course, not government measures, and it is hard to tell what may be- come of them, but an interesting discussion seems likely. One proâ€" vides for sale of liquor under gov- Needless to say, the week has not passed without numerous refer- ences to the Ontario Temperance Act. and the matter is now ofï¬cial- ly before the House in the form of two bills introduced 1) Col. John A. Currie of Toronto. ‘hey are, of ing'sight of the mutton and indeed, has taken the initiative all through in bringing Alberta coal into On- tario 1". .\|. .‘ltlt'Hl'ittv. mt'mhur fur ltl'antt'urtl. in his support] in Hm .\tl- ih'tws‘ tlt‘hatt‘. made :1 ('unstl'tlt'tive sug estion in connection with the TH" situation. "t‘ [H'HIDOSOHI that, Ontario, Alberta uml Nova Srutitl each appoint an expert. chi-mien! s‘ngtni'o-i‘ tn Iomk into the whole pru- position of t-oking domestic real. 0n the authority of a noted (laun- ttian Phi-mist. the member gave ï¬g- mm to show that by-produrts to value of $10.61 ran be extracted from a ton of Alberta coal. leaving three-quarters of a ton of roke. This coking proposition was before the House of Commons a year ago. when it was proposed to subsidize coking plants. but, no action there- after was taken. Mr. MacBriale's idea is that plants might be erected at points on Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. so as to get advantage of the water haul in bringing coat down. The government, your cor- responcjent _understands, is not _los_- The Prime Minister has formally taken over administration of the lands and forests department, fol- lowing resignation from the cabinet. of Hon. James Lyons. It is under- stood that he i‘lesires to retain the portfolio of education. in which he takes keen interest. and that he will carry on lands and forests only tem- porarily. There, appears to be par- ticular ground for a rumor that Hon. Charles McCrea will take. on the. duties. although the, mines de-. partment was formerly in with lands and forests. Names of vari-ms members are mentioned in the press in connection with the vacant. port- folio. but Premier Ferguson has in- timated that he will take whatever time may be necessary for pcOper consideration. “I think." he said on Thursday. “the ordinary man in the street realizes that the Prime min- ister is entitled to a reasonable op- portunity in reï¬lling the position vacated three days ago. At times I have heard complaints from the Liberal Leader and those associated with him. that I had taken undue time in makim.r selections to occupy important. positions in the public service. but I put it to the House and to the country, if the delay has not. been justitied by the type and character of the. man invariably sel- Pt’tet . Runny government, toward the hy- dro mmmission. quoting Hm words of Sir Adam Beck in his last spew in â€w Homso. when he said that ho was "still plucking thunrns from his 8MP." “Bol'm'n this St'SSlOIl ('Insvs, tho-m will lw. placml bvfm-o thv House a record 0! the negotiations in con- nm-tinn with that "lllHt‘l'. but I can assure- you tonight that. thv ("lov- ernmPn and llnmmissinn togethvr haw. taken tho- nowvssary strps to ensuru that. a pmwr Simply will ho turnisho-ol for the lo-gitimati- vxpanâ€" sion of industry. and nu powm- short- 8269 will be! :Illowml tn olvwlnp in this province. 'l‘hu ministn' also PP.- callml tlm attituolv «if the Dl'lll‘Y- Feature of the work, perhaps. from a non-partisan vieWpoint, was the review by Hon. J. ll. Cooke on Thurs- day evening of the hydro power situation. The minister. who rep- resents the government on the On- tario Hydro-Elowtrir Commission, expressed the opinion that Eastern Ontario holds the key to future in- dustrial development of the pro- vince. although Up to the present time. the volume of power devel-} oped under public ownership is rel- atively small compared to that han- dled in W'estel'n Ontario, There was a signiï¬cant. announeement which is taken to indicate expertation of a delinite arrangement in the. near future for power from the Ottawa. by ro-operation with Ulloher. The minister alluded to lack of favor- able reply from the federal govern- ment to a request made two years ago that the Hydro tlommission he. allowed to proceed with develop- ment. of the St. Lawrenee. and said: has no particular desire to get through at Easter; if there is any business to be done up to the ï¬rst. of May or any other date, the gov- ernnwnt is prepared to see that it is lnnked after." w v - vw. -l vvu V l IIIID V. VI. ID â€V“: ’ and as the government expresses a desire to expedite and assist any form of investigation which mem- bers wish to institute, that ought to make it unanimous. Premier Ferguson on Tuesday reminded Mr. Sinclair that there is no absolute necessity of the House closing at flasher. "The government," he said, Hon. W. H. Price will bring down the public accounts and make his budget speech on Thursday, March it, and Premier Ferguson met the wishes of W. E. N. Sinclair, Liberal Leader, by agreeing that the Pub. lie Accounts Committee might meet on Friday, the 12th. Both Opposi- tion Leaders have been pressing for early. convening of this body, Debate on the Address, which 30 hr has not taken up a great deal of time of the Legislature, will end next geek: _It is announced that PAGE 6. Information as to Courses may be obtained from the Princi al. The School has 3 credits le record in the past which it hopes to main- tai_n it} the future. Intending pupils should prepare to enter at beginning of term. The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2) Entrance to Normal Schooi. Each member of the Stat! is a Uni- versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. "'r‘l Usullu" ll‘lUUl ‘IIIIE- ly. Hon. George S. Henry stated on Friday afternoon in reply to a ones- tion by I). R. Ross. North Oxford. The number which have complied is 275, and 103 have not. Asked whether the latter are still perform- ing statute labor. the minister said: "The Department is advised that. a ronsiderahle number of townships have abolished statute labor, but haw. not, yet passed the neressary try-laws to enable them to obtain the 30 per rent payable. by the Govern- ment.†He added that it. was the. wish of the department to have all townships participate in this assist- ance. . Deï¬nition of a Man .\ man is somothing that can see :1 prth ankle thrnu blocks away wlwn driving a (.‘81' in‘ a crowded strnnt, but will fail to noticv in the wick! 0mm ('l‘mntl‘ysidn the approach Hf a lm'nmotiw thn size of :1 school hnusn and accompaniml by a flock of foorty-two hux cars.â€"Kincardine Rovmw-Rnprtvr. About ihrno-qunrtm's of the town- ships «if Ontario have complimi with the “Highway Laws Act. 1924,†and are receiving giants a‘icco‘rding- "' â€1‘" n.-n_-_,A A sth of Sir Jumps \Wiitnny, furnwr pi'vmivr of â€Mario. for which the gnwrnmont gavo :1 com. mission :1 (‘mmh' of years ago to Mr, Mi'CaI‘thy. Uttawa Sculptor. is imw almost complntmi. and Hon. Hmn'gc S. Hnnry. Minivar of Public \\'mrks, has intimaimi that it. may ho- possible to hold an unvoiling Uhmit Victoria Day. The nwmorial in ihn late Consm'vaiiw Chieftain is.i0 bn ormttvd in Queen’s Park v Vt- V. - __,_-.-,r.. ‘ru Il‘rll. (lllllll S. Martin’s hill “'l’o Improvo the Quality of Dairy Products.“ in which compulsory croam-grading is in- volwd. Mcmhcrs wcrc virtually un- animous in stating that tho opin- ion of their constitucnts was now l‘avo'ahlc. and oxplanation of de- tails. giwn hy ('lrorgc H. Barr. now ‘dairy dircrtor. was rccoivcd with intcrcst. Uu tlw samc altcruoon. tho hill obtainod second reading in the Housc. Incidentally. thcro was a trihutc to Mr. Barr from J. F. Hill, East Hastings, during the discussion in committco. [to said that with all duo- dol'crmu'c lo othcr ofï¬cials in tho dopartmcnt. “If Mr. Barr had horn horn It) yours ago. thcrc would haw- hcrn a dill‘m-cnt fooling: among chm-sc-makrrs of thc provinrc- to- day, and l hopo ho will continuo to addrcss numtiugs throughout tho Drovmrc." DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL Read the Classified Ads. on Page 7. ‘ . I l 'lhn standing (’nmmilton nn agri- culturn was [Ln sconn nn 'l‘uvsdav. «2f (I‘ll-ffl‘ffltly {lggcusginnn pf Hon. Jolin V Majm- J. F. B. Bulford (Conserva- tivn, East. Nm'thnmhm'land), who is a strung tvmporant'n man, roprosnnt- in}: a “dry" riding. took similar m'nnnot. and inciotvntally paid high tritmti- tn ttm administration at our- tain otvpartmonts. sm'h as Mr. Mc- tiim:z.'.~‘. Mr. ttnlcliv's and tn Mr. Nit'klu‘s vtt’nrts tn vnt‘nrm the t), T. .-\. Ut' ttw administration gunorally, hv said: “'l‘tm Gnvm'nmnnt has ad- ministmwt awry law «m tho. statute hunks amt givan Splondid smwicn to Untarin. and I am proud to number mx'svlf as our (if its SllpptiI‘tPPS. I {vol that, thn provinvn appreciatvs‘ what tho. prnmim' and ministry have otmw. and that tim Plf'ctnrs of On- tarin will Shaw ttwii' apprvciationl who'n thn timo comps." _,_ v.."--u \.lll‘llb' fl, auu [M'I'IIHDH Lne pendulum may haw swung too far. and I! H a perfuctly reasonable sub- juct fmj mPn Ln (-unsider. but not in u fanatu'al way.†J. M. 8038, B.A JOHN MORRISbN, aim --- uvvuv v. yvlullw. Meantime, there have been fur- ther allusions to the O. T. A. in the address debate, and one of these, by Hon. J. R. Cooke, ma be quoted, in view of his Cabine rank. He said: “The O. T. A. is a part of the statutes. No mention has been made by this Government in the speech from the thnonc as to any changes contemplated, and it has been ab- surd what we have had to listen to in this House from men seeking to inflame public opinion.†The minâ€" ister alluded to discussion of the O. '1’. A. in Conservative caucus in 1916, saying that the present prime; minister was the, most potent influ- enre at that time in causing the party to make prohibition a prin- eiple of Conservative mliey. Mi- Cooke added: "Time has perhaps brought changes. and perhaps the I‘lthrln-l..n- ___ J.A..,MROBBB_.A -A---‘ --Aâ€"---’-_ ity of the votors approved, such lo- cal option votes to be taken once in four years. Purchase would be allowed only ‘upon issue of permits. : tII‘I'V II. The Bru's'selswfliéxgx‘ilaBéf- .Neptune says that M. Dupmfl. Belgian Con- I’rvmim' Liapchivfl' nl‘ Bulgaria in- sists mum tlm nvcnssify of Bulgaria and Svrhia mming to a complete nndvmtamling and wm-king togethor in husinnss and am'ivulmro. Tvn Dutch soldim's worn killml and six woundvd in a ï¬ght. with 30 Chinosn who attackmi a Dutch pa- trol near Achin, Sumatra, last WN‘K. The patrol Inst 17 rifles to tho. ro- hnls‘. whoso 198509. are unknown. In an effort. to gvt a working ma- jority in thv Now Smith “â€3109 Lngislaliw Cmnwil. says 'l‘hn Syd- :wy Sunday 'l'inws. l’I‘Pmivr J. 'I‘. Lang and Attm'no‘y-Gmwral E. A. Mc- ’l’iornan In'gml Howrmn' Sir Dudloy 410 Chair. tn agrnn to tho appoint- ment of four wnmvn councillors. Sir Dudloy rnfnsml tn sanction any further appointmvnts. whormmon. the paper stains, hmltvd words fol- lmwd. Promim' Lam: declaring “the rofusal nwrvlv moans a postpone- ment of tho nltimatv triumph of the; pvnpln's I'nprvsvnlativvs." Frodorick .l. A. Davidson. Toronto, formerly l’rofossor of Languages in tho l'niwrsity of Toronto. has pub- lishod a hook in Paris, “Old Wino in Now Botilos. a Now! of Canadian Lifo Boforo tho War,†to which iahriol Hanolaux. noted Fronch statesman and historian and a mom- hor or L’Arndomio Franrniso. has writton a profaro. The book is a skit on Toronto and Ontario society. 'n n-‘ n-NAM‘ " a nvw aim-uplanv carrying thrvo 0n- g'inos deloxï¬ng a total of 1.200 horsopnwm- and having aboard night passengm-x and an equal weight in froight cowrml thP distance in (ma hour and thirty-night, minutes. The pl'vvinus room'd was «mo hour and ï¬fty minutvs. The slwml record for commvt-cial am'oplaum betwm'n‘ London and Pans was hmkon on Saturday when Alan J. Cohham. Britain’s leading long distance aviator, is making ra- pid progress on his return flight from Cape 'l‘nwn to England. on which he is attempting to establish a speed record for flights of this nature. He has telegraphed to The London Daily from Khartoum de- scribing: hnw he has covered almut 5.01") miles in seven days Since leav- ing Cape 'l‘nwii llll February 26. C l Patterned after Bartholdi’s famous statue of liberty “enlightening the world†at the entrance to New York harbor, a colossal stone and bronze statue of Lenin “enlightening the workers and peasants of the world,†is being: erected on a high promon- tory overlooking Vladivostok Bay, Soviet Russia's easternmost port. ; With the Voroveky assassination in mind, the Government has decid- ed to provide heavy police protec- tion for Premier Bethlen of Hun- ary during his attendance at the eague sessions opening in Geneva this week. The British schooner W. C. Ken- ned , from Trinidad in ballast. is a tota wreck on the north reef of Grand Turk Island, Bahamas, where she grounded on Friday night in a heavy sea. The crew was saved. in northwest Italy is ablaze. Owing to the high winds, it is spreading toward Porot Fino. Troops and ï¬re- men are endeavoring to put down the conflagration. Daily Events as Told by Cal). Condensed for Busy Chronicle Readers World News Seen At A Glance THE DURHAM CHRONICLE The belief that the dark-skinnmi races am infmim- tn Hm white is a mist: lkt‘n «mo I’npi' Pills elm laws in an enmcli al lottvr puhlishvd Friday vigorously mging an in- cmaso in the numhm' of native Catholic clergyman in the soâ€"callod With only nnn nr twn vxroplions. the London mnrning nmvsnapvrs vxprnss unvasinvss owr llw minis- lnrial statvmvnls mmlu in tlw House of Commons on Thursday. regarding the sqnabbln ovrr tln- mmnbrrsbip «if the League of Natinns Council. Reluctant even to this clay to fol- low ibo fashion of bobbing: llwir hair, (lnrmnn l'ranlions of llw pru- vincos have nrgnnizml a “Swivty nl' Lung-Hairi‘ul Maidrns." 'l‘lw ram- paign is markml by no lilllv billrr- ness. ‘Iven llm \\'lll(‘S]lI‘l’iHl animns- ity in Germany against l’rvmiur‘ Mussolini of Italy is bring ('apital- iznd. The socinty‘s nwmlmrs say that. bob-lmirml girls look like Mus- solini. Airplmws {vill 1w omplnyml soon by tho Suvint Gnvm'nmnnt. in hunt- ing snals nfl‘ tho Arctic coast. How-- toforn svhnmmrs haw hnon usml. but rosnlts wm'o not satisfm'tory. boats Orton spending whale \wc-ks without. making a “catch." After having been on the defen- sive against the New South Wales Labor Government’s move for the. abolition of the Legislative Coun. oil, the Opposition in the Council carried the war into the enemy's camp and succeeded in inflicting two serious defeats on the Govern- ment. First, the Legislative Coun- cil rejected the Government’s hill designed to extend the franchise for Parliamentary elections so as to apply also to municipal elections, and second, the Council defeated the measure. proposing the amalgama- tion of the suburb of Waterloo with the .city of Sydney. The debate on the budget in the Indian Legislature lasted only two hours and a half owing to the erl‘usal of the Swarajists and independents to participate therein. The boycott provided an opportunity for a face- tious thrust at the malcontents by Sir Basil Blackett, ï¬nance member of the Executive Council of the Gov- ernor-General. who said he knee the budget was so good it would millage the Swarajists dumb. 4 and March 17, four million Ger- man men and women over 20 years of age sign the lists, a plebiscite of the entire nation will be held to de- cide whether the preparty of the former rulers and their families will be confiscated without indem~ mflcation. 'l The POpe gave special audience {last week to Hon. J. D. Reid, ex- M. P., former Minister of Railways and Canals'in the Canadian Govern- ment. His Holiness showed great interest in the development of Can- ada, and asked Dr. Reid questions with regard thereto. Flight-Lieutenant Oliver and Flv- v._-â€" --- w CtW‘ “VIII. Referendum lists were Opened in Germany on the question of conï¬s- cating the property of the former Germenynlerst 1!, between March _--â€" V'â€" . Flight-Lieutenant Oliver and Fly- ing Ofï¬cer Brooks abandoned their attempted five-day journe from Karachi to England when t eir ma- chine was forced down by engine trouble near Jask, on the Persian coast. It was the second mishap since start on Monday. They are returning to Karachi. An earthquake in the Pel'Opon- nesus, with a heavy loss of life, is reported by a courier arriving in Sofia, Bulgaria, from Greece. A cliff shaken from a mountain side, rolleo down into a valley, crushing a train. he__repo_rts. sul-General. in Quebec, who is now on a speclal missxon to Be!gium hears otters of Canadian participa- tion in Belgium’s $150,000,000,000 loan. \Vhon ttw pin-rating ('hanmion- ship of New Jt‘rsoy was «incidvd. each pin consistod of a layer of pas- try one-quarter inch thick. spread With cannmt fruit. 'l‘lu- averagn weight of the pins 'as nnwhnlf pound. Thirty-flvr ynum: mvn 0n- tcrod thv contest. during which the State record of t.\\'cnty-six pins in a half hour wont by tho hoard, far the winner managed to pat twenty- snvon in the allottmt time. For this feat. he was :m'ardmt tho cham- pionship bolt. 1 â€"v-_ -vv .'\'\-II‘-U. An enormous pie of similar weight pl‘twiclml the chief dish at a banquet at Gorlesmn some years ago. It was built in three sections and walled in with a stout crust 3 inches thick. The ingredients consisted of kid- neys, beef steak and rabbits mingled wint‘hpotatoes, onions and carrots. This monster pic was made by an old trawl skipper and took forty- vight hours to rank. Aflvrt‘ UH‘ l'om-‘l the romains of the [m- were made into lvn gallons of soup for dislrilm- tion_l.o tho poor. A mammoth Christmas pie was sent from Box-wick to London in 1770 as a gift for Sir Harry Grey. It mvasurmi nine feet in circum- fetlenco and weigheg 168._[)0und_s._ A“..- metrical}! square. in the sense that it shoul embrance the {our car- dinal points of good diwt, vitamines. A, B and G. and good protein.“ A “square meal" has finally been defined by British scientists, after considerable discussion. The term should imply more than a substan- tial repast. in the o inion of Dr. Robert Henry Aders limmer, Pro- fessor of Chemistry at the Univer- sity of London. ‘A square meal," the professor saysh “should be geo- _._l__'--_ll, , l acumen. The Budapest newspaper Szozat publishes an appeal from the Austrian Legitimist Conservative People‘s Party to former Empress Zita and all the Hapsburg arch- dukes, declaring that restoration of the monarchy or the Danube Feder- atiouis now impossible. The party promises results, however, as propa- ganda is initiated in the succession states for the candidatures of a dif- ferent and definite member of the dynasty for each state. .nnngnn_ â€"-n"‘ L‘. Iii-II uncivilized regions of the world. His Holiness says that long exper- ience proves that these peoples, er- roneously termed inferior, can com- pete with the white races in men- THE GHAIPION PIE-EATER I. A. Rowland. Manger Not a Guardian of Money A credit mmager says some peoâ€" ple .seem to get their fashions for Eggnq'their debts from Pumaâ€"De. in?“ News. Pelican. ~ "‘ "_J It is said that the people of Italy prefer to ent their breakfast in tin» morning rather than any other time of the dar. Phycho ogists tell us that it re- uires almost twice as much wind or a person to piny_g rennet.†it AAA.- A- _I-_ On cold days. if u phonogrmih is not wound up It intervals. it will soon run down and stop. This will “3.9 .happoe‘nnon‘ warm days. ‘ Scientists have proved that it is impossible for the elephant tn hmld its nest for its young in thv tops of _trees. even the oak. In Switzerland UH‘ naliws lilld It extremely difï¬cult to put. on â€Mr shoes without. stooping owr. The mousucho cm new-:- be" m‘uwu upon the forehead. EXpm'mwnts have shown that the umwr hp .3 the. only place in which it. wall thrive. 80KB THINGS YOU IIGIT Bl MIMI) ll KIOWIRG AnAllyofCI AnAidtoBusineas,and An Advocate 0‘ Thrift Thu-lay. Inch 1!, 1m. play 8' Vl'olinélliii'forni-a Lo! 66. Can. ‘3. \\_(' 2% miles Sunfhxx «>4! 0! minim: 8"» MW“ “0' "I ‘(DOd M21?“ 0" t"‘;"??\ Mm with she‘d mum “ables. T-Nvad hm QMSinn kitchnn :1‘. Well watered and in For further partiou! “Mum Smith. R. R. ! mum: H“ 30'†.nd "1 gnnd .411 the prflflim-s M“ minim: 50‘0“ [m9 wundsh" well at dnnl‘l In“ this farm. mflk (Inn. This 1â€â€œ right to quirk I' ticulars 3W1" ‘ R.“ .cl‘PS ch-a bush: in 3 frame hurl concrete 4: cement tau cultivation. haiam convenient to sch hes If? a framv 1 stone foundatwn; also hav barn 3%? meat; hm: pm: ‘21 brick hullsv. fur frame WOHdshmi; (0 honsn, W!!!) V Nor tanks; 30 av ’0 acres in “\th I! WM: 50mm! mu! cultivatima. Far (,0 “'msm‘fs hm†Ontnrio. . '7'. CON. ‘21. KG“ ï¬lming 100 :Aamw; 83. NORTH Hwy 80â€â€œ Illll'm Chi-on Licemed Aucm snl at Mr. (2. ‘2. MI locum] at. I! branch "1'!- ‘30 1') 9.2%“ Bll‘l‘lSlt'l‘a. Smmturs oer 0f HIP lirm Will me mesday of mm: “was. may be maow “with UI oflice. Physician and ï¬ll [Amman Strvvt. Dun-h: Ila l'niVm‘sny nf " tested and «'mwwmi. u'vl‘v} gum! It 1‘! aelf. an (Mice and resndonu .uce cast at the H: Won Street, Lqu him. 0ch hnur: L’ 1 O p.m. (excep: Sundav I. L. SUITE, I. 8.. Office and I'osulen Countess and Lamina Site Old I‘m! ()mvo.‘ .‘0 H 8111.. 1.30 tn 7| p (Sundays excuph-d » _ exceptvd Honor (8 ODU'. (Elm Surge-nus Ill Its Black. M 0f Marla Chiropractors. Dur l’he Scimcv mu! :m .lld yeah in hh- 1;.- h Durham 1114mm» Suturday» 08. W. C PICKBRH Ufllc't Int"! J C .04 (Lugham Hm m u» it. GRANT. n. n C. 6. AND BESSIE Mn PUNBRAL 8!: low Iodern fune â€one Billcrest 0268 133-12‘ Avenue Roa â€I...“ Formorly of I": :‘n BATES BUR Advertisvmvnts CASH WITH (mm of four. 'I'Neplmne Suturday night of v 25 cents. On all clu will be made earl: i DES. JAMIESON 8: ill) IIDDLEBRO'. SP1 IIDDLEB Barristers. Solic: Sll(‘(‘v.~‘~‘nl'~ tn .-\. FARMS FOR Thursday, larci Lia’ns‘d Medical 1): ll PAR}! FOR Dental Dir O DR. A. I. B' Classi LUCAS H m DAN. Ich am 30x 50 Wi 20x U11 N! \\ 4w