West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Feb 1926, p. 6

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'C-v Uâ€"vv-v '5'ur'fiam is an attractive and healthy town. and good accommodan thing. can be obtained at reasonable ra . J. A. M. 3088, B. A” Principal. JOHN MORRISON, Chairman. The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2) Entrance to Normal Schooi. Each member of the sum is a Uni- versily Graduate and experienced Teacher. ' Mr. E. H. V'n-kvrs 19ft for Ronfrpw On Monday tn attmnl tho annual mowing uf Hm Rmfrvw Machinery Ibmpany. Ho was arcmnmnimi by Mr. Ed. ankins. We rngrrl, m [warn of the sudden (loath Mn Monday last of Mr. \Villiam (Int! of Bo'ntlnvk in his 43rd year. lb was a sun Hf thp lah‘ Rohm't UNIT and was ill nnly a mm}; from man- ingitis. .\ widnw and twn sons. one brother and fiw sistprs snrviw. .\l't.t'l' an o'nfm'c'cd t'nnflnomvnt t0 tiw housv for fun or six Wm‘kS. Mr. 'l‘hnmas )lrt‘nirr was able to bu nut again yesterday: Inter-matter: as to Courses may be obtained from the Princi al. The School has 3 credits is record in the past which it bones to main- hi_n ip the (uture. -A‘,-_‘!_-_ ‘-‘ Intending pupils should prepare to enier at beginning of term. again yesterday. ”n Monday uftm'noon, the mar- riage took plow at tho homo of Mrs. Lo‘fPVI'P of Mr. Thomas Mayne to Mrs. Alico Phillips. Rm'. W. H. Nl'w Justirow 0f Warn appointml in this virlnil) arr: Durham. J. \V'. Crawford. (lllzlrlo-s Mrlx'lnnnn. Wil- liam Lajdlaw. .luhn H. Brnwn. \Vil- liam Ilalolm'. livnlinrk-Jnhn Mrllal- lum. anry Brigham. W. S. Scarf. H. Hioldnll. I). MrNirhnl. I“), A. Smith. J. Mark, J. S. Wilsnn. I‘Igrrmontr- (Zlmrlm Mrlnnrs. I). McQuown. I. Pvnnurk. .-\. [ml-rant. S. Shrall. J. Harolinnr. J. A. Swanslon. W. J. Mark. J. Allan. Sun. 'I‘. J. Jordan. R. anwirk. Sr. Nnrmanbyâ€"J. Rnlwrt- sun, J. .\lllh'l‘30n. J. H. Ellis. H. Hyo-rs. G. H. Srhnnk. T. \V‘nllaco. D. Ll-ilh. R. H. Fnl‘tllnv. C. Filflillgrl'. (I. Hl'irw. O. anf. H. Knrnig. M. Murray. M. MrPhoe. F. Rninrr. Mr. \\ Bro-us» of Ghatswmth was 011111111! \\ ardvn last wm'k by a ma- 101'1h of 1 0v-11'.\lr.\\.(lal1lmnf lmfliam. .\n mirthslido occurred at. Walk- m'hm last. “wk and trains could not entvr thc' town for 24 hours. 01m hundrml fowl of track wvro mvermi m_u depth of six fm't. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Robertson re- cmw'd NIP gum! m'ws this Wm'k that the-ir daughter. Miss JPssio Ruhm‘t- sun. Hamiltnn, as rapidly rvcowring imm hnr rum-m savan- ”“1055 from plmu‘isy. Fullnwim: tlm nvoning services on Sunday, a mass mvnting in thn in- h'l'o'sls 0f h-mpo-rauwn is being held Ill tlw Mvthodist. church. 'l'hv Stills of Srotland 11¢;ch tho-iv annual cqng‘x't onyx-Mp): night last. Al. the annual mow-ting of tho sliaro-lmli’lm's nl' llw Nailinnal Port- lnnil llnmvnl. Cnmpany lwld in Tor- onln 0n \\'orllm-.~nlay Ul’ Inst Wt'nk. tlu- film of mnving Hm mill to Port, (lullmrne- was. giwn up. and the mill will c-nnlinnc in npvmlinn lN‘l'l‘. R. H. McWillinms of Owen Sound is tlli! nmv president. Bornâ€"411 Ahm'dmm. Fvbruaryuli}. to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mchn, 3 Ion. A tum-Ling u_f Hm Durham Lm'ljossn Assucnmon wall he hvlcl 1n Duljhng’s Drug Stayw 0}} Thursday pwnmg, During Hm past. two weuks we had a row days of modnrutvly cold wratho-r. The: ice harvest is not likv-ly t0 bu a very profitablv ”no. and “w six-inch stuck nnw fm‘mml is [wing packml away for summer “80'. Mr. P. H. A. Webster. the nPw jvwvllm' wlm sucremled Mr. Gordan ls u wx-trrun u! the Snuth African war. whm'o- ho: was slightly wounded. Mr. John McDonald of Abul'dmrn. wlm has Down confined to his homo- fnr snmu weeks with troublv in his fowl. ro-scmhllng gangrenv. is 30 far x-o-cuwro-ol that he was in town Mgmlay I‘m-ling fairly wvll. bimLâ€"IH Bentlnck, on February 2. Donald McQuarrie. aged 86 years. I)iml.--ln Euro-mum on February 3. Mrs. Elle-n Brown. agml 75 years. February 15, 1906 The: Durham Furnilum thrmpany has a gum! Mark M lugs 01! hand and sawing le'l‘fltllflls will com- nwm-o- In the early spring. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL Dfivdr‘ln Hentitick on Febraury 1, Mrs. Polm- Mountain, aged 41 years. 9 months, The thermometnr an; ped to 12 de- crevs below zero on t 8 2nd in Tor- onto. Marmalaâ€"‘M the manse, Durham, Wea‘lnesday. February 7, 1906. by Rev. William Farquharson. Mr. John ang _to pugs ngSwin-tgurne. Mr. Moore McFadden, of Macfar- hue and Commany. Druggists, is laid Up with what is thought to be ty- phpid (8191‘. Else“ hora we [give a clipping re- garding an acoty one 388 explosion at {ho Sovereign Bank, Mount Al- bort. in which Esdon Wolfe, a Dur-g ham' boy. was rather badly, injured and burned. _ Last Thursday, Messrs. Guthrie and McCatmon, blacksmiths, of this plare. concluded a deal by which the latter takes over the business carried an by the former for the past thirteen years. Mr. Guthrie 3033s West in a short time, V‘he extremely mild weather of January took a very serious drop 29 the first at the present mpnth. PAGE 6. TkDaysOILongAgo ‘l’mn Iron Chronic]. Piles of Twenty and Two)" Years Ago. February 5, 19M hhnary 8, i900 The new parcel post deliver sys- tem will come into effect on ebru- ary 10. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gun are leav- ing this week for Hamilton where Mr. Gun will engage in the drug business. He has been in business here for the past 13 years. and we hope he may enjoy a large measme of happiness and prosperity in the Ambitious City. We congratulate Mr. Edward Walsh and Mrs. T. Finigan who on Monday last were married in the R. C. church here. Hartley was the offlgiating clergy- 'e regret very much to chronicle Yum awe Youm’thdpmjomthohmlorwWWhtfllMl’ufle. Allyounoel your age, if you like to who panda, try It . plamwithnommmmwhflom Guam“!!! auditmwncwlthmtwo,ormmmmmm amdedonflnrchlflhtothoaawndhghtheflommm. SUMMER VACATION. 150--Cas Empire at $5.00 per mt, whld: will qualify your III-war tor the [AI-no Cub EASY RULES 1. Any mu. we... or am who 11'. in (‘uu m I- not a readout 0! Mum and who is an! In ‘ employ Of The It” and Imnlre may nubmlt so Ins! THE GREA TEST GAME IN CANADIAN HIS TOR Y- -AND THE EASIES T PICTURE PUZZLE CONTEST EVER ARRANGED-450 PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY YOUR ANSWER T0 THE “B-WORD” PUZZLE MUST BE MAILED NOT LATER THAN WEDNESDAY. MARCH 3rd The $9,000 Prize List mm Answers will no!" tho 0-. lulled MPflu-Mbhhflohb': Subscription Rates mmu: m mvma: hump-Intr- aim-warm mm.fiowmhhfluoq. mwmr‘oummum any 150 OPPORTUNITES AT VACA HON TREASURE, WITH A MST PRIZE 0!" $2,000.00 FOR YOU! mzovmummmm - roiom'o, CANADA How Many Objects Beginning With the Letter “8 ” Can You Find in This Picture .’ At the adjourned meeting of the council on Thursday. Mr. Herb. Pet- tigrew was appointed constable, the death of Mrs. Robert Torry Kios- terday morning about 7 o’clock. rs. Ton-y was suddenly stricken with apoplexy about 10 o’clock the even- ing previous and la sed into uncon- sciousness from w ich she never recovered. Besides her husband, she leaves three children, Fred, Margaret and Beta. Mrs. Torry was only 47 years of age. Bornâ€"At. Toeswater. January 20, to Mr. and Mrs. James Harkness. a daughter. February 12, 1914 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE And We not all! We wlll clve extra amount: on all prise. tn the nae mnner. If your answer I. qualified by THREE yearly wheel-muon- end you win fourth pct-e. you will receive “00. etc.. down the prise 1m. Yen ere given In enortnnlty to peruclpete In 150 prlses totalling over ”.000, whee the 150th prise with THREE unbecrlptlom wine 816.00. Year ewn mheeflptlon will count or wheel-muons to Itert et some future “to. Int write on the order when you went the paper ates-ted eultwmmt’remptlyenthetdete. $1,000.m w of “0.00 will 'he “filed to the answer winning mmmmmmwu;8emnamm.oo;mmm (lutflrflcdmotlcnmtnl’fluu‘) The “B-Word" Picture Puzzle Game is n umpnixn to increase the popularity of The Hull and Empire. It costs nothing to take port, and you do not hove to send in a subscription to win n prize. 11' your list of “B-Wu'dl“ in nwnrded am pnize by the Judge. you will win 880.00. but it you would like to win more than $30.00 we are mnking the following oped-.1 oflor whereby you can win greater cash prizes by sending in ONE or TWO or THREE yearly subscriptions to The Mail and Empire. $500 w of $80.00 will bounded to the must win-h; '_ “muommysuhacflpuonto'l‘hcmum Here’s How the Big Prizes Will Be Awarded: M WHIQNJ I'LL I! mm» POI r J .i. A HOW PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED Twenty-eight ladies gathered at the Women’s Institute meeting held at the home of Mrs. J. McGowan last Thursday. The annual meeting of the South Gre ' Conservative Association will be eld in Durham Town Hall Feb- Mr. Clark Torry of Bentinck ur- chased 100 acres of the Alfred ed- ford farm and Mr. W. Adlam the remaining 25 acres. Rev. S. M. Whaley, B.A., East Zorra, near Tavistock, was extended a call to become the pastor of Dur- ha_t_n Presbyterian gongreggatiou: rupyy go. health inspector, street inspector, etg, at. g agaryuqf _8500 a_nd_ fegg. - («Mlumufio m that can with du- Pdn. etc. M I: m dink-alt or “ll-cal”. and - ”B-kvcle" can. on! will a- the Second The Toronto Daily Star in re ly- ing to a student, says: You had t- ter send your criticism to the news- paper in which the errors in gram- mar appeared. It is easy, of course. to find mistakes at your leisure .in another man's production. but quite another- thing to turn out a high degree of accurancy and precision in the haste of newspaper work. The newspaper writer is not like the banker or the business man whose blunders are confined to the few persons concerned. He is like the actor on the stage whose slightest slip IS manifest to those persons in ERRORS [I IWQLPI” 10.Iuhoa1'uou (both no. .34 renown). motto is unuco of “.00 )0: no: by null or “.00 delivered by cal-Nor boy I. “It... will be new. No oub~ out.“ for dollvory l- a. (my of Toronto will ho oc- muounummmnmtcuh pct-ca. 11. All our." will N00". tho m conddorauon m1.- of UM" or not o Mono. to Tho In.” ‘34 I. n b not In. 1:. 'r Iou Tomato daun- hovtu no coa- ueuon with ho loll no luau-o, .m to mom to act n In“. to colon tho winnou. ad pol-actuat- b and]: to am: I...” auto. to my: tho doctolon 8-: '5?! I-‘ '1 Wu VIII u on lmh 10th. cud tho til-on pro-aptly. _ 7- __._ w". u. Iuhocrl'tlo- (both now and naval). mu. la “nae. of “.00 ”r m b - " lo:- 507 l. u... '51:“ or “.00. dcllvuocl net-loo... to: dollvary la the at! of Toronto wlll b. sc- ooogoduuultymmuuhmtcuh prlm. 1.1“! m wlll me". the an. con-Menu» nut-dc- of than or at a Mule. to The Inn n-A l-fl- ‘- g... l- '30 Dim! to and. the datum c’in’notwbeirbb'dmed am vice nu... 0. Words at the IIIIQ spelling can be used only once we. thatch I“ to dealt-gt. diluent omen. ot gulch- An “Soot or crud. m be umod (any «move mef. m "I“. M at .- obioct my use In up“. 1.11:. m but tho Ian-t and noun-t cor roct "at of m of at“. obj-cu It." In the 9‘0 gun “It! Ma '1!!! tha Ian-- "I". with (h. Ian! M rnct an at nnnun o: Em. nnjncu an." m the pic turn thnt bnfln with tho lottor "I". with the lent or town! number of nrrorn will no nwnrdnd urn: prize, «(4. Th. prunn will b. docldnd nnd nwnr‘n‘ on n percent- ncn bnnln. Nnntnon, style. or nnndwrmng hnve no bur- Inc nnnn cladding the winners. I. Any nnnbns- at noon!- Inny oo-onnrnu In nnnwer- in: the Dannie, ht only on. pun. will be awarded m nny one hounhnld. nor will prin- bc nwnrdod u more ulna on. of nny m whnrn two or nor. an boon mâ€"Iâ€"‘â€"- A-__A‘ -- 1- An! In. won.- or am who mm m mama m I- not 3 mulch! 0! MIN) n4 who in not in the at The In” And Imptre any aubmu nn Insurer. -uâ€"vâ€"u â€" - u‘ “j VI â€" VII)“- V' "“l" the 1mm eta-ct be counted nnd "IQ spelling can be used only once. '0 “with dilenm objm-u or or undo an bp_umod omy oucfe. M of in 0.10:1 my (1.0 be Th Clich- Coup A fresh young fellow who m“ driving n coupe. hung out. llu- 14.}- lowing Sign on lhe renr of his l‘m'; “Lost and Slyylnqpnlckens. Hvl‘o‘s IWWSW .Cofipe?’â€"American M n; tun! lacunae. the nudicmo wlio mnlnum that it they were in his pllce they Wunla not make such a slip. The (am-on, um a newspaper writer makos are, usually as rent to lumsvlf :u p, his critics. ut {reapeptly Iw do», not. detect them until it IS hm m“ to correct. them. If some) “1' m, critics were in his place a row .13“. they might get their Pyvs (nu-1m}. M. Mary 11. ms. Thursday, Fe roux ormn'n'x. to 3011 Prize Winner: In Re- mt contests. ; In. I; (Ian-nu- (do. Allen. 8200. J. IncIilhua. «gm Empire Has Given Away 820,388 The Mall and pinâ€"r Ggrg"§tif 'ig' “Venice in The Ch? .z .555 52:57 FE; .35....» .36 fir TQLAJQPI :03 2.5.2; :EchvIO < _:.:.T... dieâ€"xi [.01 m. 2% Miln- - minim? ’4" in (and s9: hinim: 11“ ; “G in gun-1 “I8 prvmw ‘ hinmp w frame Wm"? Well at d‘w'fi (his farm. ' farm. 'I‘M fight '0 m! ticulars n: : R11. i. INT? (Mice and rvsndwq I000 east of Hm I “to" S'r99‘. LIH llun. (mu-o humx . pm. (9100;)! SUM: NORTH M3 22, Egrvmw 1 bores NH!“ hush; m w" fume hzw'" concrou» did we!" NHL}. Physician [Ambmn st w m l'lch'l'sl tested and r LOT 7, CON :1 (lining 100 any NuthUUh. } ii :1 convenient 2.. ~. hes If? a {run «one fnuwira‘w “I0 hav haw ’- Ilefll; in"; brick hHuw [lime “WM!“ (0 hOHM‘. \\ -, water tank» '0 ”1‘!“ H9 ~" i. “'9.” {MW cultivatw' ("Harm I. L. 3.111, D1,! Oflicc and runny Mamas and Ltmum “‘3 Old P‘N‘ "X‘l‘le .. om N am. 1.3M .. Lacvnsvd Grey. l'mm; touablo (rm lntoed. huh Chronu-lu «.1 Ion. \':u-Iu-_\ exceptvd Chiropractors. Du; The Sewnw Hm? m and yoalw tn ; ‘j b Durham 'l‘n. \ -. m Ulturday- licensed Aucn "()dt'l‘ah' !: ' sales, as in «m It The film" Terms «m an»; . Honor (it-mum: Ont", “I‘mllmh Surgeons n' u. I“ its brill" “001:. Mill N!‘ 0‘ MICHPHI ~ It Mr. 1:. (I. M. local“! ill. ll branch wow ‘30 h) 9.15“ ml'l'13'lfl'h, .‘ufir her of NW Iil'ln \H Tuesday 0| mm \\ may be mauv \\ .: ofl'ice. Grey. Sm sonahlv w Ot Thv (1h! 0HHO¢M¢IJ_A Durham (NH 1“ c I. F. GRANT D (Sundays PM C. C. AND BESSIE DB. W. C. Phihu MINERAL 5 law lodem Fm ”one Hillcxwt 01 133-121. Avenue R< Advert Isvmvn CASH “'I'I‘H Hlil Of (our. TPivphm Runway night at 25 cents. On all a will be trunk 03"] DES. JAM IBSON Iml'hzm BATES BU IIDDLBBRO. MIDDL ICPH“ FARMS F ‘Bu‘risters. Sol hum-mu.“ :- ‘ atsn win I... 'Jflcs Forum-m Lt'a’tmd Media! 1 REUBEN Dent. YARN! ALEX. Ma Legal 'lM DR. A. I Class LUCAS 8: ll DAN. Mo

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