West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Mar 1926, p. 2

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PAGE 2 WHEN ANY NEW PROJECT IS BEING UNDERTAKEN in any business concern, not one of the employees would dream of going ahead and doing it without consulting the president of the company. It is his business; he is the chief owner, and it would be a piece of impertinence to attempt any project without his advice. Yet is not God the chief owner of the world. our work and our very selves, yet how many of us undertake projects without consulting Him in prayer! Sometimes 'we wonder why things go wrong; why they don’t work out to our ex- pectations. Is it any wonder! Who are we that we should go boldly ahead making plans for the year, without individual and sincere prayer that each of us may be given strength and inspiration to carry out our share in the great workâ€"Lem’ne Bailantyne. DR. FRANCIS E. CLARK, r'AlVllblAnhl nnuvv u nu “Father Endeavor” Clark, founder and for the last forty-four years the president of the United States Society of Christian Endeavor, retired from the presidency at the 30th national Convention held at Poreland, Ore. He will retain the presi- dency of the World’s Christian Endeavor Union. Dr. Clark reviewed the growth of the Christian Endeavor movement from its inception at Portland, Me., in 1881, to its present stage of development. _ A- .. ‘nnnfl‘:l\“n nnnfvnn+;nlf fhp Pnn- ".8 preheat 3W56 VA uvvvav'---v--v. Some of the more serious questions confronting the con- vention were: Is it necessary to be a Fundamentalist to be a Christian? Can the church supply enough recreation for the average young man or woman of today? Does dancing indicate a serious defect in moral fiber? Is it immodest for a young girl to appear in public in a one-piece bathing suit? Should golf and other sports be engaged in on Sunday? How can the cnforcement of prohibition best be aided? Can a Christian Endeavor girl wear rolled stockings and use a lipstick? Must all races mingle on an equaliy? THE TEN COMMANDMENTS HAVE BEEN CALLED the thundering conscience of the Israelites. “I have noticed,” said the farmer, “when driving my mowing machine, that when there’s something wrong with it, there’s pretty sure to be a warning. If the gear is get- ting dry or out of place, and doesn’t run right, it gives a hard, squeaky crunch that lets me know there’s trouble com- ing; and if I am wise, I stop and investgate.” It seems to me conscience is like that. It is the crunch my spiritual nature gievs me to warn me. The Ten Com- mandments instruct the conscience, with the added meaning given "in mthe sermon on the Mount. THANK GOD THERE IS NO SEX DISCRIMINATION IN God’s commandments and their application! We have saved the soul of the man who killed, We have turned tooshrive the thief, But for her that fell have we fashioned hell, With a faith all stern and just. It was so of old, and no man has told What our Lord wrote in the dust. For the men who thieved and who killed and lied, Who have slain the woman’s soul, We have worked and prayed and have seen them made All clean and pure and whole; But we drive her out with a righteous shout In our Pharisaic trust. So the man goes free, but we did not see What our Lord wrote in the dust. “THE BIG WUKU 11V wan un Innuu, .. -......,_-__- army colonel said some time ago, “is not courage but forti- tude. The average human in any nation has courage enough. Fortitude is much scarcer. There are ten men with courage to one with fortitude. It is hard to find a man who will tackle his share of necessary drudgery without complaint, and give it his best.” What is the difference? Here are dictionary definitions: COURAGEâ€"That quality of mind which meets danger or opposition with intrepidity, calmness and firmness. FORTITUDEâ€"Strength of mind to meet or endure unfal- teringly pain. adversity or peril. Constant courage.â€"New York Tribmu“. 00‘ THE FINISHED PRODUCT OF THE DIFFERENT FAITHS might be stated as follows: Greece said, “Be moderateâ€"know thyself !” Rome said, “Be strongâ€"order thyself !” Confucianism says, “Be su- periorâ€"correct thyself!” Buddhism says, “Be disillusioned â€"annihilate thyself !" Hinduism says, “Be separated~ merge thyself !” Mohammedanism says, “Be submissiveâ€"- bend thyself!” Modern materialism says, “Be industrious -â€"-enjoy theyself!” Modern dilettantism says, “Be broad â€"â€"cultivate thyself !_” _Christianity says, “Be Christlikeâ€" “Cw- "â€"v “THE OTHER NIGHT,” WROTE SOMEONE, “A COUPLE of yowling cats were making sleep impossible in our neigh- borhood. Vigorous, explosive ‘Scats!’ failing to affect them ' the least, and distance making the hurling of furniture and shoes of no avail, I was at a loss what to do. Suddenly it on the feline offenders. Instantly the fighting ceased, and as 1 continued my silent ‘pitiless publicity,’ they finally slunk away, and for three months have troubled our neighborhood no more.” This dimly illustrates the pitiless publicity the Ten Com- mandments searchlight has been turning on human life for all the centuries. + + I HAVE SEEN MA‘NY SORRY FAILURES, BUT I HAVE _-II__..- .nlnfink ma. Mf nmodnfl hv Q THE BIG WORD IN >WAR OR REACE,” A REGULAR _A_ .A....... k. c‘ :nfi; _ 0 hearts that bleed and give no sign, Save whitening cheeks and pallid lips that press! Against the bars of circumstance, Know this: UV“ “lluvn Uw-wâ€"v He feels the heartache and the pain That pierce thy lonely soul again, Because He, too, was slain. He will go with you down the years That look so full of toil and team, And turn my grief to deep contentâ€" For this His love was sent: GOD UN DERSTANDS â€"Seleo ted. W 21'»! Hi ....vv\.‘L' - - The Chief had I'wviwfd complaint. that. tlw plamr was bmng usml as a I'vnc'lvzwus and was wanting when i i ! Snmn [woplo are illth'ml fortunate. 011011 a wry slight. full ur arcidvnt results in serious injury to ponple, whilv in 0thvr ram-s, pvrsnns have hocn known to fall mnsiuh-rahlo dis- tance and osrapo injury. Mrs. \Vil- linm Buttm'y. who rusidvs with Mr daughtm‘. Mrs. Russvll Riddvll, 14th rmu‘vssinn. was way t'm'tunate- Fri- day ruining last. whvn shv nwt, with an acrich'nt. which might. inchwd haw I'vsultwt VPI‘y H’X‘iutlh‘iy. Mrs. Huttvry was giving Upstairs with a liu'htmt lamp, and wlwn nunr the top. in snmr mannvr miSSmi hm‘ footing: and full to tiw hnttuni uf Hm stairs. 'l'hv lamp was iii‘:_~kvti. hut tlw nil -‘--'-' 1 top. in sumo mamwr missml lu-r footing and foll to tlw lmttum Hf HIM stairs. 'l‘lw lamp was lu‘nkvn. hut thn oil did nut. ignitv. and Mrs. Butlvry os- vapml sm'inns injury (mly suffer- inzg from tlw shaking up I'vcnivml thmugh Hw fall. (Inns'iclvrim: her ml 'anvml ago uf svwnt..\'â€"sv\'vn yvars the distancv of hm' fall and tlw dun- gm‘ of liro‘. Mrs. lmttm'y was inolm'd wry I'm'tmull«umAtwnml Bun, Ash-pp in vach utht-l-s‘ arms, with ttwir hunch tuvkml umhw Lllnil' hmds‘. Just-.ph Kushvnvt' and “'ilâ€" liam Lohat‘huk, 12 years nf ago, \Vt'l'C found just. in timv to saw thmu t'rnm dmtth am ttu- upon vxltausv nt‘ Thundm‘ Bay ice. 3 milv and a half hum thv show at. l’tu‘t Arthur last week. They had hwn skating. and after going quite a distance, lwcamo mhuusml and Ctlllld unt rmu'h land. ’l‘ht! boys" hands t-svupml t'rvvztug by being unthu‘ thoir ht-atls, although ._In --‘I-‘ :1 fnw Hours lungm' would vortnimy have meant doath. Is a city or town justified in smnding tho taxpnyors' money pro- viding 'amping sites. water, lights and police snporvision and general upkeep for itinerant motorists? Mayor Fostvr of Toronto thinks so. There are many who think din‘er- ontly. _'I‘ho mayor §tatos there ar '|| â€"-A --1-:A l'llbly. JIII u lwdxu a lot, of motorists \in‘o ‘\\ill nnt visit Toronto if obligml t hotol. 0 patronize an Ill) 9: Well. what of it? Are they any particular asset? Does this type or tourist contribute suftlcient to the community to make it advisable for the overburdened taxpayer to clip further into his pocket to pro- \‘ide him free lodging? “”9 have our doubtsâ€"Toronto Saturday Night. . This question is worth discuss- mg. Of course. even the tourist. who cannotâ€"or will notâ€"afford the hea- vy expense of an hotel can not. es- cape some. expense in any place in which they stay m'eruight. They must have food. if nothing else. . And it must not he forgottnn that sumo tourists who can vasily Spend freely prefer “camping" for a Change to the most. luxurious hotel. Taking Care of Gypsy Motorists NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE Chevrolet A. NOBLE, Prop. GUARANTEED REPAIRING Greases ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS Sales and Service Headquarters for town justified in Gas caused in Dundalk on Thursday night of last. week when it became known that three young lads about 13 years of afie had mysteriously disappeared. I quiries revealed the fact that they had not attended school in the afternoon, and it was then surmised that they had board- ed the afternoon C. P. R. train go- ing south. The Corbetton store- keeper informed inquirers that three lads had been there shortly before train time, and the Corbetton sta- It was learned later that they had walked to Corbetton, a distance of four miles, and boarded the train there rather than run the risk of their errand being suspected by. taking the train at Dundalk. The train arrived at North Toronto be- fore a message could be got to the conductor to deter the youthful pasâ€" sengers, but he remembered that three lads had got off the train at \Vest. Toronto. By this time, their people at home were very much worired, and rela- tives in Toronto were. communicat- ed with in the hope that. the. ad- ventureous boys would he rorralled. It was not, until it o'clock. how- ever. that there was any trace found of them, and they were. picked up by the poliee at. Mount. Dennis and ,ltlkt'll t':ll‘u (if, A I Al-.‘L lanl'u lll|lt ‘ It. has sincr Iwm loarnml that, tho youngsters wvrv figuring «m taking.' a litllv jaunt. as {3' as r‘mr- icla. lmt as far as could lw :isrvr- tainml. thorn was not much cash in ”In [iockots of tho lrin. ()nv (if Hm lads; had a little more than $10, while the nilirrs wvrn pct-nniloss. 'l‘lmy \wrn lmmglit hack to Dunclalk «m Friday night. A Puzzled Jumr “\thrn did thn car hit him? askvd Hm (-nmxm‘. “At the jum'tion 0f Hm dorsal and cervical wrlvht'ao," I'npliod tho modival witnvss. 'l‘lw fm'vman uf tho jury rose from his smut. "Man and boy, I'm liud in “town parts for fifty yours." ho prutostmi pondm'nusly, "an' I nivm' hoerod 0’ HIP plam'." any _ place. .-‘-‘ ‘ ~ 01‘ roux-so. places that have no hotol. or only 0110 of an unattrac- tivo (éhuractor. can only dm'ivo hon- e-flt from tourMs who are m‘ovidod with an uttravtiw camping ground. mMidland Argus. And tlmsv arv valuable visitors to THE PEOPLE’S MILLS Gum’s Big 60 Beef Scnp all Poi“ Foods BUM"?! CI“, Pig and Poultry Feeds which we are ofl‘eriug at the following prices Royal Household Flourh pop Strong Chop, cm ..... We handle only the best lines and sell at reasonahlc- pr!" Get our price before you sell your wheat. as we lnll‘llll l» wheat to ship. GOODS nmvznzn ll TOWN EVERY DAY. Phone 8, Night or Day. JOHN McGOWAN The People's Hills Durham. Ontario EUSTOM CHOPPING EVERY DAY Fir as 1050!!” and have put in a full line of FLOUR AND FEED PAINS All TonInC-qufl-‘en'u'nem. ' “M Bylylilfil’hk. h’qudIHeCu-pnml RAYMOND BRIDGET llrkdlle Han Convicted of Bootleg- qing and Is JaiICd and fimd RIVUWnd “2‘ IIIIJI‘I III .‘I: I! L .IIII arrvstml |I~ “ImIIII IIII um. Denton and Inqu I am“. Friday morning. 'l‘lIv I'IIsv \\ u in Markdnlv ht‘fln'“ M. .\I'“I‘I .J l’. l‘:\'idpllic' \\d‘ Icin‘ \ prmod ('0!th Iwh Hm: III. (Inm‘ “as guilh n, «H II: I COHU‘RI‘" IOUII'H. I‘. .\, ”Hum. imprisonmmn and “I!" ”I stun costs was imlmm-«I. husband on my um am my work for an n I hvgi‘two childlren and we V0 quit- : . r d ' a. pm: amt Lydu' E. pmkfiim“: .VN'W‘ .f ”4' “9th.?" 8m - _ ,A 2A“ mamm'ouIddome . '3 husband all! I9! “$50? “‘52; w: gotmon W IlldflIQBWng more from tho Chore. I um feeling fine now and do Ill my work 3nd gm able to ‘0.th more. I tell my friend- It a Lydu E. Pmkhnm‘a veg. cable Com and tint nukes me feel so well. "â€" n.Vlc'ron RICHARDSON, Barium Nova Seotin. In (‘onm'lim \x'nfh Hw In two 0. T. -\. "HHI'LI'c-s' . against yuunhful unkind“ tram Al‘ms‘h'nm: lino-«l nu 55“.“). Tim HHu-r mm- \\a~ for a \W‘Hk [H‘mhlzu‘ {HI'Hx ation. 8t. Thom. Ont. :â€" “1 took four bottlel of Lydn E. Pmkhnm’s \‘ege. able 6 and found grva! r..- lief from dull, henvy paim M. 1m. mull of my bcck and the Mam” from which I catered for fn (- Mag. nftcr my be wu born. After takmg the Ve eta le Compound and ".Amy Lydia . Pinkhun’a Swath‘v \Vusf‘. 1 nm feeling better than I haw .. r m. cat seven yen-s, and am ~. m riends to take it.“â€" Mrs FJ « an M 49 Moore Street, St. Thomas, ' w - Yun WWW r. any things thew mm i you son. whaé n picked up. Thursday. lurch 4, 1925 Bran, per ton ........... Shorts. per ton .......... Gunn’s Tankago. pm' mu. Prairie Pride Four. m: Strong Chop, cm . . . Crimped Oats. (on. GhOpped 0315. 1011.. Strong Chap. ton. .. DulaniminBcck [WEB 80M GETS ONE MONTH intend but'mr' 1h l‘l \V “'33 tried Hus-1mm, 2 Much Hm pl‘is- {I liqnnr v numth’s 37‘?!” mm S. Magis- nf than acLiaurnud r mhn‘m. until has was able . cm l'ivd Bearing childrvn. dologlcal process. just piration. Any intellim mother during her CH! The lower animals he: an Obstetrician. and L‘ Bl“. fi‘llditmlh nun “w.“ “N‘L \"i'\ In”. MPH!“ All“ HH‘ «1"\ or inh'lllgvm'u :nm 3 we haw mm “may the animal Human enough. It. |~ Hm. \ our mom-m m 4m, (£50de tn mulw H! .i huarduus 1m 1m H1)Wv\vi‘. ll prawn! «4' up id's nth-lulu”: per I'al'v :md ployc-d. Hum “10" Win» «hr in!!! ”I“ “cu-h “In mum Hun 010ml“ Hf II" In tho- hum In “w hum M‘viw vwm PVPI'Y (“HIISHIHI of moi-v \xlm she is ms! my and favuu: HI agony in thv Happily. in .. hunws. Ilw m nnt. a WWII. hunor and mu ‘NU'II. ham-x infflrlllamm ml ne‘glm t m «in 1 continuum in t during and :m “much ('hild-l prcmvss. it, as dangm's rump ~4us whirh knuws mum 8h? acrm'clinp fire In H: oxwvn H “ (6‘- lm oxygen as a vamp roam ‘3“ $7,; 3% qnm um-sca "NEW, should 80 (ha: mid H_\ 1n If. whvn «'u of flu-l. slompmg will Iit‘l sumo :I Some Good Question on 3000 hour ,0ch print. ..I‘¢'r.~'mwo'. mended by xvii-ad 0'. W. J. Scholfl, 1n ra \thl M “opyrighl M, m s' ma \VII me Hidden Dangers Dr. Scholes will II a will be of in ah larch 4. 19: 1h ll THE FA TH E EX HEALTH C ll N “ME

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