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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Mar 1926, p. 8

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after propounding the preliminary questions on a stormy winter da , he pronounced them man and wi e by saying, "Under this root in stormy weather, I join this man and wo- man to ether; let none but He who rules t e thunder. ever put this man and woman asunder.” Priceville is holding its own fair- ly well, and a good husines in gen- eral is done by all in business of a different nature. In church mat- ters the old Presbyterians are hold- ing their meetings in the old post Office which is comfortably titted up, and a lull attendance is there every Sunday. The Sunday school is largely attended under the super- intendence of Mr. 'l‘homas Nichol. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Sutherland. al- ways gives good sermons, and those in the church are getting good de- livery by their pastor also. The Rev. Mr. Campbell of Toronto preached on Sunday in the Presby- terian hall, Priceville. 'l‘he pastor, Rev. Mr. Sutherland. was awa on his duty as Moderator of the res- byterian church in the Presbytery of Orangeville. Gladxnndl’riceville (Our Own Correspondent) February is bidding farewell to ell HID“) to whom its existence was uncomfortable. and sometimes its luccessor, March, is not much bet- Ier. So time is marching along, and O couple 0! months more will bring Ils__lo the beautiful mouth of ‘May. We spent some ten days at our old home with mother and sister on .tho Durham Road. Glmelg. W notice thgt the 30031 mad made qn PAGE 8. the old Durham Road is already abandoned on account of drifts in heavy cuts which are some ten to fifteen feet deep, and the Glen Road II still good travelling. This was one of the greatest of mistakes. Thousands of dollars spent on un- necessary work done whereas in- stead of some to or 15 thousand on the his bill, a couple of thousand would have made the Glen a first- -.VI‘(V’ “I.“ w Iluu-rv- VI I'vu- (not in church union), although some 0! them diflered in that uni- son. It is said that a man will leave father and mother and cling to his wife, but in some instances this demand is not observed, for we often see that a bill of separa- tion or a divorce is advertised. A certain minster was perlorming the solemn rites of_marriage,_ an Assessor Moore ul' (llenelg will be trnmpin the snow drifts by this time. e needn’t begin to tell us of the difficulties to contend with by being out in all kinds of wea- ther, for we trampml Glenelg thir- teen times on the same purpose. The late Mr. Bill Tramped Glenelg fl!- teen times and others some three and four times. Mr. Alex. McLean is helping Mr. Arch. 1). McKinnon, South Glenelg, Quite a number of the youn men and girls in the vicinity of ice- villo thought it was not good to be alone, and a number of thempnitqd Some. person or persons who did-l not nlwy the commandment. “Thoul shalt. not. steal," took 70 bushels ot‘ oats from Mr. Colin McLean’s barn on the Durham Road three miles west of Prireville. 'l‘hn house on the farm is not. m-rupiml. so it was an easy mutter to get. to the barn. Priceville can boast of having a Goal barber in the person of Mr. lordon McLean, son of Mr. Hector McLean. north line. and the young man is doing good business. l’rirevilln branch of the Standard Bank is doing good business on Tuesday and 1' riilays. We. thank the. ohliging Mr. Porter who attends for giving us a lift coming from our old home. - ' 'II ‘_J taking out wood. Vlu IIUIII‘ o 'The sick ones in Price-ville and Vicinity are getting better. Profes- sor Konold was seriously sick but we. heard he is better again, so we hope the old gentleman will tune up his piano and give good music once more. Mr. Arch. McLeod. who spent a Couple of months visiting friends in the vicinity of Priceville. left for his home at Barman. Manitoba, last week. Alex. McDonald. son and (laughâ€" ter of Saskatchewan. who spent since Christmas visiting friends here left for his home this March 1. Saw logging is about done. Tak- ing out wood for the buzz saw is the general york at present. -1 m:.1.\‘7;“n urn IvllU at": lul vv v. ._ -V- ' The residents of Pricevillo are sorry to be losing a gnod and faith- ful ritizrn. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McDonald are moving to (Mon Sound this week to engage in the store business. Their many friends wish Mr. and Mrs. Bic-Donald sued 6983 in their now homo. Mrs. Mr. Donald was organist. {or the Pros- byterian church, and both Will be greatly missed in the rhoir. Quitn a number from Glenolg took in the play in Durham last Friday night. Our mail mnriors arr wry rogu- lar in thoir attmulanrv in all kinds of weatherâ€"Albert. Livingston from No. 1 Durham up Edge Hill war, Don. McLachlan on Non. 2 Pricevil e I‘I‘-_A‘- .A W". .‘It‘luu qu: - and down «oncmsion A. Glenelg. to the has» lino Hermie McLean on route No. I down the Durham Road West and up the second concession uâ€"- -â€"â€"~ (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and “r3. Sherwood and chil- dren “from the Wegt visited recent; the lstter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Patterson. _ Mrs. 8. Patterson, accompanied bv her daughter, Mrs. A. Keller and children, spent Tuesday in Mount Forest visiting friends. Mr. Campbeli Dunsmoor is sawing wood for Mr. W. Amen this Wed- nesday afternoon, as that seems to be the style these days. A. Miss Lydia McKinnnn is somewhat better win this last few days. Master Jack McMillan. Son of Mr. \V. J. MrMillan 01‘ South Line. Ar- h'mmin. who was operated 0:1 fur awn-nolicitis in Durham hospital last week is doing fine. Mrs. W, M. Watson. but recently max-rind. was the victim of a severe attack of appendicitis 0_n ‘Setu'xlday Mr. am} Mrs. G. Geddes spent Sun- day at the home of the farmer’s parents in Egremopt. ' Mrs. A. Watson left. for Toronto Tuesday afternoon to spend a few weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. Stockley. Dr. Carr of Owen Sound paid a flying visit. to our village last week. Wp are glad to hear that. Mr. D. G. Mclman and Mr. Donald Mc- Lachlau. both of whom have been ailing for some time past. are on the improved list again. We hope lhvy may soon be able to resume thmr work again. vwning last and was rushed to Dur- ham huspital when» Drs. Jamieson and Blake pm'formed an operation. We sincerely hapo for an early re- covery. _ _ _ \vvu. Last Friday evening a shower was given to our young neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. \Vilfred Watson in their residence near the river. A houseful 0f well-wishes gathered together and with the very best Spirit proceeded to make themselves at heme with dancing and games. A very llSt‘.flll__t_liSt)ia}"Of gift? was Mr. Edward Lindsay is moving to the farm he recently urchased from Mr. Archie Allan t is week. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay and family from our sec- tion. but our best wishes go with them to their new home. Mr. Lorne Allan is moving on to the farm vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay. We welcome Lorne to our neighborhood. March is here at inst, very much a lamb, and we may see the lion in a tem er before the end of the month. ut here’s haping other- wise. The crows are visiting our section again, and we hear that the ground hogs have been seen out. in evidence. The party broke up late or early Saturday morning. Everyone enjoyed the wide-open hospitality of our new neighbors. We hope for their success. \\'e are sorry to lose one of our inner reshhuns.:flthough they are ol" the younger set. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. MeDonald. who we understand are a starting in business in Owen Souno.‘ As we cannot. keep them, we shall wish them Goil speed. and maybe later we. ran reclaim them. They are always willing workers in our conununfly lfie and “in be very nuieh tnissed. .‘liss McLareu. sister of Mrs. (Rev. S. G. fill-Cormack. is visiting at the Manse at present. Mr, F. P. Reiley is spending a few days in Toronto this week. Miss Jelly. ulll‘ junior school teach- :er. is back on the. job again after lhaviug been in attendance on her mother who was ill. Miss Kate Mc- Millan was in charge during her absence. W0 extend our best wishes to Mr. \Vilfrc-d Watson of the firm of Watson Bros. of this village and Miss Marie McArthnr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McArthnr of the Glen. who wqro niurr ed on Mon- 1 m-_-_;,‘ k” bllf' \IH'II. w uu vv ‘4‘ ...fi---_ 7‘ day. February 15. in Toronto, by Rov. Stuart Parker. They arrived homo. Tuesday last and have taken up housokeeping in the groom’s prvlly bungalow. This popular young couple havo the best. wishes of the community for a long and happy married life. -â€"- - u- 11-! -“A- n! Mélnhn" Happy llllllllxuu ll Miss Lottie McLaron of Mitchell is visiting Rev. and Mrs. S. G. Mc- Cormack. Miss McLaI-en is a sister of Mrs. Mcfbrmack. _' m‘_“_“‘ "| L‘lla. .Vll\nlu Mr. Robert EEK-{anon of Toronto vistmi in town_ on Thurgday. ~ ALIA-A VIFLl'u In I-uvvu - -fi Quite a numbrr {rhin- here attend- or! the hockey match in Durham on Monday night and report an exco - lent game. Mr. Duncan McMillan of Swinlon Park vistind over the week-end with Mr. Murray Niche}. Southeast Beatinck (Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. Robert, Smith of near Arthur sprnt a work rocrntly with hrr par- ents Mr. and Mrs. C. Petty. Miss Jpnnio Davis of Traverston \‘isitml last work with 1191‘ sister. Mrs. Robert Webber. . IL-‘ ‘l-A A'l‘t‘o "U\'|' We regret to report. that Mrs. Bauer has been sufiering from a form of rheumatism for several weeks past. Mr. Otto Bauer also has not been well. It is to be hoped thag both may soon be in good health agam. __ - . A n9_1_-.. _--- :n n‘nhnm again. Mr. Robert Picken was in Durham Hospital for a few days last week receiving - typattqgnta . ‘ â€"â€" nâ€"‘g‘L -.:fl Mr. and Mrs. William Smith vis-I ited a week ago last Friday with‘ Mr. and Mrs. George J. Turnbull. Mr. George Sharpe held his sale last Friday, and good prices were realized. Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe and daughter Mabel are moving to Dur- ham this week. Last Wednesday evening. a large number of friends and neighbors gathered at their home and presented them with stainless steel cutlery. silver spoons and casserole and usual address. Mr. Sharpe made a very ap reciaâ€" tive reply, and a very enyoyable time was spent by all who were present. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Res and Iamily are moving this week the Sharpe {am who they have rented. ( Our Own Correspondent) Last Wopk‘s vas (Our Own Correspondent) Miss Margaret Arnili, pupil of Miss Ethel Sharpe, has. been suc- cessful in passing the primary piano (school)' examination at Toronto Conservatory of Music. Rev. W. Johnston conducted the services in Conn Presbyterian church last Sabbath. Our hockey boys went to A ton last Friday evening and defeat the home team, the score being 8-7. Dr. Taylor went. to Guelph last Saturda and spent the week-end with re alives. Miss D. Crawford of Allenford is spending a few days wnth her sis. tar, Mrs. Fenton. "Rev. Mr. McFaddy n of Detroit oe- cup ied the Presbyterian church pul- pit last .Spblgath. Mr. Walter Hastie. who has been in Owen Sound auditing the county accounts, rvturned Saturday _l_ast. Our sick folk are all improving nicely. Mr. Fenton is back to his position in the store. A. Hunter and D. Thorns are also able to be up toga limp eagh gay. _ Mr. Arthur Hastie, who has been out West/for the past few months, returned recently and spent a day with his parents before going to Owen Sound as C. N. R. reliever. The plans for the new closed-in sheds at. tho United church are be- ing completed and committee»: ap- pointed. The greater part of the funds ham bven subscribed. Next Friday «waning the play "Iiarbam Makes a ' Spla.h" “ill be. 1 iwn in Hm Holslr‘in Dx'amatim Club {he prm ‘mls to ho med for the pub- lic libraxg. The Hub has spawd nn pains to make it a success, â€" Miss Mabel Dodds Of Fairbairn visited her sister, Mrs. D. Eakett recently: The W. M. S. of the United church held their annual meeting Tuesday afternoon and elected officers for the cnming year. Mrs. West was elected president. Bornâ€"'4 )n thruary 23, t6 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey. a daughter. __ Traverston. (Our Own Correspondent) Match came in clammy and damp for tho follows wallowing in thg‘dc opgnuu iu_ wqmis and 5\\_qmps_. - Thu fellows who fear the gold ahd wpt newx‘ have a very big wood p111}. Thu. BM! 'l‘vlcplwnv Company is not brvaking itself with generous progmsuls in lnoking for new sub- scribm's. Mr. Jamt-s Ryan of Detroit and Miss Cassiv 01' TOWN” are home at prosont assisting their parents to pack up prnparatory to moving to Mal'kthlo. Tho toumstsvr from No. '1 bush are taking some big loads dmxn to Mon: umiin. \Ir \‘ ilfrml Leitch had :i lbad down iastiwook that measum‘d 2.100 Wet; Thom were thrm fat lags nf‘elgnu ‘ 0 II Mr. J. J. met put up a big pile of “cod for Mr. William Sweeney on Fridav Miss (Litherinv 'Iimmins and broâ€" ther. (l'hailix. spent the close of Hm \ka at. "I'm'ln Jim" Ewon’s in Bontim'k. “xiii"."(vl'lvlal'lfis .llt'tllovklin went. to 'l‘ornnio on Frulay to spend a few days. _______ -- n I M “Elfifi‘v'illiam Bakm' is a sufferer from Inflammatory rheumatism at present. Miss Jmmio Davis spent. the past week with her sistvi‘. Mrs. Robert Wehhor of Hutton Hill. Mr, Don. Ryan paid a business trip to 0mm Sound inst. week. Misses Clara Huwmx 00d and (iladss Firth :u'u onjming a weeks holida‘ns “in! Mr. and M1“. Harold Law 1 men in Egromont. _ The sad news came to Miss Me- Garry. tmchm‘ in Separate School Section Nu. 5. the early part of last \wek. of the sudden death of her father at ant‘rew. Miss McGarry left immmliately for the stricken homo to attend the funeral. _ Miss Katie (300k sweat the latter part of the week at the Glencross home, Edge Hill._ Swinton Park. (Our Own Correspondent) A very enjoyable «waning was spent. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cantiold last. Wednesday night whon a large crowd of his friends and npighlmrs gallmrml to spend a social vwning lmforv they loave for their now home in London. The evening was spent in games and dancing until midnight. when a dain- ty lunch was served by the ladies aftrr which Mr. and Mrs. Caulirld were called forward. and 3m addrvss} was read by Miss Jean Black, and at the proper time a pursn was pre- sentml to them by Mrs. A. Ferguson. Mr. Camivlcl I‘Pplled briefly thanking all for their kindness and inviting all to stay and enjoy the remainder of the pight ploa§antl§z . THE DURHAM CHL‘ONICLE Durham East 1‘00“de a 1 Mrs. L. Irving 3 e Se trip last week to 99 Mr. and Mrs. R. Km 3“!" been confined to the ham. e days with severe colds, an improved, we are glad to » Corner Concerns (Our Own Correspondent). Mr. William Atcheson gave a par: ty last Friday night that is spoken! of by all. present. as one of the most enjoyable events they have attend- ed for some time. Dancing and card playing were the chief pastimes. Music was supplied by Messrs. Hooper, Morlock. Gordon and others. M}. Joseph Lennox has purchued a new piano for his daughters. It is a Heaintzman. â€"v 'u C. Fâ€"_ v- Mr. (Hark Watson has rented the {arm 9! Mr. George Lawrence who ts havmg an puchon sale on Satur- day and mymg to Durham. Snowmobiles are sometimes seen on our roads now. We imagine they will receive about as much welcome from teamsters on the badly drifted roads as form horses are at pres- ent accorded in Durham. Mr. James Marshall spent a con- ple of days last week with his sis- ter, Mrs. James McNally of Travers- 7'â€" Mr. Earl Mead has purchased a cutting box and engine by which he will b0 able to feed more econ- omically and better. Mr. E. v. Matthews had a little experience a week ago that he wouldn‘t wish to have repeated. He was steeping to pick up something at the end of a drag saw when it was put in motion by the man at the engine who did not notice Mr. Matthews. The saw took the skin off his nose but did him no more harm. _ It has with sadnusg .we learned of the «Math of Mr. Wllham Grasby. whu was raised to manhood in this part. It was just as we expected. The first and strongest protest against Durham's selling of all accommoda- tion for horses comes from those at a distance. It is a serious matter for those living at a distance of ten or twelve miles and wishing to support the town to come in of a cold, storm morning through heavy roads and mi no place to give their team a comfortable dinner. Horses stand high in the afi'ection of team- sters, especially if they are their own. As for us folks living four or five miles away, the situation is even more amusing. Of course, we are excluded from attending even- ing concerts or other social events in town, for although church sheds afl'ord good accommodation {or a couple of hours in day time, no sane person would think of leaving them there for four or live hours at night. But it is maybe just as well that we don’t see and hear what goes on in Durham after dark. Country folks are apt to hold up their hands lin holy horror at what town peo- mle would call a bit of innocent pas- |time. Besides we know this sort of‘ thing can’t go on for long. A coun- try town depending on farmers‘ trade tor a living cannot carry on any more successfully without horse stabling: than a farmer could oper- ate. his farm without stabling for his live stock, and it won’t he long till we see the Durham Board of Trade with hat and coat off trying to rig up some kind of a shelter to stable a few horses. In the meantime. they will have the Opportunity of hear- ing expressions of opinion on the matter especially from those liv- ing at a distance or from those on a long journey during the winter who intend to make Durham the stopping place to refresh their team and have dinner. Willowdale (Our Own Correspondent) With much rain and damp wea- ther and crows hovering around. it gives (one the impression that spring is fast. approaching. The Ebenezer dramatic group. which won the decision in the Town Hall. Durham, on February 26, play in Markdale on Friday, March 5, Water! Water! Water! What Is Good Health Worth? ILR. No. 4. Durham. Phone ”-1! Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unlit for domestic use, when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- pairs. Satisfaction Guaranteed ED. J. PRATT a business trip to 7666 a business L 1311 Saund. V. vf, who havo ~ for a few 3 greatly report. ' ruvw-v V ' “GI-â€" Messrs. Aylm‘e'r and flonen Reay are engaged at present cutting wood for Mr. Gmrge Turnbull. Awmninc J awoke to look upon a fuse. Silent. white and cold. Uh friund. the agony} felt We are glad to Report that Hrs. Willum Brown is again feeling like herself after having a severe attack a] the grippe. firs. Ed. Cooke from Sukatchewan Md one day recently with Mrs. mjmfll‘orry and Mrs. Gut Wise. We M“ in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Goran Johnston i 1008. barn to 9”,st- ~.wedded life toge er. Mr. 1033}. Brown entertained a ' [1:13 nughbors with a wood bee Wedneyday. The report was Mr. Jack Meander. who has been engaged at Mr. William Griersonjs at South Bentinck, is again at his hone here. A -- “ I _ j Some of the young folks.utended the dance at the home of Mr. Thomas Reay of Aberdeen and report a very plegsant evenjng. I I‘._..IA_ nanâ€" {or the County honors. Here's hop- ing they are successful. . Miss Marjorie lighten of'Detroit is at pres nt visiting her parents, Mr. and rs. George Mighton, or this place. Mr. Joseph Davidson is visiting at Mr. George Mighton’s for a week or so. A (Ian Vncvcb half Be Cold. FREE! FREE! Aluminum Bake Sheets Just the best thing we know of for baking Cook- ies, Biscuits, Pancakes, Macaroons, Shortbread, Muffins, etc. Made from pure sheet Aluminum. They do not burn but bake evenly through. Size 15 inches by 12 inches. 9 we give one of these Bake Sheets FREE. Only a limited number so come early. Aluminum Mixing Bowls. large. Aluminum Potato Pots. 6 quart, household 8W? ---------- 75° size .................... auo Aluminum Sauce Pans in sets waffle? Potato Pots....flfl of the three best Sizes, Sta Wearever Double Boilers “A. (hid Handles .......... “ Aluminum Tc. Kettles. 5 quart Aluminum Strai 1. Sauce Pans size ................... 3135 with lid in me sizes “a 7 ................. 100 and can En“ “e“? T“ Kettles- u Seamless ....... 15 Aluminum Pudding Dishes, 1 q ”L 33 qt. 85c, 2 qt. “c, 3 qt. “a Aluminum Preservmg Kettles. . , 8 quart. A good size for Alummum Dinners, 1 quart everyday use .......... “15 Size “to ................ ‘50 Aluminum mm“ excellent Aluminum. Gofiee Percolatora. for all pot roasting or small family size ............ all fowl ................... .1.“ A ‘ - _ _ _ Aluminum Mixing Bowls. large household size .......... 750 Aluminum Sauce Pans in sets of the three best sizes, Sta Cold Handles .......... fl Aluminum Strai hi. Sauce Pans with lid in me sizes 800 ................. 100 and ”0 Aluminum Pudding Dishes. 1 qt. 85c. 2 qt. “c. 3 qt. an Aluminum Dippers, 1 quart size size ................ “0 Aluminum Coffee Pei-column. family size ............ $1.38 relâ€"m" _ 'with your busine business my IN! WIN“- â€"In B”! “Ck, 0H Febru- ' A “‘Dd MP8. Jame 6 . . m “r. ‘m If! . (er. ngrill, 3 d3!!!“ L8 The minjawr advertised for :1 man to make himself useful in hnusn and garden. Ind that owning a young ellow prompted himself. “WI." and the ministm'. “can “NI-I37." “(ha you wash dishes and polish silver?” _ firm-aim!" exclumed the youtlg man. “as It as bad as that?" . “AIM u qua?" naked the min- aster m ourprue. “Wei, on see." explained um yo allow. “I‘m goin to . awed, sad I cum to lag yang”; publish the him“. but â€"--" Mr. and Mrs. lanes wish to can. my their thgmks tn their many friends and neighbors for the-6r kind- ness and sympathy shown tlwm m their sad bereavement. yo‘p'VEIFan bâ€"oour’ I think I oould,j‘ Said UH‘ “mm: man looking surprised. ' “a"; you deal: Windows?" mar“ try.” Ob Aluminum Pres 8 qua-t. A everyday use Aluminum Boa {or ill not re Thu-4y. III-oi i. (926. CARD OF “HIS at in the l. 0. 0. F. MEI RECEIV Mummy nigh! nl‘ ml 3 big night. in local ( 3nd. as a snclal mm by the mnmhm‘s at If the lull was comfnrlal the chairman for film «1 the crowd m mulvr u the pmgram. Two lembers Bacon! Your Jewels, While fill-Year Badge [or CO! fleaâ€"Pleasant Soc Spent by Grey Lodm As the Nnhln Grand (1 the chair was («Mmj Iiw J. Mcfiirr who. it marks wvloummi all evening Will! ”H' I‘c-ql eryone wnuld vnjny | lowing llw 1°||alrmzm'! program prnlwr “as N] first numlwl' lwnm: a Petm‘ Ramago. 'I‘Iu-n violin SPIN‘HHH h.‘ M ‘ solo by Mrs Mark reading by “1-. IL. ll Though tlw mum-an M’as (-njnyml h)‘ HUM impm'mm mm ”1' Hu- « 11w ordc-r. (Md I’vlln‘ hnrs (of 1h [mm «1' SM rm'vix'v t “Wham I ll :5 years each 'Ihu .m- -!\1 ms mado I»; in a {0“ '\\.m upon his In ninth-d “In rm mice on his Nl'. Luidlsm‘ ll (0 say aimul, {old lump ”\vr M‘Omo- :u nwm 00V“? l‘l'g’t'c'Hm yam": mun L €100”le sm'in romimm-m n 80!!!" "T HH' 4- of his sh'uggln “(m and lum ho. was mu l ShHI‘HV th' 010 I. H. H. I“ in}: Ills nmmw Inm‘v LII-Hum:- SOUTH AMER“ NEED Ml? Sf Ifl" hv ma Graphic That L‘ and Pi Week. KI \K" 0f 42h POI“ th In" ”I 31°00 ll” tri¢ gun I": H m Fm'mu- PW 4 am I ”titanium: ~ \' bl! return f: Ma :1 "11.0mm“. ha st‘ I, n' Malling that “”5 ‘H‘dhulll . the l'uztml kill H H mm «m u 3i 59.â€"N0. I; ll ut’lim me .38!" 0f Hm l‘iully In H was ”In Mi. .Ia-wvls in! 3' nth M Im “H nm (N H

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