available laces at t the distant tele- tor and hold the tablished. There t know the num- [f the line called ’. take your numo o â€"'w-J -'-'- tunes to boost our medicines.â€â€" Mra. CHARLES urns, 949 Land:- duwne Aven$,hTomm, Ontuio. You may fling tn experience ~<imilar to Mrs. Gifï¬n’s and will be :nterested to know what she did. l'Iw-ry sick woman can feel conï¬dent that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ('umpound will help her, since we are tum that it does help % out of "or, 1')" wwwen who take it. Sold by druggiou everywhco. c Rontrow Ranges Branttord Gould, Sham. Phc Schutz Pump We Co. VG Health Restored by Lyd‘n Her Suffering Relieved and g: THIS WOMAN NOW WELL annntn, Ontario. - “I am M m". grateful for thg meg}: I M". new, from Lydia . am’n c.- fatvit' ('«mzrmundt also the M. ï¬sh and the Live?! P1113. III N arfy wring I was an em; no M mm [mm of blood tbttl Wt 1 mm never be anj better â€doctor’s wuune roaheve me on}; for tho hmng. I saw the mgmund advertised in the oronto :..r ’ 'mat I ï¬nd the Vegetable Com- 2 Tablets the beat for me. I .‘n' bun taking them Din“ 8m x I intend keeping them by me 5‘ ,. rum. After reading your Pri- 'Ik-xt-Buok I saw it was neces- "‘.‘ TH texse Lydia E. Pinkham’s SID. Wash, and lean safely any I -I a different woman. My friend. mark how well I look. I am 3 ve ~y woman, but I am reagiy at a] E. Pinkham’s Vegan“. Compound cent Thursday, April 1, £930. Ranges and Separuors "£9!!! . Windmills Shirley and iii: Gas Engines ,1 cute, J’ "I; .NU'AM Durham. Ont H «mumm‘ isn’t nunâ€".mhinp for .- :n. thicknuss . ..,.;:rut--:l Hf n r imusandths c'al'alialed t. a" 089d “1 munâ€. would "41",? -â€".-mme mu tnns would an Perspiring lands Miss M: .\. ll. wrilvs: "I want your mlvn-o-hs In what. I should cln for [H‘l'ï¬pll'lllg hands." Reply Applicalinn nf x-rays is llw best and surnst way ln vm-v this trou- ble. 1! you cannut avail ynursnlf uf this methnd. try h» following: \Vash th hands lhm'nughly; then hath? lhvm in a Gilli-[WP-CPHt som- licm of FORMALIN in wulm‘: unwr- Now. however. there is appar- -~nt promise of the early ronqnest or srnrlet fever. as a result of the ï¬ndings of Dick and Dick. Accord- im: to their report. published in the Journal of the American Medical .\.~'.~'u('itltl0n. they were able to pro- ilure scarlet fever experimentally by inoculating \‘i’vlunteers with cer- tain streptococci. Working along nnirh the same lines pursued by the developers of diphtheria anti- toxin, they next produced an anti- toxin for searlet fever from horses by repeatedly injecting the animal with the toxin of the scarlet fever streptococci. The anti-toxic serum so obtained is then reï¬ned and con- eentrated to increase. its potency and minimize the number and sev- erity of serum reactions. is still Inn 081" III SilV’ how long immune to scarlet fmer IIIIs imnIIInIlV VVill pvrsisl. I“ tlm As nlrmd) statod. morn timn VV lllI'HlWl has “00‘" I'mplnynd loss than b0 required to prow the real Val: lVVII W s. HIII. porsnns immunized of this mPHIOIl of DHWPDHHR snarl IIIII- anI Imp-half V0818 ago ware {mm At present it suran Inn ~I ll IIIInIIIIII- :Il, lhiï¬ VVIiling. Who- promising. LN. llS hflpf‘ its prnr llII-r llIIs IIIInIIInIIV \Vill hII pprma- ism will I)" fulflllml. (Copywright, 1926, by The Bonnet-Brmvn Corporation, Chicago. HEALTH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Th0 tiM’Plnpm‘s 0f the scarlet. {M’Pl‘ antitnxin claim that active immun- "S‘ was pl'Pspnt. within two wwks fullnwing â€In last (1090 of toxin: 1?. Fur wars the medical prot’cssion has lii't'llSt‘al'Chiflg vainly for somc- thing that might put. a stop to the i':i\:i;.'c.~i Hf scal'lct. fcvcr. It. has been m-nccully acceptml for a long timo that, ttu- cliscasc is caused by a curtain typc of strcptococcus. Pur- ~iiant tn this hclicf. anti-strcpto- cnccic scrum was “8ch quitc PX- tcnsivcly. particularly in scvem case-s ancl lhusc with complications. Hrmluall)‘. hnwcvcc. it fcll into dis- l't'lilllt' ainol (lisusc, liccausc of its tliiliii'cs to bring tlcsicml and 0x- po-ctml i'i-MIIls. This was due largc- ix tn tlic fact that. thc scrum. 0h- tuino-al t‘i-nm tlic hm'sc. was unre- t'mml. nut spccitlc amt lackcd p0- to-ncv. ll. ls wry vvidvnl. llmn. that this «lasvam- markmlly nffncts public lIo-nllll. l'lxprvssml in [ï¬rms nf «lol- lzu-s anol rants. the loss annually runs into tho millions. Slatml in tux-ms 0! human sulYm'ing and sor- rnw. it is lwyond Pstimalé'. In aciditinn in thn deaths oliro'rtiy min in HIP disc-.2159, a goodly wr- wiitzigv 0f thus» whu l'tP(‘I)\‘(‘l'(‘1l \wro- lo-l't with kiiliwy (“80380, or- ;unii- “0'1"". clisvaso'. drafnms, vim- vpsy and otlwr St'fl‘iiuls .lis'm'clors that prnfuumilv impaired their iH'lell and usrfu'lnnss. In fact, ere an» wry fvw children whoâ€"liming hm! si-zirlut frwrâ€"â€"~mntirriy vscupe «imi- swim-l of â€IO disoase. IIIII'IIII; tho ï¬rst three yvars 0f Hu- [In-SPIN. aim-adv them» wvre in I-HIIIIII “L'lll‘o's 350000 cases «If scar- II'I I'wwI in the wgistration III-Pa III Hm I nitml Sum Inasmuch as th. gI-III-I-al mm talIt) rate ia 12 to 1'. pm- Iwnt. it may ha assumed that II..~ .lIsI-asv killml III-III'ly 50,000 chil- .II-I~n during 1920. 1921 and 192?. past two years would seem to indicate that a rational method for the prevention of, and cure of, scarlet fever has ï¬nally developed. Should time prove this to be true, it means another epochal achievement in the ï¬eld "of pre- ventive medlcme. Findings Look Promising N ote: Dr. Forster will answer such health questions in these columns as will be of interest to others and permissible in public print. Personal questions will be answered only when accompanied by self-addressed and stamped envelope. Ad- dress Dr. Arthur L. Forster in care of TheDurham Chronicle, THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR PREVENTING SCARLET FEVER ' By DR. ARTHUR L. FORSTER Sumotimos such .lucal swmiting is- vxcvssim bvcausn tho gnnpral por- spiratimi is deï¬cient. Sometimps it is «hm to nervousness, ncvasimmlly One» is born with this tendency Oh- \ ionslx. these factors must hv givvn innsiitorutinn in tho tlHt‘aimt‘ni and (‘01 1'00th insofar as possiblv. ward pnmlvr the; hands with paw- dm- horic acid containing twmpnr- vvn't. salivylic acid. Do this: twim a day. As alrmdy stated. morn timn will be roquirml to [wow thp real value 0! this mothml of pruwnting scarlvt favor. At, prosont it supply lnnks m'umising. Lot. us hope its prom- i805 will ho fulï¬llml. In a series of childrcn who wm'o vaccinated by thc Larson mcthod. 90 par ccnt hccamo Dick ncgaiivc â€"â€"~i.hat is to say. showed no skin r»- action. In othcc words. they wcrp immune to scarlct rover. In both methods a similar “skin- test“ is used to determine whether the person is susceptible or im- mune to scarlet fever. This test. is made by injecting into the skin o.lc.c. of the toxin. In 22 to 21! hours. the reaction shows itself at, the site of the injection as a small area of redness. if the individual is susceptible. If. however. he is immune. no reaction of any kiml occurs. (I), Tim subject becnmos immunn to scarlvt favor in about four days (with tho. Dick motlmd. it. lake's two weeks). Accordingly, children can be given the injection evon aftvr they haw bN‘n oxlmsml. with somn assm'ancn that the disoaso will not dove-lop. (CF Onlypne injection is Depos- szu'y (tiu- Dick method rmunres flm anffPi ions \. (A" Tho vaccine injected (2311303 no roactmn. (B; Much lill'g‘tf'l‘ doses can 1w m1- ployml. The reactions following tho in- jection of the toxin are. for the. most part lo'ul. There is a nioiilei'ute redness. hanloning of the skin. and tenderness about tho point or in- jeetion which disappear in two or three clays. Sometimes persons who are pai'lieularly susceptible will ex- hibit some. systemic reactionâ€"fever, nausea. sore throat. mild rash. These. am not serious and usually suhsiile in about forty-eight hours. New Method of Vaccination Recently Dr. Larson of Minnea- polis devised a method of vaccina- tion against scarlet fever which is supposed to be. an immovement over other methods. He grows a eul- lui'e or the streptococcus of scarlet fever. obtains from it the toxin it generates, This he neutralizes with a weak solution of enslor oil soap in water. and injects the mixture. He claims the following ailmn- tages for his formula: ’l‘lw toxin is not used after the individual has contractml the (HS- 0330 or even after he has been ux‘ posed to it. H. is a pi'ovontiwm nut. a trvalmvnl. And ('XIHPI‘lmi‘ntS nlalll' in ililli‘ indicati- that. 95 [WP m-mbuf all children can lw immun- i2ml against. svax'lvl fvvm' in this mannmz Once thv dismisv has slmwn itself. tlu- antitnxin is to [w 0m- plnyml. and it offers l‘PBSOllilllll! hug".- for a mm'kml rmluotion in lhv mor- lality from tlm lllSPaSP. nmxt. as in c‘liphtheria, gnly time can to“. "For years I had gas on the stom- ach. 'l‘he flrst dose of Adlerikn helped. I no“ sleep well. and all gas is gone. It also helped mv hus- hand.H (signed) Mrs. B. Brinkley. ONE spoonful .Adlerika iemmes G AS and often brings astonishing relief to the stomach. Stops that f..ill bloated feeling. Brings out old, paste matter \ou never thought was in your swstem. This excellent in- testinal macuant is wonderful for constipation. M c F a d d e n ’ 3 Drug Store. WIFE AND HUSBAND BOTH Ill. WITH GAS Mr. '1‘. Stmvart Cummr. Depart.- mnnt. of Agrimllturo. Markdalv. ()n- tariu. will givv mun-0 dolinim in- formation hm! mail all lH‘t‘t'SSAI‘)’ appliczltiun I'm-ms. rte, 4. Farmm's living in a district “how svlvct typo of bacon hogs are not fuunil should look into this p10- positing at «mun. 3. Hugs arv exchangvd when the terms of usvfulnvss oxmres pr thmr uwn daughters urn of hnmdmg ago. and ti. tion :2: taking The. policy of giving frees for re- l’oresting and shelter belts or wind breaks is being continued this year. Any farmer may secure up to 3.500 trees for eforesting purposes and up to 5 or planting shelter belts or wind breaks. List of trees, bul- etins and application forms \will be sent free of charge if farmers will write, phone or call the Department of Agriculture, Markdale, Ontario. Nitro-Culture Have you had any trouble getting a "catch†of clover? If so have you ever used nilro-culture? It is a legume. crop assurm', hence should be secured for the clovers being sou'n this year.“ Tim :- Swim) starting Ontarin, Problems of -- the Farm Contributed by Grey County Department of Agriculture Indus! 11‘ 01' V the! Grey mnmpm's select a , dvmdu 0n tlm I 'n for tlm work Free THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ltly was Um Hug Club.» in 7 has m-urly in t-xistonco. a (‘arotakm‘ mmmwra~ k of care- Dean Sinclair Laird'of MacDonald College has agreed to back 'up his recent statement to the press that persons desiring can make a com- prehensiye trip‘ across Canada and back for no more than 8330 by char- tering a special train for the pur- pose of accommodating all those who may be inclined to accept his challenge. He avers that the trip, which provides for stop-overs at all poins of interest between Tor- onto and Victoria, westbound via the 0k nagan Lake and eastbound by the ain line, including rail and water transportation, meals, accom- modation and all other expenses can be made as comprehensive as could possibly be desired, and he is pre- pared to accept the amount stated, $330. as a blanket charge for all expenses. The Canadian Paciï¬c Railway, which is interested in several al expense tours this season, is acting as his booking agent. Dean Laird Plans to leave T01 onto July 19.1116 route he has planned is via .Port A1thur and Fort William, Winni- peg Beach. Winnipeg, Regina, Cal- 111") Banff, to \Vindermere across the Rockies by auto to Kootenay landing thence by steamer to Nel- son and through the Doukhahour 111112t1'y to Hope. and Vancouver. 'lhe 111t11r11 from Victoria will be made \ia â€111 Selkirks and Rockies and. stOp-overs have been arranged. among other places. at. Lake Louise, and Devil‘s Hap Camp, Kenora. A trip across the (in-at Lakes to Port. SINCLAIR LAID £51m) A. MeCABE, Dealer Phone 6021'15 Durham 2 046 ZCEmaé/e/K’w [lac Durant Motor of Canada, Limited 188088 CHALLENGE Toronto (Leaside) Ontario price. than you could expectâ€"in ahypther an at or near its price. Compare the NEW STAR Car - F our or Six - f or quality and completeness of equipment - for speed and power - for all-round petform-nce. for Step on the Gas ! NEW STAR Cat. It has_beauty, performanceidur- The NEW STAR Car has speed. Sixty-ï¬ve miles an hour will purr out of the Star Six Continental Red Seal Motor. There is pride as well as satisfaction . 2 driving the McNicoll, thence rail to Toronto will terminate the excursion. Dean‘Laird contends that this trip will not be an experiment, as he has made two previous trips of like nature as organizer of teachers‘ tours. This trip he is throwing open to all and sundry, the only stipulation heing that. members of the special train party be chosen as ‘being compatible Awith _t_he yhole, Applf Deén Laird, MacDonald Colleges, Ste. Anne de Bellovuo. or any nadian Paciï¬c Agent. 1 He: - “I love the true, the bonu- tifnl, the innocent " Sh'e: “This is so sudden. but. I think father will consent]; TEA 3"“ The choice teas used exclusive- ly in Salado yield richly of their delicious goodness. Say Salads. m ‘ Qualityâ€"Always You will find the New Star Car ' supreme in the low cost field. She Hated Herself Durham and Vamey of £51113 arm/5w Temperamental Hen! A [any “unholy“ 'l‘he'story ot' a proposal by tele- phone is recorded by a writer in the Public Ledger. Pete, a colored youth. was very bashful. and having decided, ï¬rst. thtt he wanted Miss Johnson for his wife, and. second. that he dared not ask her in person. he had recourse to the telephone. He rang her up at the house ot‘ her employer and inquired: “ls dat you Miss Johnson?" “Yams“ came. the reply. “Well. Miss Johnson, l‘se got a most important question to ask you." . “Yaas.†“W ill you marry me. Miss John- son?" “Yeas. Who is it, please?" PAGE 8.