'. omen 5 L ‘.\'ENINGS [ST move i1 people of DI!!- 9 able to [in Office ONEY 16m] Dry ' \‘UDVCrt lg to the ir uriuinal d 80 nplete n. 23 ades ur prices, enes ’rices l5 and low Web 6004:. ’1‘ all kin“ a. 1m .HI Ill II ' pO'flCWK II 59890“, mu phea- h stand“. ' phea- hunter an! at†lll mu! Advertise in no 61031610. R M taining too acres; 85 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush; convenient to school; on the premâ€" HOS are a frame barn 42163 ft. with stone foundation: concrete stables: also hav barn 30150 with stone base- ment: he: pen 20x40; twelve-room Mick house. furnace heated, also “some woodshed; drilled well close m lt‘lla‘t). with windmill; concrete “11hr tanks: 30 acres seeded to hay; t. m't‘os to sweet clover; this farm . \\ at; fenced and in a good state of ' "'vzition. For information apply ‘ \\':it.-‘on's Dairy. R11. 4. Durnam. â€mm†102523“ \ ".‘i‘n kitchen and We‘- W- 1 \Vatvred and in N â€9““ + Mme:- particulars ml! to wzzéiam Smith. It R. No. 3. Durban. ‘4 'V‘l‘ll PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. . ‘ ':« :x‘emoni. containing 66 acres; 55 ‘v cleared. balance hardwood 11‘. good state 0! cultivation; m» inn-n 53x50, stone basement. ' stables; drilled well ' ft' tank at barn. Also Lots 6 - ‘ run. 3. S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- '« ' x: no acres; :00 acyes cleared 'wodshed attached; .drilled ‘ '1’ ‘ nrznever failing springson 42:. making a choice stock is property will be sold nick purchaser. For par- ‘ M‘Dl)’ at Watson‘s mil-{i . lmham. Out. “3%†REUBEN G. WATSON 1 ion nus-mt -r\uctlonoe for County of mm P1011)“. attention to sales. Rea- don nblo terms and satisfaction guarâ€" antcmt. Dan's made at The Durham tlhrontt‘le Ofï¬ce or with R. G. Wat- Sun. \‘au'noy. RR. 1. Phone 603: r“. LUCAS 3 BER!!! Barmtezs, Solicitors, etc. Amen)- on of the ï¬rm will be in Dutham on Tuesday of each week. Agpointments "guy he made with the lerk In the 0 Ice. “Kldmv'ate tmms. Arrangements for al. ~. as tn dates. etc. may be made a! 1m Chronicle Ofï¬ce, Durham. lam a an application. Address RUB .lnnham. Phone 6“ r 2;. SHl'l'oNiHl'ï¬ m A. H. Currey. “r. 11. 01. Mithllvbro‘ is permanently .m_°ato'ol at Durham omm‘. Fleshm‘mn branch upvn every Friday from 3.30 to 9.30 p.111. DAN. IcLEAI Lwensed Auctioneer {or County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- «mam» terms. Dates of sales made at The IhrumCle Office or with him- $915. ALEX. lacDONALD Lxcensed Auctioneer for Co. of Orgy. DR. A. I. BILL ~ Physician and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce 1.1â€â€œth street, Durham. Ont. Gradu- :Ho' t'nlwrsity of _'l‘0r99t0.‘ Eyes J. F. GMT, D. D. 8., 1.. D. 8. “(Hum Graduate University of Tor- ontn. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgvons of Ontario. Dentistry in all Its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder Bluck. MillStreet. second door east Hf Machcth's Drug Store. towtwl and co'rrected. Ofï¬ce hnii'riE 1: tn ;) p.m.. 7 to 9 p. m., Sundays o-m'o'ptf‘d. ChirOpractors, Durham, Onurio. Tho: Scwnce that adds We to years 1m] wars to life. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 61423" DR. W. C. PICKBRIIG, DENTIST Hfl'u'v, over J. J. Hunter’s store, Durham. â€maria. pas. 1“me ammo! mi‘we and residence a short dist- ~t1:"wPa.-'t 0f the chn House on Lumhbm Street, Lower Town, but- mm. ()il‘ice hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to < um. (except Sundays. J. 1.. SMITH, Ii. 3., I. c. P. 3. 0. when and resndence. corner of m nmtwss and Lambton Streets. oppo- «m- am Post Office. Office hours : '0 In H 3.11).. 130 to z. p.m., 7 to 9 pm. Sundays excepted). (LG. AND 3233):: maummi FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern funeral Parlors Phone Billcrest 0268 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto Mn 1!. um I. fluke†Formerly of Flesherton BATES BURIAL C0. MIDDLBBRO’,78PBRBIAN IIDDLEBRO' Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. FARMS FOR SALE Thursday, 7, CON. 2!. EGBEMONT CO-x‘ Licensed Jluctioneer Medical Directorv. Dental Directnrv Legal "Directory bores ' under prices.â€"â€"R. W 12 3| tf I HAVE STARTED A HORSE LIV- pry in Durham and am prepared to furnish single or double rigs and ploasure aleighs for all occasions. Good outï¬ts only supplied. Special attention to commercial drivxng. ‘ C. B. Lawrence, Durham. m m 1.: Phone 10$ r 11. NOTICE 1'0 PARIBBS The Durham L'.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days’ notice. Juno: Lawrence, Hanger. Phone 601 r 13 POOL ROOI POR SALE BY TENDER TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED I'P till noon January 25. 1926. for half interest. in pool room. Highest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. Must be sold, as the prOprietor is going out of businessâ€"David Mc- Kelvey. Durham. . FAR! POR SALE OR RENT HOOD F ARM? 1.3111 118 FROM DI R- 11an1.1011taining 200 1101115 (10011 113111 11111 11111111 11011911;11111n1\ of “a- 1111' 011 11r11n1is11. F01 {1111111311 par- 1111113111 (111111) km 1111191‘ 11111\ 10 Box 311111» (1111111n1'cl11 ofï¬ce. 1 17 611d TENDERS FOR SHINGLBS 'l‘\\‘F.;\"l‘Y SQI'ARl-I FIRST CLASS vmlm' sl‘njnglg-s goliyvred to school FARM FOR SALE [.1113 3 and l. 124 iXillISSlUN :2. AND part nf Lats z') and 6. Concession l. 8.1}. lt.. (Hum-lg. 3; miles from Dur- ham. runtaining 1.30 acres. 30 acres harclwuml bush. 5 acres swamp. Dal- wire in will state of cultivation. Bank barn with cement stable. frame. house with wood shed attached. other out buildings in good state of repair. well fanrml and watered. For further particulars apply on the preiniws to 1-2. H. Lindsay. R. R. l. Priceville. phone Durham swiping. 4 NOTICE PARKERS AND BUILDERS WHY Ht) ELSFWHERF TO BE (‘llvzlh-d‘.’ ¢0m0 t0 Goldsmith Bros. and haw ynut' lugs sa\\n. planml and «lrvssul. made, up Nady for the in \mu- n-puir 01' new buildmg. Anyâ€" thing \nu “ant ma In .mm “and. h inu it. ulc-ng. and \w :m' New tn (umplvtv thv “01k. .\ light job at a much-rain pl'it.‘t‘.-4iu'd~,lllltfl Bros" R. R. 2, Durham. Park. gum! bank barn. cvmvm stabl- ing. m-mvnt silo. hog pen. sheep pan, hrn huusv. gnml 1141008. lots uf good \Vuh‘l'. gum! 7 roomod house in ï¬rst class shape. \Vfllt‘l' in huusv, good 01‘- chard. big strawtwrry patch across Hm wad from store and blacksmith shop. wry clnsu to church. school, and shipping station. 7 acrvs fall whmt. full ploughing done. A gon- uinn snap for quick Sill‘_‘.‘-"..'\Dpl\' to anry Hsthufl'. Hanover. or Mrs. (swn'xv Last. Allan Park. Executors. FARM FOR SALE SliVEN'l‘Y-T‘HREE ACRES IN ALLAN WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People's Mills. 3152M IUNICIPAL OFFICER WMTED TENDERS “1â€. BE RH‘J‘IIVED FOR HIP [msitiml 0f ASSPSSHI‘ fur Town- ship uf Hlmwlg, dutim to commence Fo-hrual'y 15. Roll to kw returm‘d (mmplc'tml an or tic-{011’ May 1. 1926. Luwvst or any Lmnlm' not nncessam ily avvnptml. Applications received up till Saturday. Fvbruary 13. By â€MW of thv (lmmcil. H. H. Machmuald. Clerk. 1 21 3 ~ IL“. 1, Durham. PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- grade gas with the “pep" and long mileage. Sold only at. Smith Bros’ Garage. 626 u mu FIRE, TORNADOfXUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc., apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 612 t! WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- lcle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short order. tf A MEI‘I'I‘INH “I“ THE 1. d). F. WILL lw hwlcl in the» (Mil Follows Hall 0;] "llmmlax, Jammy 2!. at 8 fur Hm installation of nl‘licms. Socimal vwnim.’ altoi which rvfroshmonls will ho) served. 1 FOR SAULâ€"A KUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North 0! Skating Rink. Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 221 tf BRITISH AMERICXN COAL 01L AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. i 10 u NOTICE A MI‘II‘I'I‘INH HI“ THE [vertisements . ' I not 1mg“! cent a word each insertion 9“ .nve Insertions given for the price 9]“ . cash wnth order if paid for before "‘3 lmnmum charge for ï¬rst insertion. em ralght charge of 1% cents a word “'1' mm charge 35 cents. g“ o: tor PROPERTY FOR SALE 2‘3: FOR SAULâ€"A NUMBER OF anon 1'9 ARTICLES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE HORSE LIVBRY 9'26. Tendm‘s Durham, RB. .nd soft market 12 3! t! MARY ANN EDGE. By her Solicitor, (1 C. MIDDLEBRO’, Barrister, Em. Durham. Outing"; l. MARY ANN EDGE. of the Town- iship ot' Glenelg. in the County of :tirey. Sl‘iinster; hereby give. you no- 1tice that I demand payment of the sum of 33113.0() and interest from the thirtieth day of March. A. D. 1925, thereon at the rate of six t6~ per cent per annum. due to me. the said Mary Ann Edge. the Mortgagee, upon a certain indenture of mort~ gage executed by Donald McArthur. Senior. a widower. to me. and dated the thirtieth day of March, 1917. and which mortgage was registered in the Registry Ofï¬ce for the South Riding of the County of Grey, on the thirtieth day of March. l917. for se- curing payment of the sum of 8325.00 and interest thereon. as therein mentioned on the following prOper- ty. namelyzâ€" Lot Number Eight (8? in the Second Concession North Durham Road. in the Township of Glenelg. in the County of Grey. AND TAKE NUI‘ICE that unless payment of the said mortgage money. inter- est and costs. and expenses be made within one month from the time of your being served herewith. I. the said Mary Ann Edge. will proceed. without any consent or concurrence on your part. and without any fur- ther notice to you to enter into possession of the said premises. and to receive and take the rents and proï¬ts thereof; and whether in or out of possession of the same to make any lease or leases of the same. as l. the said Mary Ann Edge. shall see fit: AND TO SELL AND .tflSOLUTELY DISPOSE of the said lands and premises. either by 3007* tion or private sale. or partly by. auction and partly by private sale.1 as I. the said Mary Ann Edge. shall see ï¬t. either for cash. or upon such terms of credit as I. the said Mary Ann Edge. may see ï¬t, and to convey and assure the same. when so sold. unto the purchaser thereof. as he shall direct or_appoint. - ‘VHDA'ï¬lâ€"D vat Ddf‘ham this second day of Januar\_._ A. D. 1926. - AM.. _â€" A..â€" Tn: ARCHIBALD MCARTHL'R. HHWARD PAGE. and all others whnm it may concern. Rx «mlwr nf thn Municipal Cunn- cil u!†tlw 'l‘mnhhip at 1-2;. 'I'xomnnt. ham! J:'muam 19. 1926. BAKING SALE 'I‘HF.‘ TRINITY (â€ZHI'RCH GI’ILD will hnlcl a sale1 of homP-madp bak- ing on Saturday. January 30. in tho .-\. Y. P. A. moms. Aftm‘nnon toa will 1w sorvml. Duors 0pm] at 3 (H'lnck. l 21 2 AGENT \VANTED FOR DI'RHAM and district. Two fast sollim.’ hnnsohnlal slwcialitios. \Vritn for full [m'ticnlars. (hnsulic'latm‘l Salvs Bonk 8' Wax Papm‘ Company Limit- ml APPLICATIONS WANTED S If .\ I. F I) APPLICA'I'II )NS AIL- c‘h'vssml In tho nndvrsignml and enâ€" dm'sml “Applicatinn {01' Township Rum] Supm'imvnclvnt" will 1w 1'0- co'iwd until Saturday. Fc-hruary 6. 1926. A bitter taste in milk is occasion- ally due to specific substances in the feed which are absorbed into the milk. In such cases. the milk is bitter when drawn. while the remedy lies in removing the offend- ing feed. Other cases, often epi- demic in nature, arise where bitâ€" terness develops after the milk is drawn. and in such instances. bac- teria are the cause of the. trouble. As this frequently occurs even where sanitary conditions are in general good. the source of the trouble is often hard to locate and remove. in an investigation conducted at the Central Experimental Farm. stu- dies were made of condititms affect- ing: the production of bitterness connected with an outbreak where bacteria were found to be the cause. The bacteria themselves bacteria were found to belong to a group “('t‘lll‘l'illl-l' naturally in water sumiilies and contamii’iatitm from the utensils is iit‘iit‘Vt‘t‘i to be the Source. Remedial measures. then. should consist in paying Special care to the cleaning and steriliza- tion of all containers. by using scald- ini: water or steam as a ï¬nal treat.â€" ment. Final wiping with a cloth isAt‘o he discouragml. ,_ 'l‘lm production of hittornossâ€"hy tho hactoria was found to he on- couragpd by oontact. of milk with air. oithor by inrroasing tho oxposod surfaco or by agitation. When milk is storml any length of time. it is bottor. in doaling with bitâ€"tor milk trouhlos. to km}: the exposed sur- faco at a minimum in proportion to volumo and to minimize agitation. Furthormoro. tho hittor bacteria studied woro found to ho moro r0- sistant to hoat than the majority of milk bacteria. It was found that import‘pctly pasteurized milk was spatially prone to turn hittor duo to the greater rosistanco to boat of th-i hittor bacteria than that. of othor gorms ahlo to lump tho formor in check. Pastourization. then, should be thorough. and when thm'o is tlangor of hittornoss dovoloping. it would appoar advisahlp to f'XCPt‘l'l tho usual timo or tomporaturo rom- monly omployod. Exposed as it is to contamination, not only in the stable. but also with every subsequent handling, milk is always infected to a degree, depend- ing Upon the sanitary conditions employed, by many types of bacteria which find in it ideal conditions for owth. says Dr. A. G. Lockhead, ominion Bacteriologist. Some bac- teria cause no noticeable change. while others, by afl‘ecting the color, consistency. odor or flavor, often injure the milk to such an extent as to render it. as well as products made from it. wc'irthless. WANTED HCN'I‘ \\'.-\.\"I‘F,D FOR DI'RHAM 800 Burlingthn Stl'm-‘t, Hamilton. NOTICE OF SALE BITTER IILK ' THE DURHAM CHRONICLE David Allan. Clerk. Toronm, January 18. 1926. R.R. No. 4. Durham. Phone â€-11 Water! Water! Water! What Is Good Health Worth? Dep uh Minist9x 0f Higlm :Hs Department of Public Highway- Ontario Grading 1‘28?) Chatswm‘th Snuth inwards Durham 6.3 1:286 From swamp north of Mark- dale Southvrly 6.! Plans. speciï¬cathm. informatiun to biddm's. tender forms and tendm‘ 0n- VOIODC‘S may be) obtained on and af- tm‘ Munday. Fuhi'uary l. 1926, at the ofï¬ce of the undersigned or from Mr. W. R. Alder, Resident Engineer. Durham. A marked cheque for $500.00 pay- able to tho Minislm' â€1' Public Works and Highways. Ontario. or a (lunar- anty (2011101111) 8 Bid Bond for a similar amount. must. be attached to hinders. A Gua1ant} Danni’sianx C011- tract, Bond for 50 per cunt. of “1“ amount of the tender will be {111- nishwl bx tlin (Lontractni to the DP- paiiment xxhen Contract is signed. ' All bonds must be made mf dw- partmontal forms. Th? lowest. or any tender not necessarily accoptml. s. L. SQL'IRE. The complaint, is frvquonily made that farming is not, a mnmgx -making husiim s, and \w nmm' wt heard of a millionaire in the» ranks of nut- and-ont-farmm's. Howvvm'. it might be inlnrvsting in wt clnwn a list. Hf onv‘s town frimuis and m-lntiws and chock up an ilioii' \walth. W0 llflllht very much if Hwii‘ assuis vmuhi :n'- (wage higher than â€10.44) nf the farm- or who madc- Hu- in\'o-stigatimi.-â€"â€" Farmi-I'S' AilVOCatt‘. Sq‘varatn svalml tnnclvrs man-km]. "'l‘vnclm‘ for Contract Nu......... will hc‘ I'N'é‘ile by â€I" umlvrsignml until 12 ('ft'lm'k 11mm UH Monday. February ~32, 1926. for tho ï¬wllowing wm‘k (m tlw Pruviucial High\\'a_\'s:-â€"- 110nt1°m't. Nu. Milmmu HOUSEHOLD HINTS Suggestion for Cooking Vegetables It is most conx'e-niont and practiâ€" cal to cook again as many of wr- lain \'¢_-.¢.'etahlvs as can bc- usml in one mval. 'l‘ho vavtahlns I I‘var to are spinach. turnips. rauliflowvr. pvns and lwans. Th.- lirst. night servo tho-m g-lain with hnttm'. salt. and pvppm'. and on tho svcnnd night. cream thc- rvlnuining.r \‘rgntahlvs. Rub windows with (‘lHHI «limiml in alcnlml. Polish \VlHl dry cloth. They will shine brilliantly and lw mactically frost proof. Method: Just whip yuur vroam still. Add swoetvning and flavor- ing. 'I'IM- flavor ("all [w M thv hut- tlod or canned varioty. WIN-n 1»inâ€" applc 01' any fruit. is usml. tlw plat- ter or dish should b0 gm'nishvd with the fruit used with possibly Hm ad- dition of a cherry. COOKING HINTS Mousse Moussn is an idmll «lvssm't fur every class and occaskm . It is ulsn good and 0383' to mukv. It is 051w- cialjynice for the Winn-r m-unths. 2 eggs. 1A cup of buttur. 2 tablesnoons of sugar. 2 Guys of flour. Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unï¬t for domestic use. when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- paigs._ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Satisfaction Gnaruntood Frost Proof Windows ED. J. PRATT CHECK THEM UP Raisin Puffs .‘u Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Web- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. 4 mg; )‘UIRS. Mvthmi: 0W 3 tahlvspmns uf ruld watur. of sugar. Addt i trasmmn of Vanilla. continually. Ii 1 0le of sugar. Add rvmaiuinu: 1’74; tablosl‘umus‘ of rum sturrh. thoroughly. If {*3 cm» of flour. sugar. (Copyright, 192.6, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation. Chicago) Some people in small lu33’n.~°. rumâ€" plain that llw big rim-s draw all the business from rural communi- ties. This is a mistakm um. \II 0301' the countr3 than: arv pilllllllfl examples to pmw' that manutm lur- 01‘s, merchants mill Operators and numerous “the-r prmlurtiw t‘llll'l- prises arr established. llal'lVU and «lislrihutu tlwir prmlucls ninrv vomi- nmirall3 from a small tu'.3':i than lmm a populous cvnlu' Many stir- russl‘ul businvssvs lmla3 zuw- muni- frst in small ln33ns and in l'lli‘lll districts. 'l‘lw small lawn which will analyzv its pussillilillo-s and Hum 8'0 aftvr lln» lmsim-ss can lmilal ilâ€" wll’ up almu.r suuncl industrial and mmmcrcinl line's. cup of milk. Clip of raisins (clmppoii‘. teaspoon of vanilla. teasmmns of baking pmulvr. Method: Mix bullm' and sligar. Add beaten vggs. Add flour and bak- ing .pi'iwdor, than milk and llamrâ€" ing. Last add lllv raisins lll'l'dlfl'll with flour. Pmn- in iniliViilual mulcls and slvam for mw lmur. Sin-w warn. with fuamy sancv. wan-bps... Advertise in The Chronicle. It pays. BAKING HINTS Tree Cake This van lm mmlv in nm- lung [um-v 01' when cut. H can 1w zu- smull mm. cakns. ye run of butu'r. 1 run 01' pnwdm'vd sugar. 3 eggs. \‘amilla. Mvad: Cwam lmum- and sugar lomdhm‘. Add yolks nf «'g‘gs‘ \wll lwatml. Add the» Ilzn'nring and last. add â€:0 egg Whih‘s‘ lwatvn stifl'. This mnkvs a min» «mmhinaliun for a wmtvr salad. Ar‘angv pr»!- tlly and svrw WIâ€) Frmcln aha-smug. For January By BETTY WEBSTER Date and Orange Salad THE SMALL TOWN Foamy Sauce Wash with lam-But Medicinal Sap. Read Campbell’s Dry Goods Sale Ad on Page 6. mn- rusuluticm whivh it is hop“) Buffalo has madu far 1936. and it er'l'mian 10 law“. is In make. safe- ty znnvs safo.~â€"Bufl'aln Courivr. I'm-ting ‘4 cup of unsallml lmttvr. 1% cups of sifted conftwtionor‘u sugar. 1 tnlplvsptmn of warm strong Fallen. 1 01m whilv. Method: arc-tam buttm' and part of sugar. Add (-0le- slowly and mix continually. Boat on; white- stlfl. Add romaining sugar. Mix altogvther thoroughly. If new-assign add mom sugar. 1H)“:tl0l'. Lilllr salt. l on: whites. Mi‘llincl: Boat. egg ynlks and WI- trr together until wry liirlit. Add the sugar and llamring. Brat. well. Fold tlmir. rurn starch and salt. in- tn ï¬rst, mixture. Beat “in white! wry stilt and tho last. thing. Md \\‘ltllt‘s intu ï¬rst hattvr. Punr rake intu lnrgr «tripping pan. Ila sure in tin» pan with papvr and m'vase. anv if) lllllllilt's‘ in :i nimlvrata â€\‘t‘ll. Haw a vlvaII «hum-w ('IUHI mad, and sprinkled “I“l Inmdvrmi sugar â€lake-.0 :Ikv Irum mm and Ian on clumse- IIIIIII. "I‘HINI' paIII-I' and sprvad (‘IIkc' “IHI II “NH“? â€0in H0†('aku‘ IIII. \\'|I‘aI IIIIII'SII I‘IO aIqud it In IIIIIII II in slIaIw. \\ hen I‘mIl. 1"IIIsl.\\iI|I I‘I‘maillilm IIIIslIng. lIvI-III'IIIII Ul‘ I'IIII Turk “II-Hugh Trust. In; In I‘I-svmhlv :1 lug. Ul‘lltl‘al and XIIflliI-I-II Arsmntinl 31Ԡin UH‘ HII'st Iif an :IhIIIII‘mtlIy IIIIII: heat wavy and no Immodith I'oliI-I' is in sight. Th0â€? have liven llllanI‘UU< III'IisII‘aIiIIIIs at BIIPIIOI AMI-s and III. III,I'hI- lilmim Many pmplv al‘I' Sld'l‘pillg iII HII~ IIIII'n. loo fIlnlilH‘S a!“ II-lmitml in \ariIIIIs in- {Plinl‘ (HIPS. \ \\illdï¬t0l‘fll Inumrht somI» [‘0’in last night diminishing HII- humidity. READ THIS AND THEN THROW ON KORE COAL hvapim: teaspoon of baking PAGE 7. 3‘13