ght ALITY - 4Slbo. ,' a BEAUTIFUL LARGUAOI "ï¬shed and Sonic. bndored by Thuï¬day flay 27. ‘m Surfacod Limited nd Varney eight 65 lbs. QUALITY ,, QUALITY - - 35 lbs. QUALITY - 55 lbs. Durham ~lfl‘ak. t“ . Inâ€, a "m i. ' in' tW’Oken, m “mum when. H “0"†form ~‘ um mwer WOO- ' wunnnt be Iona. Wm are aim 1,;flu'HWl are m M-p ynu 0.!" m ~o-o- a grm o’er nvzu'ly shun. 1‘ “In say by. ~ ~kImm9J N :ms you big H dmeli Lot 66. Con. ‘2. W.G.R.. Bentinck. 2“; miles southwest of Durham. con- Mining 86 acres. Mostly clear and in gnod state of cultivation. Bank barn with shed adjoining and stone it'lhli“. T-roomed brick house with vxicnsion kitchen and woodahcd. Wen watered and in good repair. For further particulars apply to Wlliiam Smith. R. It. No. 3, Durham. IN rig] LOT 7. CON. 2!. EGREMON’I’. CON- taiuing 100 acres; 85 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush; convenient to school; on the prem- ises are a frame barn 52x65 ft. with <lune foundation; concrete stables; â€*0 hav barn 30:50 with stone base- ment; hog pen 20x30; twelve-room brick house. furnace heated, also [came woodshed: drilled well close l0 house. with windmill; concrete water tanks: 30 acres seeded to hay; 10 acres lo sweet clover; this farm H well fenced and in a good state of“ cultivation. For information apply in Watson’s Dairy, RR. 4, Durham. llnlario. 10 25 23 if and in good state of cultivation; on Hm prvmises are a brick house con- ':nmng seven rooms. With 8000 frame woodshed attached; drilled a on at door; never {ailin springs on fhis farm. making a c oice stock farm. This pmperty will be sold right to quick purchaser. For'par- ltcnlars apply at Watson’s Doggy. R R. 1|. Durham. Ont. 10 25 ______________._.__â€" Nllll'l‘ll PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. '32. liuromont. containing 66 acres: 55 al‘l't‘s‘ cleared. balance hardwood mm: in good state of cultivation; frame barn “:50. stone basement. wnvrnte stables; drilled well and wmpnt tank at barn. Also Lots 6 mm 7 Con. fl. S.D.R.. Glenelg.‘ con; I uvnsml Auctmneer for County of H m Prompt attention to sales. Rea- <0â€: :ble u xms and satisfaction guar- antmd. Dates made at The Durham clhronicle ofï¬ce or with R. C. Wat- sun. V'm'ney, RR. 1. Phone 604 1'“. Mmlm'atu terms. Arrangements for s‘fllvs. as to» dates, etc†may be made at The Chronicle Ofï¬ce, Durham. 'l'o-rms Mn application. Address ILR. I. lmrham. Phone 611 r 24. ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grgy. Licensed Auctioneer for Conn};a ot Grew. Satisfaction guaranteed ea- «unable terms. Dates of sales made at the t tmmiele Office or with him- 6?â€. LUCAS HENRY Barristers. Suilcitors, etc. A mem- ber of the firm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appointments may he made with the Clerk in the ofli'ce. RIDDLEBRO’, SPBRBIAN 8: HIDDLEBRO' Barristers, Solicitoxs, Etc. Succerssurs to A. Ii. Currey. Mr. (1. (I. Muldlcbro' is permanently locum! at Durham omen. Eleahcrton branch upen vvm'y Friday from 4.30 to 9.30 p.m. J.,P.GRMTD.D.,8.L...DS Honm (-mduatc lnixersity of Tor- onto (.raduute Royal (1011ch Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all Its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder Block. MillStreet, second door east 0! Maclicth's Drug Store. C. G. AND BESSIE HcGILLIVRAY Chiropractors Hmduutm Canadian Chirom'actic (lollvgv, 'l‘nronm. Hfflcn Macfm'lano him-k. [Mu-hum. [my and night phnnn I23. 6 M 23†DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST ()ï¬'utv, over J. J. Hunter's store, Durham. Untarno. 2 to 5 p. excepted. DR. A. I. BELL Physician and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce [.amMon stroot, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ato l'niw-rsity of Toronto. Eyes u-mwl and corrected. Ofï¬ce hours: J. 1.. 811178, I. 3., I. c. P. S. O. {Mice and residence. corner of «,Imnntvss and Lambton Streets. oppo- mm nid Pmt Office. Oflice hours : 9 to H a.m.. 1.30 to 1: p.m., 7 to 9 p.m. (Sundays exceptedT. DRS. JAIIBSON JAIIESON «urn-e and residence a short dist- ance wet or the Hahn House on [.amhton Street. Lower Town. 2'- mm. Uii‘ire hnurs 2 t0 5 p.m.. 7 tq '4 ram. (except Sunday's} . \ PUNBRAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Hillcrest 0268 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto John w. Batu II. Haddocks Formerly of Flesherton BATES BURIAL C0. FARMS FOR SALE Advertisements under this heading. 1 cent a word each insertion CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions given for the price or four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order if paid for before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for ï¬rst insertion, 25 cents. On all charge orders a straight charge of 1% cents a word will he made each insertion, minimum charge 35 cents. \ Licensed fluctioneer Thomâ€, REUBEN C. WATSON Medical Dirertorv. Dental Directorv Legal ‘Dz'rectorv Classified Advertisements DAN. McLBAN .. 7 to 9 p.m., Sundiiié TRINIT\ (I'HI Pd} H \\ OM \-N‘S (it ILD “ill hold a 3:110 uf goods and home- madn baking in tho A. \. P \ rooms on Satmdm. Ma} 29 Afternoon tna will he served. Door open at 3 o‘clock, 5 20 2 LIBERAL i')().\'\'ENTION-- THE AN- mial mimling «1! H111 South Groy Lib- m‘al Assnvialinn will lw hold in â€in 'l‘nwn Hall. Durham. mi \Vvdnosday allvrnoml. Jun" ‘2. at. 2 o'clock. Mr. W. E. Sinclair. Immlor of the Opposi- tion. 3111] Hon. Nelsnn Parliament. etc-Speaker. will be present to ad- dross tho mm‘tinz. Ladies ospocial- lx i11\itod.'l‘ho executiw will meet at one oclock.â€"S. B. Clarke. Secy. THE JOINT ANNUAL MEETING OF the South-East Grey I'nited Farmers‘ Political Association. I’. F. O. Co- operative Association; I’nited Farm Women‘s Association and UP. Young People will be held in Watson’s Hall in Priceville on Friday, June 11, 1926. commencing at 10 o’clock am. Ladies are expected to bring lunch. M. E. MURRAY, _ Rurhro- Party and Dancv in Durham 'l'mxn Hull. Friday vvnning. May ‘28. Anspicvs South Hwy 1'. F. 0. Politi- cal .-\.esu‘n-iatinn. Rnfrvshmvnts. Ad- missivn $1.00 a couple. 5 20 2 THE DI'RHAM RED CROSS SOCIETY will begin their weekly meetings in the Armories on Tuesday. June 1, at. 3 p. m. All mnmbm‘s and thnse in- invested are kindly invited to attend_. THE BRICK BI II DING I SED AS \ blacksmith Shop foxmeriv occupied by P ..I 1\Ichn. Almost immmliaie [mSSPSSiOIL \pply P J. McLean, in old Hahn House stables. 4 8t! FOI'R ROOMS OF HOI’SE IN GOOD location nn loading street. are offered for rent. Thoso will hp routed at rPa-zonahln ratn to satisfactory ton- ants. Fm' further infnrmation apply at Tho Chronirln office. 4 29 tf WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Jnh Plant is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short order. tf WHEAT \VAN'I‘ED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 3152:“ [NLV'I' FAIL TO ATTEND THE PERSONS I‘M-ISIROITS OF ERECTING Mununwnts. or having inscription work :1on on thoso already orecton, should commit. me hoforo placing their order. All work done in a workmanship manner and satisfac- tion gnaruntomi.â€"â€"\V. J. McFadden. lrmrham. Uni. 1; 22 6 PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- grade gas with the “pep†and long mileage. Sold only at Smith Bros’ Garage. J 626 tf FOR FIRE, TORNADO, tiUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc., apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 612 U gruwl‘fm' sale. delivm'ml; also teamâ€"Q mg of all kinds (Ionaâ€"“K J. McFad- den. Durham. .. f,» 13 6 HEIN'I‘ZMAN SQl’AHE PIANO; IN ï¬rst-class condition. For further information apply to The Chronicle ofï¬ce. 4 29 if REGAL CHICK FEEDS, BABY CHICK Scratvh. P‘vmls and Growing Mash. Hon. .luhn S. Martin‘s own formula. no «loam-1' than ('Ommon kind. J. \V. van Son. phone “4. 4 5H ORGAN, IN GOOD CONDITION.â€"AP- ply at The Chronicle Office. Filli'fll l'lL‘R, A FITLI. LINE FOR (hum, lawn, hauden and Flowers. (wt \om supyly “bile grades am cunnilotv. J \V. Emm Son. Phone “4.4 5H BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bras. It’s gOOd. Try it. 1 10 It .-\.\'Y QI'ANTITY GOOD SAND AND DARK BROWN DRIVING HORSE, 1: years old; weighs between eleven and lwelw hundred; also rubber- tired buggy good as new. Apply to William J. Nelson, RR. 2, Holstein. Plume No. 23, ring 2-2. 5 :30 2 FINISH FISH MAY NOW BE SE- vurml as usual at my residence on Hm'afraxa street, south.â€"â€"Milvs W'il- sun, , 5 20 Zpd gunmen TIRED BIfGGY'Foa SALE, m guod condition, noarly now. Ap- ply Wm. S. Atchison, Varney. 5 20 2 HULSE AND LOT 0N LAMBTON street near furniture factory; good stable and garage combined; good garden; immediate possession. For further particulars apply Mrs. Wiil- ham J. Falkingham. 4 22 611d HOUSE AND l-‘OR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North 0! Skating Rink. Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 2 21 tf A woman likes pg tel} wiggt ghg FOR PROPERTY FOR SALE ARTICLES WANTED FOR SALE OR RENT COMING EVENTS MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 'a'iï¬iiz likes to tell what Riding' Secretary. l'nder and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage. which will he produced at the time 0! sale. there will be Offered for sale by public auction. by John O'Neil at the Hahn House Hotel in the Town of Durham on Saturday. the twelfth day of June A. D. 1926 at the hour of two o’clock. in the afternoon, the following property: Lot Number Seventy .70). in the Third Conces- sion W‘est of the Garat’raxa‘Road. in the Township of Bentinck, and County of Grey, containing One Hundred and Twenty-five (125) acres more or less. 0n the property are said to be erected a good, substan- tial dwelling house, and barn and stables. For terms and conditions of sale, apply to C. G MIDDLEBRO’. Barrister, Etc., ' Durham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Mortgagee. Dated this Fifth day of May. A.D. mo. 5 20 3 Fm' bowls nl’ cut. flowers in the housn in lmtli soft and brilliant col- m-s. thvrv is nothing mm-o cnm'miiont- in tho gm'clnn. Ranging fi'nm sul- phur and [illl'P yollow into rose ('01- 01's. it. also has velvety oranges. scarlnts ancl mamons that. are almost black. with many variegated sorts. 'I‘lm Pilsif‘st way to produce a sheet of brilliant (’0101’ with a minimum of effort in the flower garden is to plant nastui-iiums. whether the dwarf or the climbing varieties. There is only one cultural warning to give for this old-tinu- i'avor'ito. and that is. do not giw it too rich soil. It is at its best on rather poor far". In rich soil it runs ton hf‘aV- ily to leaves. In poor soil, it is a most abundant hlm'inwi'. LUST HI‘Z'HVICRN THE R(‘)CKY AND Durham on Monday aftm-nonn. a Bumn Io-aihor (‘lub Bag. Findm ploaso notifx E. I) Mcclmklin. Dm- dam. - l Dated May 18, 1926. 'I‘hn nasturtinm is an pxcplent plant tn tuck into tulip plantings, i‘lolaying tlm sawing (if the 9001'! un- til tlw tulips arn fading. 'l'hP nas- turtiiims will thmi mmn tip to cowr the (lying lmn'ns of the tulips with a mzintlv of their gray-green foliago NOTICE RIM'ARD (BONDER. HAVING LEFT his honw 0n the 17th day of May. 1926. without. just. cause. I will not I‘m responsible for any ('Pl'dit 0X- tvnrlml to him in my name. Henry Gondor, R. R. 3, Elmwond. Ont. NASTURTIUMS FOR Dig.r a holo sufficient to lot the root. orrlipy its full depth and to Spread out tho sido roots. Don’t drop it in a wall. Svt «toepor in the garden than the plants sot in the semi box. almost to tho seed loavos. This will be particularly nocossary with semi- lings that have grown long and lrggy. Firm the earth about them carv- fully after the soil is ï¬lled in and soak. Choose a cloudy «lay if [ms- sihlr. and it' it. is suns‘liiny and warm. it. is advisable“ to shaclr tho trans- plantod plants with papor. sraw- berry boxes or flowor pots for a «lay or so. A board sot. on flower pots is a convenient motholl for ShiltkHV- ing: a wholo row at. onro. For tho. spring growing plants rn- quirim: a rich, soil. :1 littlo slump manurv may lw niixml with tho soil at:ti'an.~'plantin:.r timo- S‘H tho roots will haw food at. “1101'. Do not 1w ton gt'llt‘l'tllls with the fertilizer“ however. ‘ Following the lettuce. the seedling onions tn give the big onions next tall are due to go in, and they, too, slmuhl he snipped elf, this rule ap- plying to all sec‘ullings in the vege- table garden. Measure. the proper distances between the plants as de- tailed on seed packets and stick to it. even if the little plants look lonesome for the time being in their hells. They will till their Space in due time. he sat 'oight incho; each “av to vcmugmlze tspace. The wider Poms [H‘_I:Il'}]’. h (mung. ln transplanting the lettuce, snip ntl‘ the ends of the leaves for half their length. This will equalize. for the disturbance of the roots in transplanting. and the. plants will take hold much quicker. Set. the lettuce plants eight inches part in their beds and let the rows be at least a font apart. A small bed which can he reached across by hand can IIPOETANCB OI" TRANSPLANTING Gardening has now reached a per- iod when transplanting the seedlings which have been grown in hotbeds, cold frames and boxes in the house is the main task. The ï¬rst of these to go out are the head lettuce seed- lings which can stand considerable in the way of cool weather and like iL 'TRANSPLANTWG STRENGTHENS . THE ROOT GROWTH AND MAKES I FOR bETTER AND SYQDNOER PLANT: T s TENDER SE 01th mom A'FLAT‘ 05 ENE. â€VSIFTED 2-3.1. MORTGAGE SALE LOST‘ OR FOUND BRILLIANT COLOR CANNOT bE FKPFCTED “.0 GROV WRAN'A’LANTED m i's'uLCIH 50â€.. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 7.. TQMSKINTED IMPLEMENT AGENCY DEERING AND MeCORMlCK, Tl'D- hope-Anderson. Wilkinson Company and Louden Litter Carrier Company. I sell the Primrose separator. Call on me before ordering implements of any kind. as I can save you money, All kinds of light and heavy harness. wire fences. lightning rons. etc. Repairs stocked at Noble‘s Garageâ€"Joseph Noble, Durham, Ont. The Durham U .F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock fromDur- ham on Tuesglays. Shippm‘s are requested to give three days‘ notice. lulu Lawrence. lunar. Phone 601 r 13 Durham, all. 1. Notice is lwrvhy giwn that, Hm Court Of ROViSiOn for tlw Munivi- palil)’ Hf Hm T('M‘ll.~‘llip 0f Glmwlg. on thn Assessment. Roll for 1926 will be held at the Township Hall an Saturday, June 5, at 2 o’clock p.m. for tho. purpose of lwaring and «l0- termining all appeals. All pm'smm intm‘ostml are hvrohy roqunslml to altvml at, the limv and placv above mentioned. By (mlvr' of llw (met'il. Ilatml HHS L’OHI «lay Hf May. 1926. Thn ï¬rst sitting of tho Court 0f Jh‘wisiun far “In 'l‘uwu 01' Durham» will he hold in thv Town Hail. Dm'- ham. un Monday ¢-\'vning. May 3|, mmmvnvmg at 7.30 p.111. All inter- ostml will gown) tlwmsnlws av. (‘m'clingly. “'0 annwilling tn Ivaw‘ thn Wife! the lasï¬wm'cl and glad whvn shv reaches 1t. Notice is hereby given that, the Couxt of Hmisinn fax the munici- paiih (If the 'I‘mxnship of Egremunt fm the wax 1926 \\ill be held in the Count-ii chamber. Holstein. on Monday. the 3191 day of May, 1926. at to oelnck a. m. to hear and (-10 termine any appeals that may he filed against the \ssessment Roll (If the said mnnieipalitx. All peisons inning business at the said I'mII't aIe herein quuested tn attend at. the time and place above mentioned. Dated this 13th day of May. 1926. ---r~ . T1111 climbing 5111119 111' 11 11111111V 1111111- 1111 1111 11111111111111s.l1aVi111.1 1111 m111111s 01' 8111111111111: 11111111 111111,: s111n1s. '1‘1111y giV1111n11X1111l|11111 111'1‘111'1 VV111111 111ai111111 111 801311111111 11V111' 80m" l11VV- -g111V\'ing 91111111. '111111 111 s11'i11gs 111' â€11111111118. 11111V1 makv '11 111'i1ila111 1111111111 Vim- 111111 111111 11111'1i11111111'lV' 1111111'1iV11 VV'l111n VV'11V1111 i11111 VV'1i111 11111111131 '1‘11111'11 111111 1VV11 1V1p11s 111 11111 climbing: 1111-11111. 1111ms. 11111 11111 111111 11111 1.111111 Va1'i11- 11115. ["1111 11111111 111111 $11111'1111-i1111111111 i11g111VV1l1 111111 1111V1111111-sl111111111V 111111 series 111‘ 1111111 111111 411111113. 1"1111V' 111111 s1111111VV11111 m111'11 1111111 with 11111i1' 1111111111 1111111 11111 climbing: 13'1111. Bolh VVill 111111111 11 1.11111VV111 111' 11111111 six 11) 11111 111111. 'll111V111111151111VV1111 111111 11111111. 11s 111111; 11111il111's' 11111111 \\'1111111\\’ 1111\11s i11 ~1111111_V 11111111111151. T1111V' furnish 11111 1111VV111': 1110111 Jan 1111111 .11111 ï¬rst 11"1111 1'.1'11.~'1. VVlii1l1 111118 1111 111111 111 11111111 1111illia111111 1111 they are som11VV11111 11111111111. Spanglml with a “1-31â€! nf flowers a little [MW in tho soasun. ley are vxcellont fur hmls m- fur vdgu. mas, _ Cut your worn table cloths in squares. Makc- small table} mwrs and napkinsz Hum 01' cmchvt. mlgo. Those" will make vxm'llont 3(‘('(_‘.~‘SHI'- ivs for picnic baskets. A fuw (ll'OpS in walvr used to wash lnmls or infvstod wood will rm plam- â€1' any bad lungs or any ntlwr Objl-ctional vermin. A few drum in Willow \ViHl which «me washes plants makes them es- }.wcially grm-n. A few drops in trunks, bags or Clnsvtr: will kuvp‘nut. tlu- umtus. Uses For Turpentine T111°1w11fi1w is :1 marwlnus vlvansm‘. A fuw «Imps aclclml tn suds lu-lps in . (*LO:HHI_1g and \Vllitvning _ clothes. DURHAM COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF EGRBMONT COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF GLBNELG COURT OF REVISION COOKING HINTS Wonderful Charlotte Russe ROTICS TO PARIBRS vnurlom- of golatin. cups uf milk â€"â€"H. H. MaciKHALI'); Township Clm'k. 5 20 3 HOUSEHOLD HINTS â€"\\'. B. \‘ULLE'I‘, l'llm'k. DAV") LLAX; To“ ship Clerk. .... ---' -- I 3mm mars aim hakc- sh Charlotte Russe I: Go (I I! W "H. is won ' .f golatin. xtra 0 0‘ ater Sponge Cake around (‘l‘Us ilk: 6 0518-". Hing uvvl'. (Copywright, 1926, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago. £ 15 3mOs. pd Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Web- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. “'4- “ouldnt “(Hun so much \xhy gills Ivem- lmnw if thm \wulcl «mh return a little earlier. The District of South Grey Wo- men‘s Institutes will hold their an- nual meeting,r in the Puhlie Library. Durham. on Friday. June .2. Sessions at. 10.30 a.m. and H5 p.m. Miss Ethel Chapman. Assitsant. Sum-rin- tendent, of Women‘s Institutes will address the meeting. It. is expeeted that Mrs. Sydney Banks of Shel- lmrne, who is rem'esentative ot' the Federation for this district. will at- so be present. Durham ladies please provide ret‘reshments.-â€"Mrs. Me- llraith. liistrirt Secretary. 3 tahtcslmmw Migar. ‘4 Clip mild “any. 14,» pint “lumping c rvam '52 cups 3 tahlvspoons nt‘ powdvrml sugar. Vanilla, Lady tingvrs. Mothod: Scald milk. Add gradu- ally to yolks at «gigs mixmt with sugar and salt. tlunk until mixturn thickens. 'llwn add gi'latin snakt'd in cold \Villt'l'. Strain and add whitm ut‘ eggs twatvn Stilt. St-t in pan of ion watvr. Stir urrasionally un- til mixturi- thirkvns. Then add cri'am twaton still and mixvd with sugar and Vanilla. Fresh Strawberry Cream \â€" “'85“ and pick lwl'l‘ivs. Mush slightly. Swwtvn and 101 stand a I’vw minute's. \Vllip cm-am stifl'. Stir in sxwvtvnml slrmvhrrrim. Blvml “1-H and put in ivo box to chill. Svrx'o in slum-hot glassvs. This «lo-ssm'l is must si'ml'plu, but good. ‘ For May By BETTY WEBSTER 0883. Little salt ANNUAL MEETING Advertise in The Chronicle. It plyl. 2 huxvs 0f strmvlwrrhs. H; cups of sugar. 4% tablespnons of flour. 2 lwatén Pugs, Method: Mix Hm sh'mxlwrries with sugar and flnur. Add beaten eggs. Place in unet'vokod pin shell! and bake slowly for one hour. "H. is wvll I0 liut whilqmusliu hand around crust to keep pm from run- nmg over. This makvs an vxi-vllnm dessert when sorvml \\‘lâ€| whipped cream. ~’;- lalilospnnns of water. l livapim.’ cup uf sugar. 1 cup of flour. ‘. ll‘aSlHlLlll of vanilla. .luicu of '42 lvmon. ‘1.» tiizispnmi nl' vanilla. \lc-lliml: Iii-at. 0m: while-s until sliil' lml iwl too dry. Biiil 8113!! and wall-r li‘pgi-ilu-r until it uni-wads. I’mn' wry slowly into egg whites. lie-at fur if. minutvs. Add cream of laer in ilum- which must be Siftwl tliiwe limes}. Then add lli'al,1'll yulks and sifted flour. Add tlaim'ring. llako 45 min- nlvs. Put in a hut «won 101‘ a few minutos only. llli‘ll turn dnwu heat. Ini'i'vasv built a lilllv jllSl at the 0nd. Fresh Strawberry Pie PAGE 7.