right. -____ Lot 66. Con. 2. “16.8.. 893151103. 3'1; miles southwest of Durham. con- 'amm: 86 acres. Mostly clear and m. zund state of cultivation. Bank ham with shed adioining and stone <t'1h'ws. 7-roomed brick house with vï¬vnnon kitchen and WoOdShdl Wail watered and in good repair. Fm- further particulars ml! ‘0 \Vlliiam Smith. R. R. No. 3. Durham. Mwnt the time a 0M tn do wrong, he VHll'l‘H PART LOTS 7 AND 8. (Jun. '22. l'lcremnnt. containing 66 acres; 55 acres cleared. balance hardwood hush; in good state of cultivation; frame barn “x50. stone basement. sum-rote stables; drilled well and cement tank at barn. Also Lots 6 ml 7. Con. A. S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- taining: HO acres; 100 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick house con- taining seven rooms. With 300d ' hed: drilled mill at door: never failing springs on {his farm. making a c once stock farm. This property will be sold right to quick purchaser. For Qat- liculars apply at Watson’s Dalâ€. "“ '- “mh-m nnt- 102523" m. .1. mir'hsm. Ont. vansvd Auctioneer {or County of wry. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- mlmhle teams and satisfaction guar- :mtm'd. Dams made at The Durham clhronicie ofï¬ce or with R. C. Wat- wn. V'urney, [1.11. 1. Phone 604 r“. C. G. AND BESSIE IcGlLLlVRAY Chiropractors uraclnutvs Canadian Chirmwactic Hulk-20, 'l‘umntn. nmm- Macfarlane le'k. Durham. Day and nightphom‘ ALEX. MacDONALD Lucensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. .\lm|.-ratn terms. .â€"\rrungements for min. a" In dates. etc..m an be made :12, “I‘m: (‘ hmniclv Ofï¬ce. Durham. l :m~ nn :1 ) plicalion. Address EUR 1. lnnham. Phone 611 r 24. IIIDDLBBRO', SPERBIAN HIDDLBBRO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Suva-sun's to A. B. Currey. Mr. «I. (I. Middlobro' is permanently lm'ilh-d at Durham ofï¬ce. Flesherton Mum-h upon every Friday from mu m 9.30 p.m. DR. 1. I. BELL Physician and Surgeon, Ofï¬ce Lamhton street, Durham. Ont. Gradu. ate University of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Office hours: LUCAS HENRY Imrrxsters. Solicitors, etc. A mem- (wr of the ï¬rm will be in Durham on I‘uvsday of each week. Appointments may be made with the 0181‘]; in the DAN. IcLBAN Lu-vnwd Auctioneer for County of arc-3'. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- mzmhlv u-rms. Dates of sales made '1! 'HH' Chronicle Office or with him- J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8., b. D. S. Honm- Graduate University of Tor- ontu, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgvons of Ontario. Dentistry in all Its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder Muck. MillStreet, second door east nr MacHQ-th's Drug Store. D33. Jamal unmet Oflice and residence a short am- auce east of the Hahn House on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Dug- 'nam. 001% hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundtys). J. 1.. um, I, 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. Dance and realdence. corner of Countess and Laughton Stree oppo- site old Post Olhce. Ofllee our: : 9 to H a.m.. 1.30 to 6 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). DR. W. O. PIGKBRINGQ-DBNTIS'I’ (Mum, over J. J. Hunter’s store, fuzx'hzun. Ontario. vï¬'ltfc PUNBRAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Perle†Phone Billcrest 0268 122-!†Avenue Road Tmnio Mn mum kw; Formerly of Flesherton BATES BURIAL CO. Advertisementsnnder this heading, 1 ce 3 word each insertion CASH WITH ORDER; 31: consecutive inse ions giyen (or the price FARMS FOR SALE Licensed ~fl “(110nm hail: Med teal Directory . REUBEN C. WATSON Dental Directorv Legal ‘Dz’rectorv Classified Adgérï¬sements .. 7 to 9 p.m., Sundiié ’. April 3, 6 I71 23†8. CON. â€I? In the Village of Holstein WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1926 The following: HORSESâ€"Gray Mare. Cat t litâ€"«COW. lMPLRMENTSâ€"B-tooth cultivator now: Farm truck wagon. new; Heavy wagon. nearly now; 2 walking plows now; Send drill; 2 Twin City grain soparators. now; 3 new wire gates; Gravel box; Set heavy team harness, nearly new: Molotte cream separat- or: Ford Trailer. ' Salo commences at One o‘clock. TERMSâ€"All sums. of $10.00 and under rash; over that amount, any time up to 6 months’ credit on ap- proved joint notes bearing interest COME TO THE TOWN HALL. Thursday, April 15 at 8 o'clock. The pupils of the Missps Fursman will put on a Piano Racial and Play mi- tilled “Scmws From tlm Lilo Of Robert Schumann." Arlmissinn 350. children 250. Procrods in aid of the Durham Hospital. Plan at. MacBoth‘s Drug Store. 4 1 21).] NOTICE TO PARHBRS The Durham U.F.(). Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers ere requested to give three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 60! r 13 Durham, R.R. i. CANADIAN GREYS I. O. D. E. WILL hold thir April mowing :il. llm home of Miss J. Weir. Tiwsday. April 13. at. 8 «Heidi. Momhurs are askml to 110 prnsont as important husinrss is to romn tip at this meeting. 1 6: Son. WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 31523t WORK WANTED.â€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short order. tf 'I‘WU lfl'RHAM BILLS. ELHHBLE for I'vgistl'atiun: «mo 9 mnnths nlcl. Hu- nlhm- II. Apply .lnhn Eckhardt, R. R. I. l’l'ivM'illv. Phone Durham 603') I‘ H. -’l 8 6w. PEERLESS ('iASOLINE, THE HIGH- gzrade gas with the “pep†and long mileage. Sold only at Smith Bros’ Garage. 626 if HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID for Wheat, Oats, Barley. Buckwheat at _Rob Roy Elevatorâ€"J. W. Evf’e‘q FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc., apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. . 612 U HA'I'GIHINH I'IHHS, BARR“) BUCK. hl'ml m lay u..-\.«:. 20mm: Strain: 7;, (Wills {01' I3 nr $5.50 per hundred. «S. J. \Vilsnn. Durham. "5 3 21"! 7;... .82; .. .xES 4...... :7. ._ 1.25:. 2.1:: I . 5.7;; :25... â€:2:â€" 2.....2 .11.... 1.3.2. M _ .:_.:.. cmâ€"Q. 24â€"577 1.3375 Jflammzwï¬ TEN YUI'NH PIGS. 4 WEEKS HLD. :EM’BLV Hmrgv \\'hitn‘mm-, plmmj SCREENINGSâ€"WE HAVE IN STOCK a car of rncleaned wheat. screenings. Anynm'. nevding strong food should get. 3 Simply bpfnro the roads broak up. Price $28.50 pvr ton grmmd, in bulk; $30.00/nm‘ tun gmuml in bags. At The Pooplo's Mills, Durham. John McGowan. Prom-iotor. 1; i 2 LATE 1823 MODEL SUPERIOR lllmvrulvt in ï¬rst-class shapv; 360 mmâ€: of extras: well paintml: tiw uvvl'sizv ruml tires. Pl‘icv 3325'). A1)- ply A. 'l'lmmpsnn. Orchard Huragv. Aytnn R. R. 3. 4 8 2'! GOOD RESIDENCE AND BUSINESS stand; centrally located; business stand now occupied with good rev- enue; dwelling house also occupied. Possession given 60 days from date of sale. This is a good investment, and any interested may learn. fur- ther particulars on application to Box 20, Chronicle ofï¬ce, Durham. 3186 gmd laying strain Batred Rocks 7'5 cents a S! uing. -â€"â€"Jnhn Lloyd 325 4nd THOMAS ORGAN IN GOOD CONDI- tinn; piano vasv. Will be offered ('lurap for quirk salv. Apply at Chronicle office for further inform- ation. 4 1 2pd ORGAN, IN GOOD CONDITIONâ€"AP- ply at The Chronicle Ofï¬ce. HI} MIIINJK I INCH LI'MBER AND 2""‘1‘01 szllv Apply at “In mill. Rwy I.a\\'°'lmu 0. 4 1 2pc! FOR SALE.â€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North of Skating Rink. Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 221 t! BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. 1 10 tr PROPERTY FOR HA'nmm EGGS, FROM PEN 0F AUCTION SALE Farm Stock Implements ARTICLES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS COMING EVENTS FOR 14M FERTILIZER IN STOCK (JAR IN STOCK. GET YOUR SITP- pix nar'l) \xhih' rangn of mums is (nmphth-J \V. Ewen 8011.1)111- ‘ham. 3 [1 H TERMSâ€"Grain. hay potatoes and all sum: of $10.00 and under cash: over that amount, any time up to 10 months’ credit on approved joint notes hearing interest at 6 per cent DPI‘ annnm. W. t 1. Kenny, Charla-Shovel], Preprietors, “ Auctioneer. £12m! POI LTRYâ€"About 70 good hens. GR HRH-«50 bushels barley: 40 bu- shels \\ hoat and barlov mitzwd Quantih of Oats: 40 bags potatoes. IMPLEMENTS _. Wagon: Set sloighs: Buggy: Guitar: Democrat: Snlky plough: McCormiok mowm': Forks. shovels and other artic! as. Exerything must be $016, as farm is rented. SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK CATFLE.â€"â€"-Cow. 7 years, due, in May; Cow, 5 years. Stippnsed in ealf; Cow. 6 years. supposed in calf : Cow. 4 years. milking: Cow. 6 years. calf at. foot; 2 heifers, 3 years, supposed in calf; 5 heifers. 2 years; 2 steers, 2 years: 5 heifers. 1 year: Steer. 1 year; 3 calves; Durham bull. 4 years Registered. SHEEP-14 good young breeding nwos; Ram. PIGSâ€"Brood 550w; Q pigs 4_ mnnths. -. A--- ---- “A'IVI‘lil'Irâ€"«llml ('nw. sllmmsml in roll: Black row. suppusml in calf; (ircy cow. «luv May 1|: 3 lu-il‘c-rs. rising l yoar old: Stwr. rising l your old: 2 full calvos. PIGSâ€"5 shoats. IMPLEMENTS â€"- Frost \‘l'oocl mmwr, 51/,» foot rut; Massey-Harris liimlcr in good repair; Massoy-Har- ris manure sproailor; Masseyâ€"Har- ris cultivator; Socil drill; Stool land rollcr; Hay rake. 12-foot; Sot har- rows. 4-section; Flour); plough No. 2-1; Flourv plough No, 13; 2-mrrnw plough, Cockshutl; Fanning mill; Grain cradle: Wagon, nearly new; Sol. hob-sleighs; Hay r ck; Wagon hox; Hog rack; Cutter; soggy; Bug- gy p019: Wagon tongue; Set heavy team harness; 2 sets plough har- noss; Set single harness; Riding sad- dle complete; Whiffletrees. neck- yokos. forks, chains and other ar- ticles too numerous to mention. Lot 12, Concession 3, 61911919 TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1926. HORSESâ€"Black horse. 12 years; Ray horse. 11 years; Porcheron horsn rising 6: Per-charm mare. rising 3: Pm'ohm‘nn gr'lding rising 2: Gar oral purpnse mm'n, 10 yours, TERMSâ€"All sums of $10.00 and undm‘ cash; over that amount, any time up tn 10 months†credi't on ap- pmvml jnint notes bearing interest at 6 {WP cont per annum. Thos. G. Lauder, Alex. lacDonald, Proprietor. Auctionmr. Sale commences 21? one o’clock sharp. momma ms ‘ POST OFFICE 5mm Sensational Development: 0n Hm promisvs of Hm pmmrivim' Thomas G. Lauder Lots. 3 of 23 and 1 of 24, E.G.R. Glenelg North of Durham, adqoining the Corporation THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1926 mmgfjg Black marv: mun-vs. Ewrything must be sold, as the farm has been leased. The case acvording to The Rn- \ims-Hm'uld, “resvmhlos in many instances. the recont Durham ‘casv which causml considerable, pxcite- mom. in “my County. Mr. Fc'mm- sun, who was on the jury in that, case, statvs the lath-rs in tho [ros- vnt. r380 an» own more unswemlv and indocvnt than Um 0L."hm' For the past four years, an under- hand campaign of indecent letter writing has been going on through the Thornbury post ofï¬ce against certain respectable citizens of the town which is to be checked b the intervention of the postal autiori- ies. Postmaster Ferguson of the village states that the latter have closely kept in touch with the sit- uation, and wih the aid of hand- writing experts are ready to begin deï¬nite proceedings. _ That such a thing has been going on, of course, comes as a shock to the district, and it is alleged that about ï¬fty letters have come from the one source, addressed to several persons in the town. These are now in the hands of the ofï¬cials. It is not known how many more have. been sent out. Some of the letters are written in the most obscene, indecent and scurrilous language possible. and are. very defamatory in character. living on tho gsraml jury in the» Durham «use», Postmaster P‘vrgasml of 'l‘hm-nlmry should know, aml as the letters in tlm local case hall about. wary brand Hf ï¬lth “known. it, must he admittod that those in tho Thornbury vpismlo mus". ho. right port opistlvs. The jury will probably haw to gvt a shm'el or a _p_uir_ 0f_ longs to handle thom. Mpafm‘d, tun, accm'ding t0 'l‘hn Mirror. also had a cam on its hands. though not of so glaring a natm'c-. the most, sorious chargos hoim.‘ minnr improprivtics Hf conduct. According to The Thornbury Re- view-Herald, astounding and start- ling revelations of a most Serious nature which involves the names of a number of Thornbury residents will, in all probability, be disclosed in the near future. AUCTION SALE Farm Stock Implements AUCTION SALE Farm Stock Implements in Post Ofï¬ce clean-up Shortly Banned 1) Posting of Indecent Letters.â€" eeford Hes e Thrill, Advertise in The Crhomcle, It pays THE DURHAM “CHRONICLE hay .\'0 better countn than Canada could be \isitmi b): religious edu- cators spvking nbject- lessons in in- t9:‘- racial harmonv. Prominent Can- adians such as Sir Robert Falconvr, Hon. N. W. Rowen, Qr. James Endi- An cfl‘mt to bring peace proâ€" giammcs (lonn to earth “ill he made at a conwution of tho Holi- grious Education Assam iation of Am- c-rica in 'lmonto on Match 9- 1:3 who 'n the subject of Rcligious Education for Paiticipation in W oxld Atl‘aiis" “ill lw discussml for thrvo days. It is admitted that something: more than geography and historv lossons am rcquirod to prepare a gcncratiun of folk qualitiml to g: aliplo with the racial, economic and religious prob- lems which produce international difï¬culties. All Experimental work as well as general observation emphasizes the growing importance to the indiviâ€" dual farmer of repeatedly testing a few of the most highly recom- mended varieties in order that he may not suffer unnecessary losses through the continued use of a variety which. in so far as his parâ€" ticular farm is concerned, should be ‘scrapped.’ Once the best variety is determined the propagation of pure seed of that variety may be accomplished quite easily by follow- ing some. simple system such as that adopted and encouraged by the Canadian Seed Growers Association. All grain growers should be famil- iar with this system. details of which may he had by addressing a request for same to the Secretary of the Association at Ottawa. \ stuIIV III‘ IIIII II'IIIIIIIts (If IIIII 15x- IIIIIIimIIntIIl IIIII'ms I‘I'\I'3IS “II! t'\'- tnnt. III which IIIIIIIIIiII VIII-I iI-IiI-s I-V- (Pl OIIIPI‘S in Vil‘ltl IIs VVIIII as in OHIPI' IIIIsIIIIIIIs. Thus it will III~ nIIIIIII that sIImII VaI-iI-IiI-s st: IIIII IIII IIIIttIII’ than I‘IIIIIIIs IIII 8(‘(IIIIIII III â€III iIIIIIIIIIIIII stIIIIIIgIII III' sII'aVV VVIIiIIII IIII-V' [IIISso'SS VVlIiIII IIHII‘I‘ snIIIs IIi|IIIn I‘aI‘III'I' than IIII snmI- III IIIIIIII IIomIIIItiIIIIIs. II. is IIIIV'iIIIIs IIIIIIIIII'IIIIII. IIIIII I'IIII III-st III-IIIII IIs. [IIII‘I‘ sI-I-II' III a VIIIIiIIIV VVIIiI II is VVIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII III HIP IIisIIiIII sIIIIIIIII II- IIISISII‘II IIII. If “It‘ VIIIIiI-IV I.IIIIVVII IIII I1 8“?" IIIIIm III- mionI VViIII IItIII-II V81'IPIII’S VVIIiIIII I'Ipml at. dif- I'IIIIIIIII. IIaII-s. M‘ if thII miixIIIIIIIs III- “'IIIVV ViIIIIIIIIIs" IIaIIIIIaIIV. is IIIIIII; IIIat tIIII returns VV iII IIIII. IIII so satis- factory as though II high }’I('IdInL variety consisting of but. one strain were used. Here are a. few rules fur success- ful cake baking: When you once make a successful cake then Fse same recipe Use recipe accurately. 'l‘lw \‘flllln of “m-«ligx'vcf‘ in Iiw stock has hvvn I'm‘ognizml for run- lux'ivs. It is only within Pumpara- tivoly Permit. timvs, lmwmw-I'. that the! valun 0f “pmligl'vn†in sue-cl grain has mmv m lw rvulizml. and (mm mm many farmvrs are» nut. as carvful as Hwy should lu- in Hwir choice of snml. says L. H. Nowman, Dominion tim'valist. ['80 same recipe Use recipe accurately. Use same branos of ingredients. And last but not least. do not. take too long mixing the ingredients. In order to do this have everything ready hefurehand 50 that materials can be blended rapidly. Whon painting, or washing mold- nigs, hold a lwavy pincv at can!- board undm' Hw anin" an thzi‘. thn paint or \vatm' that. drops from bruns'h 01' rag will nut. spatter «m the wa . Apartment Sewing Hint \Vlwn it. is nvcvsszu'y tn us» your dining-mum tahlv tn cut. nu. you will tlml it. practical to kvvp ynur aslwstos paid 01' silvm'n t‘lfllll «m tho table wliilv cutting. This will kvvp tlw top of yum' ltllllt‘ l'mm ht‘llll: scrutvliml 01' mam-ml. MM hmI: «look asparagus. \Iakc- VHlll' fawn itc- biscuit recipe. MAKE PEACE PROGRAMS PRACTICABLE BUY PURE-BRED SEED COOKING HINTS Asparagus Short Cake House Cleaning Hints HOUSEHOLD HINTS BAKING HINTS 5“"â€.\' "“(l'lll‘l'h‘ . 'olay. Tim! is 1 Out In! Runes Mvhivh h. “M ' . . . . I . vrm- bnscmt 1'00""). 1 cup of rnllml oats. lvvc-rï¬hlllg w (Copywright, 1926, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago.) By BETTY WEBSTER Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hint: you would like to ask Betty Web. alterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. Make a white sauce. Cook several eggs hard boiled. Then when ready to serve split and butter the biscuiw or large sort cake. Lay asparagus between halves. Mix white of egg in white sauce. Pour white sauce over asparamls and biscuit. Top with the powdered ynlk 0! egg. Arzjallgonwnts mach" for tlu- c-n- tvrtan‘lmont nf ch-lvgutvs mvlmiv at- tundanco at a spomal rehearsal nf Amorii'an twat-horn“ will olvmon- strati- u numln-r nl' px'arlicul c-xm-ri- ments already undm-takvn in 11va- “ping a Spirit of “\x‘ul'IlLâ€"millclml- "was†in lmys and girls. 'l'vn «lis- (‘ussion gmups will flhsl‘l'VI' stv clemonslraliuns and Ham mulvan‘ l0 dvvisv lwllc-l' mc-lhmls Hf vii-«H'- Ilinull‘m: Hw Infly lu'm‘mpls (if H'- ligimi with tho e-wryday prulilnms at world imi-i'cnm'sv. This is clill'm-vnt :mcl inn-Hy aml I'vsvmhlc-s a pum'hmi rug, 2. 'l‘akv any l'i'vsh fruit. 12:1! up a little («in nut crushi. Mix \wll with whimwd ('rmim. Swwtvn. Fill contm' ul‘ sumo-I fnml mm. with this mixture. Flaw in ivv hnx and chill; Svi'w mi :1 platlvr and tap with whipped crmin) «ml [lim'vs uf fruit. wit and l’rnt'vssux‘ \V WI" :u‘ldrc-ss Hm mmmn 1. Method: Cut angel cake in slicvs. Um' alive In rach plain. (flavor Pavh she» with whimwd cream. Place a half uf a (-zn'nnml [mach in NW cvnh'o- of vavh pic'cv. 'l‘urn hollow .1mwn--having lillml it with chAomH-d datvs. gt'Cut awn-i from! in'squarvs. (km-r With f rostlht: mum» of lmwdmw-cl suâ€" gar. RON m chomu-«l pecans. For April Angel Cake Desserts (iifl'mwl l'“li\'«irillg. ‘19 tulnlmuuon of nwltml butler. Method: Mix in mule-r uiwn. Bake big lvaspounfuls «m a manned and floured ('onkic- pan. 'l‘omnln's liIII'st IIIIIIsl. IIIII Mendels- suhll ('huil‘. MI IIPIIHmilIaHmls are iIII'lIIIlml iII â€I0 H'PUp‘iflll I'IIIIImIt- Ivv. and â€I“ III-logalI-s “ill IIIIIIIII‘Ise. I’I'IIlI-sIaIIts. RIIIIIIIII IhIIIIIIliI-s and .loWs. in [ad ammw IIItvI'I-stod in â€l0 broad ï¬vlcl IIf HIP N‘Iifliflllh‘ edu- catinn Hf youth, lisdirocud Concentration â€I'm afraid that. buy uf um's lzwkl mum-m rat ic m." ‘Uln. Inc- has onncvnt :LHOH onnmrh. onlx instnad uf using it on Hm \xork ho. has to «in Iw «om-mmato-s upon ho“ to «m 81w claim: it." This is nice tn svrw at. a simpld lunvlwm'l as an avcumpammont (A a salad. .\ 'l'm'nntu prnt't-«ur says that at lt'ast. “\‘t' timvs as muvh salt. as the lmty rrquix'c-s is takon «luring the day. That is “In “ï¬rst ut‘ thu habit. which is nut uumummn. nt taking c-wrything with "a gram nt salt. Milk. Method: Strum ricv. (in-am a lmking dish. Put in a layor of runkml rivet. 'l‘lmll season and vowr mm IHN‘M of butter and cluwsv. .\H0l'llall9 until dish is lwm'ly full. l'mn- nwr milk tn IWHâ€"Hm‘ds dvplh of dish. lmt (up with hqur and ('lu-c-Isc- and bake until rig-v is lhm-nnghly lmt and vhm'sv IS mvltvd. 1 “We salt. 35 cup of brown sugar. 1 95;: (Damn; 56 guy of shredded cumanut. cup of I'm- Sail. H: II 1 m'. 1310050, Sc-asuninus Baked Rice With Choose PAGE 7.