[9.50 JIDERS of will he YOU mow-'0" i, Durham 1K NQYS read with BCC .ank Mm ml" "I N1 nus. JAIIBSOI JLIIBSOI (Mice and residence a short diet- euce east of the Hahn House on Lamhton Street, Lower Town. Dur- ham. Office hours 2 to 5 p.11)- 7 to is pm. (except Sundays) . J. L. Sll'l'l, I, 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. on ice and resndence. corner of Countess and Lambton Streets. oppo- site old Post Oflice. Oflice hours : 9 to 11 MIL. 130‘t0_§ 9.111., 7 to 9 pm. DIR. A. I. BILL Physician and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce Lambton street, Durham. Ont. Gradu- ate University of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Ofï¬cea hours: .... innAnï¬n '(s'an'aa;';*exeepm)g, 2 to 5 P‘ excepted. Chiropncton . . Graduates Canadian Chxroprachc (lollngp, 'l‘amonto. Ofï¬ce Macfarlane BIm-k. Durham. Day and night phone 123. 6 M 23“ DR. W.†C. PICKEBIRG, DENTIST “than, over J‘. 6: J. Hunter’s store, ontn. ()ruduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all us branches. Ofï¬ce Calder Black. Millsu'eet, second door east or Macheth's DQEStpre. f __ Advertisements under this headingd cent a word each insertion CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions gym for the price of four. Telephone calls trested cs cash with order it paid for before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first insertion. 25 cents. On en charge orders {I straight charge of 1% cents a word will he made etch insertion, minimum charge 35 cents. ’ nrh’ï¬â€™fflï¬â€˜Ã©ï¬i‘rnnnfln †mnnuno' Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. (71. 1;. Middlebro‘ is permanently luratud at Durham ofï¬ce. Flesherton branch upen every Friday from 4.30 to 9.30 rum. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber of the ï¬rm will be in Durham on ‘uesday of each week. Appomtments may be made with the Clerk in the cities. DAN. chEAN anensed Auctioneer for County 0! Grey. Satisfactmn guaranteed. Rea- muahlv terms. Dates of sales made at 'fl‘he Chronicle Office or with him- 391 . ___________.â€"- ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Mmlvratv terms. Arrangem salt-.4. as tn (htvs. etc" may at The (th'on'wle Ofï¬ce, 1 ran“ .mm “LOLA. "luv-v _____ Licensed Auctioneer or Co. 0! Grey. Mndvratv terms. Arrangements for salt-.4. as tn (htvs. etc.. may be made at The Chronirle Ofï¬ce, Durham. T crms nu application. Address RR. 1. lmrham. Phone 6“ r 24. l.tcunsed Auctioneer for County of (hwy. Prompt attentxon to sgles. Rea- and sausfachon guar- mnnhle tvrms ‘. Dates made at The Durham aim-0d " ' ‘ [0 ofï¬ce or with R. 0. WM- . r. GRANT. 1), D- Thursday, June 3, mo. 1m 7. CON. 2:. Eegwomf cox- taming 100 acres. 80 . cultivation. rdwood bush; to home. wit water tanks; 30 acres seeded $0 “V; H) acres to sweet clover: this farm ' ' ' 'n a good state of information apply Medical Directorv. NORTH PM“ nu“, . _V 2‘2. l-Zgremont. containing 66 acres; 5:) news cleared. balance hardwood bush; in good state 0 ' , barn 44x50, stone b “M.“ nmum; drilleduwel‘} .an: up BESSIE icolevnu Classified Advertisements BATES BURIALFO. {ramp “Human“. h- . well at dnor; nevpr falling s] * mak a c II|\I an r. he premises are a Drum "Y"-.. -., mining sewn rooms. WIth good ‘ d att'aphed; .dnlled Wen .watere For further 9 ° 399'? '0 Wlliiam Smith. R. . . 4â€"-â€"-â€" Lite-used J1 uclz’oneer Dental Diredorv igghn Legal ‘Dz'reciorv Lï¬bAs a; 3mm Ivvwv‘.‘ w-v~â€"â€"v to 9 p. m., Sundays PROPERTY FOR FOR SALE.-â€"A NUiï¬ER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North 0! Skating Rink. Durham. Appty. _ to D. napkins. HOUSE AND LOT 015 LAMBTON -_--_| ‘I V H.- street near furniture factory; good stable and garage combined; good Fax-den; Immednate possession. For prther articulate apply Mrs. WM- ham J. alkingham. 4 22 mm BRITISH AMERICAN" COAL 01L AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. 1 10 u ORGAN, IN GOOD CONDITION.â€"â€"AP- ply at The Chronicle Ofï¬ce. HEINTZMAN SQUARE PIANO; IN ALA- of III'AIAV JUAVJAIAV â€xv---- ï¬rst-class conditionf F‘oi‘ fui'ther information apply to The Chronicle ofï¬ce. 4 29 U ANY QUANTITY GOOD SAND AND gravel for sale, delivered; also team- ing of all kinds done.â€"-â€"W. J. McFad- den, Durham. 5 13 6 (i001), GENERAL PI'RPUSE FARM Moms in gum! cuncliunn, sound in "wry way. Thomas J. Moon", Price- villu R. R. i. phone 605 1' :22. 63‘2pd I'NBLEMZHEI) SHEE’I‘INU: AT 520 per yard; Blvavhml Shading at. 73c pvr yard: 'I‘ahlc Linen at 890 per yard at Grant’s. 1 WHEAT WAN'I‘ED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 31523L ___________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" WORK \\'AN'I‘ED.-â€"â€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest. work on short I, order. tf M 9 THE BRICK DITILPING E’SED A Bféé'kémim shop by P. J. Mch'nn pbséossion [)0flSf‘SSlUH. “i'lâ€! x . u. HM Hahn House stables __________.____._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€", _ FOI'R ROOMS OF HOI’SE IN GOOD lm'atinn nn loading stroot are ofl'mwl fm' mint. 'l‘hnso will ho. rented at roamnahle rato to satisfactm'y 10n- zmts. Fnr further- information apply at Thp Chronivln nfflN‘. 1; ‘29 if ______________.â€"â€"â€"r7 THREE HR FUI'R I'NFI’RNISHED moms to lot. bath and lights. Apply Mark \\'il.~‘nn. Durham. 1nd TRINITY (ZHITRCH WOMAN‘S GUILD will hold a 3319 M goods and homv- madg‘ baking in the A. Y. P. A. rooms on Samnluy. May 29. Afternoon tea will be served. Door Open at 3 o'clock, , 5 ‘20 2 [N'DN'I‘ FAIL 'I‘U A'l'l‘rLNI) 'l'nn Euchro‘ Party and Dancv in Durham 'l‘mx n Hal}. Friday waning. May ‘28. Auspicvs South (‘vrny V. F. O. Politi- c‘al Assam-iatiml. Rofroshments. Ad- missiun $1.00 a cmmlv. 7) 20 2 [1rd Q'KII‘VA ‘. ._ l . - i -_-V, tho South-East Grey I'nited Farmm‘s‘ Political Associatimi. V. F. 0. Cu- npomtivo Association: l'nited Farm \Vnmvn's Associatinn and 17.17. Ynum‘: Pimple will he. held in \Natsmi‘s Hall ’in Pricvvilln on Friday. June 11, 1926. cummo-ncing at 10 O‘clock am. Ladies :m- expo-Mm! to bring lunch. M. E. MI'RRAY. Riding Secretary. ARTICLES WANTED EEETING up rm: mm A‘Nï¬l'.‘\l$ . -- 1 L A I! C'nrumniT“ W.- at! Thn man who believes monpy can t! do everything hasn’t got any. __________._._.._â€" PI'HIJC SPEAKING CDNTEST 12Vâ€" olm' auspm-s of Snuth Grey Rural Youth .»\s~‘4miat.irm will lm_held in Durham Tan Hall on Saturday waning. June" 5. Musical numbr-rs 6 3 1pc] lwtwm'n o-avh awake-1'. __________.____â€"â€"â€"â€"v l'NDER AI‘SPH‘J-IS OF THE LADIES‘ Md Hf Hw l’rvshytm‘iun church. tlw l'n'ommw- Drumat it Club will pro- svut Hw'n' pnpular play. "Mother Minn." in Durham Town Hall. Fri- day M'Pning. me 1s. Admission 5500. 1 MISCELLANEOUS IN DURHAM, OR BETWEEN McKEN- z’w's (’annm'. Bentinck. and the. cor- w‘iraiinn limits. in Monday, May 31, an infant's navy blue coat. Findm- pinasp communicate with The Chronicle Ofï¬cv. ipd HAVE YOV A CAR OR A GOOD hats» and buggv‘? If so. I have a job for you. Will be able to my you from as to $12 a day. Must be mat and pleasant. We train you how to do our work. Must be atnady or 11de no! apph‘.â€"-G. F. Thorngop,‘ Hahn House, Durham. COMING EVENTS FOR SITUATIONS VACANT LOST OR FOUND l'l‘IUL’IAV\- ‘ â€"- __._ hop formerly occupied .mm. Almost Immodmge Apply P. J. McLean. In I. 044’ TO ATTEND THE 221 U ‘ 8U Kiss Elisabeth Inrdock, of This Town, but. Now Hear Drillia, Praised. Friends here of Miss blizaoeui - Murdock will be pleased to learn , Day in her schoot was evndently ï¬ttingly observed, judging from the following mentiOn of the affair in last week’s Orillia News-Letter: Empire day was well observed at Mount Slaven school. Crowds of people of that section enjoyed a splendid, lengthy program. Much credit is due to the principal, Miss E. P. Murdock, who trained and elaborately dressed her pupils for the occasnon. The program opened with religious exercises, then con- tinued with speeches concerning the British Empire, patriotic songs, recitations and readings, Highland dance. and three grand. patriotic drills: “Canada.†“The British Em- pire Drill,†and a wonderful “Flag Drill,†which proved the line talent _ of their teacher, Miss Murdock. The . happy faces of the parents shone . with gratitude. program. EXTENDING 1'1:pr It is only natural that Principal Mauriro Hutton and other univer- sity authorities should oppose Pro- mior Ferguson’s plan to haw ï¬rst your and probably also second yPar university work taught in tho high schools and collegiate institutes of the prtwinco. If put into otl’ort, tho proi’iosod (lopurturo would inter- foro wry soriously with the uni- li'll “Ian ICI'U thl'y Dt'llUuQIJ ...--- _V, versity curriculum and would also have, an etfect upon the attendance in university classes. At the some time. ï¬rst-year university work can he taught in the high schools and could probably he taught just as well in the schools as in the uni- wrsity. Time was when students took what was: known as their sen- ior matriculation from the high hollows. This gave them ï¬rst-year ’university standing, and if they wished to complete a university course, they started with the secâ€" ond year class. About the only dis- advantage was that the boy or girl who took the senior matriculation work in the high school was un- acquninted with and out of touch with men and women of his or her class year. While this was a draw» hack. there were compensating ad- vantages. particularly for the. stu- dent. of limited means. who was able to Cut the?! cost of his unher- sity course considerably by Ittklllt.’ the tirst year in his home school. Now that. city living“r has become 1 much more expensive, this economy .- wonld he even more inuioi'taiit.~ L Orange-Ville Banner. 7 __â€"â€" FROM PREMISES 0F I'XDERSIGNEI) on 01' about Sunday. May '23. (Bullh- tlm: alum-rim: tn name at "Stanly": lrlat'k hmly with ln'nwn fm'ulmml and l'mztn Inl'm-malian Hal this animal gladly 1'vcvi\'m_l.â€"~-EllJall Armstrong. Durham NH. 3. llnl Notice. is hereby giwn that tho Court of Revision for tho Munici- pality of the Township of ('ilonelg. on tho Assossment Roll for 1926 will be held at the Township Hall on Saturday, June 5, at 2 o'clock p.m. for tho purposv of hearing and (lo- iermining all appeals. All persons intorostml are lwrcby requested lOi ‘ottoml at. tho timo and place abovo mentioned. By order of tho Council. llalml this 20th day of May, 1926. «H. H. MavD()N.-\LD, Township Clerk. 5 20 3 EDWARD (iONDER. HAVING LEFT his home on the Nth day of May. 1926, without. just, cause, I will not kw. rowonsihle for any cordit 93-â€" te‘énolï¬xd to him in my namo. Henry Gender. R. R. 3, Elmwoml. 0m. â€"r\(\n HUNT) \lUlu I" 1 . R- R- 3. E‘n“"0"“’- am. The Durham 131:0. Live Stock As- ’ “MM May 18 1926‘ “’ 2" 3 sociatiou will ship stock from Dur- _â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"_""'â€"-"' "'"'"â€""'" """""""""""""""""' ham on Tuesdays. Shippers pm I days’ notice. PROP. KATY. COMING Iroquested to give t u‘ce James Lawrence, flanagor. 1', _.:.‘.m ntrfl‘tl '11 100k af‘ 01‘ \'n‘ll' Dhnnn R". Y‘ ‘3 Durham RJ‘. ‘0 (lamina again tn look after yam" 0}'t‘.~‘.. PPM, E. Ktltz. thn well-known Optical slwcialist “n \leuesday, Juan 9. at, tho Hahn HOUSP. Durham. Hum! ache. pain in tho tA-mples, dizâ€" zinvss. «tofuctiw vision relieved through prmwrly ï¬ttml lenses. By our great skill and equipment. we can tmlp you «wen though others have tailod. Remember when Dye strain i_s I'cmoyod, the troubles van' IL... tln‘n ‘l"(‘l‘l IKâ€" l‘_.--‘.- ish. Remember the date. l'ndm' and by virtue of the. powers contained in a certain mortgage. which will be produced at the time of sale. there will be oh‘ered for sale by public auction. by John O'Neil at the Hahn House Hotel in the Town of Durham on Saturday, the twelfth (lay of June A. D. 1926 at the hour ‘ of two ofclock. in the afternoon. the follomng property; Lot Number 70‘ in the Third Concea- ! O Sion W'oest of the Garafraxa Road. in the Township of Bentinck, and County of Grey, containing One said to beenected a good, substan- 'l‘al dwelling house, and barn and istables. For terms and conditions Br sé‘lé; aim!) 30 HORTGAGE SALE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE furdock, Formerly but. low Teachinfl bTMies Elizabeth STRAYED NOTICE One of our exchanges sent out some accounts recently, and the fol- lowing is among the excuses reâ€" ceived from one of the delinquents who did not "cough up.“ “ ‘or the following reasons, I am unable to send you the cheque asked for: ‘ “I have been held up, held down, sand-bagged, walked on. sat on, fla tened out and squeezed. ï¬rst by the Canadian government. for war tax, the Excise Proï¬ts tax, Victory bonds, 'l‘hrift stamps, capital stock tax. merchants’ license and auto tax. and by every society and 0 nization that the inventive mind 0 man can invent. to extract what I may or may not pOSSeSS. A- n. -,n__ .1 Ink“ {ha I I. PUDDCDD. “From the Society of John the Baptist, the G. W. V. A., G. A. (3., United Veterans’ League, the W0- men’s Relief. Navy League, the Red Cross. the Black Cross, the Purple Cross and the Double Cross. The Children’s Home, the Dorcas Society, the Y. M. C. A., Y. W. Ct A., Salva- tion Army. the Boy Scouts, Jewish Relief, Belgian Relief. and every [hospital in town. , A_.A l1.‘,. an nn‘PDI‘nlll“ llVUr-vw- â€"â€"- The government has so governed my business that I don‘t. know who owns it. I am inspected, susneeted. examined and re-examined, in-- formed. required and commanded, so I don’t. know who I am. where I am. or why I am here. All I know is that I am supposed to he, am .inexlmustihle supply nf mum-y for every known need. desire ur hepe' .ef the human rare; and heeause I will net sell all I lime and gm out and beg. llfll'l'fl" nr steal money to give away. I lim'e been cussed. dis- cussed. lmycntled, talked to. lalked alwul. lied to and lied almut. held up. hum: up: rulihed and nearly ruined. and the nnly It‘ilr‘dm I am clinging to life is to See what. in hell is coming my. \‘M'iisvmnm .~=.‘ A 301' con-max -lw‘_ --‘ These siaiomunis \wro promptly chaiiongl‘fl by a polico inspm'iur. who oiforvd with his dogs in dis- prove Major Masts contentions. Six dogs in active poliro Sl'l'ViCO worn used for tho o-xlwrimvnis. 'I‘hvso consisted in pirking up a mmvwhat (mid sreni, rvmmiizing a t'rvsh soc-iii. Minding an ariiciv hy iiw scvni. ui' its owner, tracking down a lu-rsnn and ï¬nding a man after hm‘im.r Smi‘lli‘d of an nrtiriv iwlonging in him. In iwonty-smw-ii 'irivs. thc- (ilm‘S mini» good only twicu. Uni-o â€my {mum an ariirlv. and mum ihvy ran «lmvn a man frnm his tracks. livspiiv Hm ndivi- ulna result of the tests, pol-ice dogs IN still being used in German country districts to track down sus‘wcts. but they are depended on chiefly for patrol and guard service. From my dog I lean patience. He sits by the hour watching for a cat. to come within his range of Vision so that he can chase her to hm‘ own back yard. A ..n A From mv dog I learn faith. Sure- ly he can know nothing of the man- ner of obtaining the things hoped for, but he knows there will be evi- dence of thingqnoï¬ seen. He known ,_-_-A.-:‘.'A tn- not try to suppress is. 50 ' over ,little happy events. faring at he ‘muy not appear to carry enough dignity. He just bounds about in unrestrained Joy. From my dog I lam long-suffer- ing. He will stand a whole lot of plaguing. and is not easily provuked. Frnm my dog I learn gentleness. Hiï¬ tmrlh could piorco my hand through. but ho. takes it Win his mouth and clusvs his twin down upon it. with m much continues: that. uni so much as a mark is left . upun it. -4) u."". I'- me my dug l loam also gond- lwss. and all utlwr frmt- 0f the Spirit. Littlv Jack Humor Sat in the mmwr Of Mm strum. var. \x'lwu more wu a jam. HP I‘USI‘ in his fwd, (aavv a lady his swat _Im a liar l knnw It. I am lodern rubles PAGE 9.