West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Dec 1925, p. 4

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On Her Last Lap "It looks like Miss Paseay would and hey race for a man with the old geezer spefs caught.” ' 02' yvai's sign. llv {nits possvssmn ur' a snapshnt «if a. child «‘1' some ntho-r mvmhm' of tho family an the pmth that. thm-n is tn he! a contest, for Fergus and Elora or somn CUN‘I‘ munirpality in which amateur plintos will ho Pnlt‘l‘f‘d. The lady is askm! tn sign a slip so) that this pictm-o‘ will lw returned tn thv right. atMl't‘SS. In a munth 0r sn annthm‘ man m'vmvs along with a ."ramwt on- lai'gomnnt. valuml at. from five to ten dollars (the price apparvntlv \ai'y- inc“. Hn insists that. this has linen m'dorml and pmducos Elia- signed or- «in? tn prnva it. Vary cotton we hp- lie-w. ho suvcnmls in making tlm sale and gntting tlw cash by claiming that. ha is not. rvspnnsihln for any promisus mafia by his emit‘r‘rlsrataâ€" and by using the signal! m-dm'. It is well to ho wry wary when a travellnr lika this appmrs. or visa: tn call mm the local nolico for aid.â€"-â€"‘ Fergus News-Record. A few of these men have. articles which can be secured in no other way or have offers which are gen- uine \alues. but. they appear to be in the minority. Most. of them are. honest. aml civil enough. but. some are not. The methods used in some eases are cit‘ViHllS at, least. Among other recent Visitors there is said ti. haw been a man with a scheme Similar to Hne tried here .1 couple We are told that. erv has been a rt‘gular npidvmic of peddlm‘s in FOP- gus lately. They go around from hmm‘v m housn trying to sell all kinds of article‘s and. while sumo housvwiws may welcome thvir \‘iS- its, most women consider them as nuisanm's. Hr \\'HI‘SP. Balang'v from 192' f . . . . . . . . . Umtmbulmns during woek prayvr 192?; .. . . .r. . . . . . . . . . 40.53 (:4 ~llvct10n at M r. Pennock’s lm'huw ............. . . . . . . 17.00 REPORT OF DURHAM BRANCH UPPER CANADA BIBLE SOCIETY Sr. l\'.â€"â€"4)athorine McLean 60. Jr. l\'.â€"â€"Corrine Lawrence, Jean Clark. Sr. [ILâ€"«Myrtle McLean 55. Sr. II.â€"â€"(‘.l:u'9nce Ritchie, Herbie Miller. Jr. ILâ€"Jimm Clark. Murivl Brown. illmstm' Millt'l’. .ll'. I.â€"â€"Jnhn Vvssie, Archie Mc- Lvfln. Jr. PI‘imm-.â€"4;mrgina Miller. Jr. IV.â€".Annie McArthur. Douglas MrArthur. Amelia Lngate, Beth Mc- Gillivrm. Sr. III. â€"â€"\\ illiam Trail‘ord, Iza Traffortl. Jr. III.â€"Mary Moore, Jean McAr- thur. Joan McGillh ray, Malcolm Mc- Arthux. James TralIord Ferol Le- gato, Tedds Moore. Jr. II. â€"â€"\Iar} McA.rtl1ur .I.â€"John ‘10 Arthur, Gordon Mc- Gilliwa} Laura McA,rlh11r Glen Moore. Elizabeth Brown. Jr. Primer.â€"J. A. Brown, Erma Stewart. U.S.S. No. 2, Bentinck and Glenolg Jr. IV.â€"â€"Mabel Sharp. Wilbert Pet- ty. Myrtle. Marshall, Melville Wat- son, Jack Smallman. . Sr. Illâ€"Ted Morice, Claire Mor- ice. Sr. II.-â€"Irene Petty. Wallace Mar- shall, Elgin Petty. Susie Marshall, Jessie Marshall, Tommy Watson, Howard Marshall. "Sr. IJâ€"wmred Marshall, Murray Moripe. Humanâ€"Allan Watson. “Yes. she’s abiliigb‘l'ést lap, I’d say.” Reading, writing. arithmetic. gram- mar, cnmposition, geography litera- ture. spelling. qrtmand histgry.‘ --.n E SCHOOL HONOR ROLLS FOR PAST MONTH To the Editor of The Chronicle. Dem Sir: For six years I have been bring- ing the matter of plowing our side- walks in the winter up to the Reeves, layers and Councillors, and now that our town has been modernized in this respect, I wish to thank those responsible and wish them all a happy New Year. Yours truly, R. Moorhead. Whoever is afraid of subunit- ting any question, civil or religious, to the test of free dismm, is more in loos with his own opinion than with the truthâ€"WA TSON. w-wv -wvv VI Wow yv. I“ View ‘0‘ six months, 50 con . or thijee months. To any address in the Unit- ed States of America, £50 per year, 01.25 for six months, 65 cents to: three months: Foreign subscription rates on application. lember Canadian Weekly News- Dapors Association. PAGE 4. u. the orifice, Gum-u: Street, Dar-'- ham, _O_ntario, by Flank ywinflgditqr __._I and ' Manage}. ' ' hewéiIEEiéié-"ES Inflod to an address in Cumin. at 93!} rate 9! .99 per year; 81 .09 for LETTER TO THE EDITOR TOO MANY PBDDLERS â€"â€".\ll.'m McGinnis, Teacher. 8. S. No. 1, Normanby 8.8. No. i, Glonolg. ~~~Kat.hlet‘n Firth, Toachm‘. Dr. .L L. Smith. President. II. \V‘atsnn. Swel‘vtal‘y. Mrs. A. Derby. 'l‘rnasurm'. -A. E. 'I‘huell. Teacher. 0f $63.28 Mr. Campbell McLean was home from Stratford. visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lauchie McLean, at tthocky. Missos Fiorenco Kress and Emily Hunt. were home from Stratfurd Normal over Christmas. Mr. Frml Kelsey is visiting hlS sis_t;(jr at A_l_pena, Mich. Mr. an}! Mrs. Herb. Atkinson spent. oven-.310 week-end with Toronto rolatwos. wâ€"wv Mr. and Mrs'. Russell Moore of Mnafmd were Christmas visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. (Erntchley. Miss Mainin Crutchley of '|_‘m'0nto spent. tho holiday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Crutchlejr. MI. and 3113. W. H011 ghan and daughtm‘. 1mm. of Mil erlgn visited \sith VII. and “13. J. ..\ \ldmd over thg _hol_iduy. Mr. Lorna McNally of Detroit spmlt Christmas with his parcn’s. Mr. and Mrs. John McNaIly and vthf‘l' friends. Mvssrs. Arthur and Hamil lum- ago of Hm Thc'n'nbm'} Iimnmx- Her- ald Spvnt the holidav at. their home horn. Miss Marjorie Firth of Owon Sound Gunoral and Mai-inn Hospi- iail is Visiting her parmits'. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Firth. Miss Kathleen Firth is spending a few days in Owen Sound this \wok. Mrs. \V. G. Breen and No chi!- dI'Pn of Fergus 3.10 visrling her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs John Mchmxan, this “90k. MP. John McGowan, Jr... was home from Stratford for Chl‘lsthh'm Miss Mmguvrite Hut.‘ (iiiâ€"of" '1 01‘- mitn is visiting with Mr. 'and Mrs (noqrgn Hzigmon. Miss Mvvil Blair. R. .\'.. of Guelph (h‘nm'al Hospital. is Visitim: with MP. and Mrs. R. J. Mmrlwml. Mrs. George Scarles of Guelph is spending: a cmlplv of Week» With her mother, Mr. W. Hill, north of town. Mr. and Mrs. EL] Burnett zind famih \\ cm mm' from H: mmvi' and spent Christmas with his parents 311231141 31%1'.E(1.Burnott.. Sr. Mr. Burnett is mm omplovod as m: u hin- ist. Mr. Harry Aljoo of Kilclmgwr spout [1.15 Chmstmas holldays \Vlth Pola- {st in town. Mr. Robert Hughes of Guvlph vis- ovm' the holiday. . itecl hlS sistm's, Hm Misses Hughes, M11. William Huttnn of D11t1nit Spent. a {11“ 1111\5 with his mothnr and sister in town. Mr. Victor Cation of mimsin was in town over the \\ ook- one! \isiting his brother, Mr. and MN. Ralph Catwton Mr..EdgaI' Brown was homn from Dotrmt over Chmstmus. Mr. and Mrs Vah Wiw at Toronto w are guests of her sister, \liss Lam-:1 McKenzip Mr. and Mrs.‘ Bil-gfi‘ 'M'é‘ICéan of Ga". visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MgLeag._ SIj.,_ over the holiday. Mr. Ward 'Koch, \irhfo iéviit‘ftiédn'ding Queen’s University at. Kingston. is spending the holiday at his home here. Mr. ilbert Kress is home from the Western University at London over thg _hnl May. Miss Cléra Aljoe of the 'J‘omntn teaching staff is visiting her parents here. Miss \. G. MacKenzin of Tumuto is \isiting ovnr the hoiiiizlw svason \\i_t._h whales a_1_1d friends in town. I". III. WM} J. E.Burnsuvn311ed at London 0v_e_r Christmas _and the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stedmem and baby. Tommy, vistied from Thurs- day to Monday with his mother at Weston. Master Leslie, who spent the past two months with his grgpdrgntjog. returned with them. Mr. William McKéy‘r'of ”SE Mths spent the holiday with his parents. M1; and Mug Geogge McKay. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Middlehro’ spent over the holiday with the formers parents. Mr. and Mrs. Middlehro, Owen Sound. While in the Scenic City, they attended the wedding of Miss Marie Hall to Mr. J. J3. C. Runnings. During the service. Mrs. Middlebro’ sang most acceptably “Because.” Mr. and Mrs. E. D. McClocklin Spent. over Christmas and the week- end with relatives in Toronto. _ Mr. and Mrs. J. ‘L. Stedman and Mr. and Mrs. F. Musgrove of Mea- Mr. R. Macfarlane, barrister of Listnwel. was in town over the week-end. visiting with the Green- wood and 9ther families in Ulcnelg. .â€" --. Mr. Campbell' Mitchell of Hamil- ton visited his sister, Mrs. Neil Mc- Lean. at the Rocky for: a few days: Mrs. W. Guthrie of San Gnuleé, Montana, is visiting her father, Mr. Jo_h_n Lawrence, and pthpr reigtivgp. "Miss Alvaâ€""Metcalfe and Mr. John Cook of Owen Sound visited with Mrs. J. Metcalfe over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald of New Ontario are visiting his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald. Upper Town..- - Miss Dodds, of the hospital staff, went Christmas \at her home In Cedarvilbe. Mrs. Bert Smith and daughters, Grace and Edith of Guelph. are guests over the holidays at the Weir home in town. Mr. and Mrs. William Gray are visiting the latter’s old home in Gojiingwgood fpr e few weeks. _ _ Mr. Wilfrid Levi of Markdale spent a few days with his friend, Mr. Brad MacDonald. J. Lawsonf Miss Annie C. MaoKenzie of .Tor- onto has been spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Dan. C. Mac- Donald. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Heywood spent the Christmas holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lawson. Master Earl Heywood spent Christ- Ipa_s holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mrs. John Sharp and little son, Billie, of Hampden spent the Christ- mas holida s with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . Backus. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL mas holidays' with their grandpar- ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bus us, here. of Holsqip spénut oven the Christ,- _M_i§s_es Isabel, Inez and Vera Leith __-_--, vv --wu vvnllyUV ations slake!w Whato‘parch‘ed grounds refresh as Ideals are a great help in form- ing habits. One girl’s life was changed by a letter from another girl in which was this paragraph: “I want to have power with God in prayer; to be a woman of prayer; never to be too busy to look up, or to sit quietly at his feet and talk with him.” I Lord,Lwhat a change within us one -â€"â€"vv--OU vv IU'CIIL‘ us) UI‘U s'hqrt hdur Speqyl‘n _thy presence will avail to make! What .burdensulighten, what temp» Prayer is a spiritual habit which may be cultivated. It makes a chan- nel in character through which good will flow. Romans 8. 26, 27. The great saints are those who have learned to pray '“according to the will of God." If there is anything in prayer, there is everything. Either we are tak- ing it too seriously and wasting too much energy, or we are not intel- ligent and learning to pray accord- ing to God’s laws. Definitions and Illustration: Habit is a channel through which good or had may flow. It may be cultivated in the spiritual realm as in the physncal and mental. In this respect, you are different from five or ten years ago; i.e., it is harder to change a habit. Be master of physncal, mental and 'spiritual ha- 'bit's. Luke “.1. “Lord, teach us to pray!” A petition. which should precede every prayer. Possibly our first real prayer was our first consciousness of relation- ship. If we are talking with God in the same vocabularly which we used in childhood, we may be spirâ€" itual dwarfs. We all pray according to our re- lationship with God. Saying prayers in a mechanical way will not bring about a vital relationship with God. Real prayer is consciousness of re- lationship with God. We pra be- cuse we know we are his chi dren and can call Him “Our Father.” Mi§s Florahel Nichol is home from Toronto University for the holidays. ford are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 68.9136 lumen.-. - PRAYER THE DURHAM CHRONICLE “James is a young man who was formerly a pretty regular attend- ant at our chapel. About three years ago, his master thought he was too religious, and that he would spoil the rest of the negroes with his Methodism. This leavening is seen in the journal of John Smith, the martyr of Demerara. That journal was seized for the use of the vindictive court martial which tried him in 1823, and finally condemned him to death most unjustly, for conceal- ment of treason. Here is one characteristic entry: “Easter Monday, April 23, 1821. “I baptized sixty adults and twen- ty-one children, and married a great number. “Among those that were baptized were three negroes, Jemima, Paul and James. from the (plantation) Reeeonable, Mahaicony. The discovery that their afl‘airs were the concern of One Wlhom many of them called “God A’mighty amp” was the beginning of a new day for. the slaves, for it broke through the sullen indilference into which the system of slavery had driven them and gave the negroes a new self-respect. Canning feared that the emanci- pated slave would be a Frankenstein monsterâ€"power without conscience; and he spoke the thoughts of the majority. But there was a leaven of Christian faith among the ne~ groes when freedom came, which made all the difference. So the slaves had the Wbrd of Life put into their hands, and its proclamation for liberty for the cap- tives brought its own fulfilment. After the slave trade hed been outlawed (1Q 1807). the pellet pre- vailed that It was possnhle to re- tain slavery as an Institution and to give the eoneolation of the Goa- pel to those Still in bondage. [A Religion For Slavesl Nothing did more to bring about the emancipation of the slaves in the British Colonies than the circu- lation of the Scriptures a hundred years ago. (David Chamberlain) Mr. David Watson and family wish to thank their many friends and neighbors “or kindness and sympa- thy shown in their recent bereave- ment. Kingâ€"IcLeanâ€"In Toronto, on De- cembor23, 1925, by Rm. W. J. Brown, Kathleen, dau ghtor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLeagrl of Durham, to Mr. Edward King of '] oronto. Ecclesâ€"Lindsay.â€"In Durham on Wednesday, December 30. at the Presbyterian manse by Rev. B. D. Armstrong, Grace Lindsay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay, Glenelg, to Mr. William Eccles of Egremont. Brodieâ€"Hughes.â€"In Glenelg, on December 23, Kathleen, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hug-hes of Durham, to Mr. Robert J. Brodie of Glenelg. “Little brother, not to be outdone, manufactured all by himself a most remarkable radio from mothers curling iron, father’s toothbrush, Uncle Joe's umbrella, sisters full perfume bottle and the cook’s fav- orite meat knife. He cot Hell." Karimâ€"In Hamilton, December 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Helwig (nee Inez Redford), a daughter. a set. from material comprising a burnt-out cake pen, a. prune box, short Is he of clothesline wire and 3 pac age of hairpins for which she had no earth! use since boh- bing her hair. ould you believe it?â€"ehe got London. “Sister with ingenuity quite re- marliatjle for her sex, put together “Uncle Joe constructed a set from a second-hand self-starter, a tomato can, a cane seat from a broken-down chair and the tem- permental shower bath in the guest room. He got Havana. “Father made a radio receiving set out of an oyster container, some old wire phat had been used for hanging pictures, a box of pa er clips and the kitchen doorbell t at wa's out of commissibn.' By a tri- umph of tuning, he got. Des Moiucs. WHAT DID YOU GET? CARD OP THANKS MARRIED BORN Queer thag a man should tulw up a life of cmmc whenuwrc um m many legal ways of bemg 411511011051. If you’re acqmjntod with happL ness, Introduce him to your mighâ€" Chesley (7)â€"â€"Goal. Hiwn: tiufwny Mcflorie and Pickard: cvnh'v. Hmm wings, Wettlaufm‘ and Murflp. supis.2 Grant}? {and Fry. ' Referecfw. R. .lnlnistnn. I’ulmm ton. self with glory by wachu'uhu' an}; There is no question zin'l.n::_ut g,.,,l_ ham {“8 Who \VitnPSSml Hg“ Ham“ that the better tram m... 1”,, Chesleyites were a mum !:t:1\..-3 bun0h and 8 SOIDQ‘V'H” waI'!‘ [,n_ ished and faster tonm. Following is the Mummy: Durham (Dâ€"Goal. Snvli: (it'funyy MCDOnald and W'tilSnn: ('t‘llgi'”, “Mu“; wings. Elvidge and me; 9.11.... we velle, Vollett and Mol’arlaw. Lost at Chuloy Durham’s Junior Numw.“ Leaguers started 00' the Spam“ 'l'uw‘s- day night at Chesley whm. . were beaten by the soxh-m ;-..,.,..,'. senting that town by ‘7 in 1. TI... 12!: a lobsided score, tho gamu ' ported as fairly nwnlv mumpqud. and .with the locals mum: u~ many shots on the Chow; "Hum-1 as were regisu'red uganm‘ 1!“. hm- ham nets. The Chosley QUINN. 1,4,“; ever. was too good and «w mm rm..- self with. glory by fipvrtuvulm «up, (Continued from page 1\ { However, .what the S'Ounuslor, Hacked in 8k!" they made I. thusium. and were hard at, .1 (mi; Bong to gong' More DO‘VGY‘ in ”In", elbows, and mag; they Wt makn Markdale take a ack Spat. ’ The new pemlm tnnml...,.~s and press box makes. a 41001.1.” im‘ movement. not only m the hamumg 0f the ”meg. bllt In tht‘ HU'Huar‘ tune of the rink. It now louks In... a real hockey rink. Th.» ‘ of the corners also helps 1 , and makes it impossible I. e “corner-wrestling" that 11w] ,0 often 810W up the hockey mafpyms All in all. it looks as if l’mvham' would be treated to some nu] portunities to witnoss luwiam ; is played. this ontinlm'; and 1! It 1” b6 hoped the Citizens xvi!) awn-rm; ate the efforts made in thvn' Emhnlf, not only by the [113 «gm and mmmuu- ment. bllt by the {ink Cunmmu'. 1" H Hiding HZ“ O'HaL 1” Stage Donna nus SAW 31, 1935‘ é»; Becausv nno- .- 13196 has tak~ m 0f ”10 mar I lot in UN“ p . val ("f “I" | rfeclly .il,l.~titi: a; an M$lb!9'1" k0“ Ml" Hf nrriamz 0mm: an out n! H‘ hinnad. do w 95 {obeying Hm If: tylo._ liqum‘ tr: 1‘ Mr. and MM- :‘t‘VIINU'Ha MHIHM) ”Pimhk 3“ "Jig. i Uur anmm. , em in thu n rnim: with $010 ralvpaynrs. Km: Of tho SW {.004 as “103' h; LEO“ “8]“! [n 1‘“ L" enses for u... gndersun was . law 01' Mr. \ ;. IS SPI‘VMI fan ‘ il Paylm- ‘.\‘ t. of sumd} t Q‘gfi INV'I' ('1 as (ho oarutuk 9 FM" for 1| nt holidm “12h ME tube“ Barbor A! ll‘. End Mrs \\ Illi ““6 b0\ “as Max In}: «in e fell and hl‘nkv hi~ r: . een the «HMM an! H1. ,, acturo was lmlurul 2. or and lemil: m Gordon Sum {UM >144 .' 0rd are szwnchm: le «4 ith tllvir ('mmm hm», "r. and MIN. “(Um .‘ :H'v \I~l?ll.'._' h '7.” PS. M0.‘”i§“'l'. \\ hm ;‘ “1 a. ‘8!“ SiSU‘l'. .“ l'.~_ l‘co.\' l N' I n :31 The nominatum {Prue-PS nl' ‘ht' 'ru“ "WIS hPId m Hu- 1 hay, rmultjm: m flUII('iI by am-Im Ccil for 1926 stand~ moor; Down H ' n; Count-I’Hm's. j tad E. ROM». Olive and Hum "spending a fmx .1 5113010 MMVM'ay ‘uv U" (ll'lU'l‘! ’ md Schools \ .I BWB at all \\ 'w 1‘ Q devil mzn WM and 113-"th emandnd H" . "18?? is "Hint ;‘ \Our ‘._ Mr. :m: [Marianna QJ. ”POW! : Miss M: 436‘. Spun .herc. ' Harilvy Ail: Goorgvhm'n .-; Village. " Mrs. Jumw -_0f hvr dandfi ,Mrs. Smith cu itivitivs. “'4‘ UV ’h‘KM'iH (”I “'HHII DUSiI'IPSC (H II] ‘H l'y learn Hm! ’18 nominal hum ’Iulel‘s in h: H. h When (hm :n. [Ollie moral to "x m 0f d: Mienco s. . In my be dd‘lvhni , N0 014' 80 munn il._\' moral cod», the mmvlv. ban 30!. um!" 10th laws iheir ymmg :93 out of th Miss I remum IIN‘ sis! The [Minimum 'Trustnvs war I on Monday m.- tflrest \wru .1;~ Mr. and Ml are spvndmu and Mrs. Mm. Sadlcll G901'g0 AHM \\ ccntly ho Visit ! Lellan. M15. 1 Mills \\ ing “on nu: Lamont. H. I Drumm. M. «1 81138.53de ¢ est Of [101' dm ife. \Vill 'l‘lmrno- .. over thv hnlhizu D» If no ow- - the lnswor‘.’ To (K k school for Chris-hum ‘Iisses Edith and lithq I for the ()hx'lstnmu {tormm' from Tum phool, and tho- Ian“,- rhel'e shn is h-avhnm. Nelson Mcuuiw and { hristmns With Mr. :m. P. Brown. Conrcssmn 2". rere Ibfllll ‘0 glh'sts pr Mr. and Mrs. R. B. I... n “K S. Ai'hisun's tm linuer. Alum! 18 g‘lhw‘h’ (Our Own Corresn Ir. md hits. Julm \\ mi", accunmalm-d I. u. Stunock. mm m: nests of Mr. and Mrs. Dl'. MCLPHRII Hum! the \illzurv Iuvnln R. J. Gadd and farm! Flu}. end: hon Kr. and MIs J. h mih dined “III: M: [Inn on Christmas 4:. [ms Rpm Ruin-m Thursday, December WHAT IS THE ANS Sis‘h‘l'. M laws \V i. in The Chronicle. Edge Hi1} “NIH dz: ugh l\ R Ill \\ ax

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