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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Apr 1926, p. 2

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t! 11 la H. SI U it ["4 Ju ua in J u o! {Pi §lh In; ha tri Ail \Il Bro the f 01' Nor fl'io her SUI! New era: for! Sat PA- PAGE 2 3,": ‘ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE or habit-forum . Mpuboxatdrqggotorea. Sendggl 08:: “on“: trial.â€" emplotons, Toronto. In cases coming under class Hi . congregations of the I'nitml church have agreed to make a conveyan:-n of church buildings to the minnr- ity in Essex. \‘yner. Turram-v, Hen- sall. Magnetmvan. llclerton. St, George. Sutton (summer church ur- Thu case's coming within Mass {0" are North Bay. whm-o “10 l'nilwi church award to pay $3,000 in cash to the minority to assist thpm in building. and in I’vmbrnkn. whnm thn l'nitvd church c-nngrpgatinn agrnorl to mnwy to thv minni'ity a 'bnilding site. for a _new church. l'nmh‘ Mass {h armngo-nwnts worn madv m' uffvrml fur lenses for thn mtirn 1130 of I'nitml churclws in thv fnllowim: placns: Houktnwn. Bondhead. Stoufl'ville, St. va'gn, Laird. Brougham. Priceville, Gorrie. Pajiylnhnm and Ve'ntnnr. by congregations of the l'nited church. Partial use» of churches has horn given or ofl‘orod in Slim- ico. Rutherford. Fort Francis. St. Helms. Belmoro, Heathcote. 8313, Burlington. Manntick, Sutton. Burk‘s Falls. Dunwich. Lani-Pl. Grafton. Martinlown, South Lancastvr. Pais- 19y. Mnlhuurnu and Rumoll. $â€"â€"-J v- 0...! I In many casos coming within class (a), voluntary ofl'ers bv congrega- tions of tlw l‘nitnd church were mado and approved by the (Inm- missinn. In other cases recommend- ations haw bpen madp and ncgnptod t.-. AAâ€"---- (o) Whnrfifa church building has been made .avallable for purchase by a minority on easy terms. (d) Whei'é' Chic" "de'fi‘ééé'fi'i‘ff‘ "6'? church prpperty has been given tn thg, ‘minqmty. (or) Whom assistancn in money 01‘ land has been mum to the minority, lnl\ ‘IYI‘__-_- Many applications have been dealt. with by the. tlnmmissinn under Sec- tion 10 n!’ the Art relating in cusvs of extreme hardship. and tlm dis- positinns matti- may be divided into several Classes: (iii Where partial use. of a church has been given to the non-eumnr- ring minority. (bi W‘here exclusive use or a church has been given to the min- only. Brief Summary of Work So Far of Interest to Many Readers and Pub- lished for That Purpose. CHURCH PROPERTY COMMISSION WORK ALMOST DONE 1,500.000 Feet Lumber Shipped This Winter to Durham Factory About 1500.000 hoard rum, M“ tim- lwr has Down transmn'tml during Hm past. fnm' months from thn Durham Furniturn (‘lnnmany mill at, Ruck Kicked in Face by Horse Mr. \Ves. Felsing, who sustained '0 many serious wounds in the war that he was confined for three years in the hospital. and who has since been in a more or less disabled state, was the victim of a most distress- ing accident at Mr. .‘iorman Brookle- bank’s farm at. Maple Hill. Brain, about noon on Thursday last. when in carrying the hind legs of a heavy colt, the animal suddenly and un--‘ expectedly dealt him a most‘ vicious: . kick in the face. Felsing was knocked ',’ unconscious to the floor. and when . Mr. Brocklebank. who witnessed ' the mishap and rushed to his aid. bent over the 1_)i-ostrate, bleeding form. he was convinced that the young man was dead. Carrying him. into the house, he hurriedly sum-~ moned a Walkertiiin doctors who, after a time. succeeded in reviving him. 'l'wo gaping wounds, one above and one below the right eye. which laid the bone bare. had been in- flicted. and were it not that the ex- warrior had already lost the sight from his right. orb in battle and was wearing.' an artificial eye on this : side at the time, it is certain that l he would have been blinded at this : point anyway by the kick. . l unfortunate man had been gassml l in the war and had a more or less t affected heart. it was considered 1111- 1 safe to administer an anesthetic, ( and so without anything to deaden l the pain. the ex-soldier went I thrtmgh with Spartan nerve the ex-i cruciating ordeal of having some twenty stitches inserted in his face to close the wounds. He is conval- l escing at the home of Mr. Brockle- S bank. but it will be several weeks It before he will be able to be about. s The victim of this mishap is a son v of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad» Felsing of \\ Hanover. formerlv of Brant. and a v brother of Mr. John Felsin". east e of tog'n.-~â€"\\'alkerton Times. fl A freak Calfâ€"Two-in-Ono lMills to Ceylon, where it has been A cow belonging to Lewis 0. Moore loaded into cars and taken to the of Badjeros gave that neighborhood factory at. Durham. This a a huge a surprise when she ‘gave birth to amount of lumber to come out or a calf with two heads and two s iines this countrv, and the end is not yet reaching back to the hips. ' here in sight. The mill has been in on- were but four legs. The freak died oration for a great number of years, at‘ew hours after birth. Beth heals and earh season the mill yard 13 died about the same time.-l,)uudaik well tilled with legs to he manu- Herald. fartured into lumber. Mr. James . Dal-gavel, manager of the Rock Mills Kicked in Face by Horse plant. informs us that at ,iu‘eseut Mr. \Ves. .Felsing. who sustained there are amu'oximalely l.‘.’00,00l.l so many serious wounds in the war lmard feel of logs in the yard there that he was poxifineil for three years to he rut. this year. All wmter ;“ Al... I, anoucmu. cows Explanation Wanted Freddie: “Ma. didn't tho mission- ary say that. the sa\ agos didn’t wear any clnthos?” Mother: “Yes, dear." Frmldim “Thou. why did papa put. a button in thn collection p‘lato‘.” ‘ It. will payflyâ€"ou: Applications haw. horn l‘t'fUSOd by the. Commission in the following cases: Agincourt, ()rangryillo, Wa- terloo, Durham, Blonhrim, Ottawa, Bowmanvillo, Sudhury. Port Arthur, Almonto. Moat‘ord, Port Elgin. Park- hill, Alliston, Beachhurg. Laurol, Delhi. Bluovalo and Ventnor. 1111 a few cases tho applications were rot‘usod brcauso of the min- ority not hoing strong enough to function and not. having met regu- larly for worship. Those were South Gloucester. Armow and Morivalc. t’mwl hut rvl‘usml‘- :nul Conn, In Pam-s coming: unclor class (M, 'H'u'w‘l‘ly has lwvn sold or nffprpd hy l'nitml rhurrh cougrvgnlions on vasx' forms. in sumo casrs on num- uml torms. I leylivlcl Mothoclist church oil‘m'ml It'tu' SL'JUU hut rol'usml; (lhutflvorth Mutlimlisl ('lllll’l‘ll suhl l'c‘n' $2.500: Riph-y l’rnshyloriau rhurrh and mausu solal for $l.000; (iorrio Pros- hylvrian ('hurrh oll‘orml fur $1.000; llorkwooll Moihmlist rhurrh. includ- ing: shoals and organ. ull'vrml for $500.00; Stoull‘villo Proshylorian rhurrh nll‘o-rml for $3.000: \Vi-slwood lllothmlist church ofl‘orml for $500. hut rofusod: Clinton Prosbylorian ('hurrh ofl‘orml; Williamst own (Hephzibah) oll‘ormi for $500, this amount being a portion of that church‘s «loht; Carloton Place. St. Andrew’s. conveyed for $4.500; Beachburg Methodist church offered for $3.;000 Bluovalo Methodist church offered for $1,000. ? Cattle Tie Up Railway A pair of wild rattle tied up traf- iic temporarily on the (’1. l’. R. on Saturday when they hroke from tho ‘loeal stock yards at the station and started tip the track towards Kenil- worth. the opposite direction to which it had been intended to con- yey them by first-class freight. ac- eo’n'imodatien. The west. hound freight, took no chances on a (.‘ttl- lision with the excited hoyines and waited until it was assured that they had left, the track a couple, of miles or so from Arthur. The passenger train had then to wait, until the freight, could get. safely out. of the way.â€"--â€"Artlnn' Enterprise. A Prosperous Farmer A farmm‘ who liVos lass than sv-wn mih's I'I'Hm Mmlnt Format vallml the crthvr day In rvnvw his snhm'riptiun tn at’ arm paper. 'l‘tw numhm- ”1' auction sah's came‘ up in cnm'm'sa- liun. The farmer said that if any man faih-d in farming hvrv, :t was his nwn fault. Hard wovk, fair thrift and gum] Judgmvnt makn t'm' sucvvss in this husinvss as well as uthm's. Hn himsvlf had hvgiln farm. ‘ ing on wry littlv. Now ho. has a 200-am-«- farm. \wll cqnippmt with buildings. stuck and inmlvmvutfi. all frw- of «lvht and $3,000 to tlw gum! bosich‘s. And he had run a car for night yvars. ton. And he is not an old man. vithc-r. Ho put the om- phasis on wcu‘k. Thorn m'v many others such as ho around lwrv.-« Mount Fnl'ust (kblll'c-cl(_91'atl'~ and R01)- rvwntatiw, GUARANTEED REPAIRING in facL ”am about. Dm'i‘mhm' I last. sown trams haw hwn drawing steadily i'rnm Ruck Mills. and ilw last pilo was linishml am Friday aftvrnunn last. II. was am «if Hm bust. years for drawing lumiwr iHl‘ somu iimv, lay-um onlydakin; Maw 11 (mnplc- of tinws tin-mum sturms. and nut murv than “mm m' four days \\'('l'l‘ inst {rum this (';lll.~‘i’.--~‘ Flvslwl'lim Advance. l Headquarterâ€"s for '|‘hn \wh as prmhlcml by tho spi- der is ordinarily a numlwr nf strands 3mm togc-tlu-r' Sunlt'What in 1qu form pf a mp0. Singlv strands svparatp from tho frvshly spun woh gim the host rusulls. Umngh snmn prvfer l0 (aka tho \wh dirvvtly from tlm spi-- dor’s comum, Grains of dust. somn- “mas 0011044. 011 tlw spidm' linos‘. which dvh'acl from tlwir uso whvu viowml in tho Miscnp. In Um labor- atory Hm wohs :m- dustml 012‘ an.) thv sinu'h- strands svparalwl. Au? idea 01‘ [ha dvlivacy uf touch rvquirmll may 1w formml whvn it is sturd- 'l‘ho opc'ation that is so difficult to [H‘I‘ft'll'nl in camp is quitc road- ily pcrt’ormmt in a propcrly cquippmi laboratory. Thus. in tho Physical 'I‘csting' Laboratory of thc 'l‘opo- graphical Snrvcy. Dt-partmcnt of Intcrior. whorc instrnmcnts usmi ‘in topographic mapping arc rogu- lariy inspcctcd and tostcd and othcr work in conncction thcrcwith is‘ 'ari'imt on. tho spidcl' linos aro handlcd with casc and assurancc. Ncw spidcr lincs arc inscrtcd at tho correct spacing and propcr tonsion. Afterwards tho distances between them aro accurame mcas- urcd undor tho microscope, and with spocial tcsting apparatus. thc in- stromont is again placod in pct'- t‘ect adjustmcnt rcady for tioht nso. 'I‘I I Owing to tho. mmorinrity of tho Spitlt'l' wvh, ttw surw-yor may 0n- doavur to r0 law- a hmkvn web with a new uiw. This is an oxtrvmvly tlt‘lit‘ttlt! ulwratinn and one» that. is wry difficult. tn pt'l‘ffll'n] in camp. izii'ticularly as tho Iim-s rvquim to IN‘ ai'mn‘atvlv warm]. Snmvtimvs thvy :ll‘t‘ mily about. min-sixtmtnh ”rui'" inch :ipai't.._ (in Canadian toxwgraphical sur- wys, those lines are ordinarily of spider web, and are stretched across an anular ring within the tolescone ilsolf. For vmergvncy use, when this spidvr “0b becomes accident- :Ilh brokvn. some nlhor deuce rar- lll'd as :I warn pail. such as a glass Iliaphiagm on which 1le lines RI'I‘ vichml, is generally substitutI-Il. 'l‘lw spicior wvh. hmwwr. is much Innrv satisfactory. The linm-I must lw wm 1th and black, and no ar- lilirial pinduct which has wt lII-on him] has Hm requisite mmbinaiion ofiinonvss. slrrnglh andrlasticily. If you look through the telescOpe of such an instrument, a number of fine, straight lines will be seen cut. ting across the field of view. These lines are nged inn/He of several dim-rent. ways and may be of any number up to a dozen or so. They are. used to enable- the surveyor to make the intricate measurements necessary in the practise of his profession. web to mi the unwary fl ,. in exercising a acuity that has *n made use of for years in the con- sir-notion of certain kinds of scion- iiflc instruments. lnriuded in this category is the surveyor's transit- iheodoiite. 'l_‘lm_ luwly spidgr, as he spigs his 80' 1'83 8?!!!“ 1881878 phone to your local operator and hold the line Whlle connection is established. There is no delay. If you do not know the num- ber, ask “Information.” If the line called is busy, your operator will take your num- ber and call you later. Use Direct * For 5 minutes’ Durham-. rham-qustein 10 cents the serv we Saving daylight fur summvr isn't half as hard as saving mnnnshim- fur Now Years. uuu. a “mum (H “'0“. as de In Hm tuloscmw diaphragms. “mid strvtch around “In NH'Hc mg...- 25.0fm milvsâ€"â€"zmd 500.“)0 inns “mm mach tn tlw “mu-vs! lixml szmz that, spidvr webs ham 3 Hun-1m l’u-fm'o Um strands arv me: I‘..: -: onl." two 01‘ Unw- tvn-Hnu mm: of an inch. It. has hm'n ('M' In! that a puuml of mm. as Hsz Um tulomrmw diaphragn1.~. “m strc'tch around Hu- c-m-Ha -.. "51m mil“; ”-1.! Kim tum a_‘__ Ronfuw Ranges and Separators Brantford Windmills Gould, 8h: lay and lair Phone 15 thnt Lydin E. Pinkhun’s Vegetable Compound will help her, since we are told thlt it doe- help % out of every 100 women who take it. the time. After reading your Pri- vate TextoBook law it was neces. sary to uae Lydia E. Pinkham's San- ative Wash. and I an safely say! feel a different woman. My friends remark how well I look. I am a ver busy woman, but I am ready at al ti es to boost our medicines.”â€" rs. CHARLES urns, 949 Lands- downe Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. You may be having an experience similar to Mrs. Giflin's and will be interested to know what she did. Every siek woman pan feel confident from loo-offload that! thought I would who better “doctor‘s medicine relic Inc on! for the) time be' . I gut phe e etable Compact: «Ivan-ed m the ‘ oron to Star, ' and I find the Vegetable Cum- 6 Table“. thebest for me. I ve been taking _them since Spring, a_nd [jutend‘k‘gepmg gem by me all Hammadmd WATER Tommpgtmfi. 7 “I 9W1)? UMHIS Tim delnp tntitnxiu c- I: u I“ was [01051 following 1h. Is SH” hm 0' this immumt‘ mothoai has in twn )‘0' '5. Ii 0“? w ”He'- still immuno- ; flwr this mm NOW. hm“. enl prunnw of smarlvt lo \ finding» «.1‘ In ing tn ”WW 1' Journal “1 1 Assumzmun. 1 duo? smrh-t by innvuluhn: “in sll‘o-lmn'c much ”In 5:1 “I? IIO‘VHIHIH'] 00““. Hwy H toxin fur M1“ by ran-31mm "i“! ”In {NH “1‘0 olm'm'rl. so 0 tainwl I~ centratod M and mummy.- erily of so-I'u' gmwrully “Ill HIP certain t; sunnt tn corm- .. truism-ls cam-s ano Gradually rvlmtv u failm'c-s NM! I'c' ‘\_' '0 ”lo guniv Inc-:1 cosy and “III pr” lwallh :m. we wry ‘ had war? 301110 Scull N Is \v' disvaso- health. l1 Inns and runs in!“ terms «:1 \Vu h In mid” due tn H: cuntnuv « “'01‘1' Io'H gallit‘ hwm cosy and that prul (aim-d flnml. tmu‘y. Research \~ My past two years ‘.\nL‘ method for UN‘ 1691a has final“) (‘H‘Vvlwlw it means annlin'l‘ t] ventive modivinv. Dunn; “N‘- |H‘¢‘N': mum! liun IN. “WW 0' “In I'm “In R’NH'HI “ pPI' ('NI‘ “Iv dlsvaw drag] ‘Illl'n 1‘3“ 21 (Copywright, 1.9.4:, Ii HEA LT! “Ind-y. April 1 Findings Look Pro Note: 1) columns- public pr accmnpan dress I”. MUN ll m Porspin'ng Hal at "MW H 'l ll ill H PREV E THE FA Reply

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