West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Feb 1926, p. 6

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H GREY COUNTY COUNCIL HELD LENGTHY SESSION Inaugural Meeting for 1926 Got Tyrough Enormous Voi- ume of Business Most Hannoniously.â€"Various Com- mittees Appointed and County Officials Chosen.â€" Wnrden’s Address Delivered Wednesday. It was a prolonged session of theIJack. Allan. Fisher and White. Grey County Council at the, court house at Owen Sound on Wednes- , . Education . day afternoon of last week. The flhalrman, MP. Armstrong, M635”- Clerk. Fred H. Rutherford. read com- Riley, . Moody. (30188“ ArmStPODGL munications which were referredj to $3313?“ 55%“. 'ggggl‘svofinanfi‘i; ' ’c i . I V) t i .l'. ‘ ‘. ’ ’ _ . 9 tho vmom committves to cons e Meads, Hogarth, Filsmger, McDon- There were several requests for , , grants from worthy institutions in ald, Gardiner 39d White. the rountv and some outside of the Printing county. Th")? “'9” "49””, to the Chairman. Mr. McDonald; Messrs. “"3"“ c"'"""""‘" McDonald. Lembke. Buchanan. Sin- 3090115 WW" 3'4“" ”'3“, from “"9 clair. Colgan. Carruthers, Widmeyer. three inspeetors of Public schools Erksine, Joney, Gardiner, Fer uson‘, in the enunty. Mr. H. H. Burgess, Fretter. McEwen. Acheson. ilev, {OP \VO'S', “l't'y. .“l'. Robert “'Plght and GPlPPSOH. ‘ 0-»; LS: ' fl - - "H “"1!" “.‘ 3"" I r "m"! H" Communications and lomorials for East Grey all reported. Their . ' . communiratums were very illlt'l'est- tlhairman. MP. Filsmger; Messrs. mg and brought forth many good Armstrong. Acheson, Fretter, Fisher. llarruthers, Grierson. MeEwen. Cal- Ideas and other fziiilts. It seemed ‘ . to h.- the L'eneral feeling that rural «ler. Erskine. Moody and Julley. school lean-hers were not being paid House of Refuge l' su :I‘\ ”I'll HWY have been arâ€" . . , , u. h ‘ ' ' Lhairman. Mr. Meac‘ls; l‘he War- at stumml in l't't’t'lVlll'. “fllh Sillill'â€" _ . -. - l - - ”n LL. ... ......;I_. ..-;|| ”0'“ {Hill Ullt' ll'llnl ()\\'t‘ll 5nund. I PAGE 6. Roports were also road from tho throo inspectors of Public schools in tho county. Mr. H. H. Burgess, tor Wost Groy. Mr. Robert Wright tor South (troy. and Dr. Samuol Hut! tor East (troy all roportei‘l. Their communirations woro vory interost- ing and brought forth many good idoas and othor faults. It seemed to ho tho gonoral fooling that rural school toai'hors woro not boing paid tho salary that. thoy hayo hoon ac- customool to rot-oiying. With salar- ios horoming smallor, tho pupils will naturally not not tho- attontion that tho-y should got. and tho standard of mtucation will in timo hocomo lowor. 'l‘lioro was vory littlo fault to ho t'ounol othorwiso. as tho schools woro all found in good condition. anal in tho tlounty or (troy. thoro is not at, prosont a to‘achur who has not at toast 8 Soronil tllass rortili- cato. Earl: of tho inspoctors \‘isitom tho rural srhools in thoir districts twiro during tho yoar. Tho nowly olortoit \Variton. John T. Millor. of I'Iuphrasia. roaal his oponing actolross to tho momliors of tho rouncnl. thanking: thom t‘or olortim‘: him anal said that ho is looking forwarol to a wry harmonious sossion. Follow- mg is tho \Varolon's adolross: (iontlomon: I wish to convoy to you my sinroro anol hoartt‘olt thanks tor tho honor you hayo paid mo in olorting mo as ,V‘our Warilon for tho. coming yoar. I am surv llw 'l‘nwnship nf Euph- rasia which I rpprosonl, will appro- ciaiv lho- i-nmplinwnl which has been paid lhvir i'vpro-so-nialive. finance While nur ilnunly is in good lin- anviul standing. and our ore-(lit is n! Uw liiglwsl. mu‘ olvlwnturo debt is slmulily gx'nwing. which calls fnr inrrnamul llltO‘l'l'Sl and sinking fund charm-s i'lll‘ll war. I would ask the vai'inus t'nmmitims. if at all pussi- hlv. tn kl't'p within the“ npprom‘ia- lions pi-miolml. and in he carpi’ul ahnnt making grants unlvss for some wry «Imprving pun-p099. I wnultt suggvst that our Treas- urm- tw askmt tn attend and give a gout-rat statvmo-nt as to tho County finances. Agriculture Th0 abundant, (“row for tlw last ‘er yvm's haw how-n a wmulm'ful enrmuragvmo'nt to mu' farming cum- mumty. Shelter Wu haw in our County two insti- tutions of which wc arc justly proud, "to "(IllSt‘ ol' Rcfugc and tho tiliil- drcn‘s Shcltcr. cach of which is do- ing womlcrl’ul work and cacli of which is wcll managml. I am quitc surc that tlw mcmhcrs of this coun- oil will zigrco with mo that thc cx- pcmliturc on lhcsc two institutions has hccn amply justitlcd. 1‘.» find alnm'. whnso- promiso's of a semi limp and a harm-st. haw Iwwr fallout. “'0 own thanks for our hmm- Liful llill‘V'oNtS. louse of Refuge and Children’s Education As you will haw observed by our finacial stato-mnnts fnr some years. past. mu' mlm'ational grants and casts haw two'n invrvasing your by1 yv’ar. Fur ltw grmtm‘ part. those exw-noliturvs arr hi'ynnd 0111‘ con-1 trnl. and It' tlwsv vxlwmliturvs cun- tinuv. it will hv nocvssary to in- rro'aso- nm' yvarly lmgv for thmw pt!!'pn.<t‘.~3_ In mnvlusinn. gonllvmvn. I trust. that. thv gnml fwling, which now t“t~‘l.~‘ ulnrvngst tlw various sm‘tinns of nm- mmnmnily will mntimw. fur it is only by mutual m-mwratinn that wv van aolvanm' the host in- tervsts of mm mmnty. Again thanking ymi for the honor you have paid me. and hOping that God will News «in? labors. I am. Yours sincvrply. ’l‘hn chairman M ”W Spncial Cum- mittw. RN‘VP No‘il Fallo‘h‘l‘. DPPSPnth his I‘PDON. rvvnmnwnding thn names In hn includvd nn tho various stand- ing committoos for the year. The ”mom. was aclnptod without. discus- sion. and following arr thn standing committees: l'inancs and Assessment Chairman. Mr. Buchanan: Messrs? Hogarth. MeDnnailol. Sinclair. Calder. “Weir. Gardiner. Prinflle. Holm. Tay- lor. Jack. Dickson. White. Lembke. Bothwell. Bell. Armstrong. Riley. llnirhison. .‘Irl-Ilheron. Moody. Meads, Colgan. Widmeyer and Allan. Roads and Bridgos Chairman. Mr. Weir: Messrs. Car- rulhers. Grierson. Field. Sinclair. Ferguson. Erskine. Acheson. Prin- slc. I-‘ilsin er. Tailor. Jack. Dickson. ollcy. Mc wen, reiter. Bell. Arm- strong. Fisher. Hutchison. McElher- on. Moody, Heads. Golan. Widmcyer and Allan; A__ Lug- wuâ€" Bothwel diner. L Dickson. amount, uar- Glider. WHOM Bolm. Hutchison Lemme, Grier-on; )me T. MILLER m§inclain Gar- Balm. Hutghison, Wardcn’s olhalirmun, Mr. Uulgan; Messrs. Botlnwll, Buchanan. Taylor and Hutchisun. Various Officials Appointed Tho council spout sumo timo 'l'humhiy at'tm'noon in session as a mmniittm' of tho whole to pass sov- i'l'all hy-laws rogarding appoint- ments which are made each year. Auditors for tho county. for this your wvn- appnintmi. 'l’hoy are W'. H. Cole and \Valtm' Hastiv. Those gvntlvmon haw hold tho positions satisfactorily for svwral years. It. J. Chisholm of 'l‘hoi-nhury was again appointed to he a momber of the Entrancn Board of Examiners in the (Lnunty of Grey. The following High School Trusâ€" toes were awointedz Durham, (1. L. Grant. 1). A. Ferguson; Dundalk, Dr. I". Martin and l". Nixon to finish the unexpired term of Mr. E. McKee; Mnrkdale, 'l'. H. \Vilson; Artemesia. Almancler Muir and Thomas Henry to finish tho next two yours; Han- over, Robert Brigham. There. was some discussion regarding the ap- pointment. in Artemesiu High school. two eafldii’lntes being named but when the vote was taken, the coun- eil rompromised. and both were giv- en positions. The report. of the special commit- tee regarding the appointment of an omial emu-t reporter was read. and Judge Sutherland eXplained tn the members the need and duties of such a positinn. Mr. Claire. L. Van- wyek was appointed to.) the pnsition at a salary nf $600 a year besides his regular fees. Deputations Received ‘I'hnrsclay’s session of the County Council was a busy our with scvc ‘al Imports being read as won as depu- tations being heard. None of the roports. howovor. causml any con- trowrsy, and thoy were passed in short order. (_Zhairman. Mr. Hnlm; Messrs. rmglc. (laldm', l‘aylm' and Miller. Row“: J. J. Buchanan prvsontod llu' report of lllt‘ Finance (Summit- lm- which I‘PCOmHIOINlNl that sev- vral grants be made; namely, a grant at“ $530 to the) Canadian National In- SlllUll‘ l'nr tho Blind, a. grant. of $50 to lhc Hospital l'nr Sick Children, 'I‘m-nniu. and a grant of $25 to the Daily Sun-Times Fund for radio sets in he- purchased and installed in the (irvy County Honw fur the Aged and lnlirm. 'l'hv Popux't. also rocnmmended that statvmvnt of Hip County Treasurer ut' ttw me-rvsiotont Land Fund for 192.3 tw rocoiwct and that the state- mo'nt. ut‘ the Stationery account for ttw yvar 1925 1w I'vcoivmt and filed and that the? l‘t‘Qllt‘St 0f thv County 'l‘rrasm-m- lw grantmt and ho be an- thurizml to tl'anst‘m' from the GUP- rvnt Account to tlw Stationery Ac- .l'nnnt Hm sum nt' nne hundred d01- ars. I'l‘hv report. was passed without discusswn. 'I'Iw l't'pOl't nf the County Roads (Inmmittvc was prvsnntml by the chairman, Rvevn Charles Holm. and was passed. It rwommended that tho County Rnad Supm'intvndont at- h-nal tlw Engilwors‘ and Road Super- intvndents‘ Conwntion and that the vhairman of this committov and the \Varoicn attvnd Hm Binm'l Roads Con~ vmuion’jn Torontn‘ from February 2:3 tn 26 inclusixe Further that. the .ig1 wmvnt f01‘\\al‘tlt‘tl to the Grey 1‘ minty Umm il in the County Coun- cil of Bruce rognrding the construc- tion. maintenanco and 10p airs to the cmmh lino hphnmn Grov and Bruce ho ratified by b)-la\\ at. this session of the council. The annual report of the Manager of the House of Refuge was read to the council by Home Meads. It showed that at present. 60 inmates are at the House of Refuge. one from each of Artemesia, Bentinek, Glenelg. Normanby. Osprey, Proton. Dundalk and Chatsworth, three. from Egremont and six from Owen Sound being admitted during the past year. The average cost per inmate per week at this institution was $232. and- the total cost per year for the inmates was 81604.01. The t'e~ port was a clear and comprehensive one and was received without dis- cussion. Several deputations waited on the 0011110“ and were given u hating. Mr. J. W. McLinden, His Worship, Mayor James Leslie and Mr. Elias Lemon all addressed the conned In requesting for a grant of “M for County Roads the Owen Sound General and Marine Hogpigal. VII uwuv Ensign Foster. of the Salvation Army, also addressed. the council re- questing a grant of woo for their Salvation Army Home for Unfortun- ate Girls at London. Ont. Sherifl J. S. Wilson brought forth to the coun- cil the idea of taking out. a member- ship to the Tourist. Association of. Ontario. All were given a court-- eous hearing by the council. Usual Grants tor Hospitals The council held a busy session on Friday afternoon, and with the exception of one or two minor mat- iters, the business 01! the January session was pretty well completed. The greater part of the afternoon was taken up with the reading and adoption of reports of committees. There were one or two discussions. but for the most part, the reports we_r_e adopted. A O H The firs}. raprt of importance was that of the Finance Committee which was as follows: , That. a grant of $500 each ho made to the Owen Sound General and Marine Hospital. the Durham Hos- pital and tho Hanover Hospital. That a grant of 8300 be made to the Salvation Army Rnscue Home of London. Ontario. That Sheriff James S. Wilson be appointml High Constable fur the County of Gmy at a salary of $250 per annum. and that he he) paid the sum of $625 back pay, being at the rate of 95250 per annum. That the. Township or Koppel be‘ paid the sum of $33.50, being a re- fund of thmamount paid by that Township for doctors’ examinations and expenses in committing an in- digent. patient. to the Ontario Hospi- tal for tho Insane. That no action be taken in the request of the Tourist Association of Ontario for tho County Council of Grey to join the suit! association. Council went into committee of the whole in the Finance. Commit- tee report. Reeve \Vhitc was in the chair. ‘ wry-- Mr. Bolhwoll nxprossml some dis- appointmwnt that. the! grant to the 0mm Senna! ('mleral and Marine Hospital hacl unt been increased. thv same amount heihg granted as last year. He gaw sumn figures show- ing that a large number at "mlnty pativnts \vm'c- cared for at. HRH hos- pital, and while hp ‘x'ualizm'l that it I‘.'“-, v- was not in the. county. lumen-them“ it was doing a great work. and he \wuld be in fame of the grant being made $1,000. and movml according- ly. It was seconded by Reeve Dick- son of Sarawak. The result was c‘lel‘eat. only a few members of the council voting in favor of the. motion. The report was adopted as read. Roads and Bridges The committee on Roads and Bridges was presented by Reeve. William Weir. lt recommended the payment of a number of accounts and that no action be taken on the request of liounty Engineer Mc- Knight that he be placed on a sal- ary basis. There was a clause in. the report regarding the payment of $100 to L. J. Loohy of Dublin which had heen forfeited by him for the non-conmletion of his contract for a bridge on the county line beâ€" tween l'irey and Bruce in Sullivan l'l‘ownship. but when it was ex- plained that the man never made any attempt to even start .to carry out the contract. it was felt. that his money should be returned to him and the clause was struck out of the report. The balance was adepted. House of Refuge The report of the House of Refuge Committee was presented. It showed the receipts for the quarter as being $1363.38 with a balance of $575.90 in the bank. The following recom- mendations were also made:_ . That the annual membership fee of $10 to the Association of Man- agers of the Homes for the Aged and Intirm for the year 1926 be paid. That. the Committee for the year 1926 take into consideration the ndvisabilty of erecting a cot- tho with suitable enclosure for That. thi‘ Committee for the year 1926 takp into consideration the mivisabilty of vrocting a cot- tage with suitablv enclosure for detention of such inmates as are liable to abscond from the House of Refuge». fl‘lm report was adopted without discussmn. Tho Printing Committvo rncom- mcndml the payment of a number of accounts and the follmyjng: Your Committee would recom- mend that the Clerk be instructed to ask for tenders for the printing of the minutes and proceedings of the County Council and for exam- ination papers for the Public school inspectors from the publishers in the County of Grey and that the Clerk and Chairman of this Commit- tee be authorized to open the ten- ders and award the contract. for printing For the year 1926. county Roads The committee on County Roads presented the following report: Printing per year under an agreement to be entered ipto ‘petween‘ the. town .A.. A, W CHWIW I" Vvvv vv-u --_ and county to: tile congtrucition 9f twenty feet of connecting lmk m Meaford. ‘A 5' V... V. “I That the County enter into an agreement with the town of Han- over, to return to the town of Han- over, during a period of 20 years the total amount of their levy for County Road purposes, but in case is this amount to be less than “.968 per year under an agreement to he entered into between the town of Hanover and the County for the construction of twenty feet of con- negting link in thetown of Hanover. That all other L‘rban Municipali- ties in the County of Grey be re- turned each year seventyâ€"five per cent of the amount of their annual levy for County Road purposes, such money to be 'spent used to main- tain and improve its twenty-foot strip of constructed connecting links. All such moneys to be spent under the supervision and inspec- tions of the County Roads Superin- tendenL “fi‘h’i‘hn these agreements be sub- mitted to the County Solicitor be- fore beipgfiignod. .- '_4] l.‘ I‘Jt" wv-uuc _--c--vâ€". That. J. Pringm' bn authorized to Sign the payshevts for County Road Syggom in the plucv 9f the Chairman. "Ir-.1.“ u‘d‘v--- -â€"- -â€"_ «_ There was some discussinn ormt- ed by Rene Hutchison of Thorn~ bury rogamling tho clause in the County Roads Cummitwo rupm'l. ro- specting thp rpturn_tn. Moafm'd am! ’\-\rv-..C I-U-y - ”t --v“â€"-- , , Hanover of the whole amount of‘ their levy for County Road purposes.- He asked why other urban municn- palities in the County were not to get 75 per cent of the levy. Reeve Holm explaind that any ur- ban municipality in the county could get 100 per cent of their levy re- turned if they decided to proceed with the laying: of a pavement. He also pointed out. that as it is they were. getting 25 per cent. more than the law provides. and so far as he .was concerned, the council could jdu as they pleased with the matter. After some flu-er vxplanutiun of tlm chairman and the Road Su- [jm'intendan Hm I‘PpOI‘t was adept- ed as read. ‘. ._‘ “-- Roevo Pringlo ot' Koppel movrd that. an examination he mado of tho bridgr on tho town lino botwoon‘ Sarawak and Koppel. and that if found nocossary that plans ho pro- parod for a now hridgo to ho con- strurtod during tho roming yoar. It. was srrondod by Home Dickson of Sarawak and carried. Thornbury Bridge Discussed 'l‘ho iron bridge across tho river at. Thornhury which has born the subjoct. of discussion in the last. row mortingsof tho council was brought to tho attention of that body again ‘on Friday afternoon whon Room Hutchison of 'I‘hornbury introduced a resolution providing for an agronâ€" mont to bo drawn up botwron tho town of Thornhury and the County of (iroy rvlativo to the construction of a new bridge. llccw Hutchison wont. into some dctails in connection with corros- pondcncc bctwccn the town officials and thc anartmcnt. of Public High- ways at Toronto, tho lattcr stating in thcir last lcttcr that acting on tho advice of thcir onginccr thcy would condcmn tho I'll'ldgt‘ as brim: unsafc for traffic and that a ncw bridge should be constructed as soon as possihlc. Mr. llutchison told tho Council that, in ordcr to makc tho bridge safe for winter traffic, con- sidcrahlc moncy had bccn spent on it. and tho municipality did not fool like spending any more and wantcd sumo action. Reeve Charles Helm of Normanby, chairman of the County Roads Com- mittee. stated that it‘ the officials of the town of Thornhury wei e sme that the county would be liable for any accidents occurring on that hridge.t then it was the dutV of Rome Hutchison to (lose it. to traffic al- together. but that so far as the County of Grey was concerned they had nothing from the Department with regard to the matter and could hardly take any definite action un- til they had. Reeve Holm advised the withdrawal of the motion and intimated that the matter could he dealt with when all of he informa- tion was available. Reeve Hntchispn finally agreed to this momentum. and the matter was left in abeyanee. Education Committee to Demand More Information Reeve M. S. Armstrong of Han- over, Chairman of the Education Committee of the council, presented his report at the Friday afternoon session of the council. The. report was a lengthy one and contained the amounts. which are payable to.the various High and Continuation schools throughout the county and in adjacent counties as special grants on account of pupils attend- ing these schools. In recommending the payment of these accounts. the. report recommended that in future when they are presented for pay- ment. fuller details must be given by the principals of the schools. such as names and addresses of every pupil. the exact number of days he or she attended. and a fin- aneial statement of the receipts and > 1--‘ A flaunt. IIIIL lal Duly! IIILtIU "v _ _ - - _ expenditures of the schuol concerned must be. attached. This will enable the committee when passing on the accounts to have all the particulars in its ppssessinu. I- _ _‘-AAMMAHAI‘A lil Ila Il‘VflD‘ or!|\'||o ‘ Tho Committoo also rocommondodl that a cont‘erenco ho hold hotwoon tho throo Public School Inspectors of the County and tho County offi- cials with rogard to tho proparation of the annual roports of tho Inspect- ors. It. was pointod out. that at. tho proscnt. timo thoro is no uniformity in those roports. and that on ac- count of this.“ is difficult. to not all tho information dosirahlo. and tho object. of tho conforouco would ho to draw up sumo form on which tho dotails could ho placod, thus onahliug tho. committoo to havo tho informa- tion in a moro concroto form. and which would onahlo thom to mako comparisons moro roaclily. IL- ,1 l‘n..Il The committee did not, find fault with tho reports of tho lnspoctors. nor worn any of tho accounts for maintonaco or spocial maintonanm! qumtionmi in tho slightrst. «ingroo. hut tho Committvo is dosirons of having the information in futnrn in morn tabloid form. I.l\ll \. V‘s-J-u.-,_ The report was not. tiiSt‘llSSOd on" Friday afternmn, but ramp up for passing on Saturday morning, and aftor a tow explanations hy Roovo Armstrong, was passed. No Insurance for Roads Whilo tho momhors of tho council may holimv in insuranco for tlwir homes and on their barns and stock as well as on their livos. they aro not in favor of .putting insurance on county roads. that. is thvy aro not proparod as yet to insuro the county against loss by accidents which might occur on the county highways.“ I _ I L D-_._ Tho mattor was plaood hoforo thom by tho i‘opi'osontativo of an Insm'anoo Company whioh makos a| Spooialty of this sort of protoction. on Friday attornoon. and whilo his argumonts woro sound and ho mado a wry convinoing appoal. thoro woro not a suftioiont numhoi' of tho mom- hors of tho Council to givo it thoir support. and for tho sooond timo tho quostion was tm'nod down. Tho principal roason that tho proposi- tinn did not appoal was that thoro is a strong fooling that tho mun- cil is quito able to tako oaro of any such accidonts, and that tho sum of $750, which is tho approximato icost of a policy such as was out- This bed has twenty-four heavy wire, wide coil, deep springs, turned with a wide diameter barrel, knotted top. Springs are made of high carbon wire supported on steel crimp wires securely fastened to the hard- wood frame. Tops of springs are securely fastened by steel interlocking wires arranged so as to form a soft, flexible top. Heavy sheeting over springs. The spring edge is double-stuffed and stitched. Fill- ing is of equal parts germ-cured fine tow and 4X moss with felted cotton tap. Hidden qualities count most in Living Room Furniture. The Kroehler make is strictly quality inside and outside. The invisible materials and workmanship are as high grade as the outer coverings and finish. Call and have us demonstrate the “Hidden Qulities” of the Kroehler Furniture. Furniture Dealer Phone 10 Durham A Few Features of This Kroehler Davenport Bed Suite: and Continuatioq placpd bqforc- ED. KRESS lined. The argument was 3150 lbw; that of late years, thorn had n...,.. no accidents of any account. «m 19,. county roads owing to thon- gnui condition. and that tho monoy I'in‘.‘ be used to advantage in rolmirmp u. . holes or bad places thoro might ., .IVIIJU wâ€"‘- ._ - The opinions were not. all .m. sided. however. as several of l,” Reeves whose townships lmd lull.» out a policy to cover any ai't'lclc'l'lv on their roads woro highly plum. ; with the results, and considvl-ml ll . the Councty would lw Slll‘lllliz money wisely. They [milllml ..1 - that the old policy of ltH’lilllL' ll;‘ stable door after the ll'l'll'so lmll lump stolen was no good in tlwsv "mm n times and for small (Hist 10 Pill‘ll l;l\ pager it would not‘lw felt. '1â€" However. whm tho mm as 1 :m i it was found that only about u m.“ -. were in famr, while thmv \\«'n twenty-m0 opposml, and thv m: u' wont (war for another man. lo Lights for Vehicles The council also went on mum: as being opposed to tho |Jl'()|m.~ltlwv 0f the Western (mun-m “0me .._v Trade t0 hm'v all \W‘IliCIL'h‘ using: tlw highways carry a lighi. 0! a Dilaront Family Thn society reportm' “1' a «Imlv paper had been «intailnd tn pl‘m'm'w the names of promilwnt, pvt-suns In attendance at a pm'fox‘mamw ”1‘ u may! opera. c"---- "r'â€" â€"-- “I beg your pardon. madam,“ >1... said, approaching (mo of tlw m'vw pants of a privatv box. “but will )uu oblige mo by giyipgym‘u' namv‘f' “Pardon me," replied llw rvpm-lwr. “but I did not quilv catch thu IN names." “Jo Neeze.” “May I ask yuu to sun” It?" “Certainly. Jâ€"o-n-oâ€"s. .Iu Mow." ha htily answered ”10 Ol'culnml ml the 0x. and the lady l'vlll'ml m llw foyer to fan herself. v"â€" “fihAl‘Chlbflld “.16 N00”. pug! the lads;- Magistrate “Can‘t this I'usc‘ lw settled out of equl‘?“ Mulligan. “Sure, SPl‘. that's what we were trying tn do. \eI' hum-r. when the, police llllPl‘fI‘l'I‘Il." RB. No. 4. Durham. Phone 98-“ Why take a chance and use water that is. polluted and unfit for domestic use, when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- pairs. Satisfnction Guaranteed No Need for Court ', PM ‘0 ED. J. PRATT re- PAR. POR 84 Lot 66. Con. 2. W11." 2% miles southwest of I) tuning 86 acres. Mnstl; in good state. of cultivai burn with shed adjoinin Itables. 7â€"r00med brick extension kitchen and Well watered and in I For further partial!“ "Ilium Smith. R. R. No‘ Cod 7. Con. L SIHL. \ (lining “0 term; 1m x and in 800d state M W: we premises are a bru‘l mining seven rooms. {rune woodshed attar we" at door; never mm this farm“ mnking 3 ¢ firm. Thug pmperty ‘ right to quick purchase ticulnrs npply at. Wau an. L Durham. Ont. NORTH PAH'I‘ 1H! \ 22. Egremom, «mm: ' 0cm clenrnd. Mn bush; in good >210“ [m barn “X5“. ~ concrete stables; cir: cement unk at bar: W housv. \‘ ' :m "a? (an):~ ' I: w- !o IDI‘CS '1' “xi " -‘;«\\o- is well for. w ‘1 :u .1 .7 :5 cultivatim. {wr .rf'rr m Watson‘s Ii'axry. 1H: Ontario. lilo hav bar: meat; hm; : brick hM:~ fume Wu '1~ (lining 10'?! av- cultwahnn. In :« convenient 94s ~ hes If? a “it”. LOT 7. CNN n4 . n Licvmvd .\i Grey. Pl'nmm Conablo tvrm~ Inteed. ”BUN alroniclv of“ Ion. \‘amm. Modm'a ales. a~ It Thv ' Terms “n 0R8. JAIIBBOI l Game and rosudencv Once east of the H3! Lumbton Street. anw ham. ()fl'lce hnurs 2 l ham. (Mice hciurs 2 L 0 pm. (except Sunday: ALEX. MacDOl Licensed Auctioneer for DI. A. I. B thsician and St Mbtflnshvvt Ilmh: Ite l"ni\msny m ' tested and (‘m'rm-tmi 2 to 5 n.m.. 7 in to Grey. Sat 00:13th tv O! The Chi Belt. J. L. IIITI. I. 8.. l 00‘ ice Ind restdenc Cwntess Ind l‘ammon Cite old Post (”Two Hot! |.m..13(Hu£p. (Sunduys oxcnme-d . IIDDLEBRO‘. SPBI IIDDLEBRI Buristers. Solicw SU('¢°c-.~~nr~ f-o \ I1 ll‘. C. ‘2. .‘ild'nc‘lc'fi Ix locum! at Durham. mm ”MCI! Him“ .-‘\.-3'} £30 to sum um. bll'l‘xstm‘s. Mm her of the) firm \\ Tuesday of var“ ‘ may be meme \\, oflice. exceptvd Honor Grmhnu. onm, (immun- SUI‘QPOHS Hr H] Ill its Imm- Block. Mmsm 0f Macho-211's l! Chiropractors. D The Scinncv that ind years tn m» '0 Durham Tumm R‘Urdlys. DI. W. C. PICKERIN 0616.8 0H! ..1 A .i.i Durham ”mar. . J. I“. GRANT, D D C. 6. AND BESSIE M POKER“. SE" low Iodern funeral Phone Interest 0268 “3-124 Avenue Road BATES BUR Pins “n :1; Durham. CASE WITH HRUL‘F of four. TPIPNIOM‘ 4 Saturday night of we 25 cents. On an chu will be made etch w .ICQ' FARMS H )R ““7““. Pehrmn DOM Ila!" Formvriy foundat Lia’fiSc‘d Amfiemsemont. ‘__ HF" Medical Dim REUBEN C. WA‘ In The Chronis Denial Legal ‘Dtm LUCAS 8: BB DAN. McLE fl] I'l ma Durh stor [M Ill

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