards One can always buy pretty place RR. No. 4, Durham. Phone 98-“ Road the Classified Ads. on Page 7. Why take a chance and use water that. is polluted and unfit for domestic use, when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- paigs._ Christmas Decorations HOUSEHOLD 1mm atria-u Gift: léziistaction Guumtood ED. J. PRATT MWHMMHMmWWuukBmy Wob- oterâ€"addmchuumofrhcburmcmm (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) cards, but- very nice ones can be made with little trouble or expense. It is easy mmake Sana Clausplnee cards, Stocking place cards mg! Star place, cgrdsv Use parts of Chrnstmu somjemr postal cards. Cut- opt ad- vertnsements pertaining to Christmas -color and paste on pluip cards of desired shapes. ‘ Graham lint When cooking cranberries, add a thin slice of apple to each int of cranberries. Tiis will take t e hit- terness away without interfering with the tartness. Line sherbert glasses with lettuce leaves. Skin and cut up grapefruit. Fill glasses with cut up grapefruit. Sprinkle grapefruit witlrsugar. Add vir'tiiéfiobln ‘of maraschino' chem" juice to each cocktail. Top eac‘, glass with a cher_ry. ' Cranberry Apple Sauce 1 Clip of ground apples. 1 cup of sugar. 1 cup of chopped cranberries. Method: Mix wenhl. Serve un- cooked with meats. Stated Dates These are always a good addition 00 a Christmas candy box. Stufl them with nuts, prunes, orange marmalade or fondant. Delicious Iinco Int 4 pounds of lean boot. 2 pounds of beef suet. For December Grapefruit Cocktail BAKING HINTS with boiling water and cook until tender. Chop meat. Chop applu and add to meat. Then add sugar cider, raisins. currants, cilron, sud and shock. Heat gradually and cook slowly for 2 hours. Then add him and spices.“ Put in large croc and cover. A _small_ quantity can he made; A jar of rhince {neat pret- tily decorated makes a wry nioo Christmas present. 3 cups of flour. '- 3 teaspoons of baking powder. ' 1/3 teaspoon of salt. % teaspoon of ginger. 1/3 cup .of shortening. 2/3 cup of molasses. 1/3 cup of brown sugar. 1 egg. Method: Sift flour, baking pow- der, salt and ginger together. Ii: molasses, egg, melted shortenjm and sugar to ther. Add the :3 ingredients. his makes a .. dough. Shape in form of men aniâ€" mals or plain cookies. Bake in 0 moderate oven 10 to 15 minutes. Grease. pan. Use cloves, rice or cui-rants for eyes and buttons. 1 quart. of pickle juice.. 1 ublespoon of cinnamon. 36 tablespoon of powdered clova. 1 tablespoon of auspice. 1% cum 9(910ck the meat was cocked in. ' 1 lemon mked in hot water. Method: (liver meat and and Apples twice as much an ad. pounds of Queue of ci er. pounds at seeded mieim. pounds of currents. $6 pound of citron: Ginger Cookie Ion PAGE 7. G1

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