West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Feb 1926, p. 6

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Aflhnugh ”mum! in large» cngl'Ov In m-ban- on “W .Mhlrvss. it hash-9n an important wwk in the Legisla- hlrw. A host, of petitions presam-cl inn-mluctinn n!’ pl'iVaU' hills. Hun. 'W. I". Nickle intl-mhu-ml a numbn- of :nwrnnmfl. mo-nsuro-s arising cm! 0! rN'Umnu-mlntinns from Hu- Sta- tnh- HH'Hinn (lnmmission. for amo-mlmo'nt and simplification n! lav. ~' nnw un Hw hunks. and all ”H'PP party lo-aolo-l's \vm‘v heard in the do'lmto- lei’. mmn- intrrvst in Hu- aoesamn has two-n inolivntml by c'rnwd- ed guilt-rim and full attendancp in thu ”nus", A alivisinn so only in the session as in lw put-Imps without pro‘codc‘m. rulm- nn 'l'm-sday, when Hon. W'. E. Nam-y. K.41.. Prngrvssiw- [made-r, Mm fullmvm! \V. E. N. Sinclair in tho- .lvhah». mam-cl fur actinurnmpnt Unhl \Vo-«lnvsclm'. and NW gmw'n- nwnt olm'lgnml t0 at'cmlv. Mr. Rano'y ill-nulmlo-d that thn mmnbm's ho [N'HNL :m.‘ ”I“ Iw-sulf. was :1. Wm- M .37 In If. uxurmt. him. 'I‘Eu- \‘nfv. ammugh -_ math-1' of pr u‘mlm-v, was Im'xvly m: puz'lx 'I'nw. vxvvt‘.’ 22m: annmuu pru-srnizliinn ni' gwfifioms i'nl' i'i-I‘lzlm priVah- lzi'h'. HH lwhaH' 01' WNW ur- han nmnii-igi'mtivs in pariirnlai. that. tho- unwrnmrnl \vmilil m»! an prnw h-gidalmn o'nahling thrm in aviuil'zito- fz'mn Hwil' rmlnty. How'aiol “’l'lw HhVimis purpom- is to wrap“ emitrihuhnn uI' thrir fair sharo- to- ward mainh-nam-n ul’ highways. 'l‘hc- ngrnmmii ohm-i nut. hmk uimn this lugi-ilziiimi with fawir. and will nut. Iw prrparo-d hi apprcm- it. 'I‘hp luwns that. HP" sowking in swparatr {mm rmmtirs shnulol routrihuh- jmt thi- samn as thn rural park of Hm provilwv.” PAGE 6. Mlll'h mn'msity as tn pc‘msnhln unwrnnwm, :u'linn in I'Pgal'tl In tlw Ontario 'I‘ofimlwrauwv Act “115' MM!»- itml by Mr. "mu-y and Mr. Sim-lair \th spukv first. uftm' thv mnvm' and Mt'umh-r of ”In .\0MI‘PS~'. They no- cupiml nun-h “run in wading qunt- ations {rum public statvnmnls hy the l’rlmn .‘llmsh'l' during the last I'vw )‘o-ill'i. 'Ilwy umwm'ml tn lw uncle-1' thu impws-Hnn that, they wvrc put- hm: a "pm. I“ m .‘lc'mzuuhng that the Thv PI'IYIII‘ \liiiisto-r was giwn a firm" matimi by his fullnwi-i's in the Hm 'o'. and this was I'vimatmt whvn. in tw i'nursv at his slwm'h pmpm‘. on "Thursday. tw olvalt at gi'vatm' h'ligth with tho- “. T. A. issuv. A tuaturi- was Hm mmtatinn nt' mam vxtrat'ts l'i'nm stati'nwnts nt‘ spvak-. H's at thv last. i-nnwntinn of tlw 0n- ‘ tarin Pi'utiihitiun l'ninn hm'v. indi- tatim: c-mu-liisiwly tn the prvmim"s mind that. ttn- man who now havn (matrnl at that. nrganizatinn are snaking. not. sn much to aolvam'v thn cans» 0f ti'mpma’uu'o- as to «What this gcwvrnmi'nt. lmhwl. snmc- of them an- «m row-mat as favm'ini: wn- dni'satinn nt' Prugi-vssivv vanitiilati's, amt snmv Litwrals as may hp oh'sir- ath. in mah'r tn cto't’vat tintism'vatiws - pmhihitimusts m' nthi'i'wisn. Glam-mg ac'i-nss at Liho‘ral hvm'hvs. Ute" Pl't‘lntt‘l' I'o'mal'kml that ho‘ i'OUM sm' his trio-nits t'l‘nm East Ottawa (l’ilml‘tt . Pl't‘St’HN (P|'(ili|x‘~ and Rus- snlt erhutgvh rushing to takv ail- vantagu al' this ntTc'r. In vii-w of flu- farts. hmwwr. tlw Primn Min- istvr :t'lttHlllH'Nl that ha was i'oaity tn takv up thu vhallvngv laid down. 1 vantam- nl' this "w farts, |I0\\'f'_\'t "'l‘lw thm-rnmvnt." llt' said. "is pro-parrot tn mnko lip its mind and submit tl.~‘ \‘ii-ws wlion tho propor tiniv ronws. to tho piililiv of tho pro- \lllt't‘. \Vo- lH‘llt'Vt‘ and haw PVM‘Y roiitlolo-ni'w In ”I" broaclnoss of viow aml fflll‘lh's‘fi of mind of tho Pili- zmis of this provinco that. thoy will In- pl't'ptll't‘tl to aim-opt. tho sorious. honest. i-iiitmvor of a govornmont. that is doing: its utmost, to honor the conditions. matrrial and moral. By Our 'l‘oruntu Cnrrespondnnt (m Mm The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2, link-anon to Normal School. Each member of the Stat! is a Um- vm-sity Graduate and experienced Teacher. .1. IVuv ..... Intending pupgls should prepare to enter at Imgmmtxg 0! term. lnfnrmatmn as to Courses may be obtained from the Principal. The Schon! has a creditable recqrd J. A. M. ROBE. B. A., Principal. JOHN MORRISON. Chairman. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL uu'ml. m Mai Inn nl‘ W Prim nn with “In .~' fur m-rtain of szx ur- tn lumflilyln .\l inist ur thn prnvincp uf Ontario. rather than a narrow. prejudiced partisan immunization waking to dnstmy this giwm'nmcnt and which apparently has nu nthm' motive." In an allusion to Prngrossiw-Lib- o'l‘al rvluticms. thv Prumim' said: “It all points in thv mw dirvctinn, and vvnrything that. has transpired dur- ing ”w last. row months loads one tn mu inevitable» conclusion that the l'usinn nf Hw two pnlitiral nrganiza- (ions is almnst at hand." 'l‘hP Prem- io- ' allndml with snnw humor to I'll- man's o-mamlting frnm Ottawa that Mr. Sim'lail' was tn lw vlvvatm‘l to NW bunch. and Ian vnqnirml if tlm Lilwral [madvr‘s slwm'h 4m 'l‘lwsday was a mm, M' \‘Hlt‘dit'tfll‘y. Mr. Fur- gum” suggvsh-cl that in «~va of a lmI'LV "Usinn, tho-w wnulcl nnt lw mum fur hm lvmivrs. in any «wont. and ho- Hmught. Mr. Hanvy mmM ho Willing tn umlo'rtuko- Hm rnslmnsi- hilitivs. No-itlwl' “1' NW m'ntlvnwn I'o-t'a-I'x'ml tn nfl'vl'wl a clo'nial. Mr. Sim mm I'o'mnrking that. “W l’rvmim' lwm'd rummw ln-Tw'w tlmsv \VIIH wo-ro «'umw'nml. Mr. mmwl ahnllt m'nplo' inch'ml trmvr: mom! I '|‘iw main part, 01' Mr. l'W‘gnsnn's mldrvss was :ivvotml in :1 hrivi‘ nar- rntiw Hf wwvrnmuni activiiivs dur- ing the yoar. In reply to a criticism i'i'nm Hu- prnsiiinn that, the Throne Siwo'ch was nut Vm')’ "mo‘aty." Hm l’rinw Ministm' mmmu-nimi that. Hm a-nniiitinn was mm in whirl: ilu- grew- o-I'nnwni lnnk snnw [)l'itiH. 'I‘Iw pru- \im'o- hm! hm)" Ingislaiml t0 ilvziih, :uul Hw film. that prnpusml now laws \W'l'i‘ um. numm-uus was a mat- to-I' I'm' satisfaction. Hn nnnnum-mt. humwm'. that. (Tramâ€"grading logis- lutinn \wuht tw brought down in 3 WW clays. and that ttw anartmont nt’ .-\g'l'imt|turv's t'XlH‘I'illlt‘llt in ship- ping: nvm'svas 25,000 hal'rvls 01' (m. tt‘u'in apple's \Vnulcl lw I'vpvatmt this WHIP. WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS 00.. Luann - MOM: TORONTO Minna-«00m. u 701' all your baking My customers are al- ways telling me what wonderful bread, flaky pastry and light, de- licious cakes they bake with Purity Flour. Really, I've known of the uniform excellence of Purity Flour for a long timeâ€"that’s why I sell it. I could handle anv brand in Canada Flourâ€"that's something to think aboutâ€"isn’t it? “hit: (at the 180 page Purity m Cook Book. 3°C in stamp. brim “mummy“ Warthlotonou Regarding his own Department of Education, the Premier said the great problem was to secure educa- tion for those in outlying sections of the province, and to make educa- tional opportunities equal for all, as far as possible. He said: “I have been trying to improve. matters for the rural school children. We have endeavored to simplify the curricu- lum and give more attention to the development of character.” He alsm alluded to elimination of the sup- plemental examinations and said that pupils are no longer “plucked" because of falling a few marks be- low the standard set so long as their term record is satisfactory. The plan to give first-year university work at various collegiate centres would he in general ope-ration. he thought. by next year. After a ref- erence to correspondence schools planned by the department for ben- efit of scattered settlements. the minister announced that with co- operation of the railways. it had 3heen arranged to send out. a numâ€" ber of “travelling schools.“ Ioaches were being fitted Up to provide a class room in one end. and teach- er’s «piarters in the other. and these would be taken for a week or two ‘at. a time to places in the northern part of the province where one or .two families along: a railway line were unable to send their children to school. In c-unu-I'satinn with your cur- rvspmnlvnt. ull Friday. Hnn. \V. H. Priw, m-uvim'iul tl'vasul'm'. (‘lvm'r'd up sumv Implllell‘ misa;mrvlwnsinn ruspm'ling :ulminstralinn nf lhv :mmso-mvnt tax. 'l'lw furl is that. if has wm'kml nut. clm'idnly tn lhv ad- vantam‘ uf (-lnm'lms and olmriliw. ’l‘lw rvuulalinn pvrmitling vxamp- linn unly whvrn half tlw gross H'- «mints nl‘ an mum-tainnwnt :m M H‘- Iig‘imns. rhm'itahln. mlm'alinnal nr mmmunity lblll'lms‘l‘s‘ has wally hm! Hw ofl‘m't nt’ allnwing somuthing tn 1w “Maillml for ”town nhjowts. \VIH‘I'P all 01' nvnrly :l” llw I'c-c-o-ipt-s uf an vntm'taimnvnt. gm tn talvnl. and for ner nxlwnsos. tho- de-pm'tmvnt. mn- sidm's it. «mly fair to onllm't. thv tax. "Now that wa haw it. running.“ tho. "finish“? said. “tho t‘lllll'tfllt‘h‘ as a whnln. aIIIl ('htll'itahlt‘ anI‘l ft'fli-t‘l'llal nrganizatinns 211‘!" hI-hind tho (It‘- litlt‘hnt‘nt. ht‘t‘flllS‘f‘ thI-y I't‘fllilt'. that for tho first. tinw thIIy fll‘t' Slll‘t‘ of gutting: somathing. \Vht‘ll this gov- t‘l‘nmt‘lll came in 0"“ of tha things “0 fIIIIIIIt all mm' thv 00!”.th “as that ”It‘lt‘ \\ as Im pImisiIm that Pli- ahlmt tho I‘h: ll‘it)’ tIi «mt. an aIlquuatII ammmt. from any IintI'I'taiIImI‘nt. 'l‘hn hall O\\'nt’l'. HIP talvnt Iimplnyad. HII‘ hIIs‘iIII'ss III'gaIIizatimIs :mt, paid and Hip I-haI'ity somatimvs gut nuthingr. .\t. thv samn timt‘. thv :IHW'I'HIHPHY lost, ”It‘ tax.” It svoms that Hm Simply of {mod funthall cm'mhvs is nut vqnal tn Hm .lvmund. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Introduction of the improved Ford closed models in colors has substantially increased the demand for these pOpular cars. In line with the policy to give its customers the benefit of all reductions in production costs, the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited announces substantial reductions in all closed models except the coupe. These reductions effective as of February 11th. New Price Old Price Reduction Added refinements in the new model runabout, touring car and light delivery have necessitated a slight price increase. These prices are now as follows: Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limi Fordor Tudor ‘Chassis Premier Whitney has expressed himself as "delighted" to be present at the Odd Fellows” celebration to be held here in the early summer. The Sons of Scotland have again taken the lst of July and purpose having a day of sports in Durham. The proceeds are to be devoted to the purchase of a park to be known as Sons of Scotland Park. We deeply regret to report the death on Friday last of Mr. John Mitchell, editor and preprietor of The Hanover Post. Death occurred after only a week’s illness from pneumonia. ’Truck A. new dynamo for llw electric light, plant mmchml town 'l‘uvsday. W0 hope it. will give good satisfac- tion and that. lights from now 0 will IN a l‘Pl'Lflilll)‘. Full changes haw not yet hmm made in thv (-omunt. plant, hm'u. Mr. i‘iill‘ilal‘di. svcrvtm'y. is living re- placed by Mr. Muitlmul of ()wvn Sound, and MP. Llullnw. vhvmist, will finish nut his tvi'ni which 0x- pirvs in Animist. Mr. .lnhn lllifl' was nll'm'od thv mun-vinh-nclmwy, hui w. umlurslami hail «it-viclml lo gm thi. 'l'nday. \Vmilwsday. Miss Murmarvl (I 'uwi'm-d joins hc-m't. and hand with Mr. .lnhn S. Mm'linvi' nl' Winnilwg. 'l‘lw mnrning C. I’. ll. passvng‘vr (min was late Mummy murmur: (‘allSl‘ll by MW ('navllvs Imu'im: llu‘ track lwm' Muplv Hill. No clamagv was «lnnv. "l‘lw stm‘m nl‘ Saturday night. and Sunday hlm‘kml tho ruads musin- vrahly and madv tram-Hing: raHmr slaw and [wavy fur a l'c-w days. We- :Irv plvasvd tn rvpurt that Mrs, Jnhn Davis 01' (Hmwlg. \\'III) was ['4'- (mntly mwmtml un for “atm'm'l. i9 rwnwring nivvly. Slw will smm 1m, in pnssvssinn nl' hm‘ sight again. 'l'hn Imrko-y matvh in Hw rink lu-ro last. 'l‘lmrsdny night. hulwwn Dur- ham and Hannwr 1'08”“ch in a win for ”H‘ \‘isilm's‘ by full!“ goals 10 two Taken Prom Chronicle Files of Twenty and Twelve Year: Ago. quivt. \vmhling was" solmnnizml February 26, 1914 larch 1, 9 Equipped with starter $85.00 extra All prices I. o. b. Ford, Ontario Government Tax Extra $755 695 325 $895 $140 755 60 335 10 Ford, Ontario at the rectory on Monday morning when Mr. Charles John Keller. son ,of Mr. Adam Keller, Normanhy. was united in marriage to Miss Euphie Wall. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wall of this place. Rev. W. H. Hartley performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Keller will reside in Normanby. The Furniture Company is set- ting an immense amount of timber this winter at their four mills at Dornoch, Rock Mills, Ceylon and Durham. it is expected there will be over four and a half million feet of logs in the four yards before spring. The annual meeting of the South Grey Liberal-(lonservalive. Associa- tion was held here on Friday after- noon last. Mr. 'I'. \V. Mrllarry, mem- her for South Renfrew. was the principal speaker. ' l-l Al- 1:- l" """I"" 'I Last \Vodnosday night. Ihv livm'y stable of Mr. W. .l. Atkinson at. Hul- swin was buy-nod. A Izmh-rn (wor- turnod and, 0xpl0ding. svt. thv plavv 0n firo, On Friiiav last w hilo OIIm‘IItiIIg his saxxing machinn III his homo. Mr John AIIlzIm mnt “IUI an avvidont mm mm cost him IIIII- «If his lin- gI-I‘s. H0 was tighII-IIIIII; II sa“ Imx- ins: \VIH‘II IIIP \\ll'll('Il slipme. and hi: IIIIIIII (‘amn iII ((IIIIIIII. “III! Ihv Durham Branch J. A. Rowland. Manager m Iron _ As Pat passed the lunatic asylum, he glnnced up at the clock and was surprised to find that it had goxm one O’clock, when hp thmwht. it, wanted at least lm minutvs tn Hun. hour. "Vii-1e clock wouldn‘t lw lam-.- was righL" said thv auvndam. casticalfly,“ __ _ -Uv‘- He'enquired of an attendant stand- ing at the door if thv t'luvk \wru rich}: - “Oh, I 'didnt think of (What Pal. “I suppose Hints Hu- you’re here." Thu-u”, binary 3‘. 108. an id I‘vasnn if it BBS. JAIIBSON 0mm und Io‘ min Once (‘35! HT Hw Whh'll SH‘NX [J ham (Min v hu1r~ 0 pm. (Pump? Sum J. L. SHITH. M Ollice and mac Count?” and I am cite Old Pmt (HT: Ito H am. 1.1m t. (SU‘IdBfi'S ('X(‘¢*;.2p l’hystv lelmvn It? l'lm tested :1! 2 to ;' excvpt “IO and 3 '11 IN bah om Sm M [M It ‘I u Licen 3‘1“ LOT 7. C minim: 1t cultivatiu convenim fies are a “one fm also hav i ment; in“ brick hw- frnmo m to hmw- water hr ‘0 mm“ acres 1 bll‘hl 11 frame ! CunN‘Nt cement uininc 11f “70m” in The” N( )R'l‘H and H the m tammgz framv we“ at this fa tum. right ! “CHIN (UK Lot .4 2% sz~ Ilium: in 2001! “ burn \x'nv ~ “ables. "w extension Well watmvn For further . “Null Smith C. 6. AND BESSIE Chiropractors. Du DR. W Phone lillcrest C 122-124 Avenue 8‘ mm W Mes l-‘m‘nwrly “f Thursday, febr CASH \\'l'l of four. 'I‘ Blturduy I: 25'cents. u "I” he- ma BATES B \I MIDDLEBM FUNERAL I New Iodern fui FA RMS 1" Barrister Advert ISPHH Media! 1 0m d Auctioned Class BRA I LUCAS N UK NM

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