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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Dec 1925, p. 4

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Mr. J. H. Firth was chairman for the M'uning and was in charge of an excellent. program. the may, “The Path Across the Hill." being exceptionally fine as well as the musical numbers given between the acts of the play. In the sale of huxes. of which Auctioneer O'Neill handled the hammer. the proceeds amounted to 867. some bows setting for as much as “.75. Advertise in Tho Chroniclo. It pays. 'l'lw t'unm'at nt’ ttw Iato Rm: Henry I-Idmuud tZuI-I'iv. wlm divd on Thurs- day. hut-rumor tn. at. his resistance, M I’ail't'iuld avvnue‘. Hrvvntit-ld Park, Quo-twc'. was ho'ld Saturday aftor- nmm at 2.31) at. the rosidencn of his sistnr. Mrs. J. F. Hvugham, 18 Mon~ taguo- strut-t. 'I‘m'nntn. Intmment. was mad.» in Mnunt. l’lc-asant. 0vaâ€" to-ry. 'I'tw dvco-aso-d. who was a na- t.i\'o- «.t' Untarin. was a graduate of Victoria 0011939, and among a num- lwr ut‘ Important vital-gm. svrvmt as pastur of “w )lo'thndist. churches lovatmt at. \Vatt'm-d and Kingston, Untarin. 'l'tw law Mr. Im'ria rou- do-ro-d imaluahlo‘ svrvit'v' as tinau~ (”at agvnt. in ttw Mattmdist. church ht' tho- Prnvinm‘ nt' Untarin prvvious tn am-vptmg a call tn ttw. Quebec )l-P. Hum-iv. Thu. Chroniclo is. in- fm'mmi. was a fnrnwr rosident 0f anhm'k and will b0 rvmembm‘ed by many of flip oldnr residents of ”w township. Pspm‘ially in the vi- rinity of Mlllm‘k. 'IllSlHl'llll' ll! .lllll“. lllfl’n. Thu (l0- rmIsml Is ~‘III'VIVNI lI_\' II \vil'v. (Ialisto l‘I. l’rvslun. and NM IlaIIghtrrs, Mary who is vngagwl in trarhing in Chat- ham. and Ruth :1 Sllllll‘lll in Mnnl- ll'lll. .\lr.(1III-"IiI-< "lnllIo'l'. Mrs Lathmino' l‘IIrm alsn sIII-V'iws and “new Mummy; and “mm sistmt. in- rlmlim: Row. 1. .l. OIIII'I'ioI. California; Rm; .l. B. llIII'riI'. California: \V. \V. IIIII'rIII. Kakalwka Falls, Ont; Mrs. J. F. llmnghan. Tou‘flfllu; Mrs. E. .\l. Salisbury. lllinnis. and Mrs. A. F. Calw‘rt. TOl'nner. 'l‘hm-n was a full-house turnout last Friday night at ihp Edge Hill si'himl hmm‘ \vhon the young p00. ple- of ”10 district staged‘onn of the nmst. succmsful box sociais hin in that liwality in 370318. ' EDGE HILL SOCIAL The Egromont. Council performed a similar sol-wen at Holstpin when Roevo Calder was asked to vacate his chair in favor of Deputy-Reeve Forguson. A woll-wordod mldross expressiw of the Council’s appreci- ation or his Sf‘l'VlCPS was thvn read to whirh Mr. Condor most suitably rvplimt. Bwsiolrs Councillors Robb. \\'il.~'on and Muck. a hriof address was alvlivvrml by 'l‘roasul‘or Haslio. who i'vfs‘l‘l't't'l to UN) good financial runolition of tho township and to tlw l'm't. that ctvho-nturos rnronlly plan-J on tho markot were sold at as l':i\'nrnhlo' a ligurv as those) ot‘ the provinm'. Former Resident of Bentinck, Near Mulock, Died Last Week at Que- Yo_ung_ geople of Disirict Put Up LATE REV. B. CURRIE WAS BURIED SATURDAY In (llenelg, Reeve Weir was pron svnlmt with an address by the Council, the chair being filled (lur- ing Hlf' prosontation by Councillor Aljoo. All mmnhors of the Council followml with congratulatory ad- cll'vssvn. as wall as a tow remarks by Treasurer Ritchie and Clark Mcâ€" Donald. Routine Business Only Reported gem Glenelg and Egremont Tawn- ms. The final meetings of Glenelg and Fgremnnt Townships were held ac- cording to statute on Tuesday of this week. the. former at the Town- ship Hall, and the latter at HnIstein. Routine business only was done. IUNICIPAL COUNCILS HELD FINAL IBBTINGS The townships, too, are much the same. Both Glenelg ancl Egremont. are quiet. and the only one in which an election seems likely in Bentinck where it. is rumored that. H. W. Hunt will attempt, to oust. Reeve McDonald from that position. and Charles Bailey may take a try at Deputy-Reeve Grierson’s scalp. .tln Durham there seems to be more rumor of a difficulty in filling the council hoard than in the chance of an election. Reeve Calder is say- ing nothing, and it is not definitely known if anyone else wants the position. Other members- of the Council, too, are silent. and it looks like a game of freeze-out until nomination (lay. Municipal politics in Durham and the surrounding township s is ex- tremoly quiet and will likely re- main so until after the nomination. Published every Thursday morning at the omce, Garalraxa Street, Dpr- ham, Ontario, by Frank Irwin, Editor and Manager. The Chronicle 18 mailed to an address in Canada at the rate of .00 per year, 81.00 for six months, 50 cents . for three months. To any address in the Unit- ed States of America. €50 per year. 81.25 {or six months, ‘5 cents {or three months. Foreign subscription rates on application. Member Canadian Weekly News- papers Association. ting (my question, civil or religious, to ‘flu test of free discussion, is more ”I love with his own opinion than with the truth. â€"WATSON. PAGE 4. Whoomor is aims}! of Wit- “Way, m: 17, ms. TIE IUIICIPAL OUTLOOK WAS BIG SUCCESS “Is that so?” said the proprietor briskly. “Miss Smith, you may DUI. all the new hats in the shop into the front window right away.” Popular Pastor at Shallow Lake Leaves Village on Friday. RM'. W. .\. Mattlwws. a former Durham hay and hrOHlm' ”if Mr. Ruin-rt Mnttiwws and Miss Matthews lll'l‘i‘, has :icm-ptml :1 call to 1m past- L!!!‘ of llw Lion’s Hvail circuit and Ivi't «in Friday :iflvi‘noon to assume his clutivs. The circuit. has fnur zuiw‘iintnwnts, (Innti'nvillu and Lifm’s Hwad. aftm'nuon and evening, «wary Siindziy. Spry and Hope Bay, morn- ing and ailtvi'uzilv Sundays. The gentleman who kept the mi!- linm"s shop in the little country town was a smart business man in; dead. He knew just when to strike and just when the iron was hot enough. That was how he had built up such _a .pi'qsparous husiness. “Yes,” replied the girl, “he is a tall, good-looking man, about. 28, and he isn‘t married.” Correct this sentence: “I never put more clothes on the children,” said she, “if they say they are warm enough.” Sl.1hjm't: “The Nut.i\'it_..y." Lukn :3 :11. Anthem: “JOSH Word 01' God Incur- mute.” Solo: "No Room in the Sun," MI‘. Busvhlo‘n. Anthem: “The King of Kings." Suiu. "(lump l'nto Him.” (from the Messiah , Mrs. McFadden. REV. W. A. MATTHEWS CALLED TO LION’S HEAD [{vv. Mr. Matilwws had a sncvoss- inl pasioratv at ShallmV Lake for «new iVVn yi-zns 11111! continuvd to still liV'v tlwl'v Sinm‘ RoV'. \V'. H. Martin”. mmv to tho circuit, and with Vino-n i'vgi'oi, loaves tho com- munity. for both ho and wife havo "iaiii‘ hivncls of morwnv in tho mmmnnitV' since going there. Boâ€" fnrv voing to ShaIIOVV Lako ho spent. lnur Hal's on tho Komble circuit. and six Voars at Colpoys, and is the onlv pastor mvr stationed there thai. VVas g1V on a presentation upon his dopartnro from tho circuit. '“Miss Smith,” he said to one or his assistants last Wednesday morn- ing, “do you know anything about. the new minister who is coming to the town next week?” Road the Chained Ads; on Presbyterian Church lbw. H. I). Armstmng, Pastor Sunday. l)0C(.‘fl'lbt‘l' 20, 1925. . . )lcn-ning. 11 mm. . Suluvct: “The. Lamb of God." John 1 :29. ' Anthem. “Hasty. Hastn From Afar!” Solo: Selected: Mr. MCUmlb. .-\nl.lwmz_"Christ th'v Lcml uf Earth and Sky]' Queen Street United Church Rev. J. E. Peters, Pastor. The Sunday services in the Queen Street Church will be .smnethiing special. The Sunday School will he in charge. The. programme will consist of reeitations, singing, hymn pantomimes. etc. During the ser- vice. the scholars will bring “White Gifts for the King" and thus give presents rather than receive them. This will he an unique event in the history of the Sunday Schoo: of this Church. Duet and Choir. .‘Arise and Shin e,” Choir. ‘T rom Lands Afar ” Mons Chorus and Choii. 5. “The Gates of Heaven Unbar,” Bass Solo and Choir. 6. ‘1 Bring You Good Tidings.” Con- tralno Solo and two-pail. Woâ€" mens Chorus. 7. “Glory to God in the Highest," Tenor Solo and Choir. 8. “The Song and the Star,” Som‘ano Solo and Choir. 9. ‘Ch1istmas MemI-ios,” Choi1, So- pram) and Alto Duet/P121101 and Bass Duet. l0. Ho (‘amo to Redeem the World,” Suplano and Alta Duct, Bass and Tenor Duet, and Choir. ll. "Como Lot ls Adoio Him,” Choir. .1» o; 'v lehem,” Redner. Trio: “Silent Night,” Franz Gruber. l Knox United Church Rev. W» H. Smith, Pastor. Sunday, December 20, 1925. Morning, 11 a.m. Subject: “Blessed Are the- Meek.” Anthem: “See Amid the Winter Snow,” John West. . Anthem: “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night,” Smart Evening. 7 p.m. Subject: “Good News for Wise Men.” Christmas Cantata: “The World’s Redeemer,” Hal-ton. 1. “Ho Shall Reign Forever," Choir. 2. “’Neath the_ Stormy Heavens,” Christmas Services in the Churches Bnpfist church Rev. J. Taylor, Pastor Sunday, December 20, 1925. Morning: 11 a. m. Sub'ect: “Visit of Wise Men.” Ant em: “Zion Awake“ W. T. Gifl‘e. Evening, 7 p. ID. Subject: “Adoration of Shepherds.” Anthem: “Herald Angels,” C. H. Ga- ' briel. Quartette: _“0 Little Tawn of Beth- Anglican Church Rev. J. H. Whealen, Rector. Christmas Dayâ€"Holy Communion. Sunqpy, _ Qecegnber 27 â€" Christmas Ca'rbl Service. Ewniug. The Bait l) i'I'ENDERED FAREWELL . BEFORE LEAVING FARM Mr. Alf. McCabe of Varney was elected to thee hair and after a few preliminar remarks, he called upon Mr. and_ rs.__Fin_igan t9 come fur-_ On Tuesday evening of this week; the neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Finnigan of Nor- manby, who for a number of years have resided on their farm a short distance south of Barber’s Corners on the Provincial Highway gathered at their home to tender them a fitâ€" ting farewell before their departure from this vicinity and wish them well in their new home at Windsor or Detroit, to either of which cities they intend removing shortly after the New Year. A sale of their farm stock and implements is being held on Tuesday next. ' Neighbors of Kr. and Hrs. James 'J. Pinnigen of Normanhy Gathered at Their Home Tuesday Evening. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE side. Beautiful wreaths were placed on the casket by both the Modern Woodmen and Agricultural Socie- ADDED FIVE PER CENT ‘ CAUSES MUCH TALK v- v- . The subject of this sketch-leaves one brother, Hugh, who resides at the old home in Glenelg. Shortly after his wife’s death, he requested his cousin, Mr. D. McKinnon, for. menly of Priceville, to take over his propert at Invermay, and With whom e spent his decling years, where he received the kindest at- tention from Mr. and Mrs. McKin- non, and also from Mr. T. S. Mat- thaws, formerly of Durham who 1-1-- mained with .him the last few days at his request. Neighbors and friends also vied with each other in their offerings of floral tributes and kind- ly efforts to cheer the sufferer ties. Imposition of Penalty to Tardy Ones Caused Quite a Discussion on Streets and at (huncil Board. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL IIIIU WWI-Ii“ vuâ€"cv--vv-â€"â€"vâ€"__ take place. On these occasions, the pupils in past years have excelled themselves in the production of filays, folk dances and athletic ex- ibitions, and there is no good rea- son why the same should not apply thisyear. The entertainment to be provnded to morrow night has been carefully prepared and rehearsed, and patrons may well expect some happy surprises in this year's pro- Annual Public Appearance of High School Pupils in New Entertain- ment Sure to Draw Bi, House The usual presentation of di- plomas and medals also takes place on this evening. As in former years, the hall will be crowded. and the elders be required to sit back and let youth have its fling. Next Friday night (tomorrow) is the big night of the year for the Durham High school pupils when the annual comencement exerciggs Tue-thy from O Mlth’s Vi‘” 1"??? her daughters at Wallacolnn'g ] H" don. Woodstock and Sl.ra11m-.j ' n. h!rs.-W|lllam Ryan and Mn 'M Daley hnve returned from '|‘{.,..,“:" where ghpy have spent :. mua‘a‘,’ week wanting their sistur, H'“ Misses MCFadden. ‘ "' "Miss Vicoog-ia McFaddm is ‘,,,. ing the Christmas hfllidifl's “ her sisters in Toronto. ' herfiism, In. H. W. Hunt vâ€"w‘ â€". .MI‘. 8. Ritchie 01' Tormm. inns. with her daughter. My- liun .e, Vnmey. Mr. 1mm Rowe, who hm "it. Hiltbn Rowe, who h.- .5 mm the put couple of months at “mt Mich, returned to mun lug “Wk for the Christmas season Mrs. E. W. Limin minim “IA-A-” fun-In a min" lk‘ d. “(flue DURHAM MARKET 00de December 17 17. 1925. IS Wn. N'nd. “8 f()lln\\1i.'_' m the Hull)": Whpr“ (‘D'In'h- month's 15"“ “Winn. an: RUHVI: minim: ”0811“! H (of ”w P!" trim =~ Kirkland of (”NW branvh “3 ‘I tin! “Sara: and 1.~ hm m: “pm-“m \' 09"“ H1. .1 indo‘u um dividnul ‘ \\ ha} Ill IN th l Janey by Train, Ant into the Mining \\'a,\‘~ In" ‘ n11“? ma Ell \\ “‘ “in 3" “WISH! w h)“ II“ III in H stop \Vt' lit Am!“ the I'll 8.30 1‘ H 'I‘hp lu'It mmmixn. ~ lift) at 0" m\ H: H .9 pm” hroakfad \ pormih \‘ passonw r~ show H“1 puuml m" out. I‘hv was ahnn‘ helm. 'l‘h about. 30. forwu‘d. ‘ m of ('1‘! ., MerinL‘f - cockpit in Inmanih Q PROSPECT! U Ill I] ll ’, December 17. 19E By R. M. Wilsor Head O‘CIOC k are “'4 l] balanrw yet, knn . WW ”I 3 on “11' mm in WHO-Onto".

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