ill] '[H the NEW honepowct ‘urnishod and Sonic. : nndond by in with any style of archi- rnd with their surrounding: H {OI 16 give pedect protection In. 'AR PER- c low Tooting-urn} 188. honed nd Varney VERY APPROHIA‘I’I an: fl) imited Brantford Roof .Ivm' Father. come ’ ' um, I'm ma has 80. ; II 4H ~ 80‘ all "10’“; . rho mm from than†'.- ’ho Th. draw»! . dim“ and he? put i. \ru'oi IIHH! be 8M Tux n~ timelo col.- .‘. ':.- 'iO'WO' Is to :t .: ax'nnlmu nN'd u .w. 5, mm F.3th9r can. 1: HI" I,w\\ INN. “PI“! m .‘5xo'v‘~'": Its most ,1 ‘,‘. w‘ ||HHHHK to ._ .-'\' I’m wo'ak in '4 .hmwr WWII ~‘- .;.~ Jun! inch, . .:.' munching up .g.. u»: whzm's :II'P 00‘ ill - ' 1 “HI! HIP. I100†f'. "max“. l’utho'r, d“, ., a~m~ \\!!h m" "0' ‘ «. r; ,4 u a 'l‘m'k; ....iv; Hun ISSUE : .; t..." hllfly M ..- .H. w. 1.. «Iv and I: Ll'...’ .;-; H1~‘\\H10h'w* and '.:. ";’ ~‘ havilfl'ot'lflanc l' ‘ -.~ 2;", "’ "4"". .f ‘. vs «his and 00“. I†? ii: 515 3?. Brantfm'd, Ontario «um? :74?‘ Durham WM. mmists M what yam have nf revenue. I n: 66. Con. W.G ...P. Resumes. mx‘ o~ southwest of Durham. con- 'zumrzc 86 acres. Mostly clear and tion. Bank \\ ~ 1' “atefed and in good repair- Fn" further particulars apply in \\ Hiiam Smith. R. R. No. 3. Do _ ._â€"â€"â€"- v -‘â€"- Chiropractor: Mrmhmh's Canadian Chiropractic unnugn, Toronto. Ofï¬ce Macfarlane Hlm'k. Durham. Day and night'phono 131%. 6 '14 23†DR. A. I. BILL Physician and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce Lammon street, Durham. Ont. Gradu- ;m- I'niwrsity of Toronto. Eyes [MM and cogrooleg. Ofï¬ce hours: 2 to 5 p. excepted. J. Lo SIRE, I: ’0’ .0 c. ,0 80 o- nthcc and reslpence. corner of «nuntvss and Lamoton Streets. oppo- “H. HM Post (Nice. Ofï¬ce hours : a m H a.m.. 130 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. .smnmys excepted). Hunul' Graduate University 0! TOP- nntu, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgwuns of Ontario. Dentistry in all Its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder mwk. MillStreet, second door east u! Mat-Mum‘s Drug Store. DRS. JAIIBQON Jansen mi‘wc and residence a short dist.- W-p vast of' the Hahn House on [.amhtuu Street, Lower Town, Dur- n 1m. (Mice hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 5' mn. (except Sundays}. MIDDLEBRO', SPBBBIAI IIDDLBBRO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. mm «sum to -.\ B. Currey. \la'. Middlebro is permanently in. .I‘h .1 at human) omco. Flesherton tn ml] upon evm Friday [mm m: tn 9.30 p.111. DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST thu' over J. 6; J. Hunter's store, Hmhzun. Ontario. LUCAS nun! Barristers, Soticitors, etc. A mem- zm- ut‘ the ï¬rm will be in Durham on [um-day of each week. A pointments m .y m made with the lerk in the bl! H‘t‘. ALEX. lacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. \Imlvratu tm'ms. Arrangements for ï¬t. ~. (H to dates. (40.. may be made 4' luv Chronicle Ofï¬ce. Durham. i-r ma nu application. Address M1. 1. le'nam. Phone 6“ z‘ ‘35. ...~;u'.1.5 Eli-"53f “mares bf salps made v I‘rw IL'nrnnu'le Olhce or wnth him- I v DAI. IcLBAN |.:vo‘n~'vd Auctioneer {or County of .xm. Satisfaction guaranteed. Req- c. 6. AND 333311: IcGILminn V ‘.IV'.' . l “‘ {HXXIb a‘ IV“. .-' - . 17cm. 3. S.D.R.. Glenelg. cun- “ 'n: no acrod; 100 acres gleared ‘ 2:1 20ml state of cultwahon: on " tul‘o'mlses are a brick hquse con- ' m: soven rooms. With 300‘, :l‘mw woodshed altaphed; .dnued Em. to quick purchaser. For par- 'Hiars apply at \Vatso 's Dllfl'. R. 3. Durham. Ont. 102523“ 10: 66. Con. 2. W.G.R.. sentinck. 2 miles southwest of Durham. con- FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Billcrest 0268 122â€"124 Avenue Road 10'0“!“ John w. Bates I. lunch: l‘nz'n‘.“:'l_\' of Flesherton ‘0 ‘5‘ 'O‘o 6|. â€Viiuov-v-r -7 l 11,2“: 00 acres; 85 acres under "\mmn. balance hardwood bush: .wment to school; on the prem- ~ are a frame barn 42x65 ft. with fmxndation; concrete stables: . my barn 30:50 with stone base- h~‘s-1' pen 20x30: twelve-room 'nuuse. furnace heated, also Hm \Vowi'lshed: drilled well close x me. with windmill: concrete '--:' tanks: 30 acres seeded to hay: amu- to sweet clover: this farm fenced and in a good state of ‘rx HWY}. For information 899'? \\';u<nn's Dairy. [UL 5. Durham. ï¬rm. “32523“ _â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_â€"â€"__â€"__â€"â€"â€"u Il'v‘lI nanm IMQ 7 “'D 8. CON' BATES BURIAL C0. 1‘.“ {MS FOR SALE v . 1m 1! Auctioneer (or County of .i': 0m; wt attention to sales. Rea- .m to rms and satisfactiog guar- a ink}; iiiiile at The Dui'ham mv'w ofï¬ce 01‘ with R. C. Wat- \':H'nt'_\'. HR. 1. Phone 60-3 1‘“. “Way. I» 13, ms. Licensed fluch’onaer REUBEN C. WATSON Denial Directorv Legal “Director? to 9 p. m., Sunday's- Parenthoodâ€"Speaking w the kid in an ill-mannered wag; lic_k_ing_hAu_n II. (III II .I'uâ€.I“V-\.â€" --_- ___ - r â€""'v ~ ~ because he answers th T0 RENT. It)“ ACRES. ABUI'T 15 :u‘rps in alfalfa and sweet clown In) acrps suitahlv for crop. halanw good pasturo land. Apply to .lanpt Johnston. Durham R. R. No. 3, Int. 10. concvssinn 2. Normanby. i Coming again tn test your eyes. Pruf. E. Katz. the well-known Optical specialist. on Wednesday. May 19. at the Hahn Hnuse. Durham. Head ache. pain in the temples. twitch- in eye lids. defective vision re- lieved through [gifqperlx titted lenses. B333i‘uéi‘éï¬us'kilf an}! long exper- ience. we can help you even though others failed. Remember the date. THE Dl'RHAM CLI’BDF TORONTO will hnld their rvgular momthly meeting at tho Peacock Inn. “2 Yong» street. on Manda): May 17. mm ROOMS OF Hm’SE IN GOOD lncalion nn Malling: stx'nol arn nffnrod for rent. Thnso will ho rontml at reaannahlo ratn l0 satisfacwry ten- ants. Fm- furlher information apply at Tho. Chronicle omen. 4 '29 ll‘ WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 31523! {mm}: SXD max TO RENT.â€"-.~\P- NY at Tho Chroniclp ofï¬ce. 3; 15H T0 RENT. PASTI'RE AT LOTS i and '2. Km 10m. Rorasonabln tm'ms; or will 1'0 2 50 acres to suitable party or partios.-â€"Poter Black. Var- nm‘. R. R. l. 5 6 2pc! «N "THE ABS! )l{Bl'I.\"l‘-â€"-l.)R. WARINH Hf Madcu- will km in Durham at Hm Hahn Hnusv May 25. nnc day only. In .lo'mnnstrzm- to thnsv intvrvstml in â€w wmnvul uf Hum-v without npm'atinn. .Vn failure-s. Tvll ynul' frivnds. - 5 13 L’ PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- m'ado gas with the “pep" and long nnlvagc. Sold only at Smith Bros‘ Garage. 6 26 U PE nsnxs DESIRHI'S ‘OF ERECTINH .‘lunuments. '1' liming insmiption work 01mm on (how {1111*me ('I‘Qt'lt'fl. should consult nw before» placing thnir ordm'. All work dnnv in a workmanship mannvr and satisfac- tiun guarantoml.â€"-W. J. MCquldnn. Durham. (mt. : 4 22 6 THE BRICK BI’ILDING l’SI-ZD AS A blacksmith shop formerly occupiwl by P. .l. .“CLvun. Almnst immmliuto pogjg9~§§i0|L Apply 1’. J. 3101.08“. in HM Hahn House1 stahlo‘w. 4 8M .\ IAR IOAD (IF I‘Il NN‘S FERTIL- 1201' I'll ham! at 1'!“ P00; I109. Mills. (‘wt )0!“ supph “UHF â€H‘ IliIfI- rent \Hllil‘tit' 810‘ in stock. \‘0 haw IIlsu gut in :I IaI load of \\ (’Stt‘lll FI-IIII nah. -â€"JIIIIII \IcuIman. :‘I 6 I: WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short order. 7 tf ORGAN, IN GOOD CbNDITION.â€"AP ply at. Thu Chronicle Ofï¬ce. 'I‘WU DI'RHAM NYLLS. ELIGIBLE fur rvgistratiun; nnv 9 months old, Hm other H. Apply John Eckhardt, R. R. l, Pricvvillv. Phone Durham 6051' ll. 4 8 6w] PIANO. HEIN'I‘ZMAN [N 1' SE ‘\ FEW nwnths. upIight; latest â€PM?" and IiIIMI: must lw sum by May :30 In close. an I-statv. Fm particulais ap- ph Bax :',IU L'hlUllitlU 011160.56 " EUR FIRE. TORN :.\D() AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds. etc. apply to Lucas ' Henry, Dm- ham. 612M -__-, -- -u...; 1“â€;1 L'Ult Grain. Lawn, Garden and Flowers. not your sup )ly while grades are ('nmpletv. J, \ . Ewen Son. Phone “4. 4 5t! REGAL CHICK FEEDS. BABY CHICK Scratch. meis and Growing Mash. Hon. .lnhn S Martin’s own formula. {1‘0 (It-zlxjvxï¬ than common kind. J. W. "- “lull. v" UVUU building lots oil égorge street, North 0! Skating Rink. Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 2 21 u HATCHINH EGGS, BARRED ROCKS. bi'ml to lay strain; 50 cents for set- ting of 15. William Ritchie, Dur- ham, Phonv 610 1' 15. 4 29 6M Elï¬ï¬‚zilfllilllflfl, X Fl'LL LINE FOR Smith Bros. It’s good. Trynit.‘ I161} HEIN'I‘ZMAN SQI'ARE PIANO; IN ï¬rst-class condition. Fur further information apply to The Chronic!» ofï¬cv. 4 29 tf FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF gmmsu AMERICAN COAL OIL AT ‘ v u..-- l-lwon Son phono 11 FOR SALE OR RENT ARTICLES WANTED COMING EVENTS MISCELLANEOUS PROF. KAT! BOXING FOR 4 29 Gpd GOOD 4 f M IIPLEIENT AGBRCY DEERING AND MeCORMlCK. Tl'D- hone- Anderson \\ ilkinson Com; mm and Londen Litter Carrier 001111111113. I sell the Primrme separator. Cal! 011 me before ordering implements or any kind. as I can saw 3011 money All kinds of light and heaxy harness. wire fences, lightning roars. etc. Repairs stocked at Nobles Garageâ€"Joseph Noble, Durham. Ont. A 15 3mos. pd The Durham IF.F.0. Live SM]: As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers ere requested to give three days' notice. Junta Lawrence, lunar. Phone 601 r 13 Durham. an. i. m :wcnl'clancn with thn I‘vqupst 0f Durham Public School Trustee Brian] the Town ()nuncil intends taking :actinn in the mattm' of closing Mill ï¬lm-t in the town uf Dmham at a point. on Hw- “vstern boundary of Hm proppru of Dr. D._ Jamieson; ORGANS FOR SALE IN GOOD CONDITION: ONE IP- right. on» piano cased..â€"â€"\ppl\ at The? Chronicle nfï¬ca tf also {01- Hw clusing of Elgin strrmt from the snuthnrn intm'yrction of Mill and I-Ilgin stronts to the pro- party of the Canadian Paciï¬c Rail- way avml‘:any.â€"â€"\\'. B. YollaL Clark. The Samaritan issuos a challvngo l0 srl'vicv. "Taku can! «if him." That is a primary and univvrsal dutyâ€"fur all mo-liaespocially for Christian [maple and [H'Olllt' plmlgml t0 hrotlwrhoml. If we all l'PSplllllltll hi this rall aml livml by this Spirit. the wholu \wrlil would mun lm transformml. It. would he a nvw “'Ul'llL-R world lit. to live in and low. “I will ri-pay then." We do nut. know how much that. meant. It nwanl. much to tho lllllkt'l’llt'l', hut inllnitrly mnru t0 the! injured .luw. lmagim- his gratitude, for saving his lil‘v and for a new conception of ln'nthrrlmml and svrvice. vaus is plmlgml to pay and rvpayâ€"tu reward his survants far lwyonil thair wild- vst ilrnams. Imt us hvliiwa the promise and gu forth in l't'SClll' thn injured ones: to “take caru" of tlwm and allow all tn ailcl thv prnmisr that \w shal stand by thvm in all llw i'mvrgPhciPs «if life'. 80 hp provides for food and nurs- ing, and sets no limit to the expense. Ho advzuirvs two police and a prom- ise with no thought that the inn- koopmx will take advantage of his minorosity or boat him out of more monvy. He asks not "how little can I do?†but “how much ought I to do?" That's the Spirit of patriotism which won the war and brought glory to Canada and Canada's sons. That's the spirit which we .uwd to build up tho rhurch of Josus Christ and carry His mossago into all thr- world. â€Ynm' m-w mmlivilw has hc-Ipml mu wnnclurl'ully." wrutu :1 g-atuful \wmun. “A month ago I cuulcln‘t spank my baby. and nmv I calf thrash my huslmnal. Hvawn hlvss you!" really follow up the work we begin so_gagerly. Bvsidvs thv smmon, thmn more a couple of excellent anthems by the choir. and a qualtvtto bx Mossrs 1'. Bull. Lang. C. lamlm' and P. Ramagv. all mvmbcx's of lllo'lhhl Follows. APPAREL WANTED tI.-\.\'.\I)l.\.\' GREYS l. t). D. E. |.\' mnwntiun with H. mvm' Chap- to-r l. H. D. E. will lttltl :1 mm- magt- sat" in Hzmm'm' Saturday. May 29. Pt-l'suns having: svt'uml-huntt t'lnthing 01' slim-s in gum! stat“ of ro-pair ari- nutttiml that Hwy will kw t'o'm'tw'tl by tho‘ local ttmptt-r. tn lw lnt't at tlw \. \". P. A. I'nnms tmt lzttm' than Flictzzt} .\l:1}'.’.8 .3132 Hut huh-r thhn Friday. May 28. 5132 Mnsgrs. Harnlcl and Irvin Shin-[m and Miss Em Ro-dt'uml mutm'ml frum Notice) is l]¢‘l‘f‘b}' giwn that the (lunrt «if Revision for tho munici- pality ni‘ tho- Township of Eï¬rmnnnt for the. yuar 19:26 will hn M in â€in (Immi'il chambm‘. Hnlsu'in. on Manda): Hm 31st day of May, 1926. at In n'i'lm'k n. m. in [war and do- to-i'mino- any awn-ails that mm b» iiimi against â€in Assnssmmlt Roll of tin- saial municipality. All new)!“ having: inisino-ss at â€in 52â€" mini't are» hi'l'!’lb_\' ro-qxn-sio-al t0 aitflnil all. Hi» limp and plaicn aimw mentioned. “Rival [his ‘3â€! ill“ of Mil}.1936. D.~'\\ll) ALLAN, MUNICIPAL NOTICE NH'I‘IQIE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT The same is true of business life. We pat; what is necessary, but ne- glect t e courtesy and friendliness which mould make. the relationship of employ er and employee ideal. Seiooge was not dishonest, he would pay m eiy penny agxeed. but he \\ as mean. Business life imoh es not only dollars and cents, but a human relationship. It was “on the marrow,†when the ï¬rst line emotion had time to evap- orate that the Samaritan did this. All night he has been thinking and planning. What use to rescue the mamâ€"at personal risk to himselfâ€"â€" and then leave him to starve or suf- fer torture frem his wounds unln he would die. ()n thoir I'ntnrn to Um lodgr- mom a [warty vote of thanks was 0x- tmulml UH! Rev. Mr. Smith, the chair. and the church fm' Hm pri- \‘ilvm‘ 0f attending worship in tlwir building. The motiun mu moved by RM. E. D. MPCIm-klin. somndml by Hm, 'I‘. M. McFadden. and hvzu'tily and unanimously car- I'iml by Hm mvmhm-s of the lodgm 'l'nl'mltp and spent Hm \VPok-0fld at â€1011' hnmo-s hvrv. I. O. 0. P. LODGE ATTENDED KNOX CHURCH TOWNSHIP OI" BGRBMONT COURT OF REVISION (Continued from page i) NOTICE TO 113.338 much that. met-ant. It to tho iunkm-[u-I', but u.- to Um injured Jaw. gratitude), for saving THE DURHAM CHRONICLE annship Clerk While she never had found trun- hle in obtaining gmvns' to [it her. Miss Joy was made aware of her physical perfectinn during the ï¬lm» ing of this productlun for tlw ï¬rst time. \Vhile it is Very nice to knuw that «me is perfect. says the "Dress- maker.†she feels n0 dilTerently than before the startling discovery was matte. and after looking at lu-r re- flection in the mirror. she confessm thitther appearance has nnt altered 8 l. The ultra brief Skirts and ()tlwr {natures of thc- stylvs fur tlw rom- ing year all favor “in woman to whom naturv has ripen kind, avcnrat- ing to the drsigner importmt {rum Paris to create gowns for Miss Jov. Mildred Harris and the fugrteen girls appearing as manikins in the pro- TOOK FORMALOEIIYOE MISTAKE FOR MEDICINE ship. had a IIaI'I'uw t'St'iIIH‘ t‘mm (loath Friday aftm'mmn as :I I‘PSIIH at taking formalstvhuto- iII mistakn fur modicinv. .‘It'. Pmm hmt hm-n ailing all wintm' and “In taking mvdicinu vu't} Itsn at t‘t'gttlat' in- tm'vzils. 'FIII- hntttu nf Illt'ttit in“ was sitting «In â€I“ kItI hI-II \xiiIItIm along with a butt!» of t'III'nIaIItvtIyItI-, which had boon usml as a ItisIIvaI-tant. At noon lIuIII-. \VIH'H â€I" fitt'fl] hams \W'l't' coming in fur ItIIIIII-I', .\tI'. PI-I'I'y IIIItlIiIIkiIIgty pirkmt IIII tho wrung iII‘IttII' amt tmIk a swallmv nut (If it. me'ixing that thv t:I~‘toI was Itit't'ui'I-nt. {mm that «If ttw IIII-«t- Icinv hv tIaIt two-II taking. h“ was unahlv tn ttt't't'tllll' t'uI- thv van-v. â€Tim Drpssmukm' From Par piclurc- which brings hm- \'ntm'ans’ Star leatrr' con and Saturday. May 1-3 and If. Lpatrion Jay has made a cliscnvm')’. Show is a “[wrfvc't 36." She “as told so bx Um flllors dur- ing thp making of a mrgmus array of stvlo. ornatinns “am by hm' in Window Boxes To be allractiw window boxes must iu- plannml like anvthing vlso Care must be giwu as tn the m- pusurv and the! calming. lewr lmxvs mav iw stiiiimi any time no“. LEATRICB JOY YA “PERFECT 36" 'I‘how arn two typefs nf fluwc-r hoxosâ€"-nanwl_y, Flmwrmg and F0!- Iagc'. Thvrv Is lltllv trouble» 111 plan- Him: “1' caring for Hip llmwiim: \m'ic-lx. hut in a nnith mpmuiu or in a shadv spot. (In nut :Iilo'mpt ii. Stick stiicily m tlw foliagv. Horn Shortly aftm‘ hv hail dun†90. hv was svizml with a burning Svnséllifln in tho“ sinmavh and was tho-n mn- \'in0ml that hp had takvn a polemi- nus lil'PlHll‘aHfln in mistako for mm!- icinn. Thn family imnwdiatoly talu- phnnml for tha dnvtnr. and pc-nolim: his arrival. .“l'. I’l‘l'l’}' was giw-n rvmmlivs which it was linpml \wmlci aid in (-ountr'racting HH' "Harts (if thn {unison 'l’lw dortm' arrivmi :it thp hmiso as 3mm in prisnihlfl and ailministnrml Pmfltirs in iimu in pr"- wnt thi- [unison frum claim: its fatal wm'k. It is statml that Mr. Parry is on tho war in PW‘OVPI'Y. Pairmount Farmer Had Narrow Es- cape Friday Afternoon. Mr. .lphn Pony. 3 farmofr living m- Fan'mrmnt m Euphrasna Tuwn' HOUSEHOLD HINTS (Copy-wright, 1926, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago.) Readers, N ate: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other H ehold Hints you would like to ask Betty Web- sterâ€"addres her in care of The Durham Chronicle. . Hm the idn)’ dllt‘linll. Th0 girls aw all viUIM‘ \vinlwrs «If hc-auly mums «or worn, svlcctmi by pmmuwm VJIH‘W‘S.‘ EI'III‘S‘I 'I'uI-rI-III'I- is I'IIIIIIII-I-II \ViIlI Misti .Im in â€Us piIIIIIv \VIIII'II \VII.~ «IiIocImI II) l’aIII III-III “'0!“ an ur- IL'IINII stun IIV \III‘IEIIIII‘ HI‘IHHHII IIIIII "II“IIIII Hawks. Allan Furm-st is loading man. Lar- my “my. ('thu'lc-s' Cl‘m’kvu. Ruse-- mm-y (Imolwl'. “Sm-1"" U'IN‘HIIH'†and others play in summrl. Advertise in The Chronicle. It Pays. 1‘ “WI“SIWHIIS uf bum-r uquals 1,5 cup of buttur. our muusurnm mus haw â€may- warm! In tlw chilclrvn's sandpiln. it is \wll In knuw lmw m [I'N'aSUI'P hum-r without uur cup: Hc-quf‘ this suggc-stiun. i [Hound "1' hum-r o-qnals 2 cups. 1/; pnund parkagv ul‘ hullm' vqualg 1/, cunt is a list of plants for thv foliage lmx: Vinca Vinn. W'andm'ing .lvw. English Ivy. Rnbbm' Plant. Pandora. Dusty Mills-r. ngunia. COOKING mus Spinnch With Cheese Sauce 2 lilhlG'SllumlS uf huttvr. 2 tablt'spuuns of llnur, 1 pint of milk 2 runs . 1 mm «of i'i'umhlml vim-54'. 1 can spinach. , Han-cl lmilml vggs. MPUHMI Rink» 3 â€lil‘k vrvam sum-v Howling Hu- hullm'. "um and milk. Add Hlv ('hawsv and stir (DH'I‘ a slnw iiru until nwllwl. â€NH and svasun Hw ~‘pilmvh. I'm. in a dish. l‘uui' «m-i' Iliv «'Inwsi- suiu'v and Hal'- nish with slivvs ui' lam-«l imilmi vim. Sunn- By BETTY WEBSTER § For May blenty of MOST of our habits, good or bad, are formed before we’re ten years old. Help your child form the health-habit. Give him Have a slice ready when he come; running in from some}. Snon he wxll come to recognize the dlflerence between this richâ€"flavored, highly nutritious l valuable. g 03! and other foods leu g; \“‘ to Measure Butter Watch Those First Ten Years GOOD BREAD Nuluuly sc-I-mml III IIIkI- much IIUIII'I' â€I (Brown. H“ II'iI'II In HI'I. III a wnIII now and IIN‘II. IMII «Imo- Imdv “III! II. hII'HIIgO'I' \ulcv ammo IIIOk I'OmmmM III III" I"IIII\I'I'I~‘aIi0ll. At last “WI IIIIk IIIIIINI “II III“ sub- jm'I III' mum. and “WW“ I'I'II sure IhaI. lIis I'IIaIII-v quIIII vomv, fur III» uWIII-II II IIIâ€; of which III- was \‘I-I'y III-mu]. \ “'I‘IIIII'I- III-v sunw dogs.“ I‘l'mal'kml IIHIIIIID‘UII, â€IIIIII IIIm- mum iIIIvllim-IIN- than IIH'II' mush-rs." â€'I'IFIIIIII IIIIIII- I'iglII," sIII'II Iil'f’ml. "IV“ unI um. IikI- IIIaI Method : Blvnd tiutti-r and sugar. Add the vnriistam-ti. Mix with a little grape ,iuim- and stir t0 3. smuutli paste. "NH, grauw juim- in dnublu lmilt‘l‘. Stir pastv into tlu- tmatvd grape jun-«- and (‘mok until it is thick, Sflllmul and Mean. “mm in pie stu-ll or stwlls. 1‘0]. with whipped croanL Ml'lllml: Brat. llu- 0mm. Add llu- broad ln'ukvn Up. mall. lu-mwr and angled vlumsv. Svalcl milk and until“ M'cr all. Bank" in «'asm-mlu m- vmlard mum and mmk llw sum“ as lmkud mustard. llcmk unv lmur. 'l‘vst by insvrliug silwr knil‘v, and who-n it (‘umvs «ml, ('Il'illl, chm-aw Is clmw. This is lu'rth fur a lunvlwon \xlwrv lawndvr H Hw mlnr achvmo. ‘/4 ("‘I' (of crap“. jllicv. 'ahlt'ï¬plfllï¬‚ï¬ of cornstarch mm M sugar. luhhmlmnu uf hulk-r. A Delightful Cheese Dish 0mm. ('up of slain ln'c'ad. UNIS um" Hf NIH. Linn. pvmwl'. pound of Amurica (mild'. pint of milk <2 mm; BAKING mars Grape Juice Pie Amc-rivzm «'lweso cups PAGE 7.