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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Mar 1926, p. 7

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Ivy will PM. but m [I span with just a “It! and mxht depend- plans] Iz'ugo'ly on the .- hko nuts and barley. m» applnat has a li"‘ r» undo-.9! and when"! ' mash 399-9! Ian [M In- Is New. "'5 Ion. ', larch 18. 19“. TMitts. Ca pr Men, p3, 'hich ces :1“.an has. No blanks lit“ must the best we ing. Now is »r your New :er. 'H" 'llars, Tics H ITS Boys April 4 nthm, Onlatiu Milling Co. “mova- examina wnll huh! .a sesqui- saunas like 009.0! tum. ~Bmwlvr times Store mass m your will surely haw all the dtylo-s and u fastidious H n Cookery Hange- (It! 1008. Lot 66. Con. 2. “.111... Df’txuuua. ‘2‘": miles southwest of Durham. con- taining 86 acres. Mostly clear and :21 good state of cultivation. Bank barn with shed adjoining and stone st iblas. T-roomed brick house with ntenaion kitchen and womed. Well watered and in good repair. For further partieulnrs apply to within!) Smith. IL I. no. 3. Durban. NORTH PART LOTS '7 AND 8. CON. 2‘2. Egremont. containing 66 acres; 50 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush; in good state of cultivation; frame barn 44x50. stone basement. concrete stables; drilled well and cement tank at barn. Also Lots 6 and 7. Con. L SD11- Glenelg. con- taining H0 acres; 100 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick house con- laining seven roomS. With good; frame woodshed attached: drilled! well at door; never failing springs on this (am. making a choice stock (arm. This property will be sold right to quick purchaser. For par- ticulars apply at Watson's Dairy. RR. 5. Durham. Ont. 102523“ LOT 7. CON. 2!. EGREMONT. CON- taining :00 acres; 85 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush; convenient to school; on the prem- ises are a frame barn £2165 ft. with stone foundation: concrete stables; also hav harn 30x50 with stone base- ment; hog pen 20x40; twelve-room brick house. furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks: 30 acres seeded to hay; l0 acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. For information apply to \\'mson's Dairy. RR. 3. Durham“ Ontario. 102523 tf: Licensed Auctionovr for County of (hwy. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- mnublo terms and satisfaction guar- antm-d. Dates made at The Durham Chronicle office or with R. C. Wat- son. V'nrney. RR. 1. Phone 604 1‘“. Modvrale terms. Arrangements for «31¢ <. as tn dates. etc" may be made at 'Hw Chloniclo Office. Durham. lerms on application. Address RR. .lmrham. Phone 611 2' 2i. ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. LH-ensed Auctioneer for Count of urev. Satisfaction guaranteed. ea- «mam» terms. Dates of sales made at 'Ihe { hrunicle ()n'u'e or with him- self. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A memâ€" ber of the firm will be in Durham on ruesday of each week. Appomtments ugly be made with the Clerk in the u we. Mâ€"--â€"â€"- IIDDLBBRO’, SPBRBIM HIDDLBBRO' Ban-mars, Solicitors, Etc. Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. 11. C. Middlebro' is permanently locate-«l at. Durham office. Flesherton branch open every Friday from 4.30 to 9.30 p.m. â€".._ J. P. GRANT, D. D. 3., L. D. S. Honm- Graduate liniversily of Tor- onlu, Graduate Royal Ctillloge Dental Sm'gvons 0.! Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block. MillSlreel, second door east of. Macllelh‘s Drug Store. mm», over J. 6: J; fidnter’s store. Durham. Ontario. _ ____ -â€"â€"â€"---. V 5‘“. Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. l‘tw Scivnce that adds Mo to years uni ynars to life. Consultation free. in Durham Tuesdays. Thursdays and s'amz-days. 6 H 23 U excepted. Physician and Surgeon. Office Lamhtnn Mreet, Durham. Ont. Gradu- ato- l'niwrsity of Toronto. Eyes u-stml and corrocfml. Office hours: 2 m :3 p.m.. ‘7 to 9 p.m.. Sundavs J. L. SMITH, I. 3., I. C. P. 8. 0. union and residence. corner of 'luu'rh'ss and Lambton Streets. oppo- mu HM Post Ufl’ice. ()Hice hours: a tu H 3.11).. 1130 t0 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted}. DRS. JAIIBSON l: JAIIBSON mrm- and residence a short dist- mw one: of the Hahn House on Lumhtnn Street, aner Town. Dur- znm. (”True h9ur_s_2 to 5 9.111.. 7 t0 .D FUNERAL name: New Iodern Pnnerel Perlore Phone lillcrest 0268 £22424 Avenue Road TONI“ lens '. Ides I. We Formerly of Flesherton one, AND _ans_1r. McGILLWRAY BATES BURIAL C0. 1' )szal Directorv pg. w. c. plgxpnmfi. Dnu'rls'r FARMS FOR SALE Litensed auctioneer REUBEN C. WATSON “Wu-mum Medical Director!) Legal ‘Dz'recturv LUCAS HENRY xcppt Sundays DAN. “CLEAN . ‘7 to 9 p.m.. Sdfidafig 30 “26.8.. Beatinck. is the one who tms heading} ceqt a word each insertion consecutwe mseyhons given tpr the price A new coolin system for auto- mobiles is regu ated by the quan- tity of fuel used to operate an en- gine rather than hy the engine‘s speed, its action being automstic. ' PAR! FOR SALE 'TIIAT rum mowx AS THE Skene farm at Skene's OII-‘III'Is. 50 Iacres on either side of side line be- Ing Lot 3IIl Dl\lSlHn of 3 and lst Division of i. E. (l, R.. in the Town- ship of Glenelg. containing 100 m I es more 01 less. 65 acres of which axe said to be good. arable land. re- mainder bush. swamp. and a small lake. On this property is erected a good roomy. comfortable stone house with stone kitchen attached. a good orchard, and well watered by a never-failing trout brook. The outbuildings are a bit shabby. I} will admit. To those needing such a farm. I would say that the place is going to be sold to someone with- in the next month. so get busy Go and see the farm for yourself. then come to me or write. and I think we shall make a deal.â€"Tbomas C. Monet. Durham) P. O. 3 18 3 NOTICE AIL HI TSTANDING ACCOI NTS not svttlod b} cash or note by March 20 will be placed in othex hands for collectionHâ€"J .\'. Murdock, 433 FA“ FOR BEN? [01‘ H.1‘01VCESSIOV 8. TOW VSHIP of Glcnelg. one hundred news: 80 acres. m fox maclninon, 20 acres hay freshly soodml damn. '25 acres grain land: “on fenced “ell wa- taxed; good huusp and stable. Pos- wssion \pril I..â€"\ppl\ to Mary A. Mchde. 480 McNah Street North. Hamilton. Out. 3 ii 2pd. PAR! FOR RENT PART OF LOTS 1 AND 2, CONCESâ€" sion 2!. EgremonL 100 acres. Good frame barn 45x60; well watered with Springs: in good state of cul- tivation. Apply tn George 8. Law- rence. Varney R. R. I. 3 N 2nd FERTILIZER IN STOGX «JAR IN STOCK. GET YOUR Sl’P- ply early while} range 0! gradm is cnmplvtv.â€"-â€"J. W. l-wan Sou. Dur- ham. 3 H U ago. in your locality. \Vantml to rcp- rvsvnt Young: Canada Bonstor Club and mnmlzt‘s National Magazinc. Rvgular incomv twicn a month, bo- siclcs prizm. including bicycle. ra- dio. carpenters” tools, musical in- strumcnts. camping outfits and sup- plics, sporting goods. ctc.. all de- scrilwcl in 60 page free catalogue of prich and information. Easy work looking aftcr route of customers. Frcc start. sent on application, to Durham Chronicle, Box 25. !I.\.\'._\l)l.\.\' ROY. IO-H YEARS UP HIGHEST MARKET pmcE PAID for Wheat. Oats. Barley. Buckwheat at Rob Rny Elevatorâ€"J. W. Ewen Son. 1 4 tr WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle an Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work On short order. tf WHEAT WANI‘ED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 31523: PEERLESS GASOLINE", THE HIGH- grade gas with the “pep” and long mileage. Sold only at. Smith Bros’ Garage. 626“ _-â€"v-â€"rv, .DV ‘Vb'lv_ bile insuréfiince' 5nd guarantee bonds, etc., apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 612 U 200 memx Pl 'LMI'I‘S; HENDRICK strain: vhoap l'm' quick salv.â€"-R0b- 4-H. Smith. Durham. 3 18 2pc! .FQR. FIRE, Tonmmo, AUTOMO- L14 (1” '5”.\ “KS E\(IINE, IN (I‘_)()I) numing (”Maw-Wyn Rn) Law- wnw Dmham. 3 18 21»! “ ONE (3001) HURSE. 8 YEARS HLI). good singln 0r doublv. smnul and gentle. Une cow 6 years old, due to calw April I. first-class cows. Thomas (ix'm'uwuod. 3 18 2m! ORGAN, IN mom) CONDI'I‘I()N.â€"â€"AP- ply at The Chronicle Office. Smith Brns. It’s good. Tarâ€"hf] mu (300]) BRICK RESIDENCE IN [JP- per Town, Durham; good garden; good stablo; centrally located on main street. Apply at Chronicle of- fice. 2 18 t! nmnsu AMEniCAN COAL OIL A'l‘ GOOD RESIDENCE AND BUSINESS stand; centrally locatml; business stand now occumm with good rev- enue; dwelling house also occupied. Possvssinn giwn 60 days from dale of salv. This is n guOll investment. and any intvreslml may learn fur- llwr particulars on application tu Box 20, Chronicle nl‘licv, Durham. 3 18 6 FOR SALE.â€"â€"-A NUMBER OF GOOD building mm on George street, North 0: Skating Rink. Durham. Apply to D. Hopkms. 221 tf low Auto Cooling System new cooling system for z AGENTS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE auto- 3 i 8 b 2pc] 0It“: A number at small rugs and carpets: Kitchen rocker: Sailod Mothes hamper; Number of \‘ictmla records: Enamel flour bin; Kitchm clock and shelf: Large rubber plant: Wheelbarrow: Lawn mower. 16" mt. as mad as new: Lawn swing: Lawn spat and chair; Largo1 veranda!) m2: Stepladder: Hedge shears. sprinkl- ing ran and other garden tools: Quantity n! dry wood is not pre- viously sold. SALE AT ONE O'CLOCK SHARP TERMSâ€"All sums of 810.00 and un- der cash; over that amount. 10‘ months’ credit on approved joint notes bearing interest at 6 per cent A number of pairs of lace curtains; Baby’s cream reed buggy; Baby's high chair: Baby's sleigh new; New copper wash boiler; 2 wash tubs: Kitchen table: Number of kitchen chairs; Happy Thought kitchen range. good condition: Washing ma- chine and wringer: Parlor heater. coal or wood; Quantity stove pipei: Quantity dishes. sealers and crock- oer; Filmed oak hall tree; Jarrliniere stand, solid mahogany; Brass jar- lliniere and large. fern: Fumed oak smoker set: Dining-room table; Fumed oak bufl'et; Number of din- ing-room chairs: Small table; Fumed oak hook ease; Sewing machine. drop head: Folding steel cot and mattress: Rug, tapestry 9x12; Rug. bedroom 9x12; Congoleum rug 9312: Piece linoleum 6x9; Electric read- ing lamp: Hot Point electric sweep- er; Hydro electric iron; Pair dou- ble velour portieres; Pair chintz‘ portieres; Pair chenille curtains;l Q - , ' ‘ ‘ ' --.-LAâ€"â€" â€"’ AUCTION SALE or nousznow zrrncr R. G. LINDSAY Countess Street, Durham SATURDAY, [ARCH N, 1928 The following. Five-piece old ivory bedroom suite, good as new; Bed, walnut fin- ish; Bed. oak; Quarter cut oak dress- ing table: Quarter cut. oak wash- stand: Wooden bed spring; 2 coil bed springs: Mattress; Quarter cut oak library table; 2 fumed oak liv- ing room chairs; 3-piece Chester- field'suite,‘goo‘d as new: Rattan rock- Miss Jane Hughes felt on the ire at. her own door on Saturday and broke the small hone in “0'!“ “rist. \\'e are frequently asked about, the new post office. and whether or not. it is the intention of the gowrn~ ment to start. “[N‘I'HUODS this sum- mer. We have no definite infirm- ation but. presume tenders will he soon asked for, A site has not. yot been definite- ly decided on for the new High school, but we understand a number of places are under consideration. The Edge property opposite the skating rink is likely to be rhefien. We have to credit Bob Watt. for telling us about the first robin. He saw one. Monday morning, March drew dollars corrospondent. Mr. Alex. Ellison's sale was ono of the most successful ovor krown in this vicinity. Hi3 stock were wall bi-mi and fed and showmi it. and big: pricos worn roaliznd. Auctimmor Nnblv was in happiest. mom] and draw clnilzu's vasily.â€""I'I'avmstun A“_ (1. Smith Sons turned out their first gasoline engine last week. It runs smoothly. and seems under good governing control. There should be a great demand for power of this kind. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Alex. Gordon is doing well out West at. \Veybnrn. Sash where he is now engagedjn ”If? jewellry business. .\larriml.â€"â€"At the Manse, Durham, March 14. by Rev. J. Little, Mr. Al- exander McGiIIivray of Rocky Sau- gepn to Miss Margaret. daughtnr of Mr, and Mrs. James McKay of \Vil- liamsford. Bonn.â€"-â€"In Durham. March M, M MI. and Mus. Robmt McLean, a daughter. vâ€"â€"â€"â€" â€"---\-\' ”Ck, tows and two brothm's also survivp. Intm'mvnt. was made yesterday In Durham gc_»mftmiy. After a long and painful illnoss from sciatica, Mrs. James Carson passml away On Saturday, the 17th inst. Shv was 65 years of age, Bo- sidos her husband, she loaves four sons and two daughters. Three sis- Thomas L. 'l‘oasdalc,. a. furmm' romdnnt of Egm'mont, died In Perth County on March 8 at the age of 72 yvars. Mr. Stuphvn Ludlow resigned his position as clwmist at. Hm cement works and is sum-0mm! by a. Mr. Smith. arr coming in rapidly. \‘s'w rvgrrt to chronicle tho death on Friday last of Mr. Michael llielly of Pricevillo. He was about. 55 years of ago and lraws a widow and four children. 'l‘lu- Durham Furniture Company is wry busy at present and have to work overtime to keep up with orders. 'l'hn vxlrumely mild weather has taken a change, and the last Week 01' so dim-rs but little from the sumo date of ordinary winters. True the snow is quite light, but sluigli- ing is good. and farmers are mak- ing good use Of it. \Vood and logs aw coming in rapidly. The little daughter of Mr. Alex. Russell had an Operation perfurmcd a t'nw days ago for the removal of part Hf he)? tonsils. After a residence in town for threw 01' {our years; Mr. John Mc- Kochnio. has moved to a farm near the Rocky. HeDaysOfLongAgo taken From Chronicle Piles of Twenty and Twelve Years Ago. March 19, 1914. March 22, 1906. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Everything mu-It be sold. as the pt'e‘rprivtor is giving up farming. SALE AT 1. O’CLOCK SHARP TERMSâ€"Hay. straw and grain and all sums of 810.00 and under cash; over that amount. to months’ credit will be given on approved joint ”M 5 per cent at! for cash in lieu sincle Harness Ford car in good running order; Churn; Table; Chair-: Quantit} oats, peas. buckwhnat mixed main. hay and straw. IMPLEMENTS -- Massey - Harrts binder, 6â€"foot cut; John Deere ma- nure spreader; Peter Hamilton cul- tivator; McCormick mower; Peter Hamilton seed rlrill; Set of sleighs. nearly new; Steel truck wagon. Horse rake; Souffler. Buggy: Cutter: 2 Fleury walking ploughs; Barrows. Steel saw frame with 30" saw: Grain chapper: Wagon box; Hay rack: tannin mill; 60 gallon gas. tank; Wheel arrow: Chains: Shu- Vels: Forks: \Vhiffletrees; Neckyoke; Set brass mounted heavy harness with tops; Ret plough harness; Set POULTRYâ€"About 40 Rock hens. 2 Rock roosters. PIGSâ€"Sow with 10 pigs 4 \VkaS old: 12 store pigs. vvlLll \yuli at IUUI/ L, "U LU U“ 3“ years 0141 with calf at foot; Steer rising " years old; Heifer, rising 0 years old: 4 yearlings. . SHEEPâ€"5 mves ivith 9 lambs. Ewe 1n lamb. CATTLEâ€"Rad cow 5 \oars c;ld with calf at foot; White co“ sup- posed in calf; Red cow 8 3031‘s old, with «alf at foot; Red cow 7 warn old “ith calf at foot; Red cow 4 fears old “in: calf at foot; Red cow The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction at ,Lot 23, Concession 17, Egromont 1% miles East of Dromoro FRIDAY, [ARCH 19, 1926 HORSESâ€"General purpose team. 6 and 7 years old; Mare. 5 years old in foal: glyue horse 8 years old. You Said It, Pa. “Pa. \\ hat dons it mmm hm.» bx diplomatic Qhraseolog}. 9" “My son. it’s like this: If you tell a girl that time stands still while you gaze into her 9305. thats di- plomac3: but if 3ou tall her that her face would stop a clock you re in for it.” “Half-a-croivn, sir!" prompt reply. Dad’s Little flutter In HIP clays lwforo ho lwramu wvll- known. Hilton Hayos was a toarhor in a school up north. One- day In- was trying to that out what his class of small boys know of common on- jorts. Aftor savoral of his qnostions had boon answc-rmt mom- or toes ror- rortly. ho askmt what. a «twilight horso was marto to woar whon it wont about its: work. 'I‘hv worct "harnoss." for which ho sought. was not forthcoming. At last hc- oxrlaimmt impatirntly: “ls thoro any hwy horn whoso fathor :lth'nds to hnrsos'?‘ "Yos. sir," said ono small boy. “1‘th toll tho class. Tommy. what it. is your father puts on a horse ov‘orv morning." The young peeplo of the Matho- dist. church had a wry plvasant so- cial gratin-ring on St. Patrick’s night. Th0 vhlu'uh basvmvnt was \wll lillml. and a gnml ['n'ogrammo- and rc-frvsh- mfnts _w¢-rv vnjoyml by all. Donald \Vilson Ross. fnumh'r of Tho Walkorton 'l‘vlvscum. dim] in Toronto March 16, ago-cl 7!; yual's. Somv time prvvious In 1874 lm foundml Tho 'l'vlvsctmv. 16, and is the first we heard of this season. wâ€"vv-c U.\“‘ Bzu-onvgnaég 1lso can ho. mm] to make gingerbread. New? ”11an away llacnn grmmv. Alxx‘ays limp a Jar llaml) (0 pm“ gm-ase mm. In this way bacon l5 not. so vxpvnsiw. as every bit of it is utilized. Use it for frying. [730 it for seasoning wgvluhlus. Doughnuts fried in bacon grouse are wonderful. AUCTION SALE Farm Stock Implements A dPliCiullSSpiCQ (mkv can 1w made by usmg pawn groaso. To Take Away a Bad Odor Dl'iml ”range. peel, alluwwfi to smulm'r nn a “mm 01' Pol-hut. mm or an old shovel. \nll kl“ any «Ils- agrvoablo ndm- m a mum. 'l'lw bristlvs should remain in 801"], firm mass. THINGS WORTH KNOWING Testing a Broom Alwavs test a broom lwfm'n pur- chasing;T it. Pl-vss Hu- HIHQ against. the floor. If the straws bl'lslh' nut and bend, ifs a poor Ono. To Clean Silver Easily Makn hut, suds. Put a half lua- Bacon Grease (Copywright, 1926, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Rtt'UICc’, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Woo- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. W’ as the CUSTOI 81W“ G I HAVE STARTED THE MILL FOR the season’s cut. Bring your logs and receive prompt. satisfactory work. Limited quantity good maple, rock elm, beach, hemlock. cedar. spruce for timber. R. W. Morrison. 1 28 tt invll llmuglil he'll try n rumple- nl' casual shuts himself. And )m: can imagini- the ('imsu‘rnutiun ml the actm- when the blade strm'k "lmnw." Cameras happened to be turning at the time, and the lllm registered a bit of accidental “business" that hours at practice might not Imu- secured. Added item: Powell is left-handed. “Too Many Kisses," was adapted for the screen by Gerald Dufl‘y from the Cosmopolitan story, “A Maker I’mwll’s svrm'n training don-s hut include r-fflcivm'y in this sport. 5.» .; \Mm'an circus knifv-lemwr was. mmugml tn «In his sum from a pm“!- liuu [whim] I‘mwll. l'nac'vIHhmu-d In long-distam-e- tin-”wing. “w ux- lN'rt madfl n dam-n nr mm'v "mil- 14-55 attvmpts to hit. “w mark. .1 paper hour! stm-k Up again»! Hm wall. William meH. whu plays a Vil- lain I'nlv in ”In prmhwtinn. In In- timidutv Dix and warn him against. making low tn “his wuman." Ymmw. playml by Fruncvs Hnward, fe-aturm! in summrt uf Hm star. giw's an 0X- hihitinu uf admilnvss in knit‘v-hm'l- mg. Hm natinnul spurt nf tlw yuum! bloods «‘1‘ HH- Basquv country. WIH'I'P Um stnry is laid. Aftm- m-nfnssimnal skill had failml him. slum? lwgimu-r‘s luck cam“ in tho aid of Paul Sloanv «luring tlm filming nf Hm l’ul'amuunt. pit-turn. "Tm; Many Kissus‘." starring Hivhm-«l Dix, KNIFE-THROWING FEATURES DIX'S “TOO MANY KISSES" BAKING HINTS Casserole of Eggs and Mushrooms ‘4 pound of I'm-sh lllllSlll'UHIIIS. 2 lilblvspoulls of lilllli-I'. l talilvspnun (if \Vulvl'. A lilllo salt. A litllv poppm‘. A little paprika. 1 tablespoon «of cup up pax'slc-y. 5 “8'88. D 6 - talilc-spunns nl' ln'vml ('rumlm. ‘A cup of milk. Method: Wash and cut. up mush- l’OUmS. (Look in lmttvr, wau'r, salt. and ppppor for a l'vw minutos. Pour into baking dish. Hoat‘oggs slightly. Add tho. «bggs. parslvy and salt and milk. Top with brvacl vrumbs and pipces of- butter. Bake alumt 45 mmutns. Saggiug calm-sunl.~‘ may In- light- mm! by washing m hut. snap and suds and lvavin tn «lry in llw nlwn air. k sum)" of ammunia inln UH- suds. l'su a brush and wash silvm' quivkly in this ammnnia and hot. suds. ln-y with a rival! tuwvl. Latm' rub with a chamuis, _\\'i|Ham_mell. wlm plays For March By BETTY WEBSTER To Renew Cane-Seat Chairs NOTICE 1‘0 PARIS“ 'd‘m» Durham l'.F.(). Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Durâ€" ham un 'l’m-sdays. Shippers no l'uqnpsu-d tn glue three days' notice. James Lawrence, luau-r. Phonu 601 r 13 Durham. RR. i. of Gusturvs," by .lnhn Monk Salm- «Inl‘fi. Apply :1 {PW drops uf oxalit' and. following it. with a few (laps Hf .la- vnllo wait-r and rinsing lmui Qllii'k- ly with boiling: watm'. lehml: Mix 411'} mgrmhc‘nh. A littlv sugar. l‘c-mwr. Salt. A In,- ”0 mustard. [.01 «of Paprika. Add Oil and llu-n \‘invmu'. Blvlld “'1'”. Pour in!“ n hnfllv and Sllakl' “'0”. This is an. ideal way In £00]; a Imi- tlo of French dressing mad" up. Mix llakml ('ml lish \ULII «quad quantity ul' IDIIHIHN' putatm-s, Shape in halls and fry. Sm'w with 0m: sauce madv by Using a thick whilv smu'v m which has hwu ml up slums nl‘ whit». of hard boilml rugs. l’mu' mar rod “8h halls. Mush yvllnws uf 0m Ubgothvr and sprinklc- MIN-rally umr HIP Inn. This makvs a “1‘va dish. l'I‘IIpIIIlimw fnr‘ mz‘ming Fro-III I’I‘I'Rh‘illfl' III-v alums 3 m 1. 1h! tablespoons 0f oil In on" of \III Imr. Cod fish Balls With Egg Sauce To Remove Ink Stains COOKING HINTS French Dressing PAGE 7.

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