onto. Ont/uric. ~â€"- “I M h ry an! I would have to m my work every time I'- lngginmdown painsnnd m very bad, but my back ~ No. It hurt so that l ? mu with it. I head some talking about Lydis E. P“. 3 Vegetable Compound. and me tn tr' it. I hue men sen butt es of it md it has m 510'. of good. l never have he Compound when l hnve the o'- nnity." Miss Roux). 21 Howl. hue. Toronto. Ontario. mover, Ontario. â€"â€"“I wasterrihly Dd no a few odd times I almoot ed. 1 used to do housework un- lew months ago and sonnet)" Ito leave my work and tobod. :now a mender in the itting- I suflered ï¬ve or six years fro- m periods before [took L ydia nkham 9 Vegetable Compound 9 advice of a olrie'nd. Hmoet im mediate»; anld l M iends what a 9 medicine it {on may use this testimonial if ike. if it will help others. "-â€" J. PEARSON. Victoria Strut. rer. Ontario. 0 I I 518 NOBLE. Prop. in}. (1 real SQS ICESSORIES .\l l K I x DS ILE’S GARAGE SERVICE H lat Identiï¬ed Himself evrolet Id Is a Great Fridâ€" Painndkestomu h GIRLS WHO WORK MM AdvicoofaFricnd†ll n1 , O 0!: i 116 m lrtcrs for “maroon, ; and Grid rrnce Jawâ€"- It? rev 0‘ «u the Gas \IRING kw nuns tho d . e bastion. have any have not (‘9 l h.†- Verge“- 1 i 5.935 E: AMOUNT OF SLEEP REQUIRED By DR. W. J. SCHOLES Note: Dr. Scholes will answer such health questions in these columns as will be of interest to others and permissible in public print. ..Personal questions will be answered only when accompanied sell-addressed and stamped envelope. Address Dr. W. 1. Se , in care of The Durham Chronicle. When but little is known about a subject, that subject is a good one for speculation. Sleep is such a subject. Hence, it furnishes good material for the making of theo- ries, both reasonable and wild. Some of those who theo- rize about slee immediately wish to put their theory into practice. An this regardless of whether or not the theory rests upon a sound scientiï¬c foundation. An idpa more or less frequsntly' mlvancml nowadays is that we slm'p too much. With the demands nf mmh‘l'n life, aspecially in the mnro- populous places- (here is plenm ly nf trmptatugn to mw_ this ‘idea ;{ prm'ti 'al application. By cutting down tho amount of sleep, morn nnw can ha found for the dosired :mmm.t of social and other acthitv. "lhu pomsihlllty that reduction of the lmmlwl‘ of hours of sleep may pro- .lm-o- ill-oll‘m'ts on the health often wwnis tn ho owrlookml. In this ronnoction. an articlo by Dr. William Browning. pnhlished last. fall in tho Journal of American Mmliral Association. may ho of in- turnsi. Dr. Browning made CaN'ful lllVoN‘llgallODS of tho factors othor than infliction which_may [lave had :1 part. in the pmdqction’of a num- [Mr uf (farms of epmemsc encvphaâ€" mm which hn studied. Do. to [auction Epulvmic cnce halitis is the dis- vzlso' commonly nown as slapping -n-knvs.~z. It 19 3913911311): regagdqd :u duo to some. infect'ionfjt. is rlnsvly associated With cortam of HM infm'tious diseases. especially mtluvnm. Due to Infection â€The generally accepted teaching of hygienists has been that adults Epidemic ence halitis is the. dis- require an average of at least eight ease commonly nown as sleeping sickness. It is generally regarded as due to some infection. It is t-lnsely associated with certain of the infectious diseases. especially influenza. In his study of the possible fac- hours of rest daily. There may be individuals who can retain their health indefinitely with less than this amount of rest. But until care- ful scientific investigations demon-- strate that. hygienic authorities are wrong in teaching that we. need tors causing the disease. Brovming eight hours of sleep daily, it is wise paid particular attention to the way to stick to the old rule. (Copyright, 192‘, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) HEALTH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Goitor l‘. .\. .\. asks: “1. Can goiter he t'il't‘tt without. an operation? ‘2. “Wild the X-ray affect. any other mz-t nt‘ the system? (This goiter ‘l::"'t'ft‘tl â€I“ ht‘:ll‘t"“. Reply Gas on the Stomach 0 Mrs. H. L. W. asks: "What can I do to keep from having so much gas on the stomach? I tune to keep belching almost. all of the time. Tak- ing soda tn help get rid of it does no good. I have had this trouble for a long time new." I. Some goiters can be treated mmout operation. Some require operation. '3. Possibly. Much depends upon the skill with which it is used. Sel- m-rion of the proper treatment in :my given case is best left to the. iiiulsmwnt of the physician who is .' mug: for the patienL hating .I_ s. writes: “Do you think a fast 1' a t‘vw days would improve my mum? Or do you think it would “hat is the matter with you? ' -. «In not. state your trouble. In ' ml. unless you are advised to 2~:' in" some physician. and he can '1E"“.'\'iso the stunt. you better not r\ :t. It is possible for iilâ€"advisod 14111;: to do' harm. A lusty Question \ "armer had just built a big barn. mi ~11» day as he was setting sot! . t-nwn. he told his boys to cut 3 ill hole in one. of the sides so .it tilio cat could get in or out '_ \\‘.I. Tim. boys out a hole just beside. - in; barn door. but when the -~ mm: returned and saw it. he was {V displeased. "Why can‘t I depend on you boys . a single thi right?“ be ex: mined angrily. n’t you know 41‘ hole is in the wrong place?†"Why?" asked the boys. l‘ho farmer fairty snorted. Leap- 4.- from the buggy. be seized the iZ‘I‘. door and swung it open, and, m me? Thanh}, Juno: u, Iâ€. THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR Reply in which the patients had lived pre- ceding the attack. He noted that one common and constant factor was found. His patients were people who have been subject to prolonged tire and loss of rest at the time thoy «qujOIOpoi‘i tho disease. Now this doos not mean, of course, that loss of sloop in itself is tho spocitlc cause of epidemic encephaâ€" litis. It means that prolonged tiro mm make nnn roaclil) suscoptihln to “hatmor infection may be the immodiato oauso of the disoaso. Loss of sleep seems to have been a constant factor working to lower the resistanre and make infection possible. \Vhile the. observations in this instance were made on cases of epidemic encephalitis. it is conceiv- able that loss of sleep may just as readily lower resistance to other in- fections. A possible ill-ell'eet of in- sufï¬cient rest has here been pointed out. Lots of times this condition is merely a bad habit. The bad habit consists in sw allmxing air. often 11n- consc1 iousls. Most people pmhahlx suallo“ a small amount of air oc- casionally. especialix while oat1ng. A certain amount or gas may be formed in the stomach during: an gestion. This is nothing abnoi'mat. An excos sixe amount of gas in the stomaih mm result trom organic disease. or from functional derange- monts. of the d1sgest1~ o organs. Right Back at Him A man bv the name of Word met a man by thp name of Barnes. "Good morning. Mr. Barnes." said Mr. Word. "how are Mrs. Barnes and all the little sheds? If the cause is swallowing air, this habit should be corrected. The soda habit is a bad one. The abuse of soda mm create disturbances in the chemistn of digestion and upset the acid-alkali balance of the sxstem. If you ham any disease of the di- gestixe organs, this should be treated. Only kind of suit some women will press for their husbands is a diwrre suit. of course, it covered the aperï¬urp. "Now. “here is \our cat hole?" he shouted. "H0“ in the name of sense can the cat get into the barn when the door is open?" w““Fâ€"c‘téling ï¬ne, thanks." replied Mr. Barnes. “How are Mrs. Word and all the little syllables?" Reply WESTERN ONTARIO NEWS IN BRIEF Life in Western Portion of Canada's Banner Province Told in a Column. An attempt was made Wednesday to burn down First Street Public school at Welland. The blaze was discovered by the janitor when he arrived to attend to his ï¬res. A guard has been placed on the school. The annual meeting of the Lake Erie Fishermen‘s Association will be held at St. Thomas, January 19-21, and it is expected that many who withdrew a few years ago will again 30m. Tax Collector Twiss, of Tillson- burg, has received a letter from the town clerk of Digby, N.S., walving all claim to the Canadian record for collection of taxesa nd congratulat- ing Mr. Twiss on his success. Joseph Dutton, David Fields and Louis Boughner, were committed for trial on manslaughter charges at London in connection with two re- cent auto fatalities. The Hydro radial system last week inau urated new lines in southeast Win sor, Walkerville and Ford City. The routes were inapected b th mayors of the three municipa ities. Ford has been hard hit by the new county assessment which means that over $10 for each resident will have to be contributed. An appeal will be made. Miss Annie Thompson of Brantford died Wednesday morning after com- pleting her hundred and second year. She retained her full faculties till the last. P‘x- Mavm' Sulman has been elect- ml chaiimzm of tlw ( jhatliam Public I t.iilt.ios Commission. and D. H. Douglas was chosen chairman of the Benn-«l of Educatiun. Ex- Mamr Mm 13V has. boon chosen chairman of tho \V..00dstnck Public 1 Lilitics Board The light and p0\\(l‘ dopm‘tmvnt omlmi the war \\ ith a surplus of about. 3:31.000 One. man is dead, another. «lying. and a third injured as Um result of a level-crossing accident across the river at. tho falls. London Council is now turning its attention to a permanent, trains- pnI-lation sottloment. A special elec- tion will likely ho held in May. Mayor Moore is of the opinion that there is a strong sontimonl for pub- lic ownership. It is expected that educational costs for London this year will 9x- cood $1,230,000. or in excess 01' 8'20 fur «wory man. woman and child in the. city. The mayors of tho hordor cities. at a meeting hplcl on Thursday. fav- ored the addition of a wing to the Essvx County Sanitarium at Sand- wich. to cost «$5250», as a memorial to â€10 Into Sir Adam Back. A fullrâ€"(lay Session fur the Nia- gara Peninsula on world missions Oponml Friday at. St. Catharines. The m3};ering is_ in_tordenoq1inat‘ional. That St. Catharines has bum ro- markably Iron from crime «luring the past year was. shown by the. report of the) ('11in of police. Only five were sontnncod to Kingston, ton to the re- fog-lmatory and twenty-eight to me Jill . The new Hamilon Street Railway (Zonimittooholdits ï¬rst session Fri- dav and considered the no“ agree- mént which “ill be submitted to popular 3019 in _a {my \xeeks. W. A. Hammond has been appoint- ed chairman nf the Chatham water commission. A deï¬cit of $1,593 was reggrted. The covering of a manhole at Main and Walnut. streets, Hamilton was blown off. and several pedestrians hag narrow esrapes. There was an increase in thn num- ber of \iulent deaths in \Vindsor during the past year. thirtx being recorded. as against 17 in 192i. Eight “ere due to automobile accidents. The Stratford Gas Company an- nounced that following the unfavor- able vote on the purchase by-law, the plant. would be closed down on February 8. About 700 consumers will be affected. Gmrgo F. Mahon. for eighteen years a member of Woodstock edu- cation hoard. was elected chairman at the inaugural meet_ing.__ "I suppose you never worry your- self over the grocery bills. George?“ "Oh. no. we, let. the grocer do thaL†â€"-'l'he Progressive Grocer. Roports to the St. Catharines branch of the G. W. V. A. W ednes- day night were to tho effect that. the branch is in a highly flourishing condition. At a meeting of tho Hamilton legis- lation committee. the suggestion was ofl'mml b} 313in 'I‘releawn that the hours for polling in municipal elec- lions should be shortened. \‘o ac- tion “as takon. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE N0 DRIVERS’ PERMITS FOR ABOUT SIX MONTHS Highway: Department In Not Yet Provided Inchinory for low Law Motor drivers‘ permits will not be issued till probably about the mid- dle of the year, according to the statement of Hon. G. S. Henry, min- ister of highways, Friday. “The law is effective that drivers' permits are to be taken out,†he said, “but we have note provided the machin- ery as yet. The department did not wnsh to undertake this at the same time as the issuing of the motor licenses. It would need an extra staff, and it is proposed to issue the drivers’ permits about the middle of the year." As has been pointed out. there is no space in the 1926 card for regis- tering convictions for breaking traf- flc laws, this being left oi! because of the intention to issue the drivers' card. However. in the interval. the department will have records of in- fractions which can serve it needed for reference. Write for the 180 , Purity Flour Cook I. 30: in â€alps, Maid. WESTERN CANADA FLOUR um CO. LIMITED. Head Mao-7030"“ 7or all $1â€an my proï¬t. choose Purity for you be- cause it never disappoints. Your satisfaction is part of Do you ever think ‘ . what a task it must *3 be for me to please everybody ? With flour it is a different matter. Everyone is pleased with Purity Flour. Always uniform in quality, this flour makes delicious pies, cakes and bread. I can handle any brand of Whammcout. I‘ 9911 (310 price will be modertwly I wish to thank friendns and neighbors for kindness and sympa- thy extended duri the illness and death of my late lusband, Adam Watson. Freedom Front Pain TRC s "“ CARD 0? TIA!“ â€"Mrs. Adam Watson. Too Much Interference! Septimus: “How is your little girl. Mrs. Smith 2“ flu. Sgitpzu “)_Iy “we boy is (2) Bounce to Normal Scliooi. Etch mom of the sun is n Uni- versity Gndmte nnd experienced Teneher. Intending pupils should prepare to enter; at beginning of term. The School is thoroughly equipped to an up the Iollowin courses: (1) Junior “anion ati‘ohh InformnuBn us To Courses may be obtained from the Principal. quit» _welL l magi you.“ The School has a creditable record in the past which it hopes to main- tain In the future. ' Durham is an attractive and healthy town. and good accommoda- tion can he obtained at reasonable rates. J. A. I. R088, 8. A.. Principal. JOHN HORRISON. Chairmanp ' Septimué: “Oh. it‘s a boy! I knew it was one or the other.†DURHAI Ill. SCHOOL PAGE 8.