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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Feb 1926, p. 3

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Thursday, Febrfiy 25, mo. pi ble to do dl my work without up. Inna farmer’s wife no you lean’tbe idle Ion . In at. lhavo hkcn six bottles of ydia E. Pink- ’s Vegetable Com ad, five 1:23 of the (Tom and ablets, two ties of Lydia .. Pinkham’s Blood edirine, and have alsoused the Sun. ive Wash. " Mrs. L. LAJEUNHI. 0 103, (Inmaton, (mum. cue; If“: 5;! WM {elic- ter Iii-g Lyfi E. Pinkham’s V“ west 5? took'it. I starve}! g second bottlo, id to my surprise and joy the pain. my gide left mp complegely La-nd § Fast Dyes g Buttons Stock and Prices we mean busmess OBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE i W ear Store ‘ 9 - left db and In! ed mny every month. One by m: [was not .buyewvtnpmz «her begged me to t me. My husband got"y me 3 bottle Vegetable (Compound fit oncelpd is Week i and Juvenile Cloth (JTBQSQS .‘\(I( L I‘LSSORIES U I” '\ !. I. KINDS OATS A. NOBLE, Prop. PERATIUN [EFT ER VERY WEAK w-o-o-o-o-o-o-Qâ€"oâ€"o-o-o-W Oils 0- o: o o‘ 0: o 0‘ s-o‘oâ€"o -o~o~-O-~O--o-M OI These Are Bargains Sales and Service SPECIALS hevrolet and Knickers, ......... $1.75 H DURHAM ll as) 4- ply ”Sl.)0 ‘ew, It's lore. H'U‘I’S for ’6: offering good lina Caps, Hats. 1nd all final IEPAIHINH ll elm”. a dam- “ho-n it con- ‘(t't'ssiVO' heat, vhuImo-y fire, )330\ 3) Gas . and M. This [mu of One evening a young man fainted in a moving picture theater. This theater happened to be a small one, and was located in a small town. It was poorly ventilated and was rather crowded. When the young man fainted, some of those who were sitting nearby discovered his plight andwent to his assistance. They lifted him up into a sitting position and were very careful to support his head. As the patient (lid not recover immediately, it was decided that he should be taken out into the fresh air. So an attempt was made to stand him up on his feet and drag him to the door. While this happnnvd in a small town muvlng pit'mx'c kutvr. it may Just as well have hnpm-med in a church. in a sue-M, car, or at :1 house party. No matter whom» it happens, alto-mph; to aid thnso- who faint often lwgin about the same as in this case. For it is, pvrhaps, ruthm- rm'o- if sum:- well-nwaning pursnn dm-s nut think it his or Ilt'l' duty to miss! up Um hum] of tho po-rsnh whn has faiutml. an this happens to he just, NIP wrung thing t4! ‘1‘). .\I.m:t this tinw, a woman ramn In ”It' I‘Q'SCINP. She told the: WI-ll- IIII-HIIIIII: first-Incl (T'H'W that “In pl'IIpI'l thing In «III was to lay Hm scum: man III)“ II on ”In "001'. Then sh» sI-III SUHN'UIH' [II pro-I a glass (If Iulol “ah-r. Hut thI- “MOP was un- III'I'o-s'saI-y in this (9830,, as the young man mun I'I'cnvcl'ml aftvl' bring luitl nn Hm "nor. “.Utt'r taking Adlo-rika. I fen-l bot- ter than for yvars. At my age ”30:. it is iolPaIâ€"â€".~'n dim-rc-nt from uthvr mmhrinvs." Tsignmi, “K \V. «mu-r. Adirriku is a simple mixturv of hm-k- thorn bark. glycm'inv. pm, which removes GAS in ton mn‘mu-s and oftrn brings surprising relief to the stomach. Stops that full. bloated “mung. Brings out old waste-mat- tvr you no-wr thought was in your systvm. l-Ixrvllent for chronic con- stipatinn. McFadftrn's Drug Store. Wiwn ono- Minis. tin-r0 is not mmiiaiv causo of fainting. V viiuziizh Mom] in ilw brain. 'l'ho Hi4- io-ndoncy to faint. is more 0! :ino-mia of tho brain is raiismi by fl'lPQIN'IIL. :i careful search shou ii-niporary wvukno-Hs of ”I" artinn mad" for tho cause. Fainting of NW “0'7”". 'l'hu niijm-i, of first-aid ho a sign of Iii-ari-disoasr, an iro-uimo-nt i~' in l'vs’fm‘i' ilio- rirruia- or swim- other alistiirbancr \\ Own and puriiriilzirly in rvsioro Hm rvqiiiro-s iiilvntinn. (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) HEALTH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS A. .l. .\l. “r-ilos: ‘vaial yi-z'us mm I had what is commonly dulled u hlmul dim-as». I was told an»? I haul a course of treatment that I slmulul om'asiunnlly hm'o my blood o'xmmnml. .\s I am nuw living in .1 Mill» mmulrv town and do not know wlivro- tlm nearosl. place» is whvi'o- l min liavo llw blood lost, mail“, I would likn to know how to it“ about milling it. don». I would apprvcialu any lwlp that you ran give m9.” Reply Haw- Hw doctor in your lawn 0h~ tam a wry-mum 0! blood from you and swnd It tn sum" lalmratory. 0|.D MK CARTER HELPED BY SIMPLE MIXTURE A Good Reason ”llnhru, I’ve Inst my finckebook.” "Haw ycm Inokvd in your pocket?" “Slum?! All but «191' left-hand hip wwkvt.”"“\'ell, vy don't you look m clot." "Bm'ausv if it am't dere, Has Swollen Ankle: MN. \l. ‘1. ask: "\Vhal. 1 pvrsnn's :mklv-z swo-ll'.’ \\' bo- clmw Mr H?" l' H «Imp dead.‘ Thursday, fanny as, ”I. To Restore Blood Circulation FAINTING By DR. W. J. SCHOLES Note: Dr. Scholes will answer such health questions in these columns as will be of interest to others and permissible in public print. ..Personal questions will be answered only when accompanied by self-addressed and stamped envelope. Address Dr. W. J. Scholes, in care of The Durham Chronicle. THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR Blood Test What. makvs a 111’ What van cirmnlutiun nl' hlnml tn Um brain. This is Ibo-st. dune by laying Um pativnt, clnwn am that “w [mad is on a lnvvl with. m- a Iittlv. luwc-r than. Uw NHL 0! Hm hmly. If Um [wad is a little lmwr than Hu- n-sl. H! Um lmcly, m'axity aids Hm supply of hloml tn Hm hl'uin. Hiving ttw pativnt plc-nty ut’ t'rvsh air and sprinkling (total watt-r cm ttm t'um- may, with mtvantagv. ho :ulctmt to tho- postural tl't’atmo'llt. vatling salts, «w a «1050 of urn- matic spirits of ammnnia in watvr whom ttu- patient is able tn swal- tnw. sm- timv-hmmrmt remedies. But Huwym'u usually unywm-ssary. ’I‘lu- pullor and tho alnmst im- po-i'i-o-ptihh- pnlsv makv fainting nn- Iikv-ly in bi- (90HfUSt’d with ntiwl' mnclitinns causing loss «if consciuns- "0.94. If umiwinnsnvss does not snnn I‘MHI'II fullnwing the above outlinml first-aid tm-atment, the services of :1 physician should be nbtainml. ilnmtinn is quite nt‘tun ttw im- mwliato- 0mm.- of fainting. Whnn Hn- h-nclt-ncy tn faint is more or lvss fruqnvnt. :i vurufnl svarch should be mad» fur tlw cansv. Fainting may lw :1 sign nf Imamâ€"disease», :invmin nr snnw nHH-I' clistnl'hamw \Vllil‘h i't-qnii'o-s nth-litinn. Reply I. III-art. Ilisvasn, Brights GHSPHSO, anemia. dismay of thn liver, and IIImIm whiI II inh'rfmn with ”u- III'IIIIIIIIIIII in ”w Ivgs, an! same of Hm (allHI'S. 2. Haw :In I-xaminatinn III “III! Um I'IIIIH‘Iu ”It'll have the cuusIe treated. Whooping Cough Mrs. H, S. asks: “1. How long af- tvr wxpnsm-v (1005 it takn for whom)- in: mugh to develop if it is going I," «II-Vulup‘.’ than 'Minns Illurgynum who enter into general athlvtic spurts always run the risk or vm'mu'aging familiar and imper- tirwnt rvlatiuns on the part 0! those with whnm thvy play. As an in- etanw of tho- way in which this may takv pl u v a stoi3 told of the lah- B who}: of Hm hrstvr by an Png- lish papvr. ma3 he quoted. 'lhis gum! bishup “as so fond of (frilkl't that hp usvd to play Um gamo- \Vith an cxmrrt lm'al tram. One day when lw was batting in a match. Hu- brmlir pitchvd very VV id". and thv bishnp mu Iaimml er' sharply: “Plf‘ase keep pays}: 3" 'l'hv nvxt ball which Um buwlnr sent knurkml out the bishOp’s “middle stump." wlmreupon lhe bowler remarked loud, enuugh for some of @hegpgctaturs tp hear: “I think thét’s somewhere ahool. U 9. Hoops", mu lud!” Reply lsuall» from two to (ten days. Mm» than 0m.- emu: k is rurr’. Yrs. on account of its cummi- A Chicken-Playing Bishop Can a persun have it more mm“? [5 if vvvl' dangerous?" the ball in the gamma/19¢ (Continued from page 2) This closed oil and prevents all draft, and the fire simply smothers out in a few moments. Perusal of the reports of lire losses by insur- ance companies reveals that a big percentage of the losses are caused by chimney ilres, and this new sale- ly device will undoubtedly ill] a long felt want in this regard. The inventor has made arrangements with Leisvmer 6:. Kalbileiscll. local hardware merchants, to assist in the. manufacture and sale of this inven- tion, and it is expected that the price of it will be about $3.50;â€" EMildmay Gazette. A Stronuous Ion The gritticst lu-n we know of b0.- lun s to a Uu-eshvr in Erin. Hvr rig”. to [m called brave has been tusta-d. She is not only a brave hen but a “summons“ lwn. . She hvlungmi to one (if the Hay- don hr.0thors The?i also own a thwshing outfit. w iich was takvn out at thc- shed for tho flist timv Inst tall. and a small field (if main was thrvshml to am. that UN' ma- vhinu was in gnml running prdqr. Aftur HIP job was llnishml. the machine was I'Murnml tn the shed, whvn, tn Um amazvnwnt of all, thorn in tho, norm-r of Hm snparatm- sat Hm slrvmmus lwn. l'mtm' her was a mat. nt‘ (-gus that she was mulmworing t0 hatch. She had honn on the: nvst whom ttw ma- chinn was takvn nut. She was thuru who-I1 tho. huh» and pullvys hogan tn whiz. whvn “1- fan twuan tn sing aml whvn thu rid- dlvrs hogan tn shaka- and I‘HHIt‘. 'l‘hn wind t'rnm thv t'an rut'tlml hm' twa- thvrs and alnmst, tnuk tll’l' hl‘vath. hut. Iikv ”w [my nu thc- httl'lltllt: clowk. stm staymt at h“!' I“ at. What Inc-r thmmhts Wl'l’t' whvn thv swift 1°) lillttt‘l' hvgan tn vhvw Hp tlw rat, °aw vannnt. lw gut-smut. Who-n found, slm was uninjm-mi. 'l'ho-I'n was dust, in hm' "mull and :n scum-what l‘riglntvuml lnnk in lwr “NP. hut, shn was cm lwr m-st. Hf Hu- vgus. all wvl'o- sal’v saw. MW.»- Actnn Frma Press. Swipinq Radiator Caps How an irkly the awragn matur- ist, nt‘ today takvs tn the auto fads and dwnratihns that, appvar 0n hnth tho- lnw and high-pricvd tars. Last. year it was tho- hathing girl figure that hi-«eamv surh a rrazv. and nrc-t- ty 800" vva Furd, Llhvvrnlnt. or Star t,“ tw sm-n had a hathini: girl on thv windshivld or war window. Swapping radiator raps «it tho- rhvaiwr tars t'nr ttmsv nf tlw morn t-xpo-Ilsivv \‘zil'ivty sm'ms‘ tn lm in vnguu this yvar. It. is in. imminâ€" mmi sight in mm a Fnrd UP a tlhvv- rolut hvarini: a tlhrystvr or ’a'kard radiator cap. 'l'tu- l’nuliar var Hunt's c-quimwd with a hrnnzv Indian zit-ad radiatnr cap which makvs a wry attractiw ('fllhlt'lll fur a dvsk wright, m" HHH'I' purpnws. 'I‘hi' I’Hlltiatf Company has lost hundri-ds Hi rad- iatm' 'aps t'rnni 'ars shippi-d hy t'rviuht tn its do-ah-rs. and ”It“. avid- ity ut‘ the peoplv with pilt'uring pru- (tlivitivs has twifnmv sn grvat. say 'l'hv \Vall Strnvt .lnurnal. that. thv (sun'ipany nnw ships its vars with- mit. radiatnr «2am, and suhquuvntly t-xprnssw tlwm in Hue titftllt'l'. “u in- sure safe delivery. Uniting in the way 01' a two that was hnim; fvllml cm the farm at his fatha-r Thursday aftm'nnon, tlm lit- tle son of Harwy McLugun, seventh concession of Logan township, was IN OTHER GOIIUNI‘I'IBS Child Crushed by_ Tree STANDARD BANK OF CANADA DURHA ABM NCHâ€"Joh anl ly,l Ma anag er BANKING YEARS THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Sending Money To Distant Points Ul' can .wncl any amount of i mnnvy in any pmnl. in Canada at. a minimum 0f vxponsu by using a Standard Bank Manny m- «lrer. 'l'liis mulliml is tlw. simulcast. .43va and must cnnvmxioenl way to send I'vmiltzinrvs by mail in the Unmininn; if tlw mail gums astray, no luss is sustainml. Slmnlcl ynn (lo'sirv tn svncl nmmey to a point nulsulv Um mnnlry. a Standard Bank Draft will svrw your pnrpnsn for furwzmling monny lo furniim placvr. Sub-Branch at vailll crushed to death. The men who were at work In the hush had ap- parently not noticed the lad. who, in some unaccountable manner, nad got in the way of the falling tree. until too late. The boy was in his fifth year, and the fatality has created general sorrow in the com- munity.â€"-â€"Listowol Banner. Last week McGaw Bros. were cut- ting and storing their season's sup- ply of ice. They have an ice cutter that is run by a gasoline engine and which is quite a heavy con- traption. On Thursday a heavy northeast wind came up and began to blow the ice out on to the lake. George McGaw, ton noticing this, thought of the ire cutter sitting out where they had been using it and rushed to get it in, and his collie dog hounded after him. When “Fry" _'asped the rope to pull the ma- chine in, he could already feel the ice quivering under him, but tug as he might, he eould hardly move the machine. and for a moment. it looked as if the ice. rutter was about ‘lo take a trip on an ire-flow. But the eollie showed great intelligence. As if he understood the whole thing, he raught hold of the rope in his mouth and began to pull. 'l‘his addâ€" ed strength was just what was re- quired. and with the ire just rom- meneing to shove out, George and his clog hauled the aehine to safety. --â€"-l\'lm°ardino lleview-ltelnorter. Shooting Mishap Results hull] KPIIINPUI Rock, 12-yc-zn'1nld mm «of Mrs. .lnlm Huck nf Lugan tuwnsllip lwnl‘ Mitrhvll. lhml almul. 3.30 last \\'c-chw.~'dn,\' nun-Hing us a I'vsult. 0f :1 lmgiv shunting m'viclvllt Hm pro- Vifllh' :Il'lm'nuun. 'I'hv lml was shut, Hu-uuull Hw aluhmwn win-n :1 2?- mlilnm ritlv in ”w hands nf :m 0MP? hrnlhvr was mwidvniully disc'lml'g'ml just. as Kvmwlh, who. was an his way lmmo- I'I'mn sr-Iuml. sic-ppm] in I'm"! Hf Hm l'iflv. 'l'lu- mm was lwing Inzulm! by Hw ulclc'r hmtlwr wlwn Hm lmnnw-r slippml. - Listuwvl Standard. “AI'II )"Hl SUPP." IIII IIIIinIIIs Im- tivnt, (HN'P. III-3km] a physician, “are yIIII fill?“ that I shall I'l'('.0\'0.l‘? l IIIII'II lll'al'il that IlIIItIIIrs SIIIIIIItIm‘I'S uiw HII- III‘IIIII' IliagIIIIsis IIIId IIIIVII II'IIIIIIIII Imwnh fIII' IIIII-IImIIIIIII thI alLI'l".\\fllll (“WI 01' lyIIlIIIIIi fl'w‘l' “'“MIIIII- “04‘” “00“”) misin- fIIInII'Il," l‘l'lilil‘d ”I“ IIINHISU, indig- IIIIIIHI. “If I l'WH II man for [HIM]- IIIIIIIiII, IIII Ilivs IIf IIIII-IIIIIIIIIIII. “Pry's” Dog Helped A Doctor’s Guarantee The Municipal l'mmvil 0f Hm Township of Nurmanhy mm, m Hu- ‘ 9 I‘ Jerks ofllmu Aylcm. «m luvs-May. Fuhruarv 9. u! in mm. 'l‘lw lhmvu In Um vhan'. all llm nHu-r mmnlwrs prgsg-Ipt. ' Filsingnr-wSo-im: 'I‘I‘Ial. Um minuh-s at last regular. nun-Mum as road lm adopted. Cam} «I. II‘I-..‘ Al _.__ Ill Pilsilmvn-«Svivn: 'l‘lmt Hu- undil- ors’ report, as pl'vm-Ilh'cl by “w mul- ”.Ol‘h In UV "mm" . bu avmmtm! m4 mrrm't and that "In Clvrk lm in- struct“! In haw- 200 ('nplvs m'mtml for pm of thu rutm'pzqus. Cm°l'|m_l. Filsinm-r-v-‘Svim: "l‘lnat Hm (llvrk nutify NPIHI' Mrl'lu-v I'o' htxvs cm In! 45, cnnrvssicm 2. Nm'llmuhy. 1mm: in arrears simw 1922. (lurrlml. l“i|.-'ingm'-â€"\'vim: 'l‘lml l£y-â€"l.aw NH. 3 of 19:36 rv umunnmwm of an as- sc-ssnr hr uiwn first, mu! sm‘ulll' rugdings. 4mm“. Widmuyvr~~0vvllsz 'I‘IIIII. lIy-Iaw No. .I III' 1926 III- uiwn IIII'III II‘IIIIIIHI, Signml IIV ”I“ “mew and I :‘II‘Ik. IIII- IUIINII‘IIIIUII H‘III :IIIIIIIIWI IIIIII I‘II- glnsm-II III IIII- II}-lil\\ lHHIk.‘ LzII I INI. N08“ A. SI‘III'IIk I95 III“ :Ism'asul'. Your Grocer Sells Huvo you tried “7 Th £3va lam an! an Normanby Council D. M. Saunders Gent's Furnishet Durham, Ont. pay best because of: lâ€"fit. which is absolutely accurate from head to footâ€"no guessworkâ€"the suit is cut to your measures. Zâ€"exclusive custom style which cannot be successfully imitated. 3â€"fine workmanship in every part of the suit, thus insuring lasting shapeliness. 4â€"better fabrics and longer wear. Figured on a “mileage” basis clothes as we tailor them they cost lcu. Why Made - to - Measure Clothes Pay Lies Don’t Pay, Jay! I Ovensâ€"4Viclmvym-: 'I‘Iml. liyâ€"lanw IN". t 0! 1926 n- wirv [mum hy-lnw lw um-n first, and unwind rvauluuzu. lhal'rivd. Filsingvr-- Soimz1‘lnu ICy-lm'w Nu. 4 M 1926 km gin-n Hmul I'vmlmg. simwd on "mum and Clark and en- urnfim'd in Hm lby-law hunk. Glul'l'lmi. Filsinm-r-Afivim: 'l‘hnl, m0 III-WI- and 'l'l'I'aI-IIII'I'P .N' HIDINHIHN' a ram- miHI'v in mukv II N'Hh'flld'll'. with the Minm CIIIIIII'il r0 qu'k Ilfllll' IIII 'l‘nwn IJIN‘. MIIIIII IIIId NHI'HNNIIO)’ up III Ilah'. IIIIII'iI'II. 'I'III- lIII'I'k was III~1IIIIII~II In wrilc Ilw Szmwrâ€" Mama-3 “Ullumln IIIIII ”It“ Canada “In!” lIuII ILIIIIIIIIIm for III'IIM «III ”I“ I'mIIl In mdms. (m'ns Smm: That. ”no fullnwimr :u'vmmh lw pzml: Mvssl's, I’M'lws and Murray. salary as “mums- $30; Ccmucil nun-mu: at. «Mo M7; llau- «mar Punt. halam-u pl'lllllllll. 11025, $703“; Mia-ts Ada IQ. l’ul'hllw. l'vv I’U'K- fish-Um: lmms. Inurl'izmvs, drums, 1925, 1375.031 'l'hv llmuwi! ijmn'nmI tn tum-1, m tlw lilvrk'~' “mm .M'hm. «m Mun- cluy. Marc-la 29. at 10 :oJII. m ummmt pammash'rs. lmlllldkd‘l‘pd'l'fi. fc'lmu vivwvl's and fur uvlwral lnmmms. PAGE 8.

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