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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Dec 1925, p. 5

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. - -~-- "1 find. \zll'fillo‘) , ”1111.11 1111“». who I... Md .1111; lo of month. It . '11 11ml to town I.“ '2 1.. 1 1111~'11n:1.~‘ season. 1 1.. \\' Inmin returned hon um 1'111111 a month’s vi URHAM MARKET has and girls Elt thc Variety .3 tn :0'C10Ck [high E“ Unload i H.“ hives kn Radio? It is I Radios. anta Claus STORE L088 l~‘h‘l'. Mrs. H. W. ursday, Dacomhor 11 u twat "If: hm Hf Toro'no \xunh ho! daughter ”lbw": I " ”I! nnl' {undsrm'k and Station]. ‘ \VIHIIIHI Ryan and In J hznw rumrnod from TWIN 'hu)‘ hmrh spen‘ a plum \nsmn: t Pil‘ sis \h'FiIoIO'O'H. ten ")1 Vn'tnl'ia McFadden is Spend. ,. ofhrlstmzls holidfi 8 ' “h. m 'l‘on‘onto. y '1"! Sticks hildren ! *0 Corrected Deconbor i7. Skates the Bargains o o o 0- 0- o o--o--O-oO-W 3V6 pt?! -\I.\' really ‘ 'm'i stmas B -1 ._ 1' gain 5 cwt 18 year. 2:. 36.00 Mel's. "SOC. l‘f $5 @934 .75 1".“ tullowing acoqunt of a trip H . Hm Rouyn mining camp in \. :lnrn Quebec appears in this “n 1'15 iSSUfl or The Royal Bank \: -:... um and being racjly wrigten 1- ' ul’ interest to Chronicle readers J,» ~l'ally, we reproduce it in full. Mg, Wilson, who is no other than "Pubs" Wilson, an employee of the 1mm here some years ago, was at .u .- timo- a member of the Durham ll they Club and a pupular young mm with all of his acquaintances, m... will join with this paper in ..~ngralnlating him on his spectac-i Hr rise in his position with the l: "\le Bank. The article is well il- imtratml with cuts of the main -w-wt. in Rouyn, a general view of ‘Hn "town," the N0. 1 shaft of the N-wanda” mine and last, but not ;.-;.~t. a photo of the genial f‘Russ" Himself. in full prospector‘s kit. Mr. W llson says: “2' Hm Prnvince of Quebec. The dis- vz-u't is roughly 40 miles east of lm'kland Lake and as many south «»I‘ O’Brien. which is on the north branch of the C. N. R. Imuyn ois_one of the more recent nnmng .stnkes of promise and. IS im-atcd m the northwestern_port}pn . According to mining men, this sec- “i" hon is one of great. promise. The “a ".‘mranda’flmine has been proven l and is being operated. two shafts 1'01 having arcady been sunk. The “0 " Vane-Montgomery” find is located dU some 6 miles. north. and the “Amu- Wt addition. the land in the immediate H" district has been practically all 5." staked out. Many are the Claims of “l the holders that great riches have neen discoverei'l and only wait the h‘ «ecessary capital to hasten i'level- 3! .~ment; and of course. the financial SI .Iependence ot' the foresighted inâ€" til-i . \ idual who purchases an interest 11' Tl claim is assured. All that be H .- to do is to put up a little money .- ; win : fortune. b flowevec. this article is net 3 ' 'Jll-lSt‘ on mining. but rather on a winewhat novel phase, of banking-- inspection of a mining camp as Q . prospective location for a branch ‘ oank. .\t. the time the trip was 1111- i dei°taken. October 8. Haileyhury was given as the tirst objective. The. i writer has every reason to he. ‘ thankful that such was the case. for in Haileyhury. advice was receivei‘t ‘ as to the clothing that would be ‘ most. satisfactory. in fact. essential. Hne of our manager’s many t'rieni'ls ‘ there undertook to equip me My ‘ tu-net'actm-. for as such he shad al-i ways remain in my memory. to-ok‘ ”to down to his home and. in a. most casual way. prmlucct't bootsn ._ ;.:;ll:.\er. a mackinaw. heavy mittst t a pack sack. All this seemed; lt'llli‘ unnecessary. but the quiet: winner in which it was done had; and the clothing was glad-1 .\ few days later. .the3 "~ i'i‘lit't'l . ‘n'i'i'lolt'iL Thursday, moon)” 1'). 5.. Hm 'Ewrn mm two modes Of trans- j tut inn "mm Rouyn at, present; one ‘ 7‘.“l'~||vl:1nt‘ and lhv other by road { ‘.\;:tm'. 'l‘lw :wmplanc was. 1w- : nth lvft. was what “'0 often find this Wurlcl, the hard 01w. I‘hn village of Angliers. the first‘ .1. an thp journey. is PaSil)’ ' '1: :nhly mashed. You take the nub-mt as far as \‘illv Mario. and| .. 1';l!h'nm| few the rest of the way.‘ wrhmatvly thn [mat pulled out 0m Haileybury leaving at least 0110‘ I~~o-Hum‘ who still had equipment. g'lll'rhaSP. Tht‘ I‘DSUH was that :auhmmhilt‘ haul to be engaged {nutm' somt‘ 50 miles. My» first. part of the journey was lightful. Good roads were encoun- 00 miles. and many wwl YUP some - .-'=1.-m farms. worn passod. but. WN‘MWI. down 01' ”If \' t ' § “Ow.â€" hm; is the southern p |\ ”I'ltiun compan) terminal ,. and the up-trlp 00’ ‘ :{n “'(ll‘xli‘egdays, Thurs“) and L\A “fin an t-h 9 ..‘h 3“ L 0' . Intel-1m 4}}.‘1‘364‘ about. 10 m1 "-1'4 {01' a. bite to eat first, day of the jam p .lmmr was amply jus chap optfiosite. In this manner, we began 8 last water 13;) of our joglfney, a distanqe of 65 miles, The country through which we ‘ were passing was monotonous, ev- ergreens and birch predominating and rocks everywhere, so that the same coloring early became tire~ some. Added to the restricted quar- ters, rain fell heavily, so the boat had to have the side and end our- tains down, and the suggestion of making pools as to the time we should take to pass various points on the journey was eagerly taken up. In addition, a deck of cards was produced, and three longs hours were wiled away. But it was tire-i some, and at 1030, when we landed at the portage two and a half miles from Rouyn, we were all ready for bed. The buildings are log. but are warm and comfortable, and it was not long before all were sound asleep. Morning came all too soon, but everyone tumbled out and soon were in the dining cabin, sitting on benches around a large table on which the necessities of breakfast. had already been placed. It was a case of the survival of the fittest. and nne’s own fault if a hearty meal was not obtained. The next. morning broke clear and cokL and DUSHHES had U)ty3(hnuL A letter of introduction from Hail- eybul'y friends to a. Mr. Nelson Pinder was carried. and it was a ploasum to discover that he is a .. n -___- “\AnANnII n. Ap'hxlp_ cloudy, but for a time, it broke, and the View from 2,000 feet in the air was magnificent. The country for miles around was in plain view, well wooded, and with its many. lakes and rivers making an imposing pan- orama. But not for long, as we ran into a snowstorm that made vision Practically impossible, and no soon- er had we passed through it than our oil pressure was found to he too low for safety. So down we cage, landing in the northerly end of lake at exactly 4,55. . “V â€"v vâ€"wv It was found impossible to correct t the trouble. Darkness came on very 1 swnftly, and we had just“ become I reconciled to spending twelve hours ‘ sitting up in a hydroplane out in 1 a lake on a cold night, when a most blessed sound came over the water ' â€"â€"the put-put of a motor boat. It was so dark, there was no chance of our being seen, but there was *less chance of bein passed by. We stood up and yel ed. The boat came to our assistance, took us oil‘ and away we went for Angliers. some 20 miles distant. Hope ran high, and it was a care-free crowd that listened to the rhythmi- cal exhaust of the engine; butafter completing about half the trip, it stopped dead. A good half-hourI was spent coaxing it back to life, We landed 1n Angliers around , 9.30 a.m.. and. after a real dinner, started out to cover the 50 miles to Haileybury. arriving there .weary ' but safe around 1 o’clock 1n the I morning. Knox Church Women’s Missionary Society Held Most Profitable Meet.- ipg _La_st Weekâ€"Old Officers Re- nesday aftel mm the monthlV mee â€" -\ elécted. Delicate There is a class of superâ€"refined young: ladics, it' common report, is to ho trustml. who think it a mark of suw‘irior cultivation to haw. small and dainty appotitcs. A Pennsyl- vania exchange has heard of onc. "Do you think you could cat. a hit, of tho ttirkoy‘.’" said a gontlc- man to his cousin, a young woman from the city. "\Vhy, yes; but just. a. small piccc please.” sho answcrm‘l. He started to trim off a dclicatc‘ morscl and askcd. "ls thorn any part, you ospcrially liko‘?” "Oh. no. I‘m not particular.’ and she lookcd domurcly at her knife. and fork. "Just givo mo a wing and a log: and a tow sliccs of the breast. with a portion of tho gi-zâ€" zard and a SpOOnftll of «'lrcssing. “an rcach tho wgctahlcs myself.” 9 son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Blyth, Varney, and Miss Doroth Marguer- ite Metzger, daughter of r. and Mrs. Adam Metzger,__l_lanover, were united â€"_---_.-. Q'Qfla n, .f‘uum MPMQUI, ”UIVVVO' vv .. _ , 1n marriage. The ceremony was of fly party was tendered them at the home of the bride's parents in Han- over, those present from Durham and vicinity being, Mr. and Mrs. J.. W.Blyth and Miss Winnie. Mr. and Mrs. \Vilbert Blyth. all of Varney, and Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Lauder, Durham. The best. wishes of many friends follow the young couple in their The best, flollow the new home. A quiet wedding took palce inl St. Andrew’s Presbyterian church. Stratford, recently, when Rev. G. P. Duncan united in marriage Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. McBorie of Chesley, and O. 0. Rahn. son 0 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rahn. 0f Neu- stadt. Mr. and Mrs. Balm will re- I remember a dear Iltue cmwgc, Down by a sheltering nook, It was builtin a bed of sweet, blos- 801118 Which grew by 8* brook. Everjy Object Years have come and gone by, each one bringing Its object of joy or of woe, iFOI‘ we all must. dninak equal of life’s cup, Of hitter or sweet as we go. May the river on which floats my life’s bark, ' Abide awhile in its onward flow, Till I breathe once again in that a..- ”Home nest, Then I will be ready to go. How I loved that. dear Vin cottage, Of all earth to me ’twas When light harled and gay, Eden, When WNW- Read the Classified Ads. on Page 'rgfiflw LL‘ , t, BLYTlâ€"IL'I‘ZGBR MEMORIES OF HOME nAnnâ€"ucconm Headquarters for around it seemed hal- dear little co_tt,ag0, aven of rest. wee trickling ’twas the best. 1d zav. ’twas zm vine covered “Well what; are you going to be, ’ my boy, When you have reached man- hood’s years; A doctor, a lawyer or acwr great Throngs moving to laughwr and tears?” But he shook his head. as he gave reply, In a serious way that ho had: “I don’t think I‘d care to be any UI Ulcul , ‘ I want to he like my dad!“ He wants to he like his dad! Yon men. Did you ever think. as on pause, That the boy who walc es your every move 18 building a set of laws? He's moulding a life you’re. the mo- del for, And whether it’s good or bad ,Depends on the kind of example wet _ -. . ,__ ---L.JA kn lalzn hie dad. Of n 11» w his} «121d? ‘1 Bakery Provision LARGE COMPANY HAS OPEN!” for young man of good appearance with horse and cutter; one will form experience preferred; good wages. Apply to Box 18. “I’m-ker- 1.110. THE CHOIR 0F QUEEN SPREEI' ‘niwd Church will present at Christ,- mas Cantata. entitled “The Angelic Choir.” by Adams, on Sunday even- ims‘. Dt‘chlwr 27. Full uafitlcalafl - AA--- will apppar 1' of this paper. UA‘X‘AL’Ii‘t‘ ‘.-u.-c-â€"J ‘--_--- _ v l). B. will huld a sale 'of home-math baking and randy on Saturday at- lprnoon. December l9. al. 3 o‘clock, in the A. Y. P. A. rooms. 'l‘norc will be an “Opportunity Table" II which many usoful article": may he pumhasmi for 250. Aflv‘rnnmi in will also be served. KORE-[ADE BAKIM} 81L! CHRISTIAS CANATA 12172

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