West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Dec 1925, p. 8

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'I'hc follmfing brethrnn were in- stallmi and inwstul: W..\l.. W. Bro. J. l'. \an way; l.P.M.. W. Bro. 6. I". McFarland; Brn. J. E. Ritchie, 83"; Bro. Lemon \\ hilhv. J..:\V Br. \V. Harrison Millvr. Chaplain; Br. .I-ztmm Craig. Twasm'or: W Bra. 1. W. 'l‘uvkm', Sm‘ro‘tary: Bro. R. J. Witiiofrsliqgn, ‘ Assistant. Sc‘grotal'y; M. Rm. (3. E. Edmunds. V. \V. Bm. William Lawrvm’v, \V. Bro. \V. J. loow. and "Hum prospnt and p351. Grand Lodge officnrs and Past Mas« ters of the! LOng. Bro. Dr. W. J. 'I‘rvlfnrcl. 8.1).; Rm. 1.1mm H. Craig. J.D.; R. \V. Hm, Six \V:'illinm Hozust.D.nf11.: Rm. W. [Ming Healst. 1.6.; Bro. F. E. BiIlifant. ‘.S.; Bro. F. u. Armsuong, J.S.;Bm.\\. \1. E'\nns.01ganist: V. W. Rm. H. J. Pritchmd. Tyzlvr Bros. W. 'lumm and HamldR Flmt, Auditols. lneluding Grey Lodge. there are six “County Lodges" in Toronto. the charter members of which are for- mer residents of their respecting counties. namely. Dut‘t’erin. Huron- Bruce. Bay of Quinte. Grenville and Wellington. The Worshipt‘ul Mus- ters of these lodges with their of- ficers. were invited as guests of Grey Lodge on this occasion, being the first time that representatives of all the county lodges in the city fraternized together. Among the visitors present were: W. ms. H. R. Polson. Wr. T. A Carson, A. H. Skey. W. J. Jackson 0! 1110mm". and J. S. Bell of Mark- luoni'cfi wasts‘were honored. The "Grand Lodge" was prop’osod by R. W. Bro. Graham. and rmponded to by R. W. Bro. Whealy; “Gre Conn. u" was responded to by B. . Bro. At' the subsequent banquet at which W. Bro. J. F. Van Every, '31.. pupsidqd. the ugualA 193:3] 39d Following the ceremonies. ["303- entatious \wru made to the retiring Worshipful Master. W. Bro. Col. G. 1".MCFaI-lamtnf a guild Past. Mas- tars jewml and 0f “baskets of roses to RfW. Bro. Graham and the W. IL-NPCL W. Bro. J. F. Van Every, for their wives. The cwomonivs wm'n undm' Hm direction uf R. W. Bro. John A. Graham. who was assistml by R. “’. k0.- Mr. Justice. Wright. R. W. Bro. J. S. A. Whvaly. D. I). H. 31.: R. \V. Bro. J. H. Dunlop; P. W. Bro. B. S. 8110!.ij R. W. Bro. L. E. Lane, V. 'l‘lm installatiun and inwstiturn of lho affirms “1' MM [.011qu )0. .38". A. F. and A. .\l.. alum tml a large lumbm‘ of Hw lnw'thxon in Hm Yong? Masnnic 'l‘o-mpl» lust brim“ evening. awarding to Satuulaus Ia__il and Empire. Th» Mail says ' GREY MASONIC LODGE INSTALLED OFFICERS PAGE 8. Iany Former Residents of Grey County Present at Ceremony at Toronto. :ssibilities in Canada at the exhibit of the Wool: oollen and Knit Goods Industry at the Canadian National Exhibition. The pillars of wool from the nine provinces of Canada supplied by the Canadian Co- operative Wool Growers Association excited considerable comment, and emphasised the fact that although we maintain only 2,500,000 sheep and lambs in Canada, the size, feed conditions and climate would permit the keeping of 25,000,000, and that sheep keeping is the mos: profitable branch of agriculture. Also that of the 10,000,000 lbs. of wool used annually to clothe the population of our country, some 50,000,000 could be grown here instead of only 15,000,000 lbs. as at present. "I’ he small factory installed with twenty operatives flowed the actual manufacture in Canada of fine 8. Exhlblt of Cusdlon Woolle- K-lt Goods maehl-ery at the C.N.E. 3. Ills Honor the Lieutenant- Cover-or of Ontsrlo ope-Ill; the exhlblt of Canada’s Wool. Woollen and Kilt Goods Industry at the c. N. 8.. He ls see- wesrlsg s salt of nllled worsted node tro- wool now. on the Alberta ranch ol 1!. R. H. the Prince of Wsles. Mrs. Cockshntt ls loom-g st the prlse bred Consuls- lamb presented to her by the olllcers ol the Csnsdlss Co-operstlve Wool Growers’ Assoclstlon. 'ens of thousands of people obtained an entirely new i935?! the tool growing_and wool mannfacturmg Club’s Wool, Woolhdflfiukhhfiylhfi I”. ... .35. .w. ._ i 7.4 w. (’u. 2 w. ’4. was. 4 _. z.“ r. in. v . :3. w. m... 2 m. 59:... a... z 4. 5.. was. was. 5.. a. r S.D.; Rm. 1. \V. Bro, 0f 11.: RI"). Hm. I". E. Armstrong, A parson at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. has married 2409 coup‘les. “But,” says the Detroit News, “you can hardly blame him. They must have asllwd him to do it."â€"Ottawa Jour- na. é. beau pefialty is likely to be 1m- posmi .â€"Cnll mgw 00d Enterprisn The young men and hovs of the tonn must understand tht it is a selious offence to accost without previous acjnnintnnqe and, if caught a mic; Tluiv \\ ere" diam-1d a‘fid lot 011‘ with a fine of $10 and costs each, in all 830335. Two young: men from the country, sons of respectable parents, got themselves in trunble on, Sunday night and. as a result of their fresh actions. were in the Police Court on Monday morning charged with disorderly conduct. They parked their car on First street and in- vited passing young girls to go for Mr. Justice Wright; the “Visiting Hrvthron“ by V. W. Bro. Edmonds and W. Buns. Poison and \V. Sti‘vight. and "Grey Lodgv” by W. Bro. Van vay and J. E. Ritchie. Musical numhors wm'v given by HI'US. W. Isaac. Broadus Farmer and Mastvi' Gnmiman. and a reading by Bro. Bert Fetch. ACCOSTED GIRLS ON STREET LAW“ Suppaethhymyoudvethanachafimkfiook whiningminidaldepouinandwthemanddm humbly. ledanythingbemeumabk? W Toysiorthekiddieeâ€"moet of them btoken by now. “Something useful” {at the grown-upoâ€"now worn out or forgotten. Cashtoyouremployeeoâ€" appreciated but soon spent. Other presentsâ€"hurriedly boughtandperhapom-chouen. Antheymbemd The Royal Bank of Canada ‘ The finished goods display, which showed what the completed goods looked like after being'made on the machines, showed that in quality and style the $75,000,- 000 worth of goods produced by the industry annually were equal, and in many cases better, than goods made abroad. It conclusivel showed that so far as climatic, physical and technica conditions in Canada are con- cerned there is no reason why 90% of the woollen and lénit goods used in Canada should not be produced in ana a. woollen and worsted yarns, the weaving of fine blankets woollen cloth and worsted cloth, and the knitting machines making underwear and hosiery. It was a minia- ture representation of the work that is bein done it over two hundred and sevent woollen an knitting mills in over one hundred and orty municipalities. HATDID YOUGIVELASTCHRISTMM? “‘"WMMWOOMH darn-Gilb- The world’s best joke is “Per capita.” Here is how per capita is deter- mined: A man has a million dollars. Another man hasn’t a dollar. But accordin‘g to per capita, the wealth of the two men is $500,000 apiece. THE WORLD’S BEST JOKE What is the world’s best joke? It isn’t about some man’s mother- in-law. Neither is it what Pat said to Mike. Nor is it what one colored man said to another man during a crap We will have a new kind of v0- liicle “inning in this district if Mr. R. Lee \\ ho operates the motor bus hetxwen ()\\1911 Sound. Southampton and Port Elgin, has any luck with his sno“ mobile this winter. He has the new outfit mad), for service. It is a Ford chassis with runners on the front wheels, six feet long and ten inches wide, and has cater-- pillar wheels on the rear. This cut- fit will carry five passengers, ind he will have a trailer on runners for freight. With the kind of wea- ther we have had lately, we may See the new craft out some day soonâ€"Southampton Beacon. NEW STYLE WINTER BUS A szt Mat Increase: in Value THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Many radio fans hearing Sunday sermons'may be able to save the price of the machine on the contri- butions they don’t have to make to the collection plates.â€"-Guelph Mer- cury. The death of Mrs. Lou Etta Brad- ley, wife of Mr. James D. Sled. at Wleyburn on Sunday, cast a feeling of'sadness and gloom throughout the surrounding district. Mrs Sled was 1n her 42nd year. For several months past. she had been given special treatment. Although a young woman, she was known to the resi- dents of Lumsden for the past twen- ty years. About five years ago, she became the bride of Mr. Sled. The remains were brought to Lumsden on‘ Monday night. The man former friends of Mi's. James D. ed of Weyburn, Sash” who formerly lived at Orchard, wxll regret to learn of her death on Sun- day, November 29, followin an 1“- ness of several months. r. Sled. who was better known here as Lou Etta Bradley. was born at El’esher- ton, subsequently moved to the Vicinity of Orchard, and about twen- ty years ago, took up her residence in the West. She was a sister of Mr. John A. Bradley of Winnipeg. son--1n-law of Dr. and Mrs. W‘oll'e of Durham. and while we are not informed of the nature of her ill- ness, we learn that she had under- gone several Operations. We give the followmg account of her death from the December 3 issue of The Lumsden News-Record: IRS. sum mum ‘1 um AT oacmn “To a wondofiful place, dad!” claimed Johnny. “Mother took to a dead circus.” PilltW’. from the family, Council of RM. 189. W. M. S. Union church, Mr. and Mrs. John Bradley, Win- nipeg, Mrs. Q. Pettigrew and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Vanciso, Grand Coulee, Mr. and. Mrs. Nail Van- ciso, Grand Coulee, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Morton. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Raven. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gihhs. Mr. and Mrs. George. Crisp, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hynds Mr. and Mrs. B. ’1‘. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Pottigrow, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaipo W oyhurn, Mr. and Mrs. (.001 go Ly the, Regina, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gnrdhn. Mr. and Mrs. B. Morton Mr. and Mrs. James Bogie, Regina. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bananas". Regina, MI. and Mrs. John I’ottigrwr, Mr. and Mrs. James Irving, Stonyr Beach, Mr. and Mrs. C. Krellor. Miss Mxrtle filmiu‘Miss Amy Davios Mrs. Chap- “W‘oll, Johnny.” where have you been this afternoon?” asked his fa- “VI when he gag home. Daughter of Late Ir. end Ire. Wil- um Bradley Passed Away at We!- burn, See After Long Illness.â€" Interment ede at Lumeden. Johnny had been taken by his mother to a museum of natural his- tory, and he was particularly in- tervstqcl iq the big stpfl‘ed animals. 11-“ A family service was held at the home of Mr. John Sled on Tuesday afternoon previous to the public memorial service at S. Andrew’s church at 2.30. Both services were conducted by Rev. E. S. Barton 0f Smtaluta, a former pastor of Wes- ley Methodist church. At the cow clusion of the service, many in the large congregation viewed the re- mains. lin, Regina. Deceased was a daughter of the late William Bradley of Holstein, Ontario, and a sister of Mrs. Quin- tog_Pettigrew_ of Lumsden. ‘ The oisket was banked with flowers sent by the f ollowmg friends: ex- 000,9 .ooonsoience the neaghbors w The Safe Place To Buy We are selected beame 'of our tech- _Croolcy BANKib'G Smith Brothers, Durham, Ont. DURHAM BRANCHâ€"John Kelly. Manager Sub-Bunch at M ofieesallthatyoucouldwantinaradioâ€" beautifulabinetdesign, anew degree of Leek. Demonstrated gladly in your own homewitbmuobflgetioo. Seeustoday! Em Payment: I! Duh-ed . u‘yangements for Hm collection and discogmting of an 5W notes and f0? furmshing an “up“; sion of credit where necessary, A successful sale is entirely «1.3,,..,,.I_ ent upon sound flmmcnal wry-amp»- meats. the Clowns Ullt Of \('111 gum of eflort in building I”. u mlete farm 9:3“ mm. UN? N; m‘ mannk is cpl an it”? equi‘ppul 1. . our financia news Hm gctgfmtgnzger and his staff “ill ul .4. -ng-n-‘l-nmnIl‘Q {'1 all? YOU contemplate an mum“ The Reward of Years of Toil see this New Model R-3 of the houses for x we pl‘flsvm-p 910:3 Oflii‘e and rnsidvncv a sh Ince east of the Hahn H Limbmn Street. LH‘WM‘ Tuv him. Office lwurs 2 to I; p 0 pm. (except Sundays . Office and N Countess and La Gite Old PM! H O (on a.m..1.3(t (Sundays excvp Physirian : lehhm st WM ate I,'ni\'¢'x‘.-ity £88th and ms 2 b0 5 p.m.. ' exceptmi. C. G. AND BESSIE McGlL Chiropractors. Durham ( The Scimu: that amt 'xtu Ind years tn Mu L- ..~ um. kl Durham ’I‘nvsduya ltmz" Stturdays‘. ”nu. w. c. chxnnmc. n Ufl'icc. (m-I‘ .l. A; .3 mm! ylgm. Hntarm J. [CRANK 11D. 3 1 Honor (irudua‘ onto, (h'ndurxtv Surgeons u? ¢ all its bran Block. Mxllx‘n of Maclivths l Mr. C. (L. 5 located at 1. Branch up $30 m 9.30 Barrister». NM her of tho lix‘m w Tuesday of ouch ' may be mam: w omce. “W". December 17, Advertisements undur CASE WITH UNIV“: ~13 0‘ four. T'Glephunv vain l Slturday night 01 WW}; ()1 25 cents. ("I all (‘hargv (‘2‘ will be made 0am msvx‘xu Lin-y «ma at 5111.. 5mm, u. 3.. u. c Medical Direaorv -â€"â€". hm nns. JuInSou 1m Licensed Au Moeh'l'fl'u " 'Gr“ son ant (1m pg {hm-g iananox spun: mnnunw tainjnc 1"" cultuah r: coanfll“! ' (rune \W to hausv. water tank ’0 .6??? l‘ as well {01“ cultivat i m1 (0 “'atsm‘. (Datum. Barristers SU(‘CC§M)I'.~ rme hm (‘Q'nfl 22. Egremm‘? um (lo-av." NORTH l’.\': bush; in LUV“ (rune haw .. COIlCl‘CU‘ stab. cement tank: " illd a. COIL i. tuning 110 'l“ and in 800d 4 we promin- II mining sow" (me wow) I Li. we.” It dnm‘; ' .‘ thus farm. nm (9m. Tm.- ; [It‘ll t0 quu-K mums M‘NV u £. Durham Classified DR. A. I. BELL Danni l 3nd residence. c0! and lamhtou Street Post (Mice. (Mice 11.. 1.30 tn n.m.. 7| FAR. . ‘I 1. M1 at Ul .‘(t’IlS deal ’Dtra'lorv LUCAS 8: HENR DAN. MCLEAN ll “term! an: W W Ill (l “9 F“ FARM Solicitors Smith. SU .fl :1 (1101 U vw

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