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Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 May 1926, p. 8

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wu-r â€" 35th.? M}. Geoife Street’s da'in. How. ever: he is able to do chopping as usual. While hauling tree tops out of Mrs, Alex. McDonald. who under- went a severe surgical operation about a month ago in St. Michael’s Hospital. Toronto. was able w re- turn home on Saturday. The Rocky Saugeen, while on wring rampage, look a his chunk flimb'égain itiu'n'ing the turf this week. Mrs. John MeGrath returned re- cently from a fortnight's visit to DetrOit. Her son. Joe. who has been working there all winter, returned with her, __ ‘ last wee-k. Miss Juanita Hnlmm of town is the guest. of Miss tilaotys Firth this week. ' Ernie thstm- caught. a 15-inch speckled trout, on Saturday. We'rn not telling whom» ho capturmt it. 'l'is plmsantc-r ta) pick potatims in lay that) in bloak mitotwr. \lr. Milton Boliniln di'illml II \wll for Mr. JO‘I‘I'V .\l(‘ \s'svv last WQ'Pk and stIIIck :IiI abundanvv uf watvr. Mr. Jon (Ha-mum. of thv 8th con- evasion “on a 83.3 suit in thv Roth" Eaton Bat-tuba” Hiwssing COMPSL 'MVany {armors erm‘! hoavy Inggps among this spring}: piglittprf. wbuilt? a nuinhpb ha'w} turnpd [hpip young stock out. "I’m just, 39".)“ months smce they \wro housed last October. Mr. and Mrsl Hamlol Lawrence spent Sunday at the Davis home- stead. Miss Jennie Davis returned home with them and will remain a week. While a few managed to start plowing last week,_ the Agrea‘tenm‘nn- Mr, John Lunghlin was ablv to get. out. in tho barn last. work. Most. of NW syrIIp-mzlkvrs pnllml the spilm ml! om Saturday and storm! them away fur annthpr 393,30“. Mrs. .»\. 6. Blair was nmlnr Dr. A. Bell's 0an for a muplv of days Traverston. (Our Own Correspondent) Eiahh oivui i'PPS III tlw shad“ nn Sunday. {ifh-vn I‘vr nIni'I- iwlmv mI Mnlhli'l}. '.l‘hai~t ”I" kind nt‘ wra- thm' to put. pvp and \iialih into a INN)“. MP. Arrhiv “Watson had a buzzing bm- on Friday of last wank. Mrs. Jnhn Stvwart is slwmling a few days at. Mr. Hugh .‘lfllnrmivk's. Mr. Alvin meo'll has had rathm' tough luck. having ln'nkvn Um crank in, his o‘nginn again. Glad to» I'vlmrt that. Mr. Malcnlm Camplwll is imprnving nicvly :Ifto‘l’ having how" om thv sick list a con- pl» 0! wowks. .Ml'. Imbnartl ‘W'alsh has o‘qwnml his gzgmgo- a9 mrnqvh. and we [war 0M Lizzw hon! again. Mr, and Mrs. Alhm't Stafford ham moved into tho vicinity. Mr. Sandy Campbell mud» a trip thypugh how» on Sunday. Mmqs phynis' 'and Sam Hots!» apt-n}. Sunday aftm'nm‘m wnh MISS Marw \Vulsh. (Our Own Correspondent) Misso's Phyllis and NPHiP Hvtslor of (Ihpslvy spent. Sunday with thoir plan-Ms. Mr. and Mrs. Milton HM- : or; _-â€" v v-\ 'U'... 'l‘ho rogular monthly mooting of the Edge- Hill Community Club was hold in tho school on Friday cvcn- ing with a goml attondanco. The pnmram was wry good. Vocal and instrumontal music woro mixml in with tho main foaturo at tho own- ing which was tho Public Speaking Contost. 'l‘hcro wo-ro tlyo contcst- ants. Mrs. E. tlroonwoool who spoke on “Tho Advantagcs of Living on a Farm." .Vliss .\rnwtta MrKochnio who took for licr suhjoct. "t’lntario's Forost \Voalth." Miss l'Ithcl Andor- son who spoko on "Tho Ailyantugos Canada tutors to an Immigrant." Miss Dorothy ltohiuson whoso suh- jcct. was "Tho Duko of “'clliugtou." and Mr. H. H. .‘luclioualil who gayo an aololross on "'l'ritlos.” .\ll tho ml- drossos \yoro oxccllo'nt. 'I’lu' jllilgcs. who woro Mrs. H. Williams. Miss? Rota Harbour and Mr. W. .l. Ritchio.‘ aftcr ycry rarcful consideration. finally awarilool tho «incision in favor of Miss McKochniv. Tho only l'o- Krcttahlo part of tho wholc cycning was that thoro was not as many moro ontrios. tioool puhlic spoakiug comos only by practiso. and this was a splonolid opportunity to begin. 'l‘ho ‘vazcttc. colitool and road by Miss Mina Edwards. was a cloycr produc- tion and wry into-rostiug amt hum- mom. I Mr. Hwnry Moflzpt has purvhasml a new Mammy-Harm manure spread- er {rum agg-nt A. B._Mclllelian. Th» trusto-os of S. .. N0. 3 are purchasing :1 new stove for tho schonl. ll. it lasts as long as the old mw amt giws as ghoul satisfa - tinn. tho-r0 will he» no kick 00ml 3. Mr. (Le-ril Mot'fnt returned to his homo! on Friday after a two wwks‘ Itay in Durham Hnsliital. Miss MrKnchniv has a largn Ml- lranm» class this war amt com- mt'm'ml Mmulay to give a littlv timn to that Mass. Mr. Gremsides has mad» several trips owr tn Ayton with his motor Stuck. Sam» 0! thn farmers have com- menced ploughing. but, most n! ihn land is rillhnl' \wt for much “'1er on it. Mr. Frank Hpnry is assisting Mr. Roy Adair with his work until Ray ”gains his hpalth. V‘vv Miss Pearl Smith spent the past wank-9nd in Durham. Mr. ()liwr Henry has purchased a _h_nr.~t_€g_fr0m_ Mr. Thomas Burkp. w-y“v M 1‘. Mick. Muéééy.’ Rmstadiféiiil'od On the 6th cunN-ssiun last WPPk ilP~ tagging {grutho-‘spring mad wurk. The cars are running again, and Que; roads are in fairly good condx- Mr. Winfred Adair has returned to Mount Forest and has resumed higgluties in Yeoman's store. PAGE 8. Edge Hill (Our Own Correspondent) (Our'm'o'u ééiie'apanm) Welbeck. 'l'lw Mulm'k Sunday sclnml mu- ”Mum! last Sunday. and quih1 a fmv {rum lwro- mum in axttvnclam'v. but. nut so many as usual on awount of ”w hm! mic! that, is wing. Mr. and Mrs. Bvu {Mutts \‘isitml Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jusvph Hl-nwn. Mr. and Mrs. Elmm' Bakm‘, (lamp- lwll's Comma Visited Sunday with ”In lattvr's sistvr, Mr. and Mrs. Hrat \\'i.~w. Mario». spvnt Stimluy [3.51. with uni .\ll'§: Bmhard Hopkins, Mr. William Romy of (lamphefll‘s Hun-mm 1.7' assisting Mr. William l‘cglfry WIHI HIP swdmg. Mr. and Mrs. (E, H. Torry nf (traw- fm'cl swnt mm clay Hm first. nf the WM‘k with his pal'vnts, Mr. and Mrs. William 'l‘m'ry. Mr. and Mr}. Hm‘n‘gv Rvay tsppnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. \\ Ilham lirnwn. Mr. Harry Raw and sun. Allwrt. wm-v m 0mm Smmcl nnv day last wwk nn husuwss. Mr. and Mrs. Gnl'mzm Johnston Visitml Sunday with Hm lnttnr's pal'o'nts. Mr. and Mute. Jamvs Mc- Rnnuld. Somlh anlinvk. A nnmlwr fl'nm around how» at- tvnolml Hu- fume-ml of Mr. Mnsvs Wall nf Hammm' last 'l‘uosdm aftvr- nmm “v vxtnml nur Ampalln to tho» snrrnwing tamih. Willowdale (Our Own Correspondent) .\'I-ws has hm'n scarcv this last. t‘Ullplt‘ of works. Thu I'na-Ils ham bt‘t'n so had [H‘OplP ItiItn‘t. want. to go on ttwm am ”iit‘llt‘l' than they had [0.31M Wililt' HIP wait‘l' “as sn high. somv of our llt‘ighiml's ware living on “NIP islands. and othm's had in go aI'I'IIss “HIP lakvs in 33% t'IIInI ”N‘ tImIsI- to “In hain. 'lhis last \H't'k t'\"'t'l_\“lilu.' is Ihsing up unit» lli(‘t‘l_\, and tht‘ taI'mIIIs Illt‘ busy as III-vs trying tII gut. in ttm sI-I‘IIting. “hiln thI' IaIliI'S. tnII sm'm tn ltt‘ taking aIt\aIItaI:I- IIt' ”lt' tinn \VI'ilibt'l anIl EHI‘ \I-I') busy doing ”It'il' “NIH“ I'lI'aning. At. the' close of the service in Zion on Sunday, the reorganization of the Sunday school and the Young People's Society t00k place. The following are the officials of the school: Superintendent. It. '1'. Ed- wards; Assistant. Superintendent. Mr. Henry Moflat; So‘icretarle‘reas- urer. Miss t‘tladys Firth; Librarian, Miss Jennie Davis; Organist. Mrs. T. It‘llencross. The teachers elected to ?ot'tlce are: Mesdames W‘. J. Green- wood, John 0. Greenwood, \V. R. ,Jack. Miss Mina Edwards and the Superintendent. Miss Mary Glencross was appointed Superintendent of the Missionary Department. Miss Kate wink of the Home Department. Mrs. J, .l. Peart of the Cradle Roll and Mr. Oren Peart of the Temperance Department. The ottlcials of the Young People's Societv elected are: President. Miss Mina Edwards; First. Vice-President. Miss Katie May, Firth; Second Vice President. Mr. Oren Peart; Third Vice President, Miss Mary tilencruss: Fourth Vice- President. Mr. James Peart; Secre- t.:ii'_\‘-Ti'easiirer, Mr. H. R. Peart. Both Sunday school and Y. P. S, reopen next Sunday. Mrs. Charles Nubia and Miss Edith Tnvtpr added to the SPI‘ViCe in Zion onASungiay by a wglL-pendered duet. the woods on Monday of last week, Mr. Cofin'McArthur had his hand very badly lacerated. it requiring eighteen stitches to replace the torn skin and flesh. The wdund is a [nest gainful _(_)n.e_. .\h_'. Jumps Hunk‘ins and claughtmf. M 1“. I '0"... .\ll'.__ Jnhn MPMillan has "Imlsml X‘h'. (nun-go- Stmmrt's I'Psiclonm 0n Luntrv six-wt, and mtvncls mmnwnc- This wook wo roport tho doath 0f anullu'r of tho piolu-ol's of this dis- trict in tho porson of Mrs. (loorgo. [)owling on Thursday of last. wook at. tho ago of 83 yoars. Tho old lady had hoon in dorlining hoalth for somo limo. so tho ond was not. unoXportod. 'l'ho funoral took nlaco to Maplowood romotory on Sundav. Sho loavos tho following family to mourn hor loss: Ezra. in tho South- orn Statos: Mrs. lra Rawn. Josoph and Milford of Egromont: Mrs. Loggo ot‘ Dorking. Goorgo. and Hiram of Alborta. Rov. L. E. \V’ost. hor pas- tor. oomlurtod tho sorviros. Mrs. (Rovf Mooto of Drow was a {most at tho parsonago on 'I‘uosday. Mr. Alhort. Ahhs ot‘ 'l'ivorton has hoon olltragoc'l to oporate ono of tho trucks for authoring rroam for tho Huronmnt firminiory Company for this soason. Mr. and Mrs. R. B, Long :spont tho wookâ€"ond with hor paronts. Mr. and Mrs. John I.a_\_\'r§‘-i_ujo. noar Durham.‘ Dr. l1, lemllan. nf 'l‘m-nntn Gun- m'al HOSpitill, SpPIIt a short time in tho \‘illag-v during tlw lwginning' of ”in work. Tho athlvtic gmmnds haw boon put in vxculieni condition and pi-ac‘ tim- will cnmmmw 011 Friday «won- ing nnxt. Mrs. Eartha of « Is lwrv on avcmmt 0f ho-I' mnthm‘. Mrs An invitatinn has hemn vxtvndm to Row, llnlwrt Bl'ydnn. M. .\.. 0f (llmtswm'th. tn lmmmo pastor of the l'nitmi ohm-g» horn. Mrs. Carton: Hf leldstunu. Mich, is lwrv on ai'cmint Uf tlw ill health of ho-i' nmtlwr. Mrs. James Brown. Mrs. E. Johnstnn has intuxnml to Hm \‘illnuv aitm' Slll'lllling H10 “in- tvr with IIPX’ «laughtm' Ml“. \\'. Fijvvman at. “loos“ zilm'. Ml. Llar'om o Fonton spent. the “wt of tlw week at \llonfoui and other paints. 'l‘lw crnam- gathering trucks are gain on ”In (“fit’l't‘llt I‘OlltPS “ith “H' [)IIISIIQ‘C‘ of a 1mm! spasm]. (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. (fieorgo Mowbray and family haw rvturnml t0 the village. Mr. Mowbray is ‘sectinnman on the C. N. R., and last fall he was romnvml l0 Alma. We heard of three young fol- lows trying to fish tlw other day. They must, have found the water firefly cold for wading. “’69 didn’t oar if thoy caught many. There are great discussions in the daily papers these days about Jonah and the whale. Th9 \yatPr has bevén'iimry high this spmpg. A small budge on t. 0 22nd concvssnon was carried away but has been put back in place again. _. M 1'.“ Sta-11113):- 'qu'r'ison Pgturned hqme last week. after spending the wmtor mcmths m Detront. (Our Own Correspondent) Plowing and house cleaning are the order of the day. ‘ The maple syrup season is over for this year. There was a great run of__sap for ‘a few days last week. Fall wheat appears to have win- ter-ed well, and the new seeded mea- dows look all right, and well they should. as they. have had a long rest from growmg. denL be s_o much missed as an older resi- The lamb crop this spring seems abundant. Mr. Earl Mead had ten lambs from his first {our eyes, but we haven’t heard since whether the yhnle flock kept _it pp or not. Glenmont Holstein. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Muthm': “I don't. knOw. Haw .Vou trwd armca?” Shangm': “Madam, :1 hm “1111 I am infmmmi is )0111‘ son. has just. Hmmn :1 stone at 11111. causing: a wry painful \muml. \Vlmt. arv ynu 11111119 to «In about. it?" Intostinal parasitismmtho prosâ€" mum of paratistic worms in tho in- tostinos of fowlâ€"is mainly dopond- out for propagation upon pollutod soil. Land upon which young poul- try are to ho roarod should not. havo had poultry upon it for at. loast a your, nor should the Soil havo boon fortilizod with fowl manuro. It should ho plantod to a grain crop of somo sort in tho your or yoars intorvoning hotwoon tho poriods usod for roaring fowl. l'n- dor gonoral farm conditions, whon tho adult. stock havo intostinal worms and,tho land surrounding tho farm buildings has consoquontly boromo pollutod. it is host to brood tho chicks indoors and roar thom on land ontiroly soparatod from tho oxisting stork. Prnhably tlw most detrimental tartar (uthcr than «tirvctly rom- municahln «lisvasns of which this articlv does not trratl. the). must. poorly umlvrstood. and the least. cnmliattmt in the roaring of punltry is that of soil pollution. The nyil rtl'urts may oxtrnil thrnnghuut the lilo-time of Hip stuck rvsulting in incrvasod mortality, loworml pru- clurtion and a rmlnctinn 0f the nor- mal vitality with groatnr suscvpti- hility t0 contagious «lisraso. This m'cnrs as a. rrsnlt ut‘ lumping [mul- try rnntinunnsly in tlw samv yards and is wry rmnluciw t0 tlw (lo?- wlopmant of “mm dim-am», Hygiene in poultry raising not only includes consideration of the various needs of the chick, such as food elements, light. heat, ete., but must at. the same time consider the elimination of those things of an undesirable nature. whirh would he likely to adversely influence, the, sub- .jept’s well being,_ says Mr. C. H. Wemvr. Poultry Pathologist, (10n- trul Experimontal Farm. 019nm. The lattm' arr almost as varied as the formm'. Mr. am] Mrs. Louis Sheldmth and two sons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Vessie. Mr. and Mrs. Waltvr Clarke and familfiospent Sunday with Mr. and MI_‘S_». ugal_d_ Clarke». ‘ Mr. Clarence Thompson of Ingle- wood is spending a ew days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Thqmggon. Mr. 'Vernoh Whtt of Hanover spent Sunday at the home of Mr. H. Weiber. Mrs. D. McKechnie spent a few days with Mrs. L. McLean. (Our Own Correspondent? M13. William Hill is spending a few days with her daugiter, Mrs. Goqrge Turijbull. Mr: and Mrs. Neil McLean spent an evening recently with Mrs. D. McQum‘rie, who was unfortunate enough to have a nail run in her foot. The W. M. S. of the United church held their regular meeting in the church Tuesday afternoon. There was a good attendance. Mrs. Hild- yard gave a very full account of the Presbyterial meeting held in Owen Sound last week. ing housekeeping again Our soft ball sports had Otheir first practice last Friday evening._ --- -- .- HYGIBNIC SOIL CONDITIONS Rocky Saugeen Recommended Father Miles and Mother Miles were particularly outspoken about the way the Canadian people in Bos- ton treated them. The Cape Breton Club them made their son. and themselves life members. The Canâ€" adian Club gave a. dinner. A man named Doleman presented the run- ner with a \alnahle stowâ€"match. Mav Quiglev of Chelsea gave him a high-class running outwllt and a man whose name happened to he John Miles, la\ished anothei gift upon his namesake. tlirmgh a stran- ger. Flowers “ere, slumered upon the Miles family and ('\"0l\'\\llvl‘0 thm “ent movie cameras and new! photiog aphei rs \H'lt‘ \xith them. Mother: “Yes, Doris has been learning to play the \‘iOlill for six mnnths. W0, worn trying to kwp it a SPCI'M." Suffering mvmhm- uf llw audivnvv: “I thought samuhndy haul Int. the cat out of tlw hug." Four hundred admirers of the youthful chamion throngod the station to bid him good-bye as he started his homeward journey from Boston. “There is no secret in this Mara- thon game," he told his congrega- tions. “You must. think clean. live clean, obe the laws of nature and of God. 'ou may {Ool the DOODIG for a time it‘ you don’t follow these rules, but you won't fool iod, and if you don’t live clean, you will ultimately have to payâ€"both here in life and hereafter." John C. Miles, the 20- ear-old winner of the Boston Marat on, has returned to his home in Sydney Mines, Cape Breton, and all along the route from Boston was given great demonstrations. especially in t. John and Truro. During his stay in Boston after winning his great victory, young Miles was given a great time. He concluded his visit to Boston by delivering two sermons on Sunday in the First Presbyterian church. IAMTIOI CIHPIOI When Your Neighbor’s House Bumsâ€" the menace of roof - communicated fire. Your home is recognized by town, city, state and insurance authoritie- II a fire riskâ€"a danger to you and your family. But through Asbestos, Johns-Manvine ofien you Infetyâ€"n ahingleroofwhichcannotburnâ€"apositivehnrrierto roof- communicatedfire. Thiashingleroofnotonlytakeaabuo home safe? Will flying sparks and brands drop on your roof and die out harmiesolyâ€"or will they kindle your roof to llamas and contribute your home to another dreaded community oonflagration? themmbufldingsmywheremrmnndifyourhomo is covered with inflammable roofing. you are not rule from When fire springs up in a neighboring bondingâ€"h your Confirming His Fears A. S. HUNTER COMPANY II THE PULPI‘I' Friday May 7, 1926 8L. Cnthprines and a number of mumcmalltnos m tho Manny; dis- trict are the only mummpahuvs in Western Ontario to adopt summer time. Shir: "They havb milling!» get mad‘about,“ It‘s llw uldvr generation . that’s mad." All large cities in Eastern Canada. with the exeeition of Hamilton, London, and at or cities in \Veslern Ontario. went on , daylight saving time for the BMW months Sun- day morning. Toronto. Ottawa. Monm-al, Hali- fax and St. John all put Um clocks forward one hour. as well as Qua- bec City, Hull, Sllm'hrookv and num- erous other small towns in was-tam townships 0f ‘Ouohm'. DAYLIGIT‘ BAVIIG Til! I0" [I ll" CITIES IHe: “Personally I think tho I'Is- ing_ generatiun Is going mad. Boy Scouts Euchre Party COMMENCING AT 8.15 SHARP ADMISSION 50 CENTS nnransnuzu'rs AT 11 PM. Oran villa and Owen Sound Owen .. und offl‘ces 169 9th St. E. Referenceâ€"Standard Bank of Canada We Handle Collections Only â€"lo Sideline Nothing too old. small, large or hard fur us to tackle 3‘ years' experience NO COLLECT IONâ€"NO CHARGE KELLY AIKEN COLLECTORS Be Sure to Attend the Postponed COLLECTIONS Durham Town Hall “UM”. lay C, (no. flTOWNS STREH ., UND I. G. LAII‘WHI 0.0 of the CW“ ‘9" donors who r981; 0° ' 1 Th0 \\ Grm “I! "f mw'ill Puhln l has lm tutu \M Ollshm lldll's t mvmlv '00 ("HI for m Path-r- VOL. 59.--“! m Provinmal and VIII Being Clean“ ”id for Oilmg 1 in. one b) Man. hove Bell Durham a main ('uln vmcnal :H to lump :l past um «i: on bnth 1 midway i “R. “'qu Board 0f \ Provincial BMW" Ht-l' A“ SUM. Md N Is I will lw Ilu sup uf Th “‘1“. “IN section. H .II d!‘v.~’~u b0?" '1‘” 1 of mm \‘x put ”I“!!! ruad mm! I UIIEB SH 1N SOME NICE TRI NOW BEIF liknl} (and: and I few I Thaw; :‘iw'l‘. of an than» I Ialldfld on ”w .crnpm‘ p was in 0: roadmn crossing: ‘ 0f Ulv III has lwvn it): \V: 9N0" h Mm H tarnvd 8 "WM N0 \ (own ln-uk calcium was "Hull; pl‘mlm't ll summc-r H1 and Hu- vt' id? ih‘ PVM who" Hu- - with mud Thuuuh UM‘I' “shun: 1Wn~ hep!" 4| dust-I: n [3.18“ '0! ago. \\ run”. 1 enough oil. and will It"! Ctrec‘ls. Local Anglers Repon but I Few Good 04 lulled Out. fa ammmt III‘L’P elm-kl.- wary :1‘ as in .~ part. m "flt“'° :4 dvsmtw casnm Ham: Ullvs. an M lem m“! I0 Im in! mm (In) Nu Ill \\ \I

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