West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Dec 1925, p. 9

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‘ an auction ml of your nnioling up . Int. the Stanâ€" ’ .quipped to nm-ols. Our 311' will glad- rnls for tho In: of all sale 1;: an atten- p't'o‘ssary. A My depend- 'ml arrange. Isimplicity. t, passes for Model 11-) of the the preset)” ’x y. ’AN K Value in 'nstrate It ? IlDaénd Crosley min. I! want in a radioâ€" y Sticks 2300 to $1.50 Manager erns me Plug and Grid Saucepan filthe 10L fit at $1.00 *ach al teed , Ont. $1.00 nits. 11.1380! JAIIISOI Ofl‘ibe and residence a short dist- ance east of the Hahn House on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Office hours 2 to 5 pm- 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundays). Physician and Surgeon. Office Lambton street, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ate University of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Office hours: 2 to 5 p. m.. 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays excepted. J. L. “HI, I. 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. 011m 1nd residence. corner of Countess and Laughton Stu-pets. oppo- site old Post Oflnce. Office hours : Non a.m..130 to A 9.111., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). The Science that adds life go years and years to life. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 6 H 23 t! J. 8. “ml, U. U. u, u. U. 9. Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block, Mill Street, second door east of MacBeth's Drug Store. _ _ ____â€"â€".â€"â€"- ”naiw. c.’ lenmefnnn'rls'r ()fl‘ice, over J. J. Hunter’s store, Durham. Ontario. Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. C. C. Middlebro’ is permanently located at. Durham Office. Priceville Branch open every Friday from 2.30 to 9.30 p.111. LUCAS a BERRY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber of the firm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appomlgnents may be made with the Clerk 111 the no.1!!!) 3288!! IoGILLIVMY “Chiropractors, Dnrhaq, Ontujip - .1..- ofl'i'ce. DAN. IcLEAN Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- sonable terms. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle Office or with him- self. Licensed Auctioneer [or County of 131‘6‘3'. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- ~mizible terms and satisfaction guar- :um'ml. Dates made. at The Durham iLiii-onicle office or with R. C. Wat- wn. \‘amey, RR. 1, Phone 603 PM. “Us“. â€"â€"vâ€"vâ€"-_____ Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. Moderate terms. Arrangements for ealvs, as In dates. etc., may be made at. The Chronicle Office, Durham. l'erms nn appfication. Address RR. an: _ n5 L ‘1';{ii‘lié'mfl.‘f’hone 611 r 2‘ er this bending, 1 cent a word each insertion CASE WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions _ given tpr the price of four. Telephone cells treated a pest: with order ' W mnano' Medical 011mm, Licensed J1 uctioneer flaxmls FOR SALE u a or 'cuuivauqn. . ”w! adjoining and m9 't 5nd in 3006 1”“; particulars I99” ;_ n. n. No.8.w an John w. Bum I. Met: lmx'mvrly of Flesherton A“misc! in The Ohm”- Dental Directorv ~ undatmn; concrete stabies; rum 30x50 wnth stone base- a furnace hea Imn 20x50, twelveâ€"room: ted also ”fuléhed; drilled well, close mtb windmill; i'.r\~: 30 acres seede concrete d to hay; m sweet clover; this farm wm-ml and in a goqd state 0t For informauon apply ”VI-5‘ Da‘ry, Ron. 49 Durham. 10 25 23 If Legal ‘Direotorv ALEX. MacDQNA}.D \ ~. ~ an: a y..-â€" > . rooms. “"3 K "n f : flamed attached: . .. t containing l-it'oltl. balance hardwood 4.10.! State Of cultivation; 33x50. atone basement, a ”sun... Glands. 00"- a» :u-H'vs; 100 acres glared m1 state or qultivnhon; on 9- PROPERTY FOR SAULâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North of Shtins Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 2 21 U BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. i 10 u grade gas with the“p “peg” and long mileage. Sold only at. mith Bros Garage. 626“ FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc., ap ly to Lucas 8: Hear , Dur- ham. p y 612 t! PEEBLESS GASOLINE. THE HIGH- WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 3 1523!. WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- ncle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. t! BYE SPECIALIST COMING AGAIN ’The welleknown Optometrist, Prof. hatz, graduate of the Canadian Op- tical Institute of Montreal, will re- lieve eye sight trouble at the Hahn House on Monday, December 21. Headache, ain in the hack of the neck, twito ing eye lids, dizziness, inflamed e es and defective vision relieved t rough properly fitted glasses. By our great skill and long experience, we can help you even where others failed. Glasses at a reduced price for Christmas. LOGS WANTED WE" WILL PURCHASE A LIMITED amount. of Elm, Maple. Birch, Beech and Basswond logs. Highest prices paid. Also want, teams for Hastings’ shanty. to go about ist of January. Apply at office or to Mr. Kinnee. Durham Furniture CO. 12172 VAhNBY CHRISTMAS CONCERT IN V \RNLY CHI RCH, THI RSDAL December ’4. The play. “Miss M01- ly. “ill be giwn. also nthei talent will take part. Reserve this date and come. 12 17 " 1-. -‘--.â€".-â€"v v -- day. xowmlmii '21. Admissiun 10 cents and 1:3 cvnts. \ll \Vvlcome. {pd L. O. L. SPECIAL MEETING 1.. t). L. 119;" WILL MEE’I‘ IN THEIR hall at McWilliams. IM'emhor 2|. All momhm‘s I'oqunstm‘l (U be pres. ent. Installation of officers. an- hvrs 0f nthvr lmlgns cm'c'liully in- vitedâ€"R. (I. \V’atsnn, \V. M. CHRISTMAS TREE AT ALLAN PARK StiHW’W OX MOS: FRESH HERRING FOR SALE PER IMZI'IN. 30c. BI'-Y THEM FROM me every Friday. I'pnn notificatinn. rig will call at, your clom'.â€"â€"~.\li|os I.) In 33...! \V'il HOUSE FOR RENT REAR HALF ()l“ RESIDENCE COR- norâ€"(.‘Earafraxa Street. and Durham Apply Mrs. A. \V. H. Lalulmn Dur- ham. ' The Durham U.F.0. Live Stock Asâ€" sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days' notice. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 601 r 13 ARTICLES WANTED (iOflD BRICK HOUSE OF SEVEN rooms. centrally located, with apâ€" proximately quarler acre goml gar- den land. Good new Kelsey lur- naco recentlv installed; electric complement of storm windows for winter and screen windows for summer. For furlher-‘particulars on this property. apply at The Chronicle office. _ 10 15 if Gomlwany an approved and a byâ€"law p: tifymg the agreemenn the Speechos were do iver man William Broeso. cha lal elevator comm the spec KPnnedy and mm by Mr. elevator hm: been formally t. bv the company from the ary dotails all the necess A little girl had been for the first. time. On hnma. her mot or asked _ A AL- flami" MISCELLANEOUS plied “but théré w . didn'i think was fair.” “What was that. clear?” asked SI)“. the conclusion of a special ig: of the Owen Sound Cit? ii at. which the agreement he'- the Great Lakes Elevator my and the city was formally red and a tryâ€"law passed ra- g the agreement~ the. members . Council were entertained at1 r by Mr. D. J. Kennedv. Presi- ot’ the Elevator Company. hes were delivered by Alder- ) Breese. chairman of Willian . peeial elevator committee. and [r. Kennedy and others. The tor has been f ormally taken over .9 company from the city. and ry details arranged. 18 11909883 HOUSE FOR SALE Durham. RR. 1. m 21H! I'M ,« 6% WM"; WESTERN ONTARIO NEWS IN BRIEF 1.115 in Western Portion of mad-'- Banner Province Told in a Column. . The- Woodstock poultry show, now 1n full swing, is declared by experts ttgrbe fully equal to any held in On- 10. A residence occupied by W. Home of St. Catharines, was destroyed by tire '[hurgday “Lith .all contents. 1‘! _ ____. __ “'- :filve 13531363,!) VCEfiniri‘g‘ Company’s plgpt WES thregtenegi: 2 J:.... _-A- r .â€"..v Mrs. Frank Bennett, residing near St. Thomas, suffered broken legs when she was knocked down by an auto on the Londonâ€"St. Thomas Highway. “I ‘0_»_ n-_‘_l A“ ‘..D.- ‘V The ‘ijdndon Education Board de- cided to extend the medical inmec- tion of children to_al'j_in_grade one. v- â€"- 'â€" Sneak thieves at St. Thomas on Wednesday carried ofl' an overcoat and gloves belonging to two jury- men while court was sitting. The Western Ontario Conservative Association has advanced the date of the annual meeting in London to January 5 owing to the House of Commons convening On Jan. 7. Hon. H. H. Stevens will speak, and premier Ferguson has been invited. A proposal to standardize school buildings and save from three to four per cent in architects’ fees, has been favorably received by the Hamilton Education Board. . ‘17,! Two recounts will be held in Wel- land on December 15 in the Port Colborne municipal elections, one for Mayor and the other for Deputy Reeve. An alleged mistake in tabn~ lating figures in the same polling booth is the reason of both recounts. Addressing the members of the Waterloo Canadian Club last week. Hon. J. S. Martin emphasized the necessity of coâ€"operation in agri- culture and advocated more voca- tional training for the young men living on farms. - -_. .] l'nnnnqvn ll'l.‘ -l--v Struck by an engine and thrown 50 feet with his truck, Walter Black of Windsor is nevertheless expected to live. .Essex County Council will pass a by-law compelling all vehicles on county roads to carry lights. The Mayor of London has called a special meeting of the City Coun- cil to discuss the threat of the Street Railway Company to suspend operation of their cars. Frederick W. Parker, an em- ployee of the London Post Office, has been sentenced to serve three years in Kingston Penitentiary for robbing the mails. 0‘ ll- - nan}. 1U I Luau-11E, London’s campaign for the Beck Memorial Endowment Fund was re- Open-ml Monday. Already $78,100 has been raised on an objective of $75000. ‘ fl .- -5 1"“... flywfiigoBoard of Governors of Ham- ilbon’s Public Library has selected Miss Lorine McDonald of Toronbo as Librarian. ‘ "' l ‘ ___1II lallJl (11 Jun. Hamilton Board of Control will confer with the special Street. Rail:- way Committee of the City Council with reference no a new agreement l‘iet.\veen the, city and the Hamilton Street. Railway Campany. A 11’ Ill 1‘.“ - The Medical Officer 0? Health for \V‘:‘ltm-loo snggmsts that all cows sup- plying milk to vvndors in that, socâ€" tinn lw tubm'mlin testpd. I ‘l A-.- A Bom'h warrant was issued Mon- (lay hv Windsor‘s Polico Magistrate for Jamos Kano. :1 ("u-own witness on a chargv of rocoiving stolen goods pl'ofm'l'ml gainsl. Eric and Garnet Hughill. brotl‘wrs. , ‘-- --_--Ah‘l\rl A“ llLlfilllulo u. "|'--‘ â€"- . , Mrs. Cm'inno Layton. aI‘l‘Pstod on Sunday night. in a house in Ford. was onlmwl freed Monday by Ma- gistratv Gnnay of Windsor after friomls had agrmul to take care of her. This roady monoy is always ready to g“. 'l‘lw Illulm'sigrnml auctioneer will sell by puhlw auctmn’ at Lots 1 of 9 and 3 of 8, Normaahy (l’ix'v mllvs suutln of Durlmml . TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1925 TIM E “I“ SALEâ€"«12.30 o‘cll‘wk. Ill)llSliS.~â€"â€"llm'sv. rising 8 yg‘ars; Marv. l'lfilllg 8 watts; Good drlvmg mare. rmm: ten. yvars; General pur- pnsv lwrsv. msmg 6 years; Clyde coll. ( I.»\'l'1‘Ll§.â€"â€"â€"-l"resh row. 8 years old,| with ralf at. foot: Cow. duo Febru- ary. 3. 8 years old; Cow «lue Januâ€" ary '37. 6 years old; (low. Due Janus ary 30. 7 years old: (low. due June M. f: wars HM: 'Hmv. supposed in calf, due June 12, 7 years old; 8 steers, 2 years old; 6 heifers. 3 years old: 3 steers, 1 year old; Gulf. SHRINKâ€"10 Oxford Ewes. PIGSâ€"3 fat pigs; Sow, due Mar. 1. FOWL.â€"-About 60 hens; 3 turkey hens. IMPLEMENTS. â€"â€" Massey - Harris‘ hinder. sheaf carrier and trucks; Frost Wood mower, 5-foot cut; Massey-Harris cultivator, two seed boxes combined; Peter Hamilton horse rake; Massey-Harris cutting box with carriers. nearly new Ver- ity 2-furrow gang plow; Cockshutt walking plow: Fleury walking plow; Truck wagon: Rubber tired buggy; Pair sleighs; Hay rack; Stock rack; 25 bunches first class shingles; 700 bushels of oats; 200 bushels of bar- ley; Doublntrees and neckyoke; Log- ging chains. Lark’soand shovels. ___---_--h ___‘_‘_ “__:-~ AUCTION SALE Farm Stock Implements 5‘." ‘ FURNl’l‘I_'RE.-â€"Sideboard; Dining- mom table; 6 Dining-room chairs; Rocking chair; W'oodstock organ. nearly new; \Vasfiing machine. 1900 gravity with wringer; Daisy churn; Sharplos cream separator. nearl new; Coal heater, 2 iron beds wit springs: Stove. pipes; Numerous other articles. TERMSâ€"Grain and all sums of $10.00 and under. cash: over that amount, 12 months‘ credit. on ap. proved joint, notes, bearing interest at 6 er cent per annum. n. I. ortune, J. J. Ennis”. “w -v-v... “firerytl‘ling 'must be sold. as the farm has been! diquse(l__of. A Auctioneer. Half of. the fun of arranging a. hafpy Christmas for the folks is to -se a very tempting and inviting festive table. Knowing what pieases their palates best, it is not very much of a task in perfecting an ap- pealing menu_. “Allow the to" sjig- Eggâ€"539 Gilâ€"{Eh I’m sure they‘ll life. Here it is: wash and clean turkey well. Fill both pockets with favorite dress- ing. Sew up with stout white string. Tie legs together. Season with salt and pepper. Place in roasting pan. Spread a little bacon grease over top. Put in hot oven without water until a nice brown. Then pour little water in pan. Gov- erâ€"baste frequently. Be sure and cook turkey a long while. Colored Pineapple These are made like apple rings or blushing apples and are served hot or cold as a garnish for platter or salad. "Method: Make a syrup in a fry- ing pan with ten cents” worth of THE VALUE OF A HULCB FOR WI NTBR PROTECTION Snow is one of the most important. mulches for winter protection. but. unfortunately, in some parts of tinn- ada, it does not come soon ennui-Th to afford tho necessary 1’.'i")|.t!t'tiOIi from severe frosts or sudden changes of temperature for certain plants that we desire to grow; nor .ioes it remain long enough to protect the plants from sudden tenuuu'uture ‘ _ l D ...... I . ' ‘ -- ‘1‘ QnflIn-I [J Jul- V‘J - - changes and hard frosts in spring. Where one is not. sure at snow mming early and remaining late in the spring and, where thnrc is H- tle snow in thn winter, IL is ciasir- able. to protmrt many piauls With somn kind ni‘ cowring other than snow. Soil is our of the.) host nf such (fOVPl‘S or n11.11."iu_-s. hnm‘n. in many parts nl' Canada. it, should be usml to protoc gram“ \‘invs. 1'. sp- barrios. rasi-s ani otimr rather tim- (ler “300in plants that, can 1m ro‘aul- ’in covered by it. At, Ottawa. surh Fruit cups. Roast. turkey with dressing. Cranberry sauce. Mashed potatoes. Peas or creamed onions. Perfection salad. . Pickles, nuts and celery. Bread, butter, _je_lly and coffee. Mince, pie and 'chéese. I]: \K'V\L\‘_| 5.1” -.. _,,_ a moans of 1'»1'ntvcti01'1 has lwon found \‘PPY dPSiX‘uI'blv. Aftvl‘ soil. HIP. next best. (‘(.)\‘01'i11;.'. [H‘I'hale. is loaves and. whm‘v those aw. 1'01“]in available, they should ho. mm! In :nfl'ord a protuctiw mulch and I‘m- additional p.1‘0t..v-('ti.rm who?» it is: dosirabln hut. nut wry m‘articahlo in use much soil. 011 Mm prairivs wherv loaves mm not abundant. straw , m J n WllL‘l'l'u'aw‘run ”u. u ........ , may he. used with goml effort. l‘sâ€" pecially on straxx‘berries. liotli there. and in the East. is straw \alualfle to protect. from sudden changes of temperature in winter where the. ground is bare and also to delay growth in Spring until liltillL’t‘l‘ of severe frosts is our Strzmy man- ure applied just before, winter sets in also makes a good mulch fm- herbaceous plants. .as it prim-("ts both the. roots and (‘l'OVVIlS and helps in hold the snow. HAV’E YOI'R STORAGE BAT'I‘ERY m'npm'ly looked after this winter. and it will repay yen: in longer and bvttm‘ service. Our rates are rea- sonablo. Water! Water! Water! What Is Good Health WorlhT’f Christmas Dinner lonu How to Prepare Tura-ky HOUSEHOLD HINTS Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unfit for domestic use, when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- paigs. ATTENTION MOTORISTS ' SMITH BROTHERS, Ford » $3105 and Somme ED. J. PRATT By BETTY WEBSTER Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints‘yoy woulq like to as}; .89“: Web- '7" VUUWI “vâ€"wv-"vw â€"vvvvâ€" starâ€"address her in care of'i‘ié Durham Chronicle. >7 fihOt 0V3“ giggled; shrinkle With sugar. 1. {nib of pulverizéd sugar. ice brown â€"â€"-â€"oâ€"_ 011) Of milk. pan. CW" BAKING guns 1/2 (mg) of pastry flour. ’ sure and . . W'hiles oi‘ Ii eggs Candied Sweet Potatoes Vanilla. ' ' 6 sweet potatoes. 1 heaping teaspoon of baking IO Butter. ' powder. upple rings Sugar. 1,5 cup of flour. ' are SBI‘VPd HM “'W’V- Method: Cream the butter and for platter Method: Pare and parboil 6 sweet sugar. Then add remaining in- potatoes. Cut in halves lengthwise. gredients in order given and mix ) in a fry- Lay in baking dish. Spread liber- well. Bake in 2 small square layer worth of ally with butter. Sprinkle with pans about 15 minutes. (Copyright, 193‘, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) of pineapple in this symp until xed. cinnamon drops, 56 cup of sugar and_i cup_ qt water. Cook slices i can of pineapple. i can of sweet cherries. 2 grapefruit (cut up). 6-oranges. ~ 6 bananas. Cover with sugar to taste. Let. stand for 2 or 3 hours in ice-box. l heaping cup of sugar. Nutmeg (a little“. Butter, size of a walnut. 3 eggs. W94“. beaten. 1 cup of milk. 3 teaspoons of baking powdvr. Salt. 1 teaspoon of vanilla. 5 cups of flour. If batter is too thin to handle nicely, add a litâ€" tle more flour. i Method: Mix in OI‘dM‘ giVon. Roll out. Fry in deep hot fat. When served, sprinkle with sugar. BAKING HINTS Cuidiod Sweet Potatoes 6 sweet potatoes. Butter. Sugar. Hot \x'a'tm'. Method: Pare and parboil 6 sweet. potatoes. Cut in halves lengtlmiso. Lay in baking dish. Spread liber- ally with buttm'. Sprinklv with Advertise in The Chronicle. 600me mm Fruit Cups Doughnuts sugar (half granulated and lull brown). _ Add 4 litug hpt “later all Bake linti‘l tpnder. Christan Pin 1 cup of canned crushed pine- apple. 1 cup of diced tart apples. 99 cup of SH‘dOd raisins. l tablospmm of lemon juice. 1 tablespoon of butter. ’74 cup of sugar. Method: Mix well. CO‘Jk until thick and ole-av. Pour into cooked paslry shells. (iovnr with meringuo and brown. Frost-«mt in cubes. Letter etch cake with red louer. Arrange on platter so that ”my spell Ghrmm 1.4; cm» hymn: (very small). 1 egg white. 2 tablespoons of sugar. Little salt. Vanilla. Perfect White Cake Meringue PAGE 9. In:

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