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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Apr 1926, p. 1

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Iy, April 8. 19“. MITIONS Mfl l. PRATT Collections Only 0 Sideline lGoods whanl lies strainers non Guarantud OF THANKS r Mats, lats ’rints m rham ater! Wale td Health WON” mgs AIKEN erchants --O-.--O--O».n.n.-W ll "Mam Bank an ills wwn Sound 169 9th St. E syn-mg 330.00 H ”w ham 1‘ a wow}; ”0. h“ "it! since “’1‘“ knee . tel! lllulvr the and use {ml and mp Re- ’hnne a when had“!!! 0- cur-Hano- H A RGE ”ups: \\ if» §§ '0! HI» 3” mo .1 net’s ' “range. When! he nuighborg )CK ILS nu WI kind; Family. 'F‘S HUTTON HILL SCHOOL HAD GOOD CONCERT What was rvally an excellent con- i-vi-t. was pro-svntml in the Hutton Hill QM’IUUI housv last Thursday o-xi-ning. wlu-n tho young people of ”lt' sortinn rondnorod a lengthy of- l't'l'lll‘.’ uf vm-al and instrumental iiiinitwi-s. dancing and readings. The i'tiair was occupied by Mr. J. L. Stmlnian of Durham. Three good olialnguvs also adle much to the m o-iiing’s onjoymrnt. _ u“ I The death on Saturday last of Mr. liniialol McLachlan at his home at I’l'll'l'Vlnil removes one of the best- knnwn and highly-respected resi- m-nls nf that community. Mr. Mc- l.:u-h|an passed away after only a ~moi-t illness on the 3rd inst... and hml he lived until next Sunday, he would Ili|_\'l' been 53 years of age. Hvsiolo's his widow, who was for- mo-rly Miss Mire Russ, and to whom h.- was married sixteen years ago, hp. Io-let-s‘ a daughtrr, Juan, who will numrn thr passing of a kind am) :m’uctionate husband and father. Ha um. Ivan-s qu aisto-rgand twp bro? The program opened with a chorus by Hm young maple. and was fol- tum-ct by the chairman’s address. Instrunu-ntnl music was given by Mr. “'03:. Noble. on harmonica and :mtar. while Mr. Robinson gave a wmple of good selections on the pun-s. Messrs. James Langrill and \\'o-~'. Ntlt‘ttt', cm \‘ltlttn and guitar t'mgu-t'ttVt'ly. also delighted thf‘ .‘t'mwt with an instrumental and mug. Readings by Miss Petty, Maud l’wlu'n. James Langrill and others «we also Well received. as WBI‘P M'lns Ivy .“t‘SSl'S, C. \V. Lang and l. l.. Steelman of Durham. who were H'mmpaniml on the organ by. Mr. n'.l.~u-wm~e Elviolge. also of Durham. I‘ll“ I'lmrllse's. ttm. were good, 33 \\ us also a pantomime put. on by the 'wlm'.‘ people of the. St't‘thn. the programme, though lengthy. ant» \\o~l| haltlttcmt amt versatile. "w unly “'0'th part of the whole pow-f'nrntznu'e lit-int! “30 rather small .tlfo-llttllllt't‘. (“'9 t0 the stormy even- :IlLf. \\’.- understand the same DI“)- -znmmv is to be presented again «m. month. ‘ .ho-x's. Mrs. W’nlter Mayer (Anna) and Mrs. Thomas Aiken (Belle), of Initial“. N.\'.; Mrs. Robert Short- ro-ml Anabel, west of Priceville, nut Sandy and Angus in the West. .\ 5mg" amt two brothers prede- wuwd Iim some, ears ago. The funeral. waieh was very largely attemlml, was held from his lulu resident-u 'l‘nesclay afternooia, H... ern-o-s being in charge of his pustni', Rev. Mr. Sutherland of the Presbyterian church. As a tuken ul' tln- o-s‘h't'lll in which the deceased was held, the. casket was banked mm many beautiful tlni'al tributes from sympathizing friends and rel- atiws. Interment was made in Mc- Nuil‘s m-mvtery in the village, the. pail bearers being Messrs. John Stnthzu‘t. Louis Frook, H. B. Mc- Lean. Malcolm Melnnis, Ed. Sullivan and .lnlin McKechnie, Fi'io-mis from a distance in at- tendance at the service were Mrs. Mayo-r. MI'S. Aiki-n and daughter. Miss Ethel. both from Buflalo, N.Y., \lrs. William Smith. Miss J. Wen- zuul Mrs. .lnlm M. Burgvss. Durham. Mrs. J. Juno-s from Saskatchewan. and iiiipiziin H. B. McKinnon and iil'flthf‘l'. Bobs. Toronto. PRICEVILLE IAN Mr. McLachian was a son of fine lah- Mr. and Mrs Neil McLachlan, and “as born on a farm about a ”.m- wnst of Priceville where his part-Ills spi-nl all their married Inns. The deceased lived most of his hf.- un this farm, and for a time was mail cuurier on No. i route .»I' l’l'li'i'Vllll'. retiring to the vil- mg.- sum» timo- ago, where he has smvn l'vsiilml. Young People of Community Present Excellent Programme in School House Last Thursday Evening. Mr. McLachlan was a cousin of Hw “141' and .‘It’Kimmn families ho-rw. In all of whom. with the fam- It\', The tlhl'nnit'ln Mtnmls sympathy. Late Donald IcLachlnn Wu In Only Short Time, Passing Away in 53rd Yuanâ€"Funeral on Tnudny Large- ly Attended. DUCBESS OF ATBOLL Who come. to Canuda to “tend the triennial conference on education. which om. In Iona-Q) on April 5.. VOL. 59aâ€"NO. 3068. THE ‘ DURHAM CHRONICLE DIED SATURDAY Mr. McKinnon. who was for sev- eral years on the editorial staff of The Globe. resigned this position some months ago owing to some disagreement with the editorial policy of that paper and has since been associated with a wellâ€"known advertising agency in Toronto. No- tice of his appointment will likely be announced In this morning’s edi- Primvillv and Durham friends of Mr. Hector H. McKinnun will lw [Hrasrd to learn of the success of this formar Prirovillr resident in receiving the position of scxcretary of Hip newly appointed federal tariff board. _ _ - During tho storm on Saturday. tho wind ripped all part of tho roof of tho Jackson Manufacturing: Com- pany plant. hut wo nmlrrstand that not, very much damagp was (lonr in gonoral throughout. this sortion. ln Ontario the damago to the lines of tho Boll Tolaphmw Company is said to bo in excoss of one million dollars. tion of the Toronto press. We congratulate Mr. McKinnon on his appointment and trust that he will make as big a success out of this position as of the other posts he has so ably filled. thinly hvnn “lingm'ing in tho lap Hf Spring”. thnsv last. few days. will {:vt. its walking pnpvrs “him. with hnr customary smiles and warmth, Miss Spring will arriw in all her glory. Ami it is noarly liipo. This wrok has been snmowhat better. but is still anything but balmy at time of writing. 'l‘herp is a cold tang in thr air that snoms to indicate tho presonrn of winter. and all Sunday night and part nf Monday considerabln snnw fall. 'I‘hn storm Saturday was nut unvxlwrtod. its arrival from the Rnrky Moun- tains having horn prodictml last \thwsday whnn its prmlvrossnr was at. its hright. This is diftlrnlt tn midm'staml in fat-v of (hp fart. that. asi‘wrially warm “vathnr was living onjoyod in thv \Vvst. 'l‘uos- day's papers. howrwr, gaw ns tho assuranrn in tiwir \wathvr fnrvcasts that it is tn lw “fair and a littln warmnr." and it is quitn pnssihln that Winter. f\_\jhirh_ has most. rrr- STORM KING HERE OVER WEEK-END Easter Sunday mnrning was spent by a good manv of the citizens in digging thvmsolvos out. the bean- tiful snow hving piled high all over town. The day turned out iinn, was not too cnld; but was anything but the kind desired by milady dc- sirous of dis-playing Easter millin- ery. Railroads Blocked With Worst April Storm in Good Many years, While Commercial Telegraph and Tele- phone Lines Were Also Hard Hit. Following in tho wako of Wodnos- day’s storm. tho blizzard of Satur- day and Saturday night was ovon worso. and as a rosult. tho train sorVico of this part of Untario ox- porionrod about tho worst tioâ€"up of tho soasnn. tho ('1. X. It. not roaching Durham until 3 a.m., six hours lato. Tho (I. P. R.. to”. had its dif- llcultios. 'l‘hursday tho principal roa- son for its lalonoss at points wcst of Durham hoing tho dot-ailing at tho Harat‘raxa stroot crossing horo of tho snowplough. which struck somo obstruction on tho crossing. hounccd off tho tracks and loft the rails. 'l‘ho plough arrivod horo shortly hoforo midnight. but it was 3 o'clock hol‘oro it was back on tho rails again and on its way to Walk- orton. Tho C. N. R.. too. had its ll'oublos whon tho down froight lol'i tho rails hotwoon Mount Forost and Palmorston and hold up trafllc for somo limo Saturday. It was a cold, hard job gotting things slraightonod out again, and no ono watching tho worl-zors had any do- siro to hocomo 'ailroadors on this partii‘mlar occasion. Durham pas- songors on tho C, P. R. wcro dis- chargod at tho Mill stroct crossing ncar tho Roctory, 'l'hv night was suroly a wild mm, with a hnavy snow-fall. a strong wind. and tlw snuw. particularly heavy. mach» awn walking hard. Added tn this. somvthing went, wrong on the high-tansion hydro linn hotwmm horn and Eugenia. and tho lighting service was cut Off on twu uccasions. Who has announced that he will: resign his position as Liberal leader in Manitoba at the Liberal Conven- tion which will be held in the tall. Ill-health ls his reason. GETS GOOD APPOINTMENT HON. T. C. NORRIS DURHAM, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1.926. ”wing: to the death of Mrs. Robert Burnett. a member of the congre- gation. the. play to have been pre- sented in the Town Hall tonight hy the Anglican Yloung People's As- soriation has been postpmied in- definitely. This play will be pre- sented at a later date this spring, and while those who have pur- chased their tickets may have their money back if they so desire, the present tickets will be honored at the future engagement. and the seats at present selected will hold 00d. The plan is at MaeBeth’s ug Store. The delivery business carried on for the past year or so here b Mr. Milford Aljoe, has been pure ased by Mr. James Matthews, who took posseasion Monday morning and is now In charge. 'l'lm fmwrgll was holi‘l on Saturday last. from his latq resulonco. IDLPP- mom bmng made In Markdalo cvmo- tmfiv. 'l‘h11 lat11 M11. Rutl11dg11. who was in his 77th 3'111111. had b11011 0111.1 111’ “111 l11a1ling figures in Markdalo for n111'1I'i3 710 311a11s,h13. having 110 (M11 L11 11111 3ill11g11 in 1880 purchasing The Markdaln Standard which I111 suc- 1111ssfnll3' conducted 11p to 1921 33.11111“ I111 sold nut. to the 1111113111“ propriotor. A. l‘. tlnlgan. A public- spirited 11itiz11n. ”111 11111111113111! was 111 '113'1: in ”111 front 33 111111 the int111111sts 11f Ma11ka1ti11 warm at st11k11,and though. not 111111111111t111i 33ith ”111 business lif1 111' “111 111mm1111it3' for the past five 31111113 h11 33113 al33a3s interostod in H111 afl'aiis of tho 1111111n111nit3. Dur- ing his 11n11111 1111si1i11n1111. in the vi]- l11;:11. I111 h11l1l th11 11st11111m 111111 1111nti~ 1|1111111- of ”111 11itiz11ns. Mr. Rutlmigv was a lifelong Moth- mlis‘t. mm of the artivo WOI'km's, was. rocmwling stmvart for a number of wars. and for owr 30 yoars was: swm-tary-troasurer of the church. H0 is survivvd by his wifn. for-- mm-ly Miss Emma Edwards. of (Hm-- P g. and nnv «laughter by a farmer mam'ingv. Mrs. W. S. Chalmn-rs of van Smmal. Ho is also survivwfi by MW sister, Mrs, Alice Irwin. Manhattan. va York. whu is m yvars nf ago and the last surviving mvmbvl' of the famil_y. A. Y. P. A. SOCIETY HAVE CANCELLED PLAY Bob is p0pular with the younger folk about town, and it is seldom he passes up or down the, street. that several are not to be seen hav- ing their daily sleigh-ride.'which Mr. Alexander seems to enjoy as much as his young passengers. On Monday morning his team was left standing in front of one of the store‘s. and some of the youngsters. commenced jumping on and on“ the sleigh. scaring the horses, and they immediately started south in the directiim of the barn in which they are housed. The team is a quiet one and not easily frightened, but this morning they were feeling good and the. noise of the children was too mueh for them. With the exception of Betty Mc- Intym the. little (laughter of Mrs Shirlev Mrlntvw. all the \oungsters had left the sleigh. but the horses were going too fast tor her. and she was forced to remain. The horses were by no means running :1t their highest speed. and seemed more to “ant to get awm from the noise, but in snening oil the. mad. they came dangerouslx near a telo phone I1ole in front of the. resi- dence of Mr. (1}. S. Lawrence which, had they struck it, would most eer- tainly have cataimltml the young passenger forward. with possibly serious injury. ”no of Markilalo's hostâ€"knmvn. and most, prominonl. citizens passoo. away on Wmlnosdny of last wook at. his homo in that villago in the [)f‘l'sml of Mr. Charles Wosloy Rntm lodgo, following an illness of sev-- oral months. and though his death was not nni-xpoclod. the news was neworiholoss a shock to the whole! community. 'l‘lw animals “mu stmipmj when nppnsitn the Shell 633 WM 100 Sm- linn and hmught back up timn lit- ilv ilu' “mam for their escapade. though tho juvenile passmigm' looked ratlwr scan-ml whim all was (war. and insinml of stivking in the ve- hicle and hiding. was_sa_tisi_‘wd that. NARROW ESCAPE WHEN DRAY TEAM RAN AWAY Thmo is a [ioSit'hn danger in (‘hildrvn hanging on to SlPig‘ilS. but 11.nt mt'm} llliH‘I‘S haw the [wart in dvpriw ilwm of tho privilogir. 21ml m» mm glad that unthing morn SovinuS has to 110 reportvd from tho ncc'urronvv last. Munday morning. DIED LAST WEEK walking. safm'. Late C. W. Rutledge Was Formerly Editor and Proprietor of Markdale Standard and Well-known to Newspaper Praternity.â€"lnterment Took Place Saturday in Markdale' Cemetery. The dangers of children riding on sleighs about town was brought home about, 10 o’clock Monday morn- ing when a team'of blacks owned by Mr, Robert Alexander, draymau. became frightened up town and made a dash for the home stable. R. Alexander’s Pall Pair Prize Win- ners Had Short Gallop londay Which Caused Considerable Bx- citement. SOLD DELIVERY BUSINESS whilo‘mm'e fatiguing. was: IN 77TH YEAR When working about the house last Friday and when up on a step ladder, Miss .l. Drummond was so unfortunate as to lose, her balance and fall to the floor, sustaining three broken ribs. Confined to her bed for two or three days, Miss Drum- mnnd is again able to be about. but 3m have to take things easy for a line. Mrs. McArthur's many frionds here will sympathize with nor in her loss, she being unaware. of her brolher‘s illness until she received the telegram announcing his death. 13' amfhad to ho brought to Durham by train. N0 particulars won: avail- ahle. though it is thought the «hu ceased succumbed to influenza. Being unablo to catch the after- nnun train. Mr. and Mrs. McArthm' loft for 'l‘m'r‘ntn Saturday mm'nim.’ to hn pl'c-svnt at tho fmwml that aftm'mmn. hut a< thny haw not ro- turnnd up tn Wmhwsdny (waning of this W001i. w" arn unahln tn give» any further infurmation. Bvsidvs Mrs. \h'Mthm. M .Hlm- tm. “ho “as 6’ wais of age, I lH‘s m0 Oilim‘ Sistms. Mrs. Ross P'l‘or- onto. and Mrs.’l‘|mmpsm1..Waihnr- ough, and one brother, Alfred, now ill in a hospital at Orillin. QUEEN ST. [ADIES’ AID HELD ANNUAL MEETING Mrs. Angus MrArthur of Glonolg. about, a, milo north of town. rocoivm‘t tho sad news Friday morning last «if the suticion «loath at. his late rosi- itonco, Parkvinw Boulevard. Willow- italo. 'l‘oronto, of her hrothor. Mr. Frmivrirk Huntvr. Mr. Hunter died \‘t‘oiinnsctay. hut tho storm that passrd owr this sortion of Ontario that. day diSlHPa'Pt‘ tho wiro SPI‘ViCP. and tho tflli‘gram announcing his «loath could not he doliyormt gromm- DIED SUDDENLY IN TORONTO LAST WEEK 'l‘ho oloction of officers resulted as follows: l’rosidont, Mrs. P. (iagnon: Vico-Prosidmit, Mrs, Glass, Socrotary. Mrs. Yirrs; 'l‘roasuror, Mrs. (loorgo Moore; Sacramental llommittor. Mrs. Aljor. Mrs. Twam- loy; Draping of Church Committoo, Mrs. C. Moore, Mrs. G. R. Padflold, Mrs. D. M. Saunders; Press Report- vr. Mrs, Potors: Flowvr Committoo. Mrs. R. Bvlfry. Mrs. Earl McDonald; Parsonago (Jommitlm', Mrs. Aljoe, Mrs. W‘olfo. Mrs. Knochtel; Ways and Moons (bmmiltw, Mrs. McCrae, Mrs. Hm, Mrs. Robert Smith. Mrs. M. Wilson. Mrs. Roy Lawrence, Mrs. W. Benson; Hospital Committee for April. Mrs. R. Boll'ry. Mrs. Earl Mcâ€" Donald; Visitors for East Ward, Mrs. C, Mooro. Mrs. \Vhitmoro; Visitors for Wost Ward. Mrs. Elliott. Mrs. Knochtol; Visitors for North Ward, Mrs. Jack. Mrs. Milburn. The Ladies’ Aid of the Queen Street l'nitml church held their annual meeting in the basement. of the church on Wednesday, Apri 6, with a large and enthusiastic ga h- cring in attendance. Rev. J. E. Peters occupied the chair and owned the meeting with prawn 'llue minutes of the lust nineting \wro road, answered by the Roll Call and presentation of bills for tho. last important purchase mailn fur Hm 1180 of the snciety, night tou‘iables and tablv linen. The tri-zisurvr's ropm't was read show- ing an incomv for Hip year of $221.50, having a balance of $107.61 still in the treasury. Bmther of Mrs. Angus . HcArthur, North of Town, Passed Away Wed- nesday of Last Week. 'l‘ho ladies had prepared a sump- tuous tea to which the memhnrs. thoir husbands and soveral visitors than Sat down and closed a very pleasant afternoon. In Basement of Church Tuesday With Large Attendanceâ€"Officers for Year Elected. PRACTURBD THREE RIBS DAYS WE’LL NEVER FORGET Mrs. Burnett was a devoted and active. member of the Anglican church. was a woman of many ac- tivities throughout the town, and one who will be greatly missed in the various social circles of the place. To the husband and family the sincere sympathy of a wide cir- cle of friends is extended in whieh The Chronicle joins. A gentleman farmer is just like any other kind except the: he loses more money. The funeral will he held from the home, Lamhton street tomorrow at- lernnon. at 2 oclock, the serxices being in charge of the deceaseds pastor. Rm. J. H. Whealen. of 'l‘rin- ity church. Followi the service, interment will be m e in Durham cemetery.. ““Sltlt‘s the immediate famil3. llt‘!‘ aged fathm' Mr. Honr3 $1 iglmm \llan l’aik, HOW in his 86th 3',oar survivos. tngothnr with live hm- tlwrs and three sisters. Mrs. Bur- nett‘s «loath bring thv first blOki'll link in the fumil3 with the excep- tion of the mother, who passml 333 113' some years ago. The sur3"i3ing hrnthnrs and sistnrs aw: William. 11033 in \\'inniiwg, but up to a stunt timn ago in the mvroantile business in Durlian1z'lliom:1.3'. at Allan Park: Mlllhfl at Smuis. “1111.; and Robert and Herbert. in Hanowr; M18. Cross. in Durham; Mrs. \V. A Livingston. lientinck. and 131133. ..I Li3ingston, Hamilton. Though the condition of Mrs. Robert Burnett of this town, who for the past four weeks has been confined to her bed, was known to be critical. her death about three o‘clock yesterday afternoon was re- ceived as a shock hy the whole community. Mrs. Burnett was one of the hestpknown of the, town's residents. was popular in its social life, and her sudden passing Will be much regretted by a wide» eirrlo of friends. The deceased was the youngest daughter of Mr. Henry Bri ham mm the late Mrs. Brigham, Al an Park. and was born there On the 2lst. of November. 1882. being therefore, in her “th year. Here she grew up to yenng womanhmvd, and in this Vicinity has spent. her entire lite. On the 29th of June. 1904. she was married to Mr. Robert Burnett of this town. and follnwing their mar- riage, they settled in Durham where they have sinre remained, and where Mr. Burnett has been engaged almost eontinueusly in the mercan- tile business. To them \wrv horn ihreo childrvn. two sons and a daughu’r. Hayden and Eula. hnlh atlvnalini: \Vvslm‘n l'niversily. London. and Nut. at. hump. who, with the sorrowing hus- band, will mourn the loss of a true wife and mnlhm‘. and min wlm al- ways had thv comfort of him l'am- il_\' first in lwr mind. For the past four weeks, the de- ceased had been confined to her bed, though it was only recently that her condition had beeomo sueh as to cause worry to her family. it being thought that her trouble was of some minor nature that would pass away with a period of rest. For the past week or so, how- ever, it was known that her condi- tion was becoming critical. and. showing no improvement, Dr. Gut- die, specialist, of Toronto. was sent for and eame here Monday noon for an examination of the patient. He. however. held out no hope. and gave the family no enemiraaenwnt for her ultimate recovery. SUCCUMBED YESTERDAY . AFTER MONTH'S ILLNESS While at times Mrs. Burnett an- peared to I'allV it “as OIIlV (em; mr- ary, and timugh suffering IItI yam for the past couple of daV's it “as seen that the end was 0an a mat- ter of time. Eal‘lV. yesterdav main- ing she lapsed int)» unconsciousness, in which condition she remained until she slept away. Mrs. R. Burnett, Well-known Resi- dent of This Place, Passed Away From Illness Diagnosed as Brain Tumor. $2.00aYearinCuuln; $2th.8. fl‘huse who insist on speaking their minds usually have unpleasant minds. THURSDAY WAS “The justice? “all I SUMMM! I must proâ€"hut the thing is all su sud- den and besides, [(1 much ratrhe have a priest do jt.” Frem Childhood's days tn gruwn-up years Dear Mother shared our “Opes and fears. Her earnest faith. her steadfast prayers Have taught us that our Father rares- For us.â€"In hours of 103' and grief, And when we‘re. tempted sends relief. “Wvll I know it's leap year." she came back. ‘fbut I prefer to lot you do the courting yogrs_olf."_ The. montth meeting of ”in “'0- men’s Institute on Thursday of last week. held at the homo ui‘ Mrs. Thomas Brown, Garafraxa strum. was not as largoly attvndmi an is usual, the principal roasml hi-imr the wry inrlommt \wallwr and the blocked condition of tho roads due. to the storm than raging. ()nly twentyâ€"nine ladios put in an an- nonranrv. This was Hm Mollii-rs‘ meeting. the primrramnul [wing fur- nished. by tho malrons of tho sewi- oty, and a wry intorostimz mvotimz it was. A feature of ttw prom-unmit- was a series of papers road by varimis momhors «if the Institutn 0n the “Mutlwrs of Grout. Mon and anrn." Mrs. Clark road thv «m0 on the mother of Dwight L. Moody. whilv Mrs. Henderson took that «toaling with Mary Slrssor‘s mothvr. A pa- per (in tho motlwr of David Living- stonr. tlw grvat. At‘riran uxplurur. was given by Mrs. Monti; Queen Victoria‘s muthor was given by Mrs. Mrllraith. William Ewart Glad- stmw's hy Mrs. Stmmousc. and anry “’ard Bovchrr's by Mrs. J. A. Graham. “Ydu don’t understand: you must proceed to court" the she-rlfl' went on. Th0 roll val! was answc-rm! by a quotation on “Muthm'.” and at tlw closo a dainty lunchmm was survod by the lmsu’ssvs. tho Missvs Brown. A Witty Widow An Irish sherifl' gut a writ to serve on a (-levor, young widuw. and on coming into her presence. hv said: “Madam. I have an attachnwnt. for you." “You have?“ sho said. blushing. “’I‘hvn I may tell you that your at- tacllmvnt. is rm'iprocntmi." A '“Mrs. B ” 63 33nd swi‘nly. “This is no time for fooling. 'I‘lw justice is waiting.‘ Folluwing is 'Mrs. Willmwhhy’s [mom roforrvd to almw: SO in tho ranks Hf womanhmut Amongst the iwauliful and gcmd l7 mu this earthâ€"Dear Mother stands ith chverful {300, with willing D"? That when we meet before1 God's throne With you, our work on earth all done, Rodeemod by Christ, again we'll praise The God whose love has “crowned your days." “God Bless tho Mothvrs." \u-II- 0n- thusiasticallv recoived. as was also a «luv! h\ Mrs. J. S. Mrllraith and Mrs. H. Stmwousu, “lbrraming «If Hume and Mother." 'l‘lII-ru was also a wading by Mrs. A. Imtlwrfnrd. ”The (I‘Irvatvst 1181“» That. liwr “he Fnughl. " and II “mm. a hilmtv In tho. molhors of Canada. umumsud In Mrs. “illoughhx 0f ll'lnII'Ia. .\' \’.. a Im'mrr Insidrnt. “as II-ml In Mrs. \\. A. Glass. “hu also “as amm- panist for tho musical numhvrs. Mrs. T. Watson «If Halt. vismng hnr muthvr, Mrs. '1‘. MrGIrr. mm!» a twat speech in which slw 10M HIP mowi- ing of the Gall. Institulv. its work and its aims. Mrs. J. Matlwr also gave a good papar “ll “Fe-Ming the Family." Mothers! We brim: to yuu tnday Our love and thanks and humbly limpet: gt Women's jpstitute lad The president, Mrs. J. A. (h‘ahum. was in tho chair. and 3mm tho hus- iness 0nd of the gathering had been disposed of a good programnw of music and papers was con» lhrMmh with. Three choruses by the mo- thersflchoir. “Hail to tho Mmhm's." “Tho §ongs Qur_h_lot_,hers”Sang" Ind hands. . . “qung to serve in Hys dear name.“ In my or sorrow. met and mm. 'Woxdermm gngaemgth o tholdh.’ Unique Prom-Iii if fieâ€"e}; looting Lat Week. ,. - o--. MOTHERS DAY

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