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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Jul 1926, p. 7

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'99 In l.\ .terest Th 98.00 ea M. ONTARIO. lflBS D! ited OI UNNOR rad: 0|] .‘ is lower my type nr itself H\ dtt‘ all' . is the SCTVICC 11:1" 22. ms. Inada FOI'R Folding It -- In Win; ." 0'0?me UD u. makes there W ll are work is .lmw is “IP mfinth when .bride- m-roms get very little attention. Lots tn mg I wl‘ v.2 c7031 2, “2611.. BENTINCK, -’-.- n. in ~m1thm-st. of Durham. con- w -. r..- 86 :m-ns. Mostly clear and _'ulu§ £33h" 0f Nlltivalion. Bank r '1' r: \\ :th shod adjoining and stone ‘tfll|?0"‘. T-I‘l‘u‘bn’lpd briCk house With "\M-mwn kitchen and woodshcgd. “3-11 manna-Land in good repair. For further particulars 3 ply ‘0 \\’.l!mm Smith. RR. No. 3. rham. -’\ LOT 7. HUN. '21. EGREMONT, CON- tmnm: ll‘u arres; 85 acres under cullnalwn. balance hardwood bush; rnm'rnwnt ln sc‘hnolz on the. prem- rsvs are a frame lmrn 42x65 ft. with slnne {unnolahunz concrete stables: also hay Darn 30x30 with stone base- ment; hm: pen 20x40; twelve-room brick hnuw. furnare heated, also frame wowlshml: drilled well close to home. with windmill; concrete water tanks: 30 acres seeded to hay; l0 acrea to sweet clover: this farm is well fenced and in a good state of cultivation). For information apply tn Watson's Dairy. M1. 4. Durham. Hntario \olll'l‘ll PART 1.1 lTS 7 AND 8. CO.\'. 31‘. l-fxremont. containing 66 acres; :35 :mw cleared. balance hardwood wish; in good state of cultivation; ‘mme barn 53x50. stone llascment. unwrore stables; drilled well and onion: lank at barn. Also Lots 6 ml 7. (“.nn. 3. S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- 'ri rim: HO acrm; 100 acres cleared '1' ol ll‘. unmi state of cultivation; on :‘w- l'l‘r‘miees are a brickhouse con- 'vr‘m: seven rooms. 'With 800d Mm» wundshed attached; drilled a it. at «inor: never failin springs on 'h - farm. making a c oice stock "cm. This property will be sold - ".t? to quick purchaser. For para 'lzjiiariapply at_ Watson's Dairy. [(YP taini culn conv um um M Hm ontt New Modern Funeral Parlors Plume Hillcrest 0268 122-12; Am Road Toronto ll Hfl'u'w and residence. corner of oimmfw“ and Lambton Streets. oppo- mu um pm: ()fl'ice. ()mce hours: a M H 3.111.. 1.30 W :3 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. .. In - “-' ‘ ‘1 I " "-‘-_“V .\l min 0 33d residence a short dist- am o- (as! of the Hahn House on [amMnn Street, Loner Town. Dur- h um (nine hours 2 (05 o.pm.. 7 to H pm. {oxcem Sundms. Phybic Lambton ate l'niV [Dated ar T 7. COX. 2!. nine 100 acres Hvatiwn. balar woniont to 80! .i are a frame n9 foundation u hav barn 303 nt; hOg pen 1 ck house- {m BATES BURIAL C0. Sundays .\'( DR. W. C. PICKERING, DENTIST .n (4 mm J. J; J. Hunlex 3 store ;: h an Hntarlo. FA RMS FOR SALE M MIDDLEBRO’, SPEREMAN a MIDDLBBRO’ - Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. >4- ---~'~nr.-s to A. 15. Currey. L. t . Mth-bro' is permanently WWI at Durham ol'ticv. Flcshcrton mu ngu-n vw'ry Friday from M ‘.’..';U p.111. John W. Bates ALEX. MacDONALD : ed Auctioneer for Co. of Gray. A .ut v tn:m~. Armnwoments for .11 tw Milan 0U?.. my'lnrrnade .‘w thmmclo Hfflce. Durham. .4 «x; appiwatinn. Address ILR. "mm. Phone 61! 1‘ 2-1. ut‘ mm fall over themselves to gut ahead of other men. Dlil‘ihém‘ pas. muss,” a: unmsoi Advertisements under this heading, 1 cent a we CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions g1 of four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge : 25 cents. On an charge orders a straight charge of will be made each insertion, minimum charm: 25 no luatva Liz‘msed efluclionm pied fl REUBEN C. WATSON mi Auctxonenr for County 0! mmpt attention to sales. Rea- ?--rm~' and satisfaction guar- 1mm mado at The Durham 1" fo'it'o‘ or with R. C. Wat- :xu-y. M1. 1, Phone 603 r“. y ut' each week. Appointihénfi : made with the Clerk in the stw'rs. Sniiqitors,’ etc. A mem- ho lix'm wxli be m Durham on F UN ERAL SERVICE Durham AND BESSIE momma" Chiropractors 1.52.1! ‘Dz’rectorv Thursday, July Medical Diretlorv. Ii Denial Directorv GRANT.9TD.S" d Auctioneer for County of tiet'actinn guaranteed. Rea- I'ma Dams of sales made I'nmcle (Mice or with him- LUCAS HENRY «mam lnhersily of 'lor- Amine Royal College Dental n: Untario. Dentistry in hxanclws. ()fflce Calder ill sum. second door 833! m < Drug Store. DR. A. M. BELL inn and Surgopn. Office ---vv st wet, Durham. Ont. Gradu- wxwily of Toronto. Eyes m mrrncterl. Office hours: .m.. 7 to 9 p. m., Sundays DAN. MCLEAN '0! ates I. Haddocks r! 3' 0f Flesherton excepted). 1., On 6 Canadian Chimpractic nntn. Office Macmrlane :nm. Day and night phone 6 H 23” 1025231! 1025 23 t! Willie: “It's one of those triangles where somebody gets shot.” At the lesson in grammarâ€"“Wil- l'p. tell me what it is when I say, ‘1 low. you love, he loves â€"â€"’" NOTICE TO FARMERS Tho Durham I’.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to gave three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 601 r 13 Durham, R.R. l. 6 u‘clrwk p. m. on Saturday. July 1'2. for Hm repairing nf Hm concrete arch briqlgv on (Mrafraxa strvct, in Hm Town of Durham. Plans and spncifications may be soon at. the office. of the undersigned. The lowest, 01' any tender not noc- ossarily acepted. Tenders must, be accompanied by an accepted hank chmuu 01' hand warring ‘10 per 00m of tho? amount of the tnndel'. Earn Moneyâ€"and get it every week. Sell fruit. trees, flowering shrubs. shade trees, hedging. roses and evergreens. Outfit furnished. Old established firm has an attrac- tive proposition for man or wo- man of good standing and ener- getic. E. D. Smith Sons “(1., Winn. on. mvmh turning again nu his muncls. Pm- t'o-ssm- E. Kati. Hm \wll-knuwn 0p- tiral Slwvialist. tn o'xamim' vyc's on \\'o-clnvsola_v. July '28, at. Hm Hahn Huusv. Durham. Ho'aal avho'. dizzi- nvss and clo'fm'fivv \'i.~'il>ll I'¢'lic_‘\'ml thruuuh pm-pvrly fittml glzlssvs. as Prnfvssm' Katz is knnwn to bu mm at the most. skillml Opticians in \\'o-Rt+'l'n “Marin. “P can hplp you vwn thnngh utlwrs haw failml Rn- 30310 TOWn hark Hf Hunmm mg. SI ”\‘o OPENED IN HANOVER \\'l|.i.l.\}l .\_l.\¢IlHC.\'.\'ICY HI” HAN- BEAUTY PARLOR n H4 DSPI'I‘AI. snwt. chum thrust. on SII'N'L nozu' furnitn stahln and garage Harclvn: immediate l'nrfhm' partir'ulm‘s liam .l. Falkingham warm \\".»\.\"I’ED.â€"â€"'I‘HE mmbx- ivlv .luh Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work 011 short order. tf runner. .\.\'h mr ox LAMB’I‘ON Sfll'tl'c‘d. mm;- l'm'nituro factors" 200d \WHKK \\ )vmcxr \\n\.\”rr.n. ANY QI'ANTI'I‘Y li.-l. .A _ - .. . - __ Highest p1'~i'6él'135 grade gas m 1 lease. Garage. I. V lllel‘ VIII-Is ('(Hl’dinIIH consisting of (1901 no \\ hitI- :3 II P- Sh'flnl l’llL’ilH‘, I-I-bIIIIt l\\II ~‘IIa~IIII~ IIgII \lIIunt, invest 50; I- IIIIIIIII- 28x64; sI-H- fIIIIdI-I'. shim bio“- ungrain I’II'HHOI', “ah-I- II Ink. pump and 'II In“? ll"\\ h‘)<o'.-â€"â€"-.\dlflnl KIIllaI‘. \HIIII R. R. 7 15 3nd PEERLESS (g-gsoIIIâ€"Nla, THE A BUSINESS of YOUR OWN ORGAN, IN “HUD CUNDI'I‘IOXâ€"AP ply at The: Chronicle Office. BRITISH .UHZRH'AS «slur, OIL A'l' Smith Bx'ns, It‘s gnml. Try if. 110“ 'm' “who's tn annuuuvn‘fimt Inn has n'lu'ol up :1 Mommy I’al'lm‘ in tlw vk Hf hie harlwr shop nnxt tn Um mmm- Inn. Mann-Hing, \Vatvrwav- g. Shampcming. Facials. Scalp 'wntmvnt. Manimn-ing. Mu. in am» Hf Mm'iul Lama-ill “1:” has kvn a murw in tlw Dvmit Aca- my ut’ Brant}: 7 15 3pc! FUR SALEâ€"fix NI'MBER OF GOOD building lots on Henry: street, North nt’ Skating Rink, Durham. Apply [U U. Hopkins. 2 :21 If I'HHI'LSHQQ HI'TFI'I' IN {h Zl-ZVIAHJ'I I’IU'ISI{\"I'ICHI.\N UAR LOT H. CON!" SSH“ H. BENTINCK; um- humlrml acm-s; good pasture and grain farm; \wll watered and Huh-d; twenty EICI‘Pa' nf swvet Clo- Wr; sum» hush; gum! orchard and hrivk hnusv.’ Apply Jnhu Crimmen, Lot 16, Umcvssion M. Bentinck. lllwslcy. 3- H. NH. 1. Phone 71'33 J'Hmwtmd. - 7 I-'. u ll PROPERTY FOR SALE PROFESSOR KATZ COMING mu! FOR SALE OR RENT ARTICLES WANTED COMING EVENTS MISCELLANEOUS u-t TENDERS WANTED iINN tho clan Willie Know N 4m August leh'n gnml ' ‘llltl 17m s H.-\S()Ll.\'l‘3, THE HIGH- with the "pep" and long Sold only at Smith Bros’ 626 U lllM'S mloll'nssml tn thn will ho rocnivml until m. on Saturday. July ‘pairing (.r llm concrete ml (lqrafl'axa strvot, in FOR SALE W. B, VOLLET'I‘. Town Clpx'k. Durham, Ontario m I'M \mucx PARTY .\.\'h 1 {luntml I’m-k. Mmmt clay, July ‘23; Huvlph ruu‘rzun m. 8: Sul'tlmll "I and Muuut. Furo'st 3U (WINS. lpd pe'nbié‘é ’M‘iiléf‘é ‘15 236 uum gmssus. us [{mm’n m 1w mm {NI Opticians in H» van bnlp you haw l'ailc'd. R0- â€"E. Katz. apply Mrs. W11 m factory; good rumhmml: good ['it')S~‘4'f~‘Si0f1. FOP ” Hll St'hlml pI'ngl'zln’l. Ad- 6 l7 6pc] tf FIRST And take notice that after the said last. mentioned date. the Adminis- traor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have received notice, Hnat 9g}: stiff; 34 again; :ulol lor-nmu .101va lmilvl' unt constantly. Add crvam whipped. he addml if dPSiI‘P NOTICE TO CREDITORS atinu fwm'tl Put .1 km: salt“. ”IT‘S." pinmu p10, .I gave you n l'vcipn fur fruit salad nut'long mm, but I think \w 311 like} \'m-iotyâ€"â€"sn how's unnthm' alwng with a I'N’ilu.‘ fur fruit salad drvss- ing whivh may he sm'wcl with vithm' on»: my swuunrs aro- prosaic things but so vssvnt‘ial that “'0 wish smnv- timers that \\'v liwrl in Alaska ”1' lvo'lancl when-n Hit-s must he} un- heard-Hf bothers. Door Mat to Help Keep House Clean Dusty shows make tlmn-s look so dirty and rings 5:» mossy. don‘t, “my"? I was tirml of the Normal dusting and 5\\'m-[_rim.'. 5n I got tlw vutust littlv mat. to put ,jlm. outsido- Hm clmw. My llmn' tmublvs aw no Inwl‘c‘. Fly mvutlvrs ill but so vssvntml t! timers that “'0 h 5'. V“) Solicitors for the thing. now. put Knuw. is In have vitlu-r yuur name! and acldrvss on- gl'm'ml in Hm cvnlm‘ of the tup of vavh pagv m' In haw a pictum- nf yuur summm' homo- stauuml Hm'c. Isn't that. amusing? 'What's tin;- usv-uf saving 850?" '.\'mu- \Vhah'Vt‘l’. It's (on little for 'm' and tan muvh [Ogive the wifv." Tim-0 is 3 MW lino nf stationm'y vsm-cially fur summer usv? Tho paw-r is in Hm luvlivst. sluulvs. mu] m'vvns, soft. Lwnwns. ('m-amy whitvs, ohlll grays and fadml Muvs. Ywu van wt any sizo' m- snap" ynu ('hnusv and mm haw it mun:wgralmnwl in a surprisingly slmrt. timv. 'l‘he- smart Mm 'l‘hn'flvas. lmwmw‘. must. b0 «Inn:1 away with bofm-v thny gvt. into the hullso‘. if pnssiblv. '1'” «In this Hm hromling plan-vs must 1w ulinlinato-d. Sand pilo's aw thew most. (mmmun and must nuglvctml spnls. So if ynu wish tn anHy a "tlvalo-ss" summvr. lu- sun- tn haw that. old sand pile in “w hilt’k V311! lo'w'lml MT in livnn I Even in the host regulated of homes, ants and flnas are almost as had as flips in the summer. The ants cannot be prm'vntod, but if "swvvt things" in tho pantry are plan-cl in (“51105 of \Vato'r and tlw brvad box is set on "stilts"â€"â€"(uny smal! pio'cvs of “'00:! â€"â€"-in a pan nl’ water, the annuyanco can be lessened gl'o-utly. tahlvsptmns uf whnln o-gg. pimiontns intn thin strips and 0n Mp uf thn pim-applv, radi- fl'Hfll the) Willow. a Ial‘m- tvzlsmmnfnl m‘ fI-nil (I p a slim- uf Hawaiian pinc- On a lvttuvp NEW and spread I Una coating ur suft crvam DO YOU KNOW THAT- Fruit Salad Dressing By MARJORIE ADAMS __- . v ‘ -I.-“'II‘I ‘l’ll‘ :1er yard lvwlml on m tlmv Fruit. Salad Nonsense RECIPES tvuspmmtul of mm in tlw (mum 0t ”10 fl " - v- V?“ v11y., Admimstrator. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE mun Juice This \\ 11.1.L-UlSFURl) x 8.45 5.15 D! 'RHAM ............ 9.30 6.00 MOI'NT FOREST ...... 10.10 6.40 AR’I‘HI ’ R ............. i I .00 7.30 FERGI .' S .............. 1 1.30 8.00 ELURA ............... 11.45 8. 5 Arrive at GI'ELI’H 12.15 8.55 Full single {are $2.50. Fare. be- tween tuwns SOC. Fare between towns marked x 250. All buses step between regular stopping points to take on and diseJiarge passengers. Daily including Sundays. Positive- ly no waiting. Lam-n OWEN SOI’ND (lH.-\'l‘.'~‘\\'uR'l‘H x . \\'ILLI.â€"\.\ISFURD x D! ‘RHAM ........ MHI'N'I‘ FOREST . . AR'I‘HI ' ll ......... ........... 7.. 73.5: E .95.. z :._.::.$./.._.<mc .:_:..__./._/.:._.:.$ ....... 222.3 9%.. 5E ._../. . 37. ....... z . 5.53.. 1.2.55 ..... .2. 5:2; Time Table Canadian Coach Company .\'«‘H‘{'l‘Iâ€"IB¢H'.\'D - {mm-n ..\ .\l. P. M. ........... .. 8H0 5.00 l-IIMIL-y .... ........... mu 3.30 Durham is an attractive and healthy town, and good accommnda- Hon can be «"htainod at reasonable rates. . The Schoolhgicfla Proditahln record mfl-m past whxch it haves to main- tain m the future. Informatwn as to (barges may be 'ohlnmml from tho Princmal. 7" I 1“ Tlm Schnol is llmrmmhly equipped to take up tlm following courses: (1‘ Junior Matriculation. (21 lintrancn in Normal School. Each mcmber of tho. Slall‘ is :1 lim- vcrsity Graduate and experienced 'l‘cachcr. Intending DUDHS should prepare to enter at beginning Hf tenm. his table subject to slight, changvs after May 31 â€"Waiting Room CITY HALL, OWEN SOUND DALY’S STORE, GUBLPH Calling foxfipqssengers at. all the prmcxpal hotels mvmvm‘. Tnanh l'nttr-rsun. MUM: P. Ravnvr. l’alur Mira. va-y Calm l'n'anumillo- Hmm :Zr. ..__/. 7:: 23:2:â€" .72:â€" ._z._ .:...E._:: L 5.5:: E: .E. n..._...:e._: é. ESE.” fizz 31:7. “1.: Guelph-Owen Sound Bus Service Somem‘ those present at the re- union were: Mrs. Catherine Heath- erin ton. Rosemmint; Mr. and Mrs. Char es Suggett, Gladys and Thomas Suggett. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Rawn, Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson. Tot- tenliam: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cald- well, Limeliouse: Mr. Richard and Miss Catherine Younge, Mr. and Mrs. \Vill .l. Howley, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton iYminge. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyons. IMr. anal Mrs. C. Baxter, Miss Juanna iliaixter. Annie Sirr. Mrs. J. Lyness. Mr. and Mrs. John Sirr. Athlone; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Caldwell. Rose- muunt; Mr. and Mrs. \Vesley t‘lzild- well and son. Grant. St. Thomas: Mr. and Mrs. Charlm Caldwell and Mr. J, J. lliehzlrdsnn. Markda‘le: Mr. and Mrs. A. 1'3. ()alchwll. Allistnn; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel .l. Stewart. Mrs. James Stewart. tlnrlwltc’vn: Mr. and 'Mrs. ”liver Petlit. .lr.. Alvin: and ,lIilcwn l’etlit, l’algrzu‘e; Mrs. John and Miss Flussie Allen. lininlalk; Mr. iaml ,‘iLi-s. l-Ili l’eltil. (:lmlwin :unl Hiluln. l’algrm‘e: Mr. and Mrs. (iliwr l’eltit. Sin. Ulive H. and Lillian Pet- tit. Hallyrrny: Mrs. Jane l’ellil. Bi'zicll'ni'cl: Audrey Arthur. Ruse- nmunl: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lynrss .\llilnne: Mrs. Mnrgurete lllzi..\'lmrne. Mr. and Mrs. l-Iilmr Mnll'ntl. llallun and “unit!!! Muil'nlt. Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘lr-i'nzis Mnl‘i‘nlt. Mr. Hurclnn lleatly. (Inelllun liast: .Mr. 'l'liwnms .l. tilmp-I nmn. Misses Annie. l’risrille. :incl liriruline (flingininn. liulgan: Mr. \\’il- lizim l-‘. linlilm-ll. Mr. ’l‘linnms Mr- Ilnngzill, Missrs Kalie Ii. {lllli Mill‘- unret and Mr, James tlzilclwell. Mr. HHIH'l‘i J. ti:l|«i\\'i'i|. .Ml's. \Vili'l'iciI Maw. Mrs. .lmnrs Maw. Mr. Rulwri. and Miss Nessie Maw. Miss Margrm'rl. tinmil‘rilmv. MI‘. and Ml's'. J. .\. (Scimi- l'elluw. Miss l‘fclnii l.. (Inlclwell. Mrs. l‘Ialwnrol :mol Misses lrene llnliinsun and “HM. limulfullnw, {milling Mr, .‘lllii Mrs. \V. (I. linlilxx'ell. lliirlinm: Mr. nncl Mrs. Nurmmi Kerr. Var- Hey: Mrs, ll. .l. lluse. Kennrn: .Mr. and Mrs. H. l". Stewart. .Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Smith. Mr. .\. ii. Mrlx'ilrirk :lll‘i clmiulilrr. Helen. Hrnnu‘u-Vil'e; .lnlon .l. l’ellit. lrnill‘nrcl: Mrs. J 'lm llwr- ner and Miss llervl ll. llnrner. tinniâ€" illzi: Miss Stella Stewart. Winn Ven- DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL Us Mnnk Caldwell. Alliston; Treasurer, W. Pcttit.‘ Palgravc. CALDWELL FAIILY .l. .-\. M. ROBR. B.A.. Principal. JOHN MORRISON, Chair-man. H'il'll ‘...| ........... 12222132221222 Ft mlfi'r ..... \l ”\ISFURI) x \‘(VDRTH x ..... An Ostrich’s Appetite UR'] H x ..... 8.25 thl'flu) x 8.45 ............ 0.30 OREST ...... 10.10 ............. 11.00 .............. 11.30 .............. “.55 (fl ELI’H 12.15 (Continued from page i) YEN SOI’XD l: Sl'nfTHBm 'ND gvt's ,L'u haw a littlu lunch. : I'm nut. hungry. I just. )IP of laws uf nails. MPH}! Ste-wart. Mum” {'MI- W. Hmlusuu, Mr, and Mrs. .\. l.an;:fawd and Krilh, Mrs. Ho-nry and Miss \‘ul- I. Pnluraw: Miss Annin l'xlvriclm-: Mrs. M. .\. ROW- Mun; Miss Mary Simpson and Mrs. Wuslny Mum‘ l‘nanham: ltrvw Homrgn Actiala: Dr. and Mrs. .\. ~. ’alurm'v: and Row. and ’3' llaldwnll. (ivm'm'luwn.~- {4' Bannrr. -_.....: .4 .... .1: E... -..._.:. frecuéfi TL? .352 :7." .223: .LF. 5E7. 112:..â€" HELD REUNION A. M. P. M. 1. Oliver S," .g. u q 4 .30 8.50 19.15 8.30 3.30 5.4.3 6-13 7.05 daughtvr. Marx U huw \w miss 1 t0”! Your bright. smili lnwcl sh \wll. 'l'lw swvvh'st 01' m is left Hf clvar g'andpn " P “Vl‘l' I‘Plpj'nlhvm Saunders.â€"In [Ming lllc'llml‘)‘ .lnlm Suundo-M whu [OiISM‘Il a\\' July 22. 1927». 'l‘hn hi: you Hm I: ( l'lmks ....... High Schml Public School Militia ..... Stmw Plant. I. U. U. 1". Furniture- Hzmcl Mvrvhanls July Aug. l V- -..-_. ”nutâ€" (Ilt'll‘ uavt' Uf't'll but two Ramos playml in the Town Softball League. (in Thursday night iof last week. tlm A. Y. P. A. mm:- to lite and «mm-gmlwvitl‘i tho tlrst victory of the season when tlwy trimmed tho «lisllrivt loath-rs. tho Clerks. ‘20 to 8. 'l‘m-scloy night of this work tho Militia playml the High School. the- lotto-r loam win- ning out 19 to 12. Last Friday ”It' Stono Plant «lvt‘aultml tlusir rogu- lai' 2am:- to the- Hand. as tlmir loam was not at full strunglli. -\n e-xhilii- tion gumv was playml. a .m-mun twin) winning from tho Hamel. July \ug SOHBALL RESULTS AND STANDING Sinm last Team I7â€"--U. H. S. at Public School. 20â€"-Public School at Clvrks, No. 2 District 22â€"«l9um‘urc- Cu, at. Muwlumh. :37â€"-Baud at. Furmtun- (lo. .‘BlLâ€"Sinnc Plant at, Morclnants. 5â€"-â€"I (I. U. P. at Hand. H)-.\Im'vlmnts at, Stuyml’lant i3-I.H.U.l’. at. Furnitln-cfijn; 19~â€"I"l11'llitux'_0 Co. _at.”. l;-â€"â€"-’ Militia at (lmlw 17-~l’. H F. at l’uhl; SOFTBALL SCHEDULE No. 1 District STANDING OF CLI'BS No. 1 District am Won Lost. :â€"â€"PuhlivI Squluul at I). H. 9â€".A. \. A. at Militia. 3â€"Clmksp at. High Sidnul 6â€"- A. H). P. A. at Public School .‘ld'rc IN MEMORIAM Pu! bl' H‘ ; SM n H No. miss yuu wul‘cls ' ynul' anmtstm's lm' ynu ammmt. m yum “'0”. 01' mvmm'u «mummy smiling .113le at.- 1in iSSllo tlufrg' have [won um- District by his lmmu In 0 all HI “‘0 all «Mk In 'and- Ill”! 1‘4" x131 Am mm .4“ INN. MI Picnic timn'is horn. Thorn mm of ants to [DIX WI“! 1110 lmHnr ‘ \‘n ma‘am." poplin promptly ”.Vnt If (In going. A Sunday school teacher was quilting her class of their desire for righteousness. “All those who wish tn pm to heaven." she said. “please. stand." All got. tn their feet lint. um- small boYo ' “Why. Juhnny." exelaimed tho Shocked loavhm', “do yuu mean to say that you itun't want tn it” to heaven?" COLLECTORS Oran eville and Owen Sound Owen k ound offices £69 9th St. E. Rcfcrenm'â€".Stundard Bank of Canada Nothing: (no old. small, large 01' hard for us (qtackle 34 years’ experience M ) C(1LIJS(I'I‘I()N~NO CHARGE KELLY 8: AIKEN COLLECTIONS In": This On. Pf‘pljml ‘11 Johnny [it hunch is PAGE 7. lots

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