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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Dec 1925, p. 8

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Thmgs happen unexpected] somatimo-s. The mill at the Fals me started agoing on Wednesday aflrrnnnn at last wow-k after under- going; ropairs. A fmv 'hags had mel ground. whom suddonly the big WHIP" pmHy burst in two, one- half ruming hurtling through the floor- lwsidv Mr. Loucks, took a parabolic rnrw over Mr. John 'l‘im- mink- Iu-zul and f9” solidly many (or! away. Twas a close call! Travel-stun. (Our Own Correspondent) lunicipal nutter-s are extremely flict There isnt much farm work be.- m done at present except the ever- Hi: 2;; chores. _ y "I“ and Mrs. Phi'li Harrison of ”inter; Park spent. t e first of the week an the Nelson homestead. .‘lr. anal Mrs. lt. thstor moo Miss Angeline, Lauder) of Cliwoland and Ir. and Mrs. Jumps Lamolvr of Pus- lim‘h motorml up from Hall. on Sun- day and want the afternoon in your srriho‘s homo and the evening at Mi. Charlos Mclllocklin‘s. roturn- ing homo lth clav. Mr. \Vrbstvr has spent tho greator pail of his life superintpniling the building of but sugar lactorirs and in com or- Iant with nearly every state in the Union. He is a clover and giftmfl oonversalionalist bosiilos’ being an expert machinist and capahlv of handling la_r_go [ladies of_workmon. Flint. prt Ontario, are celebrating their golden wedding this 8th day a! December. Mrs. Whittaker’s midi-n name was anrintta Edwards and they won» wedded in the 01d homo by the Rev. William “Meson. Ouitg 9 number {if tho§e _prcs_ent lung happy n In and Mrs visited with M Twafley on St Mrs. John 0. Annie, and MI The Davis family visited Mr. and Its. Harold Lawrence of Egremom II_Sat H May. Ir. a'nd Mrs. Aqu: Hastie of town visitmi Sunday Wlth Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Greenwood. - - Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lamson 0! ”int, Mich. motored over on Fri- day, visited at Knarshorn Hall, lurkdale. and spent. a fmv hours with friends and kindred on their way home. an that occasion have had a few Iain turn a shade lighter since then, but we are glad to wish them an; happy returns of the da . In and Mrs. Charles McCloc lin visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tw‘ey on Sunday. Ira. John 0. Greenwood and son, Archie, and Mrs. W. J. Greenwood and daughter. Clara, motored up to Owen Sound on Saturday and spent the day _there. -- Swinton Park. ( Our Own Correspondent) Moon's. William and R. llampholl at this 91809 rvcvivml a ti‘lem‘am on Sunday informing them that their homer, Thomas. had boon killml almost. instantly by falling down off a corn crib in St. Davids. Iowa. Mr. Campboll wzm woll known how and went a good part. of his life in thoso rts. but a numlwr of yoars ago, 0 moved to the place named above on account of ill hoallh aml has been engagml thorn in farming. Mr. G. Camplwll of ancma is also a MOUNT. and he loft on Monday for The monthly meeting :H' the l'. F. Wx. U. was held at the home (If It's. Robert Lawson with a good attendanre. There was not much business transacted. as the ladies met for the, purpose of sewing in order to send a box of Nothing to the needy hp harth. Miss K. Firth nf town spent a «lay with Margaret McLean who is im- proving after her recent illness. Mr. \Villiam Grnsby is in the hos- pital with wwumonia. His many friends hope» to hoar of a speedy recovery. _ Mr. 1.6ui3' Sholdmth of near (Mosley spent a day recently with Ir. and Mrs John V.Pssiv HRPV. Mr; Armstrong spIIIIt a day along this liIIII gutting acquainted wilgh somII the “III pIIIIpIII. IIIICPntlv. ‘v A wnod be» was. held at. Ml'. J. R. Richardson‘s on Friday afternoon. About 20 men gatherml. anil‘a gOOd M of “omi was cut. In the men- in: tho yming pmplc gathered in and spvnt the time in music, games and dapqing. _ ‘ Mt- Iiiâ€"Hail" is moving this week to his new house whom he Intends to farm on a smaller placg. A“. villaâ€"Incl; Braun had a very suc- cessful wood bee on Monday. Tho stool bridge» on the 19th con- cession is at a standstill. and there is considvrablo complaint. about. it as it is very inconvenient for peo- le going 00 Proton and also the oyal Mail. Ed. manages to cross on tho stringers. and evening. Thom-o. was a wry good crowd at both services. and no doubt his sermons would suit some. The fowl supper was held on Mon- day evening. and a large crowd turned out, and a real good time was The anniversary svrvices were held in St. Andrew's church here on Sunday. and Rev. Mr. Reid 0! Hillsburg preached m the afternoon (Our Own Correspondent) The Ladies’ Aid of Amos church are holding their bazaar on Tues- day evening. December 15. com- mencing at six o’clock. Supper and lunches will be served and home- made. baking sold at the refresh- ment booth. A splendid assortment of fancy work and sewing for ev- eryday use and gift purposes is be- ing" prepared. A good program has arranged, so everybody come andI do some Christmas buying our y. The onus people’s debate last week, “ esolved that Books Are More Educative Than Movies,” was won by the. affirmative. The papers were well given and showed thought and study in their preparation lies Bessie Drimmie returned to goth this week after a month’s hol- 09L :3 the Nelson homestead. , __III. and Mrs. John Whittaker of PAGE 8. Rocky Saugeen (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. Harold Eccles, who has been nursing a broken leg for so many weeks, is gradually improving and. hopes to be able_t0 put some weight upon it before none. (Our Own Correspondent) l\1r.¢1harlvs Hulliday and Miss Margaret. Blair of Blyth’s Corners Visitml thp mansv on Tuesday. and Hm RPV. W. Johnston mmductod the marriagv ('nromum which made me man and wife. They “em to "“lmnnl0 on tlwil‘ hnnmmnon trip. ( Our Own Correspondent) .. Most of the farmers are getting up Wood for the winter. Mr. Alfred Tucker is having a bee this Tues; «lay. Mr. Charles Smail of Droxnore doing the sawing. Messrs. Andrew Hay and Campbell Watson out sup- plies for some neighbors. , ( Mr. and Mrs. T. Harrison, Sr., vis- ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. William i J aqques. fir. and Mrs. C. Habrfson 'and family \‘lsited on Sunday at Mr. Wesley Heard’s, Proton. Mr. and Mrs. Angus H00per and Miss Alma intend moving into Dur- ham fnr the winter. ,Mr. Hooper sold his stock by auction sale last. week. Mr; Reg. Ramage had a wood bee one. day last week and treated his neighborstga' «huge {1} night. . Miss Beanie Thoma ’is spenditig :1 ((mplp of weeks In TOI'OntO._ _ Mr. John Lawrence, who has spent some months at the.home of his grandson, Mr. Crawford Harrrison, is now visiting his son, Mr. Arthur Lawrence. ' * ' Miss M. Prom, is spending a few days With her brother and family hero. Holstoin is contemplating corpor- atinn lullâ€" fledged. X meeting to that 0nd was held in Robeit’s Hall 'lunsdm 0\'.ening but nothing deif- initn was decided. We hear that Mr. John Eckhardt has sold part of his fine bush to the Durham Furniture Company at a handsome figure. __ Mrs: R: Irvin is the guest of her pm‘vnls 111 _ 1“}:1'gus.” O (‘l‘nIl'i-‘ljw Vchougall returned from the \\ est last \u‘ek. Meetings are being held through- out the township I'egam‘iing the formation of Township School Boards for the township. The new pfin is not. being considered favor- a v. Dornoch (Our Own Correspondent) An enthusiastic meeting was held in the. Presbyterian church on Mon‘ day afternoon when the Vt. M. S met for their annual T'hankoffering. Mrs. Mac\Villiams presided and ir-~ trmlured Mrs. (Rev) Armstrong of Durham Presbyterian church who was the speaker for the day. MI‘S. .\rmslrom.:. who so recently re- turned from China. was heard with Interest and appreciation while she told of conditions in general in China and also of incidents in mis- sionary hospital work. The Chin- ese, it would appear, are still wor- ried by the danger of dirt and flies and sanitation is a science to which they are still indifferent. Native nurses in training are intelligent and anxious to learn. but require close supervision becausethe wokk is so strange to them. Girls are still un- welcome in China, and baby girls are still thrown out to perish with- out compunctizon. At the close of the address, Mrs. Armstrong showed some Chinese relics: a Chinese idol which was nothing more than a Chinese figure painted on a bit of board, a contrivance like the cover of a sofa cushion with strap at- tached by which babies are strapped to their mothers’ backs. a pair of women’s shoes, pitiful objects to fit the deformities resulting from the binding of women’s feet. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Armstrong, and the SecretaryeTreasurer, Mrs. We are sBrry that Mrs. Hornsby isistill in 9901‘ health. M03513. B. Gibson. J. Lnith, R. Sim and I. Bunston loft Tuesday for (Mom Sound to act. as jurors. The \Vomen’s Institute held a very successful party in Robert’s Hall rvcvntly. An excellent time is 1'0- pm‘tm’l. H. R. Ridden, reported a very gener- ous collection. All officers of the society were re-elected for the en- suing year. The afternoon was closed by the serving of dainty re- freshment by some of the young girls of the church. _ C A number from here attended the concert held at \leliamsford hall on Friday, December 4. present- ed by the Arnett’s school section, and all pronounced it a-complcte success. * FMissmMarie. Moore of our burg spout an Pvemn last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. .Drlett. Mr. Heath and daughter, Miss Olive motored up from Fmgus last \\ eek to visit the formers daughter, Mrs. C. Henderson. A . Mrs. W. Kenny, who has been vis- iting with her daughter, Mrs. John Vasey, for the past two weeks, re- turned to her home in Glenelg last Thursday. - -uu-vwâ€" Mr. Eddie McQueen of W‘alker- villok visited Dornoch friends this wee . Allan Park (Our Own Correspondent) Miss Marrietta Park was at home the most of last week suffering from an attack of tonsilitis. We are glad to report that shewas able to go hack to her school Monday morn- mg. Mrs. Alex. Herd was confined to the house for a few days as a re- sult of being thrown from 3 out- ter. She and her little boy Eddie, drove to Mr. Moses Donnellyfs on a visit. and in some way, while in Mr. Donnelly’s. yard. the lprse cemenszed 8‘?!an Wad m a grate. v -â€"â€"â€"-- v wâ€"v v circle, the outhrmuaétting.M1-s.l Herd receixed a in her head and a general shaking up. Last re- port is thtt she is well satin. Glenmont Holstein We are sorry to report Mrs. An- drew Park being under the doctor‘s care with an attack of la grippe and cold. “VI“. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Willis and family, who have spent a couple of weeks’ holidays at his father’s ce left for their home at Dauphin, au- itoha, last Saturday afternoon. They were all looking fine, and a number from here spent a few pleasant hours wtih them. ‘ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 5%} t-A.) BACTERIAL LIE! PB \ . "IN WIN!!! SOILS perpetrator o! the crime, Mr. De set a trap, and was rewarded next ni t by the capture of a l owl. w ich stood .20 inches , vvv w vâ€"vâ€"qt' next ’ thytheon tmjeotalarge owl. w ich stood. Inches high with wings mpasurmg over five feet from tip to tip. The owl had cvi~ dently atpapked. the case in ma water, seams It by t e neck and draggin it to land, and completing its mur erous work there. Owls us- ually confine their work to chickens, but in “this instance. Whom. \ W able to make a stpamw’,“ the goose was no mnlrh fa}- ' RNITURE prunl..<'rl-:m:n ‘ . {CE-[11.1“ by a ant ('la‘fi Hlph‘dm‘ti? mve ymlr Ol‘dm'S \VIHI H: and “hay wili have prompt am“; m, .. - l. } ward Kress FUI‘IllllH'u slum mf" Egivon pnwm' 1 ‘munily in mm oration with 1nd man.v "T ' \Vanen's Institmv Inn-1 of lira. Jmnvs Maw Iy tfleruuon for NH meeting. and tlw um excellent. _ r the busmvss was (14-3 W stratum-d In Imlcl 3 ins and a ton this mmi y w replvnish Hu- h'ml . Smith was prom-m, :1. address of tlw al'h-rlm “Community Hc-aIHI" um how much inclindual v Medical Hualth (H'Iirvz'. latvd Ull‘ \VHllh‘ll u! 1! (P8 on ilw wmmmmh m dortakv and I'vmzn'iuni ~ il‘ fl‘llib‘. )‘0 Hm!" Lu . v 890k" Hf Hu- mum- ~- .- 111 schools. «'IIm-v! .~ . ‘ -rvvd tllruuu‘lnmy - which is Hm 1'. ~ r 'tutp vmrk. In .h-u ' jecl. Dr. 5mm. .. 2 1| unhealthy vnzzu . x u be a proslwrnm ' . I fact HNWIgnu/m: meat, honcn Hu- :a'.» , . Nedical Ht'ale “‘1 ‘. be oven-0mm 1.. community. \\.v 2» health nursvhow n to propvr l'nmi. .. ~- ffl’fih lil‘. 'I‘Ilv i;'-' I big factor IH :. i" said that H \\:t~ - that thN‘n \Vc-n- 1. among \Vnmnn l-HA since “10y \\'«-l'u‘ m cat in (‘nmnmmn their “INTI“! “a. four walls or Hm:- DI‘. Smith 511w“ “'98“ lil‘. [HH'th'n inn quarim's. um ' OWEN SOUND WM NOT SATISF . SMITH ADDRESS? WOMEN’S INST! llcill Health Buard Action if Not Soon Imp The ('IVH' :u:’.| Sound turn “1' "" aeolian with 2' Owen Smmd In» good watvr. in. m nu leM‘ At any raw. ly pan-mu uring Hn- Us Sound had a 1\| in SOHO n1 mam flange “I" (m that the “am \\ m m. tho [HIIJH' 1 seem tn than“ m trey. Minism “081811 “It “A. etllh ()fllux. Hm Pilblic l'tilmm H. etfintendq-m uf \\'. bum in 'l'm'cmtw. that It “ill in III) to Llwm 1m Provincv w I H mittens lhvnw netted I‘PQU¢'~1~ group of (‘iH/vw to the watm- ~w WIS MPH luv \\ Health aUHIHI'IYTr II if thl‘v “le; 80(1)!“th Hav- his in Durham in: Of U10 (1mm 11m mcmhm- " V \‘illv. .\3l' HI ifax m 1“" “Bluenosv” ”1 H Reach anvw'fi‘ I I young “1*" hm thirty 111;.- flcer of Hvalth WiVPd by hm several sanuuiw “Im ‘13 ‘IIP lh' Health. \th'il \' bar looting Hold on Afternoon at Home ‘ us lather.â€"â€"Attendancl Ville befow \ . * For mmy ymd V mm. and may? LINPI‘S. and out, dum‘s‘ (Contmuwd KPH“ I'M ARTHI’R M. N NO. 3051. ‘Hc make H ill H lh minioin H0 [1|

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