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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Dec 1925, p. 8

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PAGE 8. May 1926 prove a Happy and Pros- perous Year to The Chronicle, its staff and its many. interested read- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cook and-two how. Murray and Howard, arriwd on Wvdnesday last from Detroit. to the old‘homv and installed a fine ypdio outfit. as a gift to hjs_parp_u_ts. Ei'n ~st is a must. mccessful 'mildcr tnd contractor and is forging ahead. Hardly was the sun on the return gig) before we got. a genuine cold 1p. At the closin of school an Tues- day of last wee . Miss Reta Barbour ve her pupils a line treat of good- hings. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Harrisun of Bwinton Park spent the festias day at the Nelson homestead; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Twamley and Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell with Mas- ters Charlie and Ralph of Welbeek at the McClocklin home; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lawrence of Egremont at the Davis home; Mrs. Ben Mays. with Misses Elsie and Isobel of Guelph are spending a week ,at Grandma Firth’s; Messrs, Lauchie, Philip and Walter Dunbar are. en- ' ying a happy time at the Old Dun- r home. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Tuck and Misses Bessie and Inna Beaten of Tornnto are. spending merry days at the parental Beaten home on the ith com-essmn. Messrs. Robert. Peart and Keith Edwards arrived at their respective homes from Detroit for a week’s hohday Mr. and Mrs. T. [van Edwards of WWII”) are spnnding part. of this w-vk at the Edwards lmmv. The Township Hall was fairly well filled at the nomination on Monday afternoon. Messrs. \V. Weir, Archie McCuaig and your scribe Were nominated for the. reeveship, whio Messrs. Malcolm Black. Alex. Aljoe. John McKechnio. Thomas Brodie and Charles \V‘eppler were. named for the Council seals. Be- sides the above named, the following prominent ratepayers were called open to address the audience: Christmas Eve found a crowded house. in old Zion with the two big trees laden doun and the church in- terior tastefullv decorated. \bout half the program was provided by Miss Barbours school bunch. and she received many warm encomi- ums over their recitals, songs and so forth. Rev. J. E. Peters ably handled the lengthy program and added to its brightness. His Christ- mas aneedoe was a “good an.” The. following gave recitations; Juanita Noble, Elvie. Hastie. Gordon Green- wood. hordon Nohle. Clara .i"i'i{. Willie Peart. Arthur Blair. Ada Banks. Catherine Timmins and Mary McNab. The pantomime. “Comin' Thro’ the Rye." was well done. and the Chinese drill convulsed the house. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McNal- ly and Mr. James Peart supplied the sweetest of music. Misses Vere. Rob- bins and Catherine Timmins gave a fine. exhibition of club swinging. TWO drills. use ‘ij.’ eigh‘ young fol- lows in white and on» by maidens in “Grandmr.‘< Day" attire proved novelty numle s. Three or four dialogues Wt in well ;u ted and up- held the reputation ol the vicinitv for dramatic ability The duet hv Mrs. Noble and Miss lolith Teeter and the chews h)’ the genus: folks were well realm-(ml. Messrs. John McGrath. John O’Neil and D. Robinson. and each of themj made splendid ofl'hand speeches. Reeve, W‘eir gave a good account of his stewardship, but was far more. forceful in his reply to the criticism that. he received from the hands of the astute and shrewd MaeCuaig. ’l‘lm tax-Councillors were brief in their remarks with the exception of Mr. Brodie, who branched out on Town-- ship School Boards. Statute Labor and its abolition and the local 'l‘ele- phone system. Much interesting matter was brought out in the at- ternoon discussion. Clerk H. H. Mc- Donald presided with tact and good judgment. Messrs. MacCuaig and Edwaicls withdrew at the close ef the meetings. leating Rect e tt eir el- ected bv acclamation. and \lr. Charles Vteppler. not wishing to raise an election. also v. ithl‘liew thus leaving the old Countillors se cure for another year. We. wish them a year of success and hearty co-operation. were WP" :mame A real live Santa Claus appoarml at the close of the program, and a varied and largo number of gifts warp soon «'listributm‘l. The pm- coeds amounted to about $39.00. Domoch (Our Own Correspondent) Rev. Dr. J. Fraser Smith, who is Spending the Christmas holidays with his brother. Mr. William Smith. addressed the congregation at La- tona church on Sunday morning. Mr. Smith. who recently returned from China where he revisited the scenes of his missionary labors. recalled the days thirtyâ€"eight. years ago when he and Dr. Go‘forth went to Hanan where all was heathenism and. after ten years’ hard fighting. had but ten converts. the first. of whom became a Chinese preacher of the Gospel. Many people of Can- ada thought this very discouraging, but the two missionaries contimged their Traverston. (Our Own Correspondent) villa and Owen Sound mm offices 109 9th St. E. Nothing too old, small, large or hard for us to tackle M years’ experience NO COLIECTIONâ€"NO CHARGE KELLY AIKEN We Handle c21!¢9.‘i°n' COLLECTIONS work. and on returning Sideline last year, found that their ten con- verts had increased to thousands. fair. Smith also had the pleasure or hearing a niece of his first convert. prpgch gs a_ Bible Womanm I infâ€"ins Shsie McIntosh of Toronto is spending the Christmas holidays with her brother and sistoy hege.“ .- Kl}. 1.3166 hibihtbéiiand Miss Ruth Lowe of Niagara are visiting with friends here. "Bi-{973' Méfié Robertson of Owen Sound is holidaying with her out" ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Robertspn. --VUV- 'v‘f wMiss “Gladysm Corlett spenta afew days last week with friends at Lam- Misses Lavina, Hattie and Pearl Mortley are spending their holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mortley. _ -v-v- A number from here attended Crawford Christmas tree Wednes- day night, _ lasIh. Welbeck. ( Our Own Correspondent) Dull trade hath bound me to i s grip And mwm shall I he tree. Yet I dream of the docks of a piram black That fly at the mast alway As we swoop along on a merchant's Mr. Hugh Riddell has returned home from Eau Claire where he re- ports his son. Morrow. as improv- ing rapidly. Mrs. Riddell is expect- ed home in a few days. ”Mr: 5nd Mrs. R. Corlett. evening last week at the Mr. D. McArthur. _ ship In the roll of the open sea: I dreamer the pennants, dread and track ‘ In the sting of a flying spray. Oh. I am a law -a.hiding chap, Yet. (Ice) in my heart I’d be X buccaneer with a scarlet cap Xml a terror of the SQ: . As lawless and bruteless a bandit As history ever knew. Rnaming the seas in search of loot At the head of an evil crew! Oh. here at home I‘m meek and mild, A man with a family; Yet I dream of deeds that are dark and wild And of red, red fights at sea, And under my breath I softly hum A stave from a pirate song. And my throat grows parched fm' whole world round. And my drenm‘y-«my dreams are mine! Sn the old tales hold me in their grip. And I hungrily long to be A piratn chief on a low, black ship In the roll of tho open sea.” w v _ pirétn rum. For I have born dry so !ong. My _life is m'dered and shaped and ' bound And kept to it rule and line, But my- thoughts can wander tlzo Christmas In Us have finished ring- ing for another year. and most. of the festivals are past. W0 have not been told of anyone wim had too much goose, but we have heard sumo ve_r_y loud satlavyking. A Few Jokes for December Mother, to son: “Sen. why is baby crying? Can’t. you gave hlm some- thing to play With?” Put (to his girl’s little sister): “Does your dolly talk when you squm‘zc it?" Little Girl. "Yes. but it. doesn’t say, “Oh. Pat don't!” Son (monopolizing toys) : “Sure. mother; an onion.” â€"-Goldsmith. Christmas I gave hum spent an home of Priceville (Our Own Correspondent) We are nearing the end of 1945 and to many in this district, it will not soon be forgotten, as we have had much sickness and trouble, al- though we hepe that the majority of the homes spent the usual merry Christmas. However, death called at some homes. Last week a young man of 27 years, the late John Mc- Kinnon of Egremont. contracted pneumonia very suddenly, and in a couple of days, answered the last call, leaving a brother, Donald, and a sister, Mrs. Colin Kennedy, to mourn his death. Our sympathy goes out to them at this time. This morning we learn that our greatly esteemed friend, the late Mrs. John Burnett of South Line, Artemesia, has passed away. Al- though it was looked for by all, et when at last death arrived, it m es us all stop and think for a time. The deceased lived in and around Price- ville all her life and probably is as well known as anyone in this \‘1- cinity. Of a quiet, sincere dis osl- tion, she won esteem everyw ere. She was a splendid hostess and a wonderful mother and wife, a D??? a year made little difference to her as a hostess as long as she was cap-l able and although she suffered keen- 1 ly, she bore it wonderfully. For the} past few days. she was totally un- conscious and in the evening of De- cember 28 passed away in her 67th year. Her family are all home at. this time, hush-amt John, William and Archie at home. Mrs. C. Smel- lie (Evelyn), and Mrs. D. McMillan (Lillie) have been in attendance for some time past. and Mrs. E. Lane (Mabel) and Miss Jean arrived re- cently, also Arthur from the West. The funeral will take place Thurs- day from her home at 2 p.m. All sympathy to the bereaved husband and family. at this time. ébfi'3166£§s"béhe'fite’d'by beihg evith her for a time. Her illness of oyer Glenroadin (Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. William Kenny has been quite seriously ill with pneumonia. Her daughter. Mrs. Michael Casey has been home nursing her mother: vv-- â€"â€"â€"-.â€" The many friends of John Cohillc, Kamsack, will be 91818011 to know that he has been elected to the city councfl. Mrs. J. J. Malcolm, who has spent the past two weeks with Mrs. Banks left, to spend a wwk with the Mal- colm families at (llugslayg ‘ Mr. Nicholas leosh. while. work- ing at a sawing hm.» at. Roy Brown's. had his middle finger cut 011' and the rest of the hand badly lacomtml. .Ml‘. Brad Petty, Broderick. Sash, VlSltOd with Mr. and Mrs. S. Patter- son and family. __ _ _ .â€"_4 fl vM-‘rjénd Mrs. Michaej Kenny spent Chmstmas vvmung wuth friends at Dmnnch. w hII-‘Z-ililvti Mls.f)011u|d Watson and fnmih minvml Cluistmas dinner “ith Mr and .‘113. \V. H. W'alspn: \ numb! 1' of our )oung pnuplo attmded UH Ne“ Yours dance at Robert Edwzuwi’s. Miss \gnvs Niilml' 'l‘oz'emto, is \i._ iting \xitii 1101' brothms and sis- tm' hi_.‘I‘(‘ Your. (Our Own Correspondent) “Sorry Mrs. A. Lawrence has been under tho doctor's care. We hope fur a Spvmiy I'chvm'y. \vish everybody a Happy New Darkies’ Corners THE DURHAM CHRONICLE is remaining over New Year’s day when his parenps celebrate the an- ngvgrsary of being fifty years mar- rle . Mr. and Mrs, Harold Eccles came up from the My to spend the heli- day with relatives here and in Dunn ham. ~ Miss Florence Renwick of the Fairbank Public school stafl .is spending the Christmas vacation with her parents. Nomination day is over for another year with the present Council re- turned by acclamation, surely a sign of_ge_ner_al satisfaction A- \V-___..-I Swinton Park. (Our Own Correspondent) A very enjoyable evening was spent in Salem United church on Tuesday evening, December 22., when a goodly number gathered and a few hours were spent sociably. Rev. Mr. McCormack occupied the chair, and a good lengthy program was enjoyed by all. consisting of iead~ ings, recitations, songs. drills and club swinging. DOV- w. v -vâ€"wvâ€" "‘fiébert Srh'ail ofn'i‘vbronto Normal school is home for the Chms‘muas and New Year seaspn. â€"vâ€"-â€"â€" â€"â€" “firsfknoll and'Miss Edith Turner are visiting their sister, Mrs. Joseph MeNaulty, ever the New Year._ ‘ .V-‘ I 1â€"“-- Congratulations and best wishes to Miss Mary McLean and Mr. James Hooper who are being married this Wednesday. A Happy New Year to all. On Saturday evening, a dance was held in the hall hero and was un~ iovod by _a_ll_ both old and \oung’z ”'U'l‘l I] ’ III I ”VUI- v- a w--- Mr. J. Ellis «11' Holstein Sbent the week-end visiting lrigqqs ' org H M5. H: Hamiltofi and Misses M. and V. Haw vistcd Saturday a_t_ Conn: .. A number from hero attended the sale at Mr. J. Copeland’s on Wed- nesday and report high prices being paid for the stock.__ A n Nominations on Monday for Proâ€" ton Township were held in llock~ ridge’s hall, and some warm argu- ments were put before the ratepay- ers. The following candidates were nominated: Reeve. J. ll. Fraser, G. Wright, W. Jack, R. E. Hockridge. only G. Wright and W. Jack letting their names go to the ballot. (loun- cillors, A. Mo'l‘aggnrt, A. Wilslmr, G. Porter, ll. Cronin. J. Black, 11. Watson, R. Stewart. (1}. Harris and J. Stevens, Mr. Stevens. retiring. . l .0 WW“. 0'0". C 'Wa 00“.». o 4...... Mr. ahd Mrs. Thomas Harrison Sl‘.. ontertainmi members of thoi r family and other friends on Christmas day. Miss Susie Tucker of Sthamp- ton is spending a fovs \kas at her homo here. Miss Sam on Tucker of Toronto was also homo for a few days over Chcisvmas. Miss Essie Hurrisun of 'l‘nmntn visited over the holiday :11, hnr urc- ther’s. Mr. Crawford Harrism'T and with her sister. Mrs. W. Hoar-i, l'l‘(°-- tori. Congratulations are extended to Mr. James Hooper. who 13' Ihis Wm]- nesday being married in Miss Mary McLean of Proton. (Our Own Correspondent) ' MITS._ William Gutln‘in of Montanr‘. IS Vlgltmg her snstm'. Mrs. 'l'lhgmas Harmson, Sn, and num- rolgzlwns. Mi'ss Mabel Tucker, MN, 01' m»- Glenmont v-v-' wâ€"â€"â€" A gloom was cast over the neighâ€" borhood on Christmas day by the. death of Mr. Jack McKinnon. who died early that morning, at the home of Mr. Jake Hiltz after it few days" illness from pneumonia. He was quite a young man, under thirty years of age. The funeral was held on Saturday to MoNeil’s cemetery at Priceville, Rev. A. Sutherland o:- flciatiny. The chief mourners are his brother Dan, with whom he lived, and sister, Mrs. Colin Ken- nedy,_ Durham, to whom sympathy trait spent a few days w.i.§,!_1_he '5 a. fidrenta Mn. and ers. Thomas Tucker. Mr. Charles Tucker of De. trait is also a visitor at‘gnomsxo . Information has recently been re- ceived by the Meaford Public Util- ities Commission that the long- awaited cut in,rates for our electric light and power will be to hand be- fore the end of the present Ayeaij. is_ éitended. HYDRO HAY BB CHEAPER M'i's. 'l‘homas ‘ of oguqse, held on account. «.f preonataon. de‘ Wall. Santa HYdI'O. WWW! "a“ ~ ~. for our alfrlval, and ”HE lllt'r‘dlhgt on 6 mam drag, “110 an! “3‘13"“ commercial FEMS. will g0 half ”I!“ to meet yumâ€"Moafoml Mir My i‘m'. uncu pnopna'rv COMMIE"1 cu RBIDBR VERDICT ° 0" strong congregatnou of that. ('hum. and a place of worship ma. 1.. am]. able for the applicant. minnritv, R. S. (1388033. Commissioner, 17th December, 1925. Bud tho Classified Ads. on It will pay you. Thu-ad”. December 31 (Continued from pm. 7 Pug. 7 VOL. 58.â€"N0. 302 “THE ANGELIC 1 WONDERFUL an in: NT UH' 'lt‘l'n ‘ ied last, Sunday t Unitod (-hmwh} ‘ night“) hval'thv (“hm mm “Th? Almulu- ‘ “m 81“] IN‘I' ('hHH' amnion and sham-.1 .-.- eveningfthat I'lw} hm; mpuamn to nmku 1 :OI'UIy 0f thv «lay :uuj ' “I6 cantata ”SN” \\ W‘Dflllt Hf HH' «- first Christnms and of L I!“ brought U) ”I“ \\ 'uz'i Vflied by SUI”. «111M. 1‘ .nd chorus that thw» of mnnotnny. on“! Street Choir, U! INF of Kiss McCrae. Sunday Bvemm The first Hum} choir, “Hark. Ha: we Sky,u 0‘)“th light mUVMHo-IH “1d "10"“ \lgulq. by the deIf ‘ well- kmmu ' ‘1“ blc IIIIIII \‘ Who I‘IIIIIIIIIII sweetly In) \I the (IIIHII \II. “600d '1 mm; lowed II) :I IIII [060d Ill llII-I w“ nlaIIII \\'II taken IIIII'III; dared a I‘III'IIIII mm 88!"! “III follovs'ml II.\’ .I solo “\‘ill\\ exprmhhv II\ *- fld 'IIIII III full chnII IIIIlI ExcelIIIIg.” \xi choral slVIII. quarIPIIII II Night HIIIIIIII entitled “le tenor IIIIIIW .. ience IIIII (I II;I.. “m "115‘qu Then I‘aIIIII ;I~ CITIZENS’ BAND ANNUAI '11“! ("UN in haVim! md (‘nzlc'o such ("Mir BhOp (if H: 00mm '.. worth )' t 80000?" W in thi- H Babe “f 1 Blocud Officer 101‘ Y Ianaqing Com 11:11“ Other Importam ‘3 The annual n ham Citi/vw' i Wednrsday mm the band rnnm shore. who'n H. were eloctudi Honorary I" son; Proshlvm Secretary. H. tary. C. Bum-l Phipps and l“, At. the mwtw eleCtrd Banclnm whole \vimm*~ them. UH‘ lw \~ next spring 1‘”:- Of hand (‘nnrwz'f than owr ln-tw that arrange-mm between Uw Ha Amusemmlt (In: former an» 1.. . l_ocal arena 1w. mg the skalm: ROYAL ARCH The follmx m; Lodge Rmal .\2- stalled 81 “It“ held on anm “K S. Huntmr ermg. Z.; 1;. H Gum. ..:l '1‘.“ A. 513390.831; “the given pow cl urer: H. l-.. Icllraith. J: .1»: “TIGER H! H MASO INSTAL] R

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