PAGE 6. With two morning sittings of tho Hon-m, and as mam as three com- mntm-s at work at one time, the Legnsiaturo hnnollml a great amount, of mzsuwss In thr- linnl .W'W'k' Nut 'I‘ho' annslnp Scheml Boards Hill was dismissed cm Tuesday by tho przmo- ministo'r. Dr. J. 1). 31011001â€. (Ummrvalivv. Nnrth Prrthï¬ A. P. Mo-humv)‘ IAN-ml. “'09! Bruce“. Sam Ollau'kn (lJlu-ral. Nurthumhvr- land; A. .l. Fallis (thusvrvznivo'. l'lzm Durham ;.l. W. Sangsh-r Lih- erul, Hh-ngurry : l). .l. 'l'uylm'. {Pru- gro'ssixr. .Vanh Hwy : l). .‘v'. :(Ns'. Cl’rngrvssn'o'. Nurth HxI'. l'cl. amol .\. lh'lango-r Liho-ral. Russo-i! . Tim bill. as pro-vinusly iminmlml hy Hu- pro-nno'r. was suhmmo-sl unly fur ohm-Ix-zsiun :mol puhlivil). and was thvu whhoh'awn t‘m- u )war. .‘.h-, Ft-rgusnn sahl Hm. whih- ho- hm! :. numhor nf h'urrs and rvsnhnmns {rum tl'ush-u hmho-s in fm'nr Hf tiw mvnsnrv, tho- prowhm- was whh‘mâ€" I)‘ nut. ro-zul)‘ for it. Hp said: "II. vs “110- tho-ro- is. a sum! down 01' fowl- ‘mg in nppnsitiun In tho suggo-stinn. ()no- I'o-asuu 'is thv svnlimrnt that surromnols thn liHh- I'ml whnnlhnusv; tho- â€tho-r is thv I'vhu'tmu'v of local schoml Hush-vs tn lusw autmmmy in thr- hmulling nf lm'al afl'airs. I think it nuly ro'quirw a liHIu mhwutinn to shnw thmn “mt. \W van gradually illll'l'flw' thv snuuthm. Hflh'm's of thv :lo-partmo-m who haw \vnrkml nut Hm pruhlvm [rum :1 ï¬nancial stannlpnmt assm'c- In» that in I'm» M- six yo'm's tho- rust. of cultivation! undo-r such a plan \umhl lw x-mhh'ml a grunt dual of legislation proved contuntinus, and the: Opposition ap- peared to haw no SPriHlH ohjmrtions to Government lllt'itSlil'es. Such dis- cussion as thorn was toiik place on piihlii' and private bills. Thu prime minim-1’s intimation a new days ago that Hu- gown-union! had no objec- “Nil in staying on and continuing Um wagiun afto-r [flush-r adjournment typo-airs In haw had tlu- eflect of in- spmng what.» members to expe- um- lnzsmo'ss. In addition the Pru- gI-ussuw group has not been very |;.-'t\'ily l'vpl‘o-so-ntod, and during must. of mu,- cwrning session this wo-o'k, own-y swat in that so-ctinn m' â€In Hunsv was vacant. thv ole-pal'huo'nt who haw" \vnrkmi out Hus prnblvm frnm a ï¬nancial standpoint. mum-e- mu that. 'm m.» m' six yo'fll'S tlw rust of «aluminum llllolt‘l' such a plan \umhl lu- x'mlum-d 2:. In 30 [WP mm. and this wunld eo-rminI)‘ lw a 21mm I‘t'livf tn rural po‘uplo'," When the llutzse was ;.:is.~‘ttt§.: stip- olementm'v estimates on 'l‘nesdny. Premier Ferguson called attention to an impreesnm anon by some newspaper heznltngs that the gov- et'ntnent tit-utilised to t‘lil nil" enttt‘e- iy (“hi at "NC“ :ilt t'fllllt'lhllll-tlts to Queens .lltcl Western l'tttxet‘Stties at. Kingstu-n ltntl London. He ex- plained that while he hall gtwn the aiithm'tttes of these institutions warning that they must look about. for endowments in Hl'tlt‘l' to ang- ment their i'm'enue and carry their own ï¬nancing. yet he recognized that both were doing gum! work. and there was no idea of terminating abruptly and entirely all provincial assnstanee during such period as they were arranging to ï¬nance themoelves. His contention. how- ever. was that Toronto was the state noiversity. and it was not. rea- sonable to ask the province to in. deï¬nitely ï¬nance two others. + ' + Part of one afternoon's discussion. on Wednesday, minced to dispose 0! col. John A. Carrie’s govern-ant Whimndabotogm unity orwtontheixper "I? o‘Vioh‘nm‘ ' durim: thv w. that Row, lid; Rammlo‘n. whi lmcislamro d1 gmw. lHOK cnmml: 8mm plavml by lll crnmvnt with a T. will be appnrvnl I lion has nut. unly ; by this session} Enquiry. lmt. rmmi desirahlv publicity who Is mm m th was 1'. F. U. momb: mria. and .‘lr. Ram oral reprosvntmg a “HWY. :3 a snarmu 'ing thm-vfor Minn whirl: rpprvhvnsihl ms and 6001‘ non it is rem w» of :1 wit ;\ “nu-k discl Edgar Wat: whiln nwml 0 during th hiln nwmhvrs during the ‘ wmmnsinns by me for Mic ih. in tho‘ mt‘fllbt‘l‘ r. Ramsd I HIM. whilv lw "um-s and rmuh hmlio-s in t'm'ur ' prowim'o' was v-V fur H. "0' said ih‘ 3 Km"! â€PM HI. |\' .iSiflllS on insnr- wm for tlw cov- m'nmo :Igobm'y. it that tlw mspnsi- iu‘hh‘H‘d nothing Public Arman":- mlwrs Hf thn Drm'y d a In! of 1m- .\lr. \Vatsnn. l’maml Stan‘s. fer Nurth Viv- ien was a Lib- oronto constit- cl by â€It- unly fur aml was 'm'. .‘vh'. ' ht“! U- vhninns nl â€w sun-m t ltIicth iIcI-ausc them was nut 0p- :[mlitlllifV at such :I latc stagc fur It'ull oliSIIIssinn. tlIc Municipal CI m- 'mitto c IIn \\ cctncsday tln‘c“ out. for this ycat‘ amcnotmcnts to thc Tran- 'sinut 'I‘I'aIch's‘ Act pmViding Mr :1 sI'nlI‘ Hf lit'I‘nSI‘ furs fOl‘ pt‘tttllo‘lâ€˜ï¬ and fur thc IIgulating 0f transicnt ' tI'nIYI war Rcm'cscntatiws \wcc pccs- cnt tImn Various husincss inth'csts ‘IIIIIt thc Rctail Mcrchants' Associa- tinn nt‘ Ontario. and cxcmpotinn from ’thv pimisinns \Vm‘c askccl in ccspcct 'tn wwing machine‘s. Fullcr Brush .1‘ nnIIIIIny. tca mcI-chants. new spapcr .Iamasscrs and otthrrs One pchi- Ismn «If thc bill would lIaVc the cf- . tcct of giVing a prcfcccncn to On- !tzII-io manufactnrcd products. in re mint. lmm' bill of J. A, Pinard, (Lib- m'al. East Ottawa,“ Debate on tho lath-r was :uljoui'ni-d until Thurs- day. and Col. liurriv‘s hill was ruled out of order. l’l'l'nlll‘l' Ferguson simkv to both hills. repeating his iii-clai'ation that. tho Government. proposed to take no more referenda 'l' lilo-hisvitos, but rather to gather information regarding tho fooling ol the public in all parts of the pro- ‘.'lllI'0'. anal reach a decision on, that basis. Who-ii that was illilli'. the public would he inl'oi'mml unit giwn opportunity to express tlwmselves at tho polls. 'l‘hv l). ’l‘. .\. will he an issue at the llPXl. election in any mom. for “lt' pi'vmim' on this UC- z'asimi points-«1 out that. it' the (lov- o-i'nnivnt iiecidml lllt' Act should <lttllll mil-hangout. tlw o'll‘ClHl'S would lltlh‘ opportunity to say at. tho polls what. tliuy thought about that. / Whom. tho Premier's bill to grant 5.3.:me adalitinnal for Northm'n Huturm .lm Plupnwut was hel'nrv the mesv om Mommy. sow-m! Lilwx'al spmkvrs {wok tu'tm‘iun tn l‘lHlOl'SP Uu- v:\'pvmlituw. Mr. Sinvluir 0h- jm'hu! unly that muro' 49mm"! in- i'nrnu'zfinn shunhl ir- giwn in ad- \:mm'. Inn. 32:; l"vr;:lx.-‘nn pnintvd out that. it was basmi cm the- vstimalt's m’ oli\!.~‘inn:al unginm-xw \‘slm worn ull Hw ux'ulmcl and fully :wquaintml “Hi: â€In Ursula ni’ tin/w districts. Ham. .Iamvs Lynn»; allhnugh 110! mm ministm' nt’ lzlnuh‘ and furrslm mach‘ JOHN MCKECHNIE Durham Ont ht' O‘I\'[H"'IH‘HIHI. MI'. SIIIIIIIir 0b- iII'I'tI‘I Huly Hut mIIII‘ I! lailI'Il in- HI‘IIKUIHH should II ngn in ad- .:IIII I'. but. 321', I"III';,'II.-'IIII pHiHh‘d out III". N was hasmi “I! â€In I‘Stinlatt‘s II' IlixIsiIIIIrI-l I‘ngim't‘l'~' “'11†were III â€I“ L'X’HHHII :IIIII I'IIH)’ III'IIIIainLIId IVIHI HII' llO‘I‘d.‘ â€f “H il' IIIShiClS. IIIII Jilflh's l \Uilh. allhnugh not mm IIiIIistI'I‘ IIt IIIIIIH HM iIIIIIstri. mado I \Iuan IIs rf II-III IIII lIIIIIIIH' II.' Hm I I'HI I~I’IIIIIII'}'. IIIIII I‘HllillaSiZI'ti UII’I ZN" that. UH‘ IIIIIlzIy IIn roads up Mr Is “IIIII :I â€â€œ3 lIiII'" cIIIIIIIaI-I-Ii II IIIII nIillIIIIIs Sitt‘nt in HM UIItaI'iO. IzII'IiI'IIlzII'Iy HHIII‘I' the last )‘IIIII's of IIII lair gIIVI'I'IIIIII'III.._,\\°IIIIII NIP worst If HII- I-Imols III â€I" “II'O‘I‘ part, of the IrnviIII'II “I‘l'l‘ IN'HI‘I' than the best i‘. IIIII IIIII'HI. Waimc er Sax/9521122 «mum, .. 4w... 1% .Wuuwuvt. .\J Hi: HIP nm‘ds m. .Iamvs Lyons inisto‘r nf lands x mom us sgwm'l rm rmmh'y. m N that. tho m: Sta am {on NO mare scissors or straigE‘a-edgc required for trimming wallpaper. No more sticay litter lying around when. pa- perhg is being;- done. A quaskcr and a better job with wallpapers in the newest and most pieas- ing patterns and color- imis. that cost no more than the oldJashioned W' e have ready for your inspection a com- plete new line of these STAUNTON SEMI- TRlMMED wallpapers. Drop in today or tomor- row and look them over. spect to direct sale methods, and it was/pointed out that this might induce retaliation against Ontario hv other provinces. The committee agreed that the retail merchants “ho pay heavy taxes had a grim- ante in respect to the. competition of pmhilers and transient traders. but felt that there was no time for adequate discussion. and conse- quently the measure was not re- porterl to the House. In a hill including tho sessions amendments to tho Municipal Act VVhiCh VVas put through on Thurs- .laV. t'hmo is a Clause enabling tl'liStoos of polico Villages to pass by'-laVVs paving themSPlVos for at- téndance at meetings not more than ‘35 per ‘ile. ()VVing to the action of the Municipal Committoe the other «lay, tlw clause now carries at the end this proviso. “after such Inn-111w has boon submittml to 11111.1 approved of by tlw Mortars on tho (lay of the annual olm-tion of trustws." At'tm' ln'iof discussion of tho prin- ciple involved. D. J. Taylor. (Pro- gx'ossiw. North (Eloy, on Wednes- daV w.ithdmw his l‘(;S()|lltiOIl calling for the House mombm'ship to be l'_-P duoml to tho same number as On- tario umhOI'S in the Commons. 8?, and for Ontario ridings to have lwundarios cotorminous with foam- :1] (‘nnsiituonc'icS. Mr. Taylor is ono of â€man who ohjm‘tml stl'vnuously last. smsion to HH' wiping out of rural mnstitiimwivs by tho i'mlisti‘i- lmiinn hill. nwnt. xth mnulh. Thu announrv- mmll. fV-chm'vd w, runfnroncn hvrv with l'mlnrul ut'tirials, Tho hatch- vrivs an :19 I’M-m Edward. Kunnrzl. Cullingxx-und. \\'i:l.rtnu. Port Arthur. Snuthunchm. Bullwillo and Kings- \'illv. 'l‘hv pruvinrn ulroad)’ oppr- atns hatrlwrins at. Port Arthur. Fort Francis. lx'vnm'a and Normaudule. Whon thv Dominion Gnvnrnmmlf gaw notirv that. it. proposml to dis- rumtinuv ninu hatrlwrins in Ontario, Vigc’urnus ro-pro'svmutinns \wrv mach! tn the Ontario Gnvnrnmnnt. not, to lvt. me hr nhandmwd. in vinw of Hm nmuls nf tlw ï¬shing industry, and MP. Mrtirml has placml an ammmt in â€In vslimatns for this yvar iu rmmvction with mainten- anco. _, nw "Certainly not." , “You thought. highly mough of mo to marry m0.“ “Luv" is blind. but patriotism is SUDODSNI to Show judgmmfl.†. Logical . "va'mttaC saw! Mr. Movkton. “If I run fm' nfï¬w. would _\'nu voto‘ for Hon. Charlvs Mom-Pa has am- nmmvml Hn- dwisinn of Hm mwm'n- mvnt. tn tnkr nvm' l‘ish hatvhm'ius in this prmim‘v which air" twins: :iwn up hf: llu- Dominion ('mx'm'n- nwnt. xmxl mmdh. Thu announcv- A3 a cloak. vhurity is. very often a mlsflt. McCaslin.â€"ln loving: nwmm'y of 0111' «Mar mnthm'._ Mrs, H. McCaslin. whn mm April 8. 1925. In Durham snt'ï¬ly smvldng “"horn thn llmvm's gently wave, Lio‘s Um mw “'6‘ “Wild SH dearly, Tho “no m- could not save. “'0 think of you. dnar mother. And our hearts are ï¬lled with pain. In “f0 wv lowrl you dearly, In dnuth “'0 do the samo, 0.. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Greater Mt! at Lower Cc?“ * IN MBMORIAM â€"Snns and Daughters A. NOBLE, Dealer, Durham D. Mc'l‘avish 8: Son, Flesherton DEMONSTRATION of Chev- rolet will delight and surprise you. It will bring you a new idea of four-cylinder power and smoothness. It will make the new LOWER Chev- rolet prices appear all the more re- markable. Drive the new Chevrolet and you will understand the reason why thousands of satisï¬ed Chevrolet owners wrote unqualiï¬ed expressions of apprecia- tion during the year 1925. You will understand, too why Chevrolet popularity is growing in an amazing mannerâ€"unprecedented in motor car history. us for a demonstntion of Chevrolet's smoothness and power ITheHomeGa‘rdenl NEW THINGS FOR THE GARDEN New introductions in plants each yeaLadd to the interest of garden- ing. 'Witliout. novelties and keen competition, it is likely that even the older strains placed on the mar- ket from year to year would deter- iorate, and with this mcmotouy. would come loss of interest in garâ€" «lening. Seldom do we have a brand new. unknown vegetable offered. The first effort of man is to secure food. and the world has been well scoured for edible plants that will grow in the temperate zone. The best. we can expect. is improvement in the present vegetables. due to hybrid- ization and selection of types. Earh year brings us many new things in this manner. This tomatn type, but without its wrinkles. The nippy nmstards for greens haw been improved. Seed experts have produced some imprm'enu-nts in the res lettuce types. the kind to grow if you have no luck with head let. turn. Thero- nre always new rad- ishes. althuugh only an exlwrt, can t?“ the difference between a lot of t. wm. The H01mhall nwlon. a Texas do velopment, is one of the Homes! things. a cross betxxeen the hoan den and musk melon, hut it is not for most norlhmn gardens. as it 110le too long a warm season. Some of England’s 'flne, new peas are found in all the lists. They are well worth any gardmwr's trial. A new onion 01‘ twn of the Span- ish typo will 1w fnuntl. Oninn gmwm's will snnn he planting tlm Seed for tho big Spanish typvs. Beans with less wstigo of strings than the former stringloss typo-9 :er ot'fornd. We haw roachmt tho t-liminatinn 0f the. string from the string bean. All of thoso new types in wgeta- hlos aro well worth a trial. and cw- ury gardmwr ought to try out at lvast af ow of thom to sow if they are bettvr than tho sorts he has boon growing. The new Washington rust- proof asparagus, although on tlw markot for several seasons, is worth a trial if the home patch is troublml A TOMATO OF THE PONDEROS/ TYPE.W{THOUT WRINKLES ANS, AN ONION OF THE SPANLSH TYPE ARE NEW INTRODUCT!O".S war we shall ï¬nd :1 mm approaching tho Pï¬ndm'osa [0141. with these brown pest Spots. Theye are. also more. new sweet corns In which the. Golden Bantam has been crossed with othey corns. He grumbles all the way down stairs And cusses, like as not. Consigning furnaces like ours To where it’s always hot. . He open jerks the furnace door And peers within to frown; Then shakes the grates nntil it seems Most of the time the “old man" I - A disposition sweet, And manages to, with a smile, Life‘s little troubles meet. But there is one exceptionâ€"4h, You ought to hear him shout, When he wakes up at 6 3.111. And ï¬nds the flre’s out! Old papers. waste and trash and then Tossed loosely in its maw. Unto tho flvrcv accompaniment Hf pu's lo‘ose waggingâ€"jaw. The {family knows wall when it's it. And whilv Hwy whm'zv and (‘lmkm H» hustlns mum! in changv tho drafts ‘ 'l‘o slap the» belching smokv. At. last. tlw hatml task is «10110. And 80011 the \wlcnmn Iwat IV.‘ But-“w†vâ€"- WHEN DAD GETS PBEVBD‘ If It's Here, It’s New What’s New In Men’s Wear for Spring? Cd's hide! story. The Tailoring, Proper Cut, Hang and Ex- cellent Finish are all features of our Clothes. The Ideal Men’s Wear Store nmd-y. April 3. M‘- Safe then it is to greet The “old man†with a cheery ward, His peeve has sufl'ered rum, Once more he‘ll be goud natured till He ï¬nds the furnace out. Kidding the Scotch An undortakvr in Alwl'dm'n wont bankrupt. His stark 0f cofï¬ns was advertisml for salv at. tiflm-n (Wilts on the dollar. That night. smvnty- eight. Scotchnu-n cummittmi sun-Mu, The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2} Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Stall is 3 lim- versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. Intending: pupgls should prepare to enter at beginning of team. Information as to Courses may be obtained from the Prigpipgl. obtained from the Priqci al. The School has 3 credits le record in'thp past whiCh it hopes to main- tain In the future. Durham is an aulacuve and healtln to“ n and good accommoda- tion can be. nhtainod at reasonabln PRIGS. .L A. \l. RUBB. B. A. Principal JOHN MORRISON Chailman. (Mice and rvsmvm cure 013'! at Hw H Wilton Strm-t. Ln“ hum. 0‘le hnm- ‘3 8 pm. (9300!!! Sunda J. L. SUITE. I. 3., (Mice and Hutch-1,. 00!)an and 1.3mm m lite uld I'm: â€(Tu-o- Oto 11 am“ 1.30 n. 3†(sufld.y> (‘Xngvto'd Gl‘adhl GOIIPL' Blm'L. Honm' om“. ‘ Sun-v III I Black. 0! Ma Mr. ‘ Im at Orr In: (NH Lice: [.01‘ turn cum com- old 1 right. .l C. C. AND BESSIE Chimp: M UH Mil \\' c “'1 DR â€1‘. Mn CASH WITH «nun-:1 of four. 'I'Plvplumv Suturday mum at w 25 cents. (m ah rha will be mad«- mm: 1; ill O Media! On nits. ulmsou flfll â€242‘ Aver R" Phone Hulk I. l‘. GRANT, I m BATES BU HIDDLI new laden Thursday, April FARMS F0 Barn Advert tsvmvut to» I 00M Classi DR. A. M B Ia! PUNERAL S Ll ill MIDDLEB PH CASGLH D\\' 1'