West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Dec 1925, p. 10

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PAGE 10. Christmas seem {n be coming along faster than (-vel' this year. Ilr. George Blatk had the misfor- (am to low a \aluublo young man) Itch {mm indigestion. Tin-w times haw» Markdule hunt- ers and bounds chmed a Zion fox, but that cleft in tlw rocks at. Hay- walnl's Falls aflonls him a safe hid- ing place. Miss Edith Teeter has arriwd kph aftm' a must dvlightful Him. with h fiends in Bullnn and "lmnnto. The collectors are golfing crim- per and saying ”l‘hose taxes must h pa id." Mr. William Matthews of Mount Forest suburbs was Up last week visiting among the. old neighbors. He returned on Monday. In our last budget. Mr. and Mrs. James Lauder or l’uslinch visiting here, should have read Mr. and Mrs. Jamns Nvlsmn. Mr. anson spent a couplo- at months this fall in Mani- toba [war Arrow River in the neigh- bOrhOmt whprr Mr. Ewen McNab livea. 'l'hp latter has haul good crops of law wars and with good prices. he and his lwtu'r half urv in afflumit cirruiustanrvs. Mr. angon gained Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Buck visited hmlrml at Ct'yluu on Saturady. A most interesting mow-ting of the Wmuo-n‘s Institute was lwld in Zipn church on Thursday al‘tm‘nunn last. WIH'n .‘II'S. \V. J. “I'N’IHVMNI, (INP- After being idle for many months, Ir. “purge Street. has started the saw mill guing and is turning out sown gum! lumber as your scribv an ufl'il'm. v-- v ‘r.'-â€".'Il'--‘- \ u- 15 pounds during his scfiuumf more and lmwks um years yuuugw'. Whvll .“I'S. \\. J. Ul'I'O'll\\Huu, uc-Ir- gato- tu Tux-onto. gaw an vxcellmlt report and roceiwd warm plaudits 3'. its ('lUSO'. , _ . Th0 ow'nt Of the! so-uson was tho big gathering at. tho uhl home of Mr. aml Mrs. W. .l. (lrvmiwood on Mbnzlay owning in honor of thoir silwr wmhling. HM amt young par- ticipatml, tirst giving tho rounlv a hrivt' c'harivari lwt’ors- invading tho homo. when“ thvy \‘xoro warmly welcomml. Al'tor nl'ih'l' was r0slorod. Mr. \V. R. .lau'k. arting as chairman. callml tho happy i'ouplv t'orwarw when Miss Reta Gloucross road a felil-itous and congratulatory atl- dross. and at tho rlosv. Mo-ssrs. Ar- chie Groonwooll and thimpholl Rob- son prvsmitml them with a silver tray and a half dozen shot-bot. glasses. ’l‘hu gunial groom mad” a trito reply and was followed by Mossrs. John and William Firth in most. happy spearhes. Thou a night, of mirth and .inlliy followml. le bride‘s Christnms cake bt‘lftlnlt‘ a bridal cake anal was votml by all to ho most suitzllih- for tho orrzisinn. Mr. and V‘- uuu daughto'l's. Missvs Margm-rt and Clara. aw a happy family group. help sgrlo‘ndidly with all tho) activi- ties n: vhm'ch and sm-ial “1'0 and 31'» popular with old and young. Ma)- “le liw‘ tn enjoy Hwir gnhlt‘n and diummul “voiding. 'Our Own Corresmmdent) 'l'lu- l'nwl suppo-r lll'lll hy thn Pros- bylm'iuns hour was an olnvlulml suc- Cw“. lhvrv lwlng any amount ul' good things In rat. and an nxm'lh‘nt. pro- gram ul' um“ and lnsfl'umvnlal Inn- sic anol r.-mlings was ulsu m'vsenlml. A wt-wh by Mr. .\. lllark, .h'.. was well gin-n. lho- suhjm'l lwlng. "'l‘lw Federal anm'nmonl. of Canada." ll of coups» was \wll mmlr- tn suit the GrilS. Rt. Hon. .\rthm' .\leighen's name was not monlinnml as official Oppofltinn at tlw lwst. and William L. Markenzie King was prvmier. but "I0 Slwako‘l’ olid llul glvo‘ ”I“ 00:15:“?â€" uem'y lm l’t‘pl‘PSPllQ‘lol. Miss A. C. Mal-phnil was nur l‘t‘pl'f's‘t‘nlfl“V0. here. He closml his spom'h by ask- ing why shouldn‘t ("analla prosper? (m \\'mlnos¢_lay mulling. a social was bold in the hall. and the young pound.- vnjnyvd lhvmwlws in play- ing {'I‘nkinolo. checko‘rs and cards. This alsn was helol under the aus- pirvs of llm Procbylo'rinn church. anol :1 tin» m'mwl lm'nml nut. consid- e-rmg the condilinn of the woalhnr. Rev. Mr. Riddifm-il of Burling- lnn. Grand Organizvr fur the Loyal Oranm- [.mlgr. gnw a wry interest- ing lowluro her» on Thursday «won- ing in a public mnntinu hPM in the hall. RM. Mr. Riddifnrci was four wan ._p\'o-i‘so_'a,~x as a chaplain and gm‘s‘ a wry clear Vinw «if things aa Hwy stand in Canada and 9139- whrro‘. Hr will hr back hove in NW early part of February and will Iwinrn in tho rlmrrh. and all shnnM try to tako advantngc- of this rnrclial invitation Mr hmrgo Haw IS no“ "listomng he hming had 11 MM.) sot In- sum“! far a “hilp on trial. and it is ngIns: \PI‘) flgm .~II1_'\III‘. Tlm bring» on thv 19M] concvssinn is mx'nreo’l now. anal lhv road is well palrnnizpd going ln Protnn and to Haw's mill to go‘l grain chopped. ".‘h. -\'\vv'vi‘lili:m{ den: is 'P'ngagwl with Mr. J. Corbett. Mr a term of months. ”LII-ET“ Lane is with Mr. J. Portm', assisting in‘ cutting: won}; \\';o;‘5;eâ€"§lad to fimnrt Mr. J. Lane {able to be up and armmd aftpr hav- Ing thv cords in his log injured. Hutton Hill (Our Own Corresvandent) Plenty M Show in these parts. I'p till about a week ago. a grpon Christmas was expectnd. but at pros- out. indimtinns, gum! Slf‘ighing will be provided. Glad to hpar that Mr. Howard Lawrencm aftqr his rpcent illness finnd til the 110.1136}. . C ‘- ‘01- ll ‘D‘SI‘A’ Miss Petty and the. school children we busy preparing for the Christ.- mas tree entertainment in the «hon! house on Tuesday afternoon. “I! ‘0 [WW I vv- __- lelville of Ebenezer, 'spent Traverston. (Our Own Correspondent) Swinton Park. tarnoon lust week at Mr. Lawson ll'ltlulllo o Quite a number attended the sale on 'l‘lmrsday last. at. Mr. J. Caswell’s of the Rocky. Mr. “’93le Noble spent a week with fx'ionds in Kitchener. . Hupkjns’. , Some around here are getting no piles of wood ready for the circular saw later on. .\' number were entertained at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Petty on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Hopkins spent Sunday week with Mr. and Mrs. Findlay McCuaig of Mulock. Messrs. Wesley and Earl Noble spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Hopkins. ' lm-y nl’ llw missiun to 10110124, han- lllml llw suhjncl wry ably. 011 Man- elm mulling. a social evening “as «nimml ln all “hen a fine progr 1m “as pu'svntml l'ollcmml by a \01‘ vlalmralv lunch. \lclx'innon Haly \V' lmmmh llw MlKlIlllOll store and nomillvnm‘ and also the post. of- I'u o. until 3. lm} yl-zu'. ago. We are lUI‘COfl to think that win- ter is here to stay. With the heav snow storm over the week-en . there now seems enough snow for fairly good slaighing, also wheeling is still popular on the main roads. Sunday last marked the official opening of "McKinnon Hall” on Kin- rm-iline street as a place of wor- ship by the continuing Presbyter- ian congregation of this locality. Rev. Mr. tlonkle officiated in a very able manner. 'l‘exts for morning and exening respectively, PS. 91- 4 and Matt. 8 :33. The evening ser- '\'ll't‘ was in the interest. of the lepers of the worlil. Both services were largely illlt‘lllll‘d. and appro- [ll'lillt‘ music by a chorus of sixteen Voices was much impreciateil. In the evening following the regular servieox an illustrated lecture was gin-n by Rev. tiniikle in the l'nited i-lmz'rll. Mr. (lonkle. who is secreâ€" .\lr . Hubs McKinnnn "spent the \ka-vnd \xith friends homo and re- tui-nml 0n Monday to -t._he gig. MI. ‘zini‘i Mrs. 310x. B. McDonald aim spending the wintvr with their son. Mr. John L. McDonald. at. Ot- tawn. ; Roy. S. G. McCormack moved his t‘m'mtnrv m the mansa .011 Durham stl’vvt. and Will soon be settled again. 'l'lw lnitml church am holding um Sundm school entertainment and (lhristmas tron on the evening of Docvmbvr 23 whom a gOOd pro-- gram will be provided. (Our Own Correspondent) W» have come back once more! Sm'r)‘ to say there is not. much to rvpnrt. vxcvpt. that. (how has born sun)" hnusv lu'mlking gning on and snmv nthvr littlv unnnyanws. 'l‘hn pnl'Ho-s' mm brim: WiliCht‘d. and if it «Inns not vvasv. stems will 1w. taken in hang thv offenders pl-Qsecutmi. There are but faint mumbles of the mining nnniinatii‘m. but we fem- il is to he Very sturmy. :is there is usually :1. calm lwl‘nre a storm. What should he ilmm is to ask fur the resignnlinn til’ the whole council and appoint a new group entirely. We haw listened l. - them beg for a sec- nnd and a third chance. but it seems the more rhanees they get. the nurse they hernme. and the deeper the mud holes become too. If we. ilun'l get them stopped. we will be nut unly in a mud help but a mire. We lwar some rumplaints about the riminiuting 0f statute. lnhnr. Others believe it the lust thing that ever happened. but we sure are strongly in l‘amr of ahnlishing statute lahor fur ever muru. Where the true fault lies is in the management of the mail funds and the grand ideas nf rnad building snme of our patrol- men and superintendents have. The mud holes should be graded. of rnursn, and the shines covered with stnnes. The ditches are._0l‘ roux-so; Mr. Malcolm Campbull has we turned to the. Old stand after holi- daying for a fow days with friends an'mmd Elmwnml. \-’U"II‘_“. .---‘...' -“-â€"~ a no'w iciva. mm on both sides of HIP l‘fladl and (mo (10“!) NW centre of the road. It does seem queer but. what. is hotter. at least~ what we :uo- miahln in um'imstanci. is why any 10ml should ham fnur ditches insicin of twnho fem. Southeast Bentinck (Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. M. J. Davis of Tx‘pversmn sgwnt. a week rocvntly With her daughtg‘t', Mrs. Egbgrt \Yebber: \v VV\- Cwâ€" .\l1.\\1lh.1m Pickon is haVing a f11111a1'o installed in his home this \\ N‘k. ' MI \. Dorhv and Rm. B D. Arm- sham: \ isitvd at. Mr. \\ illiam Smith 8 last FI May. Miss Esther Potty and her pupils :u'n px'nparing a program for Christâ€"- mas entertainment. which will be lmld on Tuesday ngxt. __ MixIGoofgo Thrnbull spent. a cou- plv nf days the latter part of last W991; with her mother. Mrs. A. "\lrs. William Smith visited last Fiida} at tho McAlister home. ‘ ‘vw Mr. William \IcRonald is engaged for a few “(mks \xith Mrs. John Mc- Kpnzio. ‘ â€"Ro Sideline Nothing too old. small, large or hard for us to. tackle 34 years‘ expenence NO COLLECTIONâ€"NO CHARGE KELLY AIKEN COLLECTORS Oran eville and Owen Sound Owen and offices 169 9th St. E. Referenceâ€"Standard Bank of Canada We Handle 691199350113 Only COLLECTIONS . Welbeck. M iss. B. Davidson spent the week- end wnth Mrs. F. Kerr of Varney. Mr. McGillivray, student at. Knox College, Toronto, occupied the pul- pit of the Presbyterian church last Sabbath. Mrs. Petrie has gone to Toronto to spend a couyle of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid. Mr. John McMillan has taken a pogitio_n_ i_n “W. C. Dgcksop’s nLli_ll.__ Dr. McLellan spent a few hours recently in the village. He came from Toronto on account of the ill- ness of his father who resides in Mount Forest. "Miâ€"éé deie‘ Haas was the guest odeolstein friends over the week- en . Mi‘é.'Hoy attended {he funeral of the late Mrs. Hind of Durham last Moyday.‘ The demonstration of aluminum at J. Manary’s by Mr. Craig was fairly well attended and proved in- terestigg _t0 thgse‘ prgsent. _ Mr. Nelson E. McGuire has been troubled with. blond-poisoning on the back of his hand for the past week. but is getting the trouble un- der control. Mrs. Carter and daughter. Grace, lime returned to the Village after spending a couple, of weeks with Harriston friends. The second of a series of social evenings under the ausliices of the Ladies’ Aid of the United church was held at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Roberts, about one hundred being present. and a very’enjoyable time was spent in music. remlings and games. These serial events are becoming quite pi‘ygiilar. amtare well patronized. Dr. Taylor made a business trip t0_(_}uelph recently. _ A. The annual Sunday school enter- tainments of the churches will be held as follows. Presbyterian. on the 18th inst.. l'nited church in hall on 22nd inst. fir. and Mrs. Joseph Bilton _anq (Our Own Correspondent) THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Colonel Harvey must ve been a little startled as well awed. by the reception in England of his 1mg pulsive plea to pity the sorrows of . old England. He drew a symathetio which dropped from his feeling pen look like tears. And with spemal fervor he dwelt upon the heavy fin- ancial obligations which England had assumed toward the United States, and expressed grave fears that the British Exchequer mi ht not be able to pull through. a whole was intended to be a most kindly reaching of the Colonel’s hand across the sea. But he finds ~.1t instead of being clasped, pretty } nearly bitten. A-.. John Bull is not out to obtain' sympathy, thank you very much. If it is a question of grumbling about his own atl'airs, he Will. attend to that himself without any and from the outside. Gloomy prOphecies about the future of England, he would keep as his own preserve. Tres- passers upon it from other countries he roughly warns oil the premises. Thus it is that something like a chorus of English newspapers and public men has started up to tell Colonel Harvey that he may mean well, but doesn’t know England; that the old country has no idea of going to the demnitiou bow-WOWs, and that it is absurd to misunderâ€" stand the Englishman exercising his inalienable right lo abuse his rulers and complain bitterly of the con- durt of public atl'airs. And besides. the resentment of John Bull at lind- ing his own grumblings and roar- ings taken too seriously by a. forâ€" eigner, he is specially exuspernlml at the hint that his credit at the bank. may not be what it used to be. John Bull. in fact. wants it. to be. known that he is still doing busi- ness at the old stand. He cries out like. a man with a gouty toe trodâ€" den upon. but he still pays over the counter and asks you how you will have it.â€"New York Times. - -v__, whether they are on e in m- m. again.â€"â€"Brantford Exposi r. People blame one for getting into a rut. but the rut often keeps one out of the ditchâ€"Saint Star. The Conununists are beginning to realize that there is a l. mit even to British patience.â€"-Brockvillo Re- corder. colgi justice to everyhody.-â€"Tor0nto xMail and Empire. 1 Spats worn by the Kilted Scot-E tish regiments are to be done away with. Other Spats Will take place dailyâ€"Kingston Standard. Thirteen was an unlucky number for the thirteen Liberal candidates in Toronto who lost their deposits.â€" Vancouver Province. . Changing an old prime minister for a new one seems tc be an easier process at Edmonton than at Ottawa. --Hamilton Herald. France probably needs a Tommy Church in order to get some con- tinuity in the office of Premiership. â€"â€"-St. Catharines Standard. Another great danger a woman faces is She is always likely to fall in love with some man who has a moustache.â€"â€"â€"Kinrardine Review-Re- porter. . . It is not until the price of it gums away up that the average man realizes how in'ipm'tz‘mt to him the lowly potato is.â€"~I.oniinn Ontario, Echo. . 1““ Premierg off garâ€"$.031harinvs \‘1 MIN shrewd. . e’d demand Mn “‘1 mm.” MED-“0n onnnd shut IIIIII 1:1 . .I “ woodlhefi'j‘Bry‘dO" SIIILI H ' “mu-w. -V “‘0 Whale Wifill-Sgwuknu is anxious about Rndyzu-I M 88 it would be OVOI‘ nu nth. :- H mounted by a dangmwh ,m, Hamiltqn Hgfald. ‘n.’ __ I ‘tuC‘tl lw-. â€"_ The bandit. mestml m n y, Who DOGS'S 0f perlwtrzmm f,‘ befies ma hOId-UIDS. IS "1;”; ; time"â€"â€"Hamilton Spec t at ‘ . Minnesota cow bluwlm-.~i still hidden in a hayszavk am. out staggering. Ah. yrs. 1w..- â€"â€"Border Cities Star. VII-u.“ v' 7â€"â€" or deeds expressed sympathy w Hn us in our recent bernawmmn, g“ m. death of husband and fullwr. 1...; his his long illness. frivncln :mi neighbors have been oxu-vnwlx ,_ ,7 and we can assure thvm thin MC; kindness has been appt'm'iavm I We desire to express “mm thanks in those who through “Hy-‘9‘- __‘ J I___ Wbdnesdziy; Decvmlwr 9. Mrs. Johnston AIML :a s Mano-aw...»- These are Paramount I'm (hymv and bring ymn' {Inc-1;. mjuy :1 Rm! Hum] Lat; one scream after annth. for Christmas Night, Dec. 2'3 5 20 “LORD CBUULEY" and “BIG GAIE" COMEDY VETERANS STAR THEATRE SPECIAL PROGRAM M E Mrs. Pewr Reid and I’mniy .â€"Iu Durham Husmtd' can or THANKS ‘, m MI .30“. "filming, :HIHmr on and As KIIIIIIIIIH'I‘II III l‘OIIII'II'. llII‘ spm‘ml gill (‘IIIII'cIII-s of ”I“ In T'ficqmon of “In .-.:\I\ I were held last Sunday congregation “III “III! Denim) on ClllISIlllzh‘ O caml va‘Hm In M S In tho Baptist. Knv Presbum Ian chum h. ~ worn a” pvrlainnw I the chains l‘ -IIdo-I IllK morning and «WI-mug in tho Quewn Straw: unique and alum-Hun- in pI'I-Vinus yum-s. The morning .~ "l|€! sIIII‘It «If ILIII WIPHIS AI'II' Hf Ohiplul “III“! :II for his suhml III; II) I ‘III Isl 'I‘III‘ rfilllIIIzI) ~u 0' “III I‘VI‘IIIII; church was “III- was ”In I'VI'IIIH U0“ «If “\\IIIII~ BIB-Is Um “I :I' “N‘IIIIHIII. I’ for!" \\I‘I‘I‘ II I illummm. .I . WIIEII‘ "1:.“ :- TIMI Inn; I: hymn. III} In by a bIIIII'I ;. Point's. 'I'h‘ “Hark. Hu' Ind Mr. (Hz: (old “In shu' nucinnl. km; ’ It, United and oregations Bad L: lllco at Special Yulet' our day In In. Christmas hm: Objdfl". .‘élfi'wl‘ with a rm'itzfl Smith and MN \’I'l'_\' SWM'Hy son was rmul minislo-r and t gill's rims, I Hugill. Mvryl I ”HM. ‘HIVH VI 810ml by MW II qmrnpl'izlh- go in a Mal ““3"". \\'I camp ”I" gifts. wh: 0f Hw PI Faith 1. Mr. Ba fnl'mmi I‘Pllt‘c'. Palfv. and 3" Mr. I" ()“1 LAID T0 REST P IN DUR] funeral of Late IcGowan Was Residence Last wvzu hm pm. at 1 3M1- H‘ dm'vabc' 10 ”ms Ill}: so flm-al Rot h pail l raim. Gamu n0 NH I‘IH- ammo III and MN .m r swm'th. 'l “as loud rw is!” and ”w s claw I-|\« rill. Iwryl PM. L Ulivm ans Who, it is ru- provmcial pnlit: 1nd :0 on cam ll l‘fll‘ FIN PREM [ER OH .\I‘ LTMAS SERV HELD LAST HI svl‘n I” H m SO‘IW II H “I m ll .\I H

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