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Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 May 1926, p. 6

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PAGE 6. Lit-utmant - ()mnmander Richard E. Byrd. who '0‘“. New York aboard thn Chantior April 5 on the first lap of his nxpedition to the Arctic re- ions. arrivml at King's Bax Spitz- rgvn. his has“? of operations, Thursday nttvrnonn. The Italian Chamho-r of Deputies hold a Spi‘CiiIl session as an expres- siun n! natiunail thanksgiving for Promin- Mussniini‘s vscapv in the rem-ht uttvmpt nn his lit». The pro- ceedings \wrn upcnml in an atmos- phere of grave solumnity. Weakness of French money in New York continued. Selling of francs by tho- ltalians and pessim- ism as to the outcome of the Mor- occan peace negotiations weighed on the French franc Thursday. the franc going to 30.32 to the dbllar at the close of the Bourse. (20nâ€" fldenee is expressed that a debt settlenu-nt with the l'niteol States will turn the situation in favor of the. tram. .- '1‘ A | | _ ._--,_ Pro-mier Ziwar of Ekyp tnld nrws- papvrnwn that Juhn l). Rorkafrllvr, Jr., of Now York. had withdrawn his HHPI' to) punk!» $10,000.11!) for a musnum of antiquitirs before the Egyptian Umucil ut' Ministo-rs halt an uppnrtunity to discuss it. Hem-n Arab stowaways in the hold of tho,- sto'amo-r Shh Frrrurh arr knnwn tn lw olvad and rightmm W't‘l't' still missing as 'a rmult of UN! cullapsv Hf thril' hiding place in tho- ship's mal hunkvrs during a rnuxh passago- t'rnm Algivrs tn Marwillo's. OVII-I- The French Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. after sending the budget. harkward and forward all day Wednesday and \thnesc‘lay night finally reached an agreement an passe-cl it shortly heforo dawn. Parliament. then adjourned until May '37. The tigures of the budget as tlnally yotmt show receipts of 37.3m00m“) franrs and eXpenditures of 137.:I18,t)tl).t)00 t‘ranrs. thus giving a surplus of l60,t)t)0.000 francs. Numerous important. personages in Vienna are. wondering whether‘ ,years ago they made. bows and mur- murml pledges of loyalty to Emperor Francis Joseph during private aud- iences or paid honors to his body servant. Eugene Ketterl. who re- sembled the Emperor-King strikin - ly. Ketterl, it. is alleged. not. on y impersonatml his Royal master at, private audiences when the mon- arrh was too busy to bother with such atl‘airs. but always directed his master‘s dress amt sometimes his official action. Daily Events as Told by «hi Condonud for Busy Chroniclo Italian military authorities are continuing theiI \ictnries mer the 1'9an tribnsmvn in Cwenaica, Thu fishermen and crew of tho Chichibu Maru, numbering 259. have born I'I‘St'llt‘d from thl‘ wrecked veg- sol on the» rnI'ks 00' PaI-amnshiru. {Influx-It nmth of tho Kuriln Islands. Sat'ntv uf Hm nwn “as annmincmi in II IivspIIlI'h to the Jiii iIOIn Hok- kIIiIlII Idlami. .\ fil‘t‘ Iio'stiowd mu IIqIIimeIni at thn main h'lnphflm' I-xI-hangv in Santiago hhiln and tho capital is without Atelepimlw -591." WP. T he Rnumanian Legalion has is- suml a denial of repnrls publishml in Snfla. \Vhll'h said there were indications of a military revolt. in Ronmania. .\ numbvr of Turkish women who fled ttw country with French and British oftirprs wtwn the AHth fOI't'f‘S withdrow from i'lni'istantin- 01110. are. trying tn rvturn. The» frnntirrs. howvwr. are prrmanently Clomml to the womo'n. who are con- Siolt‘l'f‘d by tho policv hands as traiturs. Prinrvss Juliana of Hm Npihm‘- lands rrlpbratml lwr 17th birthday Friday She ha~1 told flieuds that she is “inking hard in pwpam for hor future dutivs. rithrr as sowr- eigu or in the min of an ordinary citizm. Patrick Garland. of Now York. has hccn arrestml in ilork. lrclanil. onl a charm of assisting in tho organ- izatiou and mziintouauco of an il- local military forro and with con- spiring for tho overthrow of tho Frm‘ Stat” How-rnmcnt. "P was arrestml on his arrival from tho l'nllPil State‘s. Betty Blytlu-‘s ilamagn suit. against G. H. Samiwlson. British film proolurvr. which has hmiu a feature in thc London nvwspapcrs for nearly two works. was sottlcd out of court to tho apparent satis- faction nf pwryhmly. 'l‘hc tllm star apologizml for tho things sho said about Mr. Samuelson, and thc lattcr paid trihut» to lwr ability as an actrcss. Noithcr pays tho othcr any money under tho sottlomcnt. Professor Fritz Rauspnlwrgcr. in» ventor of tho 52 ccntimctrc "Big Bertha" gun. with which tho Ger- mans bombarded Paris during tho war from a distance» of 72 miles. is dead. He was 58 ycars of age and was a (so-director of the Krupp Works. “ A A Count \‘om Bernstot'f. former Am- bassador tn the I'nited States, has been appointed by President van Hindenhnrg as German delegate to the preparatory disarmament. con- ference to be held in Geneva under the auspices ot the League of Na- tions next month. __ A A. h | Lady Houston. widow of Sir Bob- ert Houston. who died April 14. at Jersey Channel Islands. leaving a fortune estimated at £7,000,000. has been found “incapable. mentally and physically.” of taking care of her- self or her fortune. This tlndin was returned by the Jersey Roya Court after doctors and principal residents of the island had testified. A curator will be appomted to look after La Houston and. her estate. Sir Robe whowasayidel known ahio owner. left his widow a bulk ship owner. left of his fortune. Wotld News Seen At A Glance Radars' Pansies are perennially popular‘ and no garden is complete without their rich velvet colorings and un- usual markings. And now we have close. relatives to the pansy coming to crowd closely for favor in Violas of different types. We have the tufted pansies and the horned pan- sips or viola cornuta. Johnny- junip-ups are coming into pOpular- ity for rock gardens after being discarded for the. more showy pansy, anal there are various alpine violets which are coming in on the crest of 'rock gardening popularity, the marina type with a whole series of_ hybrids“ being one, ‘ of them. ‘1,_ ”'THE'IfiivkwlflafincH. English and Ger- man pansy typvs, the) highest do- \‘o-lopmvnt ul’ tlw florist/s artTSITWw shady m' svmi-shadml hmls. and tho smallvr and man» llaril’vrous Scotch 01' WNW! pansivs fur llw mul'o sunny spnls will giw us bloom all summvr, for “w lul’tml pansy lumps humming lungo-r lhan any pansy aml giws a linv flash again in lhn fall “11011 cm. “80k in mhlsumnwr. 'l‘tw tutti-cl pansii‘s ch) not cnmn “110‘ In nammt types [mm semis as «In thv painsivs. sn it is nvcossary to propagato t'utt ings from the plants to svcui'i' a suliply «it a type. The twst like-d sorts may he solvctmi from smutlings. and tho numerous shoots that shoot up in a tuft .in midsum- mm' may he takmi off and rnotmt 083in in \wt sand and planted out in tinw tn hvcnmv ostahlished by fall. They survivv tiw winter read- ily under a light mulch of straw or ‘lows and burst into bloom with tn first warm days of spring. They Iii't‘ admil'ahlv for edgings m' for ('3anng ruse beds. The little m'ucilis \‘inlas 0r grace- ful pansivs aw snmvwhat reminis- wnt of Hm nld-t‘ashimml Johnny- ,iumpmp with smallm' blooms and lungvr stems than thv pausing or tuftml pansios. MM is tlw timi‘ to start. 80ml nf all the pansy tl'ilw wither imlonrs in huxm or outdonrs in tlw hotth or cold t'ranw. Pansios likn rich soil uf fairly lwaxy texture. and plvnty nt‘ moisturo' they must haw tn tlmirish. Svml sowing looks may l-nough to llmsv nnl, familiar with thn process. hut. it, is nu (’hild's play if prnpnrly olnm'. :mol prmwr sowing: llf‘ll‘l‘mlllPS wlmlhm' yuu aw in haw half. :1 full 01- no map at. all. Onn of Hip grval- Ml. mislakvs is hm «limp planting. 'l'lm 30ml is lmi’iml. nut planlml. 'l'he simplvsl. rule“ 0! thumb In lullnw is ln mvm' llw smul with its nwn oli‘plh 01' Still. , ....... . Morn sew! is wastml through had sowing than from any nthm' nwthnd. and in ninv 'usvs nut. 0f hm. Um sowisman is blammi wlwn, as a mat- tm' uf fact. it was [wrfoctly good $001!. but vmomhml instead of plant- ‘ VIII 1 1|; ‘ V- I"' ml. Whnn gm'minatinn starts. tho tiny root, gone «town. and tho loaves stzn't tip to tlw light. In this varly stag» tho tiny plant. is nourished by “in food stored in tho good. Whon tnn «tvvply planted. this supply is o'xhanstml before tho plant can get atmw ttw snrt‘acn of the ground to wt the light. npcossary to assimil- ntn tiw food hronghthn by thgroot. .\ smnncl PI‘HH‘ that results in much luss of semi is scming in ion \wi soil. If ilw soil is mud. the sovd i~x as likplv to rot as to germin- atv. This applies in particular to the» 10:49 hardy SPNIS._ WELL SOWN IS HALF GROWN PMSIBS AID THEIR KIN '1).{"1im"'§o mo thickly. plants cannot flouridh in overcrowded quarters any more than human be- ings. Thin sowing obviates the work of thinning which will be necessary later and also makes it easier to transplant if it is desired to move the little plants. A much greater crop can be obtained from a packet of see'dshy .thin sowing than by thick sowmg. Too thick sowing indoors or in frames or hotbeds offers a fertile tiled for damping 00', a disease that makes short work of seedlings once it gets a start. Room and ventila- tion are the preventives. There are now neat little seed sowing devices sold by seed houses to make sowing thin enough and regularly spaced a comparatively small matter compared with the time-honored one of sowing direct from the packet which required con- siderable practice and skill to be accomplished successfully. The greatest care not to sow too thickly is required by the finest seeds. The coarse ones are easily regulated. LAD FINDS FATHER’S BODY HANGING IN BARN The body of Paul Oltsher, who conducted a butcher shop in Pais- ley for the past 20 years, was found hanging in a stable back of his shop this afternoon. A four-year- old son, who happened to go into the stable about 5 o‘clock this even- ing. discovered the lifeless body of his father hanging from a beam. The little boy ran crying to the house and told his mother, who rushed out to the stable and cut the rope. but found that her hus- band had been dead for some little time. as the body was quite cold. He was about 45 years of age and was a well-built man. weighing over 300 pounds. He came to Paisley from Hora '20 years ago. I! II 'l“ wv Bvsidv‘s his xx'icloxx “ho leaves a familx of the childron. )0 reason can b0 gixvn fur his ash act. All mm were likely created equal, but. summinu has done some short, division since. The difference between a successful year and an unsuccessful one is only about 15%. Think how easily you can increase your sales 5%, 10% or 15% this year by plan- ning to go after business systematically, by Long Distance! Every day we receive new evidence from mer- chants in medium-sized towns, who have tried it for the first time and are surprised at their suc- cess. Here is a recent case :â€" “Number of sales, 17; number who subsequent- ly bought, 27; total amount of sales, $1,233; total cost of 44 calls $27.15; percentage of selling cost, 2.2. Try Long Distance selling â€" and con- Vince yourself. Salesâ€"$1233 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE $27.15 géfii‘ .Pursuant to adjournment, Coun- c11 met on April 26, 1926. with all members present. Minutes of last. meeting were read and adopted. McGregorâ€"Grierson: That claim of Charles Rcay re winter road and damages to fences be held over un- til ghee patrolman is consulted. Car- riqd. Magwoodâ€"Grierson: That report of Alex. McGrcgor re Trustees’ and Ratepayers’ convention be accepted an?i he paid $11.25'expenses. 'Car- rle . Turnbullâ€"McGregor: That claim of Dougald Smith for sheep killed, be held over, as we are informed that tlm sheep' was nut killed by d0_g_s. Carpied._ . Magwood â€"â€" Grierson: That ac- cougts as presented to Council be pa1 D. J. McDonald, express ...... ”6 2.56 A. Hastie, repairs to plow“ .75 J. Hudson. repairs to disc... 2.00 W. Campbell, repairs to plow ..75 l). McLean, winter work .. .1155 J. Ewen, winter work ........ 2025 J Pu1vis, winter wmk ...... 10.95 ..I Park. winter “01k ........ 6.60 D. Chittick, winter \xork 9.90 W. J Adlam, winter work” .1643 W. Patterson, wintei wo1k.. . 9.30 E. Monk, winter work ........ 18.00 J, W eidendorf, winter work.. 9.48 W‘. Bieman, winter_work...._. 16.80 W. J. Campbell, winter work F. Brcutigam, wintor work. . .. J. Hudson, winter work W. \Vright, wintor work P. Krauter, winter work R. Mchslin. winto-r work.... B. Contts. wintor work ....... A. (’iriorson. winlrr work S. Bailey, wintor work John Christie Big Army Contractor Purchases Helf-Ilillion Dollars' Worth of Goods. Eastern Canada Farmers Can Save Thousands of Dollars This Year ORDER YOUR SUPPLIES FROM BIG BRITISH ARMY CONTRACTORS The British Government periodically releases thousands of dollars' worth of army supplies, and John Christie, one of the biggest army contractors in the world. has succeeded in purchasing. for spot rash, over half-a-million dollars” worth of government goods at a mere fraction of ”IMF real wine. .\l the-w- sensationally low prices, eastern Canada farmers can now save thousands of dullzlrs on their require- ments this year. Don't hesitate to order from us. Your money will be refunded womptly if you are not satisfied. This is beyond question the best and lowest-priced harness set on the Canadian market today. Com- plete set consists of FOUR TRACES, each with attachment to (it on Concord hames; TWH BACK BANDS and TWO BELLY BANDS. The traces are made of the finest steel cable, encased in the stoutest leather. This set was made by the British Government for hauling heavy guns and has been specially converted for Canadian use. [use this harness for the hardest kind of work; it will stand up under the lieaViest strain. The heel chains are completely clear of the hind quarters of the horses. Uur price is only a fraction of the manufacturing cost. and as our supply is limited, you should order early. Orders filled within twenty-four hours. Per set only ...................................... $6.,5 These' towels are exceptional value. due in our purchase 0! a bigsnrplus government. contract. out- put. Genuine British Government Army Towelsâ€"- size 113 inches by 21 oinrhes. In neat, striped desngns.. Super-quality. Per pair ......... 5G Genuine British (‘iovernment Admiralty Towels â€"-Magnificent quality in White Turkish desngn with fringed ends. Size 50 inches by 25 inches. No finer quality on the market at any ‘1 ‘5 John Christie’s Celebrated BRITISH GOVERNMENT SADDLE OUTFIT THIS SADDLE UI'TFI'I‘ is hnnvstly worth $35.00, but 0111' big purchasing power vnzihlus us to sell at this absurdly luw pricv. Complain outfit consists of Genuine All-Leather British Govern- ment Cavalry Sadcile _\\'ii.h vimfli and S_UI'I_'II[IS, 4‘75; “vuv __'â€".- â€"â€"‘â€"-v lb. All-Wool Saddle Blanket; Riding Bridle “ith lines and hit. Military Tethering Rope The whole uutlit mmplvin 1"01 unlysl 2.50 THESE SUPER-QUALITY SOUTH AFRICAN FIELD BOOTS ARE IDEAL FOR OUTDOOR WEAR Don‘t confuse these South African field Boots with the imitations that are flooding the market. today. These are super-quality, made at the fam- ous “l'niform” brand factory at Liverpool, Eng- land, and absolutely guaranteed under our money- back policy. Made of Chrome-tanned leather with two single solid hutt soles. double waterproof filling between upper and tirst sole. double leather toe-cap. Calf skin lined throughout. The most. sensational bOot value over otl‘ered in Canada, state Size. Per pair ................ ‘.‘5 BRITISH OFFICERS GREY .WOOL BLANKBTS British Officers' Special Grey Blankets, in a beautiful dark grey shado. Makv 3 notes of the extra largo size) 70 by 90 invhos and tho heavy woight 9 1le. These are worth in the ordinary way 813 per pair. Our price, per pair. only ...... . price. For pair Leather BRITISH ARTILLERY SADDLE This Saddle is one of the mang flue bargains we have to 0 er. Made for the Bri- tish Artillery, it is fashioned of the very best oak-tanned leather, and will be found invaluable for farm use. This saddle is complete with cinch and stirrups and is very unusual value in- digent only ..... “.15 High-Grade; Genuine BEST AND LOWEST-PRICED PLOW HARNESS SET ON THE CANADIAN IARKBT TODAY BRITISH GOVERNIBNT TOWBLS n 0000 IIJJU ....... 20.25 ...... 10.95 ....... 6.60 r' 9.90 Drkn .1613 01k” . 930 ....... 18.00 wm'k. . 9.48 rk ..... 16.80 1' work 10.51 nrk.. 1.6.20 ...... 11.10 Ik .. .7.178 Pk . . . . 10.11 nl'k . . . . 12.15 ....... 23.80 rk . . . . 30.85 . . . . . 22.18 :2 market at any 3' 95 ..... . A. Hastie, winter Work ...... 9.501 F. Twamley, winter work.... 23.50 D. McDonald. winter work.... “.25 L. Dietz, winter work ........ 5.55 J. Dodsworth, winter work . 10.80 H. Mewalfe, winter work ..... 14.78 P. Schmitt, winter work “.93 D. A. Campbell, winter work 12.45 P. Robinson, winter work.... 25.0.3 F. Schmitt, winter work 6.80 Ratepayers appealing against their assessment or complaining of any errors or omissions in assessment ,roll shall file same with the Clerk ion or before the “$11.93.." of May. -" -â€"v Court of Revision will be held at Township Hall on Monday, the 7th day of June, at 9 o’clock. POPULAR PHYSICIAN DIES AT THORNBURY Wu Five Times layer and Hold [any Offices in lunicipality. Dr. Samuel McCallum, one of the best known and most popular medi- cal practitioners of Grey County, passed awaz at his residence. at Thornburv aturday morning after an illness of about. a mo111h.'ll1e deceased man, who was in his fifty- fourth year, was born in Peel Coun- ty near Bolton. and 26 \‘(fll's ago, after his g1aduaiion,111111111111 in Thornbury. From that. timt‘, I“! was one (If the most prominent and III-live fig. ures in the public life (If the dis- trict, taking a kt‘t'll intIIII-st in m- omthing “hich [HBHZIiIH‘d to the wvlfaro of the CHmDIUHHV. HP “as five times Maym (If lhIII'IIhuH. and was for many yt'alS a Illt'mbt‘l' IIf and British [unnatural larchudiu Rvmit by postal unto, money- nrdrr, («press order, or bank draft. Cheques if not marked cannot be accepted. Rf‘fcl‘om'vs: of Gomnuwcv. REAL LEATHER LEGGINGS These leggings in a nice tan shade. are spring front. locked without seam at back. No bet- ter value anywhere in Canada. Per pair ()nly INSTRUCTIONS TO OUR CUSTOMERS â€"J. H. CHITTICK, Clerk. Hail your orders ' ........... $2.50 SELECTED COMES Canadian Bank BRITISH OFFICERS' KIAKI ALL-WOOL FLLNNBL SHIRTS This shirt is mudn nf thv filwst Botany “00!. from material madv to tho nrdvr nf tho- British Government and purchaswi by us at u morn frac- tion of its valuo. A genuine $6.4“) value“. Snft and warm. and wry long-wearing. Two lore-:Ist pockâ€" MS. attachod collars. Stato- ‘izo- of ‘2 ’5 collar. Each, only ............... o This is the famous British Officers' Trench Coat, in a fawn Gabardine water]01'0“le by a spe- cial process. There is a camel-fleem- lining which can be instantly detached, tOgethei- with a gen- uine oilskin lining and a check inter-lining. The wonderul three-in-one coat for all-tlie-.x’ear-rnund wear. Owing to our tremendous purchase. the price is away below market value. State chest measurement. Each. onlySl ls. This beautiful Robe, mmlv for us spm-ially by tho thousands at the famous “l'ml‘urm Brand" works at Liverpool. England, is of a high grade quality rarely associated with sin-h a low price. Made of lovely wool, and tho roho is lirighlonod by a lovely chock design (hluo. grown and black on grey ground. in tastefully hlondod fast-worm colors. Useful not only as an auto or driving robe but for travelling. extra liml row-rings. etc. 8126 60 by so inchos. Each, onlyn_‘s BRITISH OFFICERS' 3-IN-1 THENCE COAT AUTO DRIVING HOBBS the School Board, havipgbgep (or ggl‘ilemfililg Shiiriiun 9! 'that body. He was a staunch Liberal and m political _campalgns 131g spryipeg I'""""" as a speaker \i'ere much in demmd bv his party. His nanw was sm- er 1 times mvntiunml as a pussihlv candidate for the Federal and Pro- vincial ridings. At the time of his dualll. he was coroner of (hp distrirt. SM‘I‘ptary of the Public l'tilitivs Connnission, a member of llw Schuul “Hard and Medical ("new (if Hvallh l'nr 'l‘lu-Pn- bury. As a phvsiciun lw was great- ly beloved. The funeral will take placa Tuesday. BRITISH ARMY ALL-WOOL SOX Those sux arv nmdv Hf Um purvst wool. vxavth as suppliml to the British Hmw-rmnc-m, and at this prim- :n'v away lwlnw even wlmlvsalo vast. Per pair, only ..... fluwssg ThoSo Blankets arc- the most unusual value over offered. Fresh strong and good looking. Weight that is agrvoablv. and warmth without heavinvss. In ploasing dark shades. Thi- host blanket over ofl'ered for farm usv. In two qualities. Each $1.65 and “£5 BRITISH ARMY BLANKBTS Thursday. lay 6. «as. Montreal Thou Hilton are grnuinc British Government surplus stock, made of the finest lea- ther, very slightly worn, but at this price simply won- “filial? ...... MOS. Vary slighth “0111 Brit- ish Governmo-nt Regulation Haltm's. with double blow bands. \Prx unusual mine at each s. BRITISH GOVBRIIBIT IALTBRS Well WMPY‘M For furthr'r‘ Wliiiam Smut talcum: framt' \V well a! «1' this farn (31111.1 right In t liculars a R.“ Gradnzn. CONN! Bloc k. I D 123. term budx.‘ tramv concu-t «than! "V! 4 “Hum: Ind in we prll N! m'rn ’9 I'LL'H ”000853 Hf HM ii tum Strm-z I. m “11.0””! hm ‘* . p.10. (EXP! m N 1 93 DB. A M. B Physician :md M. (“blah H I'Wf h ' â€" I“ l‘ni\m'.~1t_\ ‘ W'Od RIM HH‘! -- “IN. : It lh TCI‘lllsi LOT (mi N in cull l \ 000“" '80! a film!“ 1.1.. 8.178. I. B. M‘CQ and I‘P‘idvt‘. muless and I .ammm “u O’d 1"?" ””14- Olo 11 am. 1.30 2» 3;. (Sundays vxmwm exec-Mm! Grvy. l' souuMc- Il“ 00d. Clwnnu son. V: .0 am as “'0! cult iv tn \\' (min! GI‘M'. canal I It The self. also In mom: brick framv to h“ watvr m an HOIIUI' “I out“, Hm Surgmms C“ lb Block. M Tuesday 0| . may 1w ma ofl’lcc ALEX licensed Auct of Marla-t ”I. W. C. PICKERIN (Dfllu mm .| A Durham. Hntam JTr.aaANT.n.n. c. 6. AND BESSII M DIS. JAIIBSON (k (Mice and rum-w. Mud: Phone Bill 122-124 A“ John W. 8a hurt A'GVQI‘HWHH'H?‘ V. CASH Wl'l‘u «mm-J at four. 'l'o-wwmnw .Iturday High? H! \H 5 cents. Un m. ohm Will b" mam vuvh n BATES BI} lmnuzaao . sp mums Barristers. Solxcx Sucrt~>wz~ In \ l l('( flew Mod FARMS u 0" Thursday Medial one; REUBEN {I Y l)t’fltd’ TUNER}! .c’gd LUCAS BET "I Ii Chit H3!

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