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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Dec 1925, p. 6

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PAGE 6. Tim death Occurred on Monday a! last week of Mrs. Anthony Mar- in". one of the town‘s oldest. citi- Ions. The deceased passed away in her sleep. Miss Frances Law-lock died on Sunday of last week at the advanced Hi 01’ 90 years and um months. 'l'hnre passed away in Guelph nn Hominy morning. Decpmbm- 7, Mr. Joseph Stortz, a highly respectwl residvnt of Arllmz- Tuwzzslzip, ig'. hisusigtieth year. Al the regular meeting of the Council on Monday of last week. the I. O. H. rocnmmenclprl the initiation of a plan of town smvm'age. The: nwmhnrs of St. Jnhn‘s l'nitod church, who we‘rv rt-qupstml t0 raisv $500 to pay for :1 new gallery and Other itnms. haw subscribed over The» Evangelical chm-ch celebrated their 37th anniversary nu Sunday. Novomlwr 6. Rev. J. B. lh‘ngis of Stratfnrd prpavhing vlmluont sm- mnns‘ in [hp plane», of RM. H. A. Kellm'man. a furnwr pastor who» wan sq hmlulml to {We 30h hut \\ hose illlw-N pr'dentv his twins: luvsvnt. .Mrs. Waltm' Krm: was the re- elpient M a wry charming shower at the home 0! Miss Viola Mair last Tim services in mmnwtinn With "10 npo'nim! 0f Um Hompo'l \le'ko‘l‘s' nexx'yhlu'ch hum wrrv hvlol on Sat.- urdany and Sunday and tunk lhv furm of a mmrntiou. at whivh large- crowds wm'v promvnt. At a “'0" alto-mien! mm‘ting in Vamlvlo-Iu' rhurch I'm-o-ntly, whivh was adolrvssml by “03‘“;2“. (Innpm' and Nt'lsnn Hf Um [Do-purtmom Hf Ag’l'lt'llltlll‘t‘. if. was civt‘idml 1w ”:0 Young Peoplu‘s Swirly tn outm' Hm work outlined. and Miss Myrtln Fro-o-man and Mr. Howard Mum» WN‘P ('hm’wn as tllt- tram fm‘ Hm first rlvbatr in the Al'h'mvsia group. .At. the Council meeting on Tuesday (waning. November 8. the matter of the usual winter blockade. of snow caused by ”w R’IN‘J‘ at the“ thihi- lion grminds was olisciissmi. but the C‘IUIN‘” did nut. sm- its way clvar tn ai'rmh' to NW iml'it'llltlll'fll SO- itivty's i'vquvst in pay half the cost. of a IH'\\' fnncix'auul nu artiun was tziko'n. ’l‘lm Canadian INN Mninns Steel clumpany was unit-rm! to r». pair HH' iiamzigml sioimvzilks 01‘ pay the tmvn's hill for doing 30. Thu Publii- l'tilitivs Cummissinn was graniml 15 [WP mm! m‘ thv prom‘eols at thv \wigh scalvs. “n Sunday and Munday 01' last wmk. ”w LadiPS' Aiol nf St. Mat.- Hnw's Lutheran chumh nbsrmml the 25th anniwrsur) of the organ- ization. Mount Forest Markdale Hanover Augustus Arrand. aged 50, of Ix'IImptviIIII, is bt‘lII‘VI‘d to have been IIIII'IIIanIii Thursday “1an he went. through ”In ice on the Rideau RiWII'. His glmIIs II [\I‘ IIIIIIII I0IInII lying III-~iIIII .II II. III in IIIII iI'II. which he iIIIII IIIIIIII I Inssing II) visit a neighbor ”II “III HIIIIII siIIII III' ”III river. Canada produced 1,144,559 gallons of fermented wine last year at a vallw of $1,218.95!) The Province of Unlaxio produced 97.8 per cent of Hm total \31110 and men 98 per (em. if the total quantity during 1921 Sergius Dufault, who for 30 years occupied the position If Deputy Minister of Colonization, Lands and Forests for Quebec Prmincc. died suddenlv Friday. The late Mr. Du- fault was 69 years 0’ ac. He was born in St. Victoire do Richelieu. Dotvctiw Mala arrested a woman whnm ho fnund in the woods mar La Harriet-v, Que” a summer resort nut far t’mm St. lmum. Thirty thumand dollars in bills were l‘mmd ma how, and She is wing held for an inquiry before Mr. Justice De- !n-zm at Joiivtte next Monday. It. is announced that lion. J. K. P‘lo-ming. MR. formerly Premier of New Brunswick, will not undergo an immmliato operation but. will luke- trralmnnt and endeavor in be in his soul. as mrml’wr for liarleton~ Victoria when the sossion of Par- liamvnl. “puns at. Ottawa on Janu- q ill')’ I. 'l'wn kittvns with night. and seven a‘ism's i'i'slwi‘tivvly 4m vach paw, t'm'mm' part at a “New burn to an zingm'u fat ”“11”“ by a Mumtrmil mtm. 'l’hv third of tho litter. was a». imi'nml wuss with live claws. Sow- vmt m-«mths‘ ago. tlw same cat had another litter of which were two nwmhvrs with vight claws on each paw. Row. Hmu'y Eilmouml Curry. lTnit- mi tlhui'vh ui‘ (lanmla minister at m'imnf‘wli'l Park. on the south shore, Montreal]. is iioail at the ago of 59 wars.1‘hv latv Mr. hurry joinvd tho- Methodist Church Of Canada in 1003. For a time he was minister nf Prinvvas Siroot Methodist Church at Kingstun. ()nt. Later he became socrotary for the sustontation fund. trawling: nwr _ - the territory Kin Rifkin and \rmaml Sysvostre \wrv F1 idaV fmmd ,miltV 0f vobbing Hw Siwwinginn 0119., hianch 0f the Banmw «zinaolivnno \‘atinnale last war. by Magistrate LemaV at, St. John. 01w. Rifkin \\ as snntoncmi to nine years in ihv pvnitcmtiary. but. Sylwstro was not. svntmicod. as hn i-i snrving a lifn tm‘m in St. Vincent «In Paul Pvnitmntiai'y for his part. in the robbery of a mail van some mm» 32'“. Frank-i» G. Richards. 70..shorifl' of Victoria. 8.0., from 1912 until 1923, :mol 3 rvsiilpnt of that. city far more than 6" ym‘u‘s. died Saturday mom- in::. stx'mngtlwning parishes. mm The vessel wilLbe towed to Quebec without delay and entvergd in the nggon dry dock for repglrs. When the two-gear-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Xavia elanger wandered into a pasture ad'oining the farm house in Sayward alley, near Say- ward 8.0., a hOg charged upon the child. Mr. Belanger, at the other end of the field, rushed to the res- cue. The hog would have reached the child first had not a mare, graz- ing nearby, intervened, galloping to- ward the hog, she drove the en- raged animal olI. It was explained at the Quebec Legislative Buildings Saturday that the lease for the development of power on the Chatte Falls on the Ottawa River had been cancelled by the Provincial Government, be- cause the lessee, Louis Simpson, of Ottawa afte1 entering into the agreement found it impossible to carry out all the obligations called for in the agreement and conse- quently asked for a release. This was granted and the Chatte Falls rights will he offered for auction again at some early date, it was stated. 'I‘hree 111emhe1's 11f the Smith’s Falls Board of Education, the chair- man. Dr. E. H. Wickware, T. E. FOS- tel and William Sutherland have tendered their resignations to take effect immediately. In their letters of resignatien, the three men state that the tart that the four candi- dates ele1'te1l tn the Board 111st M011- day were all members of the Citi- zens Committee which strenuously opposed the 11eti1111s 01‘ the Board at the time of the schnol Sillkf‘ prmes 11111111'111siVelV that the 1-211 i1 y (if the. present B03111 is not 3111 ”mm! by the maiority of the electm's 111111 that they t'heIefere consider it their duty t0_resi_g11._ Captain J. E. Bernier, who for many years has commanded the ‘rovornmnnt oxpodition to the Arc- tic, is now in Ottawa. It is stated that the veteran naviagtor has made his last trip to the northern regions, and that he is now soaking retire- mc-nt from tho Governmont service. ’l‘hrro pvrsons worn injurod, but not svriously. when fire brokn out at an early hour Monday morning in a rooming house at K0“. and Queen stre'rts. Ottawa. Horlmrt Moo- die, his wifn and Jack Millbanks snstainod cuts and bruisvs whon thoy attrmptml to 080390 from the burning building. Property loss of $4.500 rvsultml from the blaze. A dipoma in laryngology and otology, issued by the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and the Royal College of Surgeons of London, Eng” has for the first time been awarded to a Canzu‘lian. Dr. W. J. McNally, former Cooper research scholar in experimental medicine at MrGill I'niversity. being the recipient of the honor. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Wat In a few weeks, the chilblain sea- son will open. If you are a suf- ferer, you‘ know from painful ex- perlence what- chilblains feel like. But do you know what causes them? GHILBLAIN TIIE Tomniy‘s reply, "am your www- so weak you out and your I couldn’t stand on feel like crying, toe. W FAMILY WILL 98 ranging Hum 345!!! POI CHRISTMAS 17. 1925. World News Seen At A Glance w ’ Events as Told In Cal, Maud for Buw Chronn 1e Readers i::§, “ho 54'! ‘w .1 \\ .1” " acadrillv In Hu «4' b‘u‘ll d\\d!‘l' ’ ‘ has . Lesinn «.1 H..,,..,. ., u'lnmv.\1z11u1 >- d Ottawa sum 9 ,. fly in ”In (-11 1 \\ Viscount .I.-||;.-.. imOUSLV H-m-q m “1"“ ‘;h0'.\:o'~[;‘, o! the 0011th v: minim: !.. ,.. . Mon In H' u, Tah-r-l amnion! [Ir-we should h“ #I‘\" in GO\'¢‘I'HHH'!* {or ('mmmiw {ionist .~ dm of tin forw- on polit 4 u. '11! liumnt. Tl ‘ ' powers 1m 1‘1 “r “B prm ‘~ we“; a.~~l_-1:1 M11998 10 11 1 will be 8|!!1‘11 boom in a hm hm near hm Isl-ted in mi‘ t \K' I.‘n.flg Some how \w “I “lit HIP ! ‘ Illthe‘duunJh . ‘Ilflllhntau1'\ in lrak 11 -‘figuidqw .1 in 3 "mt H '0 U]. "1V8" Jame-s m “‘0 ("1" ' m that 1'- '! fmm tho ()nfl ‘H" Lilla in flu“ * the flflm. * in t {Path hindko-t‘t“ on Fridm " .kshix‘v H HI "m ’. Documher 17 1‘ *mw Ill 1| \\ mhm AIM! i! 1mm c0111 from 0m: "I tl H ll M

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