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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 May 1926, p. 7

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'ank is the Keep your urity and shall be you with r your re- : n i m u m ’AN K d V‘ amev why, In 20, ms. inntford, Ontario for Bonds Papers d and Sonic. “by Manager ited .+ t- . ”in“ Durham bl ORGLNS FOR SALE IN GOHD CONDITION: ONE I'P- l'lfl’ht. onp piano casedâ€"Apply at The Chronicle office. I! Lot 66. Con. ‘2. “16.11.. mnuncs. 2N; miim southwest of Durham. con- taining: 86 acres. Mostly clear and m good state of cultivation. Ba barn with shed adjoining and stone sttxhlos. Lroomed brick house with oxtenazon kitchen and woodshed. “'01! watered and in good repair. For further particulars apply to \Vlliiam Smith. R. n. No. 3. Durham. .VHHIAL l .tluu .nv.‘ . -_- _ “21‘. l-‘.-.:romont. containing 66 acres: 55 arrow cleared. balance hardwood bush; in good state of cultivation; rrnmn burn 43x50. stone basement. cunt-rote stables; drilled well and cement tank at barn. Also Lots 6 MM 7. Con. 3. S.D.R.. Glenelg. cnn- taznzn: HO acres; 100 acres cleared and ill good state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick house con- lamina: seven rooms. with good frame woodshed attached; drilled wot; at door: never failing springs on this farm. making a c oice stock farm. This property will be sold right to quick purchaser. For par- ticulars apply at. Watson’s Dairy. ML 3. Durham. Ont. 10 2523” taininc mo acres; 85 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush; convenient to school; on the prem- nsns are a flame barn 42x63 ft. with shme foundation; concrete stables; also hay barn 30350 with stone base- ment: hnz: pen 20x30; twelve-room hricl; hnnsn. furnace heated. also frame wondshecl: drilled well close to house. with windmill: concrete water tanks: 30 acres seeded to hay; m acres to sweet clover: this farm is well fenced and in a good state of t‘lllll\'zllltm. For information apply to Watson's Dairy. [1.11. 3. Durham. Hntarlo. 102523“ NHR'I‘II PART LOTS '7 32‘.“ 8. C09: mr 7. mx. 2:. mgmom. 00):: ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. Monlnl‘ah‘ int-ms. Arrangements for salow. :u tn dates. om. may be made at The Chronicle Office. Durham. To-x'ms Hn application. Address R11. 1. Durham. Phone 61! 2‘ 2+. REUBEN C. WATSON l 11-11151111.-\11111onoer for County of U11 \. l'1ompt attention to sales. Rea- «11111111. 111m~ and satisfaction guar- (“1th 1.111115 made at The Durham (2111‘11111civ 011119 111 “1111 R. (3. Wat- son. \‘zu'noy. 1‘1.“ 1. 1. Phone 603 I‘ll. Licensed Auctioneer for County of Hwy. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- sonable terms. Dates of sales made at 'J'he tlht'nmt'le (“face or with him- 391;. LUCAS HENRY Hamsters, Solicitors, etc. A mem- DH 0! the firm will be in Durham on luesdm 01 catch \\ eek. Appointments mm ‘m- made wnth the Clerk in the ounce. MIDDLEBRO’, SPEREMAN MIDDLBBRO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Suru-nwrs [u A. B. Currey. Mr. «I. 11. Miolcllvhro‘ is permanently loratmi at Durham ot'iicv. Flcsherton branch mmn t‘VL‘l'y Friday from 4.30 in 9.30 p.111. JFGRAITDDfiLDS Honm (huduato: lfnivexsity of 101‘- on!“ leuluzlte Royal College Dental Surgvnns of Ontario. Dentistry in all 115 branches. (mice Calder Blnck. MillStreet. second door east of )laclkrth‘s Drug Store. C. 6. AND BESSIE IcGILLIVRAY Chiropractors (irmluntr-s Canadian Chimpractic Colic-go». 'l‘nronm. (”flee Mat‘furlane Blnvk. Durham. Day and night [mono 123. 6 M 23tf DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST » (Mum, over J. «S: J. Hunter’s store, Durham. untarxo. DR. A. I. BELL Physician and Surgeon. Office Lambton street, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ate University of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Office hours: 2 to 5 p. m.. 7 to 9 p. m., Sundays excepted. J. 1.. SIRE. I. 3., I. c. P. 3. 0. (mice and residence. corner of Countess and Lambton Streets. oppo- site old Post Oflice. Office hours : 9 to n 3.11).. 130 to In p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). DRS. JAIIBSOI a JAIIBSON (Mice and residence a short dist- mce east of the Hahn House on Lamhton Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Oflice hours 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundeys). FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern funeral Parlors Phone Billcrest 0268 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto mm W. Bates I. Haddocks l'uz'mvz'ly 0f Flesherton BATES BURIAL C0. FARMS FOR SALE Advertisements under this heading, 1 cent a word each insertion CASE WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions given (or the price of four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order if paid for before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first insertion. 25_ cents. On all charge orders a straight charge of 1% cents a word Will be made each insertion, minimum charge 35 cents. Lirmsad fluctioneer Thursday, lay 30, 1926. Medical Directorv. Dental Diredorv Legal ‘Dz’reciorv Classified Advertisements DAN. MCLEAN l9 \V G P... Boatinck. H. Taylor Uptical Compam. O“ on sound “ill be at McFaddens Drug Store. Durham [99 this excellent m esight snrvice bv making your ap- pointment at McFaddens. US THE ABOVE DATE. W. B. Mc- Rhilljps. 0N,- D. Spqyialist from W. DUN [‘ F, “1 Tu ATTEND THE 1’. F, n mwhrn partv and damp in Dmham Town Hall. indm mming. MM 28. Auspices South MM 1,. F. 0 PH]; tical Associa'i on. W rush- mpnts. Admission $1.00 a couphj will hold '3 ml» uf goods and lampâ€" maolv baking 1n thn‘A. Y. P. A. ooms i: E 3.5; ,._c=§..._: a 2.... :2 .252... 7.43:.â€" .Trifl. :.:._:,. .t. :._...:H. {zitâ€"7. hamâ€".7:â€" t./..=..r v.2... church lmwmvnt Tuesday. May 27). 1926, at 8 p.m. Light. I‘Pfl‘PSllumS sm'vml. Everybody we‘lcomo. Ac!- missiun 25 cents. I ml '03 Hun mums (1F HOI'SF. IN GOOD lm'atinn nn lo'mling strm-t urn nflprorl fm lo'nf 'l‘hnso “ill ho wntml at Inamnahlo IMP to satisfacton ton- :n:1t:~‘.Fnr fun (her information apply :It Th0 1 l'hmnit'lo nffice. ’29 H I'RINI'I'Y HH'R‘ZH \\'H.\l.\.\".\' {WILD blacksmith mop formmh oocupiml in P .L Mcimn. Almost immediate possession. \ pplx P J. \chean in HM Hahn House etablos. '8tf mnwntimi with Hanovm' Chap- tvi' I. H. D. R. will hold a rum- mago- ~saln in A' Hanover Saturday. M11319. Porsnns having socund-hzinil rching 01' shops in good Stiltt‘ (if l't'ltflil‘ :u'v nntit‘lml that Hwy will ho. rovvivmt by the local t’lhaptm‘. tn tw Ic-t't at Mrs. “1'. .l. I". Grant's ro-sioto-m'o' nut. Into-1' than Friday. “HEAT \VAN’I‘ED. AN Y OI'AN'I‘I'I‘Y. Highest price. People’s Mills. 3-1523t WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- ivio, Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. tf (I.\.\'.\l!l.\.\' HREYS I. H. I). If. [N .\l PERSHNS l“)l£>‘lR()l‘S UF EREC’FING Munimivnts. m' liming inscription “in k olmm (in ”ms" aim-{uh (‘I'm (m! slimilil u‘nmilt mo brim» placing: tlwir order. All work done in a \wi’kniunship mannvi' and satisfac- tinn Elliu'unh‘cQ‘il.<-~\V. J, McFadden. Durham. Uni. ’ '2’ 6 PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- L'I'ade gas with the "p ” and long milvagc. Sold only at bmith Bros” (Image. 6 26 U I'HI'I HHIIIK N'IIJ’ING I'SI'ID AS A FUR FIRE. TORNADO. AUTOMO- hile insurance and guarantee bonds. om. apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 612 U (N ”THE ABM )RBEN'I‘»~â€"DR. \VARING Hf Mmhw will km in Durham at tho Hahn Hnusv May 25. mm day only, tn «lvmnush'utv tn thosn internsth in “w wmnvul of Hnitrn without upvmticm. Nu t‘uihu'vs. Tvll your l'l'io'nds‘. s') 13 L’. .-\.\'\ HI \N'II'HH hOUDS ‘AND AND :4 mwl 1m sawlv dwli\"';mul also tt-am- mg: of all kinds chumâ€"W. J. McFad- dvn. Durham. :3 13 6 ORGAN, IN HOOD C(i)NDlTION.â€"AP- ply at Tho. Chronicle Office. HEIX'I‘ZMAN SQI'ARE PIANO: IN first-class condition. For furtlim‘ information apply to The Chronicle oflim'. -’i 29 if REGAL CHICK FEEDS. BABY CHICK Scx'atrh. I’m-«ls and Grnwing Mash. Hon. Iuhn S. Martins (mu turmula. no «hum-r than «ommon kind. J. W. I.\wn Son phone 11/ , 4 fitf FER'I‘ILIZER, A FITLL LINE FOR Grain, Lawn, Garden and Flowers. 6.4.3011? sup ply while grados am cumplvtv. J. \ . Ewen Sun. Phone 114. 4 5t! BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL A’I‘ Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. I 10 It FRFSH FISH MAY NOW BE SE- (urod as usual at my losidence on Galahaxa street, south .â€"Miles W ilâ€" sun 5 2O 2pd DARK BROWN DRIVIVG HORSE 4 years old; wpi ghs between clown and (“plus humlxed; also rubber- tilml huggx gum! as nmx‘.) Apply to “illiam J. \‘vls«.,)n RHR ,Hnlstvin. lhmw Nu ",i 1ing2- '2 5 20 2 HOUSE AND LOT ON LAMBTON street near furniture factory; good stable and garage combined; good garden; immediate possession. For further articulars apply Mrs. Wiil- liam J. alkingham. 4 22 6pd FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North 0! Skating Rink. Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 221 t! iV Sawm‘laifi'. Ma’ 29. Aftprnoon :1 WI” kw svrvmi. Domr npon at n'vlm'k, 5 30 2 PROPERTY FOR TUESDAY, HAY 25, DURHAM FOR SALE OR RENT ARTICLES WANTED COMING EVENTS MISCELLANEOUS FOR than Friday. 7) '3 I on 0. Reserve space into which toma- toes. eggplants and peppers may he transplanted later and a patch for cucumber and squash vines it (In. sired. As the radishes. spinach and early lettuce come out, there is a place to set in later tomatoes and other vegetables or for later plant- ings of sweet corn and beans. To- mato plants may be set among the peas to be flourishing when it is oln'iate some of the necessary tramp- ing in the mud at this so‘uisnn of the year. Put in the peas next. as they will not be ready ln harvest until the earliest rrops are out of the way. Then (Mme in with beets. carrots. early turnips anal parsnips, This brings us to the later sowings of long-season crops. such as the string beans. “mas and sweet corn. The earliest sowings of the peas and sweet corn go in as soon as the apples are in blossom. That. isas good a guide as any. The ancient motto said when the oak leaves were the size of a squirrel's ear. but usually there are lacking both oaks and tame squirrels to make the comparison. , _ hospitv ttw fact. that it is always antviéahlv to draw :1 plan (if a gai'dvn tn St'alt' ht'ffll't‘ planting; it. nut uni' _§.l'tll‘0it'llt'l' in tvn (inns it. HM hiys‘ Hut. his gnrih'n :19 IN! 5.10m alum: with ttw spaitml i-al'th in t'l'nnt. nt' him. With this rulv-of-tliumh gar- «h-n planning. it is host to plant ”in vai'lii-st \‘i‘go"talil¢*s nmu'nst. t0 thv hack «tour. such as I'zidishos. narly unions. lettncv and spinach. Ht'tvn thv snil is soft. and this will lluvm' llw smuls and lamp llln l‘fll'lll lii'mly uwr ”mm. This aids in m'i'minatinn by bringing $001k and nmisl. 08”“ mm ('lHSP (‘i'mlzu'z :il. llw s'larl. ll' (‘M'm‘ml \Vitli [inw- ilvi'y vartli, it. will lw nvm'ssai'y to wait for a rain in [lllllllll lln- snil illlll makn tlm mntarl. All, nl' llu- val-1y ganlnn smuls am now in 540 inln llw nlwn gi'c‘mnd. and transplanting uf others will liw tlm ”MW of lhn clay. 'l’lu- gmnnil having.r lwvn spaclml and wnrkml tn :1 tin» tilth. makv tln- mws t'nl' tlw smut run mu'th and south sn far as practicalilv as a mat.- tm' nt' sm'm'ini: an own «livisinn nl sunlight. Makv the ruws with tlw [mint nl' tlw hm' m' with a plant lalwl l'nl' lilt‘ smallvi' nnvs 01' sumn uthvr ('nnwnivnt. pnintml instl'nnivnt such as tlw hig lilailu (if a ,iavk- knit'v. anil llwn svattvr tho» sm-il. 'l‘lw ill-pth nl’ tlw row fur tlw sun! is tit‘il'l'lnint'ti by tlw silo ut' lhn smul. 'l'hin snwini: will «in away with oniisiilm'ahlv thinning after ”in SM”. is up. «wt and clustlikv new! (mh 1m 5m in- klml ”mm Hm surlaco and IDIPSSPG in. \cgntahlo so-vd. fmtunatle. is: im' tiw must pm! 011 HH' ('HalSP sida and c: in hp smxn much mum msilx than flmwr .vmls. many nt \\hi(‘il :Iri- puwdvl‘ lilw. More seed is wasted by thnck sow- ing than by any other manner, for when the plants come. up in thick tufts from séed dIOpped in a mass, only a wry fen of them have a chance to grow. Sow seed as a general rule with a covering equal to twice its thick- ness. The finer, the 3006 ‘he less the cm ering of earth until the flu- WHEN sesame THE mew; mew:- E'J SOIL lT'lS ADVISABLE ‘0 WORK FROM A BOARD OR PLANK. a little trough down the center through which the seed, under the gentle tapping of the forefinger, will trickle slowly forth so that it is possible to sow it regsgnahly ‘thinly. I..... ._--,l I- ___ Sowing seed outdoors, evenly and thinly, is a real are acquired only after considerable practice. The knack, however. is gained by trying out a few packets. The trick is in holding the packet flat between the thumb and second finger, with the. forefinger held above it in a posi- tion to tap the packet regularly and just sufficiently to cause the seed to feed out. When the packet is opened, the flap is creased to make I “allow: Garden I SOWV’ING SEED EVENLY IHlNLY IS AN ART. LAYING OUT THE GARDEN REAL ART IN SEED SOWING THE DURHAM CHRONICLE AfiD James Lawrence, lunar. Phone 601 r 13 Durham, RR. 1. [HPLEIBRT AGENCY DEERING AND Sir-CORMICK. TI'D- hon -Anoinrsnn. Wilkinson Company and .oudpn Littvr Carrier Campany. I sell thp Primi'nsn sonarator. Cal! on ma hnfore (ordm'ing implomnnis of any kind. as I can saw you money. All kinds of light and heavy harness. wire fences. lightning roas. otc. Repairs stocked at Noble's Gagaâ€"Joseph Noble, Durham. Ont. The Durham [KI-‘0. Live Stock As- snciation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days' notice. §.\'(n‘lt'2[i IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT iin (H't‘nl‘tiflnf't' with tlw rt-qm‘st nt‘ fDurham Public School 'l'rnstm- Hoard 'thn 'l‘rm‘n Cunnril intvnds‘ taking geictinn in Hm math"? Hf Plosing Mill tstrewt in ttm tuwn of Durham at. a paint. an tho \wstm‘n boundary at the prnpo-rty of Dr. I). Jamipson; alsn‘ fur tho" rinsing of Elgin strmt from thn anuthm-n intorsm'tinn of Mill and l-Zlgin streets to the ma. iperty of the Canadian Pacific Rail-i way Companyâ€"“K B. Vallet. Clerk; The‘ first sitting «of Hw «hurt nf va'isiun fur Hu- 'l'u\\'n nf Durham will 11w hold in Un- 'l‘nwn HUN. hur- hum. nn Mummy c~\'e-nim.'. May 3!. vumnn-nmm.’ at 7.30 p.11). All intvr- c-stml will wwvm wanwl\'c~'* av- run-dimly. Sniicn i< lwrvhy giwn that. Hm (lum'f. Hf III-Visit”) f'HI‘ Hu' Munici- palil)‘ Hf thv 'l‘mvnship ul‘ {”01le «m tlw .â€"\s~'c-.~'.~‘nwnf Hull far 1926 will ln- huh! at “w 'l‘o:\\‘n~hip H?!” “II Saturday, June 5, at 2 o’clock p. m. for tho» [um-[mew nl’ lwaring.‘ anal alv- twrminim.‘ a]! :Imwals‘. All lwl‘snns intm'vstml fll'v hvl'e'h)‘ I‘o'qm-stml tn :IHMHI at. ”w timw uml plflt'!‘ :Ilmua mc-ntiunmi. Hy urclvr ut' Hw «Luum'il. liatmi this 20”! day uf May. W36. â€"â€"H. H. Mzn'lquAlJf. NOHCP Culll‘f. 0f pality Hf (m Hm A Nation is helm-by giwn that. tho Court of Rovisiun fm' Hm munici- pality uf tho- 'l‘mvnship of Em'vmnnt for tlw yvax‘ 1926 will 1w held in tho «lnunril ('hamhm'. Holstvin. rm Munday. “In 31st day «of May, 1926. {It In th'lm'k mm. M m'ul' and d"- Im'mino any amwals that may hu “1le against tho- .\.~‘.~'o'.~2.-‘mc"nt Rn” vf thv said nmniripulity. All I‘m-suns having husim‘ss at thv said (-mn't zn'o‘ hm'vhy X'vqno‘swd tn attvml at Hm timv and xclzu'n almw- mvntinnmi. Datml this ih'th day 01' May. 1926. Cheese Turnovers (Dandy for Parties) Slicc- Inn-ml wry thin. Cut “11' crusts. vaacl with huttvr and the-n Fresh Strawberry Frosting Mash fIvslI ~‘fIII\\"°lII~IIIvs tlIIuIIgh a Inlandvr In :I thick. sum nth pastv. \IM IIIIIIIgh I'IIIIII»I"‘IIIIIII-I.~' su. :II' In makn busting: thizk IIIIIIIglI tn sprawl HOUSEHOLD HINTS Honsccluning Suggestions _ Are you tired of your housn? Duos It look old and dingy 1.0.y0u? If so,\you can oasnly change 1t_. Organize your houseclcauing. Plan each dax's \wrk, figuring oulv as much as you can lmish in mm day In this \\ ay. your wholv Imus» “in not. I‘m upsetat mm timv. Cnvm' {In tho svrutclws nn wand- wm'k WIUI paint. tu match. (Eh-an “If; \thll-[rilpplh Thvn U3 {:iw the final touch of nownnss. change tlw armx'lgunwnt. of furnmn'u WIH'I'PVPI' pnssnhlv. DURHAM COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF BGREMONT COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG COURT OF REVISION NOTICE TO PARKBBS MUNICIPAL NOTICE COOKING HINTS -\\'. B. VOLLET, (Zlvrk ?) 20 '. mm» .\I.L.\.\'. (Com/wright, 1926, by 'I'mvnship Clvrk. 5 20 3 Township (jlorl 4 15 3mg; pd starâ€"address her in care of'The Durham Chronicle. For May By BETTY WEBSTER Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes. and other Houehold Hints ygqc wguld like _t_o twig petty Web~ in 80m] :11. the» 081'! i051 arm-'3'! [lilu'izli iliil'N'l'Y SHIJDIHHS‘ Ill-1- l'ninn 81h Annual llvlvlnulinn. will It“ he'll! in llhvslvy, Jun“ 25. .-\ his: «lay Hf spurts. invhuling Hni'sv Ham's. iasvlmll Malvh lwlxx'i-c-n \Vw‘llkd‘l'lflll and llhvslvy. l.:uliv.~" Sul‘llmll Tamr- namvnl. Midway alli'avliuns. Mara- than llvlay llm-v fur Hunk «if 424ml- nwm'c- Tl'HlllLV nzwn in High Si'hmnls in llw linunly and \‘ii'inily. Grand display «of l’ii'i-wm'ks in ”w l'\'¢'lllllI-' undm' tho Sillwrvisinn nl' ”null Company, (ixlwrls. llamillun. um. Brucn Rugimvnhil Hmul aml h‘rvy Rogimnntal Highland l'ilw Halli] will furnish musiv «luring llw i'lllll‘l‘ clay. Some thing.r claim: all ”in limo. l'rnm 10 11.111. in 10 p.111. .\'u :iclniissinn charge. in i'c-lm'nml suhlivi's wvm'inu a svi'vim- hlllluu. (Innw and spuml chooso. Roll up and fasten togothor with tooth picks. Just before sorv- mg. toast carefully. Servo white hot. Quick Apple Sauce Wash applvs. (Int. u . with skins 0n. Boil until tender. {vmuw from flrv and sin' apples thrnugh culandvr thus rvnnn'ing skins and swds. Swvvtvn. BAKIIG HINTS Date Rims 2 ogg white-s lwutm still'. 1 Hill «of walnut. mvats ((‘ll‘tltllt'tll 1 PM“ ut' ('niit'o-vtiuiio-rs' sugar. 1 mm til (“litilopml (ltlti's. Mix \wll. lump t'i'um spun” and liakc- until light lmm'n. liiittm' [mm lightly, {is kissvs lmrn varllfi'. 'I'lu- “mm and fund \‘ahw nf amblv saw v mmkml in this munm-r is wal- h SlllH'liUl' 10 am)!“ sumo madv In [im'ling and curing amvlvs. The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago./ Banana Pudding small Ina!’ Hf lore-ml. talnlvswmns uf hquI bananas. “lit-rs. CHBSLEY. JUNE 3 'fll'cls‘ Method: “11th a baking dish. Altvrnau' Iaym's of bum-rod bred and slivml bananas. Sprinkle Ma- 311323 with Ivmcm jun-v. Bra! um 2 ('11 m uf Ilnur. Sn t. ‘54 cult of milk. 4 lc-aspmms «of baking powder. I lzlhlvswmn Hf fat. ‘7‘,» (‘up «If grate-.1 ('llmw‘. Mothnd: Sift dry inm'mlivuls. flu. in fat. Add milk and grate-d Nicene Shalmaml [dam- nn [mm-Nd tin 8M Mk" III a hut own. wvll. Add sugar and milk. Poul nwr bananas and lm-acl. Bakv slur- ly 1 lmm'. 'l'art jnlly may he sub- slitutml fur Ivnmn jun-v. Svrw cold. 2% cubs 0f milk. ’.’4 cup of sugar. Jump of 1 lomon. fl\ in ('lhvslm Cheese Biscuits hm. largo “judo. PAGE 7.

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