BASEMENT lay. lay 20, mu IRSSPASSIIG 1ND 'I'HHSPASSINO M; «mm H." lmrhllll 'ufmi h» Hw full 0x- Hurt: \lm'dm'k. Ind Room I- Price BCIAI 'chan ts T101] 1 C reophos am, Ont. EEK BORN \l $4.20 $2.50 $2.25 SI. 50 $1.00 32.00 )C \lnnoiay, May mm “Nixon. \\ ll and hook; Imam him. m-n oljgcm- mun; Th5 H'l‘l". May l7, 5m Mar- in the Hf the priced ['6' ap- m'an W: 'ar‘ 'l‘lw preacher for the Sunday Spr- \'ions was Um Rev. W. J. Burnett nf St. Marys. turmm'ly of Dromoro, and both mnrning and evening, he «inlivm-pd poworful sermons whith wwrn much enjoyed by the local mngrngatinn as well as by [ha visit- mg momtwrs 0f othvr vhurchvs. not- ably from Knux in Nm‘manby and Amns church. Drnmnn'. his fnrmm' vharm- bvforn moving to St. Marys. 67TH ANNIVERSARY WAS WELL ATTENDED HOUSE HAD NARROW ESCAPE FROM FIRE I'nhoumled enthusiasm. overflow pungregations and the best. of wea- mvr spelled success for the 67th anniversary services of the Durham m-oshyterian congre tion, held here mt, Sunday and . onda. Besides the local congregation w ich turned out in force many were in attend- 1m 0 f1 om sister towns in Grey and Mme Counties, as well as yfrom \mos church. Dromore, Knox, Nor- manbx Holstein, Priceville and ler place-s. Our Lord. truo 'l‘oachor and Pool, that Ha was. had a lava for the pivtm'ial. Human litm'aturn has two" form’m' vm'icnml by Hm ppm pirtnw-s Hr wrnnght. This picture must, haw had strong amwal fur mow whn ï¬rst hvarcl it. le rub- lwr. nerlnsi39lics. Samaritan. won} all familiar l0 llwm. Rov. Burnett took for his morning my. Lukn x:36, “Which now of thpsc- thinkvst than was m‘ighhor unto him that fo-ll among the HI io-VPS 1’" .uut m-romonial, but. ttwy had no pity. 'l‘hvy worn notorious for pivt)’ but had no pity. erigion has two sum-s. an inward and an outward. 4m ttu- inward side a man turns his h.-:n-t. toward tho Etm'nal; on tho outward. ho turns his taco towards his follows. Tht'St' hoth aro soon in tho nnswor of tho srribo. Thoso m.» shit-s of religion rannot ho sew. :u-ntmt. 'l‘hoy will not. he divorrml. H. H total to pirty to smrarato ttwm. Ir. w'uvmt so in lsravt's history. The) notion that gave to tho world the itiz‘wst ronroption of spiritual ( Continued on page 6) Dr. James Lyons Biggar of Toronto has been appointed chief adminis- trative ofï¬cer of the Red Cross in Canada, with the title of Chief Commissioner. At various times he Dractised medicine in Ontario. Ed- monton, and Victoria» 13.0.. and '33 medial once: to the 88th Reximent during the w. Dr. Bigger is a grandson o! the Int. Si! 01"“ Mont. VOL. 59.â€"NO. 307 4. Durham Preehyterinn Church En- joyed Good Weather and Big Crowds at Both Services Sunday, and at Supper and Entertainment Monday Evening. W. Lunney’s Residence at 11111001: Had Roof Badly Damaged in Blaze Last. Sunday. 'i‘hnro- zu-o many picturos going to muko onv. Today I want. to suggest throw. (1‘ Prinst. and lmvitn: This H a pivturv of piety without pity. 'l'twsu mon worn scrupulous in tho po-x-t'nrmam'o ot awry olotzlil of law Liko- all. parables, it, is not“ nosingln }‘n4|_¢'t.lll'6‘; H. H a Pomgmsltn pyctm'o. HEADS RED CROSS SOCIETY 'l‘lw prompt intorvontion of neigh- »r~ was all that. saw-(l tho rosi- -nro- nl' Mr. \Villiam Lunnvy of mum-k 'l‘ownship whon, last. Sun- i_\‘. llio- roof caught, liro from tho mum-y. anal lwl‘oro neighbors ar- wol. hml gaii'nml ('m‘lsidel‘ablc homi- ix'. but was ï¬nally brought under villl'ul. though not. lwl’oro most of n ml.» of tho roof and raftvrs hail mu ilo-stroyo'ol. Sparks also got “All through tho root’ to tlw tip- .,. part. of “It‘ building and (lo- rmml snmv of tho contvnts, while .w.‘ Humour/was also clnno by wai- llirnwn on tlw blith‘ to o‘xtin- isli Hm tlamo-s, \li-~'. Llltlm‘)’ unit «laughtvr worn «'lmrrh at Mulock. and Mr. Lun- {V limt startml a ï¬rt‘ in tho' stow‘ :lh sumo- chips and was o,'ngagml :w-mlinu. not knowing that any- mm was wrong until somo of his warhlmrs. who notim'd the! flro' from olistrmrv. nrrivml. It took :1 lot. lizml work to got. tho blah» undrr lllll‘lll. lmt oworything considered. .. family are congratulating them- lws' that. tho clamagom'as not more \i'l‘o'. Workmvn aro now ongagm'l ‘llilll'lllg tho- roof. and wo under- :unl llw clamagv is coverrd pretty »ll by insurnnro. ."fï¬Â¢7'ft}neinl_tyyns held from Knox church. Owen Sound, on Friday last, intexment being made in Greenwood cemetery. The (IRCPHSOU. who was 57 years of age. was born in Bentinck Town- ship. 1193? Durham. but removed to Owen Sound in 11*“, “here she has horn a continuous resident, ever since. In 1898 she was married to Capt. Alex. McNab, who predeceased llP!‘ ten years ago. She is survived by one daughter, Islay, at home, and a brother. Alex. McClean of Sudbury, besides cousins in Bentinck, Dur- ham and vicinity. Last \\‘Wk “1‘ I‘wfm't'o‘ol briefly in ihu olvath' uai'ly Wednesday morning in Hip â€Wt-ll Swim! (irnvi‘nl and \ldi'inv Hnsi’iital. \\"H'l‘i' shn hml hmm :i paiivnt sini'v last. fall. Hf MN. Mar}: Manh. wiinw 0f Hw lain (lam. Alma Mi'Nah. and daughter nf thn hitn Captain and Mrs. Art'hip .‘xli-ilivan. t'm'mm’ly 0f Bentinck 'l‘a-xuiship. Mrs. McNah had been in failing ho-alth for somn time. and while hm' ilnath was not unvxpwh m1, it was nvwrthelnss a decided shack in hm- immmiiatn rvlatives. Sim was a woman highly esteemed and X‘l'SDPCth by a host 0f friends in Owen Sound and antinglf. Had Wide Circle of Friends in Owen Sound and Bentinck, Where She Was Born Fifty-Seven Years Ago [ATE MRS. McNAB _ BURIED FRIDAY limits. 'l‘ht‘l't' is at. li'ast nnn lllt‘t't‘ Hf gnmt nww.~'. and that is that. thv llnail (10m- missinnvrs ai-v wasting: nn than in walling t'ni' tmnotm's for thi- i'c'msti'nc- tinn ot‘ a new hriclgo. which is ox- [H't‘tt'tt to he (man t'm‘ ti'attic nut latm' than tho ï¬rst of Svplt‘mhm'. 'l‘his hl‘lttgf‘. wv anoint-stand. is to lw nt‘ altogvthm' «litt'i-i'ont. structure than tho last DIN". and it is to ho tmpml that, this timn thn thmntywill put. tip a hi'ii'lgn that will stand up. 'l‘hn last. bridge was not pmpm'ly cnnstrnctml in Hip “pinion 0f the Lommission “hilv ham but they haw '03!an a Insmn and will (all for altngvthnr itiflmnnt plans for thn new strm‘éturo. ' antim-k {Inuncil mm having Hm .lvtnm' Hmmgh that. township pm in gum! sham, and the- Durham Umnt'il haw :IlSn hrwn looking aftm‘ tlu- l'nz‘ulxx'ny from Hamh'axa stromt. us far \wst, as tlw (‘m'pm'atinn County Road Commission Decides Temporary Bridge Not Necessary Over Saugeen at Cemetery.â€"-Call- ing for Tenders at Once. tlnming past from Hunuvor, mo)- tnrists will turn right, at the top nt‘ Huttnn Hill amt prmmnd south for nun rulu’mssifm. ttwu turn left. amt c-uto-r Durham at. tho, snuth and Hf thu tuwn. \Vusthmlmt trafï¬r lnav- int.r Durham t'm' Haunwr, \Valkvrtnn ur [mints What, to Kinrarctinv. will prurm'ct south nu tiarafrztxa st-rt‘t‘t. Durham. tn the» snutho-ru lmuudary ut' thv tuwn. turn \Vvst across mw side-mad. than nurth tn Hutton Hill. them \wst. tn Hanover. TRAFFIC MUST DETOUR AROUND COUNTY BRIDGE 'l'raflic nn HIP Durham Road 1w- twwn Hunm'm' and Durham will haw- tn do'tmll' :u'mmcl tlw Hounty hridgn washml nut a fvw “'0ka agu nvm' Hm Saugwn riw'r at tlw bur-- hum ('o-mo-tm'y. This was tlw dwi- siun l'vat‘hml hy the Ununh’ anl Cmnmission last. \wuk fullowinai an inspm‘tion 0f tlw hriclgu hold lwru Wmlnvsclay of lust. wwk. \Vhilv this will he" a «listim't dis- auh'antagn tn 3 gum! many rvsiotvnts nt' Homtinck. naming: t‘m'thm' van ha «Inna. althnu'h Llw Durham husinnss mun laid Hm mattvr hufom thv (Inm- missinn last, wack in a most. mu- vinving mamwr. 'l‘hn Commission t‘owls that. tho vxpvnsn o-ntailml wuuld 1w m'vatvr than thn lwnvtit «lo-rival. and as they intvncl putting tlm dv- tmn' in ï¬rstâ€" (-laes shape" for mntm- tl'awl. thm fm'l that no vym' grvat hardship “ill kw mlwrimu'ml by Hmw formal tn 1150 if. Secretary of the International Fed- eration of Miners, who is engaged in lining Up the unions in other countries to support the British miners. He was a member of Ram- say MacDonald’s Cabinet. FRANK HODGES DURHAM, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1926. The bachelor leads a lonesome life, He has no little pal. no wife. He never .knows, this Boar old bloke, The luscious joy of eing broke. Mr. If. V. Matthrws of Egrrmnnt :lrnmwol intn Tim lihrnnicln sanr- tum Tuesday morning.' and laid a largw lion’s ngg on our desk which, ulmn brim: measurml. was 7’7§x6% inrhrs and weighed 3% nunces. This is a larger egg than our rpcently loft in hcru by Mr. Frank Havens at town which was 7379311539 inches and \wighpd 3 ounces. Both were 20ml sizml eggs. hownveti. and a half «lozrn of either one at them would make a comfortablr meal for the mlilor's breakfast. Next! Thu .‘lnafm'd mad will I'O‘Ci‘iVP ~'nmw ath'ntinn this yvar. and win ho gx-au‘lm‘l and oilml and put in ï¬rst. Mass mnrlitinn. Tho i'nmn'liilc'o also lookod «Wol' ;tho location of tho lu'idgo just out- siilo of Haunvoiz It was found that this lu'iilgo was ('ai'i'iool away as a. rosult, of tho watoi- ovoi'tlowiug from tho siclos of tho clam owuml by tho tlauacla. llomout (,lompauy and that it. was a boundary lino hi'iclgo ho- twoou Hi'oy aucl lli'ui'o. It. will havo to ho rohuilt. hut thoro aro somo, loomplioatious in conuootiou with who mattor which will have to ho sottloil hot‘m'o any movo can ho matlo. 'l‘hoi-o will ho uuito a littlo onu- sti'uotiou work uuclortakou this yoai‘. ouo of tho roads to lm com- lllt'twi in 'ho that. hotwoou Durham lallll Sinuhamptou. thus vomploting tho i'oml right, across tho C(‘iuutry. This work will ho stal'totl without. «lolay. 'l‘horo will also ho somo oon- struction work (Juno in Proton 'l‘owu- ship. whoro somo of tho roads am not. in tho host of condition. The work on thoso two roads will také i\\‘u of tho four i-oml outtlts. whilo a third will ho usoi‘l in Koppol Town- ship. tho work to start whoro it loft otl‘ last. you. whilo, tho fourth out-l tit. \\'llil'it is now in Colliugwood 'l‘ownship. will ho (losiguatoil a lit- tlo late-1' whon tho committoo do- ciclos whoi'o it. is uomlml tho most. ROAD ENGINEER With headquarters at Durham in the oftlce of the Provincial High- ways Department here, Mr. J.‘ H. Hawes, the newly-appointed en- gineer on county roads is expected to take over his new duties almost any day. Though not informed as to the duties of Mr. Hawes, The Chronicle understands that his du- ties will be to superintend the con- struction and maintenanace of coun- ty roads in the interests of the On- tario De )artment of Public High- ways, w ich pays a considerable my)?“ the expense entailed. While it is not expected that Mr. Hawes will in any way supersede the County Roads Commission, we believe his duties will be to see that the county organization builds and maintains the county roadways in a manner acceptable to the De- partment, and his appointment leads one to believe that the Government’s past eXperienee with County Road Commissions has not been altogether satisfactory. An engineer in the fullest sense of the term, the new appointee will be able to direct the operations of those engaged in the ronstruetion of roads other than provincial highways. and if these in- strnetions are not carried out. the Highways Department will in all likelihood hold back the grant un- til they are. J. H. Bawes Appointed by Provin- cial Department of Hi hways to Look After Interest 0 Province on County Roads. COUNTY ROAD COM. PLAN EXTENSIVE WORK \Vn lllltll‘I'Si-aml it is the intmtion of tho I)vp:u'tmnnt. nt' Highways to nppuint. onginovrs all nvor Ontario luv this plll'llOSl‘. tlwy t0 haw of- ï¬lms in mnnm‘tion with tho Pm- \'inrial rnsic‘lvnt onginwrs. Locally, Mr. Huwns' almcnintmnnt has noth- ing: tn «in with Ml‘. Aldvr. tlm Pm- \'in(.'izil Highway Pnginom'. nor will any of â€In nppnintnwnts through- mit. Untai'in intm't'm-n with tho. pi'vsvnt. plans of tlm DPpnI'tmr‘nt. pm- \'inviall_\'. Tho. Provincial mnn will carry on {is lwl'm‘v. HIP nvw appoint- vvs having: ,inrisdicticm only owr tlw llonnly-Pi-nvincial I'muls.‘ Will Construct Road Right Across County From Durham to Sing- hampton, 'l‘hi- adnpiinn of this nnw plain will 0an as no surprisu t0 anyonn who has given ilw situation much ilmught. Til!“ mnnvtai'y hxiwnditilrn by cmmtios thrnughmii. Ontario on Rum! inu‘ii'iwvnwnt in tho past few yours has horn mmi'mmis. In many insmm'os this mad-making has boon 'ai-i'iml on in snmvwhat of a hap- (Continued on page 5) 'l‘llu llnuuly llnmls llummittom of tlw (hwy County (Enum‘il have plzumml quilv an vxlvnsiw program fur llw mming svasml and will slwncl :\ lzn'm‘ amount, “1' mmwy. â€no 01' ll!“ largo-st. ill-ms nf vxpmulilum will lw, lhv q-nnstl'uvlinn nf llm ln-iclgu just. \wst of Durham which was waslu-«l away by tlw rm'mlt Spring; l'l'vshvl. 'l‘his lu‘illgn will lmw a span nl’ nwr 100 fwl. zmcl lc'nclvrs' fur its ('Illlh‘ll'llt'llflll will lm ('allml l'm' inunmlialvly. 'l‘hu abut- mnnls will lw. m' cmwrotn. lml, the lwiclgv llh‘l'll' will lw nl' stovl Pun- strm'linn. and llw ('usl. will range t'mm 38.00“ t.†$10.00“. ANOTHER BIG EGG The June Bachelor COMING. SOON Miss Crcsswell. for the past three wars on the staff of the Durham High school. has tendered her res- ignation to the board. to take effect the end of the present teaching term. Miss Cresswell has accepted a position on the Kingston Collegi- ate at a considerable advance in salary to what she received here and commences her duties at the com- mencement of the (all term. RBSIGNBD POSITION 01‘ HIGH SCHOOL STAFF As announced provinusly in tho lll"‘.“9. tho i‘lilli'cll uwns a Sit“ fac- im: 0n hnth Lamliton Illlil Allioi't sti‘ools. whoro it was at «mo limo said tho chum-h would ho oroctoil. During tho past. month. huwovoi'. nytiOns haw boon N‘Clll‘f‘ll (in other pi'oportios in town. and ii is mm‘o than likely that tho orioinal lot pm-ohasod from Mr. Oscar Hahn will not ho usod as a site. This, how- owv. rosts with tho mngrogatinn. and nothing doflnito can ho an- noirncod until aftor tho annual oon- gr-ozatinnnl mootim: noxt \vook. \VIIIII‘ nothing Iit'ï¬nitt‘ is ready III) III- [IIISSI'II â€III by “It‘ [)I‘I‘SS 1'0.- garding â€I0 prmmsmi plans for the III‘\\' PI'I‘SIIytt‘I‘Iall ('Illll't‘h building to Iw I‘I'I‘I'tt‘ti in Durham this sum- nII‘II'. POIISIIII‘I'IHIII‘ III‘IIgI-I-ss has ht‘t‘n madv Ivy â€II‘ building committvo IIIning â€It" past fmx W,N‘kS “hich mill I)“ laid III-torn HIP cnngt‘vgation :lt HIPII‘ metinI: M [W IIIIIII hm‘fl nuxt. Tllt'sdIH. AI'I‘lIitIIcts MIII‘I‘aV III‘ LIInIImI thI' man ““0 mado “1“ plans for HIP Hannw‘l' High school. and Janlt’S 0f \‘alkmton. onginovr for tho DIII ham tnnn and Sand Gom- pan) haw III-IIII in III“ II I'II.anIIIItlv of IIItI‘. and so far as thoy 810 mn- I'ornnd. HIPII‘ “(HR is I‘IImpIIItIIdJ thn only thing 10“, to do lining the SPI‘III‘IIIQ' of the sanction of â€I0 0011- m‘IIuat-ion. COMMANDANT HURD HERE LAST SUNDAY Considvring Um fact that last Sun- day was Hm annivcwsaI-y of «me of our vlun'vhos, and that gund HUPDd- ancvs mm.» in «widvnm- in all the nthm's whom sm'vicu was held, there was a goodly number at Knox [init- mi elmi-eli at. the mass meeting held at the close of the evening Service to hear (vamanllant Hard of Lon- don, the Salx‘ation Army’s financial representative in Western ([mtai‘io, deliver his address, “The Light That. Has Never Failed." Though not tilled to capacity by any means, we would judge that there were approximately 300 people present. NEXT WEEK DECIDES PLAN OF BUILDING Presbyterian Congregation at An- nual Meeting Next Tuesday to De- cide Important Details Regarding Erection of New Church Building. 'l'ho mooting was opened with prayer by llov. J. Taylor of the Baptist church. callod upon by Mr. \V\. Laidlaw, tho Army's Durham roprosontalivo. who, in the absence of Mayor Murdock, occupied the chair. 'l‘bon followod the reading of tho Sox‘iptnro by Commandant Hard. who apologized to the con- gregation for tho lion-appoai'allco of Handsmon Dicks and Hard of Lon- don, who had a pl'L‘VlUllS ongago- nionl. at Windsor. A dnol. by Misses J. â€011 and \V. Blyth at tho boggin- ning. and a solo by Mr. \V. lionson at tho Now of tho (Lmnmandant’s :Hllll‘l‘SS. constitntml the musical part of lho pi'c'lgram. Commandant, Hunt in i‘i‘sing paid ti'ihutv tn Mr, W. Laidlaw for his milk in Durham in the interests at thv Army, stating that hr- had fur :1 him: timv l'wmi an indefatigable wm'km' in tho causv. and was‘ as well a mmti'ilmtm' to a large extent to the funds. 'l‘hv Army. tw said. in its work, ttlcmtinumi mi pagn 5) Addressed Mass Meeting in Knox United Church at Close of the Evening Serviceâ€"Annual Self- Denial Drive of Salvation Army Is Now On. WHY [SIT-- If he decides to stand, so far as can be seen from this distance, his opponent will be Hon. Dr. Jamieson, the present member. but this will not be deï¬nitely settled until after the Conservative convention in Flesherton on the 28th of June. Mr. â€liver 'iL3k an active part in the last campaign and delivered several speeches in behalf of Miss Macphail. He was on the debating team that took part. in the debate in Durham rink recently. where he made a good impression on the gath- ering. FI'IIm Information that has IIIIIkIIII through In IIII~§ III‘III‘II. II. sIIIIIIIs al- IOR‘PIIII‘I IikIIh that Mr I'III'qIIIIzII‘ HII\PI‘ III .\III'IIII‘SIu TIMIMIIII “III IIII. IIIP IaIIIIIIIIIIII IOI IhII IIIIIIIII Far-mIIIs' Ivar: III South (iIIIv II. II’III‘I‘M‘III IIIIIIII iII IIIII IIIIxI. IOII‘I‘L LIUII In IIII IIIIIII fur the ()IIIaIio IIIIgIs- IaIIIIII. II III szII'II [III is being brought out In MISS Macphail, the present mIImIIIII' in IIIII DomIIIIIIn House. and “IIIII' 'I‘IIII CIIIIIIIicIII has no author- My III sIaIII that UII maIIIII‘ is def- IIIIIIIIV SPIIII‘II «I law as IIIII‘ lady IIIIImIIIII' Is I-IIIII-III'IIIIII OIII‘ IIIIIII'ma- Iion may IIII classed as nIIII'e than rumor. SAUGEEN PRESBYTERIAL REGRETTED REMOVAL Parquhar Oliver of Artemesia Spok- en of as Possible Candidate for Ontario Legislature in Next Elec- tion. The “i. M. S. of Knox United church mot on Thursday last. Mrs. Boll. tho prrsidvnt, prosiclml. After devotional exercises and business. Mrs. Ramago gavo a tlno vapor on “Home Mission “'ork," takon from the History of the Prosh 'torian Church in Canada." Miss M. ('Girr yam a short account of the Pros- hyterial meeting in Palmerston. and Mrs. Boll. Mrs. Mrllraith and Mrs. Smith of the meeting in Owen Sound. Each spoke of tho hoautiful, solemn inaugural serxicv which “as fol- lowed hx tlw communion soniro LIKELY TO RUN 0N U. F. 0. TICKET Mention was made uf the \Vtil'tls of appreciation which were ex- pressed for the years 01' service that Durham and Holstein had rtmdered in Sangeen Pieshylerial and their legret that changing of Presln teriai houndaiies separates them in the fnt1.n‘e Grev saw them a warm welcnmo into the newly formed Preshytm ial. Durham and Holstein Charges Now in Grey Presbytery. Chief Justice of Manitoba, in to be honored by Toronto University at the annual Convocation on June 3. when the honorary degree of Doc- tor of Laws will be conferred upon him. HON. WILLIAM E. PERDUE $2.003 YurinCuudn; $2.5m: U.8. John Inflow, Bannock, Elocud fmiglont, aqd __Allu: 3011: nut-gun, Lack of proper notice and the busy season were the reasons ad- vanced for the small atwndance present at the meeting of the South Grey Temperance Union. held in‘ the basement of the Queen Street (‘hul‘t‘h last Monday afternoon. J. W. Blytti ot‘ Varney, the president of last year. tendered his resignation in writing. which was accepted. and after tho election of John Milligan of Bantinck to the ofï¬ce, C. Ramage of Durham. tho socrotary for many years past, also tondorod his resig- nation, and Mr. Allan Bell. though not present at) tho niooting. was nominated and Voted to the position. Both retiring ofllcors wore (pndorod a vote of thanks by the mooting. The old troasuror. Thomas Allan of Dur- ham was l‘Oâ€"(‘lt't't.t‘d. Tho sumo vice- prosidonts and town and township representatives who hold oflico last year woro ro-olertod, whilo ll. 1), Carriilhors was nnmod for Euphra- sia. the. nowly-uddml township to the: South Riding of (il‘l‘}'. SUMMER SERIES OPENED TUESDAY Mr. \. Hahn III‘ IIII3 HaIIII Hume, lI-I‘I IImn last “001‘ for KIII‘III‘MII‘I‘ “hero. III- spI-III II fI3w Ilavs III3IIII'I5 loaxim: IIII a \Isit III his old home in (II3I‘nIam. This is his sI-CIIIIII visit III â€II' pasI â€"00 III' four yum-,s and IIII IIIIIIIII â€III-I IIIIII- III3 \IIII I3II- ,iuy “I“ IIxIIIIIII3III'I3 IIIIII3I3 IIIaII «III his IIII3\IIIII~' sIa\ HI3. ailed \I3.~'Icl‘- dav morning IIIIIII MIIIIIII3aI Hll Ilw Melita. and I‘XIH‘CIS III “0 your IIIIIIl somv IIIIII3 III3xI I'all. AuI’ \I'ImIeI' sahml. Rev. R. Goigor 0f Clieslvy, whu has charge of the antivipaimi cam- paiim in Grey and Bruci- vmintivs. and the man respunsihlv for thu vall- ing Of the miwting. addl'nssvd tho- g‘athering. He said thv prvsc-ni was the time of tosting and would 3‘0- quii'v a sanity and luyalty in 1h.- causo if the tnmporanm form-s War.- in [w succvssi'ul in Hm campaign which was thought. in lw nut. far on. HP, said that their» \U‘l't' surv in lw snmv “h0lim‘s.†but :is this was: always UN" 0391‘, it, was in [w lmpml tlw majority would stirk in â€li'if‘ guns. W?" and _k_i_nd lc-advrsliii‘ was unmiml. and whilv sump women! of tho opinion that. it was time enough for action \vlwn l’rnmm' (Continued on paw 5 As adwrtised. tho Durham III-Imoh of tho \Vfomcn‘s lIIstI'tIItv hold the ï¬rst meeting of tho Summt‘l‘ SoI‘Ius in the Public LIhIaI‘x lhuham, Hll Tuvsdax. Mav 18, tho IIII‘vtI'IIg ht‘illfl' addressed hx \lrs. JanIwa .‘Ult‘ll of Toronto. Durham Branch of the Women's In- stitute Held Most Successful Ieet- inc in Public Library .â€"Good Ad- dress Given by Departments! Rep- resentauve. Bol'm'v mmmonving hm- addrosg, Mrs. Allen Spnkl‘ 0f the thm'nug‘ll- mess of llm urganizalinn and M tlw work lwing dome by the Instilulvs tlm‘mg‘lmul. Hm l’rnvim’o. Such tupics us lwalth, home economics, imnlim-ulim, mlucalinn. am'lvullurv and historical l'PSl‘al'Cll aw lmmg discussed and ideas c-xvhangml. all of which are making for Llle'lwt'hfâ€"r.‘ mom. of conditions In community wolfare. 1101' subject “as “liming a Hohlw for l’lvnsuro and Prnlil." ï¬lm 311‘ \ismi c\01\' \wman tn haw a hobby of some sort. It might I10 nuulhv of some sort. It might. lw poultry raising. gardening. horticulturn. hou- krrping. homo handirrat't. c'lt'. HaV- im: a hohhy‘trnds to mako a woman healthier and happier. It afl'ords a great deal of plrasurr and if ml- lowed up, will giw protit. also. She had with an an exhibit. in home handicraft in flowrr making and wax moulding: and gave a «lo-mun ~t.ratiun in the making of a row “'lllt'll was a splrndid immitation of tho rval thing. Mrs. Allon has had \Viiii‘ uxpvr- ionoe in this wnrk. and Um Institute is hoping at Sam" fuim'n datv to haw a course «if insiructinu along this line. Secretary râ€"Arthur lawns. Tor- onto, Chic! Speaker. MET Ill-IRE IONDAY OFF FOR GERMANY